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Selection Guide | VACON® 100 X and VACON® 20 X | 0.

75 – 37 kW

Save costs and space with

decentral AC drives

Type 4X
outdoor protection
rating in a
compact design
Central drive solution



Maximum protection wherever you want

AC drive cabinets Motor cables

Decentral drive solutions enable engineers and Decentral drive solution

machine designers to save on costs and space.

VACON® 100 X and VACON® 20 X manage to combine (gained free space)

IP66/Type 4X outdoor enclosure protection with a

compact design, which means they can be mounted
directly onto the motor, machine or wherever the most Machine

efficient location for the drive is.


Decentral solutions An independent drives supplier

In a decentral drive solution, the drives VACON 100® X and VACON 20® X are
are located as close as possible to not tied to any specific motor supplier,
the motor. Significant savings can be which gives the customer the AC drives Motor cables

achieved in cabling costs, space and go-ahead to choose the best available
energy when the installation does not solution. Many competitors only offer Central drive solution

require the drives to be mounted in a decentral drives that work with a

separate electrical room or enclosure. specific motor – by selecting
VACON® 100 X and VACON® 20 X the
Motor mountable OEM customer will receive all the advantages
solutions and freedom necessary to ensure
The motor mounted approach has processes run at an optimal level. Machine
been used in mechanical transmission
applications for many years.
VACON 100® X and VACON 20® X now
bring this trend to a wider range of
applications, such as pumps, fans,
compressors and many more. In many
cases, the best location for the drive can
be directly on the working machine, as
close to the motor as possible. AC drive cabinets Motor cables

Decentral drive solution

2 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02

(gained free space)

The decentral drives approach
in a nutshell
„ Locating the drive as close to the motor as possible
„ Minimizing the use of electrical rooms
„ Integrating the drive as part of the machine
„ No cabinets used for the drives
„ Notably shorter length of shield cables needed,
reducing costs

Savings built-in
Save on cabinet costs Save on cabling costs
These are examples of how VACON® 100 X and Compared to a traditional solution, with the AC drives
VACON® 20 X can help save on cabinet costs: located in an electrical room, a decentral solution offers
significant savings potential in cabling costs. By locating the
„ No cabinet needed for the drive drive at the machine the length of the motor cable will be
„ Heat loss from the drives does not have to be ventilated minimized. Examples of how VACON® 100 X and VACON® 20 X
out of the cabinet can help save on cabling costs:
„ Weight and size of the cabinet is significantly reduced
„ Installation time for the drive is shorter if mounted „ Minimized length of more costly shielded motor cable
without an enclosure „ Reduced cable laying costs

Save more in high powers Single package from the machine builder
With drives available in powers all the way up to 37 kW A decentral solution provides a more flexible solution as an
the decentral drive technology can be utilized in new OEM manufacturer can deliver its machine in one piece and
applications that have previously been limited to traditional there is no need to install the drives in a separate location.
cabinet solutions. Examples of how decentral AC drives save
more energy when operating with high power include: „ A complete package delivered in one piece
„ Possibility to offer the customer a better optimized
„ Lower cabinet ventilation costs, if cabinet still needed, solution
as drive heat loss is external „ Minimized installation costs for the end-customer
„ Savings in cable costs increase with the size of
the motor cable
„ Less cooling costs for electrical rooms

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02 3

VACON® 20 X – performance under pressure
VACON® 20 X is built on experience of producing drives in high enclosures.
A decentral drive solution offers countless possibilities. An IP66/Type 4X outdoor
protection rating offers the best possible protection from any factors that may be
encountered in harsh environments, while other great features such as large cooling
ribs and an integrated mains switch make VACON 20 X the right choice when your drive
needs to be integrated directly into the application.

When you need a where dust could otherwise build up a decentral solution, chances are that
decentral solution through airflow and cause internal space is at a premium. VACON® 20 X
The main purpose of VACON® 20 X is components to fail. The enclosure is has all the standard features you would
to offer an AC drive that can act in all certified 3M6 according to IEC 60721- expect along with a wide range of
kinds of decentral applications 3-3 resistant to 2g vibrations and the options, all in one place. The option of
and is still flexible and easy to use. rubber sealing comes equipped with having a built-in main switch is a great
With this in mind, it has features such a protective Snap-in Vent (Membrane saver when it comes to installation
as a wide array of fieldbus connections, IP69K). This ensures the pressure costs – the drive provides the housing
and Safe Torque Off mode, proving inside the drive is equalized with the for the switch and makes the drive
that robustness doesn’t have to surrounding environment, which in work in the field to full effect. No need
compromise simplicity. turn prevents the sealing from being for engine rooms or cabling systems
worn down. In addition, the drive’s – with VACON® 20 X, all the standard
IP66/Type 4X outdoor design is such that it is operable in functionality and a whole range of
certified protection temperatures of up to 40 °C options come in a single box.
The VACON® 20 X enclosure is fully (up to 50 °C with derating).
compliant with IP66/Type 4X protection
rating for outdoor installation and Everything in one place
offers the best possible protection Despite its highly developed
against external issues. This protection enclosure, the drive is easy to install
is essential in moist or dusty conditions, and commission. If you’re looking for

Typical applications
„ Machinery „ Conveyors „ Washdown duty installations
„ Pumps „ Fans „ General purpose installations

4 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02

What’s inside VACON® 20 X

Removable IP66/Type 4X outdoor

keypad certified protection
as option The VACON® 20 X enclosure is fully
The removable compliant with IP66/Type 4X
text keypad has protection rating for outdoor
non-volatile memory installation, meaning
(for copy/paste that the drive is resistant
parameter settings). to potential hazards such
Mounted with a as moisture, dust,
magnetic fixing, it detergents and
can be removed and fluctuations in
mounted next to the temperature.
drive or used remotely
during commissioning.

Mains switch
integrated as
Using the integrated Pressure
drive supply switch equalizer vent
option, the drive’s The pressure equalizer
main supply can be vent allows the enclosure
disconnected and to breathe, no matter
locked for safety during how harsh the external
maintenance work. conditions, acting
This also saves on as a barrier against
investment costs condensation, dust and
and space. dirt. It equalizes the
pressure inside the drive
with the surrounding
environment, which is
vital in preventing the
sealing from getting
worn down.

Expansion slot for additional option boards

An expansion slot opens up the possibility of connecting to other fieldbuses
and I/O boards.

Programming designed for OEMs

Built-in PLC functionality, using IEC61131-1 programming methods, allows
software logic and parameter list definitions to be modified with the optional
VACON® Programming tool.

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Ratings and dimensions
Power Motor current Dimensions W x H x D* Weight
Supply Enclosure
AC drive type
voltage size
kW HP IN [A] 1.5 x IN [A] mm inches kg lb
VACON0020-1L-0004-2-X 0.75 1.0 3.7 5.6
208-240V VAC, VACON0020-1L-0005-2-X 1.1 1.5 4.8 9.6 MU2 169 x 295 x 154 6.65 x 11.61 x 6.06 3.4 7.50
VACON0020-1L-0007-2-X 1.5 2.0 7.0 10.5
VACON0020-3L-0004-2-X 0.75 1.0 3.7 5.6
VACON0020-3L-0005-2-X 1.1 1.5 4.8 7.2 MU2 169 x 295 x 154 6.65 x 11.61 x 6.06 3.4 7.50

208-240 VAC, VACON0020-3L-0007-2-X 1.5 2.0 7.0 10.5

3-phase VACON0020-3L-0011-2-X 2.2 3.0 11.0 16.5
VACON0020-3L-0012-2-X 3.0 4.0 12.5 18.8 MU3 205 x 375 x 180 8.07 x 14.76 x 7.09 6 13.23
VACON0020-3L-0017-2-X 4.0 5.0 17.5 26.3
VACON0020-3L-0003-4-X 0.75 1.0 2.4 3.6
VACON0020-3L-0004-4-X 1.1 1.5 3.3 5.0
VACON0020-3L-0005-4-X 1.5 2.0 4.3 6.5 MU2 169 x 295 x 154 6.65 x 11.61 x 6.06 3.4 7.50

380-480 VAC, VACON0020-3L-0006-4-X 2.2 3.0 5.6 8.4

3-phase VACON0020-3L-0008-4-X 3.0 5.0 7.6 11.4
VACON0020-3L-0009-4-X 4.0 6.0 9.0 13.5
VACON0020-3L-0012-4-X 5.5 7.5 12.0 18.0 MU3 205 x 375 x 180 8.07 x 14.76 x 7.09 6 13.23
VACON0020-3L-0016-4-X 7.5 10.0 16.0 24.0

* Dimensions without keypad and mains switch

Technical highlights Benefits

„ 2g resistance to vibrations „ Cost savings from decentral concept
(according to 3M6/IEC 60721-3-3) „ Can be used in almost any environment
„ IP66/Type 4X outdoor protection rating „ Can be cleaned with pressurized water
„ Large cooling ribs „ Custom-made software solutions with built-in PLC
„ Option of integrated mains switch functionality for OEMs
„ Safe Torque Off (STO) function according to SIL3 „ Mountable in any position; fits into any available space
(only in three-phase version)
„ Runs induction and permanent magnet motors
„ Integrated PID controller
„ Wide amount of fieldbus connections
„ Built-in EMC filter for category level C2
(3-phase version) C1 (1-phase version).
„ Brake chopper integrated (only in 3-phase version)

6 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02

Technical data
Communication RS485 Standard: Modbus RTU
HMI RS422 based for PC tools or keypad interface
Software features Control characteristics Induction and PMSM motor control
Switching frequency up to 16 kHz (factory default 6 kHz)
Frequency control U/f and Open loop sensorless vector control
Motor tuning identification and flying start mode
Motor connection Output voltage 0...Uin
Output current Continuous rated current In at rated ambient temperature
Overload 1.5 x In max 1 min / 10 min
Starting current / torque Current 2 x In for 2 secs every 20 sec period
Output frequency 0...320 Hz - resolution 0.01 Hz
Ambient conditions Ambient operating temperature -10 °C...+40 °C without derating
(max. temperature 50 °C with derating)
Vibration 2g resistance to vibrations (according to 3M6/IEC 60721-3-3)
Altitude 100% load capacity (no derating) up to 1000 m;
1% derating every 100 m up to 3000 m
Protection rating IP66/Type 4X outdoor
EMC Immunity Complies with EN 61800-3, level C2 (3-phase version) and C1 (1-phase version)
Functional safety Safe Torque Off (STO) SIL 3 according to IEC61800-5-2
PL e / Cat 4 according to ISO13849-1 (only in three-phase version)

I/O connections Option boards

Standard I/O 6 x DI/DO, each digital input can be individually
OPT-B1-V programmed to also act as digital output
Terminal Signal OPT-B2-V 2 x Relay output + Thermistor
A RS485 Differential receiver/transmitter OPT-B4-V 1 x AI, 2 x AO (isolated)
B RS485 Differential receiver/transmitter OPT-B5-V 3 x Relay output
OPT-B9-V 1 x RO, 5 x DI (42-240 VAC)
1 +10Vref Reference output
OPT-BF-V 1 x AO, 1 x DO, 1 x RO
2 AI1+ Analog input 1, voltage or current OPT-E3-V PROFIBUS DPV1, (screw connector)
3 AI1- /GND Analog input 1 common OPT-E5-V PROFIBUS DPV1, (D9 connector)
4 AI2+ Analog input 2, voltage or current OPT-E6-V CANopen
OPT-E7-V DeviceNet
5 AI2- / GND Analog input 2 common
3 x PT100 or PT1000, NI1000, KTY84-130, KTY84-150,
6 24Vout 24 V aux. voltage OPT-BH-V KTY-84-131
7 GND / DIC I/O ground OPT-BK-V AS-interface option card
8 DI1 Digital input 1 OPT-CI-V Modbus TCP option card
OPT-CP-V PROFINET IO option card
9 DI2 Digital input 2
OPT-CQ-V EtherNet/IP option card
10 DI3 Digital input 3 OPT-EC-V EtherCAT option card
13 GND I/O ground OPT-CJ-V BACnet MS/TP
14 DI4 Digital input 4
15 DI5 Digital input 5
16 DI6 Digital input 6 VACON-PAN-HMTX-MC06X Magnetic handheld keypad
18 AO1+ Analog output signal (+output), voltage
20 DO1 Digital output (open collector) Type code key
VACON0020 3L 0006 4 X + OPTION CODES

Relays STO connections 0020 Product range

Terminal Terminal VACON 20

22 RO1/2 CM S1 3L Input/Function
Relay output 1 Isolated digital output 1 3L = Three-phase input
23 RO1/3 NO G1 1L = Single-phase input

24 RO2/1 NC S2 0006 Drive rating in Ampere

Isolated digital output 2 eg. 0006 = 6 A
25 RO2/2 CM G2
Relay output 2 4 Supply voltage
F+ 2 = 208-240 V
26 RO2/3 NO STO feedback 4 = 380-480 V
X IP66/Type 4X outdoor protection rating
EMC level C2 (3-phase) or C1 ( 1-phase)
+ STO integrated (only in 3-phase version)
Brake chopper (only in 3-phase version)
OPTION +HMTX = Text keypad
+QDSS = Mains switch
CODES +QDSH = Simple operator panel

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02 7

VACON® 100 X – a top class decentral drive
With a power range from 1.1 kW to 37 kW the VACON® 100 X sets a new benchmark
for decentral drives. It comes with IP66/Type 4X outdoor protection rating and has
highly advanced control capability which guarantees processes run exactly how you
want them to. On top of all this, it has built-in harmonic filtering chokes, making it
suitable for public networks.

Top class protection IP69K). This ensures the pressure Programming designed
IP66/Type 4X outdoor protection inside the drive is equalized with the for OEMs
approval means that VACON® 100 X surrounding environment, which in turn Built-in PLC functionality, using
comes with all the armour it needs in prevents the sealing from being worn down. IEC61131-1 programming methods,
order to stand up to the challenges allows software logic and parameter
that demanding applications can throw Into the heat of the action list definitions to be modified with the
at it. The robust, die-cast metal frame The enclosure’s heatsink is easy to clean optional VACON® Programming tool.
is strong enough to withstand 3g and the large, open cooling ribs allow This means that users can customize
vibrations, and its cooling capabilities the drive to perform in temperatures the drive around their requirements,
are excellent. The enclosure is powder up to 60 °C (with derating). The cooling making it an attractive option for OEM
coated for protection against corrosion system is such that it is not dependent customers.
and is designed to be fully operational on motor airflow like most motor
in outdoor environments. The rubber mounted drives, and the fan is speed-
sealing comes equipped with a controlled and pluggable, and therefore
protective Snap-in Vent (Membrane easy to replace.

Typical applications
„ Machinery „ Decentral solutions in a high variety of applications
„ Conveyors „ Outdoor applications
„ Pumps „ Applications exposed to vibrations
„ Fans

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What’s inside VACON® 100 X
TÜV/SÜD certified solution

Pressure equalizer vent Large cooling ribs

Just like VACON® 20 X, VACON® 100 X The front of the drive’s
comes with a pressure equalizer enclosure offers cooling
vent which allows the enclosure to protection with ribs that
breathe, however harsh the external don’t collect dust. They
conditions, and prevents it allow full access to the
from getting worn down. heatsink and can be
This acts as a barrier cleaned with
against condensation, pressurized water.
dust and dirt and This makes them easy
ensures pressure to maintain and ensures
inside the drive is reliable operation.
equalized with
the surrounding

Terminal box
A single box that
contains all the drive’s
wiring and the control
unit, freeing up space
Power head elsewhere.
All the power
components are
contained in one
compact and robust unit.
Removable connectors
are always used to make
connections, meaning
the power head can be
easily removed where

Mains switch
integrated as option
Using the integrated drive
supply switch option, the
Expansion slots drive’s main supply can be
for additional disconnected and locked
option boards during maintenance work.
Two expansion slots open up the This helps save on investment
possibility of connecting to other costs and space and provides
fieldbuses and I/O boards. safety during the job.

Mountable in four orientations Motor mountable

Both the drive and the keypad can be mountable in four positions. This means The drive can be mounted onto
that however you set up the VACON® 100 X, the keypad will remain easily any flat surface. Motor mounting
operable. Since there are no electrical cable connections to worry about, is done using additional
it can even be rotated in the field. adaptable parts.

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02 9

Ratings and dimensions
VACON® 100 X
Power Motor current Dimensions W x H x D** Weight
Supply Enclosure
AC drive type
voltage size
kW HP IN [A] 1.5 x IN [A] mm inches kg lb
VACON0100-3L-0006-2-X 1.1 1.5 6.6 9.9
VACON0100-3L-0008-2-X 1.5 2.0 8.0 12.0
MM4 190.7 x 315.3 x 196.4 7.51 x 12.41 x 7.73 8.8 19.4
VACON0100-3L-0011-2-X 2.2 3.0 11.0 16.5
VACON0100-3L-0012-2-X 3.0 4.0 12.5 18.8
208-240 VAC,
3-phase VACON0100-3L-0018-2-X 4.0 5.0 18.0 27.0
VACON0100-3L-0024-2-X 5.5 7.5 24.2 36.3 MM5 232.6 x 367.4 x 213.5 9.16 x 14.46 x 8.41 14.9 32.9
VACON0100-3L-0031-2-X 7.5 10.0 31.0 46.5
VACON0100-3L-0048-2-X 11.0 15.0 48.0 72.0
MM6 350 x 500 x 235 13.78 x 19.69 x 9.25 31.5 69.5
VACON0100-3L-0062-2-X 15.0 20.0 62.0 93.0
VACON0100-3L-0003-4-X 1.1 1.5 3.4 5.1
VACON0100-3L-0004-4-X 1.5 2.0 4.8 7.2
VACON0100-3L-0005-4-X 2.2 3.0 5.6 8.4
MM4 190.7 x 315.3 x 196.4 7.51 x 12.41 x 7.73 8.8 19.4
VACON0100-3L-0008-4-X 3.0 5.0 8.0 12.0
VACON0100-3L-0009-4-X 4.0 5.0 9.6 14.4
VACON0100-3L-0012-4-X 5.5 7.5 12.0 18.0
380-480 VAC, VACON0100-3L-0016-4-X 7.5 10.0 16.0 24.0
VACON0100-3L-0023-4-X 11.0 15.0 23.0 34.5 MM5 232.6 x 367.4 x 213.5 9.16 x 14.46 x 8.41 14.9 32.9
VACON0100-3L-0031-4-X 15.0 20.0 31.0 46.5
VACON0100-3L-0038-4-X 18.5 25.0 38.0 57.0
VACON0100-3L-0046-4-X 22.0 30.0 46.0 69.0
MM6 350 x 500 x 235 13.78 x 19.69 x 9.25 31.5 69.5
VACON0100-3L-0061-4-X 30.0 40.0 61.0 91.5
VACON0100-3L-0072-4-X 37.0* 50.0* 72.0* 80.0*
VACON0100-3L-0003-5-X 1.1 1.5 3.4 5.1
VACON0100-3L-0004-5-X 1.5 2.0 4.8 7.2
VACON0100-3L-0005-5-X 2.2 3.0 5.6 8.4
MM4 190.7 x 315.3 x 196.4 7.51 x 12.41 x 7.73 8.8 19.4
VACON0100-3L-0008-5-X 3.0 5.0 8.0 12.0
VACON0100-3L-0009-5-X 4.0 5.0 9.6 14.4
VACON0100-3L-0012-5-X 5.5 7.5 12.0 18.0
380-500 VAC, VACON0100-3L-0016-5-X 7.5 10.0 16.0 24.0
VACON0100-3L-0023-5-X 11.0 15.0 23.0 34.5 MM5 232.6 x 367.4 x 213.5 9.16 x 14.46 x 8.41 14.9 32.9
VACON0100-3L-0031-5-X 15.0 20.0 31.0 46.5
VACON0100-3L-0038-5-X 18.5 25.0 38.0 57.0
VACON0100-3L-0046-5-X 22.0 30.0 46.0 69.0
MM6 350 x 500 x 235 13.78 x 19.69 x 9.25 31.5 69.5
VACON0100-3L-0061-5-X 30.0 40.0 61.0 91.5
VACON0100-3L-0072-5-X 37.0* 50.0* 72.0* 80.0*

* Low overload (110%) ** dimensions without keypad and mains switch

Technical highlights Benefits

„ IP66/Type 4X outdoor protection rating „ Able to withstand rough conditions such as heat,
„ 3g resistance to vibrations dirt and vibrations
(according to 3M7/IEC 60721-3-3) „ Easy to keep clean
„ Supports both induction and permanent magnet motors „ Approval for public networks makes it
„ Option of ability to operate in temperatures ranging flexible for installation
from -40 °C to 60 °C „ VACON® Programming enables top class
„ Integrated with RS485 Modbus and EtherNET integration for countless OEM applications
communication „ High efficiency and simulated air flow ensure
„ Safe Torque Off (STO) mode according to SIL3 long lifetime
„ Built-in EMC filter for EN61800-3 category C2 (C1 as option) „ Mountable in any position; fits into any available space
„ DC choke and film capacitor meet EN61000-3-12
„ Integrated brake chopper in all frame sizes
„ PTC input as standard

10 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02

Technical data
Communication RS485 Standard: Modbus RTU, BACnet, N2
Ethernet Standard: Modbus TCP (EtherNet/IP and PROFINET IO as built-in option)
HMI RS422 based for PC tools or keypad interface
Software features Control characteristics Induction and PMSM motor control
Switching frequency up to 16 kHz (factory default 6 kHz)
Frequency control U/f and Open loop sensorless vector control
Motor tuning identification and flying start mode
Motor connection Output voltage 0...Uin
Output current Continuous rated current In at rated ambient temperature
Overload 1.5 x In for 1 min/10min; 1.1 x In for 1min/10min (for 37 kW only)
Starting current / torque Current 2 x In for 2 secs every 20 sec period
Output frequency 0...320 Hz - resolution 0.01 Hz
Ambient conditions -10 °C...+40 °C without derating (max. temperature 60 °C with derating);
Ambient operating temperature Arctic mode as option with temperature down to -40 °C
Vibration 3g resistance to vibrations (according to 3M7/IEC 60721-3-3)
100% load capacity (no derating) up to 1000 m;
Altitude 1% derating every 100 m up to 3000 m
Protection rating IP66 / Type 4X outdoor
EMC Immunity Complies with EN 61800-3, level C2 (C1 as option)
Functional safety SIL 3 according to IEC61800-5-2
Safe Torque Off (STO) PL e / Cat 4 according to ISO13849-1

I/O connections Option boards

Standard I/O 6 x DI/DO, each digital input can be individually programmed to
OPT-B1-V also act as digital output
Terminal Signal OPT-B2-V 2 x Relay output + Thermistor
A RS485 Differential receiver / transmitter OPT-B4-V 1 x AI, 2 x AO (isolated)
OPT-B5-V 3 x Relay output
B RS485 Differential receiver / transmitter
OPT-B9-V 1 x RO, 5 x DI (42-240 VAC)
1 +10Vref Reference output OPT-BF-V 1 x AO, 1 x DO, 1 x RO
2 AI1+ Analog input 1, voltage or current OPT-E3-V PROFIBUS DPV1, (screw connector)
3 AI1- / GND Analog input 1 common OPT-E5-V PROFIBUS DPV1, (D9 connector)
OPT-E6-V CANopen
4 AI2+ Analog input 2, voltage or current
OPT-E7-V DeviceNet
5 AI2- / GND Analog input 2 common
OPT-BH -V 3 x PT100 or PT1000, NI1000, KTY84-130, KTY84-150, KTY-84-131
6 24Vout 24 V aux. voltage OPT-BK-V AS-interface option card
7 GND I/O ground OPT-EC-V EtherCAT option card
8 DI1 Digital input 1 OPT-C4-V LonWorks
9 DI2 Digital input 2
10 DI3 Digital input 3
11 DICOM A Common for DI1 - DI3 VACON-PAN-HMGR-MC05-X Handheld/Magnetic fixing IP66 graphical keypad
POW-QDSS-MM04 Integrated disconnect switch for enclosure size MM4
12 24Vout 24 V aux. voltage
POW-QDSS-MM05 Integrated disconnect switch for enclosure size MM5
13 GND I/O ground POW-QDSS-MM06 Integrated disconnect switch for enclosure size MM6
14 DI4 Digital input 4 ENC-QAFH-MM04 Auxiliary Frame Heater option for enclosuresize MM4
15 DI5 Digital input 5 ENC-QAFH-MM05 Auxiliary Frame Heater option for enclosure size MM5
16 DI6 Digital input 6 ENC-QAFH-MM06 Auxiliary Frame Heater option for enclosure size MM6
ENC-QMMF-MM04 Motor Mount Flange for enclosure size MM4
17 DICOM B Common for DI4 - DI6
ENC-QMMF-MM05 Motor Mount Flange for enclosure size MM5
18 AO1+ Analog output (+output), voltage current ENC-QMMF-MM06 Motor Mount Flange for enclosure size MM6
19 AO1- / GND Analog output signal common (-output)
30 24 V 24 V aux. input voltage Type code key
VACON0100 3L 0006 4 X + OPTION CODES

Relays STO connections 0100 Product range

Terminal Terminal
3L Input/Function
21 RO1/1 NC 3L = Three-phase input
22 RO1/2 CM Relay output 1 Isolated digital output 1 0006 Drive rating in Ampere
23 RO1/3 NO G1 eg. 0006 = 6 A
24 RO2/1 NC S2 4 Supply voltage
Isolated digital output 2 2 = 208-240 V
25 RO2/2 CM G2 4 = 380-480 V
Relay output 2
F+ 5 = 380-500 V
26 RO2/3 NO STO feedback
F- X IP66/Type 4X outdoor protection rating
28 EMC level C2
Thermistor input + STO integrated
29 Brake chopper integrated:
DC bus connection integrated
OPTION +HMGR = Graphical keypad
+SRBT = Battery for RTC
CODES +FBIE = support for PROFINET IP and EtherNET IP

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PB.908.A1.02 11

Danfoss Drives
Danfoss Drives is a world leader in variable speed control of electric motors.
We aim to prove to you that a better tomorrow is driven by drives. It is as simple
and as ambitious as that.

We offer you unparalleled competitive We draw on decades of experience You will find it easy to do business with
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You can rely on us to share your „ HVAC Since 1968, we have been pioneers
goals. Striving for the best possible „ Lifts and Escalators in the drives business. In 2014, Vacon
performance in your applications is our „ Marine and Offshore and Danfoss merged, forming one of
focus. We achieve this by providing the „ Material Handling the largest companies in the industry.
innovative products and application „ Mining and Minerals Our AC drives can adapt to any motor
know-how required to optimize „ Oil and Gas technology and we supply products in
efficiency, enhance usability, and „ Packaging a power range from 0.18 kW to 5.3 MW.
reduce complexity. „ Pulp and Paper
„ Refrigeration
From supplying individual drive „ Water and Wastewater
components to planning and „ Wind
delivering complete drive systems;
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our experts are ready to support

you all the way.

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