Pharmacology of Natural Radioprotectors
Pharmacology of Natural Radioprotectors
Pharmacology of Natural Radioprotectors
Received: 15 April 2018 / Accepted: 12 October 2018 / Published online: 25 October 2018
The Author(s) 2018
1034 G. Mun et al.
Pharmacology of natural radioprotectors 1035
Fig. 3 Pharmacological
classification of agents with
radiation protection properties
(modified from Bourgier et al.
2012). Radioprotectors are
classified according to when
they are administered in relation
to radiation and/or its effects.
Radioprotectors are
administered before radiation
exposure to prevent the
occurrence of either acute or
late effects. Mitigators reduce
the action of radiation on
normal tissues before radiation
emergence syndrome.
Therapeutic agents are
administered after radiation
exposure to treat late effects
Over the last few decades, many natural and synthetic Underlying mechanisms of radioprotectors
compounds have been investigated for their potential as
radioprotectors. However, amifostine, developed by the Antioxidation
U.S. Army Anti-Radiation Drug Development Program, is
the only chemical radioprotector currently approved by the During radiation exposure, IR generates free radicals and
FDA. Amifostine has disadvantages such as limited ROS, which result in cellular damage. Free radicals induce
administration routes, narrow administration window for DNA damage by introducing base damage, DNA double-
efficacy, high cost, and limited protection of organs (Cheki strand breaks (DSBs), and DNA–DNA or DNA–protein
et al. 2016). Thus, while chemical radioprotectors remain a cross-links. These effects can alter gene expression and
subject of active research, their efficacy is often limited by cause protein modifications, cell death, senescence, and
high toxicity, side effects, and high cost. Due to the genomic instability. Exposure of cells to a typical clinical
inherent toxicity of synthetic chemicals, an interest in dose of IR has been shown to result in an average of 1000
natural plants and phytochemicals as a potential source of DNA single-strand breaks (SSB), 40 DNA DSBs, and 3000
radioprotectors has developed. Naturally occurring com- damaged bases per Gray (Gy) (Hall and Giaccia 2012).
pounds with discrete bio-activities are being widely Since most of this IR damage arises from interaction of IR-
examined for their potential ability to provide health ben- induced free radicals with biomolecules, agents that can
efits, and a number of naturally occurring compounds have destroy free radicals or prevent formation of free radicals
demonstrated radioprotective activities. Since naturally can inhibit these reactions and function as radioprotectors.
occurring compounds are typically less toxic than synthetic Free radicals are short-lived and interact rapidly with bio-
compounds and can be less expensive, they are preferable molecules (Lobo et al. 2010). Therefore, to provide proper
sources of radioprotectors. Therefore, screening of natu- radioprotection, effective molecules need to be present in
rally occurring compounds is a major focus for new drug the cellular systems at a sufficient concentration at the time
discovery. This review evaluates the radioprotective effects of IR exposure.
of naturally occurring compounds and the mechanisms
underlying these effects (Table 2; Figs. 4, 5).
1036 G. Mun et al.
Table 1 FDA approved- or IND application drugs for radioprotectors, mitigators, and therapeutic agents
Categories Generic name (chemical names and Specific use FDA References
pharmaceutical labels) status
Nutraceuticals- Genistein (40 5,7 trihydroxy- Survival and organ system protection (i.e., IND Day et al.
Isoflavonoids isoflavonoid; Bio 300TM) marrow, gut, and lung) (2008)
Landauer et al.
Zhou and Mi
Immunomodulator- CBLB502 (bioengineered truncated Enhancement of survival and protection of IND Burdelya et al.
TLR-5 agonist Salmonella sp. flagellin; marrow and gut damage in selective animal (2008)
EntolimodTM) models Krivokrysenko
et al. (2012)
Cortical steroid 5-AED (androst-5-ene-3b, 17b-diol; Enhancement of survival and protection of bone IND Stickney et al.
metabolite Neumune) marrow damage (2007)
Whitnall et al.
Corticosteroid BDP/SGX201 (corticosteroid- Mitigation of radiation enteritis and promotion of IND Singh et al.
beclomethasone 17,21- survival (2015)
dipropionate; OrbeShieldTM)
Free-radical AEOL 10150 (Mn prophyrin SOD Mitigation of lung damage; upregulates IND Garofalo et al.
quencher-Meso- mimic) antioxidant system (2014)
prophyrin mimetic Orrell (2006)
Recombinant growth rhu G-CSF (filgrastim; Neupogen) Hemopathological indication; stimulation of IND Farese et al.
factor neutrophil production; risk reduction of life- (2013)
threatening infections Gourmelon
et al. (2010)
Recombinant Rhu IL-12 (HemaMaxTM) Experimental IND status; enhancement of survival IND Basile et al.
cytokines and protection of marrow and gut damage (2012)
Poltorak et al.
Xiong et al.
Binding agents Prussian Blue (Radiogardase) Chelating agent for Cesium-137 Approved Hussar (2005)
Blocking agent KI Thyroid uptake/blocking agent for radio-iodides Approved Hammond
(Iodine-131, Iodide-125) et al. (2007)
5-hydroxy Granisetron (Kytril) Minimizing emetic effects of acute radiation Approved Lanciano et al.
tryptamine exposure (2001)
Chemical protectants Amifostine/WR2721 (2-(3- Cytoprotection (survival protection; systemic Approved Culy and
aminopropyl) protection of organ systems, but specifically Spencer
aminoethylphosphorothioate; marrow and gut) (2001)
EthyolTM) Ormsby et al.
Cytokines and Palifermin (Kepivance) Stimulation of differentiation, proliferation, DNA Approved Finch and
growth factor repair, and detoxification of ROS Rubin (2004)
TLR Toll-like receptor, AED androstenediol, SOD superoxide dismutase, BDP beclomethasone 17,21-dipropionate, G-CSF granulocyte colony
stimulating factor
Pharmacology of natural radioprotectors 1037
Apigenin Parsley, Celery, Chamomile Anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and anti-progression Begum et al. (2012)
Bergenin Caesalpinia digyna Activation of the MAP kinase and ERK pathways and protection Dwivedi et al.
against radiation damage (2017)
Veerapur et al.
Caffeine Coffee beans Protection against the oxic component of damage in rat liver Hall and Giaccia
mitochondria (2012)
Inhibition of radiation-mediated chromosomal aberrations in
mouse bone marrow cells
Chlorogenic acid/ Cinchona bark, Coffee Anti-inflammation, anti-mutagenic, DNA damage inhibition, and Cinkilic et al.
quinic acid beans anti-oxidation (2013)
Coniferyl aldehyde Eucommia ulmoides Induction of heat shock transcription factor 1 and protection Kim et al. (2015)
against radiation damage Nam et al. (2013)
Curcumin Turmeric root Reduction of gastrointestinal symptoms during chemotherapy and Verma (2016)
radiation therapy
Reduction of mucositis during radiation therapy
Reduction of radiation dermatitis and desquamation
Delphinidin Carrot, Tomato, Red onion, Anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation Watson and
Cranberries, Concord Schonlau (2015)
grapes, etc Jeong et al. (2016)
Epigallocatechin-3- Camellia sinensis Increased levels of several anti-oxidant enzymes Zhu et al. (2016)
gallate Protection of skin cells against radiation-induced damage and Zhang et al. (2016)
radioprotective effects against several radiation-mediated
Ferulic acid Rice, Green tea, Coffee Protection against radiation-induced damage and enhancement of Das et al. (2014)
beans DNA repair Kikuzaki et al.
Prevention of radiation-induced micronuclei and dicentric (2002)
aberrations in human lymphocytes Zhao et al. (2003)
Enhancement of survival in mice after radiation
Genistein Genista tictoria, etc. Protection against acute radiation injury Davis et al. (2007)
Multiple mechanisms (e.g., antioxidant, free radical scavenger, Grace et al. (2007)\
anti-inflammatory, activation of the DNA repair enzyme Gadd45 Ahmad et al.
Hesperidin Citrus fruit Efficient radioprotection in rat lung tissue Fardid et al. (2016)
Protection of lipid peroxidation during radiation-induced tissue Rezaeyan et al.
damage in rats (2016)
Lycopene Tomato, Watermelon, Pink Protection against radiation-induced chromosomal damage in Kelkel et al. (2011)
grapefruit, Papaya, etc human lymphocytes Srinivasan et al.
Increased survival after radiation exposure (2009)
N-Acetyl tryptophan Bacillus subtilis Overcoming radiation-induced apoptosis by improving Malhotra et al.
glucopyranoside cytoprotective cytokines (2015)
(NATG) Enhancement of antioxidant enzymes against radiation-induced Malhotra et al.
damage (2018)
Psoralidin Psoralea corylifolia Inhibition of radiation-induced PI3 K-IKK-IjB signaling pathway Chiou et al. (2011)
and COX-2 expression Yang et al. (2011)
Suppression of radiation-induced expression of pro-inflammatory
Sesamol Sesame seeds, Sesame oil Strong ROS scavenging and antioxidant properties Kanimozhi and
Prasad (2009)
Mishra et al. (2011)
1038 G. Mun et al.
Table 2 continued
Natural compounds Source Radioprotective effects References
Troxerutin Sophora japonica Protection against radiation-induced damage to the salivary glands Maurya et al.
and mucosa (2004)
Inhibition of lipid peroxidation in the membranes of subcellular
Differential protection of normal cells in irradiated tumor-bearing
mice: protection in blood leukocytes and bone marrow cells but
not in tumor cells
Vanillin Vanilla orchid (Vanilla Suppression of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in cells Kumar et al. (2000)
planifolia, V. fragrans) and in mice
Anti-mutagenic effects
Zingerone Ginger Anti-oxidation Ahmad et al.
Rao and Rao
Zymosan A Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protection from radiation-induced apoptosis by upregulating the Du et al. (2018)
levels of cytokines
Protection of cells from radiation-induced DNA damage
After exposure to IR, various pro-inflammatory cytokines mediates IR-induced fibrosis of the lungs and skin (Straub
and chemokines such as interleukin-1, interleukin-6, tumor et al. 2015). For example, mice fed flaxseed (which is
necrosis factor a, and transforming growth factor b (TGF- found in Linum usitatissimum) had reduced expression of
b) are generated (Di Maggio et al. 2015). TGF-b is of TGF-b and lung injury biomarkers such as Bax and p21,
particular importance in IR damage because this cytokine
Pharmacology of natural radioprotectors 1039
and this was accompanied by reduced lung inflammation modulating the regeneration of hematopoietic cells and
and lung fibrosis after radiation therapy (Lee et al. 2009). stimulating the immune system (e.g., by increasing the
number of spleen colony-forming units) are effective
DNA repair and cell recovery processes therapeutic strategies for overcoming IR-induced damage.
As such, various endogenous compounds such as immune-
Oxidative free radicals can damage DNA by introducing modulators, growth factors, and cytokines have been found
SSB, DSB, and base lesions. While it is important to pre- to be effective radioprotectors. For example, the endoge-
vent cellular damage, cellular recovery pathways and nous agents IL-1, TNF-a, granulocyte colony-stimulating
repair processes can also mitigate this damage. Several factor (G-CSF), stem cell factor (SCF), erythropoietin
studies have suggested that cellular recovery and repair (EPO), and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
processes can be enhanced by radioprotectors. Specifically, factor (GM)-CSF have been investigated as potential
the DNA SSB repair system is absent in cells deficient in radioprotectors. These agents stimulate stem cell progeni-
glutathione (GSH) synthesis, suggesting that thiols such as tors and promote hematopoietic bone marrow (BM)
GSH might be involved in the repair of DNA SSB. DNA repopulation (Dumont et al. 2010; Schaue et al. 2012).
precursor-synthesizing enzymes such as ribonucleotide Hence, agents that upregulate endogenous radioprotective
reductase also have an important role in DNA repair, and factors can also act as radioprotectors.
mammalian ribonucleotide reductase activity is induced by
DNA damage. Specifically, this enzyme maintains the Molecular-based radioprotection
deoxyribonucleotide concentration, which is important in
the excision repair process (Sharygin et al. 2005; Thelander Recent studies have focused on understanding the signaling
2007). Overall, higher cellular pools of DNA precursors and apoptotic pathways involved in IR damage and iden-
can create a radioprotective cellular environment, and tifying the events that occur late in these pathways as
drugs and chemicals that stimulate the activity of precur- potential targets for post-irradiation intervention. For
sor-synthesizing enzymes can function as radioprotectors. instance, ATM/ATR, a sensing protein and p53 tumor
suppressor, regulates the DNA damage pathway. ATM/
Regeneration (hematopoietic and immunostimulant ATR plays a key role in triggering apoptotic cell death by
compounds) upregulating pro-apoptotic proteins such as Apaf-1, Noxa,
and Bax after IR. Recent studies demonstrated that pifi-
IR exposure leads to dose-dependent defects of the lym- thrin-l, a small-molecule inhibitor of p53, protected thy-
phoid and hematopoietic systems through a complex cas- mocytes from IR-induced apoptosis and reduced IR-
cade known as hematopoietic syndrome, which can result induced death when injected into mice before IR exposure
in septicemia and death (Guo et al. 2015). Hence, (Strom et al. 2006). Similarly, overexpression of Bcl2, an
1040 G. Mun et al.
inhibitor of pro-apoptotic proteins, in transgenic mice has side effects including nausea, vomiting, cephalalgia, and
also been shown to effectively increase the survival of hypotension.
irradiated mice by protecting against IR-induced apoptosis However, many natural compounds, such as hormones
in hematopoietic cells (Erlacher et al. 2005). In addition, and vitamins, also confer some level of radioprotection.
some studies have suggested that STAT3 protects against For example, b-glucagon and the polysaccharide ginsan
IR damage, and STAT3 can be activated by various growth have multiple immunomodulatory effects and radiopro-
factors. For example, the STAT3 activator CBLB502 was tective activity (Luo and Luo 2009). Moreover, 5-an-
recently demonstrated to protect mice from IR-induced drostenediol, a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex,
damage, and another study showed that STAT3 activation and vitamins C and E have also been shown to exhibit
protects hair cells from IR-induced cell death (Xu et al. radioprotective properties (Gonzalez et al. 2018; Tabeie
2016). Nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is et al. 2017; Whitnall et al. 2001). Some natural compounds
a key transcriptional regulator of antioxidant and anti-in- including vitamin C, glutamine, arginine, ubiquinone, and
flammatory enzymes. Genetic upregulation of Nrf2 in the hydroquinone have been investigated for their ability to
skin of SKH-1 hairless mice has been shown to protect protect the immune system against IR. However, further
against IR damage (Knatko et al. 2015). Importantly, heat in vivo and in vitro studies are necessary to validate these
shock proteins (HSPs) are cytoprotective and can mediate compounds as effective natural radioprotectors (Painuli
cell and tissue repair after deleterious effects of IR (Lee and Kumar 2016).
et al. 2001). Overexpression of one or more HSP genes has Therefore, focus has shifted to the evaluation of natural
been shown to be sufficient to protect against IR exposure, product-based radioprotectors, given that they are less
and small molecules that can enhance the expression or toxic, highly efficient, and inexpensive. For example,
function of HSPs have also shown promise for treatment of polyphenols, flavonoids, and a range of secondary
chronic or acute symptoms after IR. The radioprotective metabolites are found in different plant parts and have
effects of HSPs have been shown to be related to apoptotic radioprotective properties (Citrin et al. 2010; Pal et al.
pathway interference (Akerfelt et al. 2010; Kim et al. 2013). This review evaluates the radioprotective effects of
2006). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-c several plant-derived compounds based on studies from the
(PPAR-c) is part of the nuclear hormone receptor family, last 15–17 years that assessed their radioprotective poten-
and PPAR-c agonists inhibit collagen deposition and TGF- tial and mechanisms.
b1-induced collagen secretion in bleomycin-induced pul-
monary fibrosis (Milam et al. 2008). Rosiglitazone, a Apigenin
PPAR-c synthetic activator, suppresses IR-induced sur-
vival signals and DNA damage responses and enhances IR- Apigenin (40 ,5,7-trihydoxyflavone) is one of the most
induced apoptosis signaling in human cells (Mangoni et al. common flavonoids and is widely distributed throughout
2017). Moreover, PPAR-c is suggested to be an important the leaves and stems of many dietary vegetables and fruits,
regulator of fibroblast/myofibroblast activation. Therefore, including bell peppers, broccoli, celery, Chinese cabbage,
PPAR-c ligands have also been suggested as novel thera- French peas, garlic, guava, leeks, onions, tomatoes, snake
peutic agents for IR-induced fibrotic lung diseases. ground, and wolfberry leaves (Miean and Mohamed 2001).
It is also found in plant-derived beverages such as tea and
wine (Shukla and Gupta 2010). Apigenin significantly
Naturally occurring radioprotectors decreases the frequency of IR-induced micronuclei
(Rithidech et al. 2005). Additionally, apigenin treatment
Amifostine is currently the only chemical drug approved before IR significantly reduced DNA damage and nuclear
by the FDA for protecting against the toxicity of radio- buds in irradiated human peripheral blood lymphocytes,
therapy in cancer patients. The free radical scavenger suggesting that apigenin protects lymphocytes from IR-
amifostine is an organic thiol phosphate prodrug and a induced cytogenetic alteration (Begum et al. 2012).
chemical radioprotector similar to thiols, aminothiols,
thiadiazoles, and benzothiazoles. However, the efficacy of Bergenin
such chemical radioprotectors is limited by their high
toxicity and associated side effects (Andreassen et al. Bergenin has been isolated from the root extract of Cae-
2003). Indeed, amifostine has several clinically relevant salpinia digyna. This compound activates various signaling
limitations, including (1) an administration time within a pathways, such as the ERK1/2, MAP kinase, and SAPK/
narrow window (15–30 min before IR exposure); (2) JNK pathways, and also induces TNF-a, nitric oxide (NO),
approval only for intravenous (IV) administration (Yu et al. and IL-12 production in infected murine macrophages.
2003); and (3) high toxicity associated with undesirable Bergenin is a hydrolysable tannin derivative and exhibits
Pharmacology of natural radioprotectors 1041
anti-hepatotoxic, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-HIV, anti-arrhyth- chlorogenic acid and quinic acid (Santana-Galvez et al.
mic, anti-malarial, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and 2017). In one study, the alkaline comet assay demonstrated
immunomodulatory effects (Dwivedi et al. 2017). Bergenin that quinic acid and chlorogenic acid protected against
effectively protects against DNA damage, and it has been DNA damage induced by IR, suggesting significant
suggested that its hydroxyl radical scavenging activity is radioprotective effects of these compounds (Cinkilic et al.
critical for this DNA damage protection (Veerapur et al. 2013).
Coniferyl aldehyde and coniferyl alcohol
Coniferyl aldehyde (CA) is isolated from the bark of Eu-
Caffeine, a methyl xanthine derivative, has also demon- commia ulmoides Oliver and has been shown to induce
strated protective activities against IR damage (Kim et al. heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1) and protect
2003). A cohort study of patients receiving radiotherapy for against IR-induced damage. CA also increases the stability
cervical cancer found an inverse correlation between caf- of HSF1 by phosphorylating it at residue Ser326, resulting
feine ingestion at the time of radiation therapy and inci- in increased expression of HSP27 and HSP70. Moreover,
dence of severe IR toxicities (Stelzer et al. 1994). Animal EKR1/2 activation was demonstrated to mediate HSF1
studies have also evaluated the effects of caffeine on mouse phosphorylation at Ser326 by CA. Simultaneous exposure
survival following exposure to lethal doses of IR. Caffeine of normal cells to CA and IR or the chemotherapy medi-
decreased IR-induced skin damage associated with radia- cation paclitaxel demonstrated protective effects of CA that
tion therapy (Hebbar et al. 2002) and conferred radiopro- were dependent on HSF1 Ser326 phosphorylation. Fur-
tection against IR-induced damage in hamster ovary cells thermore, IR-mediated decrease in BM cellularity and IR-
(Kesavan and Natarajan 1985), rat liver mitochondria mediated increase in terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
(Kamat et al. 2000), and plasmid DNA (Kumar et al. 2001). dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)-positive BM cells were
It has also been shown to have radioprotective properties in both significantly inhibited by CA in mice. Studies using an
the BM chromosomes of mice, regardless of whether it was A549 orthotopic lung tumor model indicated that CA did
given before or after whole body IR (Farooqi and Kesavan not affect IR-mediated decrease in lung tumor nodules
1992). Caffeine has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory while normal lung tissue was protected from irradiation.
properties (Hall et al. 2015), which may contribute to its Taken together, these studies suggest that CA could be
protective effects against IR-induced damage. Specifically, used to induce HSF1 and protect normal cells against IR-
caffeine scavenges hydroxyl radicals (Brezova et al. 2009) and/or chemotherapeutic agent-induced damage (Kim et al.
and competes with oxygen for IR-induced electrons. 2015; Nam et al. 2013). Another study demonstrated that
Moreover, caffeine restores the normal cell cycle following coniferyl alcohol (COH), a hydroxyl derivative of CA, also
IR-induced arrest in the G2 phase of mouse embryos activated HSF1. Further investigation demonstrated that
(Grinfeld and Jacquet 1987), and this effect was dependent the vinyl moiety of CA and COH is the pharmacophore
on protein synthesis (Jung and Streffer 1992). Finally, essential for inducing HSF1, which may be useful in future
caffeine was demonstrated to reduce the amount of UV studies for developing small molecules for cytoprotection
radiation-induced protein in melanoma cells (Ravi et al. of normal cells against IR damage (Choi et al. 2017).
Chlorogenic acid and quinic acid
Curcumin is mainly extracted from the roots of Curcuma
Chlorogenic acid (5-O-caffeoylquinic acid) is the ester lona and has been demonstrated to exert radioprotective
form of caffeic acid and quinic acid and is in the hydrox- effects and to possess antitumor properties (Perrone et al.
ycinnamic acid group (Chandrasekara and Shahidi 2010; 2015). For example, curcumin reduced pulmonary fibrosis
Santana-Galvez et al. 2017). Chlorogenic acid is an and increased the survival of mice exposed to IR. Cur-
important plant polyphenol and is widely distributed in the cumin acts as a free radical scavenger, inhibiting IR-in-
leaves and fruit of coffee beans. It is hydrolyzed by internal duced ROS generation (Verma 2016). Another study
microflora into various aromatic acid metabolites including demonstrated that IR-induced cell death was decreased by
caffeic acid and quinic acid (Gonthier et al. 2003). Quinic curcumin treatment in MCF7 breast cancer cells (Swati
acid (1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexane carboxylic acid) is a et al. 2009). Curcumin has also demonstrated the dual
naturally occurring polyphenol distributed in cocoa beans, actions of radioprotecting non-cancerous normal cells
coffee, wine, and fruits and can be chemically synthesized while radiosensitizing tumor cells, which was found to be
from chlorogenic acid. Coffee beans are the main source of mediated by its radical scavenging properties and cell cycle
1042 G. Mun et al.
checkpoints (Sebastia et al. 2014). Additionally, curcumin index, hematological parameters, malondialdehyde level,
ameliorated IR-induced cognitive deficits, including and SOD activity (Guvvala et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2016).
learning and memory defects, by enhancing the Nrf2
antioxidant signaling pathways (Xie et al. 2014). Recent Ferulic acid
study has also demonstrated that curcumin-based thera-
peutic nanoparticles protect normal cells by scavenging Ferulic acid is a monophenolic phenylpropanoid that
free radicals (Xie et al. 2017). Finally, there is evidence occurs naturally in plants such as coffee beans, green tea
that curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory molecule leaves, and rice. Ferulic acid possesses anti-inflammatory
(Menon and Sudheer 2007; Okunieff et al. 2006) and and antioxidant activity that indicate potential protective
increases the balance of antioxidants to oxidants (Tawfik effects against IR-induced toxicity (Das et al. 2014).
et al. 2013). Indeed, in vitro studies have demonstrated that the
antioxidant properties of ferulic acid protect against IR-
Delphinidin induced toxicity. Specifically, ferulic acid shows antioxi-
dant activity against peroxyl radical-induced oxidation in
Delphinidin is an anthocyanidin compound that possesses neuronal culture and synaptosomal membranes (Kanski
strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, among et al. 2002). Ferulic acid also scavenges ROS, such as
other various biological activities (Jeong et al. 2016). It is hydroxyl radicals (•OH) and peroxyl radicals (RO•2), as
abundantly found in pigmented vegetables, such as carrots, well as the stable free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhy-
tomatoes, and red onions, and fruits, including cranberries drazyl (DPPH) (Kanski et al. 2002; Kikuzaki et al. 2002).
and concord grapes (Yun et al. 2009). Among the antho- Pretreatment of lymphocytes and hepatocytes with ferulic
cyanins, delphinidin demonstrates the strongest antioxidant acid resulted in a significant decrease in DNA damage and
activity due to the many hydroxyl radicals in its structure lipid peroxidation after IR exposure (Srinivasan et al.
(Watson and Schonlau 2015). Delphinidin also protects 2006). Furthermore, ferulic acid pretreatment significantly
normal tissues from high linear energy transfer radiation enhanced antioxidant defenses by upregulating antioxidant
such as that of protons (Kim et al. 2018). Taken together, enzymes and reducing GSH level. Similarly, administra-
these properties suggest that delphinidin is a promising tion of ferulic acid prior to IR was shown to significantly
radioprotector. reduce DNA damage in mouse blood leukocytes and bone
marrow cells. In one study, ferulic acid given prior to or
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate immediately after IR was shown to significantly reduce the
level of micronucleated reticulocytes in mouse blood and
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the main polyphe- to enhance DNA repair in mouse peripheral blood leuko-
nolic constituent of green tea and is widely recognized as a cytes (Maurya and Devasagayam 2013). Finally, one short-
powerful free radical scavenger. Studies have shown term feeding study found that ferulic acid-sulfoglucuronide
EGCG to be effective in treating several disorders (Zhu was the main metabolite in plasma when ferulic acid or its
et al. 2016). Specifically, EGCG has demonstrated anti- sugar esters were administered to rats (Zhao et al. 2003).
aging, anti-angiogenic, anti-arthritic, antiviral, anti-in-
flammatory, and neuroprotective effects. It has also been Genistein
reported that EGCG increases the levels of several
antioxidant enzymes, including glutamate cysteine ligase, Genistein (40 ,5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone), a soy isoflavone,
superoxide dismutase (SOD), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO- has demonstrated protection against IR toxicities. The
1) (Zhu et al. 2014), both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, protective effects of genistein are mediated by a combi-
EGCG can decrease the radiosensitivity of cell systems and nation of activities within the cell, including free radical-
enhance DNA repair activity following sublethal IR dam- scavenging activity, antioxidant activity, and anti-inflam-
age (Pianetti et al. 2002). Furthermore, pretreatment with matory activity (Davis et al. 2007). Genistein demonstrated
EGCG was shown to significantly enhance cell viability, protection against IR-induced damage to mouse BM by
maintain cell mitochondrial mass, and decrease the levels preserving neutrophils and platelets (Zhou and Mi 2005)
of apoptosis and ROS induced by IR in keratinocytes. The and also protected BM progenitor cell populations to pre-
protective effects of EGCG in response to UV radiation, vent hematopoietic stem cell pool exhaustion (Davis et al.
which consequently inhibit cutaneous photoaging, have 2008). Moreover, genistein has been shown to reduce IR
been widely reported. In addition, one mouse study damage in the lung and increase survival in mice receiving
reported that EGCG demonstrated radioprotective effects thoracic radiation (Day et al. 2008). Genistein also
against IR-induced damage as measured by the spleen decreased the number of micronuclei in BM and lung
fibroblasts, suggesting a reduction in IR-induced DNA
Pharmacology of natural radioprotectors 1043
damage (Mahmood et al. 2011; Para et al. 2009). In N-Acetyl tryptophan glucopyranoside (NATG)
addition to the protective activities mentioned above, sev-
eral other mechanisms have been proposed to mediate the N-acetyl tryptophan glucoside (NATG), a bacterial sec-
radioprotective effects of genistein, including activation of ondary metabolite, was purified from the radioresistant
the DNA repair enzyme Gadd45 (Grace et al. 2007), qui- bacterium Bacillus subtilis. NATG pretreatment mediates
escence of the cell cycle at the G0/G1 phase (Tamulevicius radioprotection by preventing IR-induced apoptosis
et al. 2007), and inflammation suppression (Comalada et al. through increase of the cytoprotective cytokines IFN-c, IL-
2006; Ha et al. 2013). In addition, clinical data indicate that 17A, and IL-12 (Malhotra et al. 2015). NATG pretreatment
genistein can reduce intestinal, urinary, and sexual adverse has also been demonstrated to protect J774A.1 macro-
effects when used in combination with radiation therapy to phages against IR-induced DNA damage (Malhotra et al.
treat prostate cancer (Ahmad et al. 2010). 2016) and was able to significantly enhance antioxidant
enzymes in response to IR-induced damage in murine
Hesperidin macrophages (Malhotra et al. 2018).
1044 G. Mun et al.
cytokines such as TNF-a, TGF-b, IL-6, IL-1 a/b, and effects of vanillin may result from a mutation-dependent,
ICAM-1 (Yang et al. 2011). error-free pathway for post-replication DNA repair (Ohta
et al. 1988). This pathway inhibited chromosomal aberra-
Troxerutin tions induced by IR in mice (Sasaki et al. 1990) and in V79
cells (Keshava et al. 1998), inhibited lipid peroxidation in
Troxerutin is one derivative of the flavonoid rutin, which is rat liver mitochondria, and reduced DNA damage in the
isolated from Sophora japonica (Japanese pogoda tree), plasmid pBR322 (Kumar et al. 2000). Additionally, the
and it has been used for the treatment of chronic venous vanillin derivative VND3207 (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-
insufficiency disease (Adam et al. 2005; Vanscheidt et al. benzaldehyde) reduced IR damage through antioxidant
2002). Troxerutin has been shown to improve capillary activities. Specifically, VND3207 treatment before IR
function and to reduce capillary fragility and abnormal significantly reduced DNA damage and activated the Akt
leakage. Moreover, troxerutin has demonstrated anti- pathway to induce survival (Zheng et al. 2008).
thrombotic, anti-erythrocytic, and fibrinolytic activity
(Maurya et al. 2005). Studies indicate that troxerutin is safe Zingerone
and effective in elderly patients (Marhic 1991) and preg-
nant women (Wijayanegara et al. 1992). Troxerutin scav- Zingerone is present at a level of about 9% in ginger
enges oxygen-derived free radicals (Kessler et al. 2002; (Zingiber officinale), which is the most commonly used
Wenisch and Biffignandi 2001). During head and neck spice worldwide. Zingerone demonstrates potent pharma-
cancer radiotherapy, administration of a mixture of cou- cological activities including antioxidant, anti-inflamma-
marin and troxerutin conferred protection to the oral tory, anticancer, and antimicrobial activities (Ahmad et al.
mucosa and salivary glands (Grotz et al. 2001). Moreover, 2015). Zingerone treatment to human lymphocytes prior to
troxerutin has been shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation in IR reduced micronuclei, apoptosis, and ROS generation,
the membranes of subcellular organelles and in normal and alkaline comet tail determination also showed
tissue of tumor-bearing mice exposed to IR. Furthermore, decreased comet tail moments (Rao et al. 2011). Further,
administration of troxerutin resulted in protection of DNA zingerone also protected against IR-induced oxidative
in whole body-irradiated tumor-bearing mice. Importantly, stress and DNA damage in Chinese hamster fibroblast cells
troxerutin protected DNA in blood leukocytes and bone (Rao and Rao 2010), demonstrating its potential as a pos-
marrow cells, but it did not protect DNA in tumor cells. sible radioprotector.
Troxerutin also enhanced DNA repair and conferred dose-
dependent radioprotection to mouse blood and BM cells Zymosan A
(Maurya et al. 2004), and it inhibited micronuclei in mouse
blood reticulocytes and human peripheral blood lympho- Zymosan A is a glucan derived from the cell wall of
cytes. Suggested molecular mechanisms of radioprotection Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Zymosan contains repeating
by troxerutin include activation of AKT and inhibition of glucose units connected by b-1,3-glycosidic linkages. In
JNK, which result in reduced IR-induced PTEN activation macrophages, zymosan A induced pro-inflammatory
(Xu et al. 2017). cytokines, arachidonate mobilization, inositol phosphate
formation, and protein phosphorylation (Sato et al. 2003).
Vanillin Zymosan A exhibits radioprotective effects through regu-
lating the immune system and inflammatory response.
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde), the major Specifically, zymosan A activates Toll-like receptor 2 on
component of natural vanilla, is one of the most widely macrophages to induce inflammatory signaling. Toll-like
used flavoring materials worldwide. The source of vanilla receptor 2 has a critical role in recognizing specific com-
is the pod, or bean, of the tropical Vanilla orchid (Vanilla ponents of pathogenic microorganisms (Underhill 2003)
planifolia Andrews, V. fragrans Salisb. Ames). Vanillin and cooperates with Toll-like receptor 6 and CD14 in
has demonstrated antioxidant activities including inhibition response to zymosan A. Zymosan A is also recognized by
of lipid peroxidation and scavenging of hydroxyl radicals Dectin-1, and the recognition of zymosan A triggers
(Harish et al. 2005). Vanillin and its analogs have also macrophages and dendritic cells to induce inflammatory
demonstrated anti-mutagenic or anti-genotoxic effects in signals (Gantner et al. 2003; Ozinsky et al. 2000). Zymosan
cells and animals (King et al. 2007; Shaughnessy et al. A protected mouse cells from radiation-induced apoptosis
2001). Interestingly, oral administration of vanillin to mice by upregulating cytokines such as G-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-6,
after injection of mitomycin C decreased the frequency of and IL-12. Zymosan A also protected cells from IR-in-
micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes by 50% duced DNA damage and reduced the number of c-H2AX
(Inouye et al. 1988). Data suggest that the anti-mutagenic foci that were caused by IR (Du et al. 2018).
Pharmacology of natural radioprotectors 1045
Conclusion Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea, which permits unrestricted use,
An ideal radioprotector should be easily available, afford- distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
ably priced, and not result in serious toxicities over a wide appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
dose range. It should also demonstrate an absence of link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
cumulative effects from repeated treatments, be able to be
orally administered, have a protective effect on widespread
organ systems, and demonstrate efficacy for different types
of radiation (X, gamma, electron, and neutron). Finally, it
should possess a reasonable dose reduction factor and an Adam BS, Pentz R, Siegers CP, Strubelt O, Tegtmeier M (2005)
ability to act through multiple mechanisms (Cheki et al. Troxerutin protects the isolated perfused rat liver from a possible
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Acknowledgements This work was supported by Grants from the 12:1234–1242
National Research Foundation of Korea, (2017R1A2B2002327, Chiou WF, Don MJ, Liao JF, Wei BL (2011) Psoralidin inhibits LPS-
2017M2A2A702019560, and 2018R1A5A2025286), funded by the induced iNOS expression via repressing Syk-mediated activation
Korean government (Ministry of Science and ICT). of PI3 K-IKK-IkappaB signaling pathways. Eur J Pharmacol
Compliance with ethical standards Choi SK, Mun GI, Choi E, Kim SY, Kwon Y, Na Y, Lee YS (2017)
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