ECON 2122 Outline

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ECONOMICS EC2122A-001/002/003
Department of Economics
Western University
September 2023
Instructor: Phuong Vu
Office: 4160 SSC
Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 85323

Office hours: Mondays 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM (in-person at 4160 SSC)

Wednesdays 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM (in-person at 4160 SSC)

Delivery mode: In-person

Meeting time(s):
Section 001: Mondays 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM and Wednesdays 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Section 002: Tuesdays 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM and Thursdays 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Section 003: Mondays 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM and Wednesdays 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Classroom: FNB3210
Course website:
Undergraduate inquiries: 519-661-3507 or SSC Room 4075 or


You are responsible for ensuring you are registered in the correct courses. If you are not
registered in this course, the Department will not release any of your marks until your
registration is corrected. You may check your timetable by using the Login on the Student
Services website at If you notice a problem, please contact your home
Faculty Academic Counsellor immediately.

Prerequisite/Antirequisite Note:

Antirequisite(s): Biology 2244A/B, Economics 2222A/B, Geography 2210A/B, Health

Sciences 3801A/B, MOS 2242A/B, Psychology 2811A/B, the former Psychology 2810, the
former Psychology 2820E, Psychology 2830A/B, Psychology 2850A/B, Psychology
2851A/B, Social Work 2207A/B, Sociology 2205A/B, Statistical Sciences 2035, Statistical
Sciences 2141A/B, Statistical Sciences 2143A/B, Statistical Sciences 2244A/B, Statistical
Sciences 2858A/B. Note: Students wishing to enroll in higher-level courses in the Department
of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences are encouraged to consult that department.

Prerequisite(s): Economics 1021A/B and Economics 1022A/B; and one of

MCV4U, Mathematics 0110A/B, Calculus 1000A/B, Calculus 1500A/B, Mathematics
1225A/B, or Mathematics 1230A/B.

You are responsible for ensuring that you have successfully completed all course prerequisites,
and that you have not taken any anti-requisite courses. Lack of prerequisites may not be used as

a basis for appeal. If you are found to be ineligible for a course, you may be removed from it at
any time and you will receive no adjustment to your fees. This decision cannot be appealed.

If you find that you do not have the course prerequisites, it is in your best interest to drop the
course well before the end of the add/drop period. Your prompt attention to this matter will not
only help protect your academic record but will ensure that spaces become available for students
who require the course in question for graduation.

Course Description:

An introduction to econometric description and inference which covers descriptive statistics

for cross-section and time-series samples, probability; probability distributions and random
variables; estimators and sampling distributions; confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses;
simple linear regression.

Course Objectives:

Economics 2122 is an introductory course in statistics with applications in economics and

business. Statistics deals with collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting empirical
data. Thus, the main objective of this course is to train students in basic statistical techniques
including descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics covered include data description,
probability theory, sampling distribution, and hypothesis testing.

Course Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of Economics 2122A, students will be able to:

1. Represent economic relationships using graphical and mathematical methods.
2. Calculate and interpret probabilities.
3. Calculate and interpret probability distributions for discrete and continuous random
4. Calculate and interpret confidence intervals and understand the process of hypothesis
5. Make inferences about populations based upon quantitative analysis of sample data.

Textbook(s) and Course Materials:

Statistics for Business and Economics, 8th edition, by Newbold, Carlson, and Thorne

Bookstore link:


MyEconLab (MyLab): (Optional but highly Recommended)

• Website:
• Course ID: Section 001 (minhvu61234); Section 002 (minhvu73400); Section 003
• To register for MyLab for this course, see the student registration handout for MyLab
Economics on the course website under Resources folder.

• Students must register for MyLab Economics using their UWO email and UWO
student number. Students using emails other than their UWO email and/or without
their UWO student number will be removed. If an account is removed, all activities
associated with that account will also be removed.

Classroom Policies:
• Please note that standard rules of etiquette apply in the classroom. They include but not
limited to:
o Give full attention to anyone speaking, whether the person is the instructor or a
fellow student.
o Turn off (or put on vibrate) your cellphone. Do not answer your cellphone in
class. Also do not text during class.
o Be on time for class. If you are late or must leave early, enter and exit as
quietly as possible.
o Videography/photography is NOT permitted as it may violate the privacy of
your classmates.
• You are expected to attend class on a regular basis. If you miss a class, it is your
responsibility to find out what you have missed from a classmate. There are no further
lecture notes other than what is available on OWL.

Email Policies:
• Please use your UWO email address in all communications as I am not allowed to
respond to non-UWO email.
• In your email subject, please include your name/student number/course number and
section number as it will help me process your request or answer your questions faster.
• I will try to respond to all emails within 48 hours except for weekends and/or holidays.
• Please note that I might NOT respond to email such as following:
o Any question that is on this syllabus or elsewhere on OWL such as exam time
and date, course materials, makeup policy etc. If you are not clear about any
provided information, feel free to ask me at the end of the lectures.
o Requests for EXTRA assignments, reweighting of exams, assignments etc. as
they are prohibited under Senate regulations.
o Requests for any extra lecture notes other than the ones provided on the OWL
course page.

Technical Requirements (delete or add, as applicable)

• Laptop or computer
• Stable internet connection
• Microphone
• Webcam

For technical support, see the OWL help page or contact Western Technology Services
Helpdesk ( Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are
the preferred browsers for OWL; update your browser frequently.

Tentative Course Schedule and Topics Covered:

Chapter 2 (Week 1): Describing Data: Numerical

Chapter 3 (Week 2): Probability

Chapter 4 (Week 3): Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions

Chapter 5 (Week 4): Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions

Chapter 6 (Week 5, 6): Sampling and Sampling Distributions

Chapter 7 (Week 6, 7): Estimation: Single Population

Chapter 8 (Week 7, 8): Estimation: Additional Topics

Chapter 9 (Week 9, 10): Hypothesis Testing: Single Population

Chapter 10 (Week 11, 12): Hypothesis Testing: Additional Topics

• There are no classes and official office hours on Thanksgiving (Oct 9, 2023) and
during the Reading Week (Oct 30 to Nov 5, 2023).
• Weeks are counted Thursday to Wednesday.
• The tentative course schedule is subjected to changes. Any changes to this schedule
will be provided in class. Some chapters will not be covered entirely. Please see OWL
for details on the material covered for each chapter. Students will be held responsible
for all material presented in lectures, regardless of whether the material appears in the

Assessments and Grading:

Assessment Tentative Time and Date: Chapters Weights

Midterm 1 Friday, Oct 13, 2023, 5:00PM-7:00PM Ch. 2-5 25%
Midterm 2 Friday, Nov 10, 2023, 5:00PM-7:00PM Ch. 6-8 25%
Final Exam TBA Ch. 2-10 50%

• Please note that all times and dates mentioned above are tentative and subject to the
approval of the Office of Registrar. Also, please note that in the event that classes
move to online status, the assessment dates, times, and choices may change. All times
are Eastern Time.

• The midterms and the final exam will be closed book and will be held in person.
Assessments are in a mixed format (a combination of multiple choice, true/false,
calculation/graphing, and/or fill-in-the-blank questions, etc.).

• Policies regarding missed assessments:
o Midterm exams:
 For students who know in advance that they have a conflict with an
exam, it is your responsibility to inform the instructor by September 30,
2023. There will be ONE makeup for students whose documentation
has been approved by Academic Counseling for missing the exam.
Students must also follow the rules for notifying me regarding missed
assessments specified on OWL. This makeup will most likely be
BEFORE the original exam date. Students with approved
documentation who cannot attend the makeup will have the weight of
the exam shifted to the final exam.
 For those who miss an exam and whose documentation is approved by
both Academic Counselling and the instructor, the weight of the
assessment will be transferred to the final exam.
o Final Exam:
 If the instructor and Academic Counselling accept your documentation,
you are eligible to take a makeup exam which will be set by the
Department of Economics. The makeup Final exam will be held
AFTER the original Final exam date.
o For all missed exams, you must take your documentation to Academic
Counselling within 48 hours of the exam. You must also notify your instructor
within 24 hours of the exam that you have missed. You must meet both
deadlines, and failure of not doing so will result in a grade of zero.
o Missing both midterms and/or the final exam is likely to result in an inability to
meet the course learnings outcomes and/or to pass the course.
o Makeup assessments may differ in length and format from the originally
scheduled assessments.

• Note: Missed work can only be excused through one of the mechanisms above. Being
asked not to attend an in-person course requirement due to potential COVID-19
symptoms is not sufficient on its own. Students should check the Western website to
see what directives for Covid are to be followed. Western has been and will continue to
follow directives established by the Middlesex-London Health Unit. That directive will
state whether students should or should not come to campus/class and any other
requirements (e.g., masks are mandatory). Please check on your own and do not email
the instructor, the Department Undergraduate Advisor/Coordinator or the Faculty of
Social Science Academic Counselling Office.

Professionalism, Privacy and Copyright:

• Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct.

• All lectures and course materials, including slides, presentations, outlines, and similar
materials, are protected by copyright. Students may take notes and make copies of
course materials for their own educational purposes only.
• Students may not record lectures, reproduce (or allow others to reproduce), post or
distribute lecture notes, assessments, or any other course materials publicly and/or for
commercial purposes without written consent of the instructor.
• Recordings (audio or video) are not permitted without explicit, written permission of
the instructor. Permitted recordings may not be distributed or shared.

Tips on How to Be Successful in this Class:

Students in this class should understand the level of autonomy and self-discipline required to
be successful.

• Make it a daily habit to log onto OWL to ensure you have seen everything posted to
help you succeed in this class.
• Follow weekly checklists created on OWL or create your own to help you stay on
• Regularly attend our class and work as many problems as you need to do to feel
comfortable with the material. There are problems on MyLab, at the end of the chapter
in the textbook, and further practice questions. To be successful in this class, active
learning is required.
• Connect with others. Try forming an online/in-person study group and meet on a
weekly basis for study and peer support.
• Do not be afraid to ask questions. If you have questions or are struggling with a topic, I
encourage you to email me, come to my office hours to discuss your questions, or ask
me questions at the end of the class if time allows.

Please Note
Department & University Policies for Fall 2023

The University expects all students to take responsibility for their own Academic Programs.
Students should also check their registration to ensure they are enrolled in the correct courses.

1. Guidelines, policies, and your academic rights and responsibilities are posted online in
the current Western Academic Calendar at: Claiming that
“you didn’t know what to do” is not an acceptable excuse for not following the stated
policies and procedures.

2. Students must familiarize themselves with the “Rules of Conduct for Examinations”

3. Cheating as an academic offence: Students are responsible for understanding what it

means to “cheat.” The Department of Economics treats cheating incidents very seriously
and will investigate any suspect behavior. Students found guilty will incur penalties that
could include a failing grade or being barred from future registration in other Economics
courses or programs. The University may impose further penalties such as suspension or

4. Plagiarism: Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words. When
taking an idea/passage from another author, it must be acknowledged with quotation marks
where appropriate and referenced with footnotes or citations. Plagiarism is an academic
offence (see Scholastic Discipline for Undergraduate Students in the Western Calendar at

Western University uses software to check for plagiarism and students may be required to
electronically submit their work. Those found guilty will be penalized as noted in point 3.

5. It is a Department of Economics policy that NO assignments be dated, stamped or accepted

by staff. Students must submit assignments to the instructor.

6. Appeals: University policies and procedures for appealing a mark can be found in the
Student Academic Appeals section in the current Western Academic Calendar at:
yID=1&SelectedCalendar=Live&ArchiveID=#Page_14. Please note the relevant

Department of Economics procedures for appealing a mark can be found here:
ml#appeals. The Department will not consider an appeal unless an attempt has been made
to settle the matter with the instructor first. Students who remain dissatisfied with the
outcome may proceed to submit an appeal to Please follow the
instructions and use the appeal form shown in the above link.

7. Systematic adjustments of a class grade distribution (either up or down) can occur in
Economics courses. The fact that grades have been adjusted is not grounds for an appeal.

8. Note the following add and drop deadlines:

- Deadline to ADD OR DROP a first term full or half course: Fri, Sept 15, 2023
- Deadline to WITHDRAW from a first term full or half course: Mon, Nov 13, 2023

Policy Regarding Makeup Tests and Final Examinations

Faculty of Social Science policy states that oversleeping or misreading an exam schedule is
NOT grounds for a makeup. This rule applies to midterm and final exams in the Department of

Policies Regarding Academic Accommodation

• Academic accommodation will not be granted automatically on request. Students must

demonstrate by documentation that there are compelling medical or compassionate
grounds before academic accommodation will be considered. The Faculty of Social
Science’s policies on academic accommodation are found at

• Accommodation for Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities or

accessi bi l i ty chal l en g es shoul d work with Accessible Education (formerly SSD,
see, which provides
recommendations for accommodation based on medical documentation or
psychological and cognitive testing. The accommodation policy can be found here:
Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.

• Rewriting Exams and Retroactive Reweighting are NOT Permitted: Students who
proceed to write a test or examination must be prepared to accept the mark. Rewriting
tests or examinations, or retroactive reweighting of marks, is not permitted. Students
must also book travel arrangements AFTER final exam dates have been posted as they
must not conflict with test or final exams.

• Unless medically incapable of doing so, students must notify their instructor prior to the
test date or at least within 24 hours when requesting a makeup exam. Failure to follow
this procedure may result in denial of academic accommodation and a grade of zero.
Students should also set up an appointment as soon as possible to meet with their
instructor. If the instructor is not available, send an email message to the instructor,
copying the Undergraduate Coordinator at Notifying instructors of
a missed exam does not automatically entitle students to a makeup.

• For medical illnesses, students may consult Student Health Services and request a
Student Medical Certificate from the physician. If assessed by an off-campus doctor,
students must obtain a certificate from his/her office at the time of the
visit/assessment.Student Medical Certificate (SMC) is available here:

• Documentation for Accommodation: Individual instructors are not permitted to
receive documentation directly from a student, whether in support of an application for
consideration on medical grounds or for other reasons.

• Western University policy on Consideration for Student Absence is available here:

• Religious Accommodation: Students should consult the University's list of

recognized religious holidays and should give reasonable notice in writing, prior to the
holiday, to the Instructor and an Academic Counsellor if their course requirements will
be affected by a religious observance. Additional information is given in the Western
Multicultural Calendar.

Policy Regarding Class Attendance and Engagement: If the instructor deems a student’s
attendance or engagement in the class to be unsatisfactory, that student may be prohibited from
writing the final examination. Examples of unsatisfactory class engagement include frequent
absences from an in-person or synchronous online class, lack of assignment submissions, and
inadequate use of online course materials. Instructors who intend to make use of this policy will
notify the student in advance.

Statement on Mental Health and Support Services: Students under emotional/mental

distress should visit for more information and a
complete list of resources on how to obtain help.

Statement on Remote Proctoring: While Western intends to hold most classes, mid-terms
and finals in-person, the London-Middlesex Health unity may require western to teach in a
remote format. If this occurs, all assessments will be done remotely and may involve the use of
remote proctoring software (i.e., Proctorio, ProctorTrack). Instructors will provide information
on the details should the need arise.

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