802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) : Test Suite

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11 MAC/PHY (80211MP)
Bluetooth® Test Suite

▪ Revision: 80211MP.TS.p6
▪ Revision Date: 2023-06-29
▪ Prepared By: BTI
▪ Published during TCRL: TCRL.2023-1

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

This document, regardless of its title or content, is not a Bluetooth Specification as defined in the Bluetooth
Patent/Copyright License Agreement (“PCLA”) and Bluetooth Trademark License Agreement. Use of this document by
members of Bluetooth SIG is governed by the membership and other related agreements between Bluetooth SIG Inc.
(“Bluetooth SIG”) and its members, including the PCLA and other agreements posted on Bluetooth SIG’s website located
at www.bluetooth.com.



This document is proprietary to Bluetooth SIG. This document may contain or cover subject matter that is intellectual
property of Bluetooth SIG and its members. The furnishing of this document does not grant any license to any intellectual
property of Bluetooth SIG or its members.

This document is subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2009–2023 by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Other
third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 References, definitions, and abbreviations ....................................................................................... 6
2.1 References.................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 6
3 Test Suite Structure (TSS) ................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Test Strategy................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Test groups ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Protocol groups ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Test subgroups ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Test cases (TC) ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Test case identification conventions ....................................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Conformance .......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.3 Pass/Fail verdict conventions ............................................................................................................... 10
4.1.4 Lower Layer Assumptions ..................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.5 Initialization ........................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Preambles ................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Stimulus Frames ......................................................................................................................... 27
5 MAC-PHY Testing ............................................................................................................................... 34
5.1 Acknowledgement and Duration (AD) ........................................................................................ 34
80211MP/AD/BV-01-C [Duration field zero] .......................................................................................................... 34
80211MP/AD/BV-02-C [Duration field non-zero] ................................................................................................... 35
80211MP/AD/BV-03-C [Large duration value] ...................................................................................................... 36
80211MP/AD/BI-01-C [FCS validation] ................................................................................................................. 37
80211MP/AD/BI-02-C [Non-authenticated source] ............................................................................................... 38
5.2 Null data frame processing (ND) ................................................................................................ 38
80211MP/ND/BV-01-C [Process properly formatted null data frames] ................................................................. 38
80211MP/ND/BI-01-C [Reject improperly formatted null data frames] .................................................................. 40
5.3 RTS/CTS signaling (RC) ............................................................................................................. 41
80211MP/RC/BV-01-C [RTS/CTS with proper duration in CTS] ........................................................................... 41
5.4 Defragmentation Tests (DF) ....................................................................................................... 42
80211MP/DF/BV-01-C [Receive fragmented frames] ........................................................................................... 42
5.5 Authentication Frame Processing (AFP) .................................................................................... 43
80211MP/AFP/BI-01-C [Authentication frames with failure status code] .............................................................. 43
80211MP/AFP/BI-02-C [Authentication Frame Processing – invalid transaction sequence number].................... 44
80211MP/AFP/BI-03-C [Authentication frames with invalid algorithm number]..................................................... 45
5.6 Association Response testing (ARSP) ....................................................................................... 46
80211MP/ARSP/BI-01-C [Association responses with status values other than successful] ................................ 46
80211MP/ARSP/BI-02-C [Unrecognized payload of Association Response frames] ............................................ 47
80211MP/ARSP/BI-03-C [Duplicate valid info elements in Assoc Response]....................................................... 48
80211MP/ARSP/BI-04-C [Missing supported rates IE in Association Response] ................................................. 49
80211MP/ARSP/BI-05-C [Association response with more than eight rates in the supported rates IE] ................ 50
5.7 Association Request Processing (AREQ) .................................................................................. 51
80211MP/AREQ/BV-01-C [Association request processing] ................................................................................ 51
80211MP/AREQ/BV-02-C [Generate association responses]............................................................................... 52
80211MP/AREQ/BV-03-C [Assoc request with more than eight rates in supported rates IE] ............................... 53

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80211MP/AREQ/BI-01-C [Assoc request with no rates in supported rates IE] ..................................................... 54

80211MP/AREQ/BI-02-C [Assoc request with invalid FCS] .................................................................................. 55
5.8 Duplicate Frame processing (DUP) ............................................................................................ 56
80211MP/DUP/BV-01-C [Filtering of retried frames] ............................................................................................. 56
80211MP/DUP/BV-02-C [Process fragments from two sets] ................................................................................ 57
80211MP/DUP/BV-03-C [Wrap of sequence number field] ................................................................................... 58
80211MP/DUP/BV-04-C [Processing of independent, identical frames] ............................................................... 59
80211MP/DUP/BV-05-C [Process fragments with retry bit set]............................................................................. 60
80211MP/DUP/BV-06-C [MSDUs with distinct TA fields] ...................................................................................... 61
80211MP/DUP/BV-07-C [MSDUs with different TA and sequence number field and retry bit] ............................. 62
5.9 CTS to Self (CS) ......................................................................................................................... 63
80211MP/CS/BV-01-C [CTS-to-self Recognition] ................................................................................................. 63
5.10 Multi-rate support (MRS) ............................................................................................................ 64
80211MP/MRS/BV-01-C [Multi-rate support] ........................................................................................................ 64
5.11 General Data Frame Processing (GFP) ..................................................................................... 65
80211MP/GFP/BI-01-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame with invalid Protocol Version] ................................. 65
80211MP/GFP/BI-02-C [IUT receives an 802.11 control frame of reserved subtype, one with and one
without an address-3 field] .................................................................................................................................... 66
80211MP/GFP/BI-03-C [IUT receives an 802.11 Beacon with no supported rates in Supported
Rates/Extended Supported Rates IE (invalid beacon frame)] ............................................................................... 67
80211MP/GFP/BI-05-C [IUT receives 802.11 Management and Data frames from the Lower Tester where
Subtype field is set to a reserved value] ............................................................................................................... 68
80211MP/GFP/BI-06-C [IUT receives reserved 802.11 frames from the Lower Tester] ....................................... 69
80211MP/GFP/BI-07-C [IUT receives a Probe Request from the Lower Tester, where the Probe Request
includes an SSID element with a length that is greater than 32-bytes] ................................................................. 70
80211MP/GFP/BV-01-C [IUT receives an 802.11 Beacon with bits 5 through 15 set to 1 in the Capability
Information field] ................................................................................................................................................... 71
80211MP/GFP/BV-02-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame where the Subtype in Frame Control set to
0x08 and the frame has a zero byte payload] ....................................................................................................... 72
80211MP/GFP/BV-03-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester with the Order bit in
the Frame Control field set to 1] ............................................................................................................................ 73
80211MP/GFP/BV-04-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester with a payload length
less than 64 bytes] ................................................................................................................................................ 74
80211MP/GFP/BV-05-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data packet from the Lower Tester with a payload larger
than the fragmentation threshold] ......................................................................................................................... 75
5.12 Deauthentication tests (DEAU) ................................................................................................... 76
80211MP/DEAU/BV-01-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication with selected reason codes] ............................ 76
80211MP/DEAU/BV-02-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication sent to broadcast address] .............................. 77
80211MP/DEAU/BV-03-C [Link Initiator Receives Deauthentication] ................................................................... 78
80211MP/DEAU/BI-01-C [Reject Deauthentication with invalid FCS] ................................................................... 79
80211MP/DEAU/BI-02-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication with reserved reason] ........................................ 80
5.13 Disassociation Processing (DAP) ............................................................................................... 81
80211MP/DAP/BV-01-C [IUT receives a valid disassociation frame] .................................................................... 81
80211MP/DAP/BI-01-C [IUT receives a Disassociation frame with incorrect FCS]............................................... 82
5.14 Recovery Procedure and Retransmit Limits (RT) ....................................................................... 83
80211MP/RT/BV-01-C [IUT Retransmit RTS frame dot11ShortRetryLimit times] ................................................. 83
80211MP/RT/BV-02-C [Retransmit unacknowledged long data frame] ................................................................ 84
80211MP/RT/BV-03-C [IUT retransmits unacknowledged short data frame] ........................................................ 85

6 Test case mapping ............................................................................................................................. 86

7 Revision history and acknowledgments .......................................................................................... 88

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

1 Scope
This Bluetooth document contains the Test Suite Structure (TSS) and test cases to test the
implementation of the Bluetooth 802.11 MAC/PHY specification with the objective to provide a high
probability of air interface interoperability between the tested implementation and other manufacturers’
Bluetooth devices.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

2 References, definitions, and abbreviations

2.1 References
This document incorporates provisions from other publications by dated or undated reference. These
references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereinafter.
Additional definitions and abbreviations can be found in [1], [2], and [5].
[1] Test Strategy and Terminology Overview
[2] Specification of the Bluetooth System, Core System Package, Version 3.0+HS, Volume 5, Part A;
802.11 PAL Specification
[3] ICS Proforma for 802.11 PAL
[4] Specification of the Bluetooth System, Core System Package, Version 3.0+HS, Volume 2, Part E;
HCI Specification
[5] IEEE 802.11-2007 Standard and Amendment 1
[6] UNH-IOL 802.11 Base STA MAC Test Suite v3.2
[7] UNH-IOL 802.11 Base AP MAC Test Suite v3.4
[8] Specification of the Bluetooth System, Core System Package, Version 4.1 or later, Volume 5, Part A;
802.11 PAL Specification
[9] ICS Proforma for 802.11 MAC/PHY

2.2 Definitions
In this Bluetooth document, the definitions from [1], [2], and [5] apply.
Mathematical conventions used in this document comply with the definitions given in [1].

2.3 Abbreviations
In this Bluetooth document, the definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations from [1], [2], and [5].

Acronyms and abbreviations Definition

PAL Protocol Adaption Layer
PLH Physical Link Handle
PLH2 Second Physical Link Handle
UP User Priority

Table 2.1: Acronyms and abbreviations

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3 Test Suite Structure (TSS)

3.1 Test Strategy
The test objectives are to verify the functionality of the 802.11 MAC and PHY layers within a Bluetooth
Host and enable interoperability between Bluetooth Hosts on different devices. The testing approach
covers mandatory and optional requirements in the specification and matches these to the support of the
IUT as described in the ICS. Any defined test herein is applicable to the IUT if the ICS logical expression
defined in the Test Case Mapping Table (TCMT) evaluates to true.
The test equipment provides an implementation of the Radio Controller and the parts of the Host needed
to perform the test cases defined in this Test Suite. A Lower Tester acts as the IUT’s peer device and
interacts with the IUT over-the-air interface. The configuration, including the IUT, needs to implement
similar capabilities to communicate with the test equipment. For some test cases, it is necessary to
stimulate the IUT from an Upper Tester. In practice, this could be implemented as a special test interface,
a Man Machine Interface (MMI), or another interface supported by the IUT.
This Test Suite contains Valid Behavior (BV) tests complemented with Invalid Behavior (BI) tests where
required. The test coverage mirrored in the Test Suite Structure is the result of a process that started with
catalogued specification requirements that were logically grouped and assessed for testability enabling
coverage in defined test purposes.

Test System Upper Tester

Lower Tester

HCI operations

802.11 PAL
802.11 MAC
802.11 802.11 MAC
802.11 PHY
802.11 PHY

Under Test

Figure 3.1: Test system architecture

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3.2 Test groups

The test groups are organized into three levels. The first level defines the protocol groups representing
the protocol services. The second level separates the protocol services in functional modules. The last
level in each branch contains the standard ISO subgroups Valid Behavior (BV) and Invalid Behavior (BI).

3.2.1 Protocol groups

The protocol group identifies the kind of test for 802.11 Protocol Adaptation Layer test cases: MAC/PHY
• Acknowledgement and Duration (AD)
• Null Data frame processing (ND)
• RTS/CTS signaling (RC)
• Deauthentication (DEAU)
• Defragmentation (DF)
• Authentication Frame Processing (AFP)
• Association Response Processing (ARSP)
• Association Request (AREQ)
• Duplication Detection (DUP)
• CTS-to-Self (CS)
• Multi rate support (MRS)
• General Frame Processing (GFP)
• Disassociation Processing (DAP)
• Recovery and Retry Processing (RT)

3.2.2 Test subgroups Valid Behavior (BV) tests
This subgroup provides testing to verify that the IUT reacts in conformity with the Bluetooth Core
Specification, after receipt or exchange of valid Protocol Data Units (PDUs). Valid PDUs and HCI events
and commands mean that the exchange of messages and the content of the exchanged messages are
considered as valid. Invalid Behavior (BI) tests

This subgroup provides testing to verify that the IUT reacts in conformity with the Bluetooth Core
Specification, after receipt of a syntactically or semantically invalid PDU and HCI events and commands.

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4 Test cases (TC)

4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Test case identification conventions
Test cases are assigned unique identifiers per the conventions in [1]. The convention used here is:
<spec abbreviation>/<IUT role>/<class>/<feat>/<func>/<subfunc>/<cap>/<xx>-<nn>-<y>.

Identifier Abbreviation Spec Identifier <spec abbreviation>

80211MP 802.11 MAC/PHY Spec
Identifier Abbreviation Feature Identifier <feat>
AD Acknowledgement and Duration
AFP Authentication Frame Processing
AREQ Association Request
ARSP Association Response Processing
CS CTS-to-Self
DAP Disassociation Processing
DEAU Deauthentication
DF Defragmentation
DUP Duplication Detection
GFP General Frame Processing
IEP Information element processing
MRS Multi rate support
ND Null Data frame processing
RC RTS/CTS signaling
RT Recovery and Retry Processing
Table 4.1: 802.11MP TC feature naming conventions

4.1.2 Conformance
When conformance is claimed for a particular specification, all capabilities are to be supported in the
specified manner. The mandated tests from this Test Suite depend on the capabilities to which
conformance is claimed.
The Bluetooth Qualification Program may employ tests to verify implementation robustness. The level of
implementation robustness that is verified varies from one specification to another and may be revised for
cause based on interoperability issues found in the market.
Such tests may verify:
• That claimed capabilities may be used in any order and any number of repetitions not excluded by the
• That capabilities enabled by the implementations are sustained over durations expected by the use
• That the implementation gracefully handles any quantity of data expected by the use case

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• That in cases where more than one valid interpretation of the specification exists, the implementation
complies with at least one interpretation and gracefully handles other interpretations
• That the implementation is immune to attempted security exploits
A single execution of each of the required tests is required to constitute a Pass verdict. However, it is
noted that to provide a foundation for interoperability, it is necessary that a qualified implementation
consistently and repeatedly pass any of the applicable tests.
In any case, where a member finds an issue with the test plan generated by Launch Studio, with the test
case as described in the Test Suite, or with the test system utilized, the member is required to notify the
responsible party via an erratum request such that the issue may be addressed.

4.1.3 Pass/Fail verdict conventions

Each test case has an Expected Outcome section. The IUT is granted the Pass verdict when all the
detailed pass criteria conditions within the Expected Outcome section are met.
The convention in this Test Suite is that, unless there is a specific set of fail conditions outlined in the test
case, the IUT fails the test case as soon as one of the pass criteria conditions cannot be met. If this
occurs, then the outcome of the test is a Fail verdict.

4.1.4 Lower Layer Assumptions

In the MSCs in this document, there are certain 802.11 frames which may occur outside the scope of any
particular test. These include, but are not limited to, probe requests, probe responses, data frame
retransmissions, and action frames. The presence of these frames is not used to affect the Pass or Fail
verdict of any test, unless specifically stated as such.
The 802.11 AMP device may support the simultaneous use of multiple protocols. However, this document
assumes the IUT is not actively participating in any operations other than those described herein.

4.1.5 Initialization
Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester


HCI Reset

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Com_Opcode=0x0C03,

HCI Set Event Mask 2

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Com_Opcode=0x0C63,

Figure 4.1: Initialization

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4.2 Preambles Physical Link Initiated by IUT Preamble

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester


HCI Read Local AMP Info

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

HCI Read Local AMP Assoc


HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,

Figure 4.2: Physical Link Initiated by IUT Preamble

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Lower Tester Upper Tester

(PLH, Link_Key_Length=32,
Combination Key, Link_Key)

HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,

Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT

(PLH, LengthSoFar=0,

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH)

Network Started by IUT

HCI Channel Selected event
xx-xx), type=ESS)

Read Local AMP_ASSOC on IUT

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,

Figure 4.3: Physical Link Initiated by IUT Preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Write remote AMP ASSOC on Tester

(ssid=AMP-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, type=ESS)

Start Network Activity

Probe Request OPT

(a1=MA_iut, a2=MA_tester,

Probe Response

Authenication Message 1

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))
Association Request
T,SSID=AMP-<MA_tester>, IEEE IEs)
Association Response

RSNA Authentication1
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 1)
RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)
RSNA Authentication3
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 3)
RSNA Authentication4 HCI Physical Link Complete event
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC, (status=0x00, PLH)
EAPOL frame 4)

Figure 4.4: Physical Link Initiated by IUT Preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite Preamble for establishment of Logical Link initiated by IUT

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester



HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,
(PLH, Link_Key_Length=32,
Combination Key, Link_Key)

HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,

Figure 4.5: Preamble for establishment of Logical Link initiated by IUT

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Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar,

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH)

Network Started by

HCI Channel Selected event


(ssid=AMP-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (note 1),

Read Local AMP_ASSOC on IUT

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,


Networks started

Figure 4.6: Preamble for establishment of Logical Link initiated by IUT

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Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Probe Request OPT

(a1=MA_iut, a2=MA_tester,

Probe Response

Authenication Message 1
n system(0))
Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))
Association Request
Association Response
(a1=MA_tester,a2=MA_IUT, a3=MA_IUT,

RSNA Authentication1
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 1)
RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)
RSNA Authentication3
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 3)
RSNA Authentication4
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC, HCI Physical Link Complete event
EAPOL frame 4) (status=0x00, PLH)

Physical Link Connected



HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,
IUT selects Logical Link
Handle and maps Logical
Link to Upper Tester

HCI Logical Link Complete event

(status=0x00, PLH, LLH)

Figure 4.7: Preamble for establishment of Logical Link initiated by IUT

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite Preamble for Reading Local AMP Info and Local AMP ASSOC

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester



HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,

Figure 4.8: Preamble for Reading Local AMP Info and Local AMP ASSOC Preamble for Establishing 2 Physical Links with a best effort logical link on each
Run using the BE logical link option before this procedure.
When executing the following procedure, the tester uses a different MAC address in the AMP_ASSOC
and in the address fields of 802.11 headers to that used in preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Physical Link initiated by IUT Preamble

(PLH2, Link_Key_Length,
Link_Key_Type, Link_Key)
HCI Command Status event
(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,
Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT (note 1)

LOOP remaining_length > fragment_lenth

(PLH2, LengthSoFar=0,

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH2)

HCI Channel Selected event

LOOP remaining_length > fragment_lenth
(PLH2, length so far =0)
HCI Command Complete event
(Num_HCI_Comm, OpCode=0x140A,
status=0x02, PLH2,

Probe Request
(a1=MA_iut, a2=MA_tester, OPT

Probe Response

Authenication Message 1
n system(0))
Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))
Association Request
Association Response
(a1=MA_tester,a2=MA_IUT, a3=MA_IUT,

RSNA Authentication1
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 1)
RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)
RSNA Authentication3
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 3)
RSNA Authentication4
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC, HCI Physical Link Complete event
EAPOL frame 4) (status=0x00, PLH2)

HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,
HCI Logical Link Complete event
(status=0x00, PLH, LLH)

Figure 4.9: Preamble for Establishing 2 Physical Links with a best effort logical link on each

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester



HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,

(PLH, Link_Key_Length=32,
Combination Key, Link_Key)
HCI Command Status event
(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,

Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT

(PLH, LengthSoFar=0,

Network HCI Command Complete event

Started (Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH)

(ssid=AMP-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (note 1),

Figure 4.10: Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Logical Link HCI_Accept_Logical_Link

Accept (PLH, TX_BE_FS, RX_BE_FS)

HCI Command Status event

(status=pending (0x00))

IUT selects
Logical Link
Handle and maps
Logical Link to
Upper Tester

HCI Logical Link Complete event

(status=0x00, PLH, LLH)

Figure 4.11: Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Start network

Probe Request
(a1=MA_iut, a2=MA_tester,

Probe Response

Authenication Message 1

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))
Association Request
T,SSID=AMP-<MA_tester>, IEEE IEs)
Association Response

RSNA Authentication1
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 1)
RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)
RSNA Authentication3
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 3)
RSNA Authentication4
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC, HCI Physical Link Complete event
EAPOL frame 4) (status=0x00, PLH)

Figure 4.12: Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite Discover and create network preamble

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester



HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,

(PLH, Link_Key_Length=32,
Combination Key, Link_Key)

HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,

Figure 4.13: Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

HCI Write Remote AMP
ASSOC (PLH, LengthSoFar,
gth, AMP_ASSOC_Fragment)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH)

Network Started by

HCI Channel Selected event


(ssid=AMP-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (note 1),

Read Local AMP_ASSOC on IUT

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,

Networks started

Figure 4.14: Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

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Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Probe Request OPT

(a1=MA_iut, a2=MA_tester,

Probe Response

Figure 4.15: Accept Physical Link and create best effort logical link preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite Discover and accept network preamble

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester



HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size

(PLH, LengthSoFar)

HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,

(PLH, Link_Key_Length=32,
Combination Key, Link_Key)

HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,

Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT

LOOP remaining_length > fragment_length

(PLH, LengthSoFar=0,
Network AMP_ASSOC_Remaining_Length,
Started AMP_ASSOC_fragment)
HCI Command Complete event
(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH)
(note 1), type=ESS)

Figure 4.16: Discover and accept network preamble

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Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester



HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x1409,
status=0x00, AMP_Status,
Min_Latency, Max_PDU_Siz,
Controller_Type, PAL_Capabilities,

Loop until AMP_ASSOC remaining == AMP_ASSOC fragment size


HCI Command Complete event

(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140A,
status=0x00, PLH,


HCI Command Status event

(status=0x00, Num_HCI_Comm,

Write remote AMP ASSOC on IUT

LOOP remaining_length > fragment_length


HCI Command Complete event
(Num_HCI_Comm, Opcode=0x140B,
Status=0x00, PLH)
(note 1), type=ESS)

Figure 4.17: Discover and accept network preamble

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Start network

Probe Request OPT

(a1=MA_tester, a2=MA_IUT,

Probe Response
(a1=MA_IUT, a2=MA_tester,
a3=MA_tester, IEEE_IEs)

Figure 4.18: Discover and accept network preamble

4.3 Stimulus Frames

Some tests require specialized frame headers or frame content to be used by the Lower Tester as
stimulus to trigger certain activity (or non-activity) by the IUT. Table 5.2 lists such frames.

Frame label Frame type Description

Frame1 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT,
Sequence number = N
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Frame2 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT, MoreFrag
= 1, Sequence number = N, FragmentNumber = 0
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00..0xFF, to fill a fragment of 750 octets
Frame3 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT, MoreFrag
= 0, Sequence number = N, FragmentNumber = 1
Payload: Incrementing data 0x00.0xFF, to fill a fragment of 750 octets
Frame4 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length. FCS
is invalid.
Frame5 CTS-to-Self Header: Valid control frame, A1 = MA_LT, duration field set to 32767
Frame6 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = (MA_IUT |
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Frame7 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data. Frame control protocol type is 1.
Payload: None.
Frame8 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data. Frame control protocol field is 0.
Frame control protected bit is 0. Frame control ToDS bit is 0. All other
bits in frame control field are set to 1.
Payload: None. Valid FCS.

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Frame label Frame type Description

Frame9 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Payload: None. FCS is invalid.
Frame10 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, PM, Retry, MoreFrag, Protocol
One bits: MoreData, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame11 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, MoreData, PM, MoreFrag, Protocol
One bits: Retry, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame12 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, MoreData, PM, Retry, MoreFrag, Protocol
One bits: FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame13 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, PM, MoreFrag, Protocol
One bits: MoreData, Retry, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame14 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, PM, Retry, Protocol
One bits: MoreData, MoreFrag, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame15 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, MoreData, PM, Protocol
One bits: Retry, MoreFrag, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame16 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, MoreData, PM, Retry, Protocol
One bits: MoreFrag, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.

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Frame label Frame type Description

Frame17 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
type is Data, subtype is Null Data.
Frame Control field:
Zero bits: Order, Protected, PM, Protocol
One bits:, MoreData, Retry, MoreFrag, FromDS, ToDS
Payload: None. Valid FCS.
Frame18 MPDU Header: Deauthentication Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Frame Control field: 0.
Valid FCS
Frame19 MPDU Header: Deauthentication Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Frame Control field: 0.
Invalid FCS
Frame20 MPDU Header: Deauthentication Management Frame, A1 =
Frame Control field: 0.
Valid FCS
Frame21 Header: Deauthentication Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Frame Control field: 0.
Valid FCS
Frame22 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT. Frame
Control Protocol Version is 1, Frame type is Data, subtype is
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF.
Frame23 MPDU Header: Control Frame with 2 addresses, A1=MA_IUT, A2=MA_LT,
Frame Control Type=01, Subtype=0111
Frame24 MPDU Header: Control Frame with 3 addresses, A1=MA_IUT, A2=MA_LT,
A3=MA_IUT, Frame Control Type=01, Subtype=0111
Frame25 MPDU 802.11 Beacon frame with A1=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. A2=MA_LT, A3=MA_LT,
bits 5 through 15 of the Capability Information field set to 1.
Frame26 MPDU 802.11 Beacon frame with A1=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. A2=MA_LT, A3=MA_LT, no
supported rates in the Supported Rates and in the Extended
Supported Rates information elements.
Frame27 MSDU 802.11 QoS data frame (frame control is set to 0x0208). A1 and
A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4=MA_LT.
Payload: 0 bytes
Frame28 MSDU 802.11 data frame with FromDS bit set to 0, A1= MA_IUT, A2=MA_LT
and A3 field is set to a MAC address that is neither MA_IUT nor
Payload: 500 bytes set to AMP_LLC first and then counting up from
Frame29 MSDU 802.11 data frame with, A1 and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT. The
Order bit in the Frame Control field is set to 1.
Payload: 500 bytes set to AMP_LLC first and then counting up from

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Frame label Frame type Description

Frame30 MSDU 802.11 data frame with, A1 and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT.
ToDS and FromDS bits are set to 1.
Payload: 60 bytes set to AMP_LLC first and then counting up from
Frame31 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 0 Bytes
Frame32 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame33 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 0 Bytes
Frame34 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame35 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 0 Bytes
Frame36 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame37 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 0 Bytes
Frame38 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame39 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 0 Bytes
Frame40 MPDU 802.11 management frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame41 MSDU 802.11 data frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to 1101. A1
and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT. ToDS and FromDS bits are set
to 1.
Payload: 2 Bytes both set to 0
Frame42 MSDU 802.11 data frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to 1100. A1
and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT. ToDS and FromDS bits are set
to 1.
Payload: 2 Bytes both set to 0
Frame43 MPDU 802.11 frame with Type in Frame Control field set to 11 and Subtype
in Frame Control field set to one of (0000, 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000,
and 1111).
Payload: 0 Bytes

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Frame label Frame type Description

Frame44 MPDU 802.11 frame with Type in Frame Control field set to 11 and Subtype
in Frame Control field set to one of (0000, 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000,
and 1111).
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame45 MSDU 802.11 data frame A1 and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT. ToDS
and FromDS bits are set to 1.
Payload: 2000 Bytes set to AMP_LLC first and then counting up from
Frame 46 MSDU 802.11 data frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to 1000. A1
and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT. ToDS is set to 0 and FromDS
bits is set to 1.
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame 47 MSDU 802.11 data frame with Subtype in Frame Control field set to 1000. A1
and A3=MA_IUT, A2 and A4 =MA_LT. ToDS is set to 1 and FromDS
bits is set to 0.
Payload: 255 bytes set to values 0x00 through 0xFF
Frame 48 MPDU 802.11 Probe Request where the SSID information element has a
length greater than 32 bytes.
Frame49 MPDU 802.11 Probe Request where the SSID information element has a
length greater than 32 bytes.
Frame50 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT
Payload: 1500 Bytes set to Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data
header, L2CAP header, incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, for the rest of
the length.
Frame51 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT
Payload: 500 Bytes set to Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data
header, L2CAP header, incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, for the rest of
the length.
Frame52 MMPDU Header: Association Response Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, AID, Supported Rates, Extended Supported
Frame53 MMPDU Header: Association Response Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, Status, AID, Supported Rates, Extended
Supported Rates, Reserved IE (254 255 0x00…0xFF), Reserved IE
(255 255 0x00…0xFF)
Frame54 MMPDU Header: Association Response Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, Status, AID, Supported Rates, Supported Rates
(repeated), Extended Supported Rates
Frame55 MMPDU Header: Association Response Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, Status, AID, Extended Supported Rates
Frame56 MMPDU Header: Association Response Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, Status, AID, Supported Rates, Extended
Supported Rates (50 9 0x02 0x04 0x0c 0x12 0x18 0x30 0x48 0x60

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Frame label Frame type Description

Frame57 MMPDU Header: Association Request Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, SSID, Supported Rates, Extended Supported
Rates, RSN
Frame58 MMPDU Header: Association Request Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, SSID, Listen Interval, Supported Rates,
Extended Supported Rates, RSN, Reserved IE (254 255 0x00…0xFF),
Reserved IE (255 255 0x00…0xFF)
Frame59 MMPDU Header: Association Request Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, SSID, Listen Interval, Supported Rates,
Extended Supported Rates (50 9 0x02 0x04 0x0c 0x12 0x18 0x30
0x48 0x60 0x6c), RSN
Frame60 MMPDU Header: Association Request Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, SSID, Listen Interval, Supported Rates (4 0),
Extended Supported Rates, RSN
Frame61 MMPDU Header: Association Request Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT,
Payload : Capability, SSID, Listen Interval, Supported Rates (4 0),
Extended Supported Rates, RSN
Invalid FCS
Frame62 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT, Retry = 1,
Sequence number = N
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Frame63 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to 750 octets, incrementing data
0x00…0xFF up to maximum frame length (i.e., the concatenation of
the data from Frame 2 and Frame 3)
Frame64 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT, MoreFrag
= 0, Sequence number = N, FragmentNumber = 1
Payload: Decrementing data 0xFF..0x00, to fill a fragment of 750
Frame65 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT, Retry = 1,
Sequence number = N + 1
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Frame66 MPDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT, MoreFrag
= 0, Retry = 1, Sequence number = N, FragmentNumber = 1
Payload: Incrementing data 0x00..0xFF, to fill a fragment of 750 octets
Frame67 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT2, Retry =
1, Sequence number = N
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.

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Frame label Frame type Description

Frame68 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT2, Retry =
1, Sequence number = N + 1
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Frame69 MSDU Header: Valid 4-address frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 = MA_LT2,
Sequence number = N + 1
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Frame 70 MMPDU Header: Disassociation Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 =
Frame 71 MMPDU Header: Disassociation Management Frame, A1 = MA_IUT, A2 =
MA_LT, A3 = MA_IUT Invalid FCS
Frame 72 MSDU Header: A1 = MA_LT, A2 = MA_IUT
Payload: Valid LLC with PAL SNAP, ACL data header, L2CAP header,
incrementing data 0x00…0xFF, up to the maximum frame length.
Table 4.2: Specialized frame headers

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5 MAC-PHY Testing
5.1 Acknowledgement and Duration (AD)
This section describes tests relating to 802.11 acknowledgement and duration fields.

80211MP/AD/BV-01-C [Duration field zero]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT generates 802.11 Acknowledgement control frames at the proper time and with the
proper contents.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.9

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester


Frame 1

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of Frame1.
Duration is 0.

Figure 5.1: 80211MP/AD/BV-01-C [Duration field zero]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An 802.11 Acknowledgement control frame should be generated SIFS after the FCS of Frame1
arrives at the IUT.
The ACK frame has a Duration field with a value of zero (0).

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80211MP/AD/BV-02-C [Duration field non-zero]

• Test Purpose
Send a stream of 802.11 fragments to the IUT and ensure that the 802.11 Acknowledgement frames
are formatted correctly.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.9

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

Preamble is completed

Frame 2

802.11 Ack with duration of

time to transmit rest of the
MSDU minus the time to wait
the final SIFS and to transmit
the final Ack

Frame 3

802.11 Ack with duration 0

Figure 5.2: 80211MP/AD/BV-02-C [Duration field non-zero]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An 802.11 Acknowledgement control frame is generated SIFS after the FCS of each of the fragments
received by the IUT.
The ACK frame following Frame2 has a non-zero Duration field equal to the time to transmit the data
frame, minus the time to transit the ACK frame and to wait for SIFS, with fractional time rounded up to
the nearest microsecond.
The ACK frame following Frame3 has a Duration field set to zero.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AD/BV-03-C [Large duration value]

• Test Purpose
Send fragments preceded by a CTS-to-self frame with a large duration. Ensure that ACK duration
fields are correctly set.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.9

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

Frame 5

802.11 Ack with duration 0

HCI ACL Data packet

Frame 2

802.11 Ack with duration of

time to transmit rest of the
MSDU minus the time to wait
the final SIFS and to transmit
the final Ack
HCI ACL Data packet
Frame 3

802.11 Ack with duration 0

HCI ACL Data packet

Figure 5.3: 80211MP/AD/BV-03-C [Large duration value]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT generates an ACK frame in response to both fragments.
The first ACK contains a duration corresponding to the time until the second ACK should be received.
This is the airtime of the data phase of the second fragment, plus SIFS, plus the time to transmit the
second ACK.
The second ACK contains a duration field of zero.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AD/BI-01-C [FCS validation]

• Test Purpose
Send frames with valid and invalid FCS fields to the IUT and ensure that there are no ACK frames
sent in response to frames with invalid FCS.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.9

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

Frame 1

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of Frame1.
Duration is 0.
ACL Data, Frame 1

Frame 4

Figure 5.4: 80211MP/AD/BI-01-C [FCS validation]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An 802.11 Acknowledgement control frame is generated SIFS after the FCS each time Frame1 is
received by the IUT. The ACK frame has a Duration field set to zero.
There are no responses from the IUT to any of the Frame4 frames.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AD/BI-02-C [Non-authenticated source]

• Test Purpose
Send frames using a TA which is not the same TA as the AMP peer.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.9

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

Frame 6

802.11 Ack transmitted within SIFS

of FCS of data frame. Duration is 0.

Figure 5.5: 80211MP/AD/BI-02-C [Non-authenticated source]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT transmits an ACK frame at a time SIFS after the FCS field of the Frame6 is received. The
Duration field is zero. The IUT may generate an 802.11 deauthentication and/or 802.11
disassociation frame in response to the unauthenticated link supervision request frame.

5.2 Null data frame processing (ND)

This section describes testing related to null data frames.

80211MP/ND/BV-01-C [Process properly formatted null data frames]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT can properly process null data frames.

• Reference
[6] Test case 1.1.2
[7] Test case 1.1.2

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

Frame 11

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Frame 12

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Frame 13

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Frame 14

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Frame 15

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Frame 16

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Frame 17

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.

Figure 5.6: 80211MP/ND/BV-01-C [Process properly formatted null data frames]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT transmits an ACK frame in response to each of the stimulus frames.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/ND/BI-01-C [Reject improperly formatted null data frames]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT ignores improperly formed null data frames.

• Reference
[6] Test case 1.1.2
[7] Test case 1.1.2

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

Frame 7

Frame 9

Figure 5.7: 80211MP/ND/BI-01-C [Reject improperly formatted null data frames]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT does not transmit an ACK frame in response to any of the stimulus frames.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.3 RTS/CTS signaling (RC)

This section describes testing related to RTS/CTS signaling and proper duration values therein.

80211MP/RC/BV-01-C [RTS/CTS with proper duration in CTS]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT is able to receive and respond to RTS/CTS protected frames, regardless of
whether it uses RTS/CTS signaling for its own data frames.

• References
[6] Test 1.2.2

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

RTS frame
CTS frame

Frame 1

802.11 Ack transmitted within

SIFS of FCS of data frame.
Duration is 0.
Frame 1

Figure 5.8: 80211MP/RC/BV-01-C [RTS/CTS with proper duration in CTS]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
Verify that Frame1 is indicated to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.4 Defragmentation Tests (DF)

80211MP/DF/BV-01-C [Receive fragmented frames]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT defragments received fragmented frames correctly.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.10
[7] Test 1.1.10

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

Loop for each fragment size(note 1)

Loop frag=1..num frags

Frame 1


ACL Data

Figure 5.9: 80211MP/DF/BV-01-C [Receive fragmented frames]

Frame1 is defined in Table 4.2. Note 1: After the MSDU has been transmitted at a given fragment
size, increment the fragment size by 100 bytes and repeat until the fragment size is greater than or
equal to the total length of Frame1.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
On reception of each complete MSDU an ACL data packet is sent from the IUT to the Upper Tester.
The frame received by the Upper Tester contains the same content as was sent by the Lower Tester,
after the 802.11 and PAL headers have been removed and an ACL header added.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.5 Authentication Frame Processing (AFP)

80211MP/AFP/BI-01-C [Authentication frames with failure status code]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT handles authentication request frames and responds appropriately.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.4

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

AUTH (Algo= Open system seq=1)

AUTH (Algo= Open system

The IUT does not send Association Frames, Physical Link is not established

Figure 5.10: 80211MP/AFP/BI-01-C [Authentication frames with failure status code]

1. The 802.11 traffic is monitored by a sniffer.

2. Repeat test with Status code 1,8,12 and 256.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT does not respond with Association frame and Physical link between the IUT and the Lower
Tester is not established. Verify that the IUT does not cause a “blue screen” or hang.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AFP/BI-02-C [Authentication Frame Processing – invalid transaction sequence

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT handles receipt of authentication frames with invalid transaction sequence number
and does not have a system failure.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.4

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester


AUTH (Algo= Open system


AUTH (Algo= Open system

seq !=2, status=0)

The IUT does not send Association Frames, Physical Link is not established

Figure 5.11: 80211MP/AFP/BI-02-C [Authentication Frame Processing – invalid transaction sequence number]

The 802.11 traffic is monitored by a sniffer.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT does not respond with Association frame and Physical link between the IUT and TS is not
established. Verify that the IUT does not cause a “blue screen” or hang.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AFP/BI-03-C [Authentication frames with invalid algorithm number]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT handles authentication request frames and responds appropriately.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.4

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

AUTH (Algo ”Open system


AUTH (Algo > 2,


The IUT does not send Association Frames, Physical Link is not established

Figure 5.12: 80211MP/AFP/BI-03-C [Authentication frames with invalid algorithm number]

The 802.11 traffic is monitored by a sniffer.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT does not respond with Association frame and Physical link between the IUT and TS is not
established. Verify that the IUT does not cause a “blue screen” or hang.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.6 Association Response testing (ARSP)

Tests the processing of association responses.

80211MP/ARSP/BI-01-C [Association responses with status values other than successful]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT is able to correctly process association responses with status values other than

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_tester, status=successful(0))
Association Request
ter,SSID=AMP-<MA_tester>, IEEE IEs)
Frame 52

HCI Physical Link Complete event

(status=failure (non-zero), PLH)

Figure 5.13: 80211MP/ARSP/BI-01-C [Association responses with status values other than successful]

The IUT attempts to associate. The Lower Tester responds with Frame 52 defined in Table 4.2.
Repeat test with Status code 1,12 and 256.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT sends an HCI Physical Link Complete event with failure status (i.e., a non-zero HCI error

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/ARSP/BI-02-C [Unrecognized payload of Association Response frames]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT is able to correctly process association responses containing unrecognized
information elements.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_tester, status=successful(0))
Association Request
ter,SSID=AMP-<MA_tester>, IEEE IEs)

Frame 53

RSNA Authentication1
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 1)
RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)
Frame 3

RSNA Authentication4
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
HCI Physical Link Complete event
EAPOL frame 4)
(status=0x00, PLH)

Figure 5.14: 80211MP/ARSP/BI-02-C [Unrecognized payload of Association Response frames]

The IUT attempts to associate. The Lower Tester responds with Frame 53 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An HCI Physical Link Complete event with status of 0x00 is sent to the Upper Tester from the IUT.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/ARSP/BI-03-C [Duplicate valid info elements in Assoc Response]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT is able to correctly process association responses with duplicate valid information

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
en system(0))

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_tester, status=successful(0))

Association Request
Frame 54

Frame 1

RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)

Frame 3

RSNA Authentication4
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 4) HCI Physical Link Complete event
(status=0x00, PLH)

Figure 5.15: 80211MP/ARSP/BI-03-C [Duplicate valid info elements in Assoc Response]

The IUT attempts to associate. The Lower Tester responds with Frame 54 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An HCI Physical Link Complete event with status of 0x00 is sent to the Upper Tester from the IUT.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/ARSP/BI-04-C [Missing supported rates IE in Association Response]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT is able to correctly process association responses with a missing supported rates
information element.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_tester, status=successful(0))
Association Request

Frame 55

Frame 1

RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)

Frame 3

RSNA Authentication4 HCI Physical Link Complete event

(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC, (status=0x00, PLH)
EAPOL frame 4)

Figure 5.16: 80211MP/ARSP/BI-04-C [Missing supported rates IE in Association Response]

The IUT attempts to associate. The Lower Tester responds with Frame 55 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An HCI Physical Link Complete event with status of 0x00 is sent to the Upper Tester from the IUT.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/ARSP/BI-05-C [Association response with more than eight rates in the

supported rates IE]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT is able to handle association responses with more than eight rates in the
supported rates information element.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_tester, status=successful(0))
Association Request
ter,SSID=AMP-<MA_tester>, IEEE IEs)

Frame 56

Frame 1

RSNA Authentication2
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 2)

Frame 3

RSNA Authentication4
(4ADDR_hdr, AMP LLC,
EAPOL frame 4) HCI Physical Link Complete event
(status=0x00, PLH)

Figure 5.17: 80211MP/ARSP/BI-05-C [Association response with more than eight rates in the supported rates IE]

The IUT attempts to associate. The Lower Tester responds with Frame 56 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
An HCI Physical Link Complete event with status of 0x00 is sent to the Upper Tester from the IUT.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.7 Association Request Processing (AREQ)

80211MP/AREQ/BV-01-C [Association request processing]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly handles received association request frames and generates association
responses properly.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
(a1=MA_IUT, a2=MA_tester,
a3=MA_IUT, alg=open system(0))

Authentication Message 2
(a1=MA_tester, a2=MA_IUT,
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))

Frame 57

Association Response
a2=MA_IUT, a3=MA_IUT,

Figure 5.18: 80211MP/AREQ/BV-01-C [Association request processing]

The IUT attempts to associate. The Lower Tester responds with Frame 57 defined in Table 4.2.
Repeat test with listen interval 2, 3, 4, and 5.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT sends association response with status code of 0 (success).

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AREQ/BV-02-C [Generate association responses]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly handles received association request frames and generates association
responses properly.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
(a1=MA_IUT, a2=MA_tester,
a3=MA_IUT, alg=open system(0))

Authentication Message 2
(a1=MA_tester, a2=MA_IUT,
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))

Frame 57

Association Response
a2=MA_IUT, a3=MA_IUT,

Figure 5.19: 80211MP/AREQ/BV-02-C [Generate association responses]

The Lower Tester attempts to associate by sending Frame 58 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT sends association response with status code of 0 (success).

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AREQ/BV-03-C [Assoc request with more than eight rates in supported rates IE]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly handles received association request frames and generates association
responses properly.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
a3=MA_IUT,alg=open system(0))

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))

Frame 59

Association Response
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))

Figure 5.20: 80211MP/AREQ/BV-03-C [Assoc request with more than eight rates in supported rates IE]

The Lower Tester attempts to associate by sending Frame 59 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT sends association response with status code of 0 (success).

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AREQ/BI-01-C [Assoc request with no rates in supported rates IE]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly handles received association request frames with no rates encoded in
supported rates information element and generates association responses properly.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
a3=MA_IUT,alg=open system(0))

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))

Frame 60

Association Response
a3=MA_IUT, status=failure)

Figure 5.21: 80211MP/AREQ/BI-01-C [Assoc request with no rates in supported rates IE]

The Lower Tester attempts to associate by sending Frame 60 defined in Table 4.2.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT sends association response with status code indicating failure.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/AREQ/BI-02-C [Assoc request with invalid FCS]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT ignores erroneous association requests.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.5

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Authentication Message 1
a3=MA_IUT,alg=open system(0))

Authentication Message 2
a3=MA_IUT, status=successful(0))

Frame 61

Figure 5.22: 80211MP/AREQ/BI-02-C [Assoc request with invalid FCS]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT does not ACK frame and does not send association response.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.8 Duplicate Frame processing (DUP)

80211MP/DUP/BV-01-C [Filtering of retried frames]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly detects and filters duplicate frames.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.11

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 1

Frame 62


Figure 5.23: 80211MP/DUP/BV-01-C [Filtering of retried frames]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 1 followed by Frame 62.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 1.
The IUT indicates received Frame 1 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 62.
The IUT does not indicate received Frame 62 to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DUP/BV-02-C [Process fragments from two sets]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly detects and filters incomplete frame fragments.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.11

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 2


Frame 3


HCI ACL Data Packet

Frame 64


Figure 5.24: 80211MP/DUP/BV-02-C [Process fragments from two sets]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 2 followed by Frame 3 followed by Frame 64.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 2.
The IUT does not indicate received Frame 2 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 3.
The IUT indicates received defragmented Frame 63 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 64.
The IUT does not indicate received Frame 64 (or any MSDU) to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DUP/BV-03-C [Wrap of sequence number field]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT correctly receives subsequent frames with retry bit set.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.11

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 1


HCI ACL Data Packet

Frame 65


HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.25: 80211MP/DUP/BV-03-C [Wrap of sequence number field]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 1 followed by Frame 65.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 1.
The IUT indicates received Frame 1 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 65.
The IUT indicates received Frame 65 to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DUP/BV-04-C [Processing of independent, identical frames]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly processes two consecutive frames with same sequence number and no
retry bit set.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.11

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 1


HCI ACL Data Packet

Frame 1


HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.26: 80211MP/DUP/BV-04-C [Processing of independent, identical frames]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 1 twice.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 1.
The IUT indicates received Frame 1 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs the second instance of Frame 1.
The IUT indicates received Frame 1 to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DUP/BV-05-C [Process fragments with retry bit set]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly receives retransmissions of missing MPDUs.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.11

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 2


Frame 66


HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.27: 80211MP/DUP/BV-05-C [Process fragments with retry bit set]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 2 followed by Frame 66.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 2.
The IUT does not indicate received Frame 2 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 66.
The IUT indicates received defragmented Frame 63 to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DUP/BV-06-C [MSDUs with distinct TA fields]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly handles sequence numbers in distinct traffic streams.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.13

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Frame 67


HCI ACL Data Packet


Figure 5.28: 80211MP/DUP/BV-06-C [MSDUs with distinct TA fields]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 1 followed by Frame 67.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 1.
The IUT indicates received Frame 1 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 67.
The IUT indicates received Frame 67 to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DUP/BV-07-C [MSDUs with different TA and sequence number field and retry
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT properly handles sequence numbers and retry bit in distinct traffic streams.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.13

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed.

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Frame 68


HCI ACL Data Packet


Figure 5.29: 80211MP/DUP/BV-07-C [MSDUs with different TA and sequence number field and retry bit]

The Lower Tester sends Frame 1 followed by Frame 68.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ACKs Frame 1.
The IUT indicates received Frame 1 to the Upper Tester.
The IUT ACKs Frame 68.
The IUT indicates received Frame 68 to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.9 CTS to Self (CS)

80211MP/CS/BV-01-C [CTS-to-self Recognition]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT will delay transmission of data frames based on CTS-to-Self frame reception.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.12

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed


Duration = T=32ms
Timer (T)




Figure 5.30: 80211MP/CS/BV-01-C [CTS-to-self Recognition]

The AMP HCI ACL Data Packets are sent to the IUT at a rate much greater than CTS-to-Self
Duration, in order to queue frames during the blackout period.
The 802.11 traffic is monitored by a sniffer with a good timing precision. The transmission of the CTS-
to-Self packet from the Lower Tester will be noted using the sniffer’s time base. The transmission of
the next 802.11 packet from the IUT will be noted using the sniffer’s time base.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
Using an 802.11 packet sniffer check that the IUT does not transmit an 802.11 Data Frame within
32 ms duration after the sniffer records the transmission of the CTS-to-self frame by the Lower

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.10 Multi-rate support (MRS)

80211MP/MRS/BV-01-C [Multi-rate support]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT correctly receives all PHY-mandatory and supported rates.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.2.4

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section is completed

802.11 DataPacket
Repeat for all
Mandatory ACK
and supported
HCI_ACL_Data Packet

Figure 5.31: 80211MP/MRS/BV-01-C [Multi-rate support]

1. Mandatory rates are 1, 2, 5.5, 11, 6, 12, and 24 Mbps.

2. Supported rates for the implementation are given in the PAL ICS.
3. The 802.11 traffic is monitored by a sniffer.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT should ACK all packets received at mandatory and supported rates.
The IUT should indicate to HCI the ACL Data frame to the Upper Tester that a packet was received.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.11 General Data Frame Processing (GFP)

Verify that the IUT responds as expected in the following test cases.

80211MP/GFP/BI-01-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame with invalid Protocol Version]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives an 802.11 MSDU with a Frame Control field Protocol Version greater
than 0 and does not transmit an ACK in response.

• References
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part a

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 22

IUT does not respond with an ACK

Wait for 1
Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet


Figure 5.32: 80211MP/GFP/BI-01-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame with invalid Protocol Version]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 22, the IUT does not respond with an ACK. There is no corresponding HCI ACL
Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BI-02-C [IUT receives an 802.11 control frame of reserved subtype, one

with and one without an address-3 field]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives an 802.11 control frame with a subtype field in the Frame Control field set
to a reserved value and does not generate an ACK in response.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part a

• Initial Condition:
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 23

IUT does not respond with an ACK

Wait for 1 second

HCI ACL Data Packet
Frame 24
IUT does not respond with an ACK
Wait for 1 second Frame 1
HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.33: 80211MP/GFP/BI-02-C [IUT receives an 802.11 control frame of reserved subtype, one with and
one without an address-3 field]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 23, the IUT does not respond with an ACK. There is no corresponding HCI ACL
Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends the first Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT
responds with an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
In response to Frame 24, the IUT does not respond with an ACK. There is no corresponding HCI ACL
Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends the second Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT
responds with an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BI-03-C [IUT receives an 802.11 Beacon with no supported rates in

Supported Rates/Extended Supported Rates IE (invalid beacon frame)]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives an invalid 802.11 beacon while already connected and is subsequently
able to successfully receive data.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part a

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 26

Wait for 1 second

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.34: 80211MP/GFP/BI-03-C [IUT receives an 802.11 Beacon with no supported rates in Supported
Rates/Extended Supported Rates IE (invalid beacon frame)]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
There is no HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester corresponding to Frame 26.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BI-05-C [IUT receives 802.11 Management and Data frames from the Lower
Tester where Subtype field is set to a reserved value]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives the reserved frame from the Lower Tester and responds back with an

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure
For each frame, Frame 31 through Frame 34, and Frame 37 through Frame 41:
1. Send the frame from the Lower Tester.
2. Observe the medium.
3. The Lower Tester waits for a second.
4. The Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT.
5. Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Loop frame = Frame-31 through Frame-42



Wait for 1
Frame 1

Figure 5.35: 80211MP/GFP/BI-05-C [IUT receives 802.11 Management and Data frames from the Lower Tester
where Subtype field is set to a reserved value]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to each of the stimulus frames (Frame 31 through Frame 34 and Frame 37 through
Frame 41), the IUT responds with an ACK. There is not a corresponding HCI ACL Data Packet
indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BI-06-C [IUT receives reserved 802.11 frames from the Lower Tester]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives reserved 802.11 frames from the Lower Tester and continues to function
without system failure. The IUT may or may not respond with an acknowledgement.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part C

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Loop frame = Frame-43 through Frame-44



Wait for 1
Frame 1

Figure 5.36: 80211MP/GFP/BI-06-C [IUT receives reserved 802.11 frames from the Lower Tester]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to each of the stimulus frames (Frame 43 and Frame 44), the IUT may respond with an
ACK. There is not corresponding HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BI-07-C [IUT receives a Probe Request from the Lower Tester, where the
Probe Request includes an SSID element with a length that is greater than 32-bytes]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT can receive a malformed Probe Request from the Lower Tester and continue to
function without system failure.

• Reference
[7] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure
1. Send Frame 49 from the Lower Tester.
2. Observe the medium.
3. The Lower Tester waits for a second then the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT.
4. Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 49


Wait for 1
Frame 1

Figure 5.37: 80211MP/GFP/BI-07-C [IUT receives a Probe Request from the Lower Tester, where the Probe
Request includes an SSID element with a length that is greater than 32-bytes]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 49, the IUT responds with an ACK. There is no corresponding HCI ACL Data
Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BV-01-C [IUT receives an 802.11 Beacon with bits 5 through 15 set to 1 in

the Capability Information field]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives an 802.11 beacon and does not respond with an ACK.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part a

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 25

IUT does not respond with an ACK

Wait for 1 second

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.38: 80211MP/GFP/BV-01-C [IUT receives an 802.11 Beacon with bits 5 through 15 set to 1 in the
Capability Information field]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 25, the IUT does not respond with an ACK. There is no corresponding HCI ACL
Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BV-02-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame where the Subtype in Frame
Control set to 0x08 and the frame has a zero byte payload]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives an 802.11 QoS data frame and responds with an ACK.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 27

IUT does not respond with an ACK

Wait for 1 second

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.39: 80211MP/GFP/BV-02-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame where the Subtype in Frame Control
set to 0x08 and the frame has a zero byte payload]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 27, the IUT responds with an ACK. There is no corresponding HCI ACL Data
Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BV-03-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester with the
Order bit in the Frame Control field set to 1]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT acknowledges the data frame it receives from the Lower Tester and a
corresponding HCI ACL Data Packet indication is forwarded to the Upper Tester.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 29


HCI ACL Data Packet

Wait for 1 second

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.40: 80211MP/GFP/BV-03-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester with the Order
bit in the Frame Control field set to 1]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 29, the IUT responds with an ACK, there is a corresponding HCI ACL Data
Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BV-04-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester with a
payload length less than 64 bytes]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives the 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester and responds with an
acknowledgement. In addition, verify that the Upper Tester receives a corresponding HCI ACL Data
Packet indication.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 30


HCI ACL Data Packet

Wait for 1 second

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.41: 80211MP/GFP/BV-04-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data frame from the Lower Tester with a payload
length less than 64 bytes]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to Frame 30, the IUT responds with an ACK, there is a corresponding HCI ACL Data
Packet indication at the Upper Tester.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/GFP/BV-05-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data packet from the Lower Tester with a
payload larger than the fragmentation threshold]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT can receive fragments of an 802.11 data frame with a payload larger than the
fragmentation threshold and acknowledge each received fragment(s).

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 45


HCI ACL Data Packet

Wait for 1 second

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data Packet

Figure 5.42: 80211MP/GFP/BV-05-C [IUT receives an 802.11 data packet from the Lower Tester with a payload
larger than the fragmentation threshold]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
In response to each fragment of the stimulus Frame 45, the IUT responds with an ACK. There is one
HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester, when all the fragments corresponding to Frame
45 are received by the IUT.
After the one second wait, when the Lower Tester sends Frame 1 to the IUT, the IUT responds with
an ACK. In addition, there is an HCI ACL Data Packet indication at the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.12 Deauthentication tests (DEAU)

80211MP/DEAU/BV-01-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication with selected reason
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT destroys logical and physical links when a deauthentication frame is received with
any reason code.

• References
[6] Test 1.1.3 Part a

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed

Frame 18




Figure 5.43: 80211MP/DEAU/BV-01-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication with selected reason codes]

The Lower Tester sends an 802.11 deauthentication frame to the IUT.

The above procedure is repeated for each reason code in the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18,
20, 23, 24, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45} inserted into the deauthentication frame.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
For each iteration of the test, verify the following:
On reception of Frame18 the IUT sends an HCI_DISCONNECTION_LOGICAL_LINK event and an

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 76 of 88

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DEAU/BV-02-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication sent to broadcast

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT accepts and tears down the Physical link when it receives a deauthentication
frame sent to the broadcast MAC address.

• References
[6] Test 1.1.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble specified in Section has been completed

Frame 20



Figure 5.44: 80211MP/DEAU/BV-02-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication sent to broadcast address]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
On reception of the deauthentication frame the IUT sends a HCI_DISCONNECTION_LOGICAL_LINK
event and a HCI_DISCONNECTION_PHYSICAL_LINK event to the Upper Tester.

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 77 of 88

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DEAU/BV-03-C [Link Initiator Receives Deauthentication]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT as initiator accepts and tears down the Physical link when it receives a
deauthentication frame.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.3

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble specified in Section has been completed

Frame 21




Figure 5.45: 80211MP/DEAU/BV-03-C [Link Initiator Receives Deauthentication]

The Lower Tester sends a Frame 21 to the IUT with the Reason code = 1.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
On reception of the deauthentication frame the IUT sends an
to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DEAU/BI-01-C [Reject Deauthentication with invalid FCS]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT ignores and does not acknowledge an 802.11 deauthentication frame with an
invalid FCS.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.3 Part c

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble specified in Section has been completed

Frame 19

Wait for 1 second

No Ack sent in response to Frame 19

Frame 1

HCI ACL Data packet


Figure 5.46: 80211MP/DEAU/BI-01-C [Reject Deauthentication with invalid FCS]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
On reception of Frame19 the IUT does not send an 802.11 ACK to the Lower Tester within 1 second.
On reception of Frame 1, the IUT sends an 802.11 ACK to the Lower Tester and sends an ACL data
packet to the Upper Tester.

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 79 of 88

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DEAU/BI-02-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication with reserved reason]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT destroys logical and physical links when a deauthentication frame is received with
an invalid reason.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.3 Part a

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble specified in Section has been completed

Frame 18




Figure 5.47: 80211MP/DEAU/BI-02-C [Acceptor Receives Deauthentication with reserved reason]

The Lower Tester sends Frame18 to the IUT with a reason code of 0.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
After reception of Frame 18 the IUT sends a HCI_DISCONNECTION_LOGICAL_LINK event and

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.13 Disassociation Processing (DAP)

80211MP/DAP/BV-01-C [IUT receives a valid disassociation frame]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives a disassociation from the Lower Tester and stops transmitting data
frames to the Lower Tester.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.6 Part A

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure
The Lower Tester sends a set of disassociation frames to the IUT, with one of the set of reason codes
listed below.
Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester (STA)

The preamble specified in Section has been completed

Frame 70



Figure 5.48: 80211MP/DAP/BV-01-C [IUT receives a valid disassociation frame]

The above procedure is repeated for each reason code in the set {4, 8, 10, 11, 34, 255}.

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT does not indicate any ACL data frames to the Upper Tester, irrespective of the reason code
received in the disassociation frame from the Lower Tester, after the disassociation frame is received.
The IUT generates a Disconnection Logical Link Complete event for each logical link and a
Disconnection Physical Link Complete event.

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 81 of 88

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/DAP/BI-01-C [IUT receives a Disassociation frame with incorrect FCS]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT receives a disassociation frame from the Lower Tester with an invalid FCS and
ignores it.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.1.6 Part a

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure
The Lower Tester sends a disassociation frame with an invalid FCS to the IUT.
The Upper Tester sends an ACL data frame after invalid disassociation frame is sent and the IUT is
able to send it to the Lower Tester.
Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester (STA)

The preamble specified in Section has been completed

Frame 71


The logical link remains active and the IUT can

transmit 802.11 data frames to the LT

Figure 5.49: 80211MP/DAP/BI-01-C [IUT receives a Disassociation frame with incorrect FCS]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT ignores the received disassociation frame with invalid FCS.
The IUT is able to send ACL data frames after the invalid disassociation frame is received.
The IUT does not generate a disconnection event to the Upper Tester.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

5.14 Recovery Procedure and Retransmit Limits (RT)

80211MP/RT/BV-01-C [IUT Retransmit RTS frame dot11ShortRetryLimit times]
• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT retransmits an RTS frame at least once when the Lower Tester does not respond
with a corresponding CTS frame.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.2.1

• Initial Condition
- The preamble specified in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure
The Upper Tester sends Frame 1.
The Lower Tester does not respond to the RTS frame(s) it receives from the IUT.
Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble specified in Section has been completed




Figure 5.50: 80211MP/RT/BV-01-C [IUT Retransmit RTS frame dot11ShortRetryLimit times]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT retransmits the RTS frame at least once.
The IUT does not transmit Frame 1 because no CTS is received.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/RT/BV-02-C [Retransmit unacknowledged long data frame]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT retransmits an unacknowledged 802.11 data frame at least once.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.2.1 Part b

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.

• Test Procedure
The Upper Tester sends ACL_HCI DATA Packet to the IUT.
When the IUT sends an 802.11 RTS to the Lower Tester, the Lower Tester responds with an 802.11
CTS frame.
When the IUT sends Frame 1 to the Lower Tester, the Lower Tester does not respond with an 802.11
ACK frame.
Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed



Frame 1

Frame 1

Figure 5.51: 80211MP/RT/BV-02-C [Retransmit unacknowledged long data frame]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT performs an 802.11 RTS/CTS handshake with the Lower Tester.
The IUT retransmits Frame 1 at least once.

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 84 of 88

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

80211MP/RT/BV-03-C [IUT retransmits unacknowledged short data frame]

• Test Purpose
Verify that the IUT retransmits an unacknowledged short 802.11 data frame at least once.

• Reference
[6] Test 1.2.1 Part c

• Initial Condition
- The preamble in Section has been completed.
- The Lower Tester sends an Activity Report indicating no interference in order that the IUT may
turn off RTS signaling.

• Test Procedure
1. The Upper Tester sends Frame 1 to IUT.
2. The Lower Tester does not respond with an 802.11 ACK to Frame 1 it received from the IUT.
3. Observe the medium.

Lower Tester IUT Upper Tester

The preamble in Section has been completed


Frame 1

Frame 1

Figure 5.52: 80211MP/RT/BV-03-C [IUT retransmits unacknowledged short data frame]

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
The IUT retransmits Frame 1 at least once.

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

6 Test case mapping

The Test Case Mapping Table (TCMT) maps test cases to specific capabilities in the ICS. The IUT is
tested in all roles for which support is declared in the ICS document.
The columns for the TCMT are defined as follows:
Item: Contains a logical expression based on specific entries from the associated ICS document.
Contains a logical expression (using the operators AND, OR, NOT as needed) based on specific entries
from the applicable ICS document(s). The entries are in the form of y/x references, where y corresponds
to the table number and x corresponds to the feature number as defined in the ICS document for
802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) [9].
Feature: A brief, informal description of the feature being tested.
Test Case(s): The applicable test case identifiers are required for Bluetooth Qualification if the
corresponding y/x references defined in the Item column are supported. Further details about the function
of the TCMT are elaborated in [1].
For the purpose and structure of the ICS/IXIT, refer to [1].

Item Feature Test Case(s)

802.11 MP 1/1 Acknowledgement and Duration 80211MP/AD/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/2 Null data frame processing 80211MP/ND/BI-01-C
802.11 MP 1/3 RTS/CTS signaling 80211MP/RC/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/4 Defragmentation Tests 80211MP/DF/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/5 Authentication Frame Processing 80211MP/AFP/BI-01-C
802.11 MP 1/6 Association Response testing 80211MP/ARSP/BI-01-C
802.11 MP 1/7 Association Request Processing (AREQ) 80211MP/AREQ/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/8 Duplicate Frame processing 80211MP/DUP/BV-01-C

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 86 of 88

802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

Item Feature Test Case(s)

802.11 MP 1/9 CTS to Self (CS) 80211MP/CS/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/10 Multi-rate support (MRS) 80211MP/MRS/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/11 General Data Frame Processing (GFP) 80211MP/GFP/BI-01-C
802.11 MP 1/12 De-authentication tests (DEAU) 80211MP/DEAU/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/13 Disassociation Processing 80211MP/DAP/BV-01-C
802.11 MP 1/14 Recovery Procedure and Retransmit Limits 80211MP/RT/BV-01-C
Table 6.1: Test case mapping

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802.11 MAC/PHY (80211MP) / Test Suite

7 Revision history and acknowledgments

Revision History

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number
0 4.0.0 2011-07-15 Prepare for publication.
4.1.0r01 2013-11-11 Updated revision to 4.1.0
Updated references to include version 4.1
Updated top sheet to include version 4.1
Removed N/A Sections
1 4.1.0 2013-12-03 Prepare for Publication
4.2.0r00 2014-11-24 Revved version to align with Core 4.2 release
4.2.0r01 2014-12-03 Template conversion
2 4.2.0 2014-12-05 Prepared for TCRL 2014-2 publication
5.0.0r00 2016-10-20 Converted to new Test Case ID conventions as
defined in TSTO v4.1
3 5.0.0 2016-12-13 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2016-2
5.1.0r00 2018-11-13 Updated template. Revved version to align with
Core 5.1 release.
4 5.1.0 2018-12-07 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2018-2
p5r00 2019-11-27 Updated document naming convention and template
items, moving Revision History and Contributors
tables to the bottom of the document, updating
Disclaimer text and Confidentiality markings to align
with latest Documentation Marking Requirements, and
making minor editorial fixes.
5 p5 2020-01-07 Approved by BTI on 2019-12-22. Prepared for TCRL
2019-2 publication.
p6r00–r02 2023-04-03 – TSE 22977 (rating 1): Per E22504, updated “DUT” to
2023-05-22 “IUT” in the MSCs for 80211MP/AFP/BI-01-C,
80211MP/AFP/BI-02-C, and 80211MP/AFP/BI-03-C.
Editorials to align the document with the latest TS
template conventions and DNMD guidance.
6 p6 2023-06-29 Approved by BTI on 2023-06-05. Prepared for
TCRL 2023-1 publication.


Name Company
Kevin Hayes (editor) Atheros
Jimmy Salame Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Ray Hayes Broadcom
Nick Jackson CSR
Ganesh Venkatsan Intel
Raja Banarjea Marvell

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 88 of 88

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