2020 10 01 13 04
2020 10 01 13 04
2020 10 01 13 04
Environmental Impact Study of Two Tannery Estates on the
Buriganga and the Dhaleshwari Rivers
The Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), a Public Trust
under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) is greatly indebted to the Department of
Environment (DoE) for awarding the study of ‘Environmental Impact Study of Two Tannery
Estates on the Buriganga and the Dhaleshwari River’.
Firstly, CEGIS would like to show the utmost gratitude to Dr. Sultan Ahmed, Director
General, Department of Environment (DoE) for his confidence in CEGIS for the
accomplishment of the assignment. We also express sincere gratitude to Mr. A. K. M.
Rafiqul Islam, Deputy Director, Natural Resources Management (NRM), DoE for his valuable
directions and advices on various aspects of the study from the beginning of the study.
CEGIS also expresses its gratitude to Dr. Md. Sohrab Ali, Director, Dhaka Laboratory, DoE,
for his continued support and guidance in achieving various tasks of the impact evaluation
and solution recommendation study in an efficient way. We are very thankful with such
distinction to have a provocative Director from DoE who made such an environment to
complete the whole work very smoothly.
Last but not the least; CEGIS is appreciating the support of Mr. Shariful Islam, Chemist,
Dhaka Laboratory Office, DoE for his enormous support during reconnaissance visit and the
detail field visit during the study.
Table of Content
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. i
List of Tables .................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ................................................................................................... ix
Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................... xiii
Unit of Measurement ...................................................................................... xvii
Executive Summary ......................................................................................... xix
1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 45
5.1.3 Changes in metal status of the water .................................................. 90
8.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 121
References ..................................................................................................... 123
Appendix A: Reconnaissance Field Visit ......................................................... 129
Appendix B: Matrix-Evaluation of Socio-Economic Status............................... 135
Appendix C: Available fish species in the Buriganga River ............................. 137
Appendix D: Major fish species in the Dhaleshawari river system .................. 139
Appendix E: Chemicals Used in Leather Processing ........................................ 141
Appendix F: ES scoring matrix of Hemayetpur Tannery area .......................... 145
Appendix G: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan ................................. 147
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Aspects of Literature Review and list of Organizations Visited to Collect
Information .......................................................................................................... 8
Table 1.2: Water Quality Parameters and Testing Laboratories .................................... 9
Table 1.3: Water Quality Sampling Sites and their Characteristics ............................. 10
Table 1.4: The Weighted Values of Water Quality Parameters in Water Quality Index
System – NSF ..................................................................................................... 13
Table 1.5: Water Quality Rating as per NSFWQI ...................................................... 13
Table 1.6: Soil, river bed and plant sampling locations and its characteristics ............. 14
Table 1.7: Parameters observed and sampling frequency ......................................... 15
Table 2.1: Physical water quality status of the Buriganga River ................................. 20
Table 2.2: TDS and salinity status of the water quality of Buriganga River .................. 22
Table 2.3: Status of organic pollution in the Buriganga River .................................... 23
Table 2.4: Status of chemicals in Buriganga River ................................................... 23
Table 2.5: Status of metals in Buriganga River........................................................ 24
Table 2.6: Classes of water in respect to Water Quality Index (WQI) ......................... 27
Table 2.7: Land Use of Hazaribagh Tannery Estate .................................................. 27
Table 2.8: Presence of Chromium (Cr) in soil, sediment and plant in Hazaribagh Tannery
Estate ................................................................................................................ 29
Table 2.9: Composition of Zooplankton in Buriganga River ....................................... 31
Table 2.10: Breakdown of fish habitats in the HzTC ................................................. 33
Table 2.11: Seasonal Variation in Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation in to Fish .................. 36
Table 2.12: Breakdown of Fish Production from Different Habitats in the HzTA ............ 36
Table 2.13: Locations of the study area along with coverage of Upazilas .................... 40
Table 2.14: Demographic Scenario of the Study Area .............................................. 40
Table 3.1: Physical characteristics of the effluent quality of Savar Tannery Estate ....... 47
Table 3.2: TDS Concentrations of the Effluent of Savar Tannery Estate ...................... 48
Table 3.3: Status of Organic Pollutants in the Effluent Quality of Savar Tannery Estate 48
Table 3.4: Status of metal pollutants in the effluent of Savar Tannery Estate .............. 49
Table 3.5: Physical Characteristics of the Water Quality of the Dhaleshwari River ........ 49
Table 3.6: TDS and Salinity status of the Water Quality of the Dhaleshwari River ........ 51
Table 3.7: Status of organic pollution of the Dhaleshwari River ................................. 52
Table 3.8: Status of Chemicals in the Dhaleshwari River .......................................... 53
Table 3.9: Status of Metals of the Dhaleshwari River ............................................... 54
Table 3.10: Water Quality Index Calculation ........................................................... 55
Table 3.11: Classes of Water in Respect to Water Quality Index (WQI) ...................... 55
Table 3.12: Standard for Odor of ECR, 1997, SCHEDULE – 8 .................................... 57
Table 3.13: Rate of emission of the Odorant from tannery industry ........................... 60
Table 3.14: Maximum concentration of the Odorant pollutants disperse from Savar
Tannery Estate ................................................................................................... 60
Table 3.15: Land Use of Hemayetpur/Savar Tannery Estate ..................................... 63
Table 3.16: Presence of Chromium (Cr) in soil, sediment and plant in Hemayetpur
Tannery Estate ................................................................................................... 65
Table 3.17: Composition of Zooplankton in Dhaleshwari River................................... 66
Table 3.18: Hazards of Trace Elements or Ions ....................................................... 67
Table 3.19: Breakdown of fish habitats in HmTC ..................................................... 68
Table 3.20: Breakdown of fish production in HmTA .................................................. 69
Table 3.21: Chromium concentration of plant bodies along the study area.................. 73
Table 3.22: Locations of the study area along with coverage of upazilas .................... 74
Table 3.23: Demographic scenario of the study area ............................................... 74
Table 3.24: Demography of ethnic groups .............................................................. 75
Table 3.25: Household monthly income and expenditure in the study area ................. 78
Table 4.1: The proportion of the types of tannery solid wastes generated from processing
of 1 ton of raw hides............................................................................................ 83
Table 4.2: Solid waste generation scenario ............................................................. 83
Table 4.3: Status of the existing waste management facilities in Savar Tannery Estate 87
Table 5.1: Order of heavy metal accumulation and sensitivity of different fish species . 94
Table 5.2: Area of landuses in three different time period ........................................ 96
Table 5.3: Impact evaluation of Savar Tannery Estate ........................................... 102
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Hazaribagh Tannery Cluster and its Drainage System, which is Directly
Linked to the Buriganga ...................................................................................... 4
Figure 1.2: Savar Tannery Cluster, which is situated on the Bank of Dhaleshwari River.
............................................................................................................... 5
Figure 1.3: Flowchart of the Study Methodology .................................................... 7
Figure 2.1: Trend of temperature, pH, DO and TSS in Buriganga River ................... 20
Figure 2.3: Trend of organic indicators of water quality in Buriganga River .............. 23
Figure 2.4: Trend of NO3- and PO43- quality in the Buriganga River .............................. 24
Figure 2.5: Trend of Metals (Cr, Al, Pb, Zn) Concentrations in the Buriganga River ... 25
Figure 2.9: Time series data of mean Cr concentration in the Buriganga River sediment
............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 2.10: Exponential smoothing series with linear trend of habitat suitability scores
for the Buriganga River ..................................................................................... 32
Figure 2.11: Fish Composition of the Buriganga River at Baschila Bridge Point ......... 34
Figure 3.1: Historical Maximum Discharge of the Dhaleshwari River (1991-2013) .... 45
Figure 3.2: Monthly Variation of Average Discharge of the Dhaleshwari River (1991-
2013) ............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 3.3: Dependable Average flow analysis of Dhaleshwari River (1991-2013) .... 46
Figure 3.4: Trend of Physical (pH, DO and TSS) Characteristics of Water Quality of the
Dhaleshwari River ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 3.9: Wind Histogram and WindRose diagram at Savar Tannery Estate .......... 59
Figure 3.10: Maximum Concentration of VOC after Dispersion from Savar Tannery
Estate ............................................................................................................. 61
Figure 3.11: Maximum Concentration of H2S after Dispersion from Savar Tannery
Estate ............................................................................................................. 62
Figure 3.12: Maximum Concentration of NH3 after Dispersion from Savar Tannery
Estate ............................................................................................................. 63
Figure 3.14: Discharge of Industrial Effluent into the Dhaleshwari River .................. 66
Figure 3.15: Exponential Smoothing Series with Linear Trend of Habitat Suitability
Scores for the Dhaleshwari River ....................................................................... 67
Figure 3.16: Fish species composition of the Dhaleshwari at Singair Bridge Point ..... 69
Figure 3.18: Egrets observed at solid waste dumping site at Harindhara Tannery
Estate ............................................................................................................. 71
Figure 3.19: Wildlife distribution within the Harindhara Tannery Estate ................... 72
Figure 4.1: General flow diagram for leather tanning and finishing process ............. 82
Figure 4.2: Design View of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and Dumping
(Disposal) Yard ................................................................................................ 84
Figure 4.6: Real picture of internal roads of Savar Tannery Estate .......................... 87
Figure 5.1: Comparison of WQI among Buriganga, Dhaleshwari and predicted
Dhaleshwari River condition .............................................................................. 91
Figure. 5.3: Landuse maps of the study area in three different time periods ............ 97
Figure 5.4: Ecosystem service capacity of different landuses of the study area ........ 98
Acronyms and Abbreviations
% Percent
µg/L Microgram per liter
3R Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory
AEZ Agro Ecological Zone
Al Aluminum
APHA American Public Health Association
As Arsenic
BADC Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BSCIC Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation
BCSIR Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
BDT Bangladesh Taka
Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather goods and Footwear Exporters
BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
BLRI Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
BMP Best management practices
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BTA Bangladesh Tanners' Association
BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board
Cd Cadmium
CEGIS Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services
cell/ml Cell per milliliter
CETP Central Effluent Treatment Plant
CFU Colony Forming Units
CH4 Methane
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CNRS Center for Natural Resource Studies
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPCB Center Pollution Control Board
CPD Centre for Policy Dialogue
CPUE Catch per Unit Effort
Cr Chromium
Cr Hexavalent Chromium
Cu Copper
D/T Dilution Threshold
DCC Dhaka City Corporation
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DoE Department of Environment
DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering
ds/m deciSiemens per metre
EC Electrical conductivity
ECR 1997 The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997
EIA Environmental Impacts Assessment
EPA Environmental Protection Agency of USA
EPB Export Processing Bureau
EQS Environmental Quality Standard
ES Ecosystem Services
ETPs Effluent Treatment Plants
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
Fe Iron
FGD Focus Group Discussion
FWIP Future With Project
FWOP Future Without Project
GBM Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna
GC Gas Chromatography
GC-MS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
GoB Government of Bangladesh
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide
ha Hactare
HCHO Formaldehyde
Hg Mercury
HH HouseHold
HmTC Hemayetpur Tannery City
HRs Hours
HTE Hazaribagh Tannery Estate
HU Hazen Units
HYV High Yield Variety
HzTA Hazaribagh Tannery Area
IECs Important Environmental Components
ILET Institute of Leather Engineering and Technology
ILO International Labour Organization
KII Key Informant Interviews
LDC Least Developed Country
LLWA Leather Labors Welfare Association
LRI Leather Research Institute
LWU Leather Workers Union
m Meter
m3/day Cubic meter per day
m /s Cubic meter per second
MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration
Mg Magnesium
Mg/Kg Miligram/Kilogram
mg/L Milligram per liter
Mg/L Miligram/Liter
Mg/m3 Miligram per Cubic Meter
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MoWR Ministry of Water Resources
MT Metric Ton
NCA Net Cultivable Area
NGO Non-governmental organizations
NH3-N Ammonium Nitrogen
NO3-N Nitrate Nitrogen
NRM Natural Resources Management
NSF National Sanitation Foundation
NSFWQI National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
C Degree Celsius
OU/m Odor unit per cubic meter
OUE European Odor Unit
OUM3 Odor units per unit volume
PAN Peroxyacetyl Nitrate
Pb Lead
pH Potential of Hydrogen
PO43- Orhto-phosphate
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
ppm Parts per million
Pt-Co Platinum-Cobalt
RDPP Revised Development of Sludge Project Proposal
RMG Ready-Made Garments
ROS Reactive Oxygen Species
RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal
RTO Regenerative Thermal Oxidation
SEHD Society Environment and Human Development
SIS Small Indigenous Species
SO42- Sulphate
SPGS Sludge Power Generation System
SRDI Soil Resource Development Institute
SRDI Soil Resource Development Institute
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Missio
STE Savar Tannery Estate
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TSS Total Suspended Solids
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
US$ United States Dollar
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
UV Ultraviolet
VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds
WQI Water Quality Index
Zn Zinc
Unit of Measurement
1 m2 = 10.77 ft2
1 Decimal = 435.60 ft2
1 Decimal = 40.47 m2
1 Katha = 1.653 Decimal
1 Bigha = 33 Decimal
1 Bigha = 20 Katha
1 Acre = 3 Bigha
1 Acre = 60 Katha
1 Acre = 100 Decimal
1 Hector = 247 Decimal
1 Hector = 7.5 Bigha
1 Hector = 2.47 Acre
1 Anna = 0.0625 Decimal
1 Ganda = 0.0031 Decimal
1 Kara = 0.00078125 Decimal
1 Kranti = 0.00026 Decimal
1 Til = 0.000013 Decimal
1 feet = 0.3048 meter
1 yards = 0.9144 meter
1 cubic feet = 0.0283168 cubic meters
1 cubic feet = 28.316847 liter
1 mg/l = 1 ppm
1 gm = 1000 mg
1 km = 1000 m
Executive Summary
From the very beginning of industrialization in Bangladesh, tanning industries have been
playing a significant role in the country’s economy. Due to its importance as a labor based
export oriented industry, the full flourish of this industrial sector is essential. In accordance
with this endavour, Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has shifted Hazaribagh Tannery
Industries from Hazaibagh, Dhaka to Savar Tannery Estate at Harindhara, Savar, Dhaka for
organizing and managing these industries with a target of sustaninable environmental
management and ensuring regulatory requirements in regard to environmental and social
standards. But, environmental pollution problems in Harindhara, Savar, have been
aggravating day by day. Therefore, Department of Environment (DoE) has engaged Center
for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) to conduct an
environmental impact study of these tannery industries on both the Buriganga and
Dhaleshwari River. The main purpose of this study is to assess the environmental impacts of
Savar Tannery Estate on the adjacent environment especially on aquatic ecosystems. In this
case, lessons those were learnt at Hazaribagh disaster, have been applied in assessing and
identifying the sectors/issues to be managed more effectively in Savar Tannery Estate.
In the entire study, a comprehensive methodology has been followed. Desk work and
literature reviews were conducted to understand the current situation of the industries and
the extent of activities to be performed. After realizing the facts and scope of works, the
study team performed a reconnaissance field visit to figure out the significant issues to be
addressed along with the best applicable methods for assessing those issues scientifically.
During the study, surface water availability and water quality were examined in the physical
environment while fish community and all the floral and faunal composition were assessed
for biological environment. To understand the socio-economic statuses properly, human
health, employment opportunity and standard of living were studied. In addition, agricultural
resources were studied to have a complete picture of the study areas. Water quality were
tested following in-situ and ex-situ methods whilst all other baseline information were
collected through field visits (checklists, observation, interviews etc.) supplemented by
secondary information from related organizations (BSCIC, BTA, LRI and DoE) and published
papers. This study also includes odor dispersion modeling for Savar Tannery Estate and
capacity assessment to support ecosystem services to the communities. AERMOD was
used to observe the odor dispersion in the study area while score based matrix was
performed to evaluate the ecosystem service capapcity.
Water quality has been chosen priority component in this study as tannery wastes impacted
this resource rapidly. Numerous indicators were used to assess the current water quality
status. Out of these, physical water quality parameters especially DO and TSS indicated
negative impacts of tannery wastes on water body. The DO level of Buriganga River was
about less than 2.5 mg/L while it was found in the range of 4.0-6.0 mg/L in the Dhaleshwari
River. DO status is still in good condiction in Dhaleshwari River than the Buriganga River.
TDS and salinity is not an issue at this moment in Buriganga and the Dhaleshwari River as
these two parameters complied with the national standards for both the cases. Simialrity was
also found in terms of Cr and other heavy metals such as Pb, Al and Zn as present
conditions are not harmfull for both the riverine ecosystems. In the evaluation of water
quality of Dhaleshwari River, there is an alarming issue of discharging high concentrations of
Executive Summary
organic, chemicals and metal pllutants directly into Dhaleshwari River which could have
adverse impacts on this aqutic ecosystem.
Polluted water affects fish community in many ways. Bio-accumulation of Cr was found high
in the fish body in Buriganga River due to high Cr disposal for a longer period in the river
which will ultimately affect the human who are consuming those fish. In the Dhaleshwari, no
such issues were found yet regarding Cr in fish body. Breeding zone and fish eggs were
damaged due to excessive pollutants and lack of light availability in the water column. The
same reasons afflict the floral and faunal composition in both the rivers. Buriganga River lost
its diversity since long while Dhaleshwari River started to face this problem since last year
(2017, starting of Savar Tannery Estate). For instance, water loving snakes and Indian
bullfrogs are already rare in Dhaleshwari River. Degrading of the riverine environment will
ultimately destroy all the habitats of faunal biodiversity and lastly the ecosystem services.
Agriculture is facing the same Cr bioaccumulation issue through ‘irrigation’ and ‘soil
pollution’. There is a chance of Cr bioaccumulation in food crops in both the areas of HTE
and STE. Beside the above stated scenarios, other frightening issues are the occupational
health and safety (OHS) and human health impacts on the surrounding communities due to
chemiclas used in rawhide and skin processing in the tanneries and by hazardous by-
products disposing into surrounding environment. Labors and staffs of tannery industries and
the neighboring living communities are facing chronic Odor issue along with skin diseases
and respiratory problems. In addition, unsafe working environment and lack of Personal
Protective Equipment (PPEs) puts tannery workers life in great danger.
Lastly, lack of cooperation among BSCIC, CETP Contractor, Tannery owners and
surveillance department e.g. DoE, is a barrier to manage this tannery sectors more
Suitable measures and its effective implementation could be the best solution in managing
Savar Tannery Estate efficiently.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Since independence of Bangladesh, the country is slowly and steadily turning its attention to
develop its economy, through industrial development, moving away from the agricultural
sector (Sarkar, M. A. R., 2013). And in line with that plan, the Government of Bangladesh
(GoB) has identified the leather sector as one of the promising sectors of the country with
considerable growth and investment potential ranked 5th in the export-earning sector.
Currently, Bangladesh produces and exports quality bovine and ovine, caprine (buffalo and
cow; sheep and goat) leathers that have a good international reputation for fine textured
skins. However, until now, the entire leather sector meets only 2.0% of the world’s leather
trade (US$75 billion). Leather industry contributes only 3.4% of total country’s export (EPB,
Leather industry plays an important role in Bangladesh Economy due to its large potential for
employment, growth and export. At the same time, it poses serious environmental threats by
discharging liquid effluents and solid wastes directly into surrounding low lying areas without
proper treatment (Tinni et al., 2014). Industrial wastes are major sources of pollution in all
environments which require onsite treatment before discharge into sewage system
(Emongor et al., 2005). In Bangladesh, there is a progressive increase in industrial wastes
and due to rapid industrialization such waste products have been causing severe
contamination to the air, water and soils thus pollutes the environment (Islam et al., 2000).
The DoE identified 900 large polluting industries, which have no treatment facilities for
effluent and wastes (DoE, 2001). These heavily toxic effluents were discharging directly to
adjacent soils and rivers (Khan, 2006). Among all the industrial wastes tannery effluents are
ranked as the highest pollutants (Azom et al., 2012).
The glaring evidence of industrial pollution could be noticed from the status of Buriganga
River and other adjacent rivers in Dhaka City such as Balu and Turag. Since 1970, the
wastes of Hazaribagh Tannery Estate (HTE), Dhaka are being discharged to the Buriganga
indiscriminately. Any of the tannery of HTE, didn’t have Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) for
treating chemical and metal pollutants coming from various rawhide and skin processing
units and finished leather production. Among all the industrial wastes, tannery effluents have
been ranked as the highest pollutants (Azom et al., 2012). About 40 heavy metals and acids
are used for processing rawhides using traditional approach (UNIDO, 2005). Around 220
tanneries were found in HTE and of them 113 were in functional mode before shifting of HTE
to Savar Tannery Estate (STE). It was found that 20,000 m3 of tannery effluents and 232
tons of solid waste were released per day during the operation period (1960-2012) of HTE,
(Paul et al., 2013).
The tannery industries at Hazaribagh made the most damaging effect on the environment of
Buriganga Watershed, which has caused serious impacts on human health, aquatic life, river
ecology, society and environment. Working in a congested and unhygienic environment
together with no safety protocols, the workers faced both health risks of exposure to many
hazardous chemicals especially Chromium (Cr). The most inacceptable condition is the odor
from leather industry, made the neighboring residents dissatisfied. Moreover, pollutants of
Buriganga River, at the very first, destroyed the habitat of aquatic organisms like pelagic
insects, benthos community and the fishes of the river, which disrupted the normal
ecosystem functions at the foremost and later shattered the ecosystem functions completely.
Water pollution tipped the degradation of soil quality over the last few decades as well. In the
end, water pollution of Buriganga River has created artificial crisis of the availability of
irrigation and recreational water use. Above all, loss of complete ecosystem services, has
become now one of the major concerns of the surrounding community.
At Hazaribagh, lack of development and effective implementation design of policies for the
maintenance and regeneration of the environment were the main lackings. In addition,
inadequate sewerage and infrastructure facilities were found to be the secondary reasons of
the Hazaribagh Disaster. These reasons made the situation worse (Banani, 2013) in the last
decade. Adding to this, in a growing city like Dhaka, it was difficult for the government to shift
human settlements who were residing near HTE. Unplanned tannery industry establishment
and lack of proper urban planning was the main reason behind the nuisance situation.
Having all those issues at once, the chance of restoring Buriganga River was becoming
narrower day by day. Nevertheless, western companies showed more reluctance in
purchasing leather and leather made finished products from the countries those are listed in
the least environmental management activities.
The Hazaribagh Tannery Industry, has been shifted to the new location at Horindhara, called
Savar Tannery Estate. A total of 200 acres of land were developed for 195 industrial plots in
four categories of A-D considering the plot size. STE includes industrial plots, Central
Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), disposal yard, administrative building, drainage facility and
sub-station for electricity supply to the industrial units. European Union (EU), obliged to
install CETP by June 2014 in a functional mode, which was found incomplete with its poor
construction materials, and faulty design in respect to treat all the pollutants coming from
effluents especially salinity of the water (Speaker of the Parliament, December 2017).
A total of 154 tannery industries have been shifted to this new tannery estate out of 155. Of
them, 111 industries have started productions partially with lots of difficulties. GoB, therefore,
has become more concerned about the management of the newly established tannery
industry more effectively.
Therefore, this study evaluated the likelihood of future impacts of Savar Tannery Estate on
the adjacent Dhaleshwari River and its surrounding environment having the management
approach as business as usual. This study also revealed environmental solutions to save the
surrounding environment from any further degradation.
1.2 Objectives
The overall objective is to compare state of environment of two sites Tannery Estates and
future projection of environmental impacts of STE if not managed properly.
However, this study has the specific objectives for:
Evaluation of present tannery management activities, pollution abatement
measures and performance of CETP;
Assessment of likely future impacts of newly established tannery industry on
Dhaleshwari River;
Identification of best management aspects/practices for saving the adjacent
environment from degradation;
Figure 1.1: Hazaribagh Tannery Cluster and its Drainage System, which is Directly
Linked to the Buriganga
Buriganga is a tide-influenced river, passing through the west and South of Dhaka. Some
upstream rivers namely; Jamuna, Turag, Karnatali, Dhaleshwari and Tongikhal influence the
flow of this river. The Buriganga originated from the Dhaleshwari River near Karnatali. The
Turag has joined the Buriganga at Kamrangirchar of Dhaka. In fact, the main flow of the
Buriganga comes from the Turag. The present head of the Buriganga near Chhaglakandi
has silted up and opens only during floods but the lower part is still open throughout the
The Buriganga is a single channel river whose upstream part is meandering in nature and
the downstream part is more or less straight. Flow and sediment supply from the upstream
to the Buriganga River is very low. It has been found that the bank line of the river is almost
fixed for the last 60 years except changing of the off-take.
The length of the Buriganga River is about 29 kilometres. The maximum width of the River is
480m and the minimum 80m with an average width of 270m. The width of the river is almost
same over the years.
Dhaleshwari River
Figure 1.2: Savar Tannery Cluster, which is situated on the Bank of Dhaleshwari River
Dhaleshwari River is a left bank distributary of the Jamuna River and after flowing for about
160km, the river finally ends its journey at the Upper Meghna River. Average depth of
Dhaleshwari River is 122 feet (37m) and maximum depth is 265 feet (81m). Before entering
into Manikganj District, the River splits into several courses such as the Pungli, Louhajang
and Alongjani Rivers. The present course of the Dhaleshwari River is divided into two
courses, the Northern course goes through Dhaka District as the Bangshi River and the
Southern course as the Dhaleshwari River, enters into Manikganj. After flowing a few
kilometers, the river is further divided into two courses; the Northern course assumes the
name Dhaleshwari and merges with the Bangshi River, and the Southern branch taking the
name as Kaliganga River flows in the Manikganj District, which carries most of the flow of
the Dhaleshwari. The flow of the Ichamati and Buriganga merges with the Dhaleshwari
River. Finally, falling in the Lakhya River near Narayanganj District, the combined course
flows southwards to join with the Meghna River.
1.5.1 Approach
This study followed a comprehensive approach in evaluating all the objectives properly. At
first, a reconnaissance field was (Appendix-A) conducted to finalize the effective
approaches and methods of the study. Then, this study evaluated impacts of Hazaribagh
Tannery activities on Buriganga River together with a trend analysis. In addition, status of
Dhaleshwari River and its adjacent areas were also assessed in terms of all environmental
and social components. The lessons those were learnt at Hazaribagh Tannery Estate and its
impacts on surrounding environment, was used to predict the impacts of Savar Tanneries on
Dhaleshwari River and its adjacent areas. At the end, realizing the situations and the
likelihood of future impacts of Savar Tanneries, environmental solutions were drawn for each
of the sectors supposed to be managed more effectively and efficiently.
1.5.2 Methodology
This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the objectives of the
study properly. The overall study procedure and the methods are presented in the following
flowchart (Figure 1.3).
Study Methodology
Literature Review
Conceptualization and
Identification of Data Need
Data collection
Evaluation of Environmental
Management Plan of STE
Table 1.1: Aspects of Literature Review and list of Organizations Visited to Collect
Secondary Information Data and knowledge gathering aspects/organizations
Literature review
Leather Industry Development and Export: Bangladesh
Leather industry-environmental pollution and mitigation measures
Environmental effect of leather industry in Bangladesh
Environmental impacts assessment (EIA) of Tanneries
Treatment of wastewater of tanneries in Bangladesh
Environmentally sustainable leather industry in Bangladesh
Information from
Major governmental and non-governmental organization acts for saving
natural resources;
Department of Environment (DoE)
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR)
Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services
Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS)
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC)
Professional associations;
Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear
Exporters Association (BFLLFEA)
Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA)
Institute of Leather Engineering and Technology (ILET)
Leather Labors Welfare Association (LLWA)
Leather Workers Union (LWU)
Physical Environment
Water availability: Mainly water availability, water quality, odor status and soil quality of
both the study areas were studied. Water availability of Dhaleshwari River at upstream of the
Savar Tannery was collected from North-Central hydrological region model predicted by
Water Quality: A range of water quality parameters were selected in this study. Water
quality parameters were selected considering the type of tannery wastes (solids and liquids)
and its capacity in degrading water quality. Therefore, this study found numerous water
quality parameters those were assessed are listed in the Table 1.2.
Surface water samples were collected in sterilized sampling bottles. Two sets of acidified
and non-acidified samples were collected from each sampling point. All the samples for
‘Metal’ assessment were gone under acidification to stabilize the sedimentation of dissolved
metals concentration inside the bottles. During transportation, samples were stored in the ice
box which contain temperature <10oC. E. coli sampling was carried out using EPA standard
method and submitted to DPHE Central Laboratory within 6 hours of sampling time.
A total of 7 sampling points was considered in this study to assess the surface water quality.
Two from Buriganga, two from Dhaleshwari River and three sampling sites from CETP and
solid waste dumping yard. The details of the sampling locations have been presented in
Table 1.3. The sampling locations of Hazaribag and Savar Tannery Estates are displayed in
Figure 1.4 and Figure 1.5 respectively.
Water Quality Index (WQI) Assessment: The water quality index formulated by National
Sanitation Foundation (NSF), known as NSFWQI, was followed to calculate WQI of both the
water bodies (Buriganga and Dhaleshwari Rivers). The WQI was based upon nine water
quality parameters such as (i) Temperature, (ii) pH, (iii) Turbidity, (iv) Fecal Coliform, (v)
Dissolved Oxygen, (vi) Biochemical Oxygen Demand, (vii) Total Phosphates, (viii) Nitrates
and (ix) Total Solids. The recorded water quality data was transferred to a weighting curve
chart (), wherefrom a numerical value of Qi was obtained. The mathematical expression for
NSF WQI is given by-
Qi = sub-index for ith water quality parameter;
Wi = weight associated with ith water quality parameter;
n = number of water quality parameters
The weighted values of water quality parameters on water quality index system is presented
in Table 1.4. For this NSFWQI method, the ratings of water quality were defined by using
Table 1.5. For calculating sub-index, Water Research Centre calculator was used1.
Table 1.4: The Weighted Values of Water Quality Parameters in Water Quality Index
System – NSF
1 https://www.water-research.net/index.php/watertreatment/watermonitoring/monitoring-the-quality-of-
Soil, River Bed and Plant Quality: In the physical environment, river bed sediment quality,
soil quality and concentration of pollutants in plant body were also assessed from five
different sampling sites. The quality was assessed in term of Cr concentration as Cr was the
only pollutant coming from tannery wastes exclusively and possesses serious threats to
human health. The soil quality was tested from Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI),
Farmgate, Dhaka. The site selection criteria are presented in Table 1.6. The sampling
locations of soil, river bed and plants quality of Buriganga and Dhaleshwari Rivers are also
presented in Figure 1.4 and Figure 1.5 respectively.
Table 1.6: Soil, river bed and plant sampling locations and its characteristics
SL Sampling point Site Characteristics
This was the major outlet of tannery wastes. Soil and plant sample
1 Main Channel was collected to have chromium contamination in soil and plant.
River bed sample was collected from Showari subsequent floating
2 River bed/ Sediment plant (water hyacinths) was also collected.
River levee soil and plant sample was collected form in between
3 River Levee main channel and river bed sample collecting point.
This site is situated in the opposite bank of the Buriganga River
4 Agricultural Field which is single cropped land. Soil and plant sample was collected
to have chromium contamination in soil and plant.
Odor Modeling: The latest version of the USEPA regulatory model AERMOD has been
used to predict and simulate the effects of Odous pollutants from the sources. However,
AERMOD 8.9.0 air dispersion model has been used for predicting the dispersion of VOC,
NH3 and H2S around the Savar Tannery Estate.
Biological Environment
In this study, zooplankton, fisheries resources and flora and fauna were assessed to see the
status of biological environment of Buriganga and Dhaleshwari River.
Zooplankton Assessment: This study considers the method involved in microscopic
examination of preserved zooplankton samples collected with a conical net towed
horizontally from surface water. In assessing zooplanktons, single horizontal sample was
collected from each of the river. A standard net size (56 micron) was used to collect the
samples. Lugol’s solution was used to preserve the samples. In the laboratory, random
counting method was used to count the planktons properly. The zooplankton sampling sites
were the same sites of water quality sites of Showari Ghat for Buriganga and Milkyhata for
Dhaleshwari River.
Fisheries Resources Assessment: In this study, fisheries resources were evaluated
intensively as water pollution at first affects fish resources. In addition, it is basically very
sensitive to the integrity of the aquatic ecosystem which can be at high risk by tannery
activities. At first, a number of available published national and international literatures were
reviewed comprehensively to understand the bioaccumulation process of heavy metals into
fish body and their impact on fish morphology, physiological changes and behavioural
pattern. Furthermore, different international standard for the prevalence of heavy metals in
fishes were collected. Fish community was surveyed through conducting Focus Group
Discussion (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) by using checklist. A significant
number of respondents were taken for understanding the fish community of the Buriganga
and the Dhaleshwari River around the tannery industry.
Ecological Resources Assessment: Total 4 parameters were observed to assess the
condition of flora and fauna. Species composition is essential to know the inhabitants of an
area those are habituated within a particular environment. Species composition of flora was
acquired from physical observations at the study area.
Wildlife abundance and their attitude can be changed for habitat degradation due to change
of environmental quality. Disturbance to wildlife due to chemical pollution is another concern
for this study that indicate the habitat suitability of an area.
Heavy metals accumulation, which may have effect on plant physiological activities as well
as may enter in food chain of an animal. Chromium is a common chemical pollutant that is
used in leather processing and contaminate water and soil is transferred to plant and animal
body through bioaccumulation. This study observed the existence of chromium in plant body
to ensure the bioaccumulation.
The parameters of flora and fauna and its collection frequencies are mentioned in Table 1.7.
regulating services, derived from a particular landuse (e.g. water purification and air quality
ES supply is strongly dependent on landscape structures and ecosystem functions
(Burkhard et al., 2012). Ecosystem functions change with varying degrees of landscape
naturalness or intactness. Therefore, potential ES hotspot areas were given priority during
the assessment. To begin the ES scoring exercise, landuse classes (see Figure 5.3) were
identified from an existing geo-referenced landuse map of the study area. An ES matrix was
then developed linking a set of 7 ES indicators (on the x-axis) to landuse types (on the y-
axis) (Appendix-F). The landscape’s capacities to supply the individual ES were assessed
and ranked on a scale ranging from 0 to 5, where 0 = no relevant capacity; 1 = low relevant
capacity; 2 = relevant capacity; 3 = medium relevant capacity; 4 = high relevant capacity;
and 5 = very high relevant capacity (Burkhard et al., 2009). The scoring of the individual
ecological components and the respective ES was based on participatory scoring exercises.
Comparison of ES change assessment of the study area was conducted by comparing three
different time period (Year- 2000, 2015 and 2018) landuse practices. Landuses of 2000 was
used as baseline condition of ecosystem services. Later tannery industry pollutant effects on
ES of other landuses were assessed. The scoring matrix was than linked with landuse
shapefiles using ArcGIS 10.3.1 to visualize the ES components at landscape scale.
Social Environment
In the evaluation of socio-economic status of the study, total 3 different aspects were
observed viz. human health, employment opportunity, and standard of living. These three
aspects have direct link to the tannery activities such as leather processing, finished leather
production and exporting leather and leather goods. All these three aspects were evaluated
following the Matrix provided in Appendix-B.
2. Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
2.1 Introduction
Environmental and social situation of Hazaribagh Tannery Area was evaluated in terms of
three different environmental settings viz. physical environment, biological environment and
socio-economic conditions. The data collection of the study was conducted in June 2018.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Estate and other solids (domestic and municipal) mix with textiles effluents were dumped for
more than several decades. In 2016, DO concentration of the river was found even lower
(0.85 mg/L, Ahammed, 2016). Seasonal variations were also observed in this study (Figure
2.1: DO). It was evident that DO level of Burigang River varied too much following dry and
wet seasons. In all the observed years, Dry season DO were found lower than the 5.0 mg/L
while it was sometimes higher than that in summer seasons. However, there was no
improvement of DO status in Buriganga River until now. Organic and chemicals loads
together with direct solid wastes dumping from other industries, community and commercial
activities, polluting this river enormously.
Buriganga River water was found slightly alkaline in nature. pH value ranged 7.6-8.4 (Table
2.1: pH). Instead of having spatial variation, all the observed points showed alkaline nature.
At the upstream of Buriganga River (near Baschila Bridge, 8.4 pH value), alkalinity was
almost 10 times higher than the downstream of the river (Showari Ghat, 7.6 pH value).
However, pH value complied with all the standards of ECR’ 1997 of 6.5-8.5 value (drinking
standard, inland surface water quality standard, waste discharge standard). A trend analysis
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
was performed from 2009 to 2018 where pH ranged in between 6.5-8.5 over both the Dry
and Wet seasons (Figure 2.1: pH).
High turbidity restricts light penetration in the water body which reduces photosynthesis rate.
Therefore, decline of food availability and DO level in the water body for the aquatic life
forms. Buriganga River water turbidity was found low in concentration. Almost in every case,
turbidity was found lower than 60 NTU (Table 2.1: Turbidity). Ahammed et al., 2016, also
support this finding as they found the turbidity of 41 NTU at the same Baschila Bridge.
However, the transparency of the water body was found less than 0.25 meter. This low
depth profile of transparency was because of color of the water.
Amounts of suspended solids in Buriganga River were quite low in concentration, which
ranged 13-16 mg/L while the EQS is 150 mg/L for inland surface water. This amount of solid
is almost same as the recommended concentration for drinking water in Bangladesh (10
mg/L, ECR’ 1997). Trend analysis showed a declining tendency of TSS in Buriganga River.
In 2009, TSS was found 200 mg/L at Dry seasosn and 118 mg/L at Wet season, which was
reduced to 50 mg/L and 15 mg/L respectively in 2018 (Figure 2.1: TSS). This improvement
might be the reason of shifting of Hazaribagh tanneries and stopping disposal of 20,000 m3
untreated effluents daily into Buriganga.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Table 2.2: TDS and salinity status of the water quality of Buriganga River
Site TDS Salinity
Standards for Inland Surface Water Quality 1000 mg/L 0.0 ppt
Baschila bridge 161 0.1
Showari ghat 23 0.0
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
NO3- and PO43- status of 2016 and 2018 were observed in the Buriganga River only due to
the unavailability of data. However, this study found that NO3- concentration of the river was
not a problem for the aquatic lifeforms so far in both dry and wet season. In contrary, PO 43-
showed a different pattern. In 2016, PO43- was too high (8-9 mg/L) in both wet and dry
season. But, in 2018 it was reduced to near about 1.5 mg/L. Still, PO43- of the river is high
enough to affect the plankton community structure at a certain level.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Figure 2.4: Trend of NO3- and PO43- quality in the Buriganga River
Trend analysis proved that total Cr concentration in Buriganga River is decreasing. Before
2012, total Cr was found around 600 µg/L which reduced to 3 µg/L in 2018. Al was also
found in decreasing trend (Figure 2.5: Cr and Al). Similar to Al, Zn also showed declining
tendency. Only, Pb showed temporal variations. After 2013, Pb as well was reducing in River
Buriganga (Figure 2.5: Pb and Zn).
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018; Island and Azam, 2015; Moniruzzaman et al., 2012.
Figure 2.3: Trend of Metals (Cr, Al, Pb, Zn) Concentrations in the Buriganga River
The variations of heavy metal concentrations are mainly due to different collection spots and
seasons. Total Cr concentrations were found lower than the standard level (100 µg/L) given
by Draft ECR (2017) in the current study. Chromium concentration in Buriganga River
ranged 2-3 µg/L. This low amount of Cr was because of withdrawal of tannery industries
from Hazaribagh area together with upstream freshwater availability due to rainy season
during the survey. Previously, Cr was found higher in concentration in this river. During the
operational period of tannery industry, Cr raised up to around 4000 µg/L in dry period near
Hazaribagh (Azim et al., 2009). In another study, Cr was found in an average 270 µg/L at
Baschila Bridge and 313 µg/L at Showri ghat (Mottalib et al., 2017). Khan et al. (1998) found
the concentrations of Cr from 0.01 to 0.50 µg/mL in the water of the GBM (Ganges-
Brahmaputra-Meghna) estuary, values that are lower than the present study.
Concentration of Aluminum did not show any indication of its pollution in the water quality of
Buriganga River. The concentration ranged from 197-201 µg/L. In any previous study, Al
was not considered as an indicator of leather industrial pollution. The variation in Al
concentration is presented in Table 2.5.
In the present study, in all the observed locations, Pb concertation was found around 1 µg/L,
which was very much lower than standard limit of inland surface water quality (100 µg/L,
Draft ECR’ 2017). This low amount of Pb concentration in Buriganga River indicated that this
metal did not pollute that river enough. However, in some earlier study, it was found that,
average Pb concentration was about 65 µg/L, which was still lower than the Draft ECR
(2017). Alam et al. (2003) found that Pb concentration varied between 0.1-0.7 µg/L in rainy
season and 5-14 µg/L in dry season, which were a bit higher than the present study. Khan et
al. (1998) found that the concentration of Pb ranged from 0.012 to 0.431 µg/mL, which were
much lower than the EQS Standard. The present study findings are similar to the previous
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
study of 0.003 mg/L (3 µg/L) for the water samples collected from the same river at the same
locations (Mokaddes et al., 2013).
The concentration of Zn did not show any spatial variations in Buriganga River. During the
study, in all the observed locations, around 80 µg/L of Zn was found. However, in an earlier
study (Mokaddes et al., 2013) it was found that Zn was even less in amount (18 µg/L).
Therefore, it was noticeable that leather industry is not related to the Zn concentration in
Buriganga River. Other industrial activities, such as engineering workshops, and
electroplating might be the reasons of behind this temporal variation of Zn. Standard surface
water quality for zinc is 5000 µg/L.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Table 2.8: Presence of Chromium (Cr) in soil, sediment and plant in Hazaribagh
Tannery Estate
Sampling Cr in Soil Cr in Plant
SL Site Characteristics
point (ppm) (ppm)
1 Main This was the major outlet of tannery wastes. Soil 386.9 112.4
Drainage and plant sample was collected to have chromium
contamination in soil and plant.
2 River bed/ River bed sample was collected from Showari 109.0 N.D.
Sediment subsequent floating plant (water hyacinths) was
also collected.
3 River levee River levee soil and plant sample was collected 241.0 N.D.
form in between main channel and river bed
sample collecting point.
4 Agricultural This site is situated in the opposite bank of the 275.0 N.D.
Field Buriganga River which is single cropped land. Soil
and plant sample was collected to have chromium
contamination in soil and plant.
Note: N.D. - Not Detectable. Soil (MAC)-100 ppm. Plant (MAC) - 1-2 ppm.
** Soil and plant samples were collected from 3rd to 4th June, 2018 following standard sampling procedure (Soil
survey manual, 2017). These samples were sent to SRDI, Dhaka laboratory for analysis. To determine total Cr,
soil and plant analysis was done by digestion method followed by AAS analysis (Weil and Brady, 2016).
Soils near Hazaribagh Area were soaked with untreated tannery wastes and pollutants since
90’s. This consequence created severe Cr load in the soils of this area. Time series data
showed how the concentration of Cr increased in the soils of Hazaribagh Area (Figure 2.8)
(Nuruzzaman et al., 1995; Ullah et al., 1999; Elahi et al., 2010; Karim et al., 2013; Mondol et
al., 2017). All of these soil samples were taken from within half kilometer of the main lagoon
of tannery estate of Hazaribagh during dry season in different years. But even in wet season,
Cr concentration (26,664 ppm) was higher than the MAC (Mondol et al., 2017). Soil sampling
of this report was done in wet season of 2018 at that time the main drainage channel was
alsmost dead. Besides this, local people raise a part of the low land for their house
construction. In consequence of this, new soil might be taken place the previous
contaminated one which might be a reason of low concentration in Cr presence in soil in
CEGIS study.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
In all cases, result showed that Cr concentration was much higher than MAC in soil (100
ppm) (Kloke, 1980). The concentration was increasing since 1995 to 2010. After 2010, Cr
concentration started to fall due to shutting down of tannery industries in Hazaribagh.
Findings of the study showed that, there was a decreasing tendency of Cr concentration in
soil, though it was still higher than MAC value (Table 2.8). The reason behind this
decreasing trend might be the shutdown of sources (tannery industries) and continuous flash
out of soils during monsoon.
The sediment pollution load also gives an improving situation after the trend analysis
(Mohiuddin et al, 2011; Islam et al., 2014; Mohiuddinn et al., 2015; CEGIS field analysis,
2018). In 2010 Cr concentration was maximum which is decreasing afterwards and gets
minimum at 2018 Figure 2.9. This might be ahother indication of decreasing pollution load of
Cr in the Buriganga river sediemt due to shut down of tannery industries in the vicinity of this
river. But still the mean concentration is higher that the average shale value and continental
upper crust value 90 ppm (Turekian and Wedepohl,1961) and 92 ppm respectively (Rudnick
and Gao, 2003).
Figure 2.9: Time series data of mean Cr concentration in the Buriganga River
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Cr was not the only concerned pollutant observed in tannery area soils. A large amount of
salt is used during the processing of raw hides. In most of the cases these salts exposed to
the environment in untreated condition. Therefore, EC concentration increased. Presence of
excessive salt in soil (>4 ds/m) is harmful for plant growth (Ponnamperuma, 1985). More
than 505 ppm of chloride (Cl-) and 7.2 dS/m EC was found in soil solution of Hazaribagh
in1995 (Nuruzzaman et al., 1995), which was found at 6.2 at 2017 (Mondol et al., 2017).
This might be due to management issues related to reduced use of salt for preserving hide.
Both soil and sediment quality analysis showed a clear indication of decreasing Cr presence
in 2018. Cr presence was found to be maximum in 2010 when the tannery industries were in
full swing. The accumulation starts to decreas afterwards with the beginning of shuting down
of the industries.
In the Buriganga River, there was no benthic community during the field visit of June 2018.
The bed materials were full of sand and plastics at the sampling point with some mixture of
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
themselves but also for their heavy metal contents (Ahmad, M. K., et al., 2010). Laboratory
tests have proven that the water in most parts of the Buriganga River contains no Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) and is therefore totally devoid of aquatic life (Khan, 2012, Daily Star Report).
Fishes are highly sensitive to such pollutants and heavy metals, which are supposed to be
mutagenic trace element for various riverine fish species. One of the worst conditions in
respect of fish habitat was found around the Hazaribagh Tannery Area (HzTA) where fishes
are not found in dry season.
Habitat Condition
Habitat suitability for assemblage of fish community was analyzed on the basis of measured
water quality parameters, such as, water temperature, DO, pH, TDS and BOD. Standards for
water temperature, DO, pH and BOD defined in ECR (1997); for TDS in Tabata et al., 2007;
Srivastava and Sinha, 1996 are considered in assessing habitat suitability. The sensitivity
scores will be calculated through normalizing the deviation of observed values from the
standard value by applying UNDP developed normalization method. Finally, habitat
suitability was calculated by using Sudarsan’s index method (Sudarsan, 1995). More or less
satisfactory suitability scores for pH and TDS were found in two sampling locations of the
Buriganga River (see Water Quality Section). However, the suitability scores for water
temperature, DO and BOD were very low. It thus clearly portrays that the habitat suitability of
two sampling locations in the Buriganga River is very low, although an improving trend has
found from 2010 to 2018 (Figure 2.10).
Y = 0.2984+0.0086*x; 0.95 Conf.Int.
0.55 Y
Suitability Scores for the Buriganga River (0-1)
Dry/2010 Dry/2011 Dry/2012 Dry/2013 Dry/2014 Dry/2015 Dry/2016 Dry/2017 Dry/2018
Figure 2.10: Exponential smoothing series with linear trend of habitat suitability
scores for the Buriganga River
Habitat Assessment
The estimated total fish habitat area is about 628 ha, which is solely contributed by the
capture fishery in HzTA. No culture fishery habitat was found in the HzTA. Fish habitat
distribution is given in Table 2.10.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Fish Diversity
More than 50 (fifty) species have been recorded in the Buriganga River particularly in the
wet season. Baki, et al. (2017) identified a total of 56 fish species belonging to 41 genera, 20
families and 9 orders from the upper Buriganga River. In August, number of species reached
56, which started to decline in September. Shannon-Weiner diversity index of the collected
fishes (seasonal) indicated a diverse distribution and the species richness variation across
the river sites ranged from 1.825 to 3.843 (Baki, et al., 2017). He also recorded the highest
fish diversity during the monsoon, whereas diversity was lowest during the winter. According
to their findings, Cypriniformes were the most dominant orders constituting (18) 32% of the
total fish population followed by the Siluriformes (17) 30%, Perciformes (12) 21%,
Channiformes (3) 5%, Clupeiformes (2) 4%, Synbranchiformes, Beloniformes,
Osteoglossiformes, Cyprinodontiformes were the least numerous orders constituting only 2%
each of the total fish population. Three species, namely Channa punctatus, Heteropneustes
fossilis and Colisa fasciata were found abundantly throughout the year while Osteobrama
cotio, Oreochromis mossambicus, Pseudambassis lala in August only. Two exotic species,
such as Oreochromis mossambicus and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix were observed in the
monsoon season. The available fish species are given in Appendix-C.
Furthermore, about 28 fish species were identified in the Buriganga Rivers during field visit
where Kholisha, Shing and Kajuli fish attained the highest percentage in relative composition
(Figure 2.11).
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Relative Composition (%)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Fish Species
Figure 2.7: Fish Composition of the Buriganga River at Baschila Bridge Point
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Max Avg
Bioaccumulation Rate (mg/kg)
20 Min
1992 2008 2012 2013
Observation Years
Cd Cu
1.4 Max 700
Bioaccumulation Rate (mg/kg)
Bioaccumulation Rate (mg/kg)
Mn Ni
Max Max
Bioaccumulation Rate (mg/kg)
350 Avg 12
Bioaccumulation Rate (mg/kg)
300 Min
10 Min
50 2
0 0 Observation Years
1982 2012 2014 1992 2008 2012 2013
Observation Years
Pb Zn
16 Max 350
Bioaccumulation Rate (mg/kg)
14 Avg
Min 300
4 100
2 50
0 0
2004 2008 2012 2013 1982 2012 2014
Observation Years Observation Years
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Table 2.12: Breakdown of Fish Production from Different Habitats in the HzTA
Production (Ton)
Sl. No Habitat Category Habitat Type
Left Bank Right Bank
1 River and Khal 4 32
2 Capture Perennial Beel 0 4
3 Floodplain 0 440
Total = 4 476
Source: FRSS, 2016-17
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Status of Vegetation
Plant diversity varies within the study area according to its land condition and human
interventions. Vegetation density of most of the area were found low due to extreme
urbanization especially at Hazaribagh Site and the floral composition was dominated with
small grasses and herbs. Among this type, Croton bonplandianum, Amaranthus spinosus,
Heliotropium indicum, Solanum sisymbriifolium, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrica etc
were most common. Eichhornia crassipes was the only dominated aquatic floral species
observed in Buriganga River and its tributaries.
Aquatic floral diversity of this area was found moderate (compare to a standard vegetation
status) in status, for presence of land type and rainwater, which holds water for a certain
period of a year. Existence of aquatic plant community was concentrated in stagnant water
of ponds and ditches. Water hyacinth (Kochuripana), Water cabbage (Topa pana) and
Duckweed (Khudipana) were common among the free-floating communities. However, the
species richness was low at Buriganga River near Hazaribagh Site rather than the
Dhaleshwari River at Harindhara.
Submerged plants disappeared from the Buriganga River reaches near Hazaribagh. Heavy
amount of industrial waste deposition on riverbed and low penetration of light for polluted
dark water disfavor growth of submerged vegetation in rivers surrounding the Dhaka City.
Status of Wildlife
Wildlife composition along the Hazaribagh Tannery area were not referable due to heavy
urbanization and huge human intervenyions in the study area, which thereafter, lead the wild
fauna to relocate them from there. However, some rodents like House Shrew, House Mouse
and little number of mongooses were available within the area. Avifauna commonly
occurring within the Hazaribagh Area were House Crow (Corvus splendens), House Sparrow
(Passer domesticus), Pied Starling (Lamprotornis bicolor) and Black Kite (Milvus migrans).
Their populations decreased due to squeezing of habitats for rapid urbanization.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Agricultural Production
Agricultural practice was found on the right bank of the Buriganga River. Around 484 ha of
land was under cultivation in the area during the visit, of which 72% was single cropped and
28% was double cropped land (CEGIS field information and Satellite image, 2015).
Vegetables were the main production of the area. Summer vegetables were grown in Kharif
I, while winter vegetables were grown in Rabi season. Cropping intensity of the area was
128%. As the river water quality wasn’t meeting the irrigation water quality, irrigation of these
crops was mostly dependent on subsurface irrigation. Total cropped area was about 618 ha
of which summer vegetable was grown in 159 ha and winter vegetable was grown in 459 ha
land. Approximately, 7,098 metric tons crop was produced in this area, where summer
vegetable production was 1,590 metric tons and winter vegetable production was 5,508
metric tons.
Higher concentration of Cr leads to delayed maturity and stunted growth for wheat while late
flowering and maturity with dark green color for rice (Chamon et al., 2005). Reduction in rice
production in tannery area and use of tannery effluents was also observed (Elahi et al.,
2010). Rice yield production reduced up to 43.6% due to heavy metal toxicity with
Hazaribagh Soil was observed before by Chamon et al., (2005). Heavy metals (Cr, Pb, Cd
etc) destroy enzymes and interfere with or inactivate enzymes of living cells (Rahman, 1992)
and hence their discharge into the environment must be carefully controlled and minimized.
The reduced agricultural production of Hazaribagh Area was the accumulation of these
Water quality of the Buriganga River was not fit for irrigation (details are given in water
quality section). This might be a combined effect of various industries in the levees of this
river. But it was already assumed that leather industries have a high potentiality to degrade
water quality (Zhang and Zhang, 2006).
Nearly 40-45 L fresh water/kg raw hide or skin is used by tanneries for processing finished
leather (Sundar et al., 2000). For this requirement groundwater mining is a common issue in
leather industries. Due to excessive withdrawal of groundwater for leather processing, the
groundwater table of Dhaka City declines more than a meter every year (Zahid, 2017). As a
result, there is a chance of the contamination of deeper aquifer (Bashar and Islam, 1999).
The adjacent river water was polluted by some heavy metals due to mixing of untreated
tannery effluent. Since, shallower groundwater of most of the areas of Bangladesh is
contaminated by arsenic, excluding Pleistocene terrace areas covering Dhaka City, it is very
important to save this aquifer from any sort of contamination (Ahmed et al., 1998). If the
ground water is contaminated, crops will also be contaminated through irrigation water and
capillary rise of water through soil pores. This scenario leads bio accumulation of
carcinogenic metals.
Bioaccumulation simply means the gathering of any substance in an organism, faster than
its catabolism and excreation. Bioaccumulation was only found in the main channel of
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Hazaribagh. It might be the result of years of Cr deposition in that area. Agricultural land and
river levee area was free from Cr accumulation. But results showed that Cr bioaccumulation
was a common scenario of Hazaribagh Area even in recent past (Mondol et al., 2017). As Cr
is a by-product of tannery industry, bioaccumulation was also reported in early stages of
tannery industries of Hazaribagh (Nuruzzaman et al., 1995). Figure 2.14 shows Cr
bioaccumulation status in Hazaribagh area.
The good news was that, no bioaccumulation trace was found in river (floating plants), river
levee and agricultural land. Only a couple of years back, bioaccumulation was found in these
areas (Mondol et al., 2017). This might be a reason of washout of the area through rain
water. Rainwater increases the upstream flow of the Buriganga River which helps to dilute
Cr concentration of water; as a result, Cr bioaccumulation process is restricted in floating
plants now a days.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Table 2.13: Locations of the study area along with coverage of Upazilas
District Thana % of Upazila Coverage
Bangshal 92
Chak Bazar 100
Dhanmondi 39
Dhaka Hazaribagh 79
Kamrangir Char 100
Lalbagh 89
New Market 28
Shahbagh 28
Source: Spatial GIS analysis, CEGIS 2017
Housing Tenancy
In the study area, 72% of households resided in rental houses and 24% in their own houses
(Figure 2.15). A number of migrant working labors and employees of different government
and non-government organizations resided in rental basis in the study area either with family
or as a bachelor.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Housing Condition
The housing conditions of the study area as represented in the BBS, 2012 showed that
highest (72%) percentages of households resided in pucca houses and 21% of household
resided in semi-pucca houses (Figure 2.16).
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Table 2.15: Household Monthly Income and Expenditure in the Study Area
% of Household in % of Household in
Range of Amount in BDT
income Level expenditure level
<10,000 - 4
10,001 - 20,000 15 20
20,001 - 30,000 35 40
>30,000 50 36
Source: RRA by CEGIS, 2018
Among the three major sectors of employment, it was found that 75% of total employed
population was engaged in services followed by 24% industrial workers or employees
(Figure 2.19). During RRA almost similar result was depicted.
Environmental and Social Status of Hazaribagh Tannery Area
Social Standard
Due to bad odour, well off families were not eager to come to Hazaribagh Area either for
rented in or for meeting the relatives. So, building owners did not get expected rent from the
tenants in Hazaribagh area. Their apartments became vacant due to unavailability of sober
tenants. Tin Shed structures and furniture were fragile due to deterioration of air quality.
Also, congestion in drainages due to disposal of solid waste of the tanneries may create
drainage congestion, even in a very small duration of raining. Consequences of these
obstacles, it found less civic facilities (i.e. school, college, hospital etc.) in Hazaribagh area
which indicated poor social standard of that area.
In synopsis of socio-economic aspects, it is observed that overall drainage, bad odour and
community health have been improved over time after shifting the tannery industries from
Hazaribagh. Therefore, the standard of living and associate civic facilities is also getting
updated and people are showing their interest to reside in Hazaribagh area. As a result,
apartment developers are investing to open mega projects in Hazaribagh. Also, standard of
children education is upgraded by establishing new standard schools for junior sections.
3. Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery
3.1 Introduction
Environmental and social situation of Hemayetpur Tannery Area was evaluated following the
same environmental settings used in the evaluation of Hazaribagh situation. In addition, the
data collection time was also the same (June 2018).
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Figure 3.2: Monthly Variation of Average Discharge of the Dhaleshwari River (1991-
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
water). Both domestic and CETP discharge recorded color around 77 Hazen during
discharge (Table 3.1: Color). However, wastewater color of the solid waste disposal yard
were around 200 Hazen. Most importantly, this wastewater was being released into the
Dhaleshwari River in many ways. The dumped leathers in contact with rainwater formed this
With growing population, industrialization and urbanization, the Odor problem has been
assuming objectionable proportion. Toxic Odor causes pollution to environment. Removal of
Odor from leather tanneries is important to preserve safety and occupational health and
public annoyance. Such Odor from domestic and effluent causing gases identified mostly
presence of Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the
wastewater which can be measured in Odor units per unit volume (OU/m3).
Odor for domestic wastewater were recorded as 8 OU/m3 where it came to 1 OU/m3 for
treated effluent only. In contrary, the highest Odor (50 OU/m 3) was generating from the solid
waste dumping yard (Figure 3.1: Odor). Solid part of leathers is rotten in contact with water,
which produced chronic Odor. As per ECR, 1997, the standard limit for Odor causing NH3 is
1-5 ppm and H2S is 0.02-0.2 ppm. Presence of hide, skin, un-hairing & liming, de-liming,
pickling causing severe Odor in domestic discharge. The CETP discharge emits relatively
lower Odor than domestic discharge. Other sources were from chemical storage in tannery
(HCHO, CH4 etc. gases come out) and some organic foul gases form hides/skins during
Temperature was relatively normal for domestic, CETP and disposal yards discharge
according to the tannery effluents standrads for Bangladesh (Table 3.1: Temperature).
DO levels in domestic water and disposal yard were very low (0.2 mg/L) primarily due to
various biological and chemical waste being mixed with the water sources. By contrast, the
treated water had comparatively high DO (Table 3.1: DO) than the previous two sources,
which was even too low to be disposed into inland natural water bodies. The ECR, 1997
standard limit is 4.5 mg/L at least.
Table 3.1: Physical characteristics of the effluent quality of Savar Tannery Estate
All the waters of domestic, effluents and disposal yard, were found to be slightly alkaline in
nature (pH around 8.0). However, the pH value completely met the ECR’ 1997 Criteria (pH
value 6-9) (Table 3.1).
Based on the scientific studies, a maximum turbidity of 15 NTU, roughly corresponding to
0.5m visual clarity was recommended to avoid significant effects on native fish migration by
Ausseil and Clark (2007b). The turbidity level of the domestic water was found to be very
high compared with the treated water since huge amounts of suspended solids were
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
excluded from the treated water due to the treatment process (Table 3.1: Turbidity).
However, the turbidity of the tannery effluent was too high for life supporting water body e.g.
Dhaleshwari River.
The presence of various organic and non-organic wastes leads to an increase in total
suspended solids. Total suspended solids of dumping place were found to be high (357
mg/L) compared to the treated water (127 mg/L). TSS in effluents was high enough as the
standard of TSS is 100 mg/L (Draft ECR’ 2017) only for the disposal of tannery effluents in
natural water body.
Chemical Characteristics of Water Quality
Table 3.3: Status of Organic Pollutants in the Effluent Quality of Savar Tannery Estate
Sampling locations BOD (mg/L) COD (mg/L)
Tannery Effluent Discharge Standard 30 200
Domestic water 92 320
Treated effluent 127 558
Solid mixed liquid 350 1903
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018
Department of Environment, 2017-2018
In case of COD levels, all the three sources exceeded the national standard limit of 200
mg/L. COD levels of the water from disposal yard were found to be significantly higher (1903
mg/L) compared with the treated effluent and domestic water, which were slightly higher
than the standard limit (220 and 558 mg/L).
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Table 3.4: Status of metal pollutants in the effluent of Savar Tannery Estate
Sampling locations Total Cr (mg/L)
Tannery Effluent Discharge Standard 1 mg/L
Domestic water 0.005
Treated effluent 3.2
Solid mixed liquid 10.0
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018
Department of Environment, 2017-2018
Table 3.5: Physical Characteristics of the Water Quality of the Dhaleshwari River
Site Color Odor Temperature DO pH Turbidity TSS
Standards for Inland 5 or
15 Odorless 20-30 6.5-8.5 15 150
Surface Water Quality more
Unit of measurement Hazen - 0C mg/L Value NTU mg/L
Singair bridge 13 0 32 4.0 8.0 15 15
Tannery effluent changes water quality exclusively. Organic matters of rawhide and skin are
the main reason of changing watercolor. Dhaleshwari River water color is also changing as
the tannery effluent comes into the river though CETP and from domestic water transporting
drainage system. This study found that water color of Dhaleshwari River did not show any
spatial variation. At 200m upstream and downstream of Savar Tannery Area, the water color
became the same and scored around 15 Hazen (Table 3.5: Color). On the other hand, there
was no odour in the water of Dhaleshwari River as the water was found odourless (Table
3.5: Odor). The improvement of the quality of color and odor of Dhaleshwari River was
because of the increase of freshwater availability during the survey time (Summer, 2018).
In Dhaleshwari River, temperature was recorded a little bit higher (32oC and 33oC
respectively) at both the observed locations of Singair Bridge and Milkyhata than the
standard inland surface water temperature (30oC) (Table 3.5: Temperature). It seems like,
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
at the downstream of the river, lots of biological activity and the presence of nutrients, which
make the water temperature comparatively higher than the other portion of the river. In
another study (Islam et al., 2012), it was found the same. Water temperature changes with
the time of the year and also following the season. Water temperature of Dhaleshwari River
was found lower in the post-monsoon than the monsoon and the pre-monsoon season. In
most cases, it was just above 30oC, which was within the standard limit for the uses of all
Adequate DO is necessary for survival of aquatic organism and decomposition of waste by
microorganism (Rahman et al., 2012). The DO concentration ranged in between 4.0 mg/L
and 6.0 mg/L. It was noticeable that DO level showed spatial variation in the river. The
downstream (4.0 mg/L) of the river had low DO than the upstream (6.0 mg/L). High organic
load from tannery industry mostly deposited at the downstream of the river as the river has
very weak tidal influence. In 2012, Islam et al., found that the range was around 5.7 mg/L to
7.3 mg/L, which was suitable for the aquatic organisms to survive. However, this finding got
an indication of low DO (4.0 mg/L) at the downstream of the river. A trend analysis was also
done to see the DO concentrations of the Dhaleshwari River. Since 2012, DO level during
dry season was not meeting ECR standard. On the other hand, DO level was more than the
minimum requirement of 5.0 mg/L in the wet season until 2017. After that, DO level was
found lower than the recommended value for Bangladesh inland water bodies (Fgure 3.4:
Figure 3.4: Trend of Physical (pH, DO and TSS) Characteristics of Water Quality of the
Dhaleshwari River
Water quality of Dhaleshwari River was found without any acidic and base condition. Ph
value ranged in between 8.0 to 8.1. Trend analysis also showed that since 2010, pH value
alwayed complied with the ECR range of 6.5-8.5 (Figure 3.4: pH).
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Water of Dhaleshwari River was not found turbid enough to harm any aquatic organisms.
The overall concentration was even less equal or less than 15 NTU, which was very good in
condition. This condition could be the effect of increasing of upstream flow during the last
summer (2018). In addition, there were very low activities on the bank of the Dhaleshwari
River, which could also be the reason of this low turbidity.
Amounts of suspended solids in Dhaleshwari River were quite low in concentration, which
ranged 14-15 mg/L. This amount of solid is almost same as the recommended concentration
for drinking water in Bangladesh (10 mg/L, ECR’ 1997). DoE found almost same
concentration (around 20 mg/L) in 2012. Trend analysis indicated that TSS was more than
150 mg/L in the dry season for the last couple of years in Dhaleshwari.
Table 3.6: TDS and Salinity status of the Water Quality of the Dhaleshwari River
Site TDS Salinity
Standards for Inland Surface Water Quality 1000 mg/L 0.0 ppt
Singair bridge 160 0.0
Milkyhata 200 0.0
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Sampling locations Cr Al Pb Zn
Standards for Inland Surface Water 100 µg/L 200 µg/L 100 µg/L 5000 µg/L
Singair bridge 2 208 1 80
Milkyhata 2 270 1 80
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018
In the present study, in all the observed locations, Pb concentration was found around 1
µg/L, which was very much lower than standard limit of drinking water quality (100 µg/L,
Draft ECR’ 2017). This low concentration of Pb in Dhaleshwari River indicated that this metal
did not pollute that river enough. However, one of the earlier studies found around 50 µg/L of
average Pb concentration in Dhaleshwari River (Ahmed et al., 2009). The concentration
varies following dry and wet season in a year.
The concentration of Zn did not show any spatial variations in Dhaleshwari River. During the
study, in all the observed locations, around 80 µg/L of Zn was found. Status of Pb and Zn
concentrations of Dhaleshwari River are presented in Table 3.9 also.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
The overall water quality index became 58, which indicated Medium (Table 3.11) quality of
water of Dhaleshwari River.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Sources of Gases
Worldwide tanning industries are known as obnoxious for discharging high pollutants and
degrade the ambient environment. In Bangladesh, tanning industry is one of the fast growing
industries. The experts of World Bank (Nishat A. 2001) have determined the top-ten most
environment polluting industries of this country. These are the tannery industry (21%), the
pulp and paper industry (15%), pharmaceuticals industry (13%), fertilizer industry (12%),
industrial chemicals (9%), textile industry (6%), food industry (6%), metal industry (5%),
cement industry (4%), petroleum (3%), and others (6%).
There are about 220 leather industries in Bangladesh, 85% of them are located in the
Western part of capital city Dhaka. Since the last decades of industrialization, Bangladesh is
facing the environmental degradation of Buriganga River and other linked rivers due to
receiving the discharged green solid and liquid wastes from the tanning industries.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
The solid and liquid effluent comprise of decaying flesh, soluble proteins, fat, toxic
chemicals, dissolved lime, suspended and dissolved solids, organic matters, dyestuffs and
coloring pigments, heavy metals like chromium etc. from the tannery industries produce
Odorous components. Gaseous air pollutants like hydrogen sulphide (H2S), ammonia (NH3),
volatile organic compounds etc. are produced in different stages of leather processing which
are directly merged to atmosphere (Hashem M. A. 2015).
After shifting of the tannery in Savar, around 200 tanneries are established for production. At
present 180 tanneries are working. As mentioned earlier, the main constituents of Odorous
gases in tannery are VOC’s (evolving during the action of enzymes causes decomposition
and oxidation of the hides and skin), NH3 and H2S (evolving during the unhairing and
deliming process of tanning in the processing of leather). Out of these the NH 3 and H2S both
are toxic gases which are responsible for the odor in the tannery. The NH3 having strong
pungent and H2S having fouling smell both giving odor in and around the tannery
environment. From Zahn et al. (2001), it is found that a typical tannery will have VOC—100
ppm, NH3— 40 ppm and H2S—30 ppm (Panda R.C. 2012). Based on these loads, this work
designs scrubbing systems for abatement of these toxic gases.
Assessment of Odor
In recent times, Odor has been a key issue of community concern near to the tannery site. In
addition, with the changing of tannery site, the complaints from nearby communities of Savar
tannery estates are increasing. Given the established understanding of Odor matters around
the site, a quantitative assessment of odor has not been undertaken within this study.
An Odor emission often consists of a complex mixture of many Odorous compounds.
Usually, Odor sensory methods, are normally used to measure such Odor. A value in OU is
a ratio. The OU strength is the number of times the mixture must be diluted (at standard
temperature and pressure) to reach the detection limit. OUE (European odor unit) – A value
in OUE is a mass measurement. One OUE is the mass of pollutant that, when evaporated
into 1m3 of odorless gas (at standard conditions) results in a mixture with concentration
equal to the detection threshold for that pollutant. European odor units (OUE) are more
commonly used and olfactometry measurements give odor concentrations in OUE /m3. The
Z50 value (threshold concentration) is expressed in odor units (OUE m-3).
There is no sensory method OU standard Odor yet fixed in ECR, 1997 and subsequent
amendments. Neighboring country like India has done a lot of work on these issues in the
guideline of “Guidelines on Odor Pollution & its Control” (CPCB, 2008). In ECR 1997, the
major chemical constituent of Odor are identified and fixed their limit at Schedule-8. Table
3.12 shows the limit of two important chemical components (Ammonia and Hydrogen
Sulfide) release from tannery industries.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
A number of studies following for known compounds, the Odor strength can be reliably
estimated by measuring the concentration of the chemical, while, for mixtures of unknown
substances, sensory method is preferred. In fact, USEPA has fixed the limit for Odor’s
chemical components differently at different states along with Odor Unit (OU) or Dilution
Threshold (D/T). Therefore, this study has been conducted based on three major Odor
generating chemical components e.g. VOCs, NH3 and H2S release form tannery industries.
Measurement of Odor
Of the five senses, the sense of smell is the most complex and unique in structure and
organization. Sense of smell is accomplished with two main nerves. The olfactometry nerve
(first cranial nerve) processes the perception of chemicals. The trigeminal nerve (fifth cranial
nerve) processes the irritation or pungency (sensation) of chemicals. The entire trip, from
nostril to signal in the brain, takes as little as 500 milliseconds.
During the field investigation, the stakeholders informed about notorious smell from the
Savar Tannery Estate. Experience from Hazaribag Tanneries, the nearby communities of
this tannery were making demand about controlling the Odor pollution. They were
demanding to protect the areas from Odor pollution. The Odor measurement methods are
mainly two types.
Instrumental methods have relied mainly on the application of Gas Chromatography (GC),
including Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is capable of the efficient
separation required for analysis of complex mixtures of Odour.
The sensory methods are very much subjective. Each of the Odorant has a unique odor and
Odor detection threshold which means that compounds, even if present at the same
concentration, may have markedly different odor impacts.
Dispersion Modelling
AERMOD is steady-state plume model. The modeling system consists of one main program
(AERMOD) and two pre-processors (AERMET and AERMAP). The major purpose of
AERMET is to calculate boundary layer parameters for use by AERMOD. AERMAP is terrain
pre-processor. In general, AERMOD models a plume as a combination of two limiting cases:
a horizontal plume (terrain impacting) and a terrain following plume. Therefore, for all
situations, the total concentration, at a receptor, is bounded by the concentration predictions
from these states. In flat terrain the two states are equivalent. By incorporating the concept
of the dividing stream height, in elevated terrain, AERMOD’s total concentration is calculated
as a weighted sum of the concentration associated with these two limiting cases or plume
states (US EPA, 2004). However, the Odor dispersion modeling has been conducted with
this AEMOD modeling system.
Modelling Domain
Modelling has been conducted for a receptor grid of 10x10 receptor points at 100 m
resolution, which equates to a receptor grid of 1 x 1 km. The extent of this modelling domain
encompasses the Savar Tannery Site and surrounding areas. Given the varying land uses
surrounding the site, the receptors were spaced equally distance from each other. Since the
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
pollutant contour line will be presented through isophelts, specific discrete receptors were
not identified during the modeling process.
Dispersion Meteorology
A site-specific meteorological dataset was not collected for assessing the direction of wind.
Meteorological data of Dhaka International Airport was processed for preparing the surface
meteorological file preparation. Moreover, ready upper air data for a whole year of 2015 to
2016 was processed though AERMET software.
AERMET processes three types of data: 1) hourly surface observations that are typically, but
not exclusively, collected at airports 2) twice-daily upper air soundings collected by the
National Weather Station; and 3) data collected from an on-site or site-specific measurement
program or prognostic meteorological data processed through a processor such as the
Mesoscale Model Interface (MM5). However, the regional meteorological conditions were
assessed after analysis of meteorological processed AERMAT data of one year through
Figure 3.9: Wind Histogram and WindRose diagram at Savar Tannery Estate
Figure 3.9, Shows a wind rose at the Site for the year 2016. Windrose diagram shows
around 12% of the total wind recorded clam. Wind moves toward Northward maximum
period of a year.
Elevation Data as Model Input
AERMAP was used as a pre-processor in order to load the elevation data sets and then
AERMOD analyzed the data. AERMAP required the use of gridded data to calculate terrain
height scale for the receptor locations. The terrain data required by AERMAP was obtained
from SRTM and land cover data was obtained from USGS, AERMOD simulated a horizontal
plume under stable conditions and also an elevation-following plume in order to account for
varying elevation in the area.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Emission of Odorants
Emissions from the tanneries were represented as volume sources. Volume sources
constitute a generic method of representing fugitive emissions, such as those that are
released into an aerodynamic wake, such as fugitive emissions from houses.
Within the model, volume sources were defined by location (i.e. easting, northing and
height), and the amount of initial horizontal and vertical dispersion, as defined by two
separate parameters, σy and σz.
Emission rates were modelled based on typical
published literature of reputed journals or
report. In order to generate hourly emission
rates, total emission quantities were divided by
2x8760 (the number of hours in a year), and
treated as a constant emission rate within the
model Noting this, the emissions reflect
average emissions and are considered
generally representative of net emissions
across the Site at a given time and long-term
average emissions.
These emissions do not reflect short-term localized emission peaks that may arise from a
specific tannery, CETP or land fill areas. In this sense, long-term average predictions are
considered more robust in the estimation of pollutant levels near the Savar Tannery Estate.
Table 3.14: Maximum concentration of the Odorant pollutants disperse from Savar
Tannery Estate
Odourant Chemicals Duration Peak Concentration (µg/m3) Coordinate (Xm) Coordinate (Ym)
VOC 1-HR 134.6 218888.80 2632022.25
NH3 1-HR 186.4 218688.80 2631922.25
H2S 1-HR 82.4 218788.80 2632022.25
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Dispersion of VOCs
Volatile Organic Compounds are emitted in finishing operation including formaldehyde,
benzine acetone, butyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol etc. In tanneries operators frequently
handle organic solvents with bare hand and without nose mask; they are suffering in various
difficulties like abdominal pain, diarrhea, convulsion and respiratory problem. Although most
of the developed countries have reduced the use of formaldehyde (H-CHO) as well set a
permissible level in leather. Tanneries of Bangladesh also use formaldehyde and other
organic solvents. The maximum dispersion area of VOCs concentration has been shown in
Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.10: Maximum Concentration of VOC after Dispersion from Savar Tannery
The VOCs are the atmospheric air pollutants. They are involved in photochemical oxidation
by ozone as well as UV radiation. VOC emitted from the tanneries, has short-lived and
typical life-time of a few hours in day time. The primary reaction of emitted formaldehyde in
the air is direct photolysis and photo chemically produced hydroxyl radicals. In the urban
atmosphere, VOC is an important precursor in smog formation where it reacts with oxides of
nitrogen (NOx) and other compounds like Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate (PAN) and smog decreases
the visibility.
Dispersion of H2S
In tannery, normally unhairing and liming takes about 18–20 hours. During long time
chemical reaction as well as mechanical agitation produces H2S gas. The H2S gas comes
out from the hollow axle of drum/from open paddle which is directly mixed with air inside the
tanning industry. It is a colorless gas and is slightly heavier than air. It has a strong Odor of
rotten eggs. In tannery, operators are used to work without nose mask and frequently inhale
gaseous H2S and are suffering from difficulties. High concentration of H2S (> 900ppm) for
one-minute causes instant coma and death. The maximum dispersion area of H2S
concentration has been shown in Figure 3.11.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Figure 3.11: Maximum Concentration of H2S after Dispersion from Savar Tannery
H2S is not only produced in liming but also produced when spent lime liquor is mixed with
the acidic ranges spent tanning liquor like spent chrome tanning or spent pickle liquor. It is
the conventional practice to discharge spent lime and chrome tanning liquor simultaneously
at the same stream continuously H2S gas is produced.
People in the tannery areas inhale the poisonous H2S gas. The fluxes of H2S led to toxic
levels of H2S at atmosphere by the atmospheric photochemical reaction. Besides, ozone
shield destroys and increase the greenhouse methane gas.
Dispersion of NH3
Ammonia is a highly hydrophilic base and it has irritating properties. It effects on human
being due to its alkaline corrosiveness; it’s gaseous or liquid form can irritate the eyes,
respiratory tract and skin. Ammonia and its hydroxide are corrosive, can rapidly penetrate to
eye and may cause permanent injury.
In tanneries, operators frequently handle the delimed pelt or leather and waste liquor with
bare hands and foot as well as without nose mask. Besides, persons who are engaged in
other works are exposed to inhale gaseous form of ammonia from inside the tannery. As a
result, person who are directly or indirectly involved in the tanneries are getting contact with
ammonia or its hydroxide are suffering from many difficulties. The maximum dispersion area
of NH3 concentration has been shown in Figure 3.12.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Figure 3.12: Maximum Concentration of NH3 after Dispersion from Savar Tannery
Ammonia is lighter than air, as a result after emitting from any source, it directly merged into
atmosphere. It has a short atmospheric lifetime of about 24 hrs. Once ammonia is emitted to
atmosphere, it could undergo conversion to NH4+ aerosol due to its highly reactive nature
and quickly deposited near to the sources of emission. The conversion of ammonia (NH3) to
ammonium ion (NH4+) in aerosol is dependent on the concentration of acids in atmosphere.
Formed ammonium salts at atmosphere are the main components of smog aerosols; it
effects on cloudiness of the atmosphere as well as earth radiation budget.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Table 3.16: Presence of Chromium (Cr) in soil, sediment and plant in Hemayetpur
Tannery Estate
Sampling Soil Plant
SL Site Characteristics
point (ppm) (ppm)
This is the main disposal pond of solid and liquid
1 tannery wastes. Soil and plant sample was collected to 17,225 N.D.
have chromium contamination in soil and plant.
River bed sample was collected from the downstream
River bed/ of tannery estate to analyze chromium concentration in
2 131.5 N.D.
Sediment sediment subsequent floating plant (water hyacinths)
was also collected to find the presence of chromium. .
River levee soil and plant sample was collected form in
between main channel and river bed sample collecting
3 River levee 71.0 N.D.
point. This area is extensively used for vegetable
cultivation during Rabi season.
This site is situated in the opposite bank of the
Agricultural Dhalweswari River which is double cropped land. Soil
4 46.7 N.D.
Field and plant sample was collected to have chromium
contamination in soil and plant.
Note: N.D. - Not Detectable. Soil (MAC)-100 ppm. Plant (MAC) - 1-2 ppm
** Soil and plant samples were collected from 11th to 13th June, 2018 following standard sampling procedure (Soil
survey manual, 2017). These samples were sent to SRDI, Dhaka laboratory for analysis. To determine total Cr,
soil and plant analysis was done by digestion method followed by AAS analysis (Weil and Brady, 2016).
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
In the Dhaleshwari River, there was no benthic community during the field visit of June 2018.
The riverbed materials were a mixture of sludge with low amount of soils.
Suitability levels for pH and TDS were found satisfactory in two sampling locations of the
Dhaleshwari River (see Water Quality Section). However, the suitabilities for water
temperature and BOD were negatively scored in both the sampling sites. Although negative
score for DO was found in case of Milkyhata, positive score was in case of Singair Bridge
location. It thus clearly portrays that the habitat suitability of two sampling locations in the
Dhaleshwari River is also very low and has remained more or less similar from 2010 to 2018
(Figure 3.15).
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
95% Confident Limit Line
Dry/2010 Dry/2011 Dry/2012 Dry/2013 Dry/2014 Dry/2015 Dry/2016 Dry/2017 Dry/2018
Figure 3.15: Exponential Smoothing Series with Linear Trend of Habitat Suitability
Scores for the Dhaleshwari River
A significant breach of protective bank was observed about 125m adjacent to the Solid
Waste Disposal Station indicates that high Chromium (Cr) directly falls into the river system
(Figure 3.14). Both air and water temperatures play important role in the physicochemical,
metabolic and physiological behaviors of the aquatic system (Ali, et al., 2008). Different trace
elements become hazard when it causes various lethal effects on physiological and cellular
mechanism (Table 3.18).
Habitat Assessment
The estimated total fish habitat area was about 1,308 ha, where capture fishery isabout 99%
and culture fishery contributes the rest in Hemayetpur Tannery City (HmTC). Fish habitat
distribution in the study area is given in Table 3.19.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Fish diversity
More or less similar number of fish species was found in the catches. The local fishers
informed that fish species in the Dhaleshwari River and other habitats around the river
similar to the species found in the Buriganga River. Fish diversity and their composition
varied predominantly with changing habitat condition during wet and dry seasons. Field
findings revealed that fishes were found more in the upstream, at and around the Singair
Bridge location, than found in the downstream of the river, which was close to the Tannery
Industry. It was informed that fish composition also varies with water quality (Figure 3.16).
Fish species, such as Heteropneustes fossilis, Mystus vittatus, Puntius ticto, Cirrhinus reba,
Glossogobius giuris, Channa punctatus, etc. are sensitive to heavy metal rich waters in the
range of moderate to low level. On the other hand, fish species, such as Labeo rohita,
Trichogaster fasciata, Gudusia chapra, Mastacembelus pancalus, Gagata youssoufi, etc. are
highly sensitive to heavy metal rich waters, especially to Chromium. The following major fish
species were identified in the Dhaleshwari River System (Appendix-D).
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Composition (%)
Tit Punti
Guchi Baim
Tara Baim
Tit Punti
Guchi Baim
Tara Baim
Ichha Chingri
Ichha Chingri
Poor Good
Fish Species
Figure 3.16: Fish species composition of the Dhaleshwari at Singair Bridge Point
Status of vegetation
Floral density and diversity were higher at Harindhara Tannery Estate and its surroundings
than Hazaribagh Site. The Tannery Estate had very low vegetation coverage as their
continuing the civil construction activities which caused barrier to grow vegetation. Only the
corridors and river levees were vegetated with wild herbs like Richardia scabra, Croton sp,
Crozophora sp, Polygonum, Imperata cylindrica, Physalis minima etc. The Tannery Estate
ground did not possess big trees.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Except the tannery site, homestead vegetation was observed at opposite bank of
Dhaleshwari River at Milkyhata Village. Most of the households were vegetated by local
cultivated plants and wild shrubs and herbs occupy a small portion of the coverage.
Presence of wetland trees like Pitali (Trewia nudiflora), Baroon (Crataeva nurvala), Hizol
(Pongamia pinnata) were remarkably found near watersides as well as margins of
settlements. According to the vegetation survey, several tree species were present and their
composition was similar all over the study area. Common cultivated Plants were Raintree
(Samanea saman), Chambol (Albizia richardiana), Mahogony (Swietenia mahogany),
Silkoroi (Albizia procera), Jarul (Lagerstromia speciosa), Aam (Mangifera indica), Chatim
(Alstonsia scholaris) etc and these species occupied top canopy. Shrubs and Herbs
occupied lower canopies and species composition were similar to river levees and Tannery
Estate Corridor.
Cropfield possessed numerous wild herbs which contributed to enrich floral diversity of this
area. The Hazaribagh Site lacks crop field for urbanization but opposite bank of Harindhara
Site had some cropfields. Different crops variety and cropping patterns are discussed in the
agricultural section of this report. Except cultivated varieties, major weed species growing
with the crop in this area were Euphorbia hirta, Rorippa indica, Cynodon dactylon, Marsilea
quadrifolia, Calotropis gigantea, Heliotropium indicum, Amaranthus spinosus, Centipeda
orbicularis, Cyperus sp., Crotons bonplandianum, Chenopodium ambrosoides, Ethulia
conyzoides etc. Though crop field vegetation possesses least diversity of plants but this type
of vegetation provides feeding habitats for wildlife.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
dolphin was informed by the local people only during peak monsoonbut not stay for more
than two months (July and August).
Birds occupied the higher number of species than other classes and were the major
terrestrial faunal group. Species richness of terrestrial local avifauna was mainly
concentrated in settlements and the natural vegetation along the Dhaleshwari River.
Some birds were observed at Harindhara Tannery Estate during field visit. A colony of 20-30
numbers of Cattle Egrets was roaming at Solid Waste Dumping Site (Figure 3.18). In
addition to this, a number of Asian Pied Starling and some Black Drungo were observed
within the Tannery Estate. As per local people, the land of the Tannery Estate was the
feeding ground of local birds like Bee Eater, Spotted Dove, Bristled Grass Bird, Greater
coukal, Rufous Treepie etc before land development. Common Lizards within the site was
Common Skink (Mabuya carinata) and the Garden Lizard (Calotes versicolor). The
population of Grey Monitor (Varanus bengalensis) was healthy but now disappeared from
the location. The population of snakes was not very rich as the river water was polluted
during last decade due to industrial pollutants, and they had little shelter in this landscape
due to urbanization. Figure 3.19 represents some of the wildlife within the Harindhara
Tannery Estate and different distance of its surrounding areas.
Figure 3.18: Egrets observed at solid waste dumping site at Harindhara Tannery Estate
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Table 3.21 shows the Chromium concentration in sample plant bodies which were collected
from different locations of the study area.
Table 3.21: Chromium concentration of plant bodies along the study area
Species Name Sample collection location Cr concentration (mg kg-1 )
Cyperus rotundus Dumping site of Harindhara Not Detected
Cynodon dactylon Dumping site of Harindhara Not Detected
Eichhornia crassipes River water at downstream of Harindhara Not Detected
Tannery Estate
Polygonum sp. River levee close to Harindhara Tannery Not Detected
Oryza sativa Agricultural field at opposite bank of Not Detected
Harindhara Tannery Estate
Polygonum sp. Dumping Canalbank of Hazaribagh 112.4
Tannery Area
Eichhornia crassipes Buriganga River Water at Showari Ghat Not Detected
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Table 3.22: Locations of the study area along with coverage of upazilas
District Upazila % of Upazila Coverage
Keraniganj 5.0
Savar 2.4
Manikganj Singair 4.5
Source: Spatial GIS analysis, CEGIS 2017
Age Structure
The study area seemed to be dominated by middle age (from 25 years old to 49 years old)
population and about 37% of populations belong to this age group. The highest 25% of the
total population were found to be belonging to the age group 30-49 years old and lowest 2%
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
were from the age group 60-64 years old. About 34% of total population was children and
aged population, those are depending on potential workforce in the family (Figure 3.21).
The ILO (International Labour Organization) categorized the age distribution of population for
high growth. Population age of 15 to 64 years is considered as potential labor force whereas
populations below 14 years and above 65 years old are considered as dependent. Thus, the
study area consisted of about two-third potential labor forces as against one-third dependent
Ethnic composition
About 41 ethnic households reside in the study area at Keraniganj and Savar Upazila in
Dhaka District. Among the ethnic groups, Monipuri, Monda and Sawtal were considered as a
main group. In total 149 ethnic population resided in those 41 households (BBS, 2012).
Detail of population of ethnic group is presented in Table 3.24.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Housing condition
The housing conditions of the study area as represented in the BBS, 2012 showed that
highest (42%) percentages of households resided in kutcha houses. About 19% of
household resided in pucka houses (mostly in Keraniganj and Savar Upazila). After
implementing the project, number of semi-pucca and pucca houses increased in project
surrounding under Savar Upazila, where labors and employee of tanneries reside (Figure
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Social Standards
There was a residential area namely ‘Jamjam City’ adjacent to the Tannery Industries where
some housing has been developed. Owner of those houses stated that previously they got
some well-off families as tenants, some of those already left and remaining are ready to
leave the houses due to acute bad odour of the tannery industry and inconvenient
environment of living as well. In this regard, their apartments/flats became vacant due to
unavailability of sober tenants. Sometimes the owners rent it out to any kind of tenants to
meet up their economic requirements which become burden to them in terms of
maintenance aspect. At the same time, demand of commercial intervention increased in the
study area whereas residential demand decreased so land price of residential plot was
decreasing in the study area.
As the residence in the surrounding community is not developed to the expected level,
development of civic facilities (i.e. school, college, hospital etc.) halted to some extent which
also deteriorated the social standard in surrounding communities.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Table 3.25: Household monthly income and expenditure in the study area
% of Household in % of Household in
Range of Amount in BDT
income Level expenditure level
<10,000 2 15
10,001 - 20,000 35 40
20,001 - 30,000 45 30
>30,000 20 15
Source: RRA by CEGIS, 2018
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Among the three major sectors of employment, it was found that 41% of total employed
population was engaged in services followed by 31% working in industries and 28% in
agricultural activities (Figure 3.26). During RRA almost similar result was depicted.
Environmental and Social Status of Hemayetpur Tannery Area
4. Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
4.1 Introduction
This chapter assessed waste generation status and its management aspects in Savar
Tannery Estate. In addition, a short picture of the effectiveness of the environmental
management plans are drawn here to understand the pressures and issues on the existing
natural resorces.
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
Source: https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch09/final/c9s15.pdf
Figure 4.1: General flow diagram for leather tanning and finishing process
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
Table 4.1: The proportion of the types of tannery solid wastes generated from
processing of 1 ton of raw hides
SL Nature of solid waste Quantity (Kg/Ton)
1 Salt from handshaking 80
2 Salt from solar pans 220
3 Hair (pasting ovine) 100
4 Raw trimmings 40
5 Lime sludge (mostly bovine) 60
6 Fleshing 120
7 Wet Blue trimmings (grain splits) 30
8 Chrome Splitting (bovine) 65
9 Chrome Shaving (mostly bovine) 95
10 Buffing Dust (including shaving bovine after crust) 65
11 Dyed trimmings 35
12 Dry sludge from CETP 125
Total 1035
Source: Alamgir et al., 2017
However, per ton solid waste generation varies from 850 kg to 1035 kg. The volume of solid
waste generation from raw hides and skins per day at Savar Tannery Estate is presented in
Table 4.2.
Therefore, it is estimated that, during off peak, the Cr contaminated soild waste generation
varies from 50-150 kg/day while it reaches upto 200-600kg/day during super peak season.
But, at Savar tannery estate there was no seperate system to handle Cr contaminated soild
waste and other solid wastes.
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
The maximum capacity of the plant is 25,000 cubic metres/day. However, the capacity of
CETP for treating Cr is only 1000 cubic metres/day. The rest of the effluents are treated for
other nutrient removals such as BOD, COD and nutrients.
Figure 4.2: Design View of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and Dumping
(Disposal) Yard
Effectiveness: The CETP has been installed at the Savar Tannery Estate with lots of
difficulties and challanges. The most feared one was the faulty design, which means
incapable of treating salinity from the effluents. The second one is overflow of the CETP.
The total number of tanneries are 155. Less than half of the factories are operational in the
tannery estate right now but are already producing more than half of the projected waste
amount. For instance, 70 tanneries produced around 15,000 cubic metres of liquid effluents
per day which will be more than 33,000 cubic metres when all the 155 tanneries will be
started their factories in fullswing. But the capacity of the CETP is exactly 25,000 cubic
metres per day. Unnecessary water consumption for leather processing by labors were also
the reason for CETP overflow.
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
Figure 4.4: Layout Plan of SPGS (replacing Dumping Yard) building integrally with
Effectiveness: This study found that there was no SPGS at the Savar Tannery Estate.
Therefore, all the generated soild wastes from tanneries and CETP are being dumped at the
open disposal yard, which is situated next to the CETP. There were no systematic plans in
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
dumping soild wastes and its management in that yard. Open motorized vehicles are used
for transporting solid wastes from tanneries and are dumped directly. Rainwater mixes with
the wastes and produces chronic odor, which disperse in the surrounding areas.
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
Effectiveness: Inside the tannery estate, most of the roads are found in very bad conditions.
Instead of paved road, there was only mud roads. In addition, the roads are damaged due to
heavy truck and vehicles movement. In the rainy season, the situation even wose.
Table 4.3: Status of the existing waste management facilities in Savar Tannery Estate
Environmental Current Status of
Performance Status
Management Aspects Management Facilities
Effluents treatment Common Effluent Poor performance of the CETP as Color,
Treatment Plant (CETP) TDS, DO, BOD and Cr concentrations do
not meet the Standard for Effluent
Discharge from Tannery Industries
(SCHEDULE 10- Tannery: ECR 1997/Draft
ECR 2017).
Performance of the CETP are not
consistent as well.
Domestic water No facility existed Disposed into Dhaleshwari River directly
treatment without any treatment.
Solid waste Dumping Yard There is no infrastructural development to
management manage solid wastes as per the design.
Open solid waste disposal.
Solid mixed liquid with high Cr
concentrations (10mg/L) are directly
discharged into the Dhaleshwari River from
the dumping yard.
Odor reduction No facility existed At present, there is no odor management
practices in the tanneries of Savar Estate.
Drainage system Piped drainage system Piped drainage systems are constructed.
Insufficient capacities of the drainage
system to carry all the liquid wastes are
generated in the STE.
Overflow occurs during the peak season of
the tannery activities.
Existing Wastes Management Facility at STE
5. Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
concentration of these two nutrients is vital in keeping the ecological integrity of aquatic
ecosystem intact. At the moment, Dhaleshwari River has the nitrate concentration of around
5.0 mg/L and phosphate concentration around 1.5 mg/L. These values are already at its
highest limit for the inland surface water bodies (Draft ECR’2017). Loading of more nitrate
and phosphate from another human causing source will cause blooming of Cyanobacteria.
Blooming of Cyanobacteria in any aquatic environment is the destruction of the aquatic
organisms and its functionality. Therefore, river ecosystem will lose its normal dynamisms
and ultimately ecosystem services.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Source: CEGIS Survey, June 2018. Preddicted time is One decade at least.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
adolescent about 15%, adults about 20-25% and old age about 8-12% were found. Almost
all the persons affected by mild type were reversible to normalcy after inhalation of
bronchodilators; severe form of bronchial asthma response to moderate state.50% of severe
form of bronchial asthma (status asthmaticus) died during the period of study. Simple test
like peak flow meter identified the affected persons and the spirometry study proves the
severity” (Gnanasekaran S. J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2010). On the economic front, loss of
property value near Odor causing operations/ industries and Odorous environment is partly a
consequence of offensive Odor.
EC in soil is 4.3 dS/m at Savar Tannery estate, which is slightly over the marginal range.
There is no salt separation facility in the CETP, Savar Tannery Estate. So, salt can be
spread out to the surrounding environment and would increase soil and water salinity
gradually. This slightly marginal range can be found extremely high unless the rainwater
washout the soils during the study period. Long term research is necessary to find out the
real scenario of EC in STE and nearby area.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
invertebrates, are more sensitive to many toxicants and are a convenient test subject for
indication of ecosystem health (Authman, Adams, Khallaf and Zaki, 2015). Heavy metals are
produced from a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources (Bauvais et al., 2015).
Ahmed et al. (2015) found that the concentrations of Cr in fish, crustacean, and shellfish
samples collected from the Buriganga were in the range of 1.59±0.93 to 16.05± 1.48 mg/kg.
The lowest concentration, 1.59±0.93 mg/kg, was measured in crustaceans while the highest
concentration, 16.05±1.48 mg/kg, was measured in shellfish (gastropod Mollusca). Among
the fish species, the highest concentration was measured in M. pancalus (7.18±1.38 mg/kg).
This study suggested that there is high Cr pollution. This might have resulted from the
effluent coming from the tannery industries near the Buriganga River (Mohanta et al. 2010;
Ahmad et al. 2010). More or less similar level of Cr was found by Islam et al., 2015 in case
of G. giuris, C. faciata, H. fossilis and C. punctatus. More Cr concentration was found in case
of L. rohita by Ahmed et al in 2016. Chromium concentration was found above the
permissible limit of approximately 0.2 mg/kg dry wt as recommended by FAO (1976).
Concentration of Cr in fish and shrimp was reported to exceed the safe limit of FAO in an
Indian river by Giri and Singh (2014).
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Table 5.1: Order of heavy metal accumulation and sensitivity of different fish species
Name of Fish Heavy Metal Accumulation
Reference Sensitivity to Cr
Species Hierarchy
Ahmed et al,2010b,2016
N. V. Bhatkar,2010
Labeo rohita Zn>Mn>Cr>Cu>Ni>Cd High
Begum et al,2013,
Khan et al,2014
Islam et al,2014,2015
Trichogaster fasciata Cu>Cr>Ni>Pb>As>Cd Ahmed et al,2015 High
Mohiuddin et al,2011
Gudusia chapra Pb>Ni>Cr>Cu>Cd Ahmed et al,2010 High
Mohanta et al,2010,
Zn>Mn>Cu>Cr>Ni Ahmed et al,2015 High
Javed et al,2013
Rahman et al,2012
Heteropneustes Islam et al,2015,
Cu>Cr>Ni>Pb>As>Cd High
fossilis Begum et al,2013
Mormede et al 2001
Ahmed et al,2015
Ailia coila Zn>Mn>Cu>Cr>Ba>As Authman et al,2015 High
Muriel 1996
Ahmed et al,2015
Gagata youssoufi Zn>Mn>Ba>Cu>Cr>Pb Authman et al,2015 High
Nemcsók et al,1981
Islam et al,2014,2015
Ahmed et al,2015
Channa punctatus Cu>Pb>Ni>Cd>Cr>As Low
Authman et al,2015
Varanka et al,2001
Ahmed et al,2010
Mystus vittatus Pb>Ni>Cr>Cu>Cd Authman et al,2015 Moderate
Weber et al,1997
Ahmed et al,2016
Puntius ticto Zn>Mn>Ba>Cu>Cr>Pb Authman et al,2015 Moderate
Kakkar et al,2010
Ahmed et al,2016
Puntius chola Zn>Mn>Ba>Cu>Cr>Pb Authman et al,2015 Low
Niyogi et al,2008
Ahmed et al,2015
Puntius sophore Zn>Mn>Ba>Cu>Cr>Pb Dhanakumer et al,2015 Low
Hasan et al,2011
Ahmed et al,2010
Cirrhinus reba Ni>Pb>Cr>Cu>Cd Low
Authman et al,2015
Ahmed et al, 2016, 2010
Glossogobius giuris Zn>Mn>Ba>Cu>Cr>Se Low
Authman et al, 2015
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
(Panda and Choudhury, 2005). High concentration of different pollutants is disfavor for
proper growing of aquatic flora. Huge pollutants deposition on riverbed causes severe
impact on submerged plant due to hampering germination. Moreover, very few species of
free-floating plants are observed in both Buriganga and Dhaleshwari River water.
Domination of Water Hyacinth indicates the impacts from chemical pollutants of river system.
Because the Water Hyacinth have high resistance to chemical pollution and this hydrophyte
is able to accumulate a significant amount of Chromium from water. For instance, species
diversity of aquatic plants has been reduced at Buriganga River. The situation will also arise
at Dhaleshwari River if there is no control of pollutants discharge in the river. Although the
point source of chemical pollutants in river systems surround the Dhaka City, (from different
industries, urban household and navigational vessels in addition to tannery industries) so it is
unable to confirm the impacts from Chromium on terrestrial plant’s physiological activities at
the study area without any scientific experiment within this short time. However, many
researches ensured the effects of Cr to the plants. Accumulation of Cr by plants can reduce
growth, induce chlorosis in young leaves, reduce pigment contents, alter enzymic functions
and damage root cells and caused ultrastructural modification of chloroplast and cell
membrane (Mcgrath, 1985; Panda and Patra, 1997, 1998, 2000; Panda and Das, 1999;
Panda, 2003; Panda et al, 2002, 2003; Choudhury and Panda, 2004; Hu. Et al, 2004). On
the other hand, over propagation of water hyacinth resulted due to high nitrate and
phosphate concentration in the river. After lifetime, water hyacinth dies and deposits into
bottom of the river, which would ultimately reduce DO level of the Dhaleshwari River. In the
end, the resuspension of bed materials will increase the nitrate and phosphate concentration
of the river again. The low DO at the bottom of the river will also influences the release of
phosphate into water body.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Figure. 5.3: Landuse maps of the study area in three different time periods
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Figure 5.4: Ecosystem service capacity of different landuses of the study area
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
5.7.1 Bio-accumulation
Chromium has a tendency to bioaccumulate in plants through food chain. Though, it
depends on some criteria (e.g. bioavailability, redox, pH, cation exchange capacity,
dissolved oxygen, temperature etc) but Cr toxicity is responsible for chlorosis and necrosis in
plants (Cervantes et al., 2001). Cr competes with Mg and Fe in the porphyrin ring (Mengel
and Kirkby, 2001). Cr exposure results into complete loss of growth in lateral roots while
lesser concentration starts damaging root cap, stomata and cotyledonary hair seem to be
collapsed and plasma membrane appears to be detached from the cell wall under cytological
studies (Mariappan et al., 2001).
There is still no trace of Cr bioaccumulation in Hemayetpur Tannery Estate, even not in main
disposal pond. As the samples were collected in monsoon season, there might be chance of
washing out the top soil Cr. Therefore, Cr presence in plant was not observed. It is also to be
noted that, tannery industries activities were started in this area only for coupleof years. So
deeper layer accumulation might not be happened within this stipulated time. But
possibilities can’t be avoided. If, Cr throw out continues in uncontrolled manner, slowly and
surely it would accumulate in soil and ultimately bioaccumulate in plants through food chain.
A well documented conclusion might be drawn after a full-scale year-round research.
5.7.2 Irrigation
Agriculture is common land use on both bank of the Dhaleshwari River, where farmers were
used river water for irrigation purpose previously. But local farmers claim that the river water
quality is completely unfit for irrigation in recent days. As a result, they have to go for
subsurface irrigation which ultimately increase the overall production cost. Besides, if ground
water extraction is not monitored, there is a chance of polluting deeper aquifers. These
pollutants will ultimately be taken by crops through irrigation.
Concluding Remarks
High Cr concentration in soils of agricultural field could be found in the long run.
Reduction of per year crop yield as Cr destroys enzymes in plant cells and
reduced overall production.
Increase of frequency of carcinogenic Cr exposure to human during irrigation of
Chance of Cr bioaccumulation in human body through food of the area.
Increase of surface water unavailability leads to surface water scarcity situation.
Overall soil fertility loss of the area.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
survey, boring over 160 feet for installing a tube well that was 80 to 120 feet before 3 or 4
The tanneries may also deteriorate the air quality, which may affect the poor housing
structures and human body as well. Longibity of furniture and housing materials those are
made by tin, iron and metal can be lessen due to the chemical (may be H 2S, NH3) explosion
in the surrounding air of the project area.
Exposure of acute bad smell from the tanneries may deteriorate the living environment in the
project surrounding areas. The well-off families may not be eager to reside in the project
surroundings, even they may rarely come to visit their relative’s residence those are located
beside the tanneries. In that regard, land price of the housing plots surroundings of the
tannery industries can be fallen down, even it may be tough to get buyer of those land.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
All the observed metals (Cr, Pb, Metal concentrations may Discharge of partially treated
Al, Zn) are met the national vary slightly but should be in effluents into the river will eventually
standards of Bangladesh given allowable limit. increase the Cr concentrations than
by DoE except Aluminum. the recommended value.
Chance of Cr bioaacumulation will be
increased and may enter into the
food chain through Phytoplankton
Metal status of the
and Zooplankton. -3
Effluent with 10.0 mg/L of Cr is now
being released into Dhaleshwari
River directly. The above situation
will be intensified more in the near
future. This story will exacerbate the
situation of heavy metal pollution in
Dhaleshwari River.
Water quality of Dhaleshwari Under this scenario, water Continuous loadings of organic
River is in moderate condition. quality of Dhaleshwari River pollutants, chemicals and metals into
During dry season some aquatic will be same as it is now Dhaleshwari River along with minimal
animals struggle to survive, and (moderate). In some aspects, management, the overall river water
Water Quality
the same animals will be able to water quality will be improved quality will be degraded enough like -3
thrive during wet season as as well. Buriganga river status during the
freshwater availability improve operation of Hazaribagh tanneries.
the water quality and finally river
Cr concentration in soil at Soil quality will not be Nearby river levee and surrounding
Hemayetpur main discharge deteriorated in terms of Cr area agricultural soil might be
point, at this moment, is similar pollution. contaminated if pollutant trapping
to the initial condition of mechanism will not perform properly
Hazaribagh at early 90’s for a long time.
(Chapter 5: Figure 5.2).
Soil Quality -3
Presence of Cr is also found in
the river levee and agricultural
land soil. It is still under the
MAC value of soil.
EC in soil is 4.3 dS/m at Savar
Tannery estate, which is slightly
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
over the marginal range.
At present Cr presence in the The river sediment will not be If this practice (disposal of untreated
Dhaleshwari River sediment contaminated with Cr. pollutant) will not be stopped, the
(131.5 ppm) is higher than that sediment contamination will be
of in the Buriganga river increased and will not be enable to
Sediment Quality -4
sediment (109 ppm). This is a support benthos and plankton as well
clear indication of disposing of as the other dependent living beings.
untreated Cr mixed water into
the river.
Biological Environment
Habitat Condition Water temperature has been Habitat condition and quality DO level will be lowered soon if
and Quality for increased to become will remain same as the base current practice is going on at a level
Fish Resources unfavorable for fish occurrence. condition in the downstream unsuitable for fish habitation along
DO, Turbidity and TDS quality of the river, particularly in the with other aquatic organisms.
show the degrading trend. vicinity of the tannery state. Turbidity and TDS will be increased
High heavy metal loaded water due to increasing decomposition of
was found in the vicinity of the organic refractory detritus matters of
tannery area. raw hide and skin of animals.
Water temperature will consequently
be increased to become unfavorable -4
for fish occurrence.
Food and nutrients will become
unavailable for foraging invertebrates
and fishes.
Habitat will become heavy metal
loaded environment and
subsequently biologically dead in
respect of fish and other aquatic
Fish Health High risk to bio-accumulation of Low risk to bio-accumulation Bottom dwelling omnivorous fishes
chromium (Cr) to gills, liver, and of other heavy metals to would highly be impacted by high Cr
kidney of bottom dwelling mentioned fishes. from the water environment through
omnivorous fishes, detritus ingestion. -3
feeders and even neritic fishes. Cr would act as the cumulative body
poisons for detritus feeder fishes.
Risk of lung cancer would be
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
increased for Mastacembelus
pancalus along with other fishes.
Respiration will be affected through
erosion of epithelial cells with
necrosis and DNA damage in catfish.
Metabolic and physiologic activities
will be affected with toxic effect on
gill, kidney and liver of fish species
like Glossogobius giuris.
The growth of fish will be retarded
and behavior will be altered.
Oxygen metabolism could be
restricted in gills, liver, and kidney in
small fishes, like Puntius ticto.
Natural Mortality of No available data. Natural mortality due to Natural mortality of small fishes,
Fish exposure effect of other heavy bottom dwelling fishes, catfishes, etc. -3
metals from other sources. would be increased.
Fish composition Fish composition has been Distribution of fish species Chanda, Ichha Chingri, Chela, Mola,
and distribution varied with water quality. Fish would be as same as in case Rui, Catla, Kakila, Dhela, Baghair,
species, such as of present condition without Potka, Batasi, Kajuli, Piyali, Sarpunti,
Heteropneustes fossilis, Mystus project through the Kholisha, Veda, Foli, etc. will shift
vittatus, Puntius ticto, Cirrhinus Dhaleshwari River. their grazing habitat in the
reba, Glossogobius giuris, Dhaleshwari River close to the
Channa punctatus, etc. has Hamayetpur Tannery area.
become available during dry
season being moderately to
poor sensitive heavy metal rich -4
waters. On the other hand,
Labeo rohita, Trichogaster
fasciata, Gudusia chapra,
Mastacembelus pancalus,
Gagata youssoufi, etc. have
become available during wet
season because of being highly
sensitive to heavy metal rich
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
River Productivity The productivity of the The productivity of the The productivity of the Dhaleshwari
Dhaleshwari River has been Dhaleshwari River would be River would be decreased if present
decreased. decreased if present practice practice continues.
Plant Species Plant community is dominated Terrestrial species Changing trend of terrestrial
composition with naturally undergrowth composition of the area would vegetation is as same in FWOP. In
herbs and planted trees and be changed due to the case of aquatic vegetation, high
crops. urbanization. and very few Cr resistant species (i.e: water
natural vegetation would be hyacinth) would be dominated in river
followed at urban area which water.
will be dominated with exotic
ornamental species.
Faunal species The river water still supports Faunal species are already in With the trend of FWOP, water
composition some water dependent birds declining trend which would dependent birds, reptiles and
and aquatic animals including be continue in future for loss amphibians are suspected to reduce
Dolphin and fishes. of required habitat due to due to increasing Cr concentration in
urbanization. river water. Cr induced respiratory
problems, a lower ability to fight -3
disease, birth defects, infertility and
tumor formation of fish and decrease
fish population which impacts on
water dependent birds like herons,
egrets and cormorants.
Wildlife Birds and other terrestrial Habitat loss bound to wildlife The trend is as usual like FWOP. But
disturbance wildlife are as usual at human collision and reduced the situation would be worst for living
surrounded area except the wildlife population with the aquatic fauna like dolphins, frogs etc.
tannery estate. No reptiles and change of land cover. if not taken any step to stop
amphibians are occurred inside untreated discharge from tannery
the tannery estate. Some local industries.
birds like mynas, sparrows,
starlings, egrets, herons are
occasionally found within the
tannery ground.
Cr There is no detection of No Cr bioaccumulation is It is suspected to occur the
bioaccumulation in Chromium in sampled plant suspected in plant body as the bioaccumulation in plant body -2
plant body bodies because the water and point source as well as through the polluted soil and water if
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
soil are not such polluted yet as tannery effluents will be continue the spillage of untreated
the Tannery estate is running absent. water from the tannery estate during
recently. full swing operation.
Right now, no evidence of Cr There will be no chance of Cr There is still no trace of Cr
bio accumulation is visible in the bio accumulation in the bioaccumulation in Hemayetpur
locality. surrounding area. Tannery Estate, even not in main
disposal pond. As the samples were
collected in monsoon season, there
might be chance of washing out the
top soil Cr. Therefore, Cr presence in
plant was not observed. It is also to
be noted that, tannery industries
activities were started in this area
Bio-accumulation only for couple of years. So deeper
in Crops layer accumulation might not be
happened within this stipulated time.
But possibilities can’t be avoided. If,
Cr throw out continues in
uncontrolled manner, slowly and
surely it would accumulate in soil and
ultimately bio accumulate in plants
through food chain. A well-
documented conclusion might be
drawn after a full-scale year-round
Agriculture is common land use River water could be used for River water will be unfit for irrigation
on both bank of the Dhaleshwari irrigation purpose. in the long run.
Local farmers claim that the
Irrigation -2
river water quality is completely
unfit for irrigation in recent days.
Subsurface irrigation is
practiced at present.
Approximately 18749 metric No crop loss will be occurred If, the pollutants spread into the
Crop loss tons crop is grown in the due to heavy metal pollution environment in uncontrolled manner, -3
surrounding area of Hemayetpur soils of the surrounding area will be
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
tannery area. affected. According to Chamon et al.,
2005, rice yield production is reduced
up to 43.6% in heavy metal
contaminated Hazaribagh tannery
estate soil. If precautionary measures
will not be taken, similar scenario
might be created in Hemayetpur
tennary area.
Socio-economic Condition
Acute odor deteriorates the air Usual bonding alike other Bonding among outsider relatives will
Chronic Odor condition and create area (except to the tannery) be weaker and in coming future
uncomfortable situation for the will be observed while relatives may rarely come to visit, -4
people residing in the outsider relatives may regular due to bad odor.
surroundings. visits in this area.
Drainage condition of the study Drainage congestion situation Drainage congestion will be poorer
Drainage area is not yet upgraded may deteriorate alike other while all the tanneries will be
Congestion considering the population non-tannery industrial area, if functioned.
volume of the tanneries while the relevant authority does not -3
the volume of household and take any required
industrial discharge is interventions.
Impact of tanneries is not much Diseases profile and its Compared the findings between
Community visible to the present diseases concentration was almost Hemayatpur and nearby area (with
Health profile. However, due to bad air similar to the Hemayatpur and similar socio-economic condition but
quality, it becomes nearby area (with similar located far from the tanneries), more
uncomfortable to inhale after socio-economic condition and cases of skin diseases, Jaundice and -2
establishing tannery industry. environment condition) kidney related diseases can be
without the tannery industry. highlighted in Hemayatpur area.
Problem for breathing in will
not be observed extremely.
The crop land was developed In future without tannery In future, the intensity and area of
Change in for establishing tanneries. industries, deterioration of the deterioration of the waterbody will be
livelihood Therefore, profession of waterbody will also be increased among the study area and
agriculture farmers depending of increased due to existing further more. Therefore, existing
that land is somehow shifting to surrounding industries, but not fishermen community of the study
the alternative’s livelihood. Also, much as for the tanneries. area will be under threat of shifting to
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
Magnitude of
IEC Present condition Future without project (FWOP) Future with project (FWIP)
the impact
the tanneries have some Therefore, shifting of the outside or may convert to the
negative impact to the fish fishermen/farmers alternative livelihood. Similar types of
habitat of the surrounding communities to the others impact may observe to the farmers
waterbody which insist to seek may not be observed in who will use surface water for
alternative livelihood for those considerable numbers. Also, irrigation.
affected fishermen. some of those communities
may adapt to the alternative
livelihood for their betterment
rather to the forced.
*No impact (0); Negative Impact (-); Positive Impact (+); Low Impact (1); Medium low Impact (2); Medium Impact (3); High Impact 4; Very High Impact 5.
Impact Prediction for Hemayetpur Tannery Estate
6. State of Environment of Two Sites Tannery Estate
This chapter represents a comparative analysis of the state of the environment of Hazaribagh tannery area and the Hemayetpur tannery area.
The comparison was performed based on the present (June 2018) condition of the environment and socio-economic condition of the mentioned
areas. The results of situation analysis are presented in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Comparison status of environment of two sites tannery estates
Comparison of State of Environment of Two Tannery Estates
Hazaribagh Tannery Area Hemayetpur Tannery Area
Water Quality
Very poor DO (less than 2.5 mg/L) concentration in Buriganga DO availability in Dhaleshwari River was found 4-6 mg/L which is
River to sustain fish community and other aquatic life forms. the minimum requirement for the survival of aquatic fishes; Any
Earlier the summer season DO statues was even lower than the further degradation of DO will be a problem for the fish
present condition; community; Dry season DO is found much lower than the
High turbid water in terms of the standard provided by ECR’ recommended value since 2017;
1997; In the Dhaleshwari River, pH, turbidity and suspended matters
Total suspended solids reduced to comply with the ECR’ 1997; still support aquatic ecosystem to keep its dynamism functional.
During dry season, suspended matters increase only;
pH range is quite good for fisheries resources;
Water Quality Both in dry and wet season, TDS complies with the ECR’ 1997;
Both in dry and wet season, TDS complies with the ECR’ 1997;
Dry period BOD is still higher than the safe limit of 10 mg/L;
Dry period BOD is still higher than the safe limit of 10 mg/L while
COD is high in all the seasons; Phosphate level is high in all the seasons since 2017 while
nitrate is higher than the standard 5.0 mg/L in dry season only;
Phosphate is two/three times higher than the recommended 0.5
mg/L in all the seasons while nitrate c fully complied with the All the Chromium, Lead, Aluminum and Zinc are found within the
standard value of 5.0 mg/L; safe range for Inland Surface Water Quality Standard except
All the Chromium, Lead, Aluminum and Zinc are found within the
safe range for Inland Surface Water Quality Standard;
Soil Resource
Soil quality of Hazaribagh is already deteriorating to alarming Cr concentration in main lagoon of Hazaribagh in 1995 is close to
condition. High Cr presence in river levee, river bed and Hemayetpur’s present Cr concentration in main disposal pond.
Soil quality agricultural soils of tannery industry; Cr concentration in river levee is close to MAC value of soil Cr
After 2010, Cr concentration started to decrease when the concentration and opposite bank, agricultural land soil’s Cr
State of Environment of Two Sites Tannery Estate
Fisheries Resources
Restricted foraging area for fish; The foraging area has become restricted in the downstream of
Habitat suitability for fish is under serious stress due to low level the river particularly in the vicinity of the Tannery State;
of DO (almost zero) in the Buriganga River caused by the DO level shows the decreasing trend day by day;
decomposition of huge organic refractory detritus matters on the Turbidity and TDS have been increased due to increasing
riverbed; decomposition of organic refractory detritus matters of rawhide
Suitability respecting Turbidity has been improving from 2015, and skin of animals;
but declining in respect of TDS. The dark color water of the Water temperature has been consequently be increased to
Buriganga River and high turbidity for increased organic detritus become unfavorable for fish occurrence;
Habitat Condition in water column capture more heat than captured by clean water,
and Quality which resulted in increasing water temperature during dry season Although an increasing suitability trend has been found in respect
having adverse impact on fish; of pH, the suitability varies highly from year to year;
Habitat suitability respecting water temperature has been An increasing suitability trend was found in case of BOD, though
increasing from 2015 to 2017; the suitability level was higher than found in the Buriganga River;
A fine steady increasing trend of habitat suitability has been Habitat has become heavy metal loaded environment and
found in respect of pH. The suitability has been increasing more subsequently biologically dead in respect of fish and other
from 2013 to 2018; aquatic organisms;
An increasing suitability trend was found in case of BOD;
State of Environment of Two Sites Tannery Estate
Suitability Scores
0.6 0.6
0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.2
-0.2 -0.2
0.0 0.0
-0.4 -0.4
According to the historical trend of heavy metal bioaccumulation Although there was no literatures on investigating the heavy
into fish for the Buriganga River, the maximum, average and metal bioaccumulation in fish body, it is suggested from the
even minimum concentration of Chromium had been decreased experiences of the Buriganga River and the observed
from the year of 2012 and the concentration of Cd, Pb and Ni concentration of heavy metal in water of the Dhaleshwari River
had been decreased from 2008; that bottom dwelling omnivorous fishes are highly being sensitive
In 2015, the concentrations of Cr in fish, crustacean, and to high Chromium (Cr) from the water environment through
Fish Health
shellfish samples were in the range of 1.59±0.93 to 16.05± 1.48 ingestion.
Among the fish species, the highest concentration of Cr
(7.18±1.38 mg/kg) was measured in M. pancalus, G. giuris, C.
faciata, H. fossilis and C. punctatus.
Natural Mortality Natural mortality has increased due to retarded growth and Natural mortality of small fishes, bottom dwelling fishes,
of Fish malfunctioning of internal organs, like gills, kidney and liver. catfishes, etc. has been increased.
Three species, namely Taki, Shingh and Boicha are abundant Chanda, Ichha Chingri, Chela, Mola, Rui, Catla, Kakila, Dhela,
Fish Composition throughout the year while Chela, Tilapia, Lal Chanda in August Baghair, Potka, Batasi, Kajuli, Piyali, Sarpunti, Kholisha, Veda,
and Distribution only. Foli, etc. have shifted their grazing habitat in the Dhaleshwari
River close to the Hamayetpur Tannery City area.
River productivity has been reduced with the deterioration of The productivity of the Dhaleshwari River has being decreasing
physico-chemical properties of the Buriganga River water, because of unavailability of fish particularly during dry season.
River Productivity decreasing fish composition, fish distribution, poor fish health,
retarded growth and increased natural mortality.
State of Environment of Two Sites Tannery Estate
State of Environment of Two Sites Tannery Estate
State of Environment of Two Sites Tannery Estate
7. Future Management Suggestions
Environmental Compliance
Water quality testing performance monitoring of the CETP (Detailes in
Appendix: G).
Effluents should be treated to meet the standard recomended in SCHEDULE 10:
ECR 1997/Draft ECR 2017.
Domestic water treatment and discharges into Dhaleshwari meeting the
SCHEDULE 8: ECR 1997/Draft ECR 2017.
Future Management Suggestions
Domestic liquid wastes shall be treated properly to meet the SCHEDULE 8: ECR
1997/Draft ECR 2017 before discharging into natural water bodies.
Domestic solid wastes shall be dumped finally into Government approved
dumping site through Savar Municipality and a CoC to be maintained.
Drying of washed leathers on the open roads must be prohibited.
Solid wastes collection and transportation vehicles must be air tight to reduce the
Odor of the area.
Future Management Suggestions
due to the savar tannery activities. Therefore, a Monitoring Framework is also suggested
and presented in Appendix G: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan following the
responsible agenices and individual resource monitoring schedule.
Biophysical CETP
Environment Contractor DoE
Socio- Routine Evaluation of Information,
DoE and
BSCIC economic CSR Officer Monitoring of Reports and Learning
Conditions DoE conditions
Monitoring Tannery
Plan Owners
Evaluation Outcome
Future Management Suggestions
8. Conclusions
8.1 Conclusions
In Bangladesh, tannery industry has been reforming to meet compliance with the national
standards. Now, DoE has initiated a study to outline the status of tannery activities. This
study focuses to find the improvement of the environmental and the social status
surrounding the Hazaribagh Tannery Estate (HTE) and simultaneously examining the
environmental and social compliance performance and safegurds of Savar Tannery Estate
In HTE, significant improvement of environmental and social quality was identified in the
study. Study results revealed that there was no odor in the air, no drainage congestion and
water logged condition. On the contrary, improvement of river habitat for fishes during the
wet season was good. At this moment, no organic and chemical pollution of tannery
industries into the River Buriganga. However, oxygen availability for aquatic life forms in the
Buriganga River is not suitable yet. In addition to that, Cr concentrations into soils of
riverbed, river levee and the surrounding environment of the discharged main canal still
prevails in toxic conditions. The Cr concentrations may be due to heavy deposit during long
operation period of tanneries of the site.
At the very first, the STE is not ready yet to support the tannery industries for their smooth
production. Internal road systems are found still in muddy conditions where water logged
situation prevails most of the time. Scientific evidences have been found regarding the poor
performance of CETP in both its managing capacity and maintaining quality of treatments.
Another major issue is the solid waste management of the tannery industries. Solid waste
(hazardous and non-hazardous) is dumped into nearby dumping sites. Chromium has
already contaminated the water and land of dumping sites, which later disposes directly
without treatment into the Dhaleshwari River.
Beside these environmental concerns, numerous socio-economic disputes are also informed
from the tannery labors and the surrounding communities. Chronic odor situation, skin
diseases and vomiting are the common illness over there. Lack of proper drainage facility
also hampers social life.
Above all, Savar tannery activities are polluting environmental and social quality of life in an
alarming magnitude right now. In future, these impacts could be irreversible and enormous
to manage efficiently. Therefore, suggested measures (In Chapter 7) shall be implemented
with great care timely. This will also assist this nation to meet the SDGs Goals (8, 9, 11 and
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Appendix A: Reconnaissance Field Visit
General Overview
An appropriate methodology is the utmost priority of a quality research and reconnaissance
field visit is the backbone of developing a good methodology of the study. Having this sense,
this study conducted a reconnaissance field visit in both the study areas of Hazaribagh and
Savar Tannery Estate on 18th April 2018. A total of five professionals from CEGIS having
different academic background visited the places. During the visit, study members mainly
focused on geographical settings of the area especially physical environments, tannery
industrial units, CETP, solid waste disposal yard and the management approaches. A
number of issues were observed that will be considered in this study. The issues identified
so far are given bellow-
Kutcha2 road network inside the new Tannery Estate;
Low capacity of pipeline drainage system in carrying chromium mixed water;
Open drainage system for domestic water (water except hide and skin wash)
Waterlogged roads;
Solid waste mixed water in mud roads;
Tannery solid waste transportation by local van (open condition);
Roadside storage of tannery solid waste;
Open solid waste dumping;
Partial functional CETP status;
Untreated effluent release into solid waste dumping site;
Solid waste mixed untreated effluent draining into Dhaleshwari River;
Domestic water discharge into Dhaleshwari using pipe;
Unhygienic working environment in most of the tannery especially in washing and
processing unit;
Chronic Odor in the air;
Black color of Dhaleshwari River water;
Observing these issues at new Tannery Estate, study team selected indicators to evaluate
the physical, biological and social environment that might be affected by tanneries wastes
directly and/or indirectly. Under these three different aspects, numerous variables will be
analyzed by selecting quantitative and qualitative indicators. The details of each indicator to
be evaluated are discussed in the section of 2.2 Environmental and Social Baseline
(Chapter: Approach & Methodology).
2A kutcha road is a dirt track made by mud. Sometimes it is mixer of mud and sand.
The study team has portrayed the baseline settings of different components in a more
generic view in the following sections.
(a) Leather drying in field (b) Open drainage (c) Open manhole
(d) Waste disposal yard (e) Effluent in disposal yard (f) Liquid mixed solid waste
Figure A.1: Photographs of Savar Tannery Estate and its Various Issues
Biological Resources
The tannery site is vegetated with very few undergrowth herbs like Cynodon, Amaranthus,
Crotonetc those exist in scattered form. Ongoing construction activities, frequent vehicle
movements and haphazard dumping of tannery waste are the main cause behind lower
abundance of plant. River levees nearby the Tannery Estate are densely dominated with
undergrowth plants and tall grasses like Polygonum, Xanthium, Crozophora, Cyperus,
Croton, Enhydra, Veiver etc. Sludge dumping pond does not contain any flora while river
water was observed to have scatter distribution of Water hyacinth. No big tree was observed
within the BSCIC Tannery Estate.
Among the faunal communities, birds are the prime and Little Egret, Common Myna,
Drungo, Sparrow which was observed within the riverside, waste dumping area and road
sides of the Tannery Estate. No other terrestrial wild animal was found during the visit. No
aquatic mammals were observed in river water surrounding the Tannery Estate due to highly
deterioration of water quality.
The surrounding areas hold rare vegetation hence the urbanization is taking place. Usual
homestead, crop field and riverine vegetation were found on the opposite bank of the
Dhaleshwari River.
Figure A.2: Flora Composition and Avifaunal Community those are Commonly
Observed during the Visit
The tannery industrial area is located beside the Dhaleshwari River, which serves as the
major capture fish habitat for the surrounding area. The local people reported that there are
more than 50 riverine fish species in the river system.It was found, however, that the habitat
quality of river have become highly susceptible to heavy metal rich pollutants, which are,
supposed to be mutagenic trace element for various riverine fish species (Figure A.2).
About 125m breach of protective bank was observed at a place adjacent to the Solid Waste
Disposal Station indicating that high Cr rich pollutant directly falls in to the river system.
Socio-economic Set-up
Some positive and negative findings of the Hazaribagh and Savar Tannery Industries were
observed during reconnaissance field visit. CETP has been set up to manage the liquid
wastes centrally and to discharge the treated water to Dhaleshwari River considering
systematic approach. In addition, according to the tannery industry owners’ underground
drainage network has been developed to manage liquid waste of the industries so that it
cannot deteriorate the environment.
However, road network and extorting drainage network has not yet properly developed. In
addition, CETP is not properly functioning due to fault in design and poor construction
material as well. Solid waste is not properly managed that create unpleasant smell in the
surrounding areas of the industries whereas a housing city (Jamjum Housing City) has been
developed just beside the tannery industries. In addition, workers are not using Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) properly.
Appendix B: Matrix-Evaluation of Socio-Economic Status
Appendix C: Available fish species in the Buriganga River
Sl. No. Order Family Scientific Name English Name Local Name IUCN Status, 2015
1 Synbranchiformes Synbranchidae Monopterus cuchia Cuchia Kuchia VU
2 Beloniformes Belonidae Xenentodon cancila Cancila Kakila LC
3 Osteoglossiformes Notopteridae Notopterus notopterus Grey Featherback Foli VU
4 Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontidae Aplocheilus panchax Blue Panchax Techoukka LC
5 Channa punctatus Spotted Snakehead Taki/Lathi LC
6 Channidae Channa striatus Stripped Snakehead Shole LC
7 Channa orientalis Asiatic Snakehead Gozar LC
8 Labeo rohita Rohu Rui LC
9 Labeo gonius Gonius Gonia NT
10 Labeo calbasu Calbasu Kalibaus LC
11 Catla catla Catla Catla LC
12 Cirrhinus cirrhosus Mrigel Mrigel NT
13 Cirrhinus reba Reba Tatkini NT
14 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Silver Carp Silver Carp DD
Channiformes Cyprinidae
15 Amblypharyngodon mola Mola Carplet Mola LC
16 Osteobrama cotio Cotio Chela NT
17 Puntius chola Swamp Barb Chalapunti LC
18 Puntius sophore Spotfin Swamp Barb Punti LC
19 Pethia conchonius Rosy Barb Taka Punti LC
20 Pethia ticto Ticto Barb Tit Punti VU
21 Rasbora daniconius Slender Rasbora Darkina EN
22 Botia dario Queen Loach Rani EN
23 Cobitidae Botia lohachata Y-Loach Rani EN
24 Lepidocephalichthys guntea Guntea Loach Gutum LC
25 Clarias batrachus Walking Catfish Magur LC
26 Rita rita Rita Rita EN
27 Sperata aor Long Whiskered Catfish Ayre VU
28 Mystus cavasius Gangetic Mystus Golsha Tengra NT
Siluriformes Bagridae
29 Mystus tengara Tengara Mystus Bujuri LC
30 Mystus vittatus Striped Dwarf Catfish Tengra LC
31 Wallago attu Wallago Boal VU
32 Ompok pabda Pabda Catfish Madhu Pabda EN
Sl. No. Order Family Scientific Name English Name Local Name IUCN Status, 2015
33 Heteropneustidae Heteropneustes fossilis Stringing Catfish Shing LC
34 Ailia coila Gangetica ailia Kajuli LC
35 Clupisoma Garua Garu Bacha Gharua EN
36 Schilbeidae Eutropiichthys vacha Vacha Bacha LC
37 Silonia silonia Silond Catfish Shilong LC
38 Pangasius pangasius Yellowtail Catfish Pangas EN
39 Conta conta Conta Catfish Hara Macfish NT
40 Hara hara Moth Catfish Kutakanti LC
41 Bagarius bagarius Gangetica goonch Baghair CR
42 Gagata youssoufi Gang Tengra Pathorchata NT
43 Gudusia chapra Indian River Shad Chapila VU
Clupeiformes Clupeidae
44 Tenualosa ilisha Hilsha Shad Ilish LC
45 Macrognathus aculeatus Lesser Spiny Eel Tara Baim NT
46 Mastacembelidae Mastacembelus armatus Zig-zag Eel Sal Baim EN
47 Macrognathus pancalus Barred Spiny Eel Guchi Baim LC
48 Cichlidae Oreochromis mossambicus Tilapia Tilapia DD
49 Anabantidae Anabas testudineas Climbing Bass Koi LC
50 Ctenops nobilis Indian Gourami Napit Khalisha LC
51 Osphronemidae Colisa fasciata Banded Gourami Khalisha DD
52 Colisa lalia Red Gourami Lal Khalisha DD
53 Gobidae Glossogobius giuris Tank Goby Bele LC
54 Pseudambassis lala High Fin Glassy Perchlet Lal Chanda LC
55 Ambassidae Pseudambassis ranga Indian Glassy Fish Chanda LC
56 Pseudambassis baculis Indian Glassy Fish Chanda NT
CR: Critically Endangered; EN: Endangered; VU: Vulnerable; NT: Not Threatened; LC: Least Concern and DD: Data Deficient
Source: M. A. Baki, et al., 2017
Appendix D: Major fish species in the Dhaleshawari river
Species Englishname Local Name Habitat Status,
Xenentodon cancila Freshwater garfish Kakila River H NO
Gudusia chapra Indianrivershad Chapila River M NO
Amblypharyngodonmola Molacarplet Mola, Moa River M NO
Catla catla Catla Catal, Catla River, Pond L NO
Cirrhinusmrigala Mrigal carp Mrigel, Mirka River, Pond L NO
Esomousdanricus Flying barb Darkina,Darka River, Pond H DD
Labeo calbasu Orange-finlabeo Calbaus River M EN
Labeo rohita Roholabeo Rui H NO
Puntius ticto Ticto barb Tit Puti L VU
Salmostomabacaila Largerazorbellyminnow Chela H NO
Finescale razorbelly
Salmostomaphulo Chela H NO
Lepidocephalusguntia Guntea loach Gutum L NO
Chanda lala Highfinglassy perchlet Choto chanda M NE
Chanda ranga Indianglass-perchlet Lal chanda River, Beel, M VU
Anabustestudineus Climbingperch Koi Floodplain L NO
Channamarulius Greatsnakehead Gozar M EN
Channaorientalis Walking snakehead Cheng M VU
Channapunctata Spotted snakehead Taki L NO
Channa striata Snakehead murrel Shole L NO
Glossogobiusgiuris Tank goby Bele,Baila M NO
Rhinomugilcorsula Corsulamullet Ural, Korsula L NO
Colisafasciata Banded gourami Borokholisha H NO
Mystus aor Longwhiskered catfish Ayre River M VU
Mystus cavasius Gangetic mystus Gulsa tengra River, Beel M VU
Mystus seenghala Giantriver catfish Guizza ayre River H EN
Mystus tengana Tengaracatfish Choto tengra River, Beel, M NO
Mystus vitatus Strippeddwarfcatfish Tengra Floodplain M NO
Clariasbatrachus Walking catfish Magur River, Beel, H NO
Hateropneustesfossilis Stinging catfish Shing,Kanos Floodplain L NO
Ailia coila Gangetic alia Baspata River H NO
Clupisomagarua Garuabacha Ganggaira River M CR
Eutropiichthysvacha Batchwa vacha Bacha River L CR
Pseudeutropiusatherinoides Potasi Batashi River L NO
Wallago attu Freshwater shark Boal River, Beel M NO
Gagata cenia Indian gagata Jungla magur L NO
Macrognathusaculeatus Lesser spinyeel Tara baim L VU
Sal baim ,
Mastacembelusarmatus Zig-zag eel Baor, Beel, M EN
Mastacembeluspancalus Barred spinyeel Guchi H NO
Monopteruscuchia Mudeel Kuchia M VU
Notopteruschitala Clownknifefish Chital M EN
Notopterusnotopterus Bronzefeatherback Foli River, Beel H VU
Tetraodon cutcutia Ocellatedpufferfish Potka M NO
CR: Critically Endangered; EN: Endangered; VU: Vulnerable; NT: Not Threatened; LC: Least Concern and DD:
Data Deficient
Appendix E: Chemicals Used in Leather Processing
Surfactants are used to help with the wetting back of the hides or skins
Degreasers help with the removal of natural fats and greases from the hides or skins
Lime is used to swell the hides or skins
Sodium sulphide
Sodium sulphide chemically destroys the hair on hides or skins
Sodium hydrosulphide
Sodium hydrosulphide chemically destroys the hair on hides or skins. It does not create as much swelling as
sodium sulphide
Caustic soda
Caustic soda is used during the liming process to help swell the hides or skins
Soda ash
Soda ash is used during the soaking or liming processes to help raise the pH of the hides or skins
Ammonium sulphate
Ammonium sulphate is used during the deliming process and helps remove lime from the hides or skins
Ammonium chloride
Ammonium chloride is used during the deliming process and helps remove lime from the hides or skins
Sodium metabisulphite
Sodium metabisulphite is used during the deliming process and helps prevent the formation of toxic hydrogen
sulphide gas during deliming. It also acts as a bleaching agent
Formic acid
Formic acid is used during the pickling process to lower the pH of the hides or skins
Sulphuric acid
Sulphuric acid is used during the pickling process to lower the pH of the hides or skins
Salt is used during the pickling process to prevent acid swelling of the hides or skins
Sodium formate
Sodium formate is used during the tanning process to assist with the penetration of chromium tanning salts into
the hides or skins
Chromium sulphate
Chromium sulphate is the tanning agent used to make wet blue
Magnesium oxide
Magnesium oxide is used during basification and raises the pH of the hide or skin to allow the chromium or
aldehyde to chemically bind to the skin protein
Fungicides are chemicals that are used to prevent the growth of moulds or fungi on tanned hides or skins
2. Dyehouse
Surfactants / Wetting agents
Surfactants help in the wetting back of the wet blue in the dyehouse
Degreasers help remove grease or fats that may be present on the wet blue as a result of the wet blue coming
into contact with machinery
Sodium formate
Sodium formate helps raise the pH during the neutralization process
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate helps raise the pH during the neutralization process
Formic acid
Formic acid reduces the pH for the rechroming process or helps with chemically fixing dyehouse chemicals to the
leather at the end of the dyehouse processes
Chrome syntans
Chrome syntans are used during rechroming to improve the softness of the final leathet
Chromium sulphate
Chromium sulphate is used during rechroming to improve the softness of the final leather
Syntans are used to give properties such as softness, fullness, roundness to the leather
Resins are used to give fullness and a tight grain to the leather
Polymers are used to give fullness and a tight grain to the leather
Dyes are used to give the leather a colour desired by the customer
Dyeing auxiliaries
Dyeing auxiliaries help disperse the dyes evenly
Fatliquors are oils that are added to leather to give softness to the final leather
3. Finishing
Acrylic resins
Acrylic resins give specific properties to the leather finish such as adhesion, water resistance
Butadiene resins
Butadiene resins give specific properties to the leather finish such as good coverage
Polyurethane resins
Polyurethane resins give specific properties to the leather finish such as good toughness and good lightfastness
Fillers help fill small blemishes on the leather surface
Dullers help reduce the gloss of the finish
Crosslinkers are used to toughen the leather finish and improve the water resistance properties of polyurethanes
Handle modifiers
Handle modifiers are used to give the leather surface a waxy or slippery feel
Nitrocellulose lacquers
Nitrocellulose lacquers are used in the top coat of a leather finish
Acrylic lacquers
Acrylic lacquers are used in the top coat of a leather finish
Polyurethane lacquers
Polyurethane lacquers are used in the top coat of a leather finish
Viscosity modifiers
Viscosity modifiers are used to increase the viscosity of a finish mixture
Pigments are colouring agents that help hide defects on the leather surface
Dyes are colouring agents that are used to slightly change the colour of the leather finish or to give the leather
finish a more natural look
Defoamers are used to prevent bubbles from forming in the finish mixture
Appendix F: ES scoring matrix of Hemayetpur Tannery area
Habitat quality
Surface water
Air Quality
Year Land-use/cover
Habitat quality
Surface water
Air Quality
Year Land-use/cover
Appendix G: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan