Audit Compliance
Audit Compliance
Audit Compliance
Follow up status
Audit No. HSE - CON - 10
Standard/ Clause
Sl. No. Auditor Findings Classification Remarks
2 Site Specific HSE Manual - Document No. - 6487-CM-000-BG-00001 OHSAS 18001/
Need to be evidenced ISO 14001 4.4.6 F Complied
3 Site Specific emergency Response Plan available. Document no. 6487- OHSAS 18001/
CM-000-BG-00002, dated01/04/2013, verified - need improvement, ISO 14001 4.4.7
all the potential emergencies are to be identified and listed.
Response to such emergencies is to be planned and documented. F Complied
5 Site Specific HIRA, Aspect/ Impact and legal register are to be OHSAS 18001/
evidenced (by changing the document no. and updating/ preparing ISO 14001
site specific legal register) 4.3.1/4.3.2 F Complied
8 In the HSE meeting minutes some points were recorded for which OHSAS 18001/
action is required, such points need to be tracked and closed with a ISO 14001
target date after compliance 4.4.3/4.5.1 F Complied
24 Ladder prior to use inspection checklist - need to be used by all OHSAS 18001
contractors. 4.4.6 F Maintained by B & R
29 Weekly (monthly) HSE walk around by UIPL RCM, contractor RCM & OHSAS 18001
HSE Managers, was last carried out on 23/08/2013. It is recommded 4.4.6/ 4.5.1
to continue. F Complied
51 VGO AREA Noted two drinking water syntax belongs to M & S B & R OHSAS 18001
contractor without shelter. 4.4.6 F Complied