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By: Mohammadrayyan Macasindil technique wherein food products are exposed

to certain
Stem 11-11
levels of ionizing radiation to improve the
hygiene and
extend the shelf life of foods by reducing or
Development of the Philippine National eliminating
Dose insects and microorganisms without
compromising the
Registry as a Tool for the Tracking and quality, taste, texture, appearance, and
nutritional value
Assessment of Occupational Radiation of the products. There are many applications
Exposures and Risks in the Philippines the use of radioactive materials in the industry
as well,
widely for quality control and assurance.
Radiation is
used as nuclear gauges to measure thickness of
Using radioactive materials and radiation
generators that
metals, and plastics; and monitor density of a
emit ionizing radiation can cause biological
effects to the
among others. Nuclear technology has also
body. Individuals who work in these facilities
are thus at
a lot to research and development in different
risk due to potential occupational exposures. It
fields of
is therefore
science such as agriculture and environmental
essential to monitor activities involving ionizing
(Bennett 2002).
to help control and protect those that are
Despite its beneficial applications, nuclear and
exposed to it.
Ionizing radiation and nuclear technology have
technologies are a source of exposure to
ionizing radiation,
beneficial applications. In present-day medical
which – if not controlled – may cause risk of
radiology and medical imaging [e.g., X-ray and
and stochastic effects to the body. It is,
therefore, necessary
tomography (CT) scan] have become a vital tool
to protect the workers against occupational
in the
exposures by
diagnosis of diseases or injury, while nuclear
keeping the magnitude of doses they receive as
medicine and
low as
radiotherapy are widely used in therapeutic
reasonably achievable while still harnessing its
procedures in
treating illnesses. Irradiation, specifically using
(Bennett 2002, IAEA 2014).
radiation, is used in sterilizing various
equipment to
destroy microbes incurred in them. Food
irradiation is a
Non-Integral Citation
Using radioactive tools will be helpful to the
human kind in different fields. Harnessing this
tools is a big advantage for a country to posses
it. But still there is a big threat for using this.
The use of Ionizing radiation and nuclear
technology have many beneficial applications.
when In present-day medical practices,
radiology and medical imaging [e.g., X-ray and
computed tomography (CT) scan] have become
a vital tool in the diagnosis of diseases or injury,
while nuclear medicine and radiotherapy are
widely used in therapeutic procedures in
treating illnesses. Nuclear technology has also
contributed a lot to research and development
in different fields of science such as agriculture
and environmental science (Bennett 2002).

But as we use this technology, we are also

exposing our self to danger. Yes, this beneficial
but when it out of control we could put our
body in stochastic effects. Therefore we should
keep our self safe specifically the workers who
are involved in this industry. We can still the use
the beneficial of this tech and harness its
potential but with proper safety protocol that
we need to follow (Bennett 2002, IAEA 2014).

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