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of Printed Pages : 7 BCS-052



Term-End Examination

December, 2022



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt

any three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Given the IP address as, find

the network address. 3

P. T. O.
[2] BCS-052

(b) Identify the class of the following IP

addresses : 2



(c) Differentiate between getsocket( ) and

setsocket( ) system calls. 2

(d) How are the following socket types useful

in socket programming ? 6

(i) Stream socket

(ii) Datagram socket

(e) What is the primary function of a web

server ? Explain the importance of Apache

and Samba web servers. 6

(f) With the help of a diagram, explain 3-way

handshaking technique to establish a TCP

connection. 6
[3] BCS-052

(g) For what purpose FTP is used ? Describe

the FTP commands for copying files to or

from remote host. 4

(h) What are the two ways to close a

socket ? What is the difference between the

two ? 5

(i) What is the use of BIND ? Describe its

components. 6

2. (a) A DNS client is looking for IP address of Show the complete

procedure for mapping a domain name to

IP address. 6

(b) What are the common services for which

remote administration is used ? Describe

P. T. O.
[4] BCS-052

the following utilities for secure data

communication :

(i) SSH

(ii) rlog in 8

(c) Discuss the importance of the following

flags of TCP header : 6

(i) Urgent pointer

(ii) Push

(iii) Acknowledgement

3. (a) What is the use of the following Ethernet

configuration tools ? 5

(i) IPconfig

(ii) routelnetstat-rn

(iii) lsmod

(iv) ping.IP-address

(v) dhclient
[5] BCS-052

(b) Write a concurrent TCP server and a TCP

client program using C-language having

the following specifications : 10

(i) The server program can handle upto

four clients concurrently.

(ii) The client program sends values X = 5

and Y = 9 of two variables.

(iii) The server program swaps the value of

the variables and returns the result of

the respective clients.

(c) Draw the UDP header format and explain

the purpose of the following fields : 5

(i) Source Port No.

(ii) Checksum

4. (a) How does the distance vector routing

algorithm work ? Explain. 6

P. T. O.
[6] BCS-052

(b) What are reasons for occurrence of

networking problem ? Describe the

following network troubleshooting tools : 8

(i) Wmap

(ii) Traceroute

(iii) Netstat

(c) Write the syntax and explain the use of the

following system calls : 6

(i) send( )

(ii) sendto( )

(iii) recvfrom( )

5. (a) Define Integrity in the context of network

security. 2

(b) What information do we obtain from the

following functions ? How are they useful

in socket programming ? 8

(i) gethostbyname( )
[7] BCS-052

(ii) gethostaddress( )

(iii) getsockname( )

(iv) getservbyname( )

(c) Write an algorithm for UDP client and

UDP server as per the following

specifications : 10

(i) UDP client will send a number to the


(ii) The UDP server will return the

factorial of that number.


P. T. O.

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