Persuasive Speech Viche
Persuasive Speech Viche
Persuasive Speech Viche
Npm: 19040056
Class: Speech
Persuasive speech
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
I say good luck to the ladies and gentlemen who heard my short speech.
this time I will deliver a speech about ” the importance of studying”
Knowledge is one of the things that we must have, because with knowledge
we can live life more easily. Demanding knowledge has actually been
required by Allah SWT since the time of the prophet and Allah has fulfilled
his servants who seek knowledge in the way of Allah SWT, then Allah SWT
will raise his degree.
Allah SWT really likes his clever servants, and Allah SWT will be even
happier if his servants can teach and share with others. Knowledge that is
beneficial to many people is one of three unbroken practices, even though
we have died. Therefore, we are competing in pursuing knowledge.
Because there are many words of Allah SWT in the Qur'an which explain
the importance of knowledge.
The place that we do most and often is studying in school. Many say that
school is the most appropriate place for the teaching and learning process.
In fact, wherever we are in a good place to study and take lessons in every
incident we have ever experienced. Because, we can make it an experience
in the future.
Dear attendees,
There is not much I can say. It's just that I invite my friends and siblings
and teachers who are present today to study together wherever and
I will end today's speech. Sorry for all the shortcomings and to Allah I ask
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh