Ôn Thi Cuối Kì XHHTT
Ôn Thi Cuối Kì XHHTT
Ôn Thi Cuối Kì XHHTT
13. According to the Pyramid model of communication levels by McQuail, which is the
level that has the largest scale of audience?
A. Institution
B. Group
C. Organization
D. Society
14. According to the Pyramid model of communication levels by McQuail, which level
does family belong to?
A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal
C. Intra-group
D. Group or organization
15. According to the Pyramid model of communication levels by McQuail, which level
does neighbourhood belong to?
A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal
C. Intra-group
D. Group or organization
16. What are the two communication channels in the model of communication by
Harold Lasswell?
A. News inventor, Receiver
B. Sender, Receiver
C. News keeper, Broadcaster
D. News editor, Receiver
17. Are current-day KOLs, influencers a means/tool of communication?
A. Yes
B. No
18. Communication is when someone expresses his/her ideas through signs of
language or gesture which means by code that the sender can get. How do we call it?
A. Encoding
B. Decoding
C. Message
D. Noise solving
19. How many types of noise when we receive information?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
20. After decoding the communication message, the receiver must explain its content
in order to understand it. This explanation depends on which of the following factors:
A. Cultural framework
B. Cultural frame of reference
C. Cognitive framework
D. Legal framework
21. The cultural frame of reference of the receiver includes 2 axes, they are:
A. Cognitive axis, Emotional axis
B. Cognitive axis, Legal axis
C. Emotional axis, Scientific axis
D. Emotional axis, Legal axis
22. When did the terminology “mass communication” appear?
A. At the end of the 1920s
B. At the end of the 1930s
C. At the end of the 1940s
D. At the end of the 1950s
23. In which stages of mass communication is South Korean culture adopted by
Vietnamese people through films, music, service products…?
A. Adoption
B. Propagation
C. Acculturation
D. Integration
24. In which stages of mass communication do the Vietnamese people take some
features of Western culture and practise them?
A. Adoption
B. Propagation
C. Acculturation
D. Integration
25. …. is used to refer to technological tools or channels which we can make use of in
order to disseminate messages widely, rapidly, and continuously to large and diverse
A. Mass communication
B. Mass media
C. Communication process
D. Media content
26. ... is used to refer to a social process: the process of imparting information to a
large number of audience.
A. Mass communication
B. Media content
C. Communication process
D. Mass media
27. What are Youtube, Facebook, electronic newspaper etc.?
A. Mass communication
B. Media content
C. Communication process
D. Mass media
28. What is the first mass medium which appeared in the eighteen century?
A. Print
B. Broadcast
C. Television
D. Cinema
29. When did television and radio start to become popular?
A. In the 1930s
B. In the 1940s
C. In the 1950s
D. In the 1960s
30. Youtube, Email, Facebook ect. are examples of:
A. Electronic communication
B. New communication
C. Internet-based communication
D. Modern communication
31. Can the word “the masses” define social elements clearly?
A. Yes
B. No
32. “Anonymous individual” is the feature of:
A. The masses
B. Audience
C. Crowd
D. Group
33. … is the system of social relationships which are stably established in the social life
A. Social organization
B. Social group
C. Social institution
D. Public opinion
34. According to the traditional idea, how many social institutions are there?
A. 3 institutions
B. 4 institutions
C. 5 institutions
D. 6 institutions
1. Family
2. Education
3. Economic
4. Religion
5. Goverment
35. Is mass communication a social institution?
A. Yes
B. No
36. What do we call “the opinion of the general public”?
A. Rumor
B. Word-of-mouth information
C. Announcement or Advertisement?
D. Public opinion
37. Which aspects of sociology that aims at clarifying the relation between mass
communication and society?
A. Sociology of public opinion
B. Sociology of idea
C. Sociology of mass communication
D. Sociology of politics
38. What are the three main stages in the model of communication by Roman
A. Broadcasting, Transmitting, Receiving
B. Inventing, Transmitting, Receiving
C. Broadcasting, Transmitting, Giving feedback
D. Broadcasting, Receiving, Giving feedback
39. What do we call “a society in which people no longer have thought about
supernatural and transcendent order”?
A. Traditional society
B. Communication society
C. New society
D. Secular society
44. The space is concentrated, interactive and organised despite being weak; it focuses
on an event that is happening; the level of shared opinions is high but it doesn’t last
for a long time. All of them are the features of:
A. The masses
B. The general public
C. Crowd
D. Group
45. According to Judith Lazar and sociologists of mass communication, the sociology of
mass communication studies 4 basic branches:
A. The general public, Communication Specialist, Media content, Social impact
B. Public opinion, The general public, Media, Social impact
C. The general public, Media, Social impact, Rumor
D. Communication Specialist, Media content, Social impact, Media
48. Communication and the public are two parts of society which has a relationship
A. Two-way
B. One-way
C. Having no clear relationship
D. All of them are correct
50. Is the fact that a girl has watched a film on Netflix for many times the result of
channel hopping?
51. Communication plays a vitally important role in social institutions?
52. Teenagers tremendously enjoy using Facebook, which belongs to:
A.The stage of addiction
B.The stage of saturation
C.The stage of maturity
D.Both A and B are correct
53. Vietnamese people now watch less TV than before, which belongs to:
A.The stage of addiction
D.The stage of saturation
C.The stage of maturity
D.Both A and B are correct
54. The Vietnamese people listen to radio selectively for wanted information, which
belongs to:
A.The stage of addition
B.The stage of saturation
C.The stage of maturity
D.Both A and B are correct
55. What is “channel hopping ”?
A.Being lazy to watch TV
B.Using remote control to scan channels quickly
C.Directing the watcher to receive the mess of information
D.Both B and C are correct
57. According to Denis McQuail, how many types of audience are there based on the
relationship with communication?
61. People who are watching short ad films in the cinema are:
A.Audience as target
B.Audience as participants
C.Audience as spectators
D.Both A and B are correct
64. According to Erik Neveu, What are the three characteristics of the style of
A.Sticking to the event, accurately reflecting the event, being pedagogical
B.Sticking to the event, being honest, being objective
C.Being accurate, being topical, being pedagogical
D.Accurately reflecting the event, Sticking to the event, being objective
66. There are two content analysis methods that people usually distinguish between:
A.Empirical content analysis
B.Theoretical content analysis
C.Semiotic content analysis
D.Empirical content analysis, Semiotic content analysis
68. A picture depicted in a newspaper about a group of students who are very happy
entering the school:
B.Image acoustique
70. According to Francis Balle, what are the three stages in the public’s attitude
towards the development of a mass medium
A.The stage of addiction
B.The stage of saturation
C.The stage of maturity
D.All of the are correct
1. Which of these theories is most likely to look at the social world on a micro level?
A.Structural functionalism
B.Conflict theory
D.Symbolic interactionism
2. Who believed that the history of society was one of class struggle?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Karl Marx
C. Erving Goffmann
D. George Herbert Mead
7. Jerome is able to use the Internet to select reliable sources for his research paper,
but Charlie just copies large pieces of web pages and pastes them into his paper.
Jerome has _____________ while Charlie does not.
A. a functional perspective
B. the knowledge gap
C. e-readiness
D. a digital divide
8. The ________ can be directly attributed to the digital divide, because differential
ability to access the internet leads directly to a differential ability to use the
knowledge found on the Internet.
A. digital divide
B. knowledge gap
C. feminist perspective
D. e-gap
9. The fact that your cell phone is using outdated technology within a year or two of
purchase is an example of ____________.
A. the conflict perspective
B. conspicuous consumption
C. media
D. planned obsolescence
11. When it comes to technology, media, and society, which of the following is true?
A. Media can influence technology, but not society.
B. Technology created media, but society has nothing to do with these.
C. Technology, media, and society are bound and cannot be separated.
D. Society influences media but is not connected to technology.
12. If the U.S. Patent Office were to issue a patent for a new type of tomato that
tastes like a jellybean, it would be issuing a _________ patent?
A. utility patent
B. plant patent
C. design patent
D. The U.S. Patent Office does not issue a patent for plants
13. Which of the following is the primary component of the evolutionary model of
technological change?
A. Technology should not be subject to patenting.
B. Technology and the media evolve together.
C. Technology can be traced back to the early stages of human society.
D. A breakthrough in one form of technology leads to a number of variations, and
technological developments.
15. Comic books, Wikipedia, MTV, and a commercial for Coca-Cola are all examples of:
A. media
B. symbolic interaction perspective
C. e-readiness
D. the digital divide
16. The government of __________ blocks citizens’ access to popular new media sites
like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
A. China
B. India
C. Afghanistan
D. Australia
18. When Japanese scientists develop a new vaccine for swine flu and offer that
technology to U.S. pharmaceutical companies, __________ has taken place.
A. media globalization
B. technological diffusion
C. monetizing
D. planned obsolescence
19. In the mid-90s, the U.S. government grew concerned that Microsoft was a
_______________, exercising disproportionate control over the available choices and
prices of computers.
A. monopoly
B. conglomerate
C. oligopoly
D. technological globalization
20. The movie Babel featured an international cast and was filmed on location in
various nations. When it screened in theaters worldwide, it introduced a number of
ideas and philosophies about cross-cultural connections. This might be an example of:
A. technology
B. conglomerating
C. symbolic interaction
D. media globalization
22. A parent secretly monitoring the babysitter through the use of GPS, site blocker,
and nanny cam is a good example of:
A. the social construction of reality
B. technophilia
C. a neo-Luddite
D. panoptic surveillance
23. The use of Facebook to create an online persona by only posting images that
match your ideal self exemplifies the_____________ that can occur in forms of new
A. social construction of reality
B. cyberfeminism
C. market segmentation
D. referencing
25. When it comes to media and technology, a functionalist would focus on:
A. the symbols created and reproduced by the media
B. the association of technology and technological skill with men
C. the way that various forms of media socialize users
D. the digital divide between the technological haves and have-nots
26. When all media sources report a simplified version of the environmental impact of
hydraulic fracturing, with no effort to convey the hard science and complicated
statistical data behind the story, ___________ is probably occurring.
A. gatekeeping
B. the digital divide
C. technophilia
D. market segmentation