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Entrepreneurship Development

● It will be a group presentation.
● Each group has been assigned a separate unit.
● The group members have to cover all the given topics of a unit.
● Total marks=10
● The marks will be awarded on the basis of individual presentation skills.
● Maximum time for the entire group is one hour.
● Be ready for the questions as well.
● Due date : after 15 th November,2023

Unit 1:( Roll No 212001- 212011)

1.Discuss in detail the need and significance of entrepreneurs in India. Why is
entrepreneurship considered as a creative response to society’s problems?
2.Explain any five types of Entrepreneurs.
3.Who is a Netpreneur? What are the main characteristics of netpreneurship? Discuss the
different social media marketing platforms available to a netpreneur.
4. Define the term ‘Entrepreneur’.State five characteristics of an entrepreneur.
5..Discuss the concept of Social entrepreneurship in brief.
6.Who is an Intrapreneur? State the difference between entrepreneur and
intrapreneur.Explain types of intrapreneurs.
7.What is entrepreneurship ? Discuss the various functions of entrepreneurship, in detail.
8.Reasons for growth of ecopreneurs.

Unit 2:( Roll No 212014- 212026)

1.Discuss the rewards of entrepreneurship and also discuss the factors affecting
entrepreneurial growth in any society.
2 What do you understand about entrepreneurial motivation? Discuss the various internal
and external factors which provide motivation to entrepreneurs.
3 Discuss the concept of Family business in India. What are the main advantages and
disadvantages of family businesses?Briefly explain the reasons for conflict and strategies to
resolve conflicts in family businesses.
4.State various entrepreneurial skills and competencies which are required to be successful
in detail.
5.Discuss values generally followed by an ethical entrepreneur.
6.Explain types of business risks.How can the risks be shifted by an entrepreneur?

Unit 3:( Roll No 212027-212043)

1 What do you understand by the term Business opportunities/ideas? What are the
prerequisites for a good business idea? Discuss any five techniques of finding new business
2. What do you mean by Project Appraisal? Discuss the methods of project appraisal
.Explain with example various types of project appraisal.
3. What do you mean by feasibility study? What are the main advantages and objectives of
carrying out a Feasibility Study? Explain different types of Feasibility study.
4.Explain the meaning of innovation.What are the various sources of Innovation? Explain
the causes of failure of Innovation.
5.Discuss the concept, importance and steps in writing a Feasibility Report (FSR)
6.What is Creativity? Discuss the measures which may be taken by the entrepreneur to
promote Creativity in his/her organisation?
7.Explain contents of Business Proposal.
8. Explain Internally focused’ and ‘Externally focused’ business plans.
9.Discuss the meaning, nature and concept of a Business Plan. State format of a good
business plan in brief.

Unit 4:(Roll No 212046-212061)

1.Mention the type of institutional support provided by the NABARD and SIDBI to the
entrepreneurs in india.
2.What are the main objectives of SIDO? Explain the different services offered by SIDO.
3.Discuss the various roles and objectives of District Industries Centres (DIC).
4.What are the main functions of National Small Industries Corporation and Laghu Udyog
Bharti (LUB) ?
5.Discuss future scope for effective Self Help Groups? Cite some examples of effective Self
Help Groups set up in India.
6.Discuss the various sources of financing business startups.Differentiate between Angel
Investment Funding and venture capital funding for startups.
7..What do you mean by business incubators? Discuss the advantages of Business
Incubators. Discuss different types of business Incubators.
8.What is the ‘Make in India initiative’? What are its objectives? State its mission and
essentials for achieving goals of Make in India Initiative?
9.Write a note on ‘Start-Up Action Plan’ of the Government of India.

Unit 5:(Roll No 212070-212089)

1.Explain the concept of marketing for an entrepreneur.Discuss the strategies for successful
marketing by entrepreneurs.
2.Discuss various methods of cash management.
3.Explain any five sources of short term capital available to an entrepreneur.
4.Give description of 7Ps of marketing, highlighting the explanation of each ‘P’ and the
decisions taken under the same.
5.Discuss the nature, scope and various steps involved in Human Resource Planning by an
6. Discuss the concept of Resource mobilisation for startups
7.Discuss the concept and importance of Customer Relationship Marketing(CRM) and also
explain methods of BEST Relationship Marketing Practices.

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