All Trouble Shoot Rev3

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Power-on is OK. STANDBY LED is on. No sound. Pri. Relay is off. Pri. Relay is NG. Replace.
(ON/STANDBY (MMP works) Pri. is short for Primary. I/F from MMP to Pri. Relay is NG.
button works) Note: Pri. Relay turns on SP Relay is off. Specific SP Relay is off. The SP Relay is NG. Replace. Refer to
A MMP is short for TROUBLE SHOOT-3.
immdiately after
Main Micro Processor.
1 Power-on. All SP Relay is off. I/F from MMP to SP Relay is NG. Some problem in HDMI setting. Change HDMI settings.
HD audio through HDMI is not output. No problem in HDMI setting. Refer to
SP Relay turns on No digital sound. Analog sound is output. No sound from specific input. The terminal is broken. Replace. Change HDMI board.
5 sec. after Power-on.
No sound from all digital inputs. DIR or DSP does not work.
No analog sound. Digital sound is output. No sound from specific input. The terminal is broken. Replace.
No sound from all analog inputs. This is a rare case. The Audio Processor is broken. Replace.

No digital and analog AUDIO MUTE is on. MMP has detected error. DIR or DSP does not DIR, DSP or related
sound. work properly. part is NG. Replace.
AUDIO MUTE is off. Audio Processor does not work. Replace Audio Processor or check the power supply for it.

Pri. Fuse has blown. Pri. Fuse is NG. Replace. I/F from MMP to Audio Processor is NG.

Over current flowed. Certain channel of power Find out bad channel. Replace all parts which Parts set is listed in
2 Main transformer has amp is broken. are possiblly damaged. SERVICE PROCEDURE
blown. of Service Manual.
Main trans is NG. Replace. How to find out bad amp:
1.Look for broken part.
Refer to TROUBLE SHOOT-2. According to TROUBLE SHOOT-4 2.Ckeck conduction between power
No video. No HDMI video. Analog video is output.
Check and change HDMI setting. flow chart, find out bad part or transistor’s leads by a tester.
No HDMI and analog video. pcb and replace. 3.Remove +/-B wires for each channel
According to Block Diagrams Video one by one.
No analog video. HDMI video is output. part, check connections between
each IC and MMP pins.
The unit goes into Protect Mode when Bad Idling Current. Readjust the Idling Current.
temperature rises.
No Power. STANDBY LED is on. STANDBY LED Check the oscillator waveform and frequency by
(ON/STANDBY button does not turn off. Oscillator does not oscillate. Oscillator is NG. Replace. oscilloscope.
does not work)
P-OFF voltage is low. Check P-OFF circuit. MMP starts under the condition that P-OFF is high level.
3 STANDBY LED is off. The secondary MMP does not Vcc(+3.3V) of MMP is normal. No RESET to MMP. RESET circuit is NG. Repair. RESET normally turns H L H after Vcc rises.
voltages of Standby work.
Refer to trans are good. MMP is NG. Replace.
TROUBLE SHOOT-5 Vcc(+3.3V) of MMP is abnormal. Power supply for MMP is NG. Repair.
Power Supply of AV
Receiver / AV Amplifier The secondary Power supply wiring is NG.Repair.
voltage of Standby Standby trans is NG. Replace.
trans is no.

STANDBY LED is The unit is in Speaker output voltage is abnormal. Find out bad channel. Replace all parts which Parts set is listed in
blinking. Protect Mode. are possiblly damaged. SERVICE PROCEDURE
Speaker output current is abnormal. of Service Manual.
Abnormal temperature is detected. How to find out bad amp:
(<100-110 C) 1.Look for broken part.
2.Ckeck conduction between power
Over-24-hours detected. Normal transistor’s leads by a tester.
3.Remove +/-B wires for each channel
4 one by one.
FL is off. Cannot change Selector Check the status of STANDBY LED

Can change Selector -VP voltage is normal. FL tube is NG. replace. NOTE:
1. This trouble shoot explains the typical methods to repair AV receivers / AV amplifiers.
-VP voltage is abnormal. -VP power supply is NG. Repair.
The example models are TX-SR806 andTX-SA706X.
Power does not Other remote controller Check the batteries. Replace with new ones. 2. The methods are at basic level. In actual cases, more detail analysis and technics
turn on by remote buttons do not work.
controller. Remote controller is NG. would be necessary because of multiple causes or software problems..
Photo sensordoes Photo sensor is NG. Replace. 3. Before replace part or pcb, resolder the pins of it and the related parts
not work.
in order to save resources.
I/F from MMP to sensor
4. For reference, check Block Diagrams, Schematic Diagrams, Operation Check and
is NG.
Other remote controller Remote controller
buttons work. is NG. Debug Mode in the service manual.
5. In the case of replacing pcb or IC including firmware, update all the firmwares
5 The unit smoked. The unit is in Protect Mode.
The power can turn on. To A to the newest versions because the discord of versions might occur malfanctions.
The unit sparked. The unit is not in Protect Mode. The power cannot turn on. To B

The button on the front panel does not work. Specific button does not work. The button is NG. Replace.
Examples of IC including firmware for AV receiver and AV amplifier:
Main Microprocessor, HDMI, Video, 1st DSP, 2nd DSP, 3rd DSP, Network
All buttons does not work. Wiring from MMP to the buttons is NG. Refer to Shematic Diagram / Display Section.
Check lines:KEY0, KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, KEYINT.
ON/STANDBY button does not work. To B



1. This trouble shoot focuses on the video setup errors

regarding HDMI.
2. Example models are TX-SR806 and TX-SA706X.
For more detail setup, refer to Owner’s Manual.
3. Analysis written below is of typical cases.
So, more detailed check may need in actual cases.
Video trouble

No picture Bad picture

No picture
"Resolution Picture is OK “No HDCP Push
when HDCP- "No signal" is
Display HDMI Error” is if player is support” is DISPLAY HDMI cable is Only 1080p is Picture is not
capable DVD displayed Picture is dark Bad aspect Bad color
DEBUG MODE displayed connected displayed button for NG or too long not displayed right
or BD disc is on FL
on FL directly to TV on FL 3 sec.

Resolution or Player is not Confirm and

Re-calibrate Set manually
Check aspect of TV EDID error HDCP-capable Displays Change to Set TX-SR806’s change
TV is not TV does not video the aspect
Information and player is between TV or has special “Unknown” short HDMI Player is PC x.v.Color setting the TV setup
HDCP-capable support 1080p processor IC setting of
on FL different from and player HDCP authentic on FL cable to disable (2) to match
in TX-SR806 player
each other procedure the player

Confirm and
Change Change player’s Change Change player The resolution Change
Use Component change
settings of TV, resolution or TX-SR806’s or consult with Authentic No signal from is not resolution setting
Video instead the player
player or aspect to TV’s HDMI resolution the player error player supported by of player to
of HDMI setup to
TX-SR806 capability to Through(1) maker HDMI 1080i or less
match the TV

Example: Check player’s Change Change

Use Component
Samsung setting and PC setting to TX-SR806’s
Video instead
DVD-HR737 HDMI cable HDMI supported HDMI resolution
connection resolution to Through(1)

(1) Refer to Setup Menu 7-5. HDMI Setting
Resolution: Through.
(2) Refer to Setup Menu 7-5. HDMI Setting
x.v.Color: Disable.



1. This trouble shooting map focuses on the audio setup

errors regarding HDMI.
2. Example models are TX-SR806 and TX-SA706X.
For more detail setup, refer to Owner’s Manual.
3. Analysis written below is of typical cases.
So, more detailed check may need in actual cases.
Audio trouble

No sound Bad sound

Short sound
The Input assigned Digital input is No sound on Sound not on
No digital audio drop at Sound drop
to HDMI is not OPT or specific AV speakers
signal on HDMI the beginning during music play
selected now COAXIAL channnel but on TV
of music

No sound on HDMI takes Check HDMI

Change to the Change Check the digital STB is YAGI
Check SP specific channels longer time in Control (CEC) TV is in
input assigned 1-3.Digital Audio audio output DTC10 or
config. according to identifying setting of TX-SR806 Standby Mode
to HDMI Input to HDMI setting of player compatibles
listening mode audio format and TV

Check the support

Confirm again Change all Change CEC This STB does
Change the tables of
TX-SR806’s speakers settings of Power on TV not comply
digital audio Listening mode/ Normal
Input Assign connected to TX-SR806 and or enable iLINK with HDMI
output to HDMI Audio format
1-1.HDMI Input Yes TV clock system
in TX-SR806
owner’s manual

Change STB or
consult with
Hitachi TV
STB maker



1. This trouble shoot focuses on HDMI hardware troubles.
2. Example models are TX-SR806 and TX-SA706X.
For details, refer to Block Diagrams and Schematic Diagrams.
2. Analysis written below is of typical cases. So, more detailed check may
need in actual cases because of multiple causes or software problems.
3. Before replace IC or pcb below, resolder the pins of related parts
HDMI no picture
in order to save resources. or dropout

Latest version Analog video Up-conversion

Check video No Display HDMI
(V or S or Comp) from analog
version DEBUG MODE
is output at video to HDMI

Version is not Only HDMI IN1 HDMI IN2, One of IN2, HDMI IN1, Q8401 SII9134 Path from HDMI IN1 to Check
Old version displayed no output IN3, IN4 IN3, IN4 IN2, IN3, IN4 Q8401 to HDMI IN4 are Information
is NG
all no output no output all no output OUT terminal normally output on FL
is NG

Update to the Q1016 MPU Q8200 Interface of Related pin of HDMI IN1 Path from Q8162 Related pin Path from Q8501 SII9135 Check power HDMI OUT Q8200 Path from Refer
latest version is NG FLI30336 Q8200 and Q8501 SII9135 terminal is HDMI IN1 SII9185 of Q8162 is the terminal is NG supply pin of terminal is NG FLI30336 is Q8200 to DEBUG
is NG Q1016 is NG is NG NG terminal to is NG NG to Q8162 is Q8401 NG Q8401 is NG MODE-5,6
Q8501 is NG NG

According to
Check the Check power each remedy,
Replace Replace Resolder the Check the One of IN2, Check power Replace the
power supply supply pin of Replace Q8401 solve the
HDMI Board HDMI IN1 pins of the parts power supply IN3, IN4 supply pin of terminal
pin of Q1016 Q8200 problems
NAHDM-9702 terminal from HDMI IN1 pin of Q8162 terminal is NG Q8501
OK NG terminal to OK OK NG

Check +3.3V Replace Change HDMI Check power Confirm waveform Replace Replace the Check the Resolder the Check power Resolder the
power supply Q1016 MPU Board supply circuit is viewable by Q8162 terminal power supply pins of the supply pin of pins of the
circuit NAHDM-9702 for Q8200 oscilloscope circuit for parts from Q8200 parts from
from HDMI IN1 Q8401 Q8401 to Q8200 to
terminal to Q8501 the terminal Q8401

Check P-OFF Check RESET Resolder Find out Confirm waveform Resolder the Replace Check Confirm waveform Change HDMI Check the Confirm waveform
pins pin #14 the pins of bad part and is viewable by pins of the HDMI Board the power is viewable by Board power supply is viewable by
#18 and #76 of Q1016. the parts replace it oscilloscope parts from NAHDM-9702 supply circuit oscilloscope NAHDM-9702 circuit for oscilloscope
of Q1016. It moves H --> from HDMI IN1 from the terminal the terminal for Q8501 from Q8401 to Q8200 from Q8200 to
They must be L --> H after to Q8501 to Q8162 to Q8162 the terminal Q8401
“high” powerd ON.

Confirm waveform Find out Find out Find out

is viewable by bad part and bad part and bad part and
oscilloscope replace it replace it replace it
from HDMI IN1
to Q8501
Power Supply of AV Receiver / AV Amplifier

NOTE: Power-On sequence:

1 1.This diagram describes the power supply, protect circuit and Power-on 1 7
related operations of the main microprocessor of AV receiver/
AV amplifier. PROTECT sequence:
2.The examples are TX-SR806 and TX-SA706X. The microprocessor decides to switch off Pri. Relay 5
For further details, refer to the block diagrams and by the input data of PROTECT, VOLH and THERMAL,
schematic diagrams in the service manuals. then display “Protect” on FL display and shut off.

Circuit Circuit


4 3
1 Mechanical
Power Switch PROTECT
Rectifier 2 THERMAL
StandBy Voltage Main Microprocessor
Circuit Vcc VOLH
Trans Regurator
AC Power
5 Relay Control 7 PROTECT
Relay Control 6
5 Relay Control

Main Power Rectifier Voltage

Regurator DSP/DAC/DIR Circuit Over Voltage Over Current
Trans Circuit detect detect
Pri. Fuse
Pri. Relay

Regurator Display Circuit

Thermal Speaker Relay

4 Sensor

Voltage Analog Amp Stage

Regurator 7 ch Power Amplifiers

Rectifier VH
7 ch Power Amplifier Stage

+/-B Voltage Switch Relay
5 6
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1


The operations of DSP and DIR etc are able to be checked by the information displayed on FL with this debug mode.
This information will help to analyse no sound trouble of digital audio.

To set in Debug Mode and exit

1. Press and hold down DISPLAY button, then press ON/STANDBY button while the unit is powered on.
The version number of microprocessor will be displayed.

M:1.04/0932 3 a Version of Main Microprocessor F/W

*Number depends on the version.
2. Then press + (TONE) button, the version number of DSP will be displayed.

D:1.01/09227a 6 7 Version of DSP F/W

*Number depends on the version.
3. Press DISPLAY button while the DSP version is displayed. The status of DSP and DIR etc will be displayed.
0A48K0N/0FF P o 0
4. Press ON/STANDBY button to exit.

Content of Display
FL Display

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 DIR Input Lock / Unlock 4 Sampling Frequency, Emphasis

E = UNLOCK 32K = 32 kHz without Emphasis
= LOCK 44K = 44.1 kHz without Emphasis
48K = 48kHz without Emphasis
2 DIR Input RX 64K = 64 kHz
0 = None 88K = 88.2 kHz
1 = COAXIAL 1 96K = 96 kHz
2 = COAXIAL 2 176 = 176.4 kHz
3 = OPTICAL 1 192 = 192 kHz
4 = OPTICAL 2 32e = 32 kHz with Emphasis
5 = FRONT OPTICAL 44e = 44.1 kHz with Emphasis
8 = HDMI 1 48e = 48 kHz with Emphasis
9 = HDMI 2
5 DIR Detect Type
3 DIR/ ADC Fix Mode 0 = Analog
D = Digital(SPDIF) 1 = PCM
A = Analog 2 = Not PCM
M = Analog Multich 3 = Data
p = PCM Fixed 4 = DTS CD (Not used)
d = DTS Fixed 5 = Multichannel
6 = Not Decided

6 CODEC Clock Mode

N = Normal
U = Up Sampling
H = High Sampling (Double Rate)
D = Down Sampling
Q = Quad Rate
TX-SR507/577607, DTR-20.1/30.1


Content of Display (Continued)
7 DSP Port Status 10 DSP Decode
This figure is displayed in hexadecimal form. o = Decode OK
If this is transformed to binary form, each bit indicates x = Decode NG
the following DSP port status. Refeo to <Fig-1>.
bit 0 = NIC (Normal state) 11 Mute output device
bit 1 = DEC This figure is displayed in hexadecimal form.
bit 2 = BUSY (Abnormal state) If this is transformed to binary form, each bit indicates
bit 3 = Exec Wait the IC which outputs error to microprocessor, which output
Audio Mute. Refer to <Fig-1>.
8 DSP Sequence
00 - FE = Not Free <Fig-1>
2D = Mute control Transform
FF = Free Hexadecimal Binary

0 = 0 0 0 0
9 DSP Detect Format
P = PCM (Analog) 1 = 0 0 0 1
D = Dolby Digital 2 = 0 0 1 0
d = DTS
A = AAC 4 = 0 1 0 0
S = DSD 8 = 1 0 0 0
p = Dolby Digital+
T = TrueHD bit 0: Selector IC (Q5501)
H = DTS-HD High Resolution bit 1: Effector
M = DTS-HD Master Audio bit 2: DSP (Q201)
? = Unknown Format bit 3: DIR (Q301)

Troubleshoot by DSP DEBUG MODE

1. This debug mode will be useful in digital audio no sound or sound drop-out trouble.
2. Check information on FL display, then identify bad parts, and replace or resolder it.
3. Remdies Written below are of typical case. So, more detailed check may need in actual cases.
4. Before replace ICs below, resolder the pins first to save resources.

Function Circuit No. Schematic Diagram
MPU (Main microprocessor) Q701 PART-5
DSP Q201 PART-13
DIR and DAC Q301 PART-5
Flash ROM Q282 PART-13
Audio processor (Selector/ Volume) Q5501 PART-3

Digit No.
Symptom on FL Display Cause of Trouble Remedy
on FL
1 "E" is displayed No input signal to DIR. 1. Find out which digital input does not work.
2. Confirm where the digital waveform stops
between the digital input and DIR.
3. Resolder pins of the bad part or replace it with
new one.

4 Displayed sampling frequency No input signal to DIR. The same as above.

is different from input signal.

9 Displayed audio format is No input signal to DIR. The same as above.

different from input signal.
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1


Troubleshoot by DSP DEBUG MODE (Continued)
Digit No.
Symptom on FL Display Cause of Trouble Remedy
on FL

7 Continue to display "1" Interface between DSP and MPU is no good. The same remedy as 10 -b.

Continue to display "2" Connection from DIR to DSP is no good. The same remedy as 9 .

Continue to display "3" to"7" Interface between DSP and MPU is no good. The same remedy as 10 -b.

Continue to display "8" to "F" DSP Sequence is no good. Check 8 items.

8 Continue to display "03" Communication between DSP and MPU 1. The same remedy as 10 -b.
is no good. 2. Check the voltage of the power supply pin
of DSP.
3. Check the reset port and clock input of DSP by
oscilloscope, and find out bad part.
4. Flash ROM firmware is no good. Update.
5. DSP or MPU is broken. Replace MPU.
DSP is impossible to replace, so replace with
a new PC board.

Continue to display "05" Writing from MPU to DSP is no good. 1. Flash ROM firmware is no good, update.
2. Check DSPSDO pin of MPU by oscilloscope.
If no signal, find out bad part connected.
3. Flash ROM or SDRAM is no good, replace.
4. DSP or MPU is broken, replace it by the same
method as above 5.

Continue to display "09" to DSP program does not run properly. 1. Flash ROM firmware is no good, update.
"0C" Flash ROM or SDRAM is no good. 2. Flash ROM or SDRAM is broken, replace.

Continue to display "17" The unit was powered off during DSP Initialize the unit.
firmware updating. (Press ON/STANDBY button while pushing
VCR/DVR button when the unit is powered on.)

Display "21", then return and DSP program does not run properly. 1. Flash ROM firmware is no good, upgrade.
signal format indicator is Flash ROM or SDRAM is no good. 2. Flash ROM or SDRAM is broken, replace.

Continue to display "22" to DSP program does not run properly. 1. Flash ROM program is no good, upgrade.
"24", or "30" to "33". Or audio clock to DSP is no good. 2. Flash ROM or SDRAM is broken, replace.
3. Check DSP drive clock freq. by oscilloscope.
If no signal, find out bad part connected.
4. Check audio clock to DSP by oscilloscope.
If no signal, find out bad part connected.

Continue to display "26" to DSP setting is failured. 1. Flash ROM firmware is no good, upgrade.
"2F" 2. Flash ROM or SDRAM is broken, replace.

9 Displayed audio encoding Input signal to DSP is no good. 1. Confirm where the digital waveform stops
format is different from input between DIR and DSP by oscilloscope.
signal. 2. P8001, P8002 may relate.
3. Resolder pins of the bad part or replace it with
new one.

10 "x" is displayed. a. No input signal to DSP. The same as above.

b. Interface between DSP and MPU is 1. Confirm where the digital waveform stops
no good. between MPU and DSP by oscilloscope.
2. P8001, P8002, P8003 may relate.
3. Resolder pins of the bad part or replace it with
new one.

11 This identifies IC which outputs The IC outputs error to MPU. Replace the IC chip.
error to microprocessor. DSP is impossible to replace, so replace with a
new PC borad.
TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1

The status of DSP and related IC is able to be checked by the information displayed on FL as follows.
This information is useful to find the cause of trouble.


1. Press and hold down DISPLAY button, then press ON/STANDBY button while the unit is powered on.
The version number of main microprocessor will be displayed only for 3 seconds.

2. Press TONE+ button within 3 seconds above, the version number of 1st DSP will be displayed.

3. Press DISPLAY button while the 1st DSP version is displayed. The status of DSP and related IC will be displayed.

[ D I S P L AY ] o r [ TO N E + ] [TONE-]


[ D I S P L AY ] o r [ TO N E + ] [TONE-]


[ D I S P L AY ] o r [ TO N E + ] [TONE-]

<Ex.> L :
R :

4. Press ON/STANDBY button to finish.

TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1
Content of display MODE0

1 2 3 4 5

1 Listening Mode 2 Decoder Detect Format

01 Last 00 Off
02 Pure Audio 01 2.0ch PLII
03 Direct 02 2.0ch PLIIx
04 Stereo 03 2.0ch PLIIz
05 Mono 04 2.0ch Neo:6
20 Surround 05 5.1ch Master
50 THX Music 06 5.1ch DSC
70 THX Game 07 5.1ch Neo:6
90 THX Cinema 08 5.1ch EX
A0 THX Ultra2 Game 09 5.1ch PLIIx
A8 THX Ultra2 Music 0A 5.1ch PLIIz
B0 THX Ultra2 Cinema 0B 96/24
D0 Audyssey DSX 0C 96/24 Master
48 DTS Surround Sensation 0E 7.1ch Multi
06 Orchestra 0F 2.0ch Neural
07 Unplugged 10 5.1ch Neural
08 Studio-Mix
09 TV Logic 3 Decoder Detect Mode
0A All Ch Stereo 00 Off
0B Full Mono 01 1.0
0C T-D (Theater-Dimensional) 02 2.0
F1 Test Tone 03 Movie
F2 Test Tone HR 04 Music
F3 Test Tone Auto 05 Game
F4 ASC 06 Height
F5 Flash 07 Wide
F6 Debug Mode
F7 Flash2 4 Mute Port
F8 Flash3 D Digital Mute Port
F9 Flash4 A Analog Mute Port
FA Flash Check
0D Game-RPG 5 Muting
0E Game-Action 01 Selector Mute
0F Game-Rock 02 Power Mute
10 Game-Sports 04 Protect Mute
08 Audio Output Mute
6 Listening Mode 16 Audio Mute
TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1
Content of display MODE1

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

1 DSP Detect Format 3 Sampling Frequency for FL/OSD 7 Number of Channel after Decoded

UNLK Unlock ??? Unknown ??? Unknown

ANA ANALOG 008 8kHz 10 1.?ch/ C
PCM PCM 011 11kHz 20 2.?ch/ L,R
30 3.?ch/ L,R,C
AC3 AC3 012 12kHz
21 3.?ch/ L,R,
DTS DTS 016 16kHz SC
MPEG MPEG 022 22kHz 31 4.?ch/ L,R,C,
DATA DATA 024 24kHz SC
UNKW Unknown 032 32kHz 22 4.?ch/ L,R,
NORD Not Ready 044 44.1kHz SL,SR
NPCM Not PCM 048 48kHz 32 5.?ch/ L,R,C,
FS96 Fs96 064 64kHz SL,SR
NODT Not Detect 088 88.2kHz 23 5.?ch/ L,R,
DTSC DTS-CD 096 96kHz
33 6.?ch/ L,R,C,
AAC AAC 176 176.4kHz SL,SR,SC
MPCM Multich PCM 192 192kHz 24 6.?ch/ L,R,
TRUE Dolby TrueHD 34 7.?ch/ L,R,C,
DSD DSD 4H2 6.?ch/ L,R, LH,RH
(Direct Stream Digital) SL,SR
PLUS Dolby Digital Plus 5H2 7.?ch/ L,R,C,LH,RH
EXPR DTS Express
4W2 6.?ch/ L,R,LW,RW
Resolution Audio 5W2 7.?ch/ L,R,C,LW,RW
4 Number of Input Channel
4H4 8.?ch/ L,R, LH,RH
for Listening Mode SL,SR,SBL,SBR
2 Sampling Frequency 5 Input Channel 4H3 7.?ch/ L,R, LH,RH
5H4 9.?ch/ L,R,C,LH,RH
0 SW 0ch
1 SW 1ch 5H3 8.?ch/ L,R,C,LH,RH
2 SW 2ch SL,SR,SC
4W4 8.?ch/ L,R,LW,RW
6 Number of Channel for FL 4W3 7.?ch/ L,R,LW,RW
"1 0 .2 ", " 5 .1 ", " 1 + 1 " 5W4 9.?ch/ L,R,C,LW,RW
5W3 8.?ch/ L,R,C,LW,RW
11 2.?ch/ 1+1
TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1
Content of display MODE2

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8

1 DSP Detect OK? 4 Dialogue norm

○ OK Value : 0~31
x NG
It is included in Dolby digital information.
Reference level when DSP adjusts level.
2 DSP Input Format Details

3 DSP Input Format Details for FL 5 The return value of DIR(DDC_STATUS)

ANA Analog ○ Lock

x Unlock
DTS DTS 6 The return value of DIR(DDC_BUSY)
MTR DTS Master
F Free
B Busy
D96 DTS 96
96M DTS 96M
AAC AAC 7 Emphasis Information
MCH Multich
MPCM Multich PCM
BD Blueray
MSTR Master
DSUR DD Surround
DPSR DD Plus Surround
TRSR True Surround
TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1
Content of display MODE3 Total of the revised Volume( The value which is divided with 100 is dB value. )

DSP. Analog stage includes.



This Service Information Display Mode is helpful in analyzing the final status when the unit goes into Protect mode and is powered off.
Pay attention that the status will change if a button is pushed.

1 Line FL tube type

1. Press and hold down DISPLAY button, then press ON/STANDBY button while the unit is powered on.
The version of main microprocessor will be displayed.
M:1.04/0 9 3 2 3 a Version of Main microprocessor
The displayed number depends on version.
2. Then press SETUP button, the following informations will be displayed.
- 80 F 27 30

Power-off Cause Temperature Volume Level Listening Mode

P : Voltage Protect xx F or xx C yy zz ---> Refer to the code list.
T : Temperature Protect
- : Other

3. Press SETUP button again. The following information are displayed.

01:23 10hour

Time after Power on Time after Initialize

xx : xx xx hour

4. Press RETURN button. The information will be cleared.

ProtectData C L R

2 Line FL tube type

1. Press and hold down DISPLAY button, then press ON/STANDBY button while the unit is powered on.
The version number of microprocessor is displayed only for 3 seconds.
9 1.01/088 0 1 A Version of Main microprocessor
The displayed number depends on version.

2. Press SETUP button within 3 seconds above, the following informations are displayed.
Information displayed
Power off Cause : P(Voltage Protect)
: T(Temperature Protect)
: - : Other
Temperature : xxx F or xxx C
Volume Level : xx
Listenning Mode : xx (Refer to the Code list.)
<Ex.> Time after Initialize : xxhour
- 95 F 30 0D Time after Power on : xx:xx
01:23 0h

3. Press RETURN button. The information will be cleared.

ProtectData C L R



Input Code Listening Mode Input Code Listening Mode

All 02 Pure Audio 5.1ch 75 THX Games
03 Direct 76 DTS-ES Matrix THX Games
04 Stereo 77 DTS-ES Descrete THX Games
05 Mono 78 PLIIx Game THX Games
06 Orchestra 79 PLIIz Height THX Games
07 Unpluged 7A Neo:6 THX Games
08 Studio-Mix 7B NeuralTHX THX Games
09 TV Logic 2.0ch 91 PLII Movie + THX Cinema
0A AllChStereo 92 PLIIx Movie + THX Cinema
0B FullMono 93 PLIIz Height + THX Cinema
0C T-D 94 Neo:6 Cinema + THX Cinema
0D Game-RPG 95 NeuralTHX THX Cinema
0E Game-Action 5.1ch 96 THX Cinema
0F Game-Rock 97 DTS-ES Matrix THX Cinema
10 Game-Sports 98 DTS-ES Descrete THX Cinema
2.0ch 21 PLII Movie 99 Neo:6 THX Cinema
22 PLII Music 9A PLIIx Movie THX Cinema
23 PLII Game 9B PLIIz Height THX Cinema
24 PLIIx Movie 9C NeuralTHX THX Cinema
25 PLIIx Music 9D THX SurroundEX
26 PLIIx Game 2.0ch A1 PLII Game Ultra2 Games
27 PLIIz Height A2 PLIIz Height Ultra2 Games
28 Neo:6 Cinema 5.1ch A3 Ultra2 Games
29 Neo:6 Music A4 PLIIz Ultra2 Games
2A Neural THX Digital Music A9 Ultra2 Music
2B Neural THX Surround AA PLIIz Ultra2 Music
5.1ch 2C Dolby D/DTS/AAC/MCHPCM/ B1 Ultra2 Cinema
TrueHD/MSTR/DTS HD HR B2 PLIIz Ultra2 Cinema
2D DTS-ES Matrix 2.0ch D1 PLII Music + Audyssey DSX
2E DTS-ES Descrete D2 PLIIx Music + Audyssey DSX
2F Neo:6 D3 Neo:6 Music + Audyssey DSX
30 Dolby EX D4 Neural THX + Audyssey DSX
31 PLIIx Movie D5 Neural THX Digital Music + Audyssey DSX
32 PLIIx Music D6 PLII Movie + Audyssey DSX
33 PLIIz Height D7 PLIIx Movie + Audyssey DSX
34 Neural THX Surround D8 Neo:6 Cinema + Audyssey DSX
2.0ch 49 DTS SS Neo:6 Music D9 PLII Game + Audyssey DSX
4A DTS SS Neo:6_CINEMA DA PLIIx Game + Audyssey DSX
5.1ch 4B DTS SS 5.1ch DB AudysseyDSX
2.0ch 51 PLII Music + THX Music DC PLIIx Music Audyssey DSX
52 PLIIx Music + THX Music DD PLIIx Movie Audyssey DSX
53 PLIIz Height + THX Music DE Neo:6 Audyssey DSX
54 Neo:6 Music + THX Music DF NeuralTHX Audyssey DSX
55 NeuralTHX THX Music E1 Dolby EX Audyssey DSX
5.1ch 56 THX Music All F1 Test Tone
57 DTS-ES Matrix THX Music F2 Test Mode(Copy Thtough)
58 DTS-ES Descrete THX Music F3 Test Mode(Signal Gen)
5A PLIIx Music THX Music F4 AutoSpeakerSetup
5B PLIIz Height THX Music F5 Update Mode
5C Neo:6 THX Music F6 DSP Debug Mode
5D NeuralTHX THX Music F7 Update Mode2
2.0ch 71 PLII Game + THX Games F8 Update Mode3
72 PLIIx Game + THX Games F9 Update Mode4
73 PLIIz Height + THX Games FA DSP Flash Check Mode
74 NeuralTHX THX Games
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1



HDMI-related operations can be checked to some extent by displaying HDMI Debug Mode.
If a trouble of HDMI video occurs, first display this mode and try to find out the cause and remdy.

To enter this mode

Hold down DISPLAY button for 3 seconds. Information display will last for about 8 seconds.

Segment No. of FL Display

FL Display

FL segment No. ---> 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Input/Output State and Example of FL Display

Video Input Format Status Description FL segment No. ---> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Normal Source Description ---> Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate Output Resolution i/p/I/P
Video Formats Source Device Video Format : OK, Display --->
Sink Device EDID : OK (Example)
Normal State
Source Device Video Format : OK
Sink Device Hot plug : Low
Error State ---> Remedy 1
Source Device Video Format : OK
Sink Device HDCP Authentication : Fail
Error State ---> Remedy 2 Blinks
Source Device Video Format : OK
Sink Device Resolution : Error
Error State ---> Remedy 3 Error mark
Source Device Video Format : OK
Sink Device EDID Reading : Error
Error State ---> Remedy 4 Error mark
Source Device Video Format : OK
Sink Device :
Busy(Cannot accept HDMI signal) Error mark
Error State ---> Remedy 5
Description ---> Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate Output Resolution i/p/I/P

Progressive/ Interlace i/p/I/P

i : HDMI, Interlace
p : HDMI, Progressive
I : DVI, Interlace
P : DVI, Progressive

Frame Rate
/6 : 60 frame/sec
/5 : 50 frame/sec

Video signal input

: Analog input
: HDMI input
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1



Input/Output State and Example of FL Display(Continued)

Video Input Format Status Description FL segment No. ---> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Source Device Video signal route :

Video resolution is HDMI Input ---> Through Mode
not Determined Error State ---> Remedy 6
Video signal route : Analog Video Input
---> Up-convert (Via Video Signal Processor)
Error State ---> Remedy 7

Description ---> Input Input i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution
Source Video Format: Source Device PC Video Format : OK,
PC Format Sink Device EDID : OK
Normal State
Source Device PC Video Format : OK,
Sink Device Hot plug : Low
Error State ---> Remedy 8 Error
Source Device PC Video Format : OK,
Sink Device HDCP Authenification : Fail
Error State ---> Remedy 9 Blinks
Source Device PC Video Format : OK,
Sink Device EDID Reading : Error
Error State ---> Remedy 10 Error mark

VGA input via DVI-HDMI conversion cable

Normal State

VGA input via HDMI cable

Normal State

1. 1920x1080/24Hz can be displayed in Through Mode only.
2. 640x480p/60 is displaed as “VGA” instead of itself.

Remedy for Error State

Remedy No. Remedy
1 The most possible cause is the hardware trouble of Sink device. Fix it.
2 Refer to HDCP and Authentification error in “DEBUG MODE-7”. Follow the procedure.
3 Refer to Resolution error in “DEBUG MODE-7”. Follow the procedure.
4 Refer to EDID error in “DEBUG MODE-7”. Follow the procedure.
5 Check other HDMI Inputs of AV receiver. If NG, the most possible cause is the hardware trouble of Sink device. Fix it.
6 Check Source device output signal. No signal, or the format is not supported by both HDMI and AV receiver.
7 The same as 6 .
8 The most possible cause is the hardware trouble of Sink device. Fix it.
9 The same as 2 .
10 The same as 4 .
TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1
HDMI-related operations can be checked to some extent by displaying this HDMI DEBUG MODE.

To enter this mode

Hold down DISPLAY button for 3 seconds. Information display will last for about 3 seconds.

Content of Display
FL Display
Upper row No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Lower row No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

FL Upper row 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Status segment
Video Input Format Description No. Lower row 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Normal Source Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Video Formats Sink Device EDID: OK
Normal Status
Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device Hot plug: Low
Error Status example
Remedy 1
Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device HDCP
Authenification: Fail Display
example Blinks
Error Status
Remedy 2 Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device Resolution: Error
Error Status
Remedy 3
Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device EDID Reading: Error
Display Error
example mark
Error Status
Remedy 4 Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device: Busy(Cannot accept
HDMI signal) Display
Error Status example Error
Remedy 5
Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Frame Rate Video signal routing Video signal routing

/6: 60 frame/sec : Analog Up-coverting : Analog Up-coverting
/5: 50 frame/sec : HDMI Through mode : Video Device Route
Progressive/Interlace i/p/I/P
p/P: Progressive, p=HDMI, P=DVI
i/I : Interlace, i=HDMI, I=DVI
TX-SR707, TX-NR807/1007/3007/5007, PR-SC5507
DTR-40.1/50.1/70.1/80.1, DHC-40.1/80.1
FL Upper row 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Status segment
Video Input Format Description No. Lower row 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Source Device Video signal route: HDMI Through Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Video Resolution is
not Determined example
Error Status
Remedy 6
Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Video signal route: Description Input Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Via Video Processor TORINO
Error Status example
Remedy 7
Description Output Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Source Video Format: Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Horizontal Resolution Input Vertical Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
PC Format Sink Device EDID: OK
Normal Status
Description HDMI / DVI RGB / YCbCr444 / YCbCr422 8bit / 10bit / 12bit
Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Horizontal Resolution Input Vertical Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device Hot plug: Low
Error Status example
Remedy 8
Description HDMI / DVI Error RGB / YCbCr444 / YCbCr422 8bit / 10bit / 12bit
Source Device Video Format: OK,
Input Resolution Blinks i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device HDCP
Authenification: Fail
Error Status
Remedy 9 Description HDMI / DVI RGB / YCbCr444 / YCbCr422 8bit / 10bit / 12bit
Source Device Video Format: OK, Description Input Horizontal Resolution Input Vertical Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
Sink Device: Busy(Cannot accept
HDMI signal) Error
Display mark
Error Status
Remedy 10 Description HDMI / DVI RGB / YCbCr444 / YCbCr422 8bit / 10bit / 12bit

VGA input via DVI-HDMI Description Input Horizontal Resolution Input Vertical Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate
conversion cable
Normal Status
Description HDMI / DVI RGB / YCbCr444 / YCbCr422 8bit / 10bit / 12bit

VGA input via HDMI cable Description Input Horizontal Resolution Input Vertical Resolution i/p/I/P Frame Rate

Normal Status example

Description HDMI / DVI RGB / YCbCr444 / YCbCr422 8bit / 10bit / 12bit

In the case that horizontal resolution is doubled, “ # ” is marked at the head of the resolution.
In the case that horizontal resolution is quadrupled, “ * ” is marked at the head of the resolution.

Resolution example: 480p, 576o, 480i, 576i, 240p, 288p

Source device example: Panasonic DVD player’s Double Resolution of 480p.
Blu-ray player’s Quadruple Resolution of 480p when
TrueHD etc. is played back.
Remedy for Error Status
Remedy No. Remedy
1 The most possible cause is the hardware trouble of Sink device(TV).
2 Refere to HDCP and Authentification error in DEBUG MODE-7. Follow the procedure.
3 Refer to Resolution error in DEBUG MODE-7. Follow the procedure.
4 Refer to EDID error in DEBUG MODE-7. Follow the procedure.
5 Check other HDMI Inputs of TX-NR906. If NG, the most possible cause is the hardware trouble of Sink device(TV).
6 Check Source device(Player) output signal. No signal, or the format is not supported by both HDMI and TX-NR906.
7 The same as 6 .
8 The most possible cause is the hardware trouble of Sink device(TV).
9 The same as 2 .
10 The same as 5 .
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1
1 1. This troubleshoot focuses on the video setup errors regarding HDMI.
2. For reference, read TX-SR507/SR577/SR607, DTR-20.1/30.1 Owner’s Manual.
3. Analysis written below is of typical cases.
So, more detailed check may need in actual cases because of multiple
hardware and software causes.
4. As for TX-SR577 and DTR-20.1, the procedure below is the same as
TX-SR507 except model name.
5. As for DTR-30.1, the procedure below is the same as TX-SR607 Video trouble
except model name.

No picture Bad picture


No picture
"Resolution Picture is OK “No HDCP Push
when HDCP- "No signal" is
Display HDMI Error” is if player is support” is DISPLAY HDMI cable is Only 1080p is Picture is not
capable DVD displayed Picture is dark Bad aspect Bad color
DEBUG MODE displayed connected displayed button for NG or too long not displayed right
or BD disc is on FL
on FL directly to TV on FL 3 sec.

Resolution or Player is not Confirm and

3 Re-calibrate Set manually
Check aspect of TV EDID error HDCP-capable “Unknown” Change to Set Receiver’s change
TV is not TV does not video the aspect
Information and player is between TV or has special is displayed short HDMI Player is PC x.v.Color setting the TV setup
HDCP-capable support 1080p processor IC setting of
on FL different from and player HDCP authentic on FL cable to disable (2) to match
in TX-SR607 player
each other procedure the player

Change Change player’s Change Change player The resolution Change Confirm and
settings of TV, Use Component change
resolution or TX-SR607’s or consult with Authentic No signal from is not resolution setting
player or Video instead the player
aspect to TV’s HDMI resolution the player error player supported by of player to
Receiver of HDMI setup to
capability to Through(1) maker HDMI 1080i or less
match the TV

Rare case for Check player’s Change Change

this model. Example: Use Component
Samsung setting and PC setting to Receiver’s
Feedback to Video instead
DVD-HR737 HDMI cable HDMI supported HDMI resolution
Technical of HDMI
connection resolution to Through(1)
Support Devi.

TX-SR507/SR577/DTR-20.1 only

(1) Refer to Instruction Manual page 83 (English version)
Resolution : Through.
(2) Refer to Setup Menu 7-3. HDMI
x.v.Color : Disable.
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1


1. This troubleshoot focuses on the audio setups and
connections regarding HDMI.
2. For reference, read Receiver Owner’s Manual.
3. Analysis written below is of typical cases.
So, more detailed check may need in actual cases
because of multiple hardware and software causes.
4. As for TX-SR577 and DTR-20.1, the procedure below is the
same as TX-SR507 except model name.
5. As for DTR-30.1, the procedure below is the same as Audio trouble
TX-SR607 except model name.

No sound Bad sound

Short sound
The Input assigned No sound on Sound not on Sound drop
No digital audio drop at
to HDMI is not specific AV speakers during music
signal on HDMI the beginning
selected now channnel but on TV playback
of music

No sound on HDMI takes Check HDMI

Change to the Check the digital STB is YAGI
Check speaker specific channels longer time in Control (CEC) TV is in
input assigned audio output DTC10 or
config. according to identifying setting of Receiver Standby Mode
to HDMI setting of player compatibles
listening mode audio format and TV

Confirm again Change the Change all Check the support Change CEC This STB does
Receiver’s digital audio speakers tables of settings of Power on TV not comply
Input Assign connected to Listening mode / Normal Receiver and with HDMI
output to HDMI or enable iLINK
1-1. HDMI Yes Audio format TV clock system
in TX-SR607
owner’s manual

Change STB or
Example :
consult with
Hitachi TV
STB maker
TX-SR507/577/607, DTR-20.1/30.1


1. This troubleshoot focuses on the HDMI hardware troubles.
2. For details, refer to Receiver’s Block Diagrams
Main Device (IC)
and Schematic Diagrams.
3. Analysis written below is of typical cases. Circuit No. Function Description
So, more detailed check may need in actual cases Q701 Main microprocessor MPD70F3746
because of multiple hardware and software causes. Q8001 Video processor (607 only) FLI30502
4. Before replace IC or pcb below, resolder the pins in order Q8501 HDMI Receiver SiI9233ACTU
to save resources. Q8162 HDMI Switch (607 only) SiI9185ACTU
5. As for TX-SR577 and DTR-20.1, the procedure below is Q8401 HDMI Transmitter SiI9134
the same as TX-SR507 except model name.
6. As for DTR-30.1, the procedure below is the same as
HDMI no picture
TX-SR607 except model name.
or dropout trouble
7. Blue text is TX-SR607 only. Red text is TX-SR507 only.

Check video Only HDMI IN 1,2,3 or 4 no output (507 only) HDMI IN4, IN5 One of HDMI HDMI IN1 ~ 4 all no output (507 only) Up-conversion from This model is not Display HDMI
version Only HDMI IN 1, 2 or 3 no output (607 only) and IN4, IN5 and HDMI IN1 ~ 5 all no output (607 only) analog video to HDMI Up-conversion DEBUG MODE
FRONT HDMI FRONT HDMI is NG featured (507 only)
all no output no output

Version is not Latest Path from Path from the Path from Q8401
Old version Related pin of HDMI IN Related pin of Q8401 is NG HDMI IN1 to IN5 Check Information
displayed version HDMI IN Q8162 is NG terminal to Q8501 is NG to HDMI OUT
Q8501 is NG terminal is NG Q8162 is NG are normally output on FL display
terminal to Q8162 is NG terminal is NG
Q8501 is NG

Update to the Interface of

Q701 is NG Q8001 is NG Path from
latest version Q8001 and Impossible to Replace Resolder the Check the One terminal Check power Check power supply HDMI OUT Refer to DEBUG
of HDMI IN4, Q8001 is NG Q8001 to
Q701 is NG replace Q8501 HDMI IN pins of the parts power supply supply pin of pin of Q8401 terminal is NG MODE-5, 6
terminal from HDMI IN pin of Q8162 IN5 and Q8501 Q8401 is NG
terminal to Q8501 FRONT HDMI
is NG.

According to each
Check the Check power Replace the remedy, solve the
Impossible to Replace Confirm waveform Replace Q8401 problems
power supply supply pin of Replace Replace the terminal
replace Q8001 HDMI Board is viewable by
pin of Q701 Q8001 Q8162 terminal
BAHDM-0060/0063 oscilloscope
terminal to Q8501
Check the power
Resolder the pins
supply circuit
of the parts from
Check +3.3V Change HDMI Check power for Q8501 Check the power Resolder the pins Check power Resolder the pins
Replace Find out bad the terminal to Impossible to
power supply Board supply circuit Q8162 supply circuit for of the parts from supply pin of of the parts from
Q701 part and replace Q8001
circuit NAHDM-9473 for Q8001 Q8401 Q8401 to the terminal Q8001 Q8001 to Q8401
replace it
Confirm waveform Impossible to
is viewable by replace Q8501
Check P-OFF pins Check RESET pin Resolder the pins Confirm waveform Change HDMI Check the Confirm that
from the terminal
#18 and #98 of Q701. #14 of Q701. of the parts from is viewable by Board power supply waveform is
to Q8162
They must be “high” It moves High --> Q8001 to Q701 oscilloscope from BAHDM-0063 circuit for Q8001 viewable by
Low --> High after Q8401 to the terminal oscilloscope from
powered on. Replace Q8001 to Q8401
Find out bad part HDMI Board
and replace it BAHDM-0060/0063

Find out bad part Find out bad part

and replace it and replace it

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