Polity PYQ
Polity PYQ
Polity PYQ
4. One of the implications of equality in society 4- lekt esa lekurk ds gksus dk fufgrkFkZ ;g gS
is the absence of (2017) fd mlesa (2017)
(a) Privileges (a) fo'ks"kkf/dkjksa dk vHkko gS
(b) Restraints (b) vojks/ksa dk vHkko gS
(c) Competition
(c) çfrLi/kZ dk vHkko gS
(d) Ideology
(d) fopkj/kjk dk vHkko gS
(b) Rights are privileges which are incorporated (b) vf/dkj os fo'ks"kkf/dkj gSa tks fdlh jkT; ds
(c) Rights, not Duties, are important for the (c) ukxfjd ds O;fÙkQRo ds fodkl ds fy, vfèkdkj]
7. Which one of the following reflects the nicest, 7- fof/ vkSj Lok/hurk ds chp lcls mi;qÙkQ
appropriate relationship between law and laca/ dks] fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu çfrfcfEcr
liberty? (2018) djrk gS \ (2018)
(a) if there are more laws, there is less liberty. (a) ;fn fof/;k¡ vf/d gksrh gSa rks Lok/hurk de
(c) If there is liberty, laws have to be made by (b) ;fn fof/ ugha gSa rks Lok/hurk Hkh ugha gSA
following would you accept as the most 8- jkT;&O;oLFkk ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf•r esa ls
appropriate definition of liberty? (2019) fdl ,d dks vki Lora=krk dh lokZf/d mi;qÙkQ
O;k[;k ds :i esa Lohdkj djsaxs\ (2019)
(a) Protection against the tyranny of political
(a) jktuhfrd 'kkldksa dh rkuk'kkgh ds fo#¼
(b) Absence of restraint
(b) fu;a=k.k dk vHkko
(c) Opportunity to do whatever one likes
(c) bPNkuqlkj dqN Hkh djus dk volj
(d) Opportunity to develop oneself fully.
(d) Lo;a dks iw.kZr% fodflr djus dk volj
9. Which one of the following factors constitutes 9- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk dkjd fdlh mnkj
the best safeguard of liberty in a liberal de- yksdra=k esa Lora=krk dh loksZÙke lqj{kk dks fu;
mocracy? (2021) djrk gS\
(a) A committed judiciary (a) ,d izfrc¼ U;k;ikfydk
(b) Centralization of powers (b) 'kfDr;ksa dk dsUnzhdj.k
10. Which of the following are regarded as the 10- fuEufyf•r esa ls fdudks ¶fof/ ds 'kklu¸
main features of the “Rule of Law” ? (2018) ds çeq• y{k.kksa ds :i esa ekuk tk,xk \
1. Limitation of powers (2018)
2. Equality before law
1- 'kfÙkQ;ksa dk ifjlheu
12. There is a Parliamentary System of 12- Hkkjr esa lalnh; ç.kkyh dh ljdkj gS]
Government in India because the(2015) D;ksafd(2015)
(a) Lok Sabha is elected directly by the people (a) yksd lHkk turk }kjk çR;{k :i ls fuokZfpr
(d) Council of Ministers is responsible to the (c) jkT; lHkk dks Hkax ugha fd;k tk ldrk
Lok Sabha (d) eaf=kifj"kn] yksd lHkk mÙkjnk;h
ds çfr
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13. The main advantage of the parliamentary 13- lal nh; Lo:i ds 'kklu dk izeq[k ykHkh ;g
form of government is that(2017) gS fd (2017)
(a) the executive and legislature work (a) dk;Zikfydk vkSj foèkkue.My nksuksa Lora=k :
independently. ls dk;Z djrs gSaA
(b) it provides continuity of policy and is more (b) ;g uhfr dh fujUrjrk çnku djrk gS vkSj ;g
efficient. vf/d n{k gSA
(c) the executive remains responsible to the (c) dk;Zikfydk] fo/kue.My ds çfr mÙkjnk;h
legislature. cuk jdrk gSA
(d) the head of the government cannot be (d) ljdkj ds vè;{k dks fuokZpu ds fcuk ugha
changed without election cnyk tk ldrkA
14. Consider the following statements (2022) : 14- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, (2022) %
1. The Constitution of India classifies the ministers 1- Hkkjr dk lafo/ku eaf=k;ksa dks pkj Jsf.k;ksa] vFkk
into four ranks viz. Cabinet Minister Minister dSfcusV ea=kh] Lora=k çHkkj okys jkT;ea=kh] jk
of State with Independent Charge, Minister of vkSj miea=kh] esa oxhZÑr djrk gSA
State and Deputy Minister.
2. The total number of ministers in the Union 2- la?k ljdkj esa eaf=k;ksa dh dqy la[;k] ç/ku ea=kh dks
Government, including the Prime Minister, shall feyk dj] yksd lHkk ds dqy lnL;ksa ds 15» ls
not exceed 15 percent of the total number of
vf/d ugha gksuh pkfg, A
members in the Lok Sabha. mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa \
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only (b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) u rks 1] u gh 2
15. In the context of India, which of the following 15- Hkkjr ds lUnHkZ esa] lalnh; 'kklu ç.kkyh esa
principles is/are implied institutionally in the fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lk@ls fl¼kUr laLFkkxr
parliamentary government? (2013) :i esa fufgr gS@gSa\(2013)
1. Members of the Cabinet are Members of 1- eaf=ke.My ds lnL; laln~ ds lnL; gksrs gSaA
the Parliament. 2- tc rd eaf=k;ksa dks laln~ dk fo'okl çkIr
2. Ministers hold the office till they enjoy jgrk gS rc rd gh os vius in ij cus jgrs
confidence in the Parliament. 3- jkT; dk vè;{k gh eaf=ke.My dk vè;{k
3. Cabinet is headed by the Head of the State. gksrk gSA
Select the correct answer using the codes uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
given below. pqfu,A
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only (a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (b) dsoy 3
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
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16. Out of the following statements, choose the 16- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa esa ls ml ,d dks pqfu,] tks
one that brings out the principle underlying eaf=ke.My Lo:i dh ljdkj ds vUrfuZfgr fl¼kUr
the Cabinet form of Government: (2017) dksvfHkO;ÙkQ djrk gS%(2017)
(a) An arrangement for minimizing the criticism (a) ,slh ljdkj ds fo#¼ vkykspuk dks de
against the Government whose ls&de djus dh O;oLFkk] ftlds mÙkjnkf;Ro
responsibilities are complex and hard to tfVy gSa rFkk mUgsa lHkh ds larks"k ds
carry out to the satisfaction of all. fu"ikfnr djuk dfBu gSA
(b) A mechanism for speeding up the activities
(b) ,slh ljdkj ds dkedkt esa rsth ykus dh
of the Government whose responsibilities are
fØ;kfof/] ftlds mÙkjnkf;Ro fnu çfrfnu
increasing day by day.
c<+rs tk jgs gSaA
(c) A mechanism of parliamentary democracy
for ensuring collective responsibility of the (c) ljdkj ds turk ds çfr lkewfgd mÙkjnkf;Ro
Government to the people. dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, lalnh; yksdra=k
(d) A device for strengthening the hands of the
dh ,d fØ;kfof/A
head of the Government whose hold over (d) ml 'kklukè;{k ds gkFkksa dks etcwr djus dk
the people is in a state of decline. ,d lk/u ftldk turk ij fu;a=k.k "yklksUeq•
n'kk esa
17. Consider the following statements : (2020)
1. The Constitution of India defines its `basic
structure' in terms of federalism, secularism, 17- fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
fundamental rights and democracy. 1- Hkkjr dk lafoèkku vius ^ewy <k¡ps* dks la?k
2. The Constitution of India provides for iaFkfujis{krk] ewy vfèkdkjksa rFkk yksdr
`judicial review' to safeguard the citizens' :i esa ifjHkkf"kr djrk gSA
liberties and to preserve the ideals on which
the Constitution is based. 2- Hkkjr dk lafoèkku] ukxfjdrksa dh Lora=krk
Which of the statements given above is/are mu vkn'kks± ftu ij lafoèkku vkèkkfjr gS] d
correct ? lqj{kk gsrq ^U;kf;d iqujoyksdu* dh O;oLF
(a) 1 only djrk gSA
(b) 2 only mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) u rks 1] u gh 2
19. Which one of the following best defines the 19- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ^jkT;* 'kCn dks
term 'State'? (2021) loksZÙke :i ls ifjHkkf"kr djrk gS\
(a) A community of persons permanently (a) O;fDr;ksa dk ,d leqnk;] tks fcuk fdlh cká
occupying a definite territory independent
of external control and possessing an fu;a=k.k ds ,d fuf'pr HkwHkkx esa LFkk;h :i
organized government ls fuokl djrk gS vkSj ftldh ,d laxfBr
(b) A politically organized people of a definite ljdkj gSA
territory and possessing an authority to (b) ,d fuf'pr HkwHkkx ds jktuSfrd :i ls laxfBr
govern them, maintain law and order, protect yksx] tks Lo;a ij 'kklu djus] dkuwu ,oa
their natural rights and safeguard their means O;oLFkk dks cuk, j[kus] vius uSlfxZd vfèkdkjks
of sustenance
dh j{kk djus rFkk viuh thfodk ds lkèkuksa
(c) A number of persons who have been living
in a definite territory for a very long time
dks lqjf{kr j[kus dk vfèkdkj j[krs gSa
with their own culture, tradition and (c) cgqr ls O;fDr] tks ,d fuf'pr HkwHkkx esa
government cgqr yacs le; ls viuh laLÑfr] ijaijk vkSj
(d) A society permanently living in a definite 'kklu&O;oLFkk ds lkFk jgrs vk, gSa
territory with a central authority, an executive (d) ,d fuf'pr HkwHkkx esa LFkk;h :i ls jg jgk
responsible to the central authority and an lekt] ftldh ,d dsUnzh; izkfèkdkjh rFkk
independent judiciary dsUnzh; izkfèkdkjh ds izfr mÙkjnk;h dk;Zikfyd
vkSj ,d Lora=k U;k;ikfydk gSA
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4. The Government of India Act of 1919 clearly 4- Hkkjr ljdkj vf/fu;e] 1919 us fufEUyf•r esa
defined(2015) ls fdldks Li"V :i ls ifjHkkf"kr fd;k \
(a) the separation of power between the (2015)
judiciary and the legislature (a) U;k;ikfydk ,oa fo/kf;dk (ysftLyspj) ds
(b) the jurisdiction of the central and provincial chp 'kfÙkQ dk i`Fkdj.k
(b) dsaæh; ,oa çkUrh; ljdkjksa dh vf/dkfjrk
(c) the powers of the Secretary of State for India
and the Vicero (c) Hkkjr ds lsØsVjh vkWiQ LVsV ,oa okbljkW; d
(d) None of the above (d) mi;qÙkQ esa ls dksbZ ugha
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5. In the to the Government of India Act 1919, 5- Hkkjr ljdkj vf/fu;e 1919 esa] çkarh; ljdkj ds
the Gerictions of Provincial Government dk;Z ¶vkjf{kr (fjtMZ)¸ vkSj ¶varfjr (VªkaliQMZ)¸
were divided into “Reserved” and
fo"k;ksa ds varxZr ck¡Vs x, Fks A fuEufyf•r esa dkSu&ls
“Transferred” subjects. Which of the
following were treated as “Reserved” ¶vkjf{kr¸ fo"k; ekus x, Fks \ (2022)
subjects ? (2022)
1- U;k; ç'kklu
1. Administration of Justice
2. Local Self-Government 2- LFkkuh; Lo'kklu
3. Land Revenue
4. Police 3- Hkw&jktLo
Select the correct answer using the code
4- iqfyl
given below:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 uhps fn, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu, %
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (a) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (b) 2] 3 vkSj 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1] 3 vkSj 4 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 4
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1. Which Article of the Constitution of India
safeguards one’s right to marry the person 1- Hkkjr ds lafo/ku dk dkSu&lk vuqPNsn viuh
of one’s choice? (2019) ilan ds O;fÙkQ ls fookg djus ds fdlh O;fÙkQ
(a) Article 19 ds vf/dkj dks laj{k.k nsrk gS\ (2019)
(b) Article 21 (a) vuqPNsn 19
(d) vuqPNsn 29
damental Rights incorporates protection 2- fuEufyf[kr ewy vfèkdkjksa ds fdl laoxZ esa
against untouchability as a form of discrimi-
vLi`';rk ds :i esa fd, x, foHksnu ds
nation (2020)
fo#¼ laj{k.k lekfo"V gS\
(a) Right against Exploitation
(a) 'kks"k.k ds fo#¼ vfèkdkj
(b) Right to Freedom
(b) Lora=krk dk vfèkdkj
(c) Right to Constitutional Remedies
(c) lkafoèkkfud mipkj dk vfèkdkj
(d) Right to Equality
(d) lerk dk vfèkdkj
the following Articles of the Constitution of nsrk gS] Hkkjr ds lafoèkku ds fuEufyf[kr
India? (2021) vuqPNsnksa esa ls fdldk mYya?ku djrk gS\
(a) Article 14 (a) vuqPNsn 14
4. Which of the following are envisaged by the 4- Hkkjr ds lafo/ku esa 'kks"k.k ds fo#¼ vf/dkj
Right against Exploitation in the Constitution }kjk fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&ls ifjdfYir gSa\
of India? (2017) (2017)
1. Prohibition of traffic in human beings and 1- ekuo nsg O;kikj vkSj ca/qvk etnwjh (csxkjh)
forced labour dk fu"ks/
2. Abolition of untouchability 2- vLi`';rk dk mUewyu
3. Protection of the interests of minorities 3- vYila[dksa ds fgrksa dh lqj{kk
4. Prohibition of employment of children in 4- dkj•kuksa vkSj •nkuksa esa cPpksa ds fu;kstu d
factories and mines fu"ks/
Select the correct answer using the code uhps fn, x, dV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
given below: pqfu,%
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only (a) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 4
5. Right to Privacy is protected as an intrinsic 5- futrk ds vf/dkj dks thou ,oa O;fÙkQxr
part of Right to Life and Personal Liberty. LorU=krk ds vf/dkj ds varHkZqr Hkkx ds :i
Which of the following in the Constitution of esa lajf{kr fd;k tkrk gSA Hkkjr ds lafo/ku esa
India correctly and appropriately imply the fuEufyf•r esa ls fdlls mi;qÙkQ dFku lgh
above statement? (2018) ,oa leqfpr <ax ls vfFkZr gksrk gS \ (2018)
(a) Article 14 and the provisions under the 42nd (a) vuqPNsn 14 ,oa lafo/ku ds 42osa la'kks/u ds
Amendment to the Constitution v/hu mica/
(b) Article 17 and the Directive Principles of (b) vuqPNsn 17 ,oa Hkkx I,a esa fn, jkT; dh
State Policy in Part IV uhfr ds funs'kd rRo
(c) Article 21 and the freedoms guaranteed in (c) vuqPNsn 21 ,oa Hkkx II esa xkjaVh dh xbZ
Part. III Lora=krk,¡
(d) Article 24 and the provisions under the 44th (d) vuqPNsn 24 ,oa lafo/ku ds 44osa la'kks/u ds
Amendment to the Constitution v/hu mica/
6. 'Right to Privacy' is protected under wich 6- Hkkjr ds lafoèkku ds fdl vuqPNsn ds varxZr
Article of the Constitution of India? (2021) ^futrk dk vfèkdkj* lajf{kr gS\ (2021)
(a) vuqPNsn 15
(a) Article 15
(b) Article 19 (b) vuqPNs
n 19
(c) Article 21 (c) vuqPNsn 21
(d) Article 29 (d) vuqPNsn 29
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7. Right to vote and to be elected in India is 7- Hkkjr esa erkf/dkj vkSj fuokZfpr gksus dk
a(2017) vf/dkj(2017)
(a) Fundamental Right (a) ewy vf/dkj gS
(b) Natural Right (b) uSlfxZd vf/dkj gS
(c) Constitutional Right (c) laoS/kfud vf/dkj gS
(d) Legal Right (d) fof/d vf/dkj gS
10. Consider the following : (2011) 10- fuEufyf•r ij fopkj dhft,% (2011)
1. Right to education. 1- f'k{kk dk vf/dkj
2. Right to equal access to public service. 2- lekurk ds lkFk lkoZtfud lsok çkIr djus
dk vf/dkj
3. Right to food.
3- Hkkstu dk vf/dkj ^ekuo vf/dkjksa dh O;kid
Which of the above is/are human right/human
mn~?kks"k.kk* ds varxZr
rights under “universal declaration of human
mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@dkSu&ls vf/dkj ekuo
rights” ?
vf/dkj vf/dkjksa esa vkrk gS@vkrs gSa\
(a) 1 only (a) dsoy 1
(b) 1 and 2 only (b) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(c) 3 only (c) dsoy 3
(d) 1,2,and 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
11. What is the position of the Right to Property 11- Hkkjr esa laifÙk ds vfèkdkj dh D;k fLFkfr gS\
in India? (2021) (a) ;g fofèkd vfèkdkj gS] tks dsoy ukxfjdksa
(a) Legal right available to citizens only dks izkIr gSA
(b) ;g fofèkd vfèkdkj gS] tks fdlh Hkh O;fDr
(b) Legal right available to any person
dks izkIr gS
(c) Fundamental Right available to citizens only
(c) ;g ewy vfèkdkj gS] tks dsoy ukxfjdksa dks
(d) Neither Fundamental Right nor legal right izkIr gS
(d) ;g u rks ewy vfèkdkj gS] u gh fofèkd
12. With reference to consumers’ rights/ vfèkdkj
privileges under the provisions of law in India,
which of the following statements is/are 12-Hkkjrh; fo/ku ds çko/kuksa ds vUrxZr miHkksÙkQkv
correct? (2012) ds vf/dkjksa @ fo'ks"kkf/dkjksa ds lUnHkZ es
1. Consumers are empowered to take samples fufEufryf•r esa ls dkSu lk @ls dFku lgh gSA
for food testing. gS\ (2012)
1- miHkksÙkQkvksa dks •k| dh tk¡p djus ds fy,
2. When a consumer files a complaint in any
uewus ysus dk vf/dkj gSA
consumer forum, no fee is required to be
2- miHkksÙkQk ;fn miHkksÙkQk eap esa viuh f
ntZ djrk gS] rks mls blds fy, dksbZ iQhl
3. In case of death of a consumer, his/her legal ugha nsuh gksrhA
heir can file a complaint in the consumer
3- miHkksÙkQk dh e`R;q gks tkus ij] mldk oS/kfu
forum on his/her behalf. mÙkkjkf/dkjh mldh vksj ls miHkksÙkQk eap
Select the correct answer using the codes f'kdk;r ntZ dj ldrk gSA
given below: fuEufyf•r dwVksa ds vk/kj ij lgh mÙkj
(a) 1 only (a) dsoy 1
(b) 2 and 3 only (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1] 2] vkSj 3
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13. With reference to India, consider the follow- 13-Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij fopk
ing statements : (2021) dhft,%
1. Judicial custody means an accused is in the 1- U;kf;d fgjklr dk vFkZ gS fd vfHk;qDr
custody of the concerned magistrate and lacafèkr eftLVªsV dh fgjklr esa gS vkSj ,s
such accused is locked up in police station, vfHk;qDr dks iqfyl LVs'ku ds gokykr esa j[k
not in jail.
tkrk gS u fd tsy esaA
2. During judicial custody, the police officer in
2- U;kf;d fgjklr ds nkSjku] ekeys ds izHkkj
charge of the case is not allowed to
interrogate the suspect without the approval
iqfyl vfèkdkjh] U;k;ky; dh vuqefr ds
of the court. fcuk lafnXèk O;fDr ls iwNrkN ugha dj ldrsA
Which of the statements given above is/are mi;qZDr dFkuksa esa ls dkSulk@dkSu&ls lgh g
correct? (a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only (b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
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4. Consider the following Statements regarding 4- jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rRoksa ds ckjs esa
the DPSP/Directive Principles of State Policy: fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % (2015)
(2015) 1- ;s rRo ns'k ds lkekftd&vkfFkZd yksdra=k d
1. The Principles spell out the socioeconomic O;k[;k djrs gSaA
democracy in the country 2- bu rRoksa esa vUrfoZ"V micU/ fdlh U;k;k
2. The provisions contained in these Principles }kjk çorZuh; (,uiQksfl,cy) ugha
are not enforceable by any court.
mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu & lk@ls lgh g
Which of the statements given below are
(a) dsoy 1
(b) dsoy 2
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(c) Both 1 & 2 (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
5- Hkkjrh; lafo/ku esa çfr"Bkfir jkT; dh uhfr
5. Consider the following provisions under the ds funs'kd rRoksa ds vUrxZr fuEufyf•r izkoèkkuk
Directive Principles of State Policy as ij fopkj dhft,% (2012)
enshrined in the Constitution of India : (2012) 1- Hkkjrh; ukxfjdksa ds fy, leku ukxfjd
1. Securing for citizens of India a uniform civil (flfoy) lafgrk lqjf{kr djuk
code 2- xzke iapk;rksa dks la?kfVr djuk
2. Organizing village Panchayats 3- xkeh.k {ks=kksa esa dqVhj m|ksxksa dk
3. Promoting cottage industries in rural areas djuk
4. Securing for all the workers reasonable 4- lHkh deZdkjksa ds fy, ;Fkksfpr vodk'k rFk
leisure and cultural opportunities lkaLÑfrd volj lqjf{kr djuk
Which of the above are the Gandhian mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&ls xk¡/hoknh fl¼kUr g
Principles that are reflected in the Directive
jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rRoksa esa çfrfcfECr
Principles of State Policy?
gksrs gS\
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only (a) dsoy 1] 2] vkSj 4
(b) 2 and 3 only
(b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) dsoy 1]3 vkSj 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
7. According to the Constitution of India, which 7- Hkkjr ds lafo/ku ds vuqlkj fuEufyf•r esa ls
of the following are fundamental for the
dkSu&lk] ns'k ds 'kklu ds fy, vk/kjHkwr -
governance of the country? (2013)
(a) ewy vf/dkj
(a) Fundamental Rights
(b) ewy drZO;
(b) Fundamental Duties
(c) jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rRo
(c) Directive Principles of State Policy
(d) Fundamental Rights and Fundamental (d) ewy vf/dkj rFkk ewy drZO;
11. Other than the Fundamental Rights, which 11-ewy vfèkdkjksa ds vfrfjDr] Hkkjr ds lafoèkku
of the following parts of the Constitution of dk fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk@ls Hkkx ekuo
India reflect/reflects the principles and pro- vfèkdkjksa dh lkoZHkkSe ?kks"k.kk 1948 ds fl¼
visions of the Universal Declaration of Hu-
,oa izkoèkkuksa dks izfrfcafcr djrk@djrs
man Rights (1948) '? (2020)
1- mísf'kdk
1. Preamble
2. Directive Principles of State Policy
2- jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rRo
3. Fundamental Duties 3- ewy drZO;
Select the correct answer using the code
uhps fn, x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
given below :
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only
(c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
12. Which part of the Constitution of India de- 12-Hkkjr ds lafoèkku dk dkSu&lk Hkkx dY;k.kdkjh
clares the ideal of Welfare State ? (2020)
jkT; ds vkn'kZ dh ?kks"k.kk djrk gS\
(a) jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rÙo
(a) Directive Principles of State Policy
(b) Fundamental Rights (b) ewy vfèkdkj
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4. Which of the following statements is/are true 4- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls Hkkjrh
of the Fundamental Duties of an Indian ukxfjd ds ewy drZO;ksa ds fo"k; esa lgh gS@gS
citizen? (2017) (2017)
1. A legislative process has been provided to
1- bu drZO;ksa dks çofrZr djus ds fy, ,d
enforce these duties. foèkk;h çfØ;k nh xbZ gSA
2. They are correlative to legal duties. 2- os fof/d drZO;ksa ds lkFk ijLij lacaf/r
Select the correct answer using the code uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
given below:
(a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only
(b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) u rks 1] u gh 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
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1. Which one of the following objectives is not 1- fuezfyf•r mís';ksa esa ls dkSu&lk ,d Hkkjr ds
embodied in the Preamble to the Constitution lafo/ku dh mísf'kdk esa lfUufo"V ugha gS\
of India? (2017) (2017)
(a) Liberty of thought (a) fopkj dh Lora=krk
(b) Economic liberty (b) vkfFkZd Lora=krk
(c) Liberty of expression (c) vfHkO;fÙkQ dh Lora=krk
(d) Liberty of belief (d) fo'okl dh Lora=krk
2. In India, separation of judiciary from the ex- 2- Hkkjr esa] U;k;ikfydk dk dk;Zikfydk ls
ecutive is enjoined by (2020) i`FkDdj.k] fdlls O;knsf'kr gS\ (2020)
(a) the Preamble of the Constitution (a) lafoèkku dh mísf'kdk }kjk
(b) a Directive Principle of State Policy
(b) jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rÙo }kjk
(c) the Seventh Schedule
(c) lkroha vuqlwph }kjk
(d) the conventional practice
(d) ijEijkxr O;ogkj }kjk
legal effect as any other part j[krh gs tSlk fd mldk dksbZ vU; Hkkx
(d) a part of the Constitution but has no legal (d) lafoèkku dk Hkkx gS fdarq mlds vU; Hkkxksa
effect independently of other parts Lora=k gksdj mldk dksbZ fofèkd izHkko ugha
1. Which one of the following is not a feature of 1- fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lh ,d Hkkjrh; la?kjkT;
Indian federalism? (2017) i¼fr dh fo'ks"krk ugha gS\ (2017)
(a) There is an independent judiciary in India. (a) Hkkjr esa Lora=k U;k;ikfydk gSA
(b) Powers have been clearly divided between (b) dsaæ vkSj jkT;ksa ds chp 'kfÙkQ;ksa dk
the Centre and the States. foHkktu fd;k x;k gSA
(c) The federating units have been given unequal (c) la?kc¼ gksus okyh bdkb;ksa dks jkT; lHk
representation in the Rajya Sabha. vleku çfrfuf/Ro fn;k x;k gSA
(d) It is the result of an agreement among the (d) ;g la?kc¼ gksus okyh bdkb;ksa ds chp ,d
federating units. lgefr dk ifj.kke gSA
2. If the President of India exercises his power 2- ;fn Hkkjr dk jk"Vifr lafo/ku ds vuqPNsn
as provided under Article 356 of the
356 ds v/hu ;Fkk micaf/r viuh 'kfÙkQ;ksa dk
Constitution in respect of a particular State,
fdlh fo'ks"k jkT; ds laca/ esa ç;ksx djrk gS]
(a) the Assembly of the State is automatically
(a) ml jkT; dh fo/ku lHkk Lor% Hkax gks tkrh
(b) ml jkT; ds fo/kueaMy dh 'kfÙkQ;k¡ laln
(b) the powers of the Legislature of that State
shall be exercisable by or under the authority
}kjk ;k mlds çkf/dkj ds v/hu ç;ksT;
of the Parliament. gksaxhA
(c) Article 19 is suspended in that State. (c) ml jkT; esa vuqPNsn 19 fuyafcr gks tkrk gSA
(d) the President can make laws relating to that (d) jk"Vªifr ml jkT; ls lacaf/r fof/;k¡ cuk
State. ldrk gSA
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1. According to the Constitution of India, it is
1- Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds vuqlkj] Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr
the duty of the President of India to cause to
be laid before the Parliament which of the dk ;g drZO; gS fd os fuEufyf•r esa ls
following? (2012) fdldks@fdudks laln~ ds iVy ij j•ok,\
1. The Recommendations of the Union Finance (2012)
1- la?k for vk;ksx dh fliQkfj'kksa dks
2. The Report of the Public Accounts
2- yksd ys•k lfefr ds çfrosnu dks
3. The Report of the Comptroller and Auditor 3- fu;a=kk.k& egkys•k ijh{kd ds çfrosnu dks
General 4- jk"Vªh; vuqlwfpr tkfr vk;ksx ds çfrosnu dks
4. The Report of the National Commission for
fuEufyf•r dwVksa ds vk/kj ij lgh mÙkj pqfu,%
Scheduled Castes
(a) dsoy 1
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below : (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 4
(a) 1 only (c) 1] 3 vkSj 4
(b) 2 and 4 only
(d) 1]2]3]4
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
2- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk ,d lgh gS\
2. Which one of the following statements is (2013)
correct? (2013)
(a) Hkkjr esa ,d gh O;fÙkQ dks ,d gh le; esa nks
(a) In India, the same person cannot be
;k vf/d jkT;ksa esa jkT;iky fu;qÙkQ ugha fd
appointed as Governor for two or more
States at the same time tk ldrk
(b) The Judges of the High Court of the States (b) Hkkjr esa jkT;ksa ds mPp U;k;ky; ds U;k;k/
in India are appointed by the Governor of jkT; ds jkT;iky }kjk fu;qÙkQ fd;s tkrs gS
the State just as the Judges of the Supreme
Bhd oSls gh tSls mPpre U;k;ky; ds
Court are appointed by the President
(c) No procedure has been laid down in the
U;k;kèkh'k jk"Vªifr }kjk fu;qÙkQ fd;s tkrs
Constitution of India for the removal of a (c) Hkkjr ds lafo/ku esa jkT;iky dks mlds in ls
Governor from his/her post gVkus gsrq dksbZ Hkh çfØ;k vf/dfFkr ugh
(d) In the case of a Union Territory having a
(d) fo/k;h O;oLFkk okys la?k jkT;{ks=k esa eq[
legislative setup, the Chief Minister is
appointed by the Lt. Governor on the basis dh fu;qfÙkQ mijkT;iky }kjk] cgqer leFkZ
of majority support ds vk/kj ij] dh tkrh gS
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3. Which of the following are the discretionary 3- fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lh fdlh jkT;jkT;iky
powers given to the Governor of a State?
dks nh xbZ foosdk/hu 'kfÙkQ;k¡ gSa\ (2014)
1- Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr dks] jk"Vªifr 'kklu vf/
1. Sending a report to the President of India
jksfir djus ds fy, fjiksVZ Hkstuk
for imposing the President’s rule
2. Appointing the Ministers
2- eaf=k;ksa dh fu;qfÙkQ djuk
3. Reserving certain bills passed by the State 3- jkT; fo/kue.My }kjk ikfjr dfri; foèks;dksa
Legislature for consideration of the President dks] Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr ds fopkj ds fy,
of India vkjf{kr djuk
4. Making the rules to conduct the business of
4- jkT; ljdkj ds dk;Z lapkyu ds fy, fu;e
the State Government
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
(d) 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
4. Consider the following statements : (2014)
1. The President shall make rules for the more
4- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%(2014)
convenient transaction of the business of the
Government of India, and for the allocation 1- jk"Vªifr] Hkkjr ljdkj dk dk;Z vf/d
among Ministers of the said business. lqfoèkkiwoZd fd, tkus ds fy, vkSj eaf=k;ksa es
2. All executive actions of the Government of mÙkQ dk;Z ds vkcaVu ds fy, fu;e cuk,xkA
India shall be expressed to be taken in the
2- Hkkjr ljdkj dh leLr dk;Zikyd dkjZokb;k¡
name of the Prime Minister.
ç/kuea=kh ds uke ls dh gqbZ dgh tk,¡xhA
Which of the statements given above is / are
mi;qÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS
8. Which one of the following suggested that 8- fuEufyf•r esa ls fdlus lq>ko fn;k fd jkT;iky
the Governor should be an eminent person dks jkT; ds ckgj ls ,d çfrf"Br O;fÙkQ gksuk
from outside the State and should be a pkfg, vkSj rhoz jktuhfrd fyad ds fcuk ,d
detached figure without intense political links
vyx O;fÙkQ gksuk pkfg, ;k gky ds fnuksa esa
or should not have taken part in politics in
the recent past? (2019) jktuhfr esa Hkkx ugha ysuk pkfg, Fkk\ (2019)
(a) First Administrative Reforms Commission (a) igyk ç'kklfud lq/kj vk;ksx (1966)
(1966) (b) jkteukj lfefr (1969)
(b) Rajamannar Committee (1969)
(c) ljdkfj;k vk;ksx (1983)
(c) Sarkaria Commission (1983)
(d) National Commission to Review the (d) lafo/ku ds dkedkt dh leh{kk ds fy,
Working of the Constitution (2000) jk"Vªh; vk;ksx (2000)
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2. Which of the following special powers have 2- fuEufyf•r fo'ks"kf/dkjksa es ls Hkkjr ds lafoèkku
been conferred on the Rajya Sabha by the }kjk jkT; lHkk dks çnÙk fd;s tkrs gSa]\ (2012)
Constitution of India? (2012) (a) jkT; dk orZeku jkT;{ks=kk ifjofrZr djuk vk
(a) To change the existing territory of a State
jkT; dk uke ifjofrZr djuk
and to change the name of a State (b) laln~ dks] jkT; lwph esa fu;e cukus vkSj ,d
vFkok ,dkf/d vf•y Hkjrh; lsokvksa dk
(b) To pass a resolution empowering the
l`tu djus gsrq l'kÙkQ cukus ds fy, ,d
Parliament to make laws in the State List
çLrko ikfjr djukA
and to create one or more All India Services
(c) jk"Vªifr dh fuokZpu çfØ;k esa la'kks/u djuk
(c) To amend the election procedure of the
vkSj jk"Vªifr dh lsokfuo`fr ds i'pkr mldh
President and to determine the pension of
isa'ku fu/kZfjr djuk
the President after his/her retirement
(d) pquko vk;ksx ds fØ;kdykiksa dk fu/kZj.
(d) To determine the functions of the Election djuk vkSj pquko vk;qÙkQksa dh la[;k fu/k
Commission and to determine the number djuk
of Election Commissioners
4. Rajya Sabha has equal powers with Lok Sabha 4- jkT; lHkk dh yksd lHkk ds leku 'kfDr;k¡
in (2020) fdl {ks=k esa gSa\ (2020)
(a) the matter of creating new All India Services (a) ubZ vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsok,¡ xfBr djus ds fo"k; esa
(b) amending the Constitution (b) lafoèkku esa la'kksèku djus ds fo"k; esa
(c) the removal of the government
(c) ljdkj dks gVkus ds fo"k; esa
(d) making cut motions
(d) dVkSrh izLrko izLrqr djus ds fo"k; esa
7. The Parliament can make any law for whole 7- laln~] vUrjk"Vª Hkkjr esa ykxw laln~] vUrjkZ"
or any part of India for implementing laf/;ksa dks Hkkjr ds fdlh Hkkx vFkok lEiw.kZ
international treaties(2013) Hkkjr esa ykxw djus ds fy,] dksbZ Hkh dkuwu c
(a) with the consent of all the States ldrh gS(2013)
(b) with the consent of the majority of States (a) lHkh jkT;ksa dh lgefr ls
(c) with the consent of the States concerned (b) cgqla[;d jkT;ksa dh lgefr ls
(d) without the consent of any State
(c) lEcfU/r jkT;ksa dh lgefr ls
(d) fcuk fdlh jkT; dh lgefr ls
8. A Parliamentary System of Government is one
in which (2020)
8- lalnh; O;oLFkk okyh ljdkj og gksrh gS ftlesa
(a) all political parties in the Parliament are
represented in the Government (a) laln ds lHkh jktuhfrd nyksa dk ljdkj esa
10. Consider the following statements regarding 10-Hkkjresa vfo'okl çLrko ds fo"k; esa
a No-Confidence Motion in India: (2014) fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%(2014)
1. There is no mention of a No-Confidence 1- Hkkjr ds lafo/ku esa fdlh vfo'okl çLrko
Motion in the Constitution of India. dk dksbZ mYys• ugha gSA
2. A Motion of No-Confidence can be 2- vfo'okl çLrko dsoy yksd lHkk esa gh
introduced in the Lok Sabha only.
iqj%LFkkfir fd;k tk ldrk gSA mi;ZqÙkQ dFku
Which of the statements given above is / are
esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa\
(a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) dsoy 2
11. Which of the following is/are the exclusive 11- fuEufyf•r esa dkSu&lh yksd lHkk dh vuU;
power(s) of Lok Sabha ? (2022) 'kfÙkQ(;k¡) gS@gSa \ (2022)
1. To ratify the declaration of Emergency
1- vkikr dh mn~?kks"k.kk dk vuqleFkZu djuk
2. To pass a motion of no-confidence against the
Council of Ministers
2- eaf=kifj"kn ds fo#¼ vfo'okl çLrko ikfjr djuk
3. To impeach the President of India
Select the correct answer using the code 3- Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr ij egkfHk;ksx pykuk
given below:
uhps fn, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu, %
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 only (a) 1 vkSj 2 (b) dsoy 2
(c) 1 and 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3 (d) dsoy 3
(d) 3 only
•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % (2012)
12. Consider the following statements: (2012) 1- la?k o jkT; {ks=kksa dk jkT; lHkk esa çfrfuf/R
1. Union Territories are not represented in the ugha gksrkA
Rajya Sabha. 2- fuokZpu >xM+ks dk fu.kZ; djuk eq[; fuokZpu
2. It is within the purview of the Chief Election
vk;qÙkQ ds vf/dkj&{ks=kk esa gSA
Commissioner to adjudicate the election
disputes. 3- Hkkjr ds lafo/ku ds vuqlkj] laln~ esa dsoy
3. According to the Constitution of India, yksd lHkk vkSj jkT; lHkk gksrh gSA
the Parliament consists of the Lok Sabha mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gSA gS\
and the Rajya Sabha only. (a) dsoy 1
Which of the statements given above is/are
(b) 2 vkSj 3
(c) 1 vkSj 3
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) None (d) dksbZ Hkh ugha
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13. When a bill is referred to a joint sitting both 13-tc laln ds nksuksa lnuksa dh la;qÙkQ cSBd e
the Houses of the Parliament, has to be dksbZ fo/s;d fufnZ"V (jsiQsj) fd;k tkrk gS] rks
passed by(2015) bls fdlds }kjk ikfjr fd;k tkuk gksrk gS \
(a) a simple majority of member present and (2015)
(a) mifLFkr rFkk er nsus okys lnL;ksa dk lk/kj.
(b) three-fourths majority of member present cgqer
and voting
(b) mifLFkr rFkk er nsus okys lnL;kSa dk rhu&pk
(c) two-thirds majority of the House
(d) absolute majority of the House
(c) lnuksa dk nks&frgkbZ cgqer
(d) lnuksa dk iw.k cgqer
14. Which of the following statements is/are
correct? (2016)
1. A Bill pending in the Lok Sabha lapses on 14-fuEufyf•r dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@g
its prorogation. (2016)
2. A Bill pending in the Rajya Sabha, which 1- yksd lHkk esa yfEcr dksbZ fo/s;d mlds
has not been passed by the Lok Sabha, shall l=kkolku ij O;irx (ySIl) gks tkrk gSA
not lapse on dissolution of the Lok Sabha. 2- jkT; lHkk esa yfEcr dksbZ fo/s;d] ftls yksd
Select the correct answer using the code lHkk us ikfjr ugha fd;k gS] yksd lHkk ds
given below. fo?kVu ij O;ixr ugh gksxkA
(a) 1 only
uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
(b) 2 only pqfu,A
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) u rks 1] u gh 2
16. Consider the following statements: (2015) 16-fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % (2015)
1. The Legislative Council of a state in India 1- Hkkjr esa fdlh jkT; dh fo/ku ifj"n vkdkj
can be larger in size than half of the Legislative esa ml jkT; dh fo/ku lHkk ds vk/s ls vf/
Assembly of that particular state. d cM+h gks ldrh gSA
2. The Governor of a state nominates the
2- fdlh jkT; dk jkT;iky ml jkT; dh fo/ku
Chairman of Legislative Council of that
particular state.
ifj"kn ds lHkkifr dks ukefunZsf'kr djrk gSA
Which of the statements given above is/are mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu & lk @ls lgh gS@
correct? (a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only (b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
17-Hkkjr ds fdlh jkT; dh fo/ku lHkk ds lanHkZ
17. With reference to the Legislative Assembly esa] fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
of a State in India, consider the following
statements: (2019)
1- o"kZ ds çFke l=k ds çkjaHk esa jkT;iky lnu ds
1. The Governor makes a customary address
lnL;ksa ds fy, :f<+xr lacks/u djrk gSA
to Members of the House at the
commencement of the first session of the 2- tc fdlh fof'k"V fo"k; ij jkT; fo/kueaMy
year. ds ikl dksbZ fu;e ugha gksrk] rks ml fo"k; ij
2. When a State Legislature does’ not havea og yksd lHkk ds fu;e dk ikyu djrk gSA
rule on a particular matter, it follows the Lok mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa
Sabha rule on that matter. (a) dsoy 1
Which of the statements given above is / are (b) dsoy 2
correct? (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (d) u rks 1] u gh 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
18- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % (2019)
18. Consider the following statements: (2019) 1- laln (fujgZrk fuokj.k) vf/fu;e] 1959
1. The Parliament (Prevention of dbZ inksa dks ykHk dk in ds vk/kj ij
Disqualification) Act, 1959 exempts several fujgZrk ls NwV nsrk gSA
posts from disqualification on the grounds 2- mi;ZqÙkQ vf/fu;e ik¡p ckj la'kksf/r fd;k
of ‘Office of Profit’. x;k FkkA
2. The above-mentioned Act was amended five
3- 'kCn ykHk dk in Hkkjr ds lafo/ku esa Hkyh
Hkk¡fr ifjHkkf"kr fd;k x;k gSA
3. The term ‘Office of Profit’ is welldefined in
the Constitution of India. mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
correct? (b) dsoy 3
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
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3. As per the existing rules, if a candidate 3- orZeku fu;eksa ds vuqlkj] ;fn dksbZ izR;k'kh
contests in one Lok Sabha election from fdlh ,d yksd lHkk pquko esa dbZ fuokZpu&{ks=
many constituencies, his/her party should
ls pquko yM+rk gS] rks mldh ikVhZ dks mu
bear the cost of bye-elections to the
fuokZpu&{ks=kksa ds mi&pqukoksa dk [kpZ
constituencies vacated by him/her in the
event of him/her winning in all the pkfg,] ftUgsa mlus [kkyh fd;k gS c'krsZ og
constituencies. lHkh fuokZpu&{ks=kksa ls fot;h gqvk gksA
Which of the statements given above is/are mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@g
(a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only
(b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 vkSj 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 3 (d) 2 vkSj 3
A r p it J a in
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2. All revenues received by the union 2- djksa vkSj ljdkjh dkedkt ds fuokZggqbZesa
government by way of taxes and other vU; çkfIr;ksa ls la?kh; ljdkj dks çkIr gqvk
receipts for the conduct of government lewpk jktLo tek gksrk gS (2011)
business are credited to the ? (2011) (a) Hkkjr dh vkdfLedrk fuf/ esa
(a) Contingency fund of India. (b) yksd ys•s esa
(b) Public account. (c) Hkkjr dh lafpr fuf/ esa
(c) Consolidated fund of India. (d) fu{ksi rFkk vfxze fuf/ esa
(d) Deposits and advances fund.
4. When the annual budget is not passed by 4- ;fn okf"kZd la?kh; ctV yksdlHkk }kjk ikfjr
the lok sabha ? (2011) ugha gksrk] rks (2011)
(a) The budget is modified and presented again. (a) ctV esa la'kks/u dj ;g nqckjk is'k fd;k
(b) The budget is referred to the rajya sabha tkrk gS
for suggestions. (b) lq>ko gsrq ctV jkT;lHkk dks Hkst fn;k tkrk
(c) The union finance minister is asked to resign. gS
(d) The prime minister submits the resignation (c) la?kh; foÙk ea=kh ls R;kxi=k nsus ds fy, dgk
of council of ministers. tkrk gS
(d) ç/ku ea=kh viuh ea=kh ifj"kn~ dk R;kxi=k is'k
5. What is the difference between “voteon- dj nsrk gS
account” and interim budget ? (2011)
1. The provision of a “vote-on-account” is used
5- ys•kuqnku vkSj varfje ctV ds chp D;k varj
by a regular government, while an “interim
budget” is a provision used by a caretaker
gS\ (2011)
government. 1- LFkkbZ ljdkj ys•kuqeksnu ds çko/ku dk ç;ksx
2. A “vote-on-account’’ only deals with the
djrh gS] tcfd dk;Zokgd ljdkj varfje
expenditure in government is budget, while ctV ds çko/ku dk ç;ksx djrh gSA
an “interim budget” includes both 2- ys•kuqeksnu ljdkj ds ctV ds O;; i{k ek=k
expenditure and receipts. ls lac¼ gksrk gS] tcfd varfje ctV esa O;;
Which of the statements given above is/are rFkk vkorh nksuksa lfEefyr gksrs gSaA
correct ? mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@dkSu&ls dFku lgh gS@
(a) 1 only (a) dsoy 1
(b) 2 only (b) dsoy 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) Neither 1 nor2 (d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
6. Along with the Budget, the Finance Minis- 6- foÙk ea=kh laln esa ctV izLrqr djus gq, mlds
ter also places ot 1 lc r documents buil); •
lkFk vU; izys[k Hkh izLrqr djrs gSa ftuesa ^c`gn~
the Parliament which include The Macro Eco-
:ijs[kk fooj.k* Hkh lfEefyr jgrk gSA ;g
nomic Framework Statement'. The aforesaid
iwoksZDRk izys[k fuEu vkns'ku ds dkj.k izLrqr
document is presented because this is man-
fd;k tkrk gS%
dated by (2020)
(a) fpjdkfyd lalnh; ijEijk ds dkj.k
(a) Long standing parliamentary convention
(b) Article 112 and Article 110(1) of the (b) Hkkjr ds lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn 112 rFkk vuqPNs
Constitution of India 110(1) ds dkj.k
(c) Article 113 of the Constitution of India (c) Hkkjr ds lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn 113 ds dkj.k
(d) Provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility and (d) jktdks"kh; mÙkjnkf;Ro ,oa ctV izcUèku
Budget Management Act, 2003 vfèkfu;e] 2003 ds izkoèkkuksa ds dkj.k
©TheCoreIAS www.thecoreias.com
7. Which of the following are the methods of 7- fuEufryf•r es ls dkSu lh fof/;k¡ Hkkjr ds
Parliamentary control over public finance in yksd foÙk ij lalnh; fu;a=k.k j•us ds dke
India? (2012) vkrh gSa\ (2012)
1. Placing Annual Financial Statement before 1- laln~ ds lEeq• okf"kZd foÙkh; fooj.k dk
the Parliament çLrqr fd;k tkuk
2. Withdrawal of moneys from Consolidated
2- fofu;kstu fo/s;d ds ikfjr gksus ds ckn gh
Fund of India only after passing the
Hkkjr dh lafpr fuf/ ls eqæk fudky ikuk
Appropriation Bill
3. Provisions of supplementary grants and vote-
3- vuqiwjd vuqnkuksa rFkk ys•kuqnku dk çk
on-account 4- lalnh; ctV dk;Zy; }kjk lef"Vxr vkfFkZd
4. A periodic or at least a mid-year review of iwokZuqekuksa rFkk O;; gsrq ljdkj ds dk;
programme of the Government against dk ,d fu;rdkfyd vFkok de ls&de
macroeconomic forecasts and expenditure eè;o"khZ; iqukjoyksdu
by a Parliamentary Budget Office 5- laln esa foÙk fo/s;d dk çLrqr fd;k tkuk
5. Introducing Finance Bill in the Parliament fuEufyf•r dwVksa ds vk/kj ij lgh mÙkj
Select the correct answer using the codes (a) dsoy 1] 2] 3] vkSj 5
given below :
(b) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 4
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only
(c) dsoy 3] 4 vkSj 5
(b) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1] 2] 3] 4 vkSj 5
(c) 3, 4 and 5 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
8- la?k dh ljdkj (;wfu;u xouZesaV)ds lUnHkZ esa
8. With reference to the Union Government ] fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, %
consider the following statements. (2015) (2015)
1. The Department of Revenue is responsible 1- jktLo foHkkx dsaæh; ctV dh rS;kjh ds fy,
for the preparation of Union Budget that is ftEesnkj gksrk gS ftls laln esa çLrqr fd;k
presented to the parliament tkrk gSA
2. No amount can be withdrawn from the 2- Hkkjr dh laln ds çkf/dj.k (vkWFkjkbts'ku)
Consolidated Fund of India without the ds fcuk dksbZ /u Hkkjr dh lafpr fuf/ ls
authorization of Parliament of India. fudkyk ugha tk ldrk
3. All the disbursements made from Public
3- yksd ys•k ls fd, tkus okys lHkh laforj.kksa
Account also need the Authorization from
(fMLclZesUV~l) ds fy, Hkh Hkkjr dh laln
the Parliament of India
ds çkf/dj.k dh vko';drk gksrh gSaA
Which of the following statements given
above is/are correct? mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu & lk @ls lgh
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(c) 2 only (c) dsoy 2
(d) 1, 2, and 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
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9. What will follow if a Money Bill is 9- ; fn jkT; lHkk fdlh /u fo/s;d esa lkjHkwr
substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha? la'kks/u djrh gS] rks rRi'pkr~ D;k gksxk\ (2013)
(2013) (a) yksd lHkk] jkT; lHkk dh vuq'kalkvksa dks
(a) The Lok Sabha may still proceed with the Lohdkj djs ;k vLohdkj djs] bl fo/s;d
Bill, accepting or not accepting the ij vkxs dk;Zokgh dj ldrh gS
recommendations of the Rajya Sabha
(b) yksd lHkk fo/s;d ij vkxs dksbZ fopkj ugha
(b) The Lok Sabha cannot consider the Bill dj ldrh
(c) yksd lHkk fo/s;d dks iqufoZpkj ds fy, jkT;
(c) The Lok Sabha may send the Bill to the
lHkk dks ykSVk ldrh gS
Rajya Sabha for reconsideration
(d) jk"Vªifr fo/s;d dks ikfjr djus ds fy,
(d) The President may call a joint sitting for
passing the Bill la;qÙkQ cSBd vkgwr dj ldrk gS
10. Consider the following statements: (2015) 10-fufEyf•r dFkuks ij fopkj dhft, % (2015)
1. The Rajya Sabha has no power either to
1- jkT; lHkk esa /u fo/s;d dks ;k rks vLohdkj
reject or to amend a Money Bill djus ;k la'kksf/r djus dh dksbZ 'kfÙkQ fufgr
2. The Rajya Sabha cannot vote on the
ugha gSA
Demands for Grants. 2- jkT; lHkk vuqnkuksa dh ekxks± ij ernku ugh
3. The Rajya Sabha cannot discuss the Annual dj ldrh gSA
Financial Statement. 3- jkT; lHkk esa okf"kZd foÙkh; fooj.k ij ppkZ
Which of the statements given above is/are ugha gks ldrhA
correct? mi;qÙkQ dFkuks esa ls dksu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa
(a) 1 only (a) dsoy 1
(b) 1 and 2 only (b) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(d) 1,2 and 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
11. Regarding Money Bill, which of the following 11-/u fo/s;dds lUnHkZ esa fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSulk
statements is not correct? (2018) dFku lgh ugha gS
(a) A bill shall be deemed to be a Money Bill if (a) fdlh fcy fo/s;d] /u fo/s;d rc ekuk
it contains only provisions relating to dks tk,xk tc blesa dsoy fdlh dj ds vf/
imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or jksi.k] mUewyu] ekiQh] ifjorZu ;k fofu;eu
regulation of any tax.
ls lacaf/r çko/ku gksa (2018)
(b) A Money Bill has provisions for the custody
(b) /u fo/s;d esa Hkkjr dh lafpr fuf/ ,oa
of the Consolidated Fund of India or the
Contingency Fund of India.
Hkkjr dh vkdfLedrk fuf/ dh vfHkj{kk ls
lacaf/r mica/ gksrs gSaA
(c) A Money Bill is concerned with the
appropriation of moneys out of the (c) /u fo/s;d Hkkjr dh vkdfLedrk fuf/ ls
Contingency Fund of India. /u ds fofu;kstu ls lacaf/r gksrk gSA
(d) A Money Bill deals with the regulation of (d) /u fo/s;d Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk /u ds m/kj
borrowing of money or giving of any ysus ;k dksbZ çR;kHkwfr nsus ds fofu;eu ls
guarantee by the Government of India. lacaf/r gksrk gSA
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(d) The Committee on Petitions. (d) ;kfpdk lfefr (dfeVh vkWu fifV'kUl)
3. With reference to the Parliament of India, 3- Hkkjr dh laln ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf•r esa ls
which of the following Parliamentary dkSu&lh lalnh; lfefr bldh laoh{kk djrh gS
Committees scrutinizes and reports to the vkSj lnu dks lwfpr djrh gS fd tks
House whether the powers to make fofu;efu;e] mifu;e mifof/] vkfn cukus
regulations, rules, sub-rules, bylaws, etc.
dh 'kfÙkQ;k¡ lafo/ku }kjk çnÙk gSa ;k lnu }kjk
conferred by the Constitution or delegated
çR;k;ksftr gSa mudk dk;Zikfydk }kjk bu
by the Parliament are being properly
exercised by the Executive within the scope
çR;k;kstuksa (Msfyxs'ku) dh ifjf/ ds Hkhrj
of such delegation ? (2018) mfpr ç;ksx gks jgk gS \ (2018)
(a) Committee on Government Assurances (a) ljdkjh vk'okluksa laca/h lfefr
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5. With reference to Deputy Speaker of Lok 5- yksdlHkk ds mikè;{k ds lUnHkZ esa] fuEufyf•r
Sabha, consider the following statements : dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % (2022)
1. As per the Rules of Procedure and Conduct 1- yksdlHkk ds dk;Z&i¼fr vkSj dk;Z&lapkyu fu;eksa
of Business in Lok Sabha, the election of ds vuqlkj] mikè;{k] dk fuokZpu ml rkjh• dks
Deputy Speaker shall be held on such date as gksxk tks vè;{k fu;r djsaA
the Speaker may fix.
2. There is a mandatory provision that the election 2- ;g vkKkid mica/ gS fd yksdlHkk ds mikè;{k ds
of a candidate as Deputy Speaker of :i esa fdlh çfr;ksxh dk fuokZpu ;k rks eq[;
LokSabha shall be from either the principal foi{kh ny ls] ;k 'kkld ny ls] gksxk A
opposition party or the ruling party.
3. The Deputy Speaker has the same power as 3- lnu dh cSBd dh vè;{krk djrs le; mikè;{k
of the Speaker when presiding over the sitting dh 'kfÙkQ oSlh gh gksrh gS tSlh fd vè;{k dh] vkSj
of the House and no appeal lies against his mlds fofu.kZ;ksa ds fo#¼ dksbZ vihy ugha gks
4. The well established parliamentary practice
regarding the appointment of Deputy Speaker 4- mikè;{k dh fu;qfÙkQ ds ckjs esa lqLFkkfir lalnh;
is that the motion is moved by the Speaker and i¼fr ;g gS fd çLrko vè;{k }kjk j•k tkrk gS vkSj
duly seconded by the Prime Minister.
ç/ku ea=kh }kjk fof/or lefFkZr gksrk gSA
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa dkSu&ls lgh gSa \
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (b) 1] 2 vkSj 3
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 2 and 4 only (c) dsoy 3 vkSj 4 (d) dsoy 2 vkSj 4
A b h i Ja in
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4. The Ninth Schedule was introduced in the 4- fdl ç/kuea=kh ds dk;Zdky ds nkSjku Hkkjr ds
Constitution of India during the prime lafoèkku esa ukSoha vuqlwph dks iqj%LFkkfir fd;
minister of (2019) x;k Fkk\ (2019)
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) tokgjyky usg:
(R a n k 2 6 9 ) (R a n k 2 7 9 ) (R a n k 3 2 9 )
(Ran k 3 41) (R a n k 3 9 4 ) (R a nk 59 4)
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1. The Prime Minister of India, at the time of 1- Hkkjr ds ç/kueU=kh dh fu;qfÙkQ ds le; (2012)
his/her appointment (2012) (a) t:jh ugh gSa fd og laln~ ds nksuksa lnuksa
(a) need not necessarily be a member of one ls ,d dk vko';d :i ls lnL; gks ijUrq
of the Houses of the Parliament but must mls N%ekg ds vUnj vko';d :i ls nksuka esa
become a member of one of the” Houses ls ,d lnu dk lnL; gks tkuk pkfg,
within six months (b) t:jh ugh gS fd og laln~ ds nksuks lnuksa es
(b) need not necessarily be a member of one ls ,d dk vko';d :i ls lnL; gks ijUrq
of the Houses of the Parliament but must mls N% ekg ds vUnj yksd lHkk dk lnL;
become a member of the Lok Sabha within gks tkuk pkfg,
six months
(c) laln~ ds nksuks lnuksa esa ls ,d dk lnL; gk
(c) must be a member of one of the Houses of
tkuk pkfg,
the Parliament
(d) vko';d :i ls yksd lHkk dk lnL; gksuk
(d) must be a member of the Lok Sabha
1. Which of the following are included in the
1- fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&ls mPpre U;k;ky; dh
original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?
vkjfEHkd vf/dkfjrk esa vkrs gSa\ (2012)
1. A dispute between the Government of India
1- Hkkjr ljdkj rFkk ,d ;k vf/d jkT;ksa ds
and one or more States chp dk fookn
2. A dispute regarding elections to either House 2- laln~ ds fdlh Hkh lnu ;k jkT; fo/ku
of the Parliament or that of Legislature of a e.My esa gq, pquko ij fookn
3- Hkkjr ljdkj rFkk fdlh la| jkT;{ks=kk ds chp
3. A dispute between the Government of India
dk fookn
and a Union Territory
4. A dispute between two or more States
4- nks ;k vf/d jkT;ksa ds chp dk fookn
Select the correct answer using the codes mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gSA gS\
given below : (a) dsoy 1] vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 vkSj 3
(b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 vkSj 4
(c) 1 and 4
(d) 3 vkSj 4
(d) 3 and 4
3. With reference to Indian judiciary, consider 3- Hkkjrh; U;k;ikfydk ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr
the following statements : (2021) dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%
1. Any retired judge of the Supreme Court of 1- Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr dh iwokZuqefr ls Hkkjr
India can be called back to sit and act as a eq[; U;k;ewfrZ }kjk mPpre U;k;ky; ls
Supreme Court judge by the Chief Justice lsokfuo`Ùk fdlh U;k;kèkh'k dks mPpre U;k;k
of India with prior permission of the ds U;k;kèkh'k ds in ij cSBus vkSj dk;Z djus
President of India. gsrq cqyk;k tk ldrk gSA
2. A High Court in India has the power to 2- Hkkjr esa fdlh Hkh mPp U;k;ky; dks vius
review its own judgement as the Supreme fu.kZ; ds iqufoZyksdu dh
Court does. mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@g
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
correct? (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa (d) u rks 1] u gh 2
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 4- dsUæ vkSj jkT;ksa ds chp gksus okys
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 dkfooknks
fu.kZ; djus dh Hkkjr ds mPpre U;k;ky; dh
4. The power of the Supreme Court of India to 'kfÙkQ fdlds vUrxZr vkrh gS\ (2014)
decide disputes between the Centre and the
(a) ijke'khZ vf/dkfjrk ds vUrxZr
5. With reference to the writs issued by the 1- fdlh çkbosV laxBu ds fo#¼] tc rd fd mldks dksbZ
Courts in India, consider the following lkoZtfud dk;Z ugha lkSaik x;k gks] ijekns'k (eSaMsel
statements : (2022) gksxkA fdlh daiuh ds fo#¼] Hkys gh og dksbZ ljdk
1. Mandamus will not lie against a private daiuh gks] ijekns'k (eSaMsel) ugha gksxkA
organisation unless it is entrusted with a public
duty. 3- dksbZ Hkh yksd&ço.k O;fÙkQ (ifCyd ekbaMsM
2. Mandamus will not lie against a Company even vf/dkj&i`PNk(Quo Warranto) fjV çkIr djus
though it may be a Government Company.
gsrq U;k;ky; esa lekosnu djus ds fy, ;kph
3. Any public minded person can be a petitioner
to move the Court to obtain the writ of Quo (fiVh'kuj) gks ldrk gS A
mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa dkSu&ls lgh gSa \
Which of the statements given above are
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2 (b) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) l and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
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6. The power to increase the number of judges 6- Hkkjr ds mPpre U;k;ky; esa U;k;k/h'kksa dh
in the Supreme Court of India is vested la[;k esa o`f¼ djus dh 'kfÙkQ fdlesa ufgr
in(2014) gS\(2014)
(a) the President of India (a) Hkkjr dk jk"Vªifr laln
(b) the Parliament (b) lalnh;
(c) the Chief Justice of India
(c) Hkkjr dk eq[; U;k;ewfrZ
(d) the Law Commission
(d) fof/ vk;ksx
8. In India, Judicial Review implies(2017) 8- Hkkjr esa] U;kf;d iqujh{k.k dk vFkZ gS(2017)
(a) the power of the Judiciary to pronounce (a) fof/;ksa vkSj dk;Zikfydk vkns'kksa dh lkafoèkkfud
upon the constitutionality of laws and ds fo"k; esa çk[;kiu djus dk U;k;ikfydk
executive orders.
dk vf/dkjA
(b) the power of the Judiciary to question the
(b) fo/kue.Myksa }kjk fufeZr fof/;ksa ds çKku dks
wisdom of the laws enacted by the
ç'uxr djus dk U;k;ikfdk dk vf/dkjA
(c) U;k;ikfydk dk] lHkh fo/k;h vf/fu;euksa
(c) the power of the Judiciary to review all the
legislative enactments before they are ds] jk"Vªifr }kjk mu ij lgefr çnku fd,
assented to by the President. tkus ds iwoZ] iqujh{k.k dk vf/dkjA
(d) the power of the Judiciary to review its own (d) U;k;ikfydk dk] leku ;k fHkUu oknksa esa iwo
judgments given earlier in similar or different esa fn, x, Lo;a ds fu.kZ;ksa ds iqujh{k.k dk
cases. vf/dkjA
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11. Consider the following statements: (2019) 11-fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft, % (2019)
1. The- motion to impeach a Judge of the 1- U;k;k/h'k (tk¡p) vf/fu;e] 1968 ds vuqlkj]
Supreme Court of India cannot be rejected Hkkjr ds mPpre U;k;ky; ds fdlh U;k;kèkh'k
by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha as per the ij egkfHk;ksx pykus ds çLrko dks yksd lHkk
Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968. ds vè;{k }kjk vLohdkj ugha fd;k tk ldrkA
2. The Constitution of India defines and gives 2- Hkkjr dk lafo/ku ;g ifjHkkf"kr djrk gS vkSj
details of what Constitutes ‘incapacity and C;kSjs nsrk gS fd D;k&D;k Hkkjr ds mPpre
proved misbehavior of the Judges of the U;k;ky; ds U;k;k/h'kksa dh v{kerk vkSj fl¼
Supreme Court of India. dnkpkj dks xfBr djrs gSaA
3. The details of the process of impeachment 3- Hkkjr ds mPpre U;k;ky; ds U;k;k/h'kksa ds
of the Judges of the Supreme Court of India egkfHk;ksx dh çfØ;k ds C;kSjs U;k;k/h'k (tk¡p)
are given in the Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968. vf/fu;e] 1968 esa fn, x, gSaA
4. If the motion for the impeachment of a Judge 4- ;fn fdlh U;k;k/h'k ds egkfHk;ksx ds çLrko
is taken up for voting, the law requires the dks ernku gsrq fy;k tkrk gS] rks fof/ }kjk
motion to be backed by each House of the visf{kr gS fd ;g çLrko laln ds çR;sd
Parliament and supported by a majority of lnu }kjk lefFkZr gks vkSj ml lnu dh dqy
total membership of that House and by not lnL; la[;k ds cgqer }kjk rFkk laln ds ml
less than two-thirds of total members of that lnu ds dqy mifLFkr vkSj er nsus okys
House present and voting. lnL;ksa ds de&ls&de nks&frgkbZ }kjk lefFkZ
Which of the statements given above is/are gksA
correct? mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa
(a) 1 and 2 (a) 1 vkSj 2
(b) 3 only (b) dsoy 3
(c) 3 and 4 only (c) dsoy 3 vkSj 4
(d) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1] 3 vkSj 4
12. Who/Which of the following is the Custodian 12- fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu Hkkjr ds lafo/ku dk
of the Constitution of India(2015) vfHkj{kd (dLVksfM;u) gS \ (2015)
(a) The President of India (a) Hkkjr dk jk"Vªifr
(b) The Prime Minister of India (b) Hkkjr dk ç/kuea=kh
(c) The Lok Sabha Secretariat (c) yksd lHkk lfpoky;
(d) The Supreme Court of India (d) Hkkjr dk mPp
re U;k;ky;
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13. With reference to the ‘Gram Nyayalaya 13-^xzke U;k;ky; vf/fu;e* ds lanHkZ esa
Act’, which of the following statements is/are fuEufyf•r dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@g
correct? (2016) (2016)
1. As per the Act, Gram Nyayalayas can hear 1- bl vf/fu;e ds vuqlkj xzke U;k;ky; dsoy
only civil cases and not criminal cases. flfoy ekeyksa dh lquokbZ dj ldrk gS vkijkf/
d ekeyksa dh ughaA
2. The Act allows local social activists as
mediators / reconciliations.
2- ;g vf/fu;e LFkkuh; lkekftd lfØ;rkokfn;ksa
dks eè;LFk@lqygdrkZ ds :i esa Lohdkj djrk
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(a) dsoy 1
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) dsoy 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
14. In India, Legal Services Authorities provide
free legal services to which of the following
14-Hkkjr esa] fofèkd lsok iznku djus oky izkfèkdj.k
type of citizens ? (2020) fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl izdkj ds ukxfjdksa dks
1. Person with an annual income of less than fu%'kqYd fofèkd lsok,¡ iznku djrs gSa\
1,00,000 1- # 1]00]000 ls de okf"kZd vk; okys O;fDr
2. Transgender with an annual income of less dks
than 2,00,000 2- # 2]00]000 ls de okf"kZd vk; okys VªkaltsaM
3. Member of Other Backward Classes dks
(OBC) with an annual income of less than 3- # 3]00]000 ls de okf"kZd vk; okys vU;
3,00,000 fiNM+s oxZ ds lnL; dks
4. All Senior Citizens 4- lHkh ofj"B ukxfjdksa dks
Select the correct answer using the code uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
given below : pqfu,A
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(b) 3 and 4 only (b) dsoy 3 vkSj 4
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
(d) 1 and 4 only (d) dsoy 1 vkSj
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2 Consider the following statements: (2016) 2- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,% (2016)
1. The minimum age prescribed for any person 1- fdlh Hkh O;fÙkQ ds fy, iapk;r dk lnL;
to be a member of Panchayat is 25 years. cuus ds fy, U;wure fu/kZfjr vk;q 25 o"kZ
2. A Panchayat reconstituted after premature gSA
dissolution continues only for the remainder
2- iapk;r ds le;iwoZ Hkax gksus ds i'pkr~ iquxZfBr
iapk;r dsoy vof'k"V le; ds fy, gh tkjh
Which of the statements given above is/are
jgrh gSA
mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@g
(a) 1 only
(a) dsoy 1
(b) 2 only
(b) dsoy 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) u rks 1] u gh 2
6. The Government enacted the Panchayat 6- ljdkj us vuqlwfpr {ks=k esa iapk;r foLrkj
Extension to Scheduled (2013) Areas (PESA) vf/fu;e dks 1996 esa vf/fu;fer fd;kA
Act in 1996. Which one of the following is
fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lk ,d mlds mís'; ds
not identified as its objective?
:i esa vfHkKkr ugha gS\
(a) To provide self-governance
(a) Lo'kklu çnku djuk
(b) To recognize traditional rights
(b) ikjEifjd vf/dkjksa dks ekU;rk nsuk
(c) To create autonomous regions in tribal areas
(c) tutkrh; {ks=k esa Lok;Ùk {ks=ks dk fuekZ.k dj
(d) To free tribal people from exploitation
(d) tutkrh; yksxksa dks 'kks"k.k ls eqÙkQ djkuk
8. The fundamental object of Panchayati Raj 8- iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk dk ewy mís'; D;k lqfuf'pr
system is to ensure which among the djuk gS \ (2015)
following? (2015) 1- fodkl esa tu&Hkkxhnkjh
1. People’s participation in development
2- jktuhfrd tokcnsgh
2. Political accountability
3- yksdrkaf=kd fodsUæhdj.k
3. Democratic decentralization
4- foÙkh; laxzg.k (iQkbusaf'k;y eksfcykbts'ku
4. Financial mobilization
uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
Select the correct answer using the code
given below pqfu,A
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (a) dsoy 1] 2 vkSj 3
3. With reference to the Delimitation 3- ifjlheu vk;ksx ds lUnHkZ esa fuEufyf•r dFkuksa
Commission, consider the following
ij fopkj dhft,% (2012)
statements : (2012)
1- ifjlheu vk;ksx ds vkns'kksa dks fdlh U;k;ky;
1. The orders of the Delimitation Commission
cannot be challenged in a Court of Law. esa pqukSrh ugha nh tk ldrhA
2. When the orders of the Delimitation 2- ifjlheu vk;ksx ds vkns'k tc yksd lHkk
Commission are laid before the Lok Sabha vFkok jkT; fo/ku lHkk ds lEeq• j•s tkrs gSa
or State Legislative Assembly, they cannot
rc mu vkns'kksa esa dksbZ la'kks/u ugh fd;k
effect any modifications in the orders.
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? mi;qÙkQ esa ls dkSu&lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gS
(a) 1 only (a) dsoy 1
(b) 2 only (b) dsoy 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuks
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
4. Consider the following statements: (2013)
Attorney General of India can 4- fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj djsa dhft,%(2013)
1. take part in the proceedings of the Lok 1- yksd lHkk dh dk;Zokgh esa Hkkx ys ldrk g
2. be a member of a committee of the Lok 2- yksd lHkk dh fdlh lfefr dk lnL; gks
Sabha ldrk gS
3. speak in the Lok Sabha 3- yksd lHkk esa cksy ldrk gS 4-yksd lHkk e
4. vote in the Lok Sabha ernku dj ldrk gS
Which of the statements given above is/are
mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS
(a) dsoy 1 (b) 2 vkSj 4
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 4 (c) 1] 2 vkSj 3 (d) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1 and 3 only 5- fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl fudk;@fdu fudk;ksa
dk lafo/ku esa mYys• ugha gS\ (2013)
5. Which of the following bodies does not/do
1- jk"Vªh; fodkl ifj"kn~
not find mention in the Constitution? (2013)
1. National Development Council 2- ;kstuk vk;ksx
2. Planning Commission 3- {ks=kh; ifj"knsa
3. Zonal Councils uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
Select the correct answer using the codes pqfu,A
given below.
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1] 2 vkSj 3
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9. With reference to National Legal Services 9- jk"Vªh; fof/d lsok çkf/dj.k ds lUnHkZ esa]
Authority, consider the following statements: fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft,%(2013)
(2013) 1- bldk mís'; leku voljksa ds vk/kj ij
1. Its objective is to provide free and lekt ds detksj oxks± dks fu%'kqYd ,oa l{ke
competent legal services to the weaker fof/d lsok,¡ miyC/ djkuk gSA
sections of the society on the basis of equal 2- ;g ns'k&Hkj esa fof/d dk;ZØeksa vkSj ;kstuk
opportunity. dks ykxw djus ds fy, jkT; fof/d lsok çkf/
2. It issues guidelines for the State Legal dj.kksa dks funZs'k tkjh djrk gSA
Services Authorities to implement the legal mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS
programmes and schemes throughout the (a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) u rks 1 vkSj u gh 2
Which of the statements given above is / are
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
10- Hkkjr esa ¶pk; cksMZ¸ ds lUnHkZ esa] fuEufyf•r ij
fopkj dhft, % (2022)
(C) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1- pk; cksMZ lkafof/d fudk; gS A
10. With reference to the “Tea Board” in India,
2- ;g Ñf"k ,oa fdlku dY;k.k ea=kky; ls layk
consider the following statements : (2022)
fu;ked fudk; gSA
1. The Tea Board is a statutory body.
2. It is a regulatory body attached to the Ministry 3- pk; cksMZ dk ç/ku dk;kZy; csaxyq# esa fLFkr
of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
2. The Tea Board’s Head Office is situated in 4- bl cksMZ ds nqcbZ vkSj ekWLdks esa fons'kh
3. The Board has overseas offices at Dubai and
mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa dkSu&ls lgh gSa \
(a) 1 vkSj 3 (b) 2 vkSj 4
Which of the statements given above are
correct? (c) 3 vkSj 4 (d) 1 vkSj 4
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
11- Hkkjr ds lUnHkZ esa] fuEufyf•r dFkuksa ij fopkj
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
dhft, % (2022)
11. With reference to India, consider the 1- ljdkjh fof/ vf/dkjh vkSj fof/d iQeZ vf/oÙkQk
following statements: (2022) ds :i esa ekU;rk&çkIr gSa] fdUrq dkWikZsjsV od
1. Government law officers and legal firms are isVsaV U;k;oknh vf/oÙkQk dh ekU;rk ls ckgj j•s
recognised as advocates, but corporate lawyers gSa A
and patent attorneys are excluded from
recognition as advocates. 2- fof/ ifj"knksa (ckj dkSaflyksa) dks fof/d f'k{kk v
2. Bar Councils have the power to lay down the fof/ egkfo|ky;ksa dh ekU;rk ds ckjs esa fu;e
rules relating to legal education and recognition
vfèkdfFkr djus dh 'kfÙkQ gSA
of law colleges.
Which of the statements given above is/are mi;ZqÙkQ dFkuksa esa dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gSa
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) dsoy 1 (b) dsoy 2
(c) Both 1 and (d) 2 Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa
(d) u rks 1] u gh 2
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S a n d h i Ja in
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1. Which of the following can be said to be
essentially the parts of Inclusive
1- fufEUyf•resa ls dkSu&ls ewyr% ^lekos'kh
Governance? (2012) ds vax dgs tk ldrs gSa\ (2012)
1. Permitting the Non-Banking Financial 1- xSj&cSfdax foÙkh; dEifu;ksa dks cSfdax
Companies to do banking dh vuqefr çnku djuk
2. Establishing effective District Planning
Committees in all the districts
2- lHkh ftyksa esa çHkkoh ftyk ;kstuk lfefr;k
3. Increasing the government spending on laxfBr djuk
public health 3- tu&LokLF; ij ljdkjh O;; esa c<+ksrjh djuk
4. Strengthening the Mid-day Meal Scheme 4- nksigj dk Hkkstu ;kstuk dk l'kfÙkQdj.k djuk
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below : fuEufyf•r dwV ds vk/kj ij lgh mÙkj pqfu,%
(a)1 and 2 only (a) 1 vkSj 2
(b) 3 and 4 only (b) dsoy 3 vkSj 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (c) 2] 3] vkSj 4
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1] 2 3] vkSj 4
2. In the context of India, which one of the
following is the characteristic appropriate for 2- Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa] ukSdj'kkgh dk fuEufyf[kr
bureaucracy? (2020) ls dkSu&lk mi;qDr pfj=k&fp=k.k gS\
(a) An agency for widening the scope of
(a) lalnh; yksdra=k dh O;kfIr dks foLrkj nsu
parliamentary democracy
(b) An agency for strengthening the structure of
okyk vfHkdj.k
federalism (b) la?kh; <¡kps dks lqn`<+ djus okyk vfHkdj
(c) An agency for facilitating political stability (c) jktuhfrd LFkkf;Ro vkSj vkfFkZd o`f¼ d
and economic growth
lqyHk cukus okyk vfHkdj.k
(d) An agency for the implementation of public
policy (d) yksd uhfr dks dk;kZfUor djus okyk vfHkdj.k
3. Which of the following provisions of the 3- Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu ls
Constitution of India have a bearing on
Education? (2012)
çkoèkku f'k{kk ij çHkko Mkyrs gS\ (2012)
1. Directive Principles of State Policy 1- jkT; dh uhfr ds funs'kd rRo
2. Rural and Urban Local Bodies 2- xzkeh.k vkSj 'kgjh LFkkuh; fudk;
3. Fifth Schedule 3- iape vuqlwph
4. Sixth Schedule
4- "k"V vuqlwph
5. Seventh Schedule
Select the correct answer using the codes 5- lIre vuqlwph
given below : (a) dsoy 1 vkSj 2
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) dsoy 2] 3] vkSj 4
(b) 3, 4 and 5 only
(c) dsoy 1] 2] 3 vkSj 4
(c) 1, 2 and 5 only
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (d) 1] 2] 3 4 vkSj 5
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4. With reference to the Union Government, 4- la?k ljdkj ds lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa ij
consider the following statements: (2021) fopkj dhft,%
1. N. Gopalaswamy Iyengar Committee 1- ,u- xksikykLokeh vk;axj lfefr us lq>ko
suggested that a minister and a secretary be fn;k Fkk fd fdlh ea=kh vkSj fdlh lfpo dks
designated solely for pursuing the subject of
iz'kklfud lqèkkj djus vkSj mls c<+kok nsus ds
administrative reform and promoting it.
fy, iw.kZr% ukfer fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
2. In 1970, the Department of personnel was
constituted on the recommendation of the 2- iz'kklfud lqèkkj vk;ksx] 1966 dh laLrqfr ds
Administrative Reforms Commission, 1966, vkèkkj ij o"kZ 1970 esa dkfeZd foHkkx dk
and this was placed under the Prime xBu fd;k x;k vkSj bls izèkkuea=kh ds izHkkj ds
Minister's charge. vèkhu j[kk x;kA
Which of the statements given above is/are mi;qr dFkuks esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS
(a) dsoy 1
(a) 1 only
(b) dsoy 2
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 1 vksj 2 nksuksa
SANG EETA RAG H AV Pank huri Jain Rajat Kumar Rai Abhishek Kumar
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1. Consider the following statements: (2018)
1- fuEuyf•r dFkuks ij fopkj dhft, % (2018)
1. In the first Lok Sabha, the single largest
1- igyh yksd lHkk esa foi{k esa lcls cM+k
party in the opposition was the Swatantra
jktfufrd ny LorU=k ikVhZ FkkA
2. In the Lok Sabha, a “Leader of the 2- yksdlHkk esa ¶usrk&çfri{k¸ dks loZçFke 19
Opposition” was recognised for the first time esa ekU;rk ugha fey ldrh gSA
in 1969. 3- yksd lHkk esa ;fn fdlh ny ds U;wure 75
3. In the Lok Sabha, if a party does not have a lnL; u gks rks mlds usrk dks usrk & çfri{k
minimum of 75 members, its leader cannot ds :i esa ekU;rk ugha fey ldrh gSA
be recognised as the Leader of the
mi;qr dFkuks esa ls dkSu&lk@ls lgh gS@gS
(a) dsoy 1 vkSj 3
Which of the statements given above is/are
(b) dsoy 2
(a) 1 and 3 only (c) dsoy 2 vkSj 3
3. In India, which of the following review the 3- Hkkjr esa nwjlapkj] chek] fo|qr~ vkfn tSls {ks=kks
independent regulators in sectors like esa Lora=k fu;kedksa dk iqujh{k.k fuEufyf•r esa
telecommunications, insurance, electricity, ls dkSu djrs@djrh gSa\ (2019)
etc.? (2019) 1- laln }kjk xfBr rnFkZ lfefr;k¡
1. Ad Hoc Committees set up by the
2- lalnh; foHkkx laca/h LFkk;h lfefr;k¡
2. Parliamentary Department Related Standing 3- foÙk vk;ksx
Committees 4- foÙkh; {ks=k fo/k;h lq/kj vk;ksx
3. Finance Commission 5- uhfr(NITI) vk;ksx
4. Financial Sector Legislative Reforms
uhps fn, x, dwV dk ç;ksx dj lgh mÙkj
5. NITI Aayog
(a) 1 vkSj 2
Select the correct answer using the code
given below. (b) 1] 3 vkSj 4
(a) 1 and 2 (c) 3] 4 vkSj 5
(b) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2 vkSj 5
(c) 3, 4 and 5
(d) 2 and 5
4- xk¡èkhokn vkSj ekDlZokn ds chp ,d leku
4. One commont agreement between Gandhism
lgefr ikbZ tkrh gSA ;g fuEufyf[kr esa ls
and Marxism is (2020) dkSu&lh gS\
(a) the final goal of a stateless society (a) ,d vafre y{; ds :i esa jkT;foghu lekt
(b) class struggle (b) oxZ la?k"kZ
(c) abolition of private property (c) futh laifÙk dh lekfIr
(d) economic determinism
(d) vkfFkZd fu;frokn
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67 Answer Key
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