Export Indonesian Coffee

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Journal of Socioeconomics and Development. 2021.

4(1): 120-133

Journal of Socioeconomics and Development


Indonesian coffee exports and its relation to global market

Fitriani1*, Bustanul Arifin2, and Hanung Ismono2
1State Polytechnic of Lampung, Indonesia
2University of Lampung, Indonesia
*Correspondence email: fitriani@polinela.ac.id


►Research Article Coffee price is an important indicator that stimulates farmers to advance their
welfare. Unfortunately, coffee crisis makes the farm gate price uncertain and
Article History volatile. This study aims to explore the Indonesian coffee export situation related
Received 14 January 2021 to price risks and coffee market integration between Indonesian coffee price and
Accepted 16 March 2021 international price. The time series data were the coffee price from 1987 to 2014
Published 30 April 2021 in Indonesian domestic market and in global trade in London. Vector Error
Keywords Correction Model (VECM) approach was applied to test market integration based
coffee; export; market on Ravallion’s equation. Based on the analysis, the results of the study revealed
integration; price that Indonesian coffee export performed progressively in the last decade. Export
destination countries for Indonesian coffee also developed broadly. There was
JEL Classification market integration on the Indonesian coffee market and global price in the
D49; Q02; Q17 London terminal. Although not fully, the shock in the international price was
somehow felt in the Indonesian coffee market. There were sufficient shreds of
evidence to conclude that the Indonesian coffee market is well integrated with
the international market in the long run. The changing coffee price in Indonesia
and the International market adjusted in the next three years. In short term,
Indonesian coffee price was 76% influenced by international price changes, but
not vice versa.

To cite this article: Fitriani, Arifin, B., & Ismono, H. (2021). Indonesian coffee exports and its relation to global market
integration. Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, 4(1), 120-133. https://doi.org/10.31328/jsed.v4i1.2115
ISSN 2615-6075 online; ISSN 2615-6946 print
©UWG Press, 2021

INTRODUCTION Global coffee industry wave achieves a highly

successful, high-quality, customer-centric, and
The global economic condition has been broadly
sustained coffee business that meets the desires and
driven by international trade which is considered an
needs of today’s demanding and knowledgeable
important source of income in developing countries.
coffee drinkers. In the European Union in 2018, the
Coffee is one of the valuable international trade
share of coffee consumption had the highest growth
commodities across countries. The cash crop coffee
include France (32% of all coffee consumption), the
trade involves many countries as producers,
Netherlands (31%), and Belgium (27%). The leading
industries, global chains, and consumers. Dominantly,
countries in Europe are Germany, France and Italy
in consumer countries, global coffee chains have
(CBI, 2020). The increasingly sustainable coffee
extended rapidly. Consumers do not only justify on
certification consumption also becomes a global trend.
quality of material but typically emblematic on quality
Consumers’ willingness to pay premium prices to
and in-person services as a lifestyle manifestation.
Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, Vol 4, No 1, April 2021 121

obtain organic products, which can be viewed as the Indonesian coffee has been getting famous and
cost of investment in human health, is encouraging commercially classified as an agricultural commodity
(Mengistie, 2020). since its first export in 1711. It is the most outstanding
The essential characteristics of the global coffee commodity in international transactions, as well as the
chain in the last 40 years can be described with two domestic supply, in terms of quantity and value. The
broad historical periods: the International Coffee major suppliers are located in developing countries
Agreement (ICA) regime (1962-89) and the post-ICA and the major customers are the developed countries,
regime (1989–present). The post-ICA regime exhibits where coffee demand is concentrated (de Almeida &
calls a “buyer-driven” chain, specifically labeled as a Vegro, 2020). Global coffee establishment was well
“roaster-driven” chain. The processes of a commodity before the first outbreak of rust in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
supply chain need to understand its internal and in 1869 (Igo, 2020). Nowadays, Indonesia is the fourth
external relations with each of its members and accept biggest coffee producer in the world with Brazil,
the positive effects of the supply chain integration in Vietnam, and Colombia. Coffee production within
the operational performance of a company (Ramos et 2014—2018 in average amount was 662.75 thousand
al., 2019). The liberalization of the coffee industry has ton per year and 70% of it was exported. Coffee
started competition among members. The production was mostly cultivated by smallholder
appearance of a global coffee chain with voluntary farmers (95.45%). Robusta coffee was more
regulatory systems excess coincided with the coffee dominantly produced than arabica coffee, reaching
crisis (Muradian & Pelupessy, 2005). Important 72.66%. The estimation of Indonesian coffee
changes in the governance and institutional production in 2020-2024 is 777.73 thousand tons of
arrangement of the coffee commodity chain have been coffee beans with the increasing growth of 1.36% per
the reasons for explaining the coffee paradox. The year (BPS, 2019). Almost half of the coffee trade in
coffee paradox is the coexistence of a 'coffee boom' in the EU is dominantly controlled by some Indonesian
consuming countries and a 'coffee crisis' in producing importers: Nestlé (Switzerland), DE Masterblenders
countries. When the international coffee prices falls (the Netherlands), Tchibo (Germany), Lavazza (Italy),
dramatically, the producers receive the lowest prices Aldi (Germany), and Segafredo (Italy) (Simamora,
in decades. Thus, the exporter countries are still poor 2014). This relationship forms a vertical integration
and of low income. Social accountability has been between roasters and international traders.
applied in various forms of effective interactions Globally, ICO noted that coffee export supply is
between the community and village government. higher than that of the world coffee consumption in
Many efforts are required to improve the quality of 2017-2018. This is contrary to the situation in 2018-
human resources through more stakeholder 2019, where the world coffee consumption was higher
engagement, training activity, and community than its production (Figure 1).
empowerment (Zeho et al., 2020). The changing global coffee supply is linked with
The global coffee chain has changed dramatically the cyclical coffee production pattern in the coffee
as a result of deregulation, new consumption patterns, producer. Mostly it is the global climate change that
and evolving corporate strategies. Disaggregation disturbs the production situation. The data remains a
embedded in a network of activities controlled by prior work on exchange rate pass-through and export
global firms changes the structure of production, supply curves (Amiti et al., 2019). On the other hand,
trade, and consumption of commodities (Lee et al., coffee consumption raised in 2020 after the decline in
2012). Global Value Chains (GVC) analysis emerges. 2019. When the consumption was higher than
‘Value chains’ requires coherent link on input supply, production, the farm gate price has an opportunity to
production, trade, and consumption explicitly. GVCs have a better price. Global coffee price also depends
lead to the relationship between the level of on consumers’ country lifestyle. It links with the trend
coordination and strength asymmetry indirectly. The of sustainable coffee with certification commodities
formulation of the success of production standards is platform (buyer’s driven). The coffee market will most
steered by the market. Given the vertical nature of likely keep adapting itself to satisfy such changes.
these markets, they are most appropriately Consumer behavior will certainly continue to change.
characterized by successive oligopoly and or The whole chain currently generates thousands of jobs
oligopsony. across the globe, and the potential for new consumers
122 Fitriani et al., Indonesian coffee exports and...

to begin purchasing and drinking coffee is enormous in domestic producer region and global tends to be
(de Lima et al., 2019). Furthermore, the coffee price dynamic and volatile (Figure 2).

Figure 1. World coffee production and consumption (ICO, 2021)

2018 2019

Figure 2. World coffee price 2018-2019 (ICO, 2021)

Figure 3. Global and Indonesia’s coffee price, 2018 (BPS, 2019; ICO, 2021)
Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, Vol 4, No 1, April 2021 123

Coffee as a tradable commodity has high volatility Indonesian coffee export progress in the last two
in price (Suyamto and Noordwijk, 2004). Uncertainty decades and contribute to farmer’s welfare? and (3)
and the volatility of Indonesian coffee prices reflected How does the relationship between coffee prices in
by the variations for prices have been experienced by Indonesia and global prices?
coffee producers in Indonesia, different from the The study of market integration will inform the
prices paid by consumers in the developed countries. phenomenon of the price disparity between producers
Coffee price in East Java is only valued between 4.8 to and consumers. It has been exposed through several
24.2% of the retail price in the importing countries. studies, among which is Pioneer publication’s in spatial
Coffee price in Lampung is much lower, only about 1.2 market integration that belongs to Ravallion (1986).
to 7.5% of the retail price in the importing countries Therefore, this study focuses on the Indonesian coffee
(Hutabarat, 2006). situation due to market connection or integration with
The price of both robusta and arabica coffees at global trade. This deals with the Indonesian coffee
the farm gate in Indonesia tends to fluctuate export situation related to global market participation.
compared to the global price (Figure 3). Arabica’s price Beside that, the study investigates the Indonesia
tends to fluctuate more than robusta’s. There is a coffee market condition to pursue market integration
wide disparity of price between arabica and robusta. with global trade (London terminal). This information
Price is an important indicator for farmers as an will be meaningful to improve the coffee market
incentive for their production (Stigler, 1987). Price is structure at the local and regional levels.
a key to better income and improving coffee grower’s
welfare. Even though coffee bean prices in Indonesia RESEARCH METHOD
is quite low, there is a strong relationship between the
The spatial market integration in agriculture
coffee industry in Western Europe and the one in
commodities is commonly measured by static price
Lampung, and a less stronger one between that and
correlations. Yet, a dynamic model can also be
the one in Jawa Timur (Hutabarat, 2006).
advantageous through which one can distinguish
The dynamic movement of global coffee price is
between the concepts of instantaneous market
linked with the coffee farm gate at the farmers’ level.
integration and the less restrictive idea of integration
Previous studies about coffee farmer’s income in the
as a long-run target of the short-run dynamic
production center in West Lampung revealed that the
adjustment process. An influential change in spatial
income from coffee farming (Incamilla et al., 2015)
market integration literature by using an error
was lower than Lampung's regional minimum wage
correction model which allowed autocorrelation
standard. This fact shows that smallholder's coffee
problems distinguishes long and short-run dynamics
farming is not economically sustainable yet. Coffee
and seasonal components for spatial price differentials
farmers face poverty and are still underdeveloped.
(Ravallion, 1986). The prices of a commodity in two
Vulnerability on coffee prices can reduce farmer's
markets are equal and their co-movement is perfect,
motivation to improve their coffee farming. In many
and when markets are integrated, price changes in a
producer countries, farmers are concerned with price
market will be transmitted to the other market on a
stability and access to market information, because
one-for-one basis. The basic simple bivariate form is
constraints in the coffee market evoke high exposure
tested by estimating (Eryigit & Karaman, 2011):
to risks. During the past two decades, the “coffee
crisis” has threatened the social structure of Pit = β1 +β2Pjt +εt ) ……… (1)
communities that rely heavily on coffee cultivation for
their livelihood. The crisis was more severe in Vietnam where Pit and Pjt are the logarithms of the prices in
than in Columbia. The change in commodity prices the region i and j respectively. The satisfaction of
affected land-use decisions on farms, and the restrictions β1 = 0 and β2 = 1. Estimating an equation
environmental services they provide (Li, 2013; Haggar of the above form, however, can lead to spurious
et al., 2013). regression problems, since regressions of price levels
Based on the importance of prices for the welfare necessitate that the price series be stationary. The
of coffee farmers, this research seeks to find out such most common approach is to take first the differences
issues as (1) How does the Indonesian coffee export of all non-stationary variables before specifying the
situation deal with price risks? (2) How does model. Time-series data may trend over time, i.e.,
124 Fitriani et al., Indonesian coffee exports and...

stochastic trends, a spurious regression might exist in 3. Long-run market integration (bio = 1);
the presence of non-stationary variables. In this Consider that the equation (5) taken when Pit = P*i
situation, the method of co-integration can provide a , Pit = P*t, and eit = 0 for all t, then
better way to test a more general notion of market
∑𝑛𝑗=0 𝑏𝑖𝑗 + 𝑋𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑖
P*t = ----------------------- ……. (6)
Suppose that trade is infinitely costly between two
1- ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑎𝑖𝑗
market locations but that the time series of prices at
the two locations are synchronously, identically, and Under long-run integration, equation (6) can be
linearly affected by another variable, in term of good written:
trade in a common market or a shared dynamic ∆𝑃𝑖𝑡 = (𝑎𝑖1 − 1)(𝑃1𝑡 − 1 − 𝑃1𝑡 − 1) +
seasonal structure in production, then one can readily ∑𝑛𝑗=2 𝑎𝑖𝑗 (𝑃𝑖𝑡 − 𝑗 − 𝑝1𝑡 − 𝑗) + 𝑏𝑖0 ∆𝑃𝑖𝑡 +
express price in one market as a linear function of 𝑗
𝑗=1 (𝑏𝑖0 − 1 + ∑𝑘=1 𝑎𝑖𝑘 + 𝑏𝑖𝑘) ∆𝑃1𝑡 −
price in the other market, with slope unity, even
𝑗 + 𝑋𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑖 + 𝑒𝑖𝑡 ...… (7)
though the markets are segmented. Measurement of
market integration can be viewed as basic data for an P1t and P1t-1 were coffee prices in Indonesia as a
understanding of how specific markets work producer at t and t-1 time; P2t and P2t- were coffee
(Ravallion, 1986). prices at the London terminal market at t and t-1 time;
Unit root test analysis is the first step to estimate Xt was dummy coffee crisis in Indonesia; bi was
the model. Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests were regression coefficient, and it was an error term.
conducted to verify stationary or presence of unit root The research scope study was time series of
in the individual series of the model. The next step annual data on a coffee price for the period from 1987
was cointegration tested by Johansen criteria. An to 2014. The range of studies considered the
obvious procedure estimated a Vector Error Correction completeness data of Indonesian coffee prices in farm
Model (VECM) on the difference series to define the gate and London terminal (ICO, 2018). The data
lag order for the data analysis. The coffee market source was ICO and Indonesia Statistical Bureau.
integration model adopted the spatial market structure Time series coffee price was in Indonesia as domestic
by Ravallion (1986). The model is summarized as market and global trade in London.

P1 = f1 (P2, P3, ……….PN, X1) ……… (2) RESULT AND DISCUSSION

Pi = fi (P1, X1) (i= 2, …. N) ……… (3) Coffee Market Situation

with Xi (i=1, ……., N) a vector of other influences Totally 95% of world coffee production is produced
on the local market. The function f1 (i=1, …..N) can by countries member of the International Coffee
be thought of as a solution of appropriate conditions Organization (ICO). Brazil and Vietnam contributed
for market equilibrium. Considering the dynamic effect more than 44.1% of ICO total production (Table 1).
can arise from several conditions underlying Vietnam has the highest growth as an exporter and
behavioral relations, the econometric model of the T- also has coffee export competitiveness in the ASEAN
period series of the price of N region was assumed: market (Sinta, Alamsyah, & Elwamendri, 2017).
Indonesia contributed 6.4% of the coffee production
P1t = ∑𝑛
𝑗=1 𝑎1𝑗 𝑃1𝑡 − 𝑗 +
share in the global market. It was decreased
𝑘=2 ∑𝑗=0 𝑏𝑘1𝑗 𝑃𝑘𝑡 − 𝑗 ……. (4)
compared with 2013 which was 8.6%.
Global coffee production in 2019/2020 decreased
Pit = ∑𝑛 𝑛
𝑗=1 𝑎𝑖𝑗 𝑃𝑖𝑡 − 𝑗 + ∑𝑗=0 𝑏𝑖𝑗 𝑃 1𝑡 − 𝑗 + compared to 2016-2018 (Table 2). Arabica coffee
𝑋𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑖 + 𝑒 𝑖𝑡 ……. (5)
production decreased by 5% to 95.99 million bags,
The e’s were appropriate error processes and the while that of Robusta rose by 1.9% to 73.36 million
a’s, b’s, and c’s were fixed. bags. World coffee consumption decreased by 2.35%
The following hypotheses usually are testable: in 2018 and rose to 1.28% in 2019, and then there
1. Market segmentation (bij = 0; (j= 0, ......., n)) was a coffee deficit in 2019. World coffee exports in
2. Short-run market integration (bio = 1) the world in January 2021 reached 10.21 million bags.
Exports in the first 4 months of the coffee year of
Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, Vol 4, No 1, April 2021 125

2020/21 (Oct 20 to Jan 21) increased by 3.7% to Based on the kinds of product, export was
41.88 million bags compared to 40.38 million bags in dominated by coffee beans (80%), instant coffee
the same period in 2019/20. The Covid-19 pandemic (19%), roasted coffee (1%), and coffee extract.
continues to put pressure on the global economy and Indonesia coffee export destinations are mainly to
greatly limits out-of-home coffee consumption in Europe and Asia. The European market was mainly
2020. traded by international roaster corporations (Table 4).
Indonesian coffee export attained 49% from The US and Africa have become important to market
national coffee production in 2019 which was equal to recently. The demand for Indonesian coffee beans in
359.053 thousand tons with an export value (US$.000) the US is influenced by row coffee prices. Indonesian
883.183 (Figure 4). Net export value of coffee in 2019 coffee is elastic in the main importing countries of the
attained (US$.000) 816.938. The decrease in coffee US, Japan, and Germany. Based on the cross elasticity
export was mainly caused by the inefficient coffee value of Indonesian coffee is inelastic, , Indonesian
production line facade on the coffee farming level and coffee is complementary to Vietnamese coffee in the
the exogenous factor of climate change. Indonesian US market, while in Japan and Germany the market it
coffee farming was characterized by smallholder is substitutable (Manalu, Harianto, Suharno, &
farming (94%). Mostly, they still showed low Hartoyo, 2020). Market destination diversification is
productivity, low income, and poverty because of prior. Diversification of the market destination and
limited access to technology, credit, and the market. commodity composition is necessary to increase the
Hence, the coffee quality and value addition in coffee export of processed coffee (Kustiari, 2007).
processing from small farmers is in Indonesia need to
develop further.

Table 1. Global Coffee Producer, 2013-2017

No Country 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Average Share
................................................. ton ................................................ % %
1 Brazil 1,699,147 1,986,506 2,005,034 1,823,886 1,647,811 1,832,477 25.36 25.36
2 Vietnam 1,306,503 1,400,000 1,229,596 1,400,000 1,434,452 1,354,110 18.74 44.11
3 Colombia 543,685 619,108 713,060 734,689 712,542 664,617 9.20 53.31
4 Indonesia 532,157 382,774 499,651 412,529 485,931 462,608 6.40 59.71
Source: ICO (2021)

Ekspor (ton)
Export Volume (Ton) Impor Volume
Import (ton) (Ton) Neraca
BalanceNilai (000 US$)

600.000 1.200.000

500.000 1.000.000
100.000 0
0 -200.000
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 4. Indonesian coffee export-import 2010-2019 (Dirjenbun, 2019)

126 Fitriani et al., Indonesian coffee exports and...

Tabel 2. The Global Coffee Production and test to data coffee price are shown in Table 5. Price
Consumption, 2016-2020 coffee data were placed at first differentiation.
Year Production Growth Consumption Growth
000 60 kg % 000 60 kg % Table 4. Export Destination Country of Indonesian
2016/17 162,320 161,377 Coffee, 2019
2017/18 163,693 0.85 168,491 4.41
Share of
2018/19 172,461 5.36 164,530 -2.35 Export
No, Country Export value Export
2019/20 165,053 -4.30 166,628 1.28 Volume
Source: ICO (2021)
ton 000 US$ %
1 USA 58,672 253,872 16.34
Table 3. Export-Import Value of Indonesian coffee 2 Malaysia 36,895 62,937 10.28
3 Italy 35,452 60,355 9.87
4 Egipt 34,287 59,057 9.55
Year Export Import Balance 5 Japan 25,594 68,572 7.13
ton ton 000 US$ 6 Great Britain 18,924 38,234 5.27
2010 433,595 19,755 779,459 7 Germany 18,452 44,911 5.14
2011 346,493 18,108 987,552 8 Belgium 16,260 44,759 4.53
2012 448,591 52,645 1,132,345 9 India 12,579 15,518 3.50
2013 534,023 15,800 1,135,191 10 Georgia 12,230 20,064 3.41
2014 384,816 19,111 992,573 11 Russia Fed 11,106 17,334 3.09
2015 502,021 12,462 1,166,243 12 Marocco 9,664 16,275 2.69
2016 408,838 23,634 949,588 13 Singapura 8,723 27,881 2.43
2017 467,790 14,221 1,153,304 14 Vietnam 7,222 11,273 2.01
2018 279,961 78,847 662,011 15 Spain 5,546 9,256 1.54
2019 359,053 32,102 816,938 Others 47,448 132,826 13.21
Source: Dirjenbun (2019) Source: Dirjenbun (2019)

Indonesian Coffee Market Integration The next step after data placement was to detect
Time series variables are faction from random and cointegration between both coffee prices. The
stochastic processes. Stationery data need to run the cointegration test is important to determine a kind of
regression for time series analysis. Time series data (Vector Auto Regression) system. VECM (Vector Error
are often confined in non-stationary conditions. The Correction Model) was used in non-structural VAR
consequence makes the regression spurious. The unit when data stationed at first differentiation and there
root test developed by Dickey-Fuller was one of the was cointegration linkage. Johansen cointegration was
robust tools to detect the stationery data. Integration applied to test the price variable cointegration. Based
market analysis involved time series data prices at the on the Johansen cointegration test performed (Table
domestic and global levels. The results of the unit root 6), there was a trace 1 cointegrating equation at the
0.05 level.

Table 5. Unit Root Test of Coffee Price

Equation Test
Level ADF Stat Critical Value p-value
(trend and intercept)
PF Level -0.050067 0.01 -3.699871 0.9454
0.05 -2.976263
0.10 -2.627420
First differentiation -4.606870 0.01 -3.711457 0.0012*
0.05 -2.981038
0.10 -2.629906
PR Level -1.444955 0.01 -3.699871 0.5454
0.05 -2.976263
0.10 -2.627420
First differentiation -5.085010 0.01 -3.711457 0.0004*
0.05 -2.981038
0.10 -2.629906
*) stationer at a significant 0.05 level
PF = Indonesian coffee price
PR = International trade price represent in London terminal market
Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, Vol 4, No 1, April 2021 127

Table 6. Johansen Co-integration Test

Coffee price cointegration
Rank Eigenvalue Trace statistic 0.05 critical value
r=0 0.461598 23.06663 18.39771
Max Eigen statistic 0.05 critical value
16.0971 17.14769
Trace test indicates 1 cointegrating equation(s) at the 0.05 level

Based on the test results, the trace test indicated

the cointegration equation at a 0.05 level. At the same The estimated VECM suggested that the
time, the maximum Eigenvalue test also indicated that adjustment process was relatively fast about 24% of
there is one cointegration. This fact reveals the notices the divergence from the notion of long-run equilibrium
that both trace test and Max–eigenvalue test agree being corrected each year. The changing prices
that there was cointegration on the coffee prices in transmitted contemporaneously to the producer price,
Indonesian and the international market. It means although just partly. Granger causality test for long-
that there is a long-term relationship between the run indicated that the changing price, not vice versa
coffee prices in producer countries (Indonesia) and to Indonesia coffee price. Then, asymmetric
International prices at the London terminal. For adjustment to the long-run equilibrium appeared
centuries, Indonesian coffee has been exported, so doubtful. It suggested that the increases and
the price policies decided by those markets will affect decreases in the international coffee price are passed
the coffee prices in the domestic market. The through similarly and symmetrically to the Indonesian
cointegration implies an existence of a linear long-term coffee market.
relationship between the non-stationary variables. Positive trade flows are sufficient to demonstrate
Hence, co-integration tests for market integration only spatial market integration under the traceability
assess whether there is a statistically significant linear standard. But prices do not need to be equilibrated
long-run relationship between different price series. across markets (Barrett, 2005). Economic analysis of
The existence of this relationship provides a shred of internationally traded commodities would gain much
evidence for market integration (Eryigit & Karaman, from explicitly incorporating market structure (Igami,
2011). 2012). The equation of short-run integration of coffee
After the positive cointegration was detected, market could be formulated as below:
VECM was applied to determine the short-run and D(LOG(PF)) = - 0.765610412455*D(LOG(PF(-1))) -
long-run integration market. VECM can expose the 0.610587811297*D(LOG(PF(-2))) -
dynamic equilibrium relationship of short-run and 0.621824452781*D(LOG(PF(-3))) +
long-run in a system of equations. VECM regress 0.362988669231*D(LOG(PR(-1))) -
changes in the price variable fell behind the deviation 0.176060193261*D(LOG(PR(-2))) -
of long-run equilibrium relationship and also lag 0.804352441602*D(LOG(PR(-3))) -
0.794881960484*D(CR(-1)) -
deviation of prices in the short-run period. Deviation
0.868618531214*D(CR(-2)) -
from equilibrium, as the reflection coefficient by VECM, 0.633327166545*D(CR(-3)) +
will bring changes to the balance between these co- 0.202062846843
integrated variables (Enders, 2008). The top display
informed the long-run integration market (Table 7). Based on the ECT (0.2020), it can be implied that
Based on the VECM result, it is shown that the first 20.20% inappropriate price of coffee in Indonesian
row in the second part presented the estimation of the and international coffee would be adjusted in three
speed of adjustment coefficient for each variable, the years. The parameter ∆Pft was estimated to be equal
second was standard errors and the third was t- to 0.76, suggesting that shocks in the international
statistics. The equation of coffee market integration in price directly, although not fully, passed through the
the long-run term performed is as follows. domestic market. Finally, there is sufficient evidence
to conclude that the Indonesian coffee market is well
D(LOG(PF)) = 0.238296055721*( LOG(PF(-1)) + integrated with an international market in the long
2.536055449*LOG(PR(-1)) +
run. Price signals are also transmitted in the short run.
3.33150746545*CR(-1) - 22.5192739029
128 Fitriani et al., Indonesian coffee exports and...

On the other hand, lag differenced terms are also International price and coffee crisis variable had
estimated to be negative, reflecting a somewhat significant to Indonesian coffee price. The coffee crisis
complex short-run dynamic. that happened in the past also influenced the
Indonesian coffee price. The coffee crisis in Indonesia
Table 7. Vector Error Correction Estimates hit coffee farming starkly. Many farms changed from
Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1 coffee into other commodities. This is the reason why
LOG(PF(-1)) 1.000000
lag 3 is used for the analysis because the coffee plant
LOG(PR(-1)) 2.536055
(0.46213) needs at least 3 years for its first harvest. The coffee
[ 5.48777] crisis included the drastic decrease of coffee price
CR(-1) 3.331507
globally which then affected the domestic price. The
[ 9.78503] domestic farmers responded by changing the coffee
C -22.51927 plant to other commodities broadly or having failure in
Error Correction: D(LOG(PF)) D(LOG(PR)) D(CR)
CointEq1 0.238296 -0.282338 -0.300985 production because of pest and disease, drought,
(0.19832) (0.10488) (0.11911) flood, and other environmental risks. If there was a
[ 1.20158] [-2.69208] [-2.52684] crisis shock on Indonesian coffee, there would be
D(LOG(PF(-1))) -0.765610 0.338370 0.344950
(0.28006) (0.14810) (0.16821) changes in domestic coffee price. Coffee price in the
[-2.73377] [ 2.28469] [ 2.05072] Indonesian market was significantly influenced by
D(LOG(PF(-2))) -0.610588 -0.013293 0.314934
three-year lag time price. The same situation also
(0.24072) (0.12730) (0.14458)
[-2.53646] [-0.10442] [ 2.17820] happened to international coffee price and coffee crisis
D(LOG(PF(-3))) -0.621824 0.161744 0.472912 variables.
(0.25124) (0.13287) (0.15090)
[-2.47500] [ 1.21735] [ 3.13389] The phenomenon also happened at the global
D(LOG(PR(-1))) 0.362989 0.787496 0.109432 grain market. The changes in the world prices
(0.56881) (0.30080) (0.34164) transmitted to the domestic prices are relatively low
[ 0.63816] [ 2.61797] [ 0.32031]
D(LOG(PR(-2))) -0.176060 0.363508 0.207971 both in the short run and in the long run, and that
(0.54976) (0.29073) (0.33020) adjustment to the new equilibrium following a shock is
[-0.32025] [ 1.25034] [ 0.62984]
D(LOG(PR(-3))) -0.804352 1.062022 0.053035
slow (Ozturk, 2020). Changes in coffee productivity
(0.51274) (0.27115) (0.30796) and prices appear to be linked with multiple factors
[-1.56875] [ 3.91671] [ 0.17221] including local market reform, a greater presence of
D(CR(-1)) -0.794882 0.741491 0.443484
(0.48350) (0.25569) (0.29040) public extension agents, high international prices, and
[-1.64400] [ 2.89993] [ 1.52712] a push for certification by international buyers (Minten
D(CR(-2)) -0.868619 0.579119 0.382197
et al., 2019). Social innovation based on the
(0.40244) (0.21282) (0.24171)
[-2.15840] [ 2.72115] [ 1.58120] collaboration of different actors and the integration of
D(CR(-3)) -0.633327 0.638573 0.258646 the coffee production chain will promote the social and
(0.36664) (0.19389) (0.22021)
[-1.72740] [ 3.29350] [ 1.17454]
economic development of the community (Agostini et
C 0.202063 0.029273 -0.099367 al, 2020)
(0.09121) (0.04823) (0.05478) The main problem with threshold models of spatial
[ 2.21536] [ 0.60688] [-1.81384]
R-squared 0.638191 0.630398 0.730960 market integration is that in the absence of
Adj. R-squared 0.359876 0.346089 0.524006 information on transfer cost, the estimation procedure
Sum sq. resids 2.206273 0.617014 0.795911 is rather complicated, particularly with two thresholds.
S.E. equation 0.411963 0.217859 0.247435
F-statistic 2.293056 2.217299 3.531989 To overcome this problem, outside information on
Log likelihood -5.413536 9.876476 6.821335 transfer costs is used to formulate a threshold
Akaike AIC 1.367795 0.093627 0.348222
Schwarz SC 1.907736 0.633568 0.888163
variation of Ravallion’s well-known dynamic model of
Mean dependent 0.120697 0.030679 -0.041667 spatial market integration (Ravallion, 1986).
S.D. dependent 0.514904 0.269412 0.358641 Response impulse analysis is used to profound the
Determinant resid cov. (dof adj.) 0.000288
Determinant resid covariance 4.58E-05 VECM interpretation. This analysis traces the response
Log-likelihood 17.71885 of endogenous variables in the VAR system toward
Akaike information criterion 1.523429 shocks or changes in disturbance variables (e).
Schwarz criterion 3.290510
Cr: Indonesian coffee crisis period Response impulses for coffee market integration are
relayed in the picture below.
Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, Vol 4, No 1, April 2021 129
130 Fitriani et al., Indonesian coffee exports and...

The top layer performed response of Log PF Improving predictability and stability for producers,
toward shock in LOG PR and Log Cr. Shock caused by exporters, and consumers alike through contractual
the increasing international coffee price tended to be arrangements for promoting sustainability among
followed by increasing Indonesian coffee price sharply producers is necessary. The contractual arrangements
for 10 years forward. On the other hand, the coffee with an integrated approach addressing basic
crisis shocks affected Indonesian coffee price relatively economic issues within the context of other production
smoothly for 10 years forward. International coffee and trading practices are essential to provide a
price impulse response toward Indonesian coffee price reference point for all players along the supply chain,
performed sharper than a coffee crisis for 10 years especially enhance producer autonomy. Asymmetric
forward. Some previous researches informed that a information on the actions of other players within the
few producers have the means required to successfully coffee market usually lying between producers,
achieve profitable and long-term market integration. policymakers, roasters, and even consumers.
The opportunity for the biggest and best-connected Minimum protectionist policies and lower levels of
producers is necessary to exacerbate asymmetries government intervention increase the domestic
inside peasant smallholders farming communities and market integration with the international market
weaken producers’ cooperatives (de la Vega-Leinert, (Ozturk, 2020). For producers to successfully reap the
Brenner, & Stoll-Kleemann, 2016). There is strong benefits of the international market, they must have
evidence of the link between the coffee price in the dependable, understandable, and up-to-date market
European coffee industry and that in Lampung farm information as well as information on efficient
gate as reported by Hutabarat (2006). strategies for adjusting to market-changing market
conditions (Schuller et al., 2008).
Research Implication
Therefore, coffee business value chain actors
Based on the analysis, the implication of this (form trade collector, roasting industry, intermediary
research focuses on the following issues. The trader, manufactured industries, and exporter)
integration of commodity markets is very important in starting from a local and regional scale need to build
determining an equitable value chain for all business and develop the institutional capacity of partnerships,
actors involved in it. An integrated market shows that especially in mutual- hubs corporation with coffee
the information transmission that occurs at the farmers. The presence of corporate institutions at the
consumer market level is dispersed as information on coffee farmer level is needed to capitalize on farming
commodity prices at the producer level. The difference capital, increase market access and price guarantees,
in the results of the market integration index in the to sustain the supply chain capacity in the national to
short and long term is important to consider in the the global coffee business value chain.
policy of strengthening coffee farmers as the upstream Changes appear to be linked with multiple factors
commodity supply chain. Global corporations that including local market reform, a greater presence of
drive vertical business value chains are important in public extension agents, high international prices, and
ensuring that their business practices do not come at a push for certification by international buyers. On the
the expense of smallholders. Interconnections other hand, a combination of production (lack of
between actors in the business chain need to be built improved seedlings, weather, and disease shocks), as
and intensively communicate various programs to well as institutional issues (saving constraints and lack
ensure the sustainability of quality coffee supplies of vertical integration and traceability), have
from farmers. seemingly impeded more widespread uptake of
Price is the main incentive for farmers. The threat improved practices and therefore better farm
of price fluctuations that tend to harm farmers can be performance. The eventually promote higher-value
the reason for switching to other commodities that can coffee exports, with a better image of the country as
threaten the sustainability of coffee supplies. a high-quality coffee producer and a national trust-
Market price volatility can threaten sustainable worthy coffee bean classification system will improve
coffee, especially at the farm gate. The producer will Indonesian coffee performance in global buyer sight.
severely restrict the ability to pursue social, The evolution of the coffee consumer profile with
environmental, and economic development.
Journal of Socioeconomics and Development, Vol 4, No 1, April 2021 131

market trends on coffee consumption is important (de another evidence related to the possibility of
Lima et al., 2019). asymmetric global coffee price workability.
The presence of the role of the government as a The integrated transmission of coffee price
regulator is needed to provide a business and information at local, regional and global market levels
investment climate in favor of smallholder coffee is important information in building a fair coffee
farmers, especially in access to capital, markets, business value chain. The "coffee paradox"
technology, and institutions. Fulfillment of the farmers’ phenomenon that has emerged due to the
needs-based approach is a priority. Enhance farmer's contradiction between the condition of coffee farmers
access to credit and start-up funds for small producers with their poverty problem and the condition of
will provide the ability of such producers to enter into consumers who enjoy luxurious coffee needs to be
such markets. Limitation on access to capital press the addressed carefully. Farmers as the starting point for
ability of producers to adopt strategies towards coffee production are the weakest actors. Only with
diversification both along the coffee supply chain as systematic and directed efforts with clear indicators of
well as into other product areas. The adoption of clear achievement of improvement in farmer welfare can
and transparent management practices, combined coffee farmers be empowered. Strengthening and
with the enhanced information on market conditions increasing the capacity of farmers can be done
typically associated with recognized sustainability through the implementation of the principles of
systems, improves the risk profile of producers, corporate share value by corporate stakeholders in the
thereby making them more worthy clients for credit. coffee business chain. Increasing the business
It is also important to be present in facilitating the competitiveness of coffee entrepreneurs must be
improvement of the quality of human resources for integrated with efforts to strengthen equitable supply
farmers through various field school programs and chain lines. Empowered coffee farmers will be able to
training. The government also should prescribe export ensure coffee production according to GAP, handle
and import policies. International trade policy is harvest according to GMP, and have a good bargaining
necessary to enhance the productivity of coffee position in price and market negotiations. Thus, coffee
agribusiness development. farming income increases and farmers are empowered
and resilient.
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