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Application Paper | VACON® 3000 Drive Kit

Transform your toughest applications

– an introduction to modularity

to unique modular
drive resources


System Integrators are experts in their fields in some of the

toughest applications imaginable: Specialists who are used
to working in the major league of heavy duty engineering,
facing some of the most complex challenges on the planet.
They know how vital AC drives are to their business; where
reliability, robustness, space and weight are crucial – and
downtime is a disaster.

Danfoss Drives, on the other hand, is the expert in AC

drives. Specifically dedicated to developing, producing and
supporting AC drives and their applications, we offer you
unparalleled competitive edge through quality, application-
optimized products and a comprehensive range of product
lifecycle services.

And Danfoss Drives provides unique support in designing

modular medium-voltage drives.

Table of contents
The current playing field in medium-voltage AC drives.................................................... 3
VACON® 3000 – The game-changer.................................................................................................... 4
New way of doing business........................................................................................................................... 4
Modularity redefines the MV drive............................................................................................................ 4
Maximum design flexibility............................................................................................................................ 5
Phase modules....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Easy to integrate, for 5 good reasons....................................................................................................... 8
Rugged and reliable........................................................................................................................................... 9
Serviceability........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Designing a definite-purpose MV drive.......................................................................................... 11
Motor side – Inverter, output filter and brake chopper................................................................ 14
The control system.............................................................................................................................................. 16
The liquid cooling system............................................................................................................................... 18
Co-operation in system design – The Danfoss MVP Program®..................................... 19
Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 19

2 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

The current playing field
in medium-voltage AC drives
With infrastructures around the world All these applications regularly push However, applications often demand
developing and heavy industries AC drives to their limits. Customers in a specialized solution optimized
becoming more important, the need these sectors are working in adverse for installation in an existing space,
for higher power output is growing. environmental conditions, including such as on ships, in oil and gas, or
Motors are getting bigger in many dust, humidity and aggressive gases, mining operations, where space is at a
industries and in a wide range of but their equipment must remain premium.
driven equipment. Medium-voltage reliable nevertheless.
(MV) AC drives are needed to satisfy In marine applications, space on board
the customers´ and users´ needs for Currently, the MV drives available to a vessel is very restricted. This creates
variable speed AC drives in the medium system integrators are fixed cabinet- limitations for system integrators and
and high power range. When the built solutions. In many cases, OEMs who supply marine equipment.
required power output increases, there integrating these “one size fits all” In order to incorporate a standard
comes a point when it makes sense to MV drive solutions to demanding MV drive in a marine application, the
switch from LV drives to MV drives. It is applications is difficult and leads to designer is obliged to compromise by
not practical nor is it economical to use many compromises in the system taking space from other components
low-voltage (LV) AC drives in the upper design. The lack of flexibility reduces on board.
power range. Above a certain power the value the system integrator can
requirement there is no other choice add to the final product and prevents In the mining industry, space
than MV drives. The higher voltage the system integrator from fulfilling the restrictions take many forms, from
enables lower current, fewer losses needs for each customer, application the limits placed on underground
and reduced system costs (related to and segment. equipment to the high compactness
transformers and cable sizes). of mobile machinery at the surface.
For both underground and surface
Many applications operate on an MV Application examples equipment, there is a need for flexible
power supply. The most common MV In applications where the AC drive and compact MV drive configurations,
applications are the same applications is installed in a clean, standard which enable designers to flexibly
that are commonly used with LV power electrical room, the standard solutions integrate an MV drive into mobile
supplies: fans and pumps. Marine and currently available on the market can equipment.
offshore, mining, metals, and oil and be sufficient. In these applications,
gas industries are some of the most the MV drives are integrated into
common industries for MV applications. standard cabinets of fixed height.
Table 1 lists some examples.

Table 1. Common applications utilizing a MV power supply

Application Where the application is used
Fan Large MV fans, such as ventilation fans for the mining industry
Centrifugal (variable torque) and positive displacement (constant torque) pumps are often large enough
Pump to warrant a MV power supply. Pumps are used in many industries.
Conveyor Long downhill or horizontal conveyors
Compressor stations for gas pipelines and plants, blowers for cement plants and the metals industry,
Compressor pump stations for pumping oil, process and water industries.
Propulsion High-power marine and offshore industries

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02 3

VACON® 3000 – The game-changer
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit is a simple, market segments and deliver the best project with the flexibility and choice
flexible and economical means of possible value for end users. The new to take your business to the next level.
incorporating definite purpose-built modular solution allows for addressing We differentiate allowing customers
motor drives into system integrator unique industry requirements to add both own value as well as own
and OEM products and solutions. The regarding installation, construction industry- and application-specific
phase modules are configurable in the shapes and sizes – and even protection expertise.
full voltage range at 3.3 and 4.16 kV, classes.
enabling design engineers to target
application-specific requirements Danfoss Drives is working with
for motor power, braking power and selected qualified partners to push the
system control. boundaries of the MV drives market to
deliver something never seen before
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit makes it – a unique modular approach, which
easy to differentiate between specific gives you the ultimate solution for each

Unique way of doing business

Not only is the VACON® 3000 Drive Kit Partners (MVP) in the Danfoss MVP – as well as the most power dense
exceptional, but the business model is Program®, the engineers and the MV drives solutions available. Danfoss
also unique, offering you commercial owners benefit from a high level of Drives can promise this based on
advantages, no matter whether you knowledge transfer and application its global and decades-long market
are a system integrator, an OEM or engineering assistance from Danfoss leadership as a specialist in AC drives.
the equipment owner. Due to close Drives. This collaboration ensures
collaboration between Danfoss Drives strong system performance combined
and its authorized Medium Voltage with a high system energy efficiency

Modularity redefines the MV drive

The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit is a modular With the modular MV drive you get a „ It is rugged and especially designed
MV drive that offers a new dimension degree of flexibility not previously seen for harsh environments.
of application engineering for industrial in MV drives. „ It is easily serviced, due to the easy
applications with motor voltages of replacement of phase modules.
3300 or 4160 V. It enables the complete The modular MV drive differs from
customization of the enclosure to other MV drives in several ways:
meet the unique needs, restrictions
and characteristics of a variety of „ It includes only the components you
applications, including those with need and offers maximum design
limited space and in harsh conditions. flexibility.
„ It is delivered as a set of separate
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit is designed modules, like building blocks. You
in a power range starting from 2 MW. create the MV drive by building the
Basic configurations have a power of modules into your own cabinet.
2 or 3 MW. These configurations can „ It is compact and easy to integrate,
be paralleled for systems of 4 MW and and has high power density.

4 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

Maximum design flexibility
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit offers By default, a VACON® 3000 Drive Kit in PLC functionality for customer-
comprehensive functionality in a includes the main parts for the MV specific application software.
single package. The kit can be selected drive. Each kit includes the following „ Pre-charge unit with a simplified
with either a diode front-end (DFE)- functional units: design for the pre-charging of
based 12-pulse configuration, or an the DC link. The compact solution
active front end (AFE) for regenerative „ Active Front End OR Diode Front is perfect for space-sensitive
braking and low harmonics. Kits can End, including the relevant filter applications, requires no pre-
be configured to include input filters, components. charging resistors and limits the
an output filter, a brake chopper and „ Inverter unit (INU) with either 3 or inrush current for a fast and safe
other options to achieve desired 6 liquid-cooled single-phase phase start-up.
characteristics under various operating modules.
conditions. „ Control unit with a fully-graphical Available options include, for example:
user interface for fast set-up and use, „ Brake chopper unit for applications
A fixed-cabinet MV drive might with the latest technology built-in, demanding dynamic braking
include many components which to provide a wide choice of control „ Common mode input filter
are not needed in the application. By options. The interface is familiar, „ Output filter (dU/dt or sine filter)
using a modular MV drive, the system since it is the similar interface
integrator can leave out the modules as for the VACON® 100 family of
that are not required, include only low-voltage drives. This improves
the necessary components and add simplicity and efficiency for
components that are specifically operators, when combining LV and
relevant for the application. You scale MV applications in the same system.
up by adding more modules. The control unit also includes built-

Control unit Pre-charge Control unit


~ ~
= =
Input filter AFE DC link INU Output filter

Figure 1. Basic block diagram of the VACON® 3000 Drive Kit with AFE

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Phase modules
– Building blocks for the MV drive
A modular MV drive is made up of „ Three 2 or 3 MW single-phase phase equipment owners the opportunity to
units designed to fit together like modules are installed to create an design and introduce AC drives to MV
building blocks. You can arrange them INU or AFE. applications where it was previously
as required, in different horizontal or „ The same phase modules are used impossible due to space restrictions.
vertical combinations. This modularity for INU, AFE and brake chopper The modularity of the VACON® 3000
means that the system integrator or units (BCU), which reduces the size Drive Kit means that you can tailor the
OEM wins the freedom to create the of the spare parts inventory and form factor to the specific application
ideal configuration for each installation offers higher reliability and greater and create a definite-purpose MV drive.
and purpose build a cabinet to meet accessibility.
any space limitation or comply with the „ Same physical size of the single- Figure 3 shows examples of assemblies
ingress protection class demanded by phase phase module and DC with different form factors:
the application. capacitor for DFE, enables installing 1. 3 MW AFE drive with the phase
the modules in stacks and side-by- modules in a single stack
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit is a definite- side. 2. 3 MW AFE drive with the phase
purpose MV drive strong on modularity modules in a “six-pack” assembly
due to the multiple use of phase You are free to arrange the modules 3. 3 MW 12-pulse drive with an
modules through the whole power to use the form factor that best fits additional DC capacitor (CDC,
range: the application. This flexibility gives brake chopper unit (BCU) and D22
12-pulse DFE power module

Figure 2. The 2 and 3 MW single-phase phase modules (L20 and L30)

6 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

Examples of assemblies with different form factors:
AFE single-stack assembly



AFE two-stack assembly

(3x) (3x)

DFE single-stack assembly with brake chopper unit


DC Capacitor (1x)




BCU (optional)

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Easy to integrate, for 5 good reasons
The modular MV drive consists of „ Modularity. The modularity and changed to work with different
compact modules which are easy standard module sizes allow cable lugs by simply removing
to integrate into your own definite- freedom and flexibility in design and replacing screws from the
purpose packages. The individual and installation, saving time in both outside. Multi-hole mounting rails
modules have a high power density, engineering and assembly. located along the top and bottom
which means that you can fit more „ Small size. Small size due to sides of each module allow for a
power conversion capacity into a encapsulated modules with a high variety of mounting arrangements.
limited space. The power density of the power density gives designers more Equipment slides can be attached
VACON® 3000 phase modules is over options for packaging the entire to the mounting rails to facilitate
10 MVA/m3, which is twice as high as system and reduces installation costs inspection and maintenance.
the MV drives currently available in the and time. Figure 4 shows the features which
market. In other words, the VACON® „ Efficient heat management. make the phase modules easy to
3000 fits the same output power in half Individual modules are encapsulated install.
the space. with a liquid cooling system to most „ Easy to use. User-friendly PC tools,
efficiently remove heat. A compact, control interface and user interface
The size of all the components in liquid-cooled aluminum heat sink is are in common with VACON® Low
the VACON® 3000 Drive Kit has been used for safe, efficient and reliable Voltage AC Drives and make it
optimized. The pre-charge unit for the temperature control. Good heat easy to tune drive characteristics
AC drive is very simple and compact. management gives the builder for specific applications. The drive
The input and output filter chokes have of the system greater packaging control unit features a removable
hybrid forced-air core cooling through flexibility. Modules can be stacked keypad that can be used to monitor
a compact air-to-liquid heat exchanger. immediately beside one another, and supervise drive functions from
This reduces the heat losses to the air since heat loss is taken care of via multiple locations, and to quickly
during the cabinet integration and liquid cooling. transfer operating parameters
therefore reduces the number of fans „ Easy to install. The phase modules among drives.
needed for cooling the cabinet. are designed for easy integration
into new and existing layouts.
Five factors come together to make All power, control and coolant
VACON® 3000 Drive Kit the ideal choice connections are made at the front of
for system integrators and OEMs, who each phase module for easy access
require ease of integration: and integration. Terminals can be

Table 2. Size and power density of the 2 and 3 MW phase modules L20 and L30
L20 L30
Height 0.238 m 0.238 m
Depth 0.761 m 0.761 m
Width 0.437 m 0.632 m
Volume (one module) 0.08 m 3
0.11 m3
Quantity of modules in AFE/INU 3 3
Volume (AFE/INU) 0.24 m3 0.34 m3
Nominal current 340 A 425 A 510 A 640 A
Nominal voltage 4160 V 3300 V 4160 V 3300 V
Power (S) 2450 kVA 2429 kVA 3675 kVA 3658 kVA
Power/volume >10000 kVA/m3 >10000 kVA/m3

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Figure 4. Easy-integration features of the phase module

1 Exchangeable cable lugs

and connectors
2 Power, control and coolant
connections in the front
3 Multi-hole mounting rails 1

2 3

Rugged and reliable

The VACON® 3000 is a rugged and „ Rugged components. The modules phase modules for cooling also limits
reliable MV drive solution. It can are designed to be as maintenance the ingress of foreign bodies such as
manage high vibration and ambient free as possible. The DC link has film dust from the external environment
operating temperatures between capacitors and there are no snubber and protects the electronics.
0 to +45 °C , dependent on cabinet capacitors in the modules. „ Protection. The INU and AFE phase
design. Factors that contribute to the „ No added insulation. Insulation modules monitor the phase current
ruggedness of VACON® 3000: material can cause problems and and DC voltages, and in case of
limit reliability. In VACON® 3000 the a fault, stop automatically and
„ 3-level NPC topology. The single- insulation is built into the structure independently. The phase modules
phase phase modules have a 3-Level of the phase module. also have an earth fault detection
NPC topology, which reduces the „ Liquid cooling. Liquid-cooled circuit.
number of components in the AFE modular units ensure proper cooling
and INU sections, increasing the without needing maintenance-
robustness and reliability of the intensive fans inside the modules.
product. Good heat management through
„ Solid construction. The IGBTs and liquid cooling also lowers the total
other components inside the phase number of fans in the cabinet,
module are tightly packaged and are reducing the overall maintenance
free of moving parts to ensure long task. No air circulation inside the

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02 9


The modular MV drive configuration The same easy-to-handle phase repairs and replacements, which aim
enables equipment operators to react modules are used for INU, AFE and to improve productivity, performance
fast in a downtime situation. The drive BCU. The same units can be used as and uptime. Equipment operators
modules are designed to be easily spare parts for several purposes, which get specialized training and access
replaceable, which leads to shorter significantly reduces the size of the to expert knowledge, to benefit their
mean time to repair (MTTR), and spare parts inventory. Simply exchange business directly. The comprehensive
increased uptime. the relevant module and the process is portfolio of services spans the entire life
up and running again. cycle of the drives.
To make access and installation of the
phase modules easy, all the terminals Danfoss Drives offers an excellent
for power and control cabling as well worldwide service network based on
as the liquid cooling connections its global reach. The service personnel
are located in the front of the phase are focused on AC drives and can react
module. Replacing a phase module fast and effectively to deliver AC drive
takes only a few minutes and requires support. The Danfoss DrivePro® services
no special tools. include troubleshooting, maintenance,

Figure 5. The phase modules are easy to remove and replace

10 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

Designing a definite-purpose MV drive
with VACON® 3000 Drive Kit
Getting started If you choose to use one of the existing Harmonic mitigation
Before starting the design of a MV drive VACON® 3000 reference designs, simply and regeneration: the choice
system, get this basic information: obtain the reference design from the between DFE and AFE
„ Supply voltage: VACON® 3000 Drive Danfoss MVP® Portal and order the Choose a front-end type, either
Kit supports motor voltages of 3300 modules as a kit. Add commercially diode front end or active front end
and 4160 V. available standard parts and build the according to the harmonic mitigation
„ Required current: VACON® 3000 MV drive according to the instructions. requirements and the need for
Drive Kit configurations are available regeneration.
for currents starting from 340 A. If you prefer to create an original design
„ Motor type: Use VACON® 3000 Drive for the application, you can use one of The 12-pulse DFE will lead to harmonic
Kit only for the control of induction the existing VACON® 3000 reference distortion levels typically less than 15%.
motors! designs as a starting point, or start from
„ Harmonic mitigation requirements: scratch. You can order the required The AFE offers reduced harmonic
what level of harmonic distortion is modules as a kit or separately. distortion to less than 5% (meets the
acceptable? requirements of system standard
„ Is regeneration required? In each case, the Danfoss MVP IEEE-519) and continuous power
„ Is there a dedicated supply Program® provides you with the regeneration.
transformer for the drive system? necessary tools, training and support
needed to create definite purpose
There are two ways to create a definite- MV drives for specific projects. Project
purpose drive: owners can discuss their needs
„ Use a VACON® 3000 reference design in depth with Danfoss Medium
from Danfoss Drives. Voltage Partners, to define a design
„ Develop your own original design. encompassing the exact characteristics
they expect of a MV drive.

Table 3. Technical comparison of the 12-pulse DFE and AFE

Feature 12-pulse DFE AFE
Technology Diode IGBT
Type Non-Regenerative Regenerative
Switching frequency Line frequency 1050 Hz (50 Hz input)
1260 Hz (60 Hz input)
Efficiency (whole AC drive at nominal load) > 98.5% > 98%
THDi < 15% < 5%
Line filter LC filter
(common mode filter optional)
DC link pre-charge External pre-charge unit External pre-charge unit
(included in kit) (included in kit)
Phase modules 2 x 3-phase DFE module 3 x single-phase phase module

Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02 11

DFE features
„ The DFE power module features two integrated series-
connected liquid-cooled 6-pulse rectifiers
„ The diode rectifiers are simple, reliable and well-proven.
„ Supply through a dedicated transformer with 2 secondary
„ This unit is suitable as a rectifying device when a THDi-
level of below 15% is accepted and no regeneration to the
mains is required.
„ The 12-pulse DFE includes a separate DC link capacitor and
a midpoint grounding capacitor.

Figure 6. The default 12-pulse DFE configuration

D22 DFE Power Module

DC capacitor



12 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

AFE features
„ The AFE phase modules are liquid-cooled single-phase „ An LC filter on the input side is mandatory and included
power conversion units. In sets of three, the phase in the kit by default. The AFE also includes a midpoint
modules make a full 3-phase regenerative low harmonic grounding capacitor.
rectifier. „ If there is no dedicated supply transformer, a common
„ The phase modules are 3-level neutral point clamped mode filter must be installed on the input side (available as
(NPC). option).
„ The AFE utilizes PWM controlled high-voltage IGBT „ The AFE comes with its own control unit, which controls
technology to allow bi-directional power flow to the AC the phase modules and the pre-charge unit.
grid eliminating the need to install bulky resistor load „ Supply voltage feedback to the AFE control unit is needed
banks. for AFE voltage synchronization.
„ The same phase module type is used in AFE and INU units „ The AFE makes it possible for the INU to achieve stable
and as brake choppers (BCU). operation of the AC motor in the presence of weak power
„ The AFE is regenerative and supplies power back to the systems with fluctuating system voltage and frequency.
supply side during motor braking. „ AFE modules can be connected in parallel in order to
„ The AFE can be adjusted to run at unity power factor or increase the power.
used to provide 0.8 leading or 0.8 lagging power factor to
the system.

Figure 7. The default AFE configuration


LC filter




Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02 13

Motor side – Inverter, output filter
and brake chopper
The inverter unit is similar for all Table 4. Available output current ratings
VACON® 3000 drives, independent 3300 V 4160 V
of the front-end type. The inverter
425 A 340 A
includes three phase modules, which
make a full 3-phase inverter. The phase 640 A 510 A
modules are the same ones that are To achieve greater output current ratings, mount two or more inverter units in parallel.
used in the AFE.

The inverter unit also includes a control

unit for the phase modules and a pre-
charge unit for charging the DC link. By
default, the kit includes no output filter,
but dU/dt and sine filters are available
as options.

The output voltage can be selected

between 0 and UIN (3300 or 4160 V) and
the output frequency between 0 and
120 Hz. The available output current
ratings are listed in Table 4.

Figure 8. The default inverter unit configuration




LV~ Pre-charge Control

unit unit

14 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

dU/dt filter Sine filter Brake chopper
A dU/dt filter is a low-pass filter, for A sine filter is a low-pass filter, for which Brake chopper units are available as
which the cutoff frequency is above the the cutoff frequency is set to remove an option for applications that require
nominal switching frequency of the AC all the high frequency components of dynamic braking.
drive. The dU/dt filter gives the motor the AC drive output voltage. It gives out
protection against high dU/dt values a near perfect voltage sine wave. This The brake chopper consists of one
and voltage pulses, and thus extends decreases motor insulation strain and phase module for each set of three
the life time of the motor. motor losses, and thus extends the life inverter phase modules. The phase
time of the motor. module used for the brake chopper is
The need for a dU/dt filter is defined of the same type which is used for INU
by the motor characteristics. If the Select a sine filter when there is and AFE. It also comes with its own
motor insulation can handle the peak no other way to handle maximum control unit. Brake resistors are optional.
phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground permitted dU/dt, than with a perfect
voltages and a high enough dU/dt, sine wave connected to the motor.
there is no need for an output filter.
We recommend a sine filter under
We recommend a dU/dt filter in these these circumstances:
circumstances: „ In installations with old motors with
„ In installations with motors that are weak insulation
not intended for operation with an „ In applications with many parallel
AC drive motors
„ In installations with old motors or „ In applications where you need to
general-purpose motors reduce motor noise levels
„ In applications with the risk of partial „ In applications with long motor
discharge in the motor windings cables
„ In applications with short motor

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The control system
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit includes The control units are connected The customer specifications define
one or two control units by default, to the phase modules with optical the control method, and therefore
depending on the front-end type. All fiber cables. The phase modules are also the need for an encoder. VACON®
kits include the INU control unit, which connected to the control unit in a 3000 control units include encoder
controls the inverter phase modules. daisy-chain. In drives with parallel connections as standard.
In AFE drive kits, there is a separate power circuits, the parallel INU and
control unit to control the AFE phase AFE phase modules are connected to
modules. The brake chopper option the same control units (up to six phase Fieldbus communication
includes a separate control unit for the modules to a control unit). The control VACON® 3000 Drive Kit supports several
brake chopper module or modules. system example figures 9 and 10 show different fieldbus communication
the control connections in typical AFE protocols. The control units
In a VACON® 3000 Drive Kit with AFE, and 12-pulse drives. support PROFINET and Ethernet/IP
the AFE control unit also controls the communication as standard. Other
pre-charging of the DC link and ensures fieldbus protocols are available as
that the AFE voltage is synchronized Motor control and the need options.
smoothly to the input voltage before for an encoder
the AFE start-up. This enables a smooth VACON® 3000 Drive Kit supports four The VACON® 3000 control unit is based
transition from the pre-charged state to different motor control modes: on the control unit for VACON® 100
the run state. Supply voltage feedback low-voltage drives. Therefore, the same
to the AFE control unit is required for „ U/f control fieldbus options which are available
the voltage synchronization. You can „ Open loop control (sensorless vector for VACON® 100 are also available for
supply the voltage feedback with a control) – speed control VACON® 3000.
potential transformer, which is available „ Indirect closed loop control
as an option. In 12-pulse drives, the INU (augmented sensorless vector
control unit controls the pre-charging. control) – speed and torque control
„ Closed loop control (field oriented)
– full control of torque and speed
(requires an encoder)

16 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

Figure 9. Control system example for a VACON® 3000 Drive Kit with AFE drive (input filters not shown)

Phase Phase
module module

Phase Phase
module module

Phase Phase
module module


Control Pre-charge Control

unit (AFE) unit unit (INU)

Figure 10. Control system example for a VACON® 3000 Drive Kit with 12-pulse DFE and the brake chopper option

DFE module module



DFE module



Pre-charge Control Control

unit unit (INU) unit (BCU)

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The liquid cooling system
The VACON® 3000 Drive Kit is liquid- Couplings can be easily exchanged Figure 11 below shows an example
cooled with a glycol/water solution. from the front of each power module. of the liquid cooling system for the
The aluminum heat sink of the power Also, the heat exchanger equipment VACON® 3000 Drive Kit with AFE, but
modules is grounded, so no deionized and the AC drive can be installed in the example is also applicable to
cooling water is necessary. different locations. 12-pulse drives.

The power modules as well as the Heat exchangers are not part of the
liquid-to-air heat exchangers of the VACON® 3000 Drive Kit, but Danfoss
magnetics have a simple inlet-outlet offers a range of appropriate cooling
piping arrangement for connection to a units based on liquid-to-liquid heat
heat exchanger. exchangers.

Figure 11. Example of the cooling system

Primary circuit Secondary circuit


heat exchangers FLT

<43ºC HX

≈ ≈ ≈ = = =
= = = ≈ ≈ ≈ ET


ET = Expansion tank HX = Heat exchanger

FE = Flow supervision LS = Leak sensor
FLT = Filter PT = Pressure transmitter
FR = Flow restrictor PU = Pump
FV = Flow actuator TE = Temperature supervision

18 Danfoss Drives · DKDD.PM.902.A3.02

Co-operation in system design
– The Danfoss MVP Program®
In the Danfoss MVP Program®, Danfoss their projects. Danfoss supplies the core perfectly to the applications and
co-operates with its Medium Voltage components for the MV drives, while segments where they are experts.
Partners, a special network of partner the partners engineer and assemble
companies with long-standing the MV drive cabinets. The Medium Voltage Partner will have
experience in the medium-voltage access to exclusive content via our
sector. They integrate individual drive The value-add partners, including MVP Portal where knowledge transfer,
modules, input and filter technology system integrators, OEMs and panel engineering support and business
in one compact, fully assembled and builders work together with Danfoss collaboration are the main benefits.
tested unit and provide their support Drives to create synergies that deliver Danfoss engineers and support staff
on-site during installation, start up and application optimized MV drives. Our are well-equipped to assist customers
service. The Danfoss MVP Program® partners continuously receive support with all aspects of the integration
provides partners with the necessary via the Danfoss MVP Program®, adding process including design, installation,
tools, training and support needed to value by being able to create their own commissioning, documentation,
create definite purpose MV drives for system and cabinet offering – tailored training and ongoing support.

Danfoss Drives presents a new way applications where it was previously The engineers and the owners benefit
to design and deliver MV drives. The impossible due to space restrictions. from a high level of knowledge transfer
VACON® 3000 Drive Kit gives system and application engineering assistance
integrators and OEMs a simple, The power density of the liquid-cooled from Danfoss Drives.
flexible and economical means of VACON® 3000 phase modules is twice
incorporating purpose-built motor as high as the MV drives currently
drives into their products and solutions. available in the market. The modules
are rugged and reliable, easy to install, For more information, visit
The new modular solution enables use and service. danfoss.com/en/products/
the complete customization of ac-drives/dds/vacon-3000/
enclosures to meet the unique needs, Not only is the VACON® 3000 Drive Kit and mvp.danfoss.com
restrictions and characteristics of a exceptional, but the business model is
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integrators the opportunity to design between Danfoss Drives and its
and introduce AC drives to MV authorized Medium Voltage Partners.

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A better tomorrow is driven by drives
Danfoss Drives is a world leader in variable speed control of electric motors.
We offer you unparalleled competitive edge through quality, application-optimized
products and a comprehensive range of product lifecycle services.

You can rely on us to share your goals. Striving for the best You will find it easy to do business with us. Online, and locally
possible performance in your applications is our focus. in more than 50 countries, our experts are never far away,
We achieve this by providing the innovative products and reacting fast when you need them.
application know-how required to optimize efficiency,
enhance usability, and reduce complexity. You gain the benefit of decades of experience, since 1968.
Our low voltage and medium-voltage AC drives are used
From supplying individual drive components to planning with all major motor brands and technologies in power sizes
and delivering complete drive systems; our experts are ready from small to large.
to support you all the way.

For more information visit our website

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