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Alg Ch1 Part1

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Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology

Algorithms Analysis and Design


Thaer Thaher

Fall 2023/2024
Chapter1: Introduction
The course assumes that a student has gone through
 An introductory programming course.
 Fundamental data structures.
 Mathematics Background (summation formulas , recurrence relations …)

With such a background, student should be able to handle the

course’s material without undue difficulty
What is a computer program
 A computer program is a set of instructions written in a programming language
to perform a specific task.

 An implementation of code to instruct a computer on how to execute a

specific task.

 Some of the popular programming languages include Python, Java, C/C++, C#,
Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby.
Software development process
 Stages of program development:

1. Specify the problem requirements: Understand what the software should do.

2. Analyze the problem (inputs, processing, outputs).

3. Design the algorithms (steps) to solve the problem.

4. Implement the algorithm (write code). How to develop

a good software
5. Test and verify the completed program.

6. Maintain and update the program.

What is an algorithm
 An algorithm is a finite set of precise instructions for solving a computational
problem, i.e., for obtaining a required output for any legitimate input in a finite
amount of time.

 Step-by-step problem-solving process where solution achieved in a finite amount of


 It is also defined as a systematic approach to solving a specific problem

What is an algorithm
 Algorithms are written according to a set of rules that define how a task is to be
executed to get the expected results.

 Algorithms are conceptual and can be described using Pseudocode or


 An understanding of algorithms is essential for programmers to program more


 For a specific problem, several algorithms may exist.

 We can implement algorithms in different programming languages.

For example, here’s an algorithm to add two numbers:


Take two number inputs

Add both the numbers using the + operator

Display the result

Characteristics of Algorithm
Algorithms have the following main properties: Input Algorithm Output
 Input
 It should take valid and well-defined inputs (uses values from a specified list)
 Output:
 It should produce the correct output given a valid input.
 Precision / definiteness:
 the steps are precisely stated (should be unambiguous).
 Finiteness:
 the algorithm terminates after a finite number of steps.
 Effectiveness:
 steps are sufficiently simple and basic. You should not write unnecessary statements
Characteristics of Algorithm
Other properties
 Determinism:
 the intermediate results of each step of execution are
 unique and
• are determined only by the inputs and results of the preceding steps
 Correctness:
 the output is correct for each input as defined by the problem.
 Generality:
 the algorithm should be applicable a set of inputs (not a special subset).
 It should be language-independent.
 Write the line of codes independent of all language specific words, terms or notation.
Problem: Finding the max of 3 numbers (a, b, c)
1. x=a
2. If b>x, then x=b
3. If c>x, then x=c

Verify that our algorithm has the properties listed previously.

Example: Euclid’s Algorithm
 Problem: Find gcd(m,n), the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative, not both zero
integers m and n
Recall: The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two nonzero integers m and n is the greatest positive
integer d such that d is a divisor of both a and b

 Examples: gcd (12, 8) = 4 gcd(60,24) = 12, gcd(60,0) = 60, gcd(0,0) = ?

 Euclid’s algorithm is based on repeated application of equality

gcd(m,n) = gcd(n, m mod n)
until the second number becomes 0, which makes the problem trivial.

 Example: gcd(60,24) = gcd(24,12) = gcd(12,0) = 12

Two descriptions of Euclid’s algorithm

• Step 1 If n = 0, return m and stop; otherwise go to Step 2

• Step 2 Divide m by n and assign the value fo the remainder to r
• Step 3 Assign the value of n to m and the value of r to n. Go to
Step 1.

ALGORITHM Euclid ( m , n)
WHILE n ≠ 0 do
r ← m mod n
m← n
Other methods for computing gcd(m,n)

Consecutive integer checking algorithm

• Step 1 Assign the value of min{m,n} to t

• Step 2 Divide m by t. If the remainder is 0, go to Step 3;

otherwise, go to Step 4

• Step 3 Divide n by t. If the remainder is 0, return t and stop;

otherwise, go to Step 4

• Step 4 Decrease t by 1 and go to Step 2

Other methods for gcd(m,n) [cont.]

Middle-school procedure
Note: Every integer greater than 1 is
• Step 1 Find the prime factorization of m either a prime number or can be
written as a product of its prime factors
• Step 2 Find the prime factorization of n

• Step 3 Find all the common prime factors

• Step 4 Compute the product of all the common prime factors

and return it as gcd(m,n)

For a specific problem, several algorithms may exist.

Important problem types

Main problem

Sorting Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, heap sort, quick sort, merge sort

searching Linear/sequential search, binary search …..

string processing String matching, string sorting, text indexing …

graph problems shortest path, travelling salesman problem (TSP), graph-coloring


combinatorial problems Knapsack, TSP, Graph coloring

geometric problems closest-pair problem, convex-hull problem

numerical problems solving system of equations, computing definite integrals ….

Differences Between Algorithm and Program

Algorithm Program
Recall software
development life cycle
Design phase Implementation phase

Domain knowledge programmer

Written using plain English language, Written in any programming language

mathematical notations, pseudocode (C++, Java …)
Independent of hardware and OS Depend on hardware and OS

can be understood by those from a non- can be understood by programmers

programming background
Analyzing Testing

** An algorithm is the thing which stays the same whether the program is
Java or C++…etc.
The Problem-solving Process







Two main aspects in the study of algorithms

 Designing an algorithm to solve a problem

 How to design algorithms

 Analyzing algorithms

 How to analyze algorithm efficiency

o Theoretical Analysis

o Empirical Analysis

Algorithms Analysis and Design

Algorithm design techniques/strategies
• Brute force • Greedy approach

• Divide and conquer • Dynamic programming

• Decrease and conquer • Iterative improvement

• Transform and conquer • Backtracking

• Space and time tradeoffs • Branch and bound

Why Algorithm design techniques?
There are three principal reasons for emphasis on algorithm design techniques

 These techniques provide a student with tools for designing algorithms for new

problems [ General problem solving tools ]

 algorithm design techniques have utility as general problem solving strategies.

 they seek to classify multitudes of known algorithms according to an underlying

design idea.
Analysis of algorithms
In the analysis of algorithms, we ask the following questions:

 How good is the algorithm?

 Correctness
• Does the algorithm solve the problem?
 Termination
• Does the algorithm always stop after a finite number of steps?

 Time efficiency
• how many instructions does the algorithm execute?
 Space efficiency
• how much memory does the algorithm need to execute?

In this course, we are concerned primarily with the time analysis. Why?
Analysis of algorithms [cont.]
In the analysis of algorithms, we ask the following questions:

Does there exist a better algorithm?

 lower bounds
 optimality
Representing Algorithm
Representing Algorithms
There are two main ways that algorithms can be represented – pseudocode and flowcharts.
Pseudocode for algorithms
An algorithm can be written in many ways:

 English or any language

 Pseudocode
 A way of writing program descriptions that is similar to programming languages but may
include English descriptions and does not have a precise syntax.

 Why use Pseudocode?

 Ease up code construction: It’s one of the best approaches to start implementation of
an algorithm.

 Better readability: can be understood by those from a non-programming background.

 Act as a start point for documentation

The main constructs of Pseudocode
Pseudocode example
Some Rules of writing Pseudocode
• capitalize the reserved commands (keywords) IF, ELSE,
FOR ……..

• Keep it simple, concise, and readable.

• Have only one statement per line.

• Indent to show hierarchy: All statements showing. "dependency"

are to be indented. These include while, do, for, if, switch.

• Always end multiline sections using any of the END

keywords (ENDIF, ENDWHILE, etc.).
Example: Finding the max of 3 numbers

Input: three numbers a, b , c output: the maximum x

Max(a, b, c) Max(a, b, c) Max(a, b, c)

{ Begin Begin
x=a x=a x:=a
IF (b>x) THEN IF (b>x) THEN IF (b>x) THEN
x=b x=b x:=b
IF (c>x) THEN IF (c>x) THEN IF (c>x) THEN
x=c x=c x:=c
End End

Max(a, b, c)
x ←a
IF (b>x) Then
• BEGIN … END can be replaced with { }
x←b curly braces
IF (c>x) Then
x←c • Different symbols can be used for assignment
operator (= , := , ←)
Example: Finding the max value in an array

Input: array A output: max

Array_Max2(A, size) Array_Max1(A, size)

{ {
FOR i=2 to size
WHILE i <= size
IF (A[i]>max) THEN IF(A[i]>max) THEN
max=A[i] max=A[i]
} }
Example: finding the summation of odd numbers from 1 to a given
number > 1
Input: number n output: sum

Function Sum_odd_1_to_n ( n )
{ As pseudocode does not follow a strict
sum = 0
systematic or standard way of being written,
so don’t think of writing pseudocode as a
FOR count = 1 to n step 2
strict rule
add count to sum

RETURN sum It should be written in such a manner to be

} easily comprehended.

1. Write a pseudocode that will calculate a running sum. A user will enter numbers that will be added

to the sum and when a negative number is encountered, stop adding numbers and write out the

final result.

2. Write a pseudocode of linear search algorithm.

3. Write a pseudocode of binary search algorithm.

4. Write a pseudocode to check whether a given array named A is sorted or not.

5. Write a pseudocode to find the sum and average of even numbers in a given array B

6. Write pseudo code to print all multiples of 5 between 1 and 100

General Review
Programming fundamentals

 Control structures.

 Selection structures (if , if … else, if … else if …. else)

 Repetition (iteration) structure (for , while, do … while)

 Functions

 Recursive functions

 Arrays (one-dimensional , 2-dimensional )

Selection Statements
Repetition structures
Converting for to while
User-defined functions
Create a function (Function Declaration)
 C++ allows the programmer to define their own function.
 The general syntax to declare a function:

return_type function_name ( parameter1, parameter2, …..) Function heading

// function body Function body


Create a function (Function Declaration)
 To declare a function, we need to specify:

1. Function return type.

 Some functions return a value (int, double, float, char … etc).

 Some function do not return a value (void)

2. Function name: should be valid (meet naming rules)

3. Function parameters (arguments): input values passed to the


4. Function body: The statements that construct the function.

Create a function (Function Declaration)
 Declare/define a function to add two integer numbers and return the result.

function name parameters/argu

Type of the ments
returned value

int add ( int x, int y)

x y
int z;
z = x + y;
return z ; Value returned
by the function
Return statement
 Some functions return a value and others do not.
 If the function return a result, at least one statement will be a return
statement indicating the function result.
 If the function does not return a result then the return type is void. Optionally
one or more return statements can exist.
 For functions that return a value, it sends a single value back to the caller.
 The type of the returned value must be compatible with the value in the
function header.

 Return terminates the execution of statements in the function body.

 Any statements after the return statement are not executed.

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