Bachelor in Computer I.-Applications: Term-End Examination O Lune, 2aag Bcs-061: TCF / Ip Programming

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Term-End Examination
O lune, 2AAg


Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 60

Nofe : Question no. 1, is compulsory. Answer any three
questionsfro* the rest.

!. (a) How the TCP/IP model is different from OSI 5

model in term of architecture and
functioning ?

(b) For what purpose socket is used in IP 4

addressing.Explain with an example.

(.) Make diagram of TCP header format and 6

discuss the purpose of fields "sequence
number" and "Window Size".

(d) Explain the differences between classfull 4

and class less IP addresseswith a suitable
example of each.

BC5-061 P,T.O.
(u) List the differences between primary and
secondaryDNS server.
(f) Write the syntax and purpose of following
(g) Explain the syntax and functioning of
following socketprograrruning procedures.
(i) send( ) (ii) send to( )
(iii) recv( )

2. (a) Differentiate between TCP and UDP

architectureusing suitable diagrams.
(b) What is meant by Byte ordering ? For what
purpose following functions are used.
Explain using an example of each.
(i) htons. (it htonl
(iii) ntohs (i") ntohl

3. Write an algorithm eachfor TCP client and server

with the following specifications.
(i) Client program initiate the communication,
after authentication from server it send a
range of number (e.g. 10 to 100) to the
(ii) TCP server, which can handle maximum
6 clients, accept the range of numbers from
clients. As a reply it send a list of prime
numbers (if any) to the respective client.
Note: Assume you have the list of clients in
the server program database.

4. (a) Explain, how ARP resembleswith RARP.
Also, give any two d,ifferencesbetween
(b) What is meant by binding in network
programming. Explain the threeusesof bind

5. (u) Write the distancevector routing algorithm.

Also, explain its disadvantages.

(b) Explain the purpose of following services

offered by TCP to the processesrunning on
application layer.
(i) Stream data transfer
(i0 Reliability
(iii) Efficient flow control

(i") Full duplex operation



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