Aizawl Groundwater
Aizawl Groundwater
Aizawl Groundwater
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All content following this page was uploaded by David Durjoy Lal Soren on 14 October 2023.
Jonmenjoy Barman, Mizoram; David Durjoy Lal Soren, Mizoram; Sushila Roy,
West Bengal; Kuduri Srinivasa Rao, Mizoram and Brototi Biswas*, Mizoram
In hilly topography, groundwater mapping is crucial owing to maximum precipitation
washout through surface runoff. Keeping this in mind, groundwater potential zonation was
done in the capital district of the state of Mizoram-Aizawl, using the preference selection
index (PSI), a multi-criteria decision-making tool that takes eleven criteria into account:
slope, aspect, elevation, rainfall distribution, distance to the river, precipitation concentration
index, topographic wetness index, normalised difference index, normalised difference water
index, geology, and land use land cover. An inverse distance weighting (IDW) technique
was adopted for GPZ based on the PSI value of 10,000 random alternative points. Further,
GPZ was classified as having very high potential, high potential, moderate potential, low
potential, and very low potential based on the natural breaking classification system. The
study highlighted that 5.16 percent of the total area falls under very high potential, followed
by 16.02 percent in high potential, 27.76 percent in moderate potential, 31 percent in low
potential, and 19.46 percent in very low potential, respectively.
One of the most crucial resources for useful and efficient tool for groundwater
maintaining life is water. Of all the sources exploration for targeting water resources for
of freshwater resources, groundwater is one local supply. This technique can provide key
of the most critical sources for drinking and data that can be corroborated by other field
irrigation. Only a fraction of the precipitation techniques (Gupta, 2003). GIS lays out a
seeps into the ground and is stored and number of tools for extracting information
contributes around 30 percent of the world’s on the groundwater prospect of a region from
constituting the largest source of non-frozen the remotely sensed images by combining
freshwater (Wada, 2016). The most important information in relation to land use, vegetation,
criterion for the occurrence of groundwater lithology, geomorphology, etc. (Rawal et al.,
and its flow are that the lithological horizon 2016). Different bivariate and multivariate
is porous and permeable, thereby allowing techniques have been previously used, namely
water movement with ease (Nagabhushaniah, frequency ratio (Razandi et al., 2015, Guru
2001). Remote sensing has been a very et al., 2017); maximum entropy (Rahmati et
Fig. 2 (continue) (g) Topographic wetness index (TWI), (h) Normalized difference vegetation
index (NDVI), (i) Normalized difference water index (NDWI), (j) Geology, and
(k) Land use land cover (LULC).
was prepared by supervised technique using high, and very high potentiality zones. The
a support vector machine algorithm. All the district as a whole is characterized by very
groundwater conditioning factors for the low potential, with patches of very high, high,
present study are presented in Figure 2. and moderate potential zones (Fig. 3). Only
5.16 percent of the total area covers very high
potential, followed by high 16.02 percent,
On the basis of different criteria, groundwater moderate 27.76 percent, low 31.60 percent
potential was studied in a similar condition. and very low 19.46 percent of the total area
PSI was calculated using long-term average (Fig. 4 and Table 4). For lack of groundwater
rainfall, precipitation concentration index, information, accuracy tests for the present
NDVI, NDWI, geology, elevation, aspect, study have not been done. However, the
slope, LULC, TWI, and distance to the river. previous study by Lalbiakmawia (2015)
As the current model is not pixel-based like demarked low-lying areas, riverine valleys,
the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) (Sari, and floodplain areas as highly potential for
2021), 10,000 random points in the study area groundwater potential. PHED, Mizoram,
were chosen for the representation of criteria 2020 reported groundwater depth (GWD)
values (Table 2). Based on PSI values, the ranging from 8.80-1.25m below ground level
IDW interpolation technique was adopted for in Mizoram. The GWD depletion during pre-
preparing the groundwater potentiality zones monsoon and post-monsoon is 0.32m and
(Table 3). The natural break classifier system 0.57m, respectively, about 0.50m on average.
is used to understand the potentiality level A field survey by CGWB revealed instances
and has been classified into five potentiality of small pond-like formations with relatively
classes, namely very low, low, moderate, shallow water levels (2.0 m bgl). Dissected
hills are characterized by high runoff and while determining a groundwater potential
low water infiltration and permeability. zone. Each factor performs differently for
Siltstone, hard compacted sandstone, shale, various criteria, and these performances
and their alternation in the Surma group in occasionally contradict one another. It is
moderate linear ridges are extremely poor exceedingly rare for any single factor to meet
for infiltration and permeability capacity, and satisfy all of the requirements. Problems
and have a low groundwater potentiality and involving the selection of contrasting and
hence high runoff.
incompatible criteria fall under the category
Discussion of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM).
Long-term average rainfall, precipitation Compared to other MCDM methods in the
concentration index, NDVI, NDWI, geology, literature, namely WASPAS, SAW, TOPSIS,
elevation, aspect, slope, LULC, TWI, and ARAS, and VIKOR, the PSI is a significant
distance to the river are important factors MCDM method having significant importance
32% 28%
(Attri and Grover, 2013). It is simple to geology, LULC, long-term average annual
calculate and ignores the relative importance rainfall, PCI, distance to river, TWI, NDVI and
of the conditioning factors (Jha et al., 2018). NDWI. As the area is located in the northern
Initially, the decision matrix consists of hemisphere, the south and south-east slopes
alternatives in the column and criteria in receive huge rain during monsoon (Barman
the row arranged for the decision problem. et al., 2022). Slope is another groundwater-
Thereafter, the matrix is normalized, based controlling factor in the district. It is found
on beneficial and non-beneficial criteria. that very high groundwater potentiality
Beneficial criteria are those that are directly is located between 0 and 170. Similar to
proportional to groundwater potential. the slope, the elevation of the district has
a significant contribution to groundwater
The distribution of long-term average potentiality. Arabameri et al., 2019 have noted
rainfall, river distance, TWI, NDVI, and elevation as the highest contributing factor
NDWI are all considered useful criteria. to groundwater potentiality in the Damghan
Subsequently, slope, aspect, geology, and sedimentary plain, Iran. The result shows
LULC are considered non-beneficial criteria. that most of the areas have very low potential
As mentioned above PSI itself determined for groundwater. Based on hydrogeological
objective weight for criteria. The aspect formation, two types of rocks, namely un-
has the highest contribution in groundwater consolidated and semi-consolidated are the
potentiality followed by slope and elevation, dominant types in Mizoram (PHE department,