Pharmacoeconomics As Applied To Hospital Pharmacy Handout
Pharmacoeconomics As Applied To Hospital Pharmacy Handout
Pharmacoeconomics As Applied To Hospital Pharmacy Handout
Pharmacists in real world setting applications and impact of HTA: Hospital Setting
Applying HTA-integrated Pharmacoeconomics in real world pharmacy settings
De Guzman, Benjamin
Mendoza, Clark
Ramos, Pevilyn
Repato, Leylu
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Jennybelle A. Bugayong RPh, MPH
What is Pharmacoeconomics
What is Pharmacoeconomics
Pharmacoeconomics (PE) is an established discipline of Health
Economics. It is a scientific discipline that compares the value of one
pharmaceutical agent, service or program to another in an attempt to make
conclusion about the preferred choice from payer, society or an individual
● Analysis to identify the particular option that will deliver the best utilization
of existing resources. Outcomes are measured in terms of utility measures
such as Quality Adjusted Life Years for each money invested.
● It is a method of choice when quality of life is an important outcome.
● It is also the ideal method when interventions affect both morbidity and
● It measures effectiveness as life-years saved.
● It is usually based on QALY
○ Careful evaluation of new drugs prior to addition to the hospital
○ Proper selection of therapy compared to drugs available.
○ Consider biosimilar and generics.
○ Regular formulary review for possible delisting
○ Sub-committees may be needed to evaluate high-tech or
expensive specialty drugs
○ Conduct awareness programs for healthcare professionals and
○ More training and education to decision-makers should be
conducted to facilitate the use of pharmacoeconomics
○ Development/approval of pharmacoeconomic guidelines that
provide guidance on the key concepts to consider or use when
conducting pharmacoeconomic analysis as part of the evaluation
process for listing / delisting a drug in/out of the hospital
○ Development/approval of disease management guidelines.
○ Ensure guidelines and policy implementation.
○ Ensure involvement of qualified and experienced staff in PE
○ Identify consumers of PE.
○ Establish/approve the concept of value versus cost concept
Pharmacy/pharmacoeconomic center:
PE is a pharmacy subspecialty
Either working under the umbrella of the pharmacy department or drug policy
and economic center if available.
1- Awareness:
3- Research:
4- Drug evaluation:
Principles of Pharmacoeconomics
The ever-expanding technology base and escalating expenditures for health
care have led to the question of whether quality health care is being delivered
efficiently and effectively. The issue of quality has led health care
professionals and institutions to search for new means of delivering care and
improved methods of measuring the impact and outcomes of care.
Pharmacoeconomics is one such means that has gained significant attention
from payors and providers.
PURPOSES: To determine those values in terms of the strategic plan for the Drug
Information program and to provide feedback regarding the outcomes of formulary
PE EVALUATION: (1) the consumers of the service or the target customers, and (2) the
point of view from which the analysis is being performed.
- Using the hospital case study presented, the overall aim of the intervention is to
improve a physician’s concordance to the prescribing guidelines and therefore
the scope is focused on concordance rather than clinical outcomes.
- The specific aim of the electronic decision support is reasonably narrow and a societal
perspective may not be suitable for this evaluation regardless of whether the hospital
is funded from public or from private resources. However, if the same system is
found to be economically feasible and there is a will to expand the system to a
number of public hospitals, then a societal perspective will be worth exploring.
- Considering the example of electronic decision support from the presented case, CEA
as well as CBA are equally applicable in this scenario. Nevertheless, CBA will simply
provide the net benefit ratio of the intervention and will not be able to summarize
the relative increase in guideline adoption. Conversely, CEA will be able to provide
the relative increase in guideline adoption as an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
with varying degrees of physicians’ concordance with the guidelines, and hence this
would be more applicable.
Relevance of Pharmacoeconomics to Pharmacy Practice Research
Hospital based HTA approach allows a better measurement of the real impact of health
technology in the organizational context in which it is or will be used, which comes from
the encounter with the clinical engineering activities, through their actions of healthcare
technology management, that call for best solutions for the technology element in
1) ambassador model,
2) mini-HTA,
4) HTA unit.
Mini HTA is a dynamic and flexible tool to support decision making by hospital
administrators locally and regionally, in contemplating the introduction of new
technology. It is a management and decision support tool that consists of questions
about the technology, the patient, the organization, and the financial aspects. The mini-
HTA is usually done by a single professional who often participates in the assessment
process, collecting data at the hospital level in order to inform decision-makers.
HTA units are formal in-house structures compound for professionals with expertise in
HTA, working fully in health technology assessments within the hospital. Because they
are integrated into the local organizational context, HTA units are in a better position to
transfer scientific evidence for clinical and managerial practice, providing inputs for
decision making in hospitals. The function a HTA unit is to help in the development of
management political answers to local issues using a process that is transparent, fair
and consistent.
Hospitals as providers of healthcare are the main buyers of equipment and they
provide the bulk of costly, high-technology services, thus they are the most
important users. Also, ‘HTA can be used by hospitals for guiding difficult choices,
especially in balancing organizational and community needs.The key issues
governing decisions regarding the appropriate adoption of health technologies
are the cost-effectiveness and efficacy of the technologies; this is where decision and
policy makers turn to Health Technology Assessment (HTA)/ Hospital-based HTA or
“mini-HTA” has been recognised as one strategy to incorporate HTA into the decision
making process at hospital level. Mini-HTA is a management and decision support tool
based on the reasoning involved in HTAs.
The impact of HTA as a support tool for decision makers at institutional level is still
relatively minimal. Most decision makers, private and public, are not aware that there
are independent bodies, such as HTA agencies worldwide where they can get unbiased
information on health technologies.
Studies have described the role of hospital pharmacists in local HTA, particularly in the
assessment of medical devices.Four HTA unit models were identified (two regional
units and two units within university hospitals), to which they added their own
exclusive mini-HTA model.
One of the regional HTA units consisted almost entirely of hospital pharmacists.
Consultants from various medical specialities and health economics experts seemed to
make regular contributions to assessments, but were not among the permanent staff
members. The unit was initially set up to assess drug efficacy, but its function was
subsequently extended to include the assessment of innovative medical devices.
● In this regional unit, the diffusion of hospital-based HTA reports within the
organization seems to be essential, making professionals aware of the process
and promoting a culture of cost-consciousness.
2.Act as Consultant
● Providing expertise relating to medical devices and the medical device market.
● Hospital Pharmacist must have the skills in health economics and is heavily
involved in assessment of the financial impact of new devices.
For example, some innovative medical devices require workstations for which technical
details can be obtained only from biomedical engineers.In many European hospitals,
sterile medical devices are purchased and managed by hospital pharmacists. Thus,
hospital pharmacists need to discuss matters with biomedical engineers, to ensure that
they purchase appropriate devices. This ability to interact with other disciplines is a
major asset in hospital-based HTA activities.
1. The form is completed by the physician, who provides a short description of the new
technology and the comparator and provides a first selection of references.
3. Hospital pharmacists conduct a more systematic review of the literature. The level of
evidence of each publication is checked to determine whether the article is acceptable
or not.
4. Based on the comparator proposed by the physician, pharmacists check the safety of
the new device.
5. Hospital pharmacists assess the total additional cost or savings associated with
the proposed technology with respect to the existing device used for the same
6. Finally, the form is submitted to the hospital executive manager, who decides
whether to purchase the device.
Hospital pharmacists could make a major contribution to the development of local HTA
in university hospitals. They already promote safety, efficacy, and costeffectiveness for
medicines and could extend these functions to medical devices. Nevertheless, hospital
pharmacists would need to attend courses and training programs on HTA and health
economics, to be effective. As stated above, they could act as “HTA focal points,”
developing and supporting hospital-based HTA activities.