Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen

First, let us offer adoration and praise for the presence of Allah SWT, because with His
permission and blessings, we can all gather and meet in this holy majlis. On this
occasion it is an honor for me to stand in front of the audience to deliver a short speech
entitled “The Importance of Seeking Knowledge”


Education is a very important part of developing one’s personality. The existence of

education will bring extraordinary changes in a person so that changes will occur in the
community. Because with education, much of the knowledge gained will be useful in
solving problems that exist in the world.

In seeking knowledge, what you need to know is that you don’t have to think about
certificates, the salary you will get from studying and other benefits that you will get
after studying. Because basically Allah has explained, seeking knowledge is obligatory,
because it has been proven that everything will require knowledge.

In addition, in Islam it has also been conveyed that apart from studying knowledge, as a
Muslim it is required to continue to practice it. Because knowledge is a source of reward
that will never run out even though we are gone in life in this world. Therefore, Allah
SWT has promised to elevate the degree of every knowledgeable person both in this
world and in the hereafter.

With the promise of Allah SWT, as a faithful servant, he must always obey his Lord.
Because by following all the prohibitions and orders, success in life in this world and in
the hereafter will be guaranteed. So from that as an ordinary human being should seek
knowledge for the provision of life in this world and in the hereafter.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the short speech in English that I convey, I hope it will
provide as many benefits as possible about the importance of studying knowledge for
all of our lives, both in this world and in the hereafter.

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