431-1 S-Tor Full Report 220128
431-1 S-Tor Full Report 220128
431-1 S-Tor Full Report 220128
PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CL.025370629, CL.025313080
(CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) FOR
REFERENCE NO : ENVSOLVE/04/01/A/431-1/22
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Proponent ........................................................................................... 1
1.3 Project Architect ............................................................................................. 1
1.4 Civil and Structural Engineering Consultant .................................................... 1
1.5 Coastal and Marine Consultant....................................................................... 1
1.6 Environmental Consultant ............................................................................... 2
1.7 Statement of Need.......................................................................................... 2
2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................... 3
2.1 Project Location .............................................................................................. 3
2.2 Project Concept .............................................................................................. 5
2.3 Environmental Requirement ........................................................................... 9
2.4 Project Status ................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Land and Zoning Status................................................................................ 11
2.6 Project Activities ........................................................................................... 12
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT................................................... 12
3.1 Physical Environment ................................................................................... 12
3.1.1 Bathymetry ....................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Coastal Morphology .......................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Hydrodynamic Conditions ................................................................. 14
3.1.4 Topography and Hydrology .............................................................. 16
3.1.5 Soil ................................................................................................... 16
3.1.6 Geology ............................................................................................ 16
3.1.7 Meteorology...................................................................................... 16
3.2 Biological Environment ................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna .............................................................. 17
3.2.2 Aquatic Flora and Fauna .................................................................. 18
3.3 Human Environment and Surrounding Land Use .......................................... 19
4 SCOPE OF EIA STUDY ............................................................................................... 29
Annex 1.0: Plans and Drawings
Annex 1.1: Interim Development Plan
Annex 1.2: Earthwork Plan and Cross-Section
Annex 1.3: Hydrographical Survey Plan
Annex 2.0: Correspondences Letters for Project Status
Annex 2.1: Correspondence letters for Interim Development Plan
Annex 2.2: Correspondence letters for Drainage Plan and MSMA report Conditional
Annex 2.3: Correspondence letters for Hydraulic Study
Annex 3.0: Land and Zoning Related Documents
Annex 3.1: Land Titles
Annex 3.2: Consent Letter for CL.025313080 and CL.025342563
Annex 3.3: JPBW Letter on the Local Zoning Status of the Proposed Site
Annex 4.0: Borehole Location Map for Soil Investigation Study
Annex 5.0: Certificates and CV of Registered Consultants
figure 2.1: Project Location ................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2.2: Cross-Sections Of The Reclamation Plan ........................................................... 7
Figure 2.3: Schematic Of The Revetment Cross-Section For The Proposed Development ... 8
Figure 3.1(A): Mean Current Speed During Ne (Top Image) And Sw (Bottom Image)
Monsoon ............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3.1(B): Average Wave Heights During Ne (Top Image) And Sw (Bottom Image)
Monsoon ............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 3.2(A): Surrounding Land Use (3km) ........................................................................ 27
Figure 3.2(B): Surrounding Land Use (5km) ........................................................................ 28
Figure 4.1: Zone Of Impact And Proposed Baseline Sampling Locations ............................ 35
Table 2.1: Project Components ............................................................................................. 6
Table 2.2: Project Activities ................................................................................................. 12
Table 3.1: Land Use Surrounding The Project Site ............................................................. 19
Table 4.1: Long List Scoping Matrix Of Environmental Issues ............................................. 29
Plate 2.3: View Of The Proposed Land Based Portion And Bridge Area ............................... 3
Plate 2.4: Access Point To The 2 Parcels On Land Off Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi .................. 3
Plate 2.5: Current Condition Of The Land-Based Project Site ............................................... 9
Plate 2.6: Perimeter Hoarding ............................................................................................... 9
Plate 2.7: Existing Guard House At The Land-Based Project Site ....................................... 10
Plate 3.1: View Of The Sandy Beaches Fronting The Proposed Site .................................. 13
Plate 3.2: View Of The Canal Between The Existing Reclaimed Land And Water Village Of
Kg. Pitoru From The Existing Sand Spit At 0.22 Km East .................................................... 13
Plate 3.3: Kinarut River Estuary .......................................................................................... 16
Plate 3.4: Mixed Of Grasses And Lalang............................................................................. 17
Plate 3.5: Coconut Tree ...................................................................................................... 17
Plate 3.6: Egrets ................................................................................................................. 17
Plate 3.7: Domestic Dogs Sighted At The Beach Area ........................................................ 17
Plate 3.8: Whip Coral And Sea Fan At 600 M Northwest ..................................................... 18
Plate 3.9: Galaxea Sp. At 1.5 Km Northwest ....................................................................... 18
Plate 3.10: Branching Acropora Sp. At 1.5 Km Northwest ................................................... 18
Plate 3.11: Giant Clam At 1.5 Km Northwest ....................................................................... 18
Plate 3.12: Skim Penempatan Kinarut ................................................................................. 22
Plate 3.13: Kg. Suoangan ................................................................................................... 22
Plate 3.14: Taman Kinarut Jaya .......................................................................................... 23
Plate 3.15: Taman Lok Kawi Perdana ................................................................................. 23
Plate 3.16: Taman Sri Juta .................................................................................................. 23
Plate 3.42: Lok Kawi Oxidation Pond .................................................................................. 26
Plate 3.43: Balai Polis Kinarut ............................................................................................. 26
Plate 3.44: Klinik Kesihatan Kinarut .................................................................................... 26
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level Kg. Kampung
CL Country Lease KK Kota Kinabalu
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand KKIA Kota Kinabalu International Airport
DID Department of Irrigation and N North
Drainage (Jabatan Pengaliran dan NE Northeast
Saliran) NW Northwest
DOE Department of Environment PM10 Particulate matter 10 micrometers
(Jabatan Alam Sekitar) or less in diameter
E East PPE Personal Protective Equipment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment S South
EPD Environment Protection SAR Sekolah Agama Rakyat
Department SE Southeast
ESCP Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Sg. Sungai
FCC Faecal Coliform Count SK Sekolah Kebangsaan
GPS Global Positioning System SMK Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
i.e. id est (that is) SMP Shoreline Management Plan
Jln. Jalan SW Southwest
1.1 Background
This S-TOR documents the requirements for the Special Environmental Impact
Assessment (S-EIA) study and the framework for the preparation of the EIA report in
accordance with the guidelines prescribed by EPD.
1.2 Project Proponent
Tel: 088 – 388 791 Fax: 088 – 388 792
E-mail: envsolve@gmail.com
Contact Person: Mdm. Lo Su Mui
1.7 Statement of Need
The aim of the Project is to conduct a sea front development which will involve
reclamation activity for the construction of an artificial island at Sabah west coast at
Kinarut, Papar for the purpose of tourism and recreation resort development. The
establishment of such development at the area is expected to have high potential to
draw a lot of investors, as it is near the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) as
well as other tourist attractions. In addition to that, the proposed development is in
line with the Government’s effort to supply better facilities or infrastructure that can
support economic expansion that benefits both the locals as well as non-locals.
Furthermore, it would also offer direct and indirect employment opportunities resulting
from the workforce demand for the Project, and through construction-related
contracts as well as other business opportunities.
The following is the summary of the benefits of the development Project:
• Creation of a new iconic tourist destination in the district of Papar which has
combined landscape park, water lagoons, as well as resort and hotel
The proposed Project site is located at Kinarut, Papar on three parcels i.e. one (1)
parcel located at the coast/seawater i.e. CL.025370269 as main development site,
and two (2) smaller parcels on land are i.e. CL. 025313080 and CL. 025342563 as
shown in Figure 2.1. The Project site is found approximately 1.1 km southwest from
the Kinarut Township, 6.7 km southwest from Putatan Township and 11.1 km south
from the KKIA. Currently the two parcels on the land area are accessible via Jalan
Pengalat Lok Kawi off Jalan Putatan. The northeast of the main development site or
CL.025370269 is bordered by an existing reclaimed land owned by Sunduvon Sdn
Bhd, who is also conducting EIA study for new reclamation extending seaward from
their existing land.
Plate 2.1: Land based part of the Project Plate 1.2: View of the Project main
site at the southwest development site located at the coast
Land based portion of the site
Proposed bridge
Plate 2.3: View of the proposed land-based Plate 2.4: Access point to the 2 parcels on
part and bridge area land off Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 5
The proposed Project will be developed on three (3) pieces of land i.e.,
CL.025370269 (40.46 ha), CL.025313080 (1.53 ha) and CL.025342563 (0.81 ha),
which total up to 42.8 ha. The proposed tourism and recreation resort development
shall cover a length of approximately 0.87 km along the shoreline and extends 0.6
km offshore. There will be an approximately 80 – 250 m wide gap between the main
development site at the coast and the land-based part, in which shall be connected
via a proposed bridge of 138.80 m length. Refer to Annex 1.1 for the Interim
Development Plan. The Project components include residential and resort/ hotels
with infrastructure and utilities as shown in Table 2.1.
Main activities involved for this Project include platform preparation by reclamation,
foundation, as well as bridge and building construction. The desired finished platform
level of the area to be reclaimed is +2.5 m and +2.6 m AMSL (refer Figure 2.2). The
estimated volume of the reclamation is approximately 1,395,507 m3. The details of
the sandfill sources of reclamation material is under discussion stage and will be
addressed in the S-EIA report.
Prior to the reclamation work, a 20 m width bund at the perimeter of the reclamation
site shall be constructed and the placement of the fill material will be performed by
bulldozers. Seawall consisting of armour rocks will be constructed upon completion
of the reclamation works for permanent protection to minimize coastal erosion and
sediment dispersion. The revetment structure with gradient of 1(vert):2(hori) is shown
in Figure 2.3.
Reclamation work is expected to be completed within a two (2) year period (24
months), and as for the construction activities, it is estimated to take about five (5)
years (60 months).
18-storey resort residential block (Block
108 units
Hotel Suites 18-storey resort residential block (Block
Main 108 units
Residence D3)
18-storey resort residential block (Block
Site 324
18-storey resort residential block (Block
108 units
Business 11-storey service hotel suites (E1) 250 rooms
Hotel & 11-storey service hotel suites (E2) 250 rooms
Tourism 5-storey tourist arcades (E3)
Arcade 5-storey tourist arcades (E4)
Utility Utility/ Services/ M&E
Lagoon A
Water Lagoon
Lagoon B
Utility Utility/ Services/ M&E
Land Based
Road Reserve Road
Road Reserve Road reserve (15 m JKR setback)
138.80 m length of access road
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8 Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 8
Figure 2.3: Schematic of the Revetment Cross-Section for the Proposed Development
Source: DHI Letter with ref. no: 62801567-LET-AAL-004 dated 14th January 2020 (Annex 2.3)
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8 Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 9
The Project is categorized as the following prescribed activities under the Second
Schedule of the Environment Protection Enactment (Prescribed Activities)
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 2005.
Second Schedule
Item 5. Land Reclamation
Reclamation of land by the sea or along the riverbanks for
development of housing, commercial or industrial estates,
construction of major roads, or other public purposes.
Item 10. Resorts and Recreational Development
(i) Development of resorts, recreational or tourism facilities
covering an area of 30 hectares or more.
Under the Enactment, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (under Second
Schedules) is needed for submission and presentation to the Environment Protection
Department (EPD) Sabah, for approval prior to Project implementation. S-EIA was
required by EPD due to the sensitivity of the Project along the coastal area.
Plate 2.5: Current condition of the land- Plate 2.6: Perimeter hoarding
based Project site
Plate 2.7: Existing guard house at the land-based Project site
(CB) on the 2nd April 2019 as well as confirmed by Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan
Wilayah (JPBW) on the 9th July 2020. The Majlis Daerah Papar has also approved
the extension for the approval validity for 2 years on the 15th December 2021.
Drainage Plan and MSMA report had been submitted and received comments from
the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) on the 16th July 2019 and is currently
undergoing finalization processes to meet DID’s requirement. Other drawings i.e.
Earthwork Plan and ESCP have been prepared and are currently pending for
In terms of technical studies i.e. Hydraulic Study (by DHI Water & Environment (M)
Sdn Bhd) and Soil Investigation (by STL Geotechnical Engineering Sdn Bhd) had
been prepared and shall be incorporated in the S-EIA report later. The Hydraulic
Study Report had been approved by DID on the 21st January 2020 where the approval
had renewed and valid for 2 years from 25th January 2022. Traffic Impact
Assessment (TIA) is currently still on-going by Geo Traffic Engineering Sdn Bhd and
shall be incorporated in the S-EIA report. Tabulated below are the summary of the
current status of the submittals and approval from the relevant authorities and the
correspondence letters are attached in Annex 2.0.
Land Ownership
The proposed Project site will be developed within land parcels of CL.025370629 for
the main development site and CL. 025313080 and CL. 025342563 for the land-
based development. Land parcel for the main development site, CL.025370629 is
owned by the Project Proponent, while the parcels for the land-based development
are owned by Real Future Sdn. Bhd. (refer Annex 3.1 for the land titles).
Authorization from the current owner to the Proponent for the Project development
had been obtained (see Annex 3.2).
Land Application
A Temporary Occupational Lease (TOL) and wayleave application shall be done for
the proposed bridge which links the proposed main development site to the land-
based portion. The application status with JTU will be updated in the S-EIA study.
Land Use Condition
Based on their respective land titles, the land use conditions of the land parcels of
CL.025370629, CL. 025313080 and CL. 025342563 are designated for the purpose
of Tourism and Recreation Resort, Beach Resort Hotel, as well as Executive Resort
Club/ Hotel.
Based on the letters and Kinarut Local Draft Plan from the Jabatan Perancang
Bandar & Wilayah dated 19th August 2011 (Annex 3.3) and 9th July 2020 (Annex
2.1), the Project site is zoned as Park, Recreation and Tourism Area. Hence, the
proposed Project development conforms well to this designated zone requirement.
Based on the Sabah Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) (2005) and Integrated
Shoreline Management Plan (ISMP) (2012), the land-based portion of the Project
(CL.025313080 and CL.025342563) falls under the Management Unit C5-11 (SMP)
/ C-12 (ISMP) both namely “Kinarut Beach” where the management strategy
to 5-15 of ISMP known as the Lok Kawi Tourism Cluster in which its strategy
categorizes Standard Conditions: High Density Tourism.
Investigation • Hydraulic study
• EIA study
• Establishment of temporary occupation site
• Establishment of site enclosure and erection of safety signs and Project
• Mobilization and transportation of required machineries, equipment, and
Site tools.
Preparation • Transportation of sandfill and construction materials.
and • Reclamation
Reclamation o Perimeter bund construction
o Placement of fill material at site
o Installation of revetment
• Construction of erosion and sediment control structure and temporary
drainage system
• Construction of bridge
• Construction of onshore and land buildings
Construction • Installation of permanent drainage system
• Establishment of infrastructure and utilities
• Landscaping
• Operation of resort and recreational areas
Operational • Maintenance of drainage, road, infrastructure and utilities
Waste management
• Removal of equipment, machineries, and temporary structures
• Site rehabilitation and waste disposal
3.1.1 Bathymetry
The nearshore bathymetry around the proposed Project site is shallow and scattered
with low-laying reefs and rocky outcrops. The site is partly sheltered by Pulau
Dinawan at the northwest, partly by the extensive presence of low-laying shallow
reefs and mobile sand bars, and minorly by the area offshore of Tg. Dumpil at further
North. Based on the Hydrographical Survey as attached in Annex 1.3, the
bathymetry of the Project main development site varies from -0.59 m to approximately
-2.00 RL.
The coastline along the Kinarut Beach is characterised by sandy beaches, marred
with unsightly rubbish scattered around (Plate 3.1). Past Lok Kawi land reclamation
fully protected by revetments is found at the northeast of the Kinarut Beach, while the
Kinarut River Estuary is located approximately 1.6 km southwest from the site. The
Project area was seen to have suffered minor to moderate erosion. The beach is
derived from sand due to the coastal protection works by the Palm Beach Villa
complex reclamation at the west which blocked sediment supply from Sg. Kinarut, as
well as due to the protruding past Lok Kawi land reclamation which traps sediments
in the lee zone of the reclamation, which the small sand spit at the southern end of
the reclamation reveal. This sand is not returned to the Kinarut Beach and
consequently, Kinarut Beach has become isolated within the boundaries of the past
Lok Kawi reclamation and the Palm Beach complex, and the coastal morphology is
responding as per these changes. The water has poor visibility with light blue to
brownish blue colours due to exposure to relatively high concentration of suspended
sediments due to wave action.
Plate 3.1: View of the sandy beaches fronting the proposed site
Plate 3.2: View of the canal between the existing reclaimed land and water village of Kg.
Pitoru from the existing sand spit at 0.22 km east
Following are the brief description of the existing hydrodynamic conditions based on
the completed and approved Hydraulic Study.
Current Conditions
Current speeds are generally low with high currents speeds occurring around the ebb
tide. Around the proposed site, the current speed varies from 0.05 to 0.30 m/s.
Figure 3.1(a): Mean current speed during NE (top image) and SW (bottom image) monsoon
Source: Hydraulic Study
Wave Conditions
The proposed site generally is well sheltered against offshore waves. The predicted
coastal waves around the proposed area are very small, losing their energy across
the shallow areas before reaching the coastline. The existing significant wave heights
vary from 0.05 m to 1.40 m.
Figure 3.2(b): Average wave heights during NE (top image) and SW (bottom image) monsoon
Source: Hydraulic Study
The Project land-based part is seated on a flat land, which is slightly sloping
downwards as approaching to the sandy beach area and seawater. The nearest river
that can be found within the vicinity of the Project area is the Kinarut River Estuary
(Plate 3.3), which is about 1.6 km southwest away from the Project site.
Plate 3.3: Kinarut River Estuary
3.1.5 Soil
Based on the Sabah Soil Map 1974, the soil within the land-based part of the Project
is identified as soil of the Tanjong Aru Association where its landform is categorized
as beaches. The parent material is alluvium and the main soil units consist of Dystric
and Eutric Regosols; Humic, Dystric and Eutric Gleysols; as well as Gleyic Podzol.
Seabed sediments at the area are a mixture of sand and fines from the rivers that
settles here due to the rather sheltered waters. The Soil Investigation shall be
incorporated in the EIA report. The boreholes’ location map is attached in Annex
3.1.6 Geology
Based on the Geological Map of Sabah published by the Mineral and Geoscience
Department 3rd edition 1985, the geological setting of the land-based part of Project
is composed of the formation of the Recent age, which only consists of coastal and
riverine alluvium.
3.1.7 Meteorology
The Project site is located in Kinarut, Papar, and experiences an equatorial climate
characterized by heavy rainfall, uniform temperature, high humidity and moderate
wind throughout the year.
During the general site survey at the land-based part on 21st January 2022, no rare
or protected terrestrial flora and fauna was encountered within the Project site. There
was limited vegetation on-site, as the site area had been previously cleared, leaving
little traces of secondary vegetation like grasses and lalang. Coastal vegetation
sighted within the vicinity of the Project area includes beach vegetation that is
considered common to coastal areas around Sabah i.e. Sea Almond Tree (Terminalia
catappa), Coconut Tree (Cocos nucifera), Aru Tree (Casuarina equisetifolia), as well
as Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae).
The nearest mangroves that can be found at the vicinity are at the river mouth and
estuary of Sg. Kinarut, which are dominated by Rhizophora apiculata. It is mostly
mature forests, with large trees at low density. The mangroves at Sg. Kinarut have
been bisected by Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, resulting in some disturbance around the
edges. The mangroves near the river mouth to north and south have also been
cleared for housing as well as tourism and recreation development.
Meanwhile, the fauna observed during the site visit include chestnut munia (Lonchura
atricapilla), and egrets. Domestic dogs were observed within the vicinity at the beach
areas and a few goats that was reared by the settlement near to the Project site.
Plate 3.4: Mixed of grasses and lalang Plate 3.5: Coconut tree
Based on the marine ecology survey conducted previously in 2019 for the EIA of this
Project, it was reported that the area within the Project boundary is characterized as
having muddy-like silty substrates, and extremely turbid waters causing poor visibility
of approximately 0.1 to 0.2 m. Hence, the presence of sensitive marine habitats such
as coral reefs and seagrass beds within the Project site is unlikely based on the
substrate condition and limited light penetration into the water. Neither sessile nor
free-swimming living organisms were observed within the site too. However, fishing
activities using line and net were observed surrounding the Project area during flood
tide shows that there were fishes moving along with the incoming tidal flow.
Several coral reefs can be found approximately 0.6 – 1.5 km northwest and near
Pulau Mantukud, with coral species recorded includes hard coral (Galaxea sp.and
Acropora sp.), which are the dominant coral genus; as well as gorgonians (sea fan
Annella sp. and whip coral Leptogorgia sp.). The coral health status was reported to
be in poor (<3%) to fair (50%) condition based on the Reef Health Criteria (Chou et.
al., 1994). The study area which is found to have 50% of substrate comprising of
living coral cover is located 1.5 km northwest away from the proposed site.
Other than corals, other species, i.e., sponge (encrusting sea sponge); nutrient
indicator algae; giant clam (Tridacna sp.); and damsel fish were also reported at
approximate 0.6 – 1.5 km away from the Project site. Giant clam (Tridacna sp.) is a
protected species and to be more specific, it is also found 1.5 km northwest from the
proposed site.
Plate 3.8: Whip coral and sea fan at 600 m Plate 3.9: Galaxea sp. at 1.5 km northwest
Plate 3.10: Branching Acropora sp. at 1.5 Plate 3.11: Giant clam at 1.5 km northwest
km northwest
villages of Skim Penempatan Kinarut, Kg. Laut Kinarut and Kg. Suoangan, which are
located within 0.02 – 0.20 km south to southeast boundary of the main development
site. Common economic activities known in the surrounding area include fishing,
small business such as hardware stores, industrial and tourism-related activities.
Residents of the few coastal village houses of Skim Penempatan Kinarut, located
0.04 km south from the main Project boundary still conducts small scale fishing within
vicinity of Project area for own consumption and also as a source of income.
Educational institutes near the Project site include SMK Kinarut, Tabika Perpaduan,
Sekolah Agama Rakyat (SAR) and Tadika Nurul Iman. Meanwhile, government
buildings within vicinity are Komuniti Sihat Perkasa Negara (KOSPEN) Kg. Laut
Kinarut, Balai Polis Kinarut, as well as the Lok Kawi Oxidation Pond. The nearest
tourism and recreation land use are Seaside Travellers Inn, Langkah Syabas Beach
Resort and Borneo Paradise Resort.
Two (2) islands namely Pulau Mantukud and Pulau Dinawan are located
approximately 1.43 km and 4.26 km northwest from the Project site. Currently, there
are no known settlements occupying Pulau Mantukud. While for Pulau Dinawan is a
private island with Sunborneo Island Resort that served as tourism spot. Only one
(1) forest reserve i.e., Kawang Forest Reserve (Class I – Protection Forest Reserve)
was observed but located beyond 5 km southeast. Refer table below and Figures
3.2 for details on the overall land use features within 3 km and 5 km radius from the
Project boundary.
23. Taman Sri Kinarut 1.40 E
24. Kg. Pitoru A 1.45 NE
25. Taman Limauan 1.48 SW
26. Taman Kinarut Ria 1.65 S
27. PPR Kinarut Ria 1.67 S
28. Kg. Seri Menanti 1.83 SW
29. Kg. Lengkuas 1.86 E
30. Kg. Kuala 2 Kinarut 1.88 SW
31. Mook Ideal Garden 1.96 S
32. Taman Lengkuas 1.91 E
33. Flats Kinarut 2.38 Up to 3 S
34. Taman Segindai 2.57 km E
35. Kg. Meruntum 3.70 Up to 4 NE
36. Kg. Potuki 4.02 Up to 5 NE
37. Kg. Beringgis 4.23 km SW
38. PPR Taman Sri Serigai 4.51 NE
1. TKH Hardware 0.08 Up to 1 SW
2. A&D Trading 0.15 km SW
3. Tian Song Marketing Sdn. Bhd. 0.16 SE
4. Xinfatt Trading Sdn. Bhd. 0.18 SE
5. Terus Gemilang Enterprise 0.28 SW
31. Toyo Auto Services Centre Sdn Bhd 1.26 NE
32. Kinarut Shop Houses 1.28 E
33. Cooltech Tyres Sdn Bhd 1.39 NE
34. Syarikat Aban-D Industries 1.40 NE
35. Lok Kawi Bumiputra Auto Service 1.42 NE
36. Weida Integrated Industries Sdn Bhd 1.44 NE
37. Shell Fuel Station 1.47 NE
38. Perabot HB Chan 1.53 NE
39. Wan Lee Motors Sdn Bhd 1.56 NE
40. Sunborneo Holidays Sdn. Bhd. 1.57 SW
41. Desa Hatchery 2.19 Up to 3 NE
42. Taman La Gloxinia Garden Kinarut 2.28 km SW
43. Desa Cattle Lok Kawi 2.72 NE
44. Shooting Range Lok Kawi 2.97 NE
45. Lok Kawi Wildlife Park 4.31 Up to 4 NE
1. Kinarut Industrial Zone 1.60 Up to 2 NE
2. Lok Kawi Industrial Estate 1.75 km SE
3. Fook Mee Trading Import and Export 1.86 NE
4. Tembovo-Meruntum Industrial Park 4.46 Up to 5 NE
1. SMK Kinarut 0.25 Up to 1 E
6. Masjid Puncak Takwa Kinarut 1.02 km NE
Religious 7. Muslim Cemetery 1.33 NE
Structure 8. Tien Nam Shi Temple 1.44 E
and Building 9. St. Augustine Church 1.87 E
10. Masjid Nur Hikmah 2.01 Up to 3 SW
11. St. Paul’s Chapel on the Hill 2.15 km SE
12. Sri Subramaniar Temple 2.44 NE
13. Masjid As-Salam Kem Lok Kawi 2.63 NE
14. Masjid Du Yu Fur Rahman 4.14 Up to 4 NE
1. KOSPEN Kg. Laut Kinarut 0.19 Up to 1 S
2. Lok Kawi Oxidation Pond 0.88 km NE
3. Balai Polis Kinarut 1.00 NE
4. Parti Bersatu Sabah 1.13 Up to 2 NE
5. Stesen Keretapi Sabah 1.34 km E
6. Kinarut Railway Station 1.35 E
7. Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah 1.53 NE
8. Kuarters Jabatan Keretapi Negeri Sabah 1.71 E
9. Kem Lok Kawi 3.24 Up to 4 NE
10. General Operations Force Headquarters 3.89 km SW
Medical and 1. Klinik Kesihatan Kinarut 0.43 Up to 1 NE
Health km
Plate 3.14: Taman Kinarut Jaya Plate 3.15: Taman Lok Kawi Perdana
Plate 3.20: Taman La Gloxinia Garden Plate 3.21: PPR Taman Kinarut Ria
Plate 3.22: D.Y (Drive-thru) Car Wash Plate 3.23: Seaside Travellers Inn
Plate 3.26: Chip Seng Heng Marketing Sdn Plate 3.27: Daily Auto Parts Sdn. Bhd.
Plate 3.30: SMK Agama Tun Datu Plate 3.31: MRSM Kinarut
Mustapha Limauan
Plate 3.32: Tadika Masjid Nurul Iman Plate 3.33: Montfort Youth Training Centre
Plate 3.34: Masjid Nurul Iman Plate 3.35: Masjid Imam Hj Md. Yaqoub
Bin Misir
Plate 3.36: Pusat Karismatik Kalvari Lok Plate3.37: Sri Subramaniar Temple
Plate3.38: St Augustine Catholic Church Plate 3.39: Tanah Perkuburan Orang-
orang Islam Kg. Beringgis
Plate 3.40: SAFODA Kinarut Plate 3.41: Jabatan Perkhidmatan
Veterinar Sabah, Kinarut
Plate 3.42: Lok Kawi Oxidation Pond Plate 3.43: Balai Polis Kinarut
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8 Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 28
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8 Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 29
Based on the preliminary site assessment conducted on the 21st January 2022, below
is a list of proposed and identified prioritised environmental issues for the proposed
Key Environmental Impacts: Other Potential Impacts:
1. Marine Water Pollution 1. Traffic and Transportation
2. Hydraulic Impacts 2. Marine Navigational Impact
3. Air and Noise Pollution 3. Waste Generation
4. Marine Ecological Impact 4. Occupational Safety and Health
5. Socio-Economic Impacts 5. Abandonment (Visual and
The environmental issues identified for this proposed Project are as shown in the
following long list scoping matrix.
Table 4.1: Long List Scoping Matrix of Environmental Issues
Environmental Issue Magnitude Permanence Reversibility Cumulative
Site Preparation, Reclamation and Construction
Main Environment Impacts
Marine Water Pollution 2 2 3 3 3
Hydraulic Impact 2 3 3 3 3
Air and Noise Pollution 2 2 2 3 2
Marine Ecological Impact 2 2 2 3 2
Socio-Economic Impacts 2 3 2 3 2
Waste Generation 2 2 2 3 2
Occupational Safety and
1 2 2 2 2
Abandonment (Visual
impact and aesthetic 2 3 3 2 2
Operational Stage
Marine Water Pollution 2 3 2 3 3
Hydraulic Impact 2 3 2 3 3
Socio-Economic Impacts 2 3 3 3 2
Traffic and Transportation 2 2 2 2 2
Legend: Score
Criteria 1 2 3
Magnitude Regional/
Change/effect to local
Measure of the importance of the national/
Change/effect within conditions and/or to
condition in relation to spatial international
project site only areas immediately
boundaries change/effec
No change/not
To define whether the condition is Temporary Permanent
temporary or permanent
No change/not
Measure of the control over the Reversible Irreversible
effect of the applied condition
Measure of whether the effect will
No change/not Non-cumulative/
be a single effect or a cumulative Cumulative
applicable single
effect over time or a synergistic
effect with other conditions
Final Scores
Potential adverse environmental Minor potential Medium potential
The ZOI as shown in table below and Figure 4.1 is arbitrarily taken based on the predicted impact by taken into consideration of the
distribution type of the surrounding land use and socio-economic activities, hydrology, land and marine traffic as well as marine ecology
and hydrodynamic conditions.
Table 4.2: Zone of Impact (ZOI)
Position off Project
Impacts Affected Areas Boundary Details
Distance Direction
Seawater surrounding the • Project development activities, especially reclamation and bridge
-. - construction activities will lead to generation of sediment plumes and
Project site
will result in the increase of turbidity and sedimentation caused by the
Coastal businesses and 0.08 – 0.39 dispersion of fine sediments.
commercial land use km • The use of heavy machineries, such as the marine construction
equipment may result in unintentional oil spill and indiscriminate
Coastal houses of Kg.
0.04 km SE disposal of oil and grease from construction ships / vessels as well as
Laut Kinarut
transportation barge and tugboat.
Marine Water
• The development (inclusive of post-construction stages) will affect the
Major Impacts
Pollution Kg. Suoangan 0.20 km NE water exchange within the canal between the reclaimed land and water
village of Kg. Pitoru, as well as within the development layout with a
0 – 3.94 potential increase in retention time of areas immediately landward of
Corals and Seagrasses W–N
km the reclamation, causing poorly flushed areas that causes stagnant
water and thus accumulate rubbish or pollutants.
• Cumulative impacts are expected from the future reclamation
Mangroves of Sg. Kinarut 1.6 km SW
development of Sunduvon S/B at the adjacent north when the period of
implementation of the projects coincides.
Coastline nearby the 0.06 – 0.24 • The Project implementation may affect the coastal hydrodynamics i.e.
Project site km current flow trends and velocities, water level, coastal morphology and
Hydraulic wave patterns.
Impact • Area at site immediate surrounding will experience changes in waves
Kinarut River Estuary 1.6 km SW and currents and may also experience changes to sediment transport
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 32
Impacts Affected Areas Boundary Details
Distance Direction
• The coastline nearby the Project site (adjacent beach and river estuary)
would potentially experience gradual coastal morphological impacts
over time (years).
• The proposed reclamation works and bridge construction will shelter
the local coastline against waves, thus changing the local sediment
transport pattern.
• Cumulative impacts could be expected from the future reclamation
development of Sunduvon S/B at the adjacent north.
Skim Penempatan Kinarut 0.02 km S • Exposure of the reclamation area of the Project to strong coastal wind
Kg. Laut Kinarut 0.04 km SE action may aggravate dust dispersion which leads to the reduction of
Coastal business and 0.08 – 0.15 visibility in the area.
SE - S
commercial land use km • Emissions from construction equipment, work vessels and other
Kg. Suoangan 0.18 km E vehicles used for the construction work could also be a source of air
Air and Noise
SMK Kinarut 0.25 km SE pollution.
Taman Kinarut Jaya 0.46 km NE • Noise pollution may arise due to the increased traffic and other
Taman Lok Kawi Perdana 0.57 NE construction equipment and machineries.
• Cumulative impacts are expected from the future reclamation activities
Taman Pantai Lok Kawi 0.57 NE of Sunduvon S/B at the adjacent north when the period of
implementation of the projects coincides.
Seawater surrounding the • The Project implementation could interrupt the existing marine life i.e.
- -
Project site coral reef, mangrove, microbenthic at the Project area and its
Marine Corals and Seagrasses 0 – 3.94 W–N immediate surrounding through marine water pollution, hydraulic
Ecological impacts and waste generation.
Impact • Cumulative impacts are expected from the future reclamation activities
Mangroves of Sg. Kinarut 1.6 SW
of Sunduvon S/B at the adjacent north when the period of
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 33
Impacts Affected Areas Boundary Details
Distance Direction
Langkah Syabas Beach • Navigational and fishing activities might be disrupted during the Project
0.39 SW
Resort implementation, due to the sea front development and operational
Taman Kinarut Jaya 0.46 NE activities on-site.
Taman Lok Kawi Perdana 0.57 NE • Cumulative impacts are expected from the future reclamation activities
of Sunduvon S/B at the adjacent north when the period of
Taman Pantai Lok Kawi 0.57 NE
implementation of the projects coincides.
• Presence of heavy and slow-moving transporting vehicle may obstruct
Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi Immediate S the view of other road users, subsequently posing safety hazard.
• These shall also cause emissions of dust and other air pollutants and
affect traffic flow of the public access road which is shared by the other
road users residing or commuting at the vicinity.
Traffic and
• Increase of traffic load during the operational stages of the resort and
recreational areas will lead to traffic congestion along the access roads.
Jalan Putatan 2.93 NE • Cumulative impact could be contributed by any transportation
Minor Impacts
Kg. Suoangan 0.20 NE • Indiscriminate disposal of the waste into the seawater will lead to soil
Skim Penempatan Kinarut 0.02 S and marine water contamination as well as emission of bad odour
Kg. Laut Kinarut 0.04 SE towards the surrounding.
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 34
Impacts Affected Areas Boundary Details
Distance Direction
• This will directly affect the quality of water in the waterbodies (if any)
crossing the nearby human settlement if the waste is not being
disposed and managed properly.
• The earthwork, coastal and land construction activities are associated
with the risk of job-related injuries and accidents that could be either
Safety and Within and surrounding the site-
due to individuals work practice or from the operation of equipment and
• The abandoned Project site might pose safety hazards to the general
public and will result in degradation the aesthetic values of the landform.
• In addition, the proposed Project would most likely change the view of
(Visual and Within and surrounding the site-
its immediate surroundings.
• Unfinished base and earth spoils would appear visually unpleasant
during earthwork phase.
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 35
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 36
Listed below are the key environmental issues associated with the implementation of
the proposed Project. These issues will be studied in detailed in the EIA report and
right measures to control and to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts shall be
5.1.1 Marine Water Pollution
Project implementation when involves reclamation and bridge construction activities may
create disturbance to the seabed and potential indiscriminate/accidental spill of fine
sediments into the marine water that will lead to increase of suspended sediment in the
water column and turbidity level. Cumulative impacts are expected from the future reclamation
activities of Sunduvon S/B at the adjacent north when the period of implementation of the
projects coincides. Due to the alteration of coastal morphology with the creation/extended
canal in between the coastline and the main development site, the Project may alter the
flushing characteristics of the area and cause a poorly flushed area, which in return will
cause the water to be stagnant, thus potentially accumulating rubbish or pollutants.
Moreover, the use of heavy machineries such as marine construction equipment may lead
to water pollution due to any unintentional oil spill from construction ships and indiscriminate
disposal of waste oil and used grease. Marine water pollution is anticipated to affect the
nearest settlements i.e. Skim Penempatan Kinarut, Kg. Laut Kinarut, Kg. Suoangan;
business and commercial buildings near the coastal area, especially Seaside Travellers Inn
and Langkah Syabas Beach Resort; corals and seagrasses in the surrounding area; as well
as the mangrove of Sg. Kinarut. The proposed development will also affect the water
exchange within the Lok Kawi Bay area i.e. the canal between the reclaimed land and water
village of Kg. Pitoru, as well as within the development layout with a potential increase in
retention time of areas immediately landward of the reclamation.
- Examine existing land use maps and hydrographical maps to identify
possible affected water bodies and immediate receptors of marine
water pollution (e.g. coastal land use and marine habitat).
Cadmium mg/l APHA 3120 B
Chromium Hexavalent mg/l APHA 3120 B
Copper mg/l APHA 3120 B
Arsenic mg/l APHA 3120 B
Lead mg/l APHA 3120 B
Zinc mg/l APHA 3120 B
Cyanide mg/l APHA 3500 Cr-B
FCC MPN/100 ml APHA 9222 D
*APHA represents Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater (American Public Health Association), 21st Edition, 2005.
Aim: To ensure marine water quality within the Project site and its
surroundings comply with the various environmental guidelines.
- Any possible sources of pollution, i.e. sanitary facilities, diesel storage
areas, maintenance area, temporary waste collection area should be
located away from the seawater, as well as any potential area of water
- Indiscriminate dumping of any construction waste or scheduled waste
Mitigation into the sea is prohibited.
Measures - Collect accumulated water surface rubbish as part of regular
cleaning/maintenance activities.
- Data collection i.e. current velocities, water level, bathymetrical data from
navigational sea charts and previous surveys as shown in Figure 5.1(a).
a) DHI’s MIKE21 Hydrodynamic (HD) model – Simulations to be
conducted for three (3) meteo-marine conditions each covering a 14-
days spring and neap tidal cycle (NE, SW and Inter-monsoon).
Changes in water levels and current conditions at the Project site
Figure 5.1(b): Locations of the deployed current meters
b) Detailed assessment of wave propagation to the site by using MIKE21
Spectral Wave (SW) quantification of changes in wave climate caused
by the Project.
c) Deriving coastal morphological impacts by addressing the sediment
transport using MIKE21 Sand Transport (ST) through wave and
current patterns, where the impact assessment is focusing on the
adjacent coastlines along Kinarut Beach. Sediment samples are
collected on locations as shown in Figure 5.1(c) and sent to
accredited laboratory, STL Geotechnical Engineering Sdn Bhd for
Aim: To minimise hydraulic impact from the reclamation activities and its
effect on water quality i.e. flushing impact during the post-
reclamation/construction stages.
- Careful site selection and design of the reclamation layout and bridge
construction to minimize changes in current patterns and coastal
- Preventive measures against scour of revetment structures should be
- Careful design of internal circulation seawater system.
- Regular and frequent inspection on the coastal profile for sign of erosion
and deposition or spit formation to impediment of waterway due to
Monitoring sedimentation.
Programs - Records of maintenance of construction structure to ensure its efficiency
and avoid further recession at the adjacent coastline if any.
- Information on water levels and tidal prism should be recorded.
Methodology shown in Figure 4.1 will be conducted using Sound Level Meter
Model 2900 or Soundpro Model SE. This Sound Level Meter can
record the equivalent continuous sound pressure level. Sampling will
be conducted for 24 hours per point. Data obtained shall be recorded
in Leq, Lmax and Lmin readings. The recorded noise data will be
downloaded using software QuestSuiteTM Professional II (QSP-II).
The software displays the recorded noise details including the
graphical presentation in 15 minutes interval.
Aim: To reduce the impact of air and noise pollution within the surrounding
of the Project area targeting mainly on nearby communities as well as
towards on-site workers.
to minimise formation of dust clouds.
- Construction and transportation activities shall be limited to normal
daytime operation of 8.00 am to 5.00 pm excluding peak traffic hours.
- Speeding and honking when passing through the sensitive area i.e.
school, worship areas, and residential areas along the access roads is
- Machineries and equipment shall be maintained regularly to prevent
unnecessary noise generation. High noise emitting equipment should
be housed in suitable enclosures whenever practicable.
- Machines that are not constantly used should be allowed to shut down
or remain idle at the lowest noise producing capacity.
- Workers exposure to noise shall not exceed the permissible limits
outlined in the First Schedule of Factories and Machinery (Noise
Exposure) Regulation, 1989.
- Workers handling machineries with excessive noise should be
provided with hearing protection devices such as muffles or ear plugs
- All Project activities are confined to daytime operation only.
- Erection of appropriate speed limit signs.
- Periodical water drenching operation at the Project site.
- Periodical air and noise monitoring to be conducted at selected points.
- Photographs showing erection of speed limit signs as a warning for
daytime operation.
- Field checks on provision of hearing protection devices for the
concerned workers particularly those involved in noisy operations.
- Compilation of all relevant complaints and reports lodged by the
communities in the vicinity of the Project.
reclaimed land at the southeast, if the timeframe of the projects coincides.
- Assessment on the existing coastal land use i.e. tourism and resort sites
and their nature of businesses and marine activities.
- Review of hydraulic study on sediment plume and water quality models
to identify and evaluate the magnitude of impacts towards Pulau
Mantukud, Pulau Dinawan and protected marine habitat within the
regional area i.e. Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park and Pulau Tiga.
- Investigation and assessment study on the current/latest marine ecology
and status of any marine habitat with significance value i.e. existence of
coral and seagrasses habitat at the vicinity.
a) A combination of point intercept transects (PIT) and underwater
visual census (UVC) methods at each station shown in Figure 5.2(a)
to characterize the prevailing benthic forms and to record the
existence of marine life within and the surrounding of Project site.
b) Benthic substrate survey using photo quadrat and PIT methods will
be added that cover the coastline from Tg. Dumpil to Beringgis, with
Assessment distance roughly stretches up to 15 km. The proposed survey station
Methodology is shown in Figure 5.2(b).
Figure 5.2(b): Proposed survey station
- Review of secondary data and fisheries data from related agencies i.e.
Department of Fisheries and information gathered from literature reviews
and locals.
Aim: To reduce the impact of Project activities on marine ecology.
- Vessels and boats if used for the Project activities are needed to travel at
slow speed especially at shallow areas to avoid boat or ship collision to
aquatic habitat (if any) at the sea bottom.
- Regular inspection to identify aquatic life in the vicinity of the Project site
during daylight hours.
- Accidental injury or killing of marine megafauna (if any) to be covered
under emergency response plan.
- On-site maintenance to be carried out in the site maintenance area (if
any), equipped with proper oil traps. Proper maintenance to the
minimal level during the Project implementation, due to the sea front development activities
- Conducting interviews and distribution of survey questionnaire to
affected surrounding community.
- Identification of demographics and socio-economic activities
particularly the fishing activities, potential fishing zone, communities
Assessment and navigational activities surrounding the Project site through data
Methodology collection from Department of Fisheries, interview with local
communities and field observation.
- Literature review shall be carried out to identify typical socio-economic
impact for the similar Project. It also helps to develop questioning lines
for interviews and survey question.
Aim: To minimize the impact of the Project towards socio-economic
- Employment priority should be given to locals. However, if foreigners
must be employed, proper documentation in compliance with the
Immigration and Labour Rules and Regulations have to be observed
and monitoring of these workers must be strictly enforced.
- Medical check-up of the foreign workers shall be carried out prior to
employment to ascertain that these workers are not disease-carriers.
- All foreign laborers should be properly and effectively repatriated at the
end of their contract.
- Taking proper act on any complaints and comments received from
surrounding community regarding the possible misconduct of the
- The head or community representative in the immediate vicinity of the
Project should be properly informed of the project background,
quantum and its proposed operation duration
- On-site management should properly monitor the conducts of the
workers and their interactions with the surrounding community.
- Project proponent should control the environmental impacts which after
the adjacent north when the time frame of implementation of the projects coincides.
- Field assessment (social survey at the surrounding settlements) and
observation of existing road and traffic conditions, potential hazards
and limiting conditions.
Assessment - Review of Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) and Traffic Site Plan (TSP)
Methodology for operational phase, as per JKR Requirement.
- Discussions with the Project Proponent on the transportation route,
transportation scheduling and management to be adopted during
Project implementation.
Aim: To enhance the traffic flow in Project site hence minimizing the impact
of unnecessary obstruction and safety hazard during Project
- Signboards and safety signs should be erected at appropriate location.
- Speed limit and other traffic laws must be strictly obeyed.
- Employment of traffic operator when necessary to conduct signals for
heavy vehicles during entering or exiting from/to Jalan Pengalat Lok
Kawi should be adopted.
Mitigation - Proper scheduling of transportation activities and avoid peak traffic
Measures hours (7.00 am to 8.30 am and 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm).
- Transporting vehicle should never be overloaded and materials must
be covered to prevent accidental spillage/fallout.
- Proper road courtesy and safe driving should always be practiced by
formation of bulky deposited dirt and earth on the public road surface.
- Photographs of signboards, as well as speed limit and safety signs.
- Photograph showing proper containment of materials secured with
canvas or tarpaulin during transportation activities.
boats of Sunborneo Holiday office commuting to their resort island within the vicinity of the
Project area.
- Field assessment. and observation on the existing types of navigational
activities, vessels/ boats and fishing zone within and surrounding the
Project area.
- Review and assessment the concept of Project development activities
o Reclamation works, sequence/phasing plan.
o Concept or usage of barge, tugboat; and any other marine
construction vessels or machineries.
o Sea transportation method and route if involved for import of
reclamation and/or construction materials.
- Review findings on locality of sensitive marine habitat based the new
marine ecology survey to propose and design the suitable navigational
route for any sea transportation activities.
Aim: To minimize the impact of Project operation on marine traffic
condition and navigational activities.
- Establish marine working areas with markers.
- Provision of navigation marks and signs i.e. buoys and lights to notify
boat operators at the Project area particularly during nighttime.
- Avoid using busy navigation routes during offshore transportation of
construction equipment, machineries, and materials.
Monitoring - Photographs showing provision of navigational signage and lightning
Programs at night.
Assessment from machineries, equipment and other activities within the Project
Methodology site.
- Literature review to identify typical waste that will be generated for
similar Project.
Aim: To control the impact of waste from affecting the nearby land use and
waterbody as well as minimizing health and safety risks of local community
Mitigation near the area.
Measures Vegetative/ Biomass Waste
- Waste should be collected and piled at a designated area on-site prior
to disposal to prevent obstruction of on-site movement.
Sewage and Solid Waste
- Provisions of proper sanitary facilities equipped with septic tank to
cater for raw sewage disposal are to be established at workers’
quarters (if any on-site).
- Provision of sufficient waste collection bins on-site to cater for
generated domestic solid waste. Bin should be emptied regularly by
further disposal to an approved dumping site.
- Burning of waste and direct disposal of waste into any watercourse is
strictly always prohibited
Construction Waste and Debris
- All construction waste should be properly collected and disposed off to
an approved dumping site.
- Direct discharge of construction waste into the sea is prohibited.
- Appropriate measures for waste minimization and recycling should be
applied to all other waste i.e. plastic, metal, paper, etc.
- The Project site should be kept clean throughout the whole duration of
the construction period and complete clean-up activity should be done
to remove any type of waste or temporary structures after Project
- Photograph showing no spillage or leakage of oil and grease from
- Maintenance of machineries to ensure they are in good condition to
avoid potential accident risks during handling and operation of the
- Ensure that the necessary first aid kit is placed at easily accessible
- Any occurrence of accidents, close calls, unsafe acts, unsafe
conditions and potential hazardous situations that threaten bodily harm
to the workers should be reported and recorded.
- Operation during nighttime should be avoided to minimize impact of
the Project to the surrounding area as well as to the workers.
Monitoring - Record of the actual number of workers for the Project.
Programs - Any major injuries and accidents should be recorded.
5.2.5 Abandonment
Abandonment of the Project would result in aesthetic degradation and might pose safety
hazard to the public and also marine ecology. In addition, the proposed Project would most
likely change the scenery of the Project site and its immediate surroundings. The Project
area within the sea area will have a new bathymetric profile, and an irregular pattern of
coastal morphology may be expected.
- Description and assessment of the effect of the Project on resources
that are valued by the people, and its interference with scenery and
amenities that keep the quality of life for the local population.
Aim: To minimize the overall visual and aesthetic impacts on the Project
site and its surroundings.
- Complete clean up activity should be done to remove any type of waste
Mitigation or temporary structures after the end of Project operation to ensure
The scopes of work for this Project are mainly site preparation, reclamation and
construction activities. Hence, each characteristic of the existing environment near to
the Project site must be assessed. Type of data collection for the assessment on
each characteristic are listed as follows:
• Hydrological chart which shows the depth of the
riverbed with relative to sea level
• Regional Topography Map and Topographical Survey
Topography Plan
• Soil Map/ Soil Investigation Report
• Published and unpublished literature on the: wave
Hydrodynamics conditions, bottom sediments, suspended sediments,
water quality, marine ecosystems
• Soil Map and Soil Investigation Report
Soil and Geology
• Geological Map
• Annual Rainfall and Wind Speed record from
Climate and Meteorology
Department of Meteorology
Biological/Ecological Characteristic
• Site assessment
Marine Flora and Fauna
• Literature review
Socio-Economic and Land Use Characteristics
• Demographic data from district office/council
Human Environment and • JUPEM topography map and Google/aerial image
Surrounding Land Use • Socio-economic survey
• Land use assessment
Listed below are the scoping activities undertaken at the Project site.
Site Visit : 21st January 2022
Envsolve Sdn. Bhd. shall meet with the relevant authorities to seek their concerns
over the proposed Project. Findings from these meetings that may affect the Project
layout and concept will be brought to the client’s attention. The authorities to be
consulted are:
• Environment Protection Department, Sabah (EPD);
• Public Works Department;
• Sabah Marine Department;
• Sabah Fisheries Department;
• Drainage and Irrigation Department, Sabah (DID);
• Land and Survey Department, Kota Kinabalu (JTU);
• Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia (JMG);
• Papar District Council;
• Jabatan Pelabuhan dan Dermaga Sabah (JPDS);
• Sabah Town and Regional Planning Department (JPBW);
• Department of Environment; and
• Other associated authorities.
Established environmental limits, standards and criteria which are not covered in the
primary guidelines will be based on the Environmental Quality Act, 1974 and its
subsidiary legislation. Further environmental limits or requirement not defined within
the Environment Protection Enactment 2002, Environmental Quality Act 1974 and
their subsidiary legislation will be based on values or other criteria generally accepted
by EPD / DOE (see Table 6.2).
Engineering Hydraulic Study and
Impacts modelling data.
Impact Evaluation by DID
Soil Erosion and Runoff management, erosion Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment
Sedimentation control criteria Control in Malaysia (DID, 2010)
Ambient air quality standards Malaysian Ambient Air Quality
Air Quality
for Malaysia. Standards (MAAQS), DOE
Planning Guidelines for
Ambient noise levels
Noise Environmental Noise Limits and
standards for Malaysia.
Control by DOE
Guidelines and criteria issued
by the DID in regards of
Flood and Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Edisi-2
acceptable flood flow or peak
Drainage (MSMA-2) (DID, 2012)
discharges for various
Designated land use within
Structure and local plans from district
Land Use specific structure and local
council and Town Planning.
Well-being and livelihood of
the directly or indirectly Social Impact Assessment in
Socio-Economic affected local community as Malaysia (Malaysian Association of
well as the surrounding human Social Impact Assessment).
Perceived importance of
resources and features by Perception rating based on sample
residents and visitors to the assessment of population.
The Project work programme and schedule will be as follows (subject to availability and acquisition of important information / data for
the study).
Table 7.1: S-EIA Work Schedule
Progress (Months)
No. Task
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Appointment & Mobilization of Study
2. Data Procurement and Collection
3. Site Survey
4. Preparation and Submission of TOR to EPD and Client
5. TOR Public Hearing (Review by Public)
6. Technical Committee Meeting
7. Additional Information Preparation and Submission
8. TOR Review and Approval by EPD
9. Primary Data Procurement and Collection
10. Data analyses and interpretation
11. Report drafting
12. Submission of Draft Report to Client
13. Review of Draft Report with Client
14. Submission of Final S-EIA Report to EPD
15 S-EIA Public Hearing (Review by Public)
16 Technical Committee Meeting
17 Additional Information Submission
18 S-EIA Review and Approval by EPD
Proposed Subdivision of CL.025370629, CL.025313080 (CL.025348627) & CL.025342563 (CL.025348636) for Tourism and Recreation Resort Development with Total 42.8
Hectares along Jalan Pengalat Lok Kawi, at Kampung Suoangan, Kinarut, Papar, Sabah
Envs/04/01/A/431-1/22 Special Terms of Reference 53
The study team for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is listed below
and the Certificates and CV of Registered Consulting Team are attached in Annex
Table 8.1: Study Team Members
No. Personnel Qualification Report Contribution
Consultants Registered with EPD
B. Sc. (Applied Science)
Project Leader; Water
1. Lo Su Mui EPD Registration No. S0068
and Air Pollution
Registration Expiry Date: 29-01-2024
B. Sc. Hons (Environmental Sc)
Roziyanna Binti Social Economy and
2. EPD Registration No. S0197
Manjuin Land Use
Registration Expiry Date: 09-02-2023
Bachelor of Surveying
Festory @ Fasther
3. EPD Registration No. S0115 GIS
Registration Expiry Date: 23-09-2023
PhD (Hydrodynamics and Coastal
Engineering) Hydraulic Study and
4. Dr. Claus Pedersen
EPD Registration No. S0026 Coastal Engineering
Registration Expiry Date: 30-09-2022
B.Sc. (Marine Science) (Hons.)
5. Dorathy Penjinus EPD Registration No. S0216 Marine Ecology
Registration Expiry Date:14-01-2023
B. Sc. Hons (Environmental Sc)
6. Tai Tsui Man EPD Registration No. S0197 Hydrology
Registration Expiry Date: 18-12-2022
B. Sc. (Hons) Occupational Health &
Health and Safety
Safety Management
7. Herwan Wahit Management, Noise
EPD Registration No. S0218
Registration Expiry Date: 29-01-2024
B. Sc. (Earth Science/Geology)
Yong Kock Hui,
8. EPD Registration No. S0157 Geology
Registration Expiry Date: 22-11-2023
PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF CL.025370629, CL.025342563
(CL.025348627) & CL.025313080 (CL.025348636) FOR TOURISM AND
(Department of Irrigation and Drainage)
Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan
Aras 5, Wisma Pertanian Sabah, DHI Water & Environment (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Jalan Tasik, Luyang, (535484-V)
Off Jalan Maktab Gaya, 11th Floor, Wisma Perindustrian,
Jalan Istiadat,
Beg Berkunci 2052, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
88767 Kota Kinabalu, SABAH. Malaysia
Att: Ir. Siraja Bashora www.dhi.com.my
Ref: Date:
62801567-LET-AAL-004 14 January 2020
Response to DID’s Comments on the Submission of the Hydraulic Report for the
Proposed Tourism and Recreation Resort Development at Kg. Suoangan, Kinarut,
Papar District
Dear Ir. Siraja Bashora,
The draft final report of the hydraulic study findings for the proposed tourism and recreation resort development at
Kg. Suoangan was submitted to DID Sabah on the 9th of October 2019, followed by a presentation on the 29th of
November 2019 at DID Sabah Headquarter. Subsequently, based on the discussion between DID Sabah, Mujur
Lagenda and DHI, DID Sabah issued a letter on 17th of December 2019 (Ref: JPS(SAB)1000-0/3) with the following
comments which are to be addressed by the Project Proponent and Hydraulic Consultant.
This letter addresses the comments as outlined below for your review and approval. The responses outlined in this
letter shall supersede an earlier letter that was submitted to DID Sabah on 10th of January 2020.
Note that comments by DID Sabah are in bold whilst the responses from the Project Proponent and Hydraulic
Consultant are in italic. Once approved, a revised hydraulic study report with the addressed comments will be
The overall concept of the coastal protection as what we have made to understand is by rock
revetment hence the lack in public open space/ i.e. beaches is of great concern
Based on a meeting with EPD on 19th of July 2019, it was informed that the proposed development is to
be within the project boundary. The Project Proponent informed that the interim DP without beach,
submitted to the Central Town and Country Planning Board has been approved.
As discussed during the meeting on 29th November 2019, this is considered a planning issue more than
a hydraulic issue.
According to the findings, there will be a noticeable change in water quality concentration profile
which may result in the deterioration of the existing beach front landwards
At present, the water quality in the existing canal between the reclamation to the north of the site and the
mainland is known to have less than ideal water quality due to wastewater discharge into the canal.
Based on model predictions, with the development in place, re-circulation of the water inside the channel
system may lead to a reduction in flushing and moderately increase existing water quality issues. The
new extended canal will tend to flush polluted water towards the Kinarut beach. Water quality was
predicted to be within the threshold (National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia) despite the longer
flushing time.
Ideally, the water quality issues should be resolved at source, but this is outside the boundaries and the
scope of the proposed project.
The optimization of the land plot is of concern especially in the aspect of current speed which may
result in an overall increase in sedimentation behaviour in the vicinity of the land reclamation
Due to the anticipated increase in current speed along the waterway between the reclamations,
preventive measures against scour of revetment structures are recommended. It is anticipated that with
the increase in current speed, sedimentation around the proposed reclamation is expected to reduce.
A slow formation of a sand spit near the southern end of the proposed is anticipated. Consequently, it is
recommended to monitor the spit formation e.g. yearly to avoid the impediment of the waterway due to
sedimentation. Meanwhile, the existing sand spit is expected to be pushed southward over time.
With the relatively low concentrations of suspended sediment in the ambient water, it is anticipated that
the siltation rates within the sheltered internal waterways will be low.
According to the hydraulic guideline, a clear reclamation method is not clearly shown as well as the
monitoring procedure pre, during and post reclamation. This will have to be an effort between the
design engineer and the hydraulic assessment team
At the EIA stage, the exact construction methodology will normally be unknown as this will depend on the
equipment and adopted methodology and schedule by the contractor to be appointed.
An area approximately 33.83 ha will be reclaimed, requiring an estimated of 1,395,507 m³ of fill material
from a borrow site. Based on the overall planning, it is anticipated that the reclamation will be completed
within a 2-year period with 2 barges working 16 hours/day over 7 days/week. The actual reclamation and
programme as well as material brought in may vary depending on the appointed contractor.
These uncertainties are addressed in the modelling by adopting a ‘scenario approach’ where key
expected activities are modelled for different climatic conditions and spill scenarios.
Based on the findings from the numerical assessment, the potential “worst case” impacts from sediment
plume dispersion are significant, and careful management and mitigation is required during construction.
The modelling has also demonstrated that potential impacts from the reclamation activities can be
reduced through appropriate mitigation measures. The recommendations for the sediment plume
mitigation measures are as follows:
o Construction of a bund around the reclamation site at the onset of reclamation to control runoff from
the reclamation site.
o If the bund is initially constructed with sand, this should be marine sand with low fines content to
minimise the loss of fines during bund construction.
o Where the bund will be permanent, an outer stable layer should be constructed as soon as
engineers, hydraulic assessment and EIA teams. The reclamation method will be included in the EIA
report for EPD’s approval.
A suitable sand source is not identified. This is to be mentioned although a full-blown study is not
required at this stage
For the present hydraulic study, the sand source will be subject to a separate study as the source is yet
to be identified. A potential source for the fill material is Hayter Shoal which is located about 50 km away
from the proposed project site.
62801567-LET-004 2
Please include the design profile of the coastal defence measures as well as the crossings and this is
to be cross assessed using numerical model and to be reflected in the report
Overall, the proposed development reclamation will be enclosed with rock revetment. A schematic of the
revetment cross-section is Figure 1 (provided by Hydro Specialist: Serumpun Konsultant Sdn Bhd). Outer
revetment refers to the structures facing the sea, whilst inner revetment refers to the structures facing
landward. The basic information on structure profile has been incorporated in the numerical models of
the hydraulic study, i.e. dimension and sloping. The hydraulic study further provides design waves and
water levels as well as a morphological assessment to support the detailed design of the structures by
design engineers. Meanwhile, for modelling purpose, for the bridge linking the mainland to the proposed
development, the bridge column width was assumed to be 1m with their positions shown in Figure 2.
62801567-LET-004 3
Figure 2: Schematic of the assumed bridge column for the proposed development (Background
image sourced from Google Earth).
Yours sincerely,
DHI Water & Environment (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Aaroun Leiking
Coastal and Marine Engineer, Coastal and Marine Department
62801567-LET-004 4
Tel. No. 088 - 22233712223361
Tingkat 3,4 dan 5, MenaraSDB,
Blok B, Wisma Tun Fuad Stephens,
Km. 2,4, Jalan Tuaran,
Fax. No. 088 - 222557 88646 Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah. Malaysia
JPBW 02/01 /10/25
TARIKH 19 ogos, 201 1
Arkitek Billings Leong & Tan Sdn. Bhd.,
Lot J -57-3, Signature Office,
KK TimesSquare,
Off Coastal Highway,
Dear Sir,
For Envsolve uses Only
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 1 of 19
Name : Lo Su Mui
environmental impact and site assessment studies, auditing and
monitoring (air, water, noise, stack emission), environmental
legislative review and application (licensing/permitting), ,
environmental training and education course, waste water
characteristic studies, waste water treatment management, waste
water and water quality analysis, project management,
proposals/quotations and contract administration.
Nationality : Malaysian
Race : Chinese
Date of Birth : 10th November, 1971
Academic Awards :
18th June 2008 Seminar On Air Pollution Assessment Course that Cover
Introduction to Air Pollution
- Elements Of Pollution
- Intoduction to Meteorology of Air Pollution
22nd & 23rd April 2008 Seminar On Understanding Of environmental Requirement for
Industrial Effluent Treatment System /Air pollution Control
System organized by Jabatan Alam Sekitar Malaysia dan Institut
Alam Sekitar Malaysia (EiMAS).
3rd April 2008 Seminar On “Siting And Zoining Of Industries” Organized by
Department Of Environmental Sabah.
27th & 28th March 2008 Seminar 1st Sabah Surveyor’s Congress on Surveyors and The
Environment organized by The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia, Sabah
28th June 2007 Seminar Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar Peraturan dan Garis Panduan
organized by Environmental Protection Department Sabah.
22nd - 23rd April 2005 Seminar Persampelan Alam Sekitar organized by Jabatan Kimia
Malaysia and Department of Environment, Sabah.
3rd - 4th August 2004 Environmental Journalism Workshop jointly organized by The Science
and Technology Unit CMD, UMS and Sabah Journalists Association
under the BBEC Programme.
27th September 2004 Bengkel Sistem Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (EIA) organized by
15th-16th July 2004 Laboratory Safety Course organized together with other members of
Institut Kimia Malaysia Sabah and Labuan F.T.
25th -26th May 2004 Kundasang Landslide Complex on Hazard Assessment and Control
jointly organized by Institut Alam Sekitar & Pembangunan (LESTARI),
UKM and Jabatan Mineral and Geosains Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu,
17th-20th May 2004 Enviro Course 2004 on EIA jointly organized by UMS, Environmental
Protection Department and Sabah Science and Technology Unit.
23rd April 2004 Career Talk at SM Peter Majuntin, Penampang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
organized together with other members of Institut Kimia Malaysia
Sabah and Labuan F.T and Jabatan Kimia Malaysia.
6th March 2004 Talk on Nutritional Labeling Regulation, organized by Institut Kimia
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 3 of 19
15th-16th April 2003 Drilling Operation Course jointly organized by Sabah Quarry Owners
Association and Jabatan Mineral and Geosains Malaysia.
10th-11th October 2002 2nd Convention on Environment between Sabah and Sarawak
organized and hosted by Chief Minister’s Department, Sabah in
collaboration with Environmental Conservation Department,
A. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (2001-2021), Selecred Projects related to OPP:-
1. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Batu 28 Tambunan Tudan Pantai Poring Tuaran, Sabah.
2. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Tomis-Tiong Ketunuan-Wasai, Kiulu, Tuaran, Sabah.
3. Study for the Proposed Hydro Plant at Sg. Kagibangan, Tambunan, Sabah.
4. Study for the Storage of Schedule Waste at ASB, Rancha-Rancha industrial Estate, F.T. Labuan.
5. Proposed Hotel, Services Apartment & ClubHouse Development (With Subsidiary) & Strata) Title To Applied
For) On TL.017538778, Jalan Saman, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
6. Kajian Impak Perladangan dan Kilang Kelapa Sawit Serta Bahan-Cemar lain ke atas Kualiti Sungai-Sungai
Tertentu di Sabah.
7. The Slope Remedial Works along Jalan Tamaparuli -Ranau, Sabah Package 7 (Sub-Package 7D -KM93.3
Stage II).
8. Proposed Earthwork Activities For the Development of Ancillary Building Railway Yard and Quarters at
Kinarut, Sabah.
9. Proposed Amalgamation and subdivision For 650 Units Condominium on CL015110326,
015105745,015105727, and 015105736, off Mile 3, Jalan Tuaran, Jln Fung Ye Ting, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
10. Proposed Amalgamation & Development plan for NT 133058376, 133055142, 133058367, 133062736,
133074281 & 134015080 (577/1117) at Kg. District Of Keningau.
11. Immediate Improvement of Water Supply to Beaufort, Kuala Penyu, and Menumbuk, Sabah.
12. Proposed Crushing Activities on PL18294, Jalan Labuk, Mile 15, Sandakan, Sabah.” proposed Drainage
Improvement works to western Region of Sungai. Kabuta, Tawau Sabah.
13. Proposed Drainage Improvement works to western Region of Sungai. Kabuta, Tawau Sabah.
14. “Cadangan Pembangunan Projek Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Silabukan, Lahad Datu, Sabah”
15. Proposed Double Storey Terrace House on CL 015629802 at Jalan Inanam-Kiansom, Inanam Kota
Kinabalu, Sandakan, Sabah.
16. Proposed Housing Development On CL015492449 at Kg. Nountun Kelombong, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
17. “Pengambilan Batu dan Pasir Sungai di Kg. Ulu Ranau, Sabah”
18. “Pengambilan Pasir Sungai Tuaran Sambil Menjaga Kelancaran Penyedutan PAM Pengairan di Kg.
Labuaya, Tuaran Kota Kinabalu Sabah”
19. Proposed Fuk Tao Lin Sian Temple Development On F.R 895, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
20. Proposed Development of medical School, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
21. Proposed 4-story Apartment Development on NT 213189550, NT 213189569, NT213159507 and 19 other
Native Land at Kg. Kepayan, District of Penampang Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
22. Proposed Mixed Commercial Cum Residental Development and Residental Transport Hub on Lot 01200944,
01200688, and Railway Line Reserve at Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
23. Proposed Pembinaan Jalan Bukit Gading dan Jalan Sungai Nasib, Lihak-Lihak, Semporna, Sabah.
24. Extraction of Earth Material on NT 083024159 for Housing Development at Telupid, District Of Labuk Sugut,
25. Proposed Quarry Operation on CL 015081446, NT615 and 015388646at Kg. Mansiang, Menggatal , Sabah.
26. Municipal Solid Waste Sorting, Composting and Recycling Plant at Kayu Madang Sanitary Landfill, Kg.
Lapasan, Jalan Gayang , Telipok, Sabah.
27. Proposed Persatuan Taoism San-Ching Development oN CL015058474 and Part of CL015058465 at Jalan
Kiansom Inanam, Sabah.
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 4 of 19
28. Proposed Extraction Activities on L215112806 at Kg. Minintod, Jalan Kasigui Minintod, Penampang, Sabah.
29. Proposed Housing, Shop/office and Nursing Home on PL 784 and NT6460 at Kg. Kuai Penamapang,
30. Proposed Mixed Development of Hotel and Shop Lots with Apartment on Lot 207532616 at Wilayah
Perseketuan Labuan, Sabah.
31. “Cadangan Untuk Membina Hotel 12-Tingkat dan Rumah Kelab 2-Tingkat di TL 941, L13138, L13137,
L15309 Jalan Beatrice, off Batu 1.5, Jalan Utara Sandakan, Sabah”.
32. Proposed Industrial Development on CL075472338 at Jalan Batu Sapi, Sandakan, Sabah.
33. Proposed Ethwork Activities on 024041585 at Kg. Nadutah, Papar, Sabah.
34. “Cadangan Perlaksanaan Projek Pembangunan Perumahan Kos Sederhana dan Kedai di atas Lot CL
075314877 and 075121078 di KM 13, Jalan Labuk Sandakan, Sabah”.
35. Earthwork Activities on 193064229,193027306 and 193029695 at Sindumin, Sipitang, Sabah.
36. Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision for 552 Units Condominium (Alam Damai) at Luyang, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
37. Proposed Development of 1440 Units Loe-Medium Cost Apartment on Lot CL045335064 Telipok, KM24,
Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
38. Earthwork Activities on CL015486325 (Phase 5, 6, 7 & 8) at Teluk Sepanggar, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu,
39. Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision for 282 Units Condominium with Communal Facilities on Lots
CL015152842 and CL015495084 at Bukit Padang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
40. “Cadangan Membina dan Menimbus ‘Esplanade’ di Persisir Pantai Pekan Sipitang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah”.
41. Proposed Residental Development on CL015492458 (Remr. of 015092207) and NT013049806, at Kg.
Nounton, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
“Cadangan Pelaksanaan Rumah Kos Sederhana dan kedai 1 Tingkat diatas Lot NT7241 di Jalan Minintod,
Penampang, Sabah”.
43. Proposed Quarry Operation at Kg. Notorus, Penampang, Sabah.
44. Proposed Extraction of Earth Fill Source on CL0523344221 at Part of Lok Kawi Height, District of Papar,
45. Proposed Housing Development on CL015267633, CL015028663, CL01528672 and CL015028814 at Kota
Kinabalu By Pass, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
46. “Cadangan Membina Dan Menyaipkan Semula Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Dan Perumahan Polis Diraja
Malaysia diatas Lot 117503465, Lahad Datu, Sabah”.
47. Proposed Mountain Resort On CL065319315, NT 063079934, NT 063100185 and Part of NT 0631077136
at Kg. Kundasang, Sabah.
48. Proposed Earth Filing on CL015426801 at Kg. Mogumbuk Teluk Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
49. Proposed Design and Built of Sipitang Long Term Water Supply Scheme at Sungai Mengalong, Kg. Ulu
Sipitang, Sabah.
50. Proposed Quarry Operation on CL225311759, NT 223121284, and 223110978, Kg. Manggaris Longkon
Kota Marudu, Sabah.
51. Proposed Sea Reclamation Work on CL 1095007 at Tanjung Batu, Tawau, Sabah.
52. Reuse of Scheduled Waste (Used Oil) on CL 015164208 at Mile 7 1/2, Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
53. Extraction of Erath Material on CL075349419 at mile 5, Jalan Utara, Sandakan Sabah.
54. Existing Quarry Operation at NT 12589, NT043125908, NT12591, CL26310, NT12381, NT04316231,
CL17123, NT04316123, CL 045152958, NT043145660 and NT043145679 at Tamparuli, Sabah.
55. Proposed Quarry Operation on NT 043196327, NT043188754 and NT 043194270 at Kg. Koporingan,
Tuaran Sabah.
56. Proposed Quarry Operation on PL26108, CL105336098, CL105336105, CL105335877, PL10626110,
CL105312570, PL106290626, Pl15842 and CL105247541 at Mile 9, Apas Road, Tawau, Sabah.
57. Environmental Impact Assessment for Earthwork Activities For The Proposed Water Supply Project At Sg.
Mengalong, Sipitang, Sabah (2012).
58. Environmental Impact Assessment For The Existing Quarry Operation On Nt.12589, Nt.12590, Nt.12591, L.26310,
Nt.12381, 04316231, L.17123, 04316123, L.15295, Nt.14566 And Nt.14567 at Tamparuli, Sabah (2012).
59. Proposed Residential Development consisting of 7 Levels Parking Podium, a Recreational Podium and 3
Tower Blocks of 26-Storey Residential Tower on CL. 015058518 at Jalan Kolam, Kota Kinabalu [with
Subsidiary (Strata) Titles to be Applied for] (2012).
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 5 of 19
60. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for “Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Cadangan Pembangunan
Projek bagi SMK Tandek II (36 BD) di Lot NT 223124927, NT 223142729, FR 739, Kota Marudu, Sabah
untuk Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia” (2012).
61. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for Earthwork Activities for the Proposed 2-Storey
Shop/Office and 2-Storey Supermarket on CL.165319737 and CL.165319728 at Tenom Town, District of
Tenom, Sabah (2012).
62. Environmental Impact Assessment for Earthwork Activities for Proposed Subdivision & Development of 15
Blocks (136 Units) 2-3 Storey Shoplots on 225312149 at Pekan Kota Marudu, District of Kota Marudu,
63. The Proposed Quarry Operation on CL.2253110978, NT.223121284 and NT.223110978, Kg. Manggaris,
Langkon, Kota Marudu, Sabah (2013).
64. Environmental Impact Assessment for Development of OPP within part of block YT 2/04 (5,000 ha
approximately) at Kalabakan, Sabah.
65. Environmental Impact Assessment for “Cadangan Membina dan Menyiapkan sebuah Sekolah Menengah
Kebangsaan Kanibongan yang mengandungi 24 bilik Darjah dan Kemudahan berkaitan di Kanibongan,
Pitas, Sabah”.
66. Proposed Housing Development on C.L. 015019940 (10.38 Ac.) at Bukit Padang Phase 1, Luyang,
Penampang District, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
67. Proposed 15 & 21 Storey Condominium On. C.L. 015124606 at Mile 2, Jalan Tuaran, District Of Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
68. The Proposed Condominium Development on TL. 017517850, Cl. 015078323 and T.L. 015079848 (With
Subsidary (Strata) Titles to be Applied for) along Jalan Tuaran, Likas, Kota Kinabalu , Sabah.
69. “Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Sook – Tulid – Sinua, Keningau, Sabah (Fasa II)”.
70. The Proposed 5 Units Of 4 Storey Link Villas (With Subsidiary Titles to be Applied for) on CL.015329549,
CL.015329558, CL.015411908, CL.015358782 at Taman Kinabalu, Off Jalan Kolam Luyang, District of Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
71. Environmental Impact Assessment, Topographical Survey and ESCP Report for the Proposed Quarry
Operation on FR.104014217, Ranggu, District of Tawau, Sabah.
72. Environmental Impact Assessment for Moving Soil and Gravel on Premises No. CL.105342498 located at
Ranggu, District of Tawau, Sabah.
73. Environmental Impact Assessment For “Cadangan Membina Sebuah Tokong Cina Nam Tien Kong (Jiu
Wang Da Di) Di Atas Tanah 013110971 (Lot 6) & 013110999 (Lot 8) Di Kg. Tatahan, Jalan Kiansom,
Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah”.
74. Environmental Impact Assessment for “Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Bungalio-Longkou Lama-Timbok, Tuaran,
75. Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Sand Mining on PT 2009110083 at Sg. Segama, District of
Lahad Datu, Sabah.
76. The Proposed 28 Units 2-Storey Terrace House & 38 Units 2½-Storey Terrace House & 6 Bungalow Lots On
215026289, 01613545 And Part Of 015027688, Off Jalan Penampang Lama, District Of Penampang, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
77. Cadangan Membina Jalan Jempangah-Montenior, Beaufort, Sabah.
78. Environmental Impact Assessment for “Projek Jalan Bokara, Sandakan, Sabah”
79. Projek Cadangan Pembinaan Jeti Dan Jambatan Konkrit Baru Di Balembang, Pulau Bum-Bum Semporna,
80. Proposed Amalgamation Of Lot Pt 015452990, 015453004, 015453013, 015453022, 015453095,
015453102, 015453111, 015453120, 015453139, 015453148, 015453157, 015453031, 015453040,
015453059, 015453068, 015453077, 015453086, 015453095, Road Reserve (258/989) & State Reserve
(0.169ha) For The Development Of 2 Blocks Of 28 Storey Commercial Suite , 1 Block Of 25 Storey Mixed
Used (Hotel, Apartments And Office), 1 Multiscreen Cinema And Conference Center On Top Of 5 Storey
Retail Podium And Basement Carpark, Plus 1 Office Block Of 10 Storey At Jalan Nenas, Kota Kinabalu
District, Sabah.
81. Proposed Development of 130 Unit SOHO Duplex dan Service Apartment 26-Tingkat dan 291 Unit Kedai di
atas Tanah CL. 215429324, Jalan Bundusan, Penampang, Sabah.
82. Environmental Impact Assessment to Conduct Replanting For Sijas Estate (823 Ha) At Mile 54, Sandakan,
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 6 of 19
83. Environmental Impact Assessment to Conduct Replanting For Minat Teguh Estate (2,434ha) At Mile 54,
Sandakan, Sabah.
84. Projek Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air di Lahad Datu, Sabah.
85. Proposed 20-Storey Commercial Development (With Subsidiary Strata Title To Be Applied For) On Part Of
Cl. 015583963 (Lot 1) at Damai Luyang, Kota Kinabalu District, Sabah.
86. Proposed Mixed Decelopment on Cl. 015276310 And Nt. 5451 At Jalan Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
87. Cadangan Ladang Perternakan Ayam Untul Ladang Ternakan Chuan Guan Sdn Bhd Di Cl. 015030770,
Batu 3.5, Jalan Kiansom, Kota Kinabalu.
88. Kerja-kerja Peletupan di atas Lot Tanah CL. 125317562, Sigalong Estate, Kalumpang, Daerah Semporna,
89. The proposed Linggisan Eco Resot Development on Lot 03307490, Nt 033079886 and 2296, Pulau
Mantanani Besar, District of Kota Belud, Sabah.
90. The Proposed Quarry Operation at 173199329, 173199338, 173199356, 173199365, 173199374 and
173199383 at Kg.Balibata, Beaufort, Sabah.
91. Pelan Pembangunan 1 Blok 64 Unit Kondominium, 11-Tingkat di atas Tanah Cl. 215311961, Penempatan
Shantung, Penampang Sabah.
92. The Proposed Logging Activities (540 Ha) at Nabawan, Pensiangan, Sabah.
93. Proposed Logging Activities for Area A (515.52 Ha) and Area B (317.42 Ha) within Pensiangan Forest
Reserve owned by Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (MUIS) at Nabawan, Pensiangan, Sabah.
94. Proposed Road Construction in3 Phases within Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP).
95. The Proposed 9,905.8 Acres of Oil Palm Plantation on CL, 055324797 and PL. 056290085 at Pulau Banggi,
Kudat, Sabah.
96. The Proposed Amalgation, Subdivision and Development of Resort (With Subsidiary Title To Be Applied For)
Consisting Of : Phase 1: 11 Storey Hotel Suit (200 Rooms) Phase 2: 11 Storey Hotel (250 Rooms). Phase
3: Single Storey Resort Vila (16 Units) and Phase 4: Grand Ball Room On N.T. 183314669 ( Lot 1), N.T.
183314678, And N.T. 183379557 At Kampung Bayong, District Of Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
97. Proposed Quarry Activities for 5 years on Part of PL. 016035493, CL. 015024370 and CL. 015026927 at
Mile 7 ½ Jalan Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
98. Projek Menaik Taraf Jalan Topokon – Wangkod – Gontung, Tamparuli, Sabah.
99. Proposed Earthwork Activities On Site Preparation For Project Rimbunan Kaseh at Kg.Saga-Saga,
100. Proposed Housing Development on Part of CL. 105593271, Imam Estate, Jalan Utara, Tawau,
101. Proposed Quarry Operation On CL. 105344081 At Mile 9, Apas Road, Tawau, Sabah.
102. Proposed 4-Storey Kokol Hill Resort at NT. 013106404, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu.
103. Proposed Sand Mining on PT. 20-04020947 at Sg. Papar, Kg. Rampazan and Processing Site at
Kg. Tamoi, Papar, Sabah.
104. Proposed Housing Development Amalgamation & Sub-Division on NT. 213037284 (6.6 Acre) & NT.
213076629 (3.30 Acre) for FCH Lands Sdn Bhd at Kg. Ketiau Putatan Kota Kinabalu.
105. Laporan Meleak & Mmebawa Keluar Batu di Tapak Projek Jalan Telupid-Linayukan-Tongod Sabah (Pakei
B-Embankment Failure at km 31, Kg.Tongodon, Tongod).
106. Proposed Sandakan Port Wharf Extension, Sandakan, Sabah.
107. The Proposed 1.994 Acres of Oil Palm Plantation at Pulau Banggi, Kudat, Sabah.
108. Earthwork Activities for The Proposed Chinese Cemetery on 01200841 at Jalan Menggatal, Distrct of Kota
Kinabalu (Menggatal Zhong Hua Memorial Park).
109. Merekabentuk, Membina dan Menyiapkan 900 Unit Rumah Teres 1-Tingkat dan Kerja-kerja yang berkaitan
dengannya bagi Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR-Dimiliki) di Ulu Perasan, Daerah Kota Belud, Sabah.
110. Earthwork Activities at Adika Palm Oil Mill At Kuala Puteh, Keningau, Sabah.
111. Earthwork Activities at Ladang Sri Harapan Palm Oil Mill at Telupid, Sabah.
112. “Cadangan Penukaran Gunatanah Dari Ridge Conservation Zone Ke Medium Density Housing Dan Dari
Medium Density Housing Ke High Density Housing Di Cl 21552806, Nt 4798 Dan Nt 9422, District Of
Penampang, Sabah”.
113. Proposed Integrated Glycan Generation And Processing at Poic, Lahad Datu.
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114. Proposed Housing Development On Cl 015108264, Cl 015178453 And Cl 015484018 At Menggatal, Kota
115. Proposed Subdivision, Residential & Commercial Development Consist Of 13-Storey (208 Units) Affordable
Apartment (Subsidiary Titles Will Be Applied For), 2 & 3 Storey Shoplots, 2-Storey Market Square, 3-Storey
Mall Cum Supermarket, 10-Storey Grand Hotel, 10-Storey College Cum Service Apartments, Petrol Station
Lote, Drive-Thru Lot And 1 Lot Of Health Centre On Cl 025059616 At Papar, Sabah.
116. Proposed Quarry Operation At 261205 (About 120 Acres), Mile 9, Jalan Apas, Tawau, Sabah.
117. Proposed Road Construction Of Jalan Ansip-Belilin-Dalit, Keningau, Sabah.
118. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Buis Kaibau, Neluran, Sandakan.
119. Cadangan Pembangunan Rumah Pangsa 5 Tingkat di atas Tanah Seluas 15.8 Ekar di NT. 223112034
Kampung 2km dari Pekan Marudu di bawah Program Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin Ppr (Disewa), Jabatan
Perumahan Negara Untuk Kementerian Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan.
120. Proposed River Stone Extraction at Sg. Ulumuaya, Sipitang, Sabah.
121. Proposed River Sand Extraction at Sg. Lugutan, Sipitang, Sabah.
122. Proposed Sand Extraction on Pt 20-13031009 at Sg. Abai, Kg. Lentigi, Kota Belud, Sabah.
123. Activiti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ansip-Dalit-Kahaba, Keningau, Sabah.
124. Earthwork Activites For The Proposed 68 Units Ready Built Factories Phase 5 (Rbfs) On Part of CL.
01558380 And CL. 015582153 and Dumping Site at IZ10 And IZ11, Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (K.K.I.P).
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
125. Proposed Mixed Development Consists of 10 Levels of Podium Building, 2 Levels of Basements
Carparks/Supermarket, 1 Block of 23 Levels Affordable Home (253 Units), 1 Block of 30 Levels
Condominium (240 Units) 1 Block of 24 Levels Condominium (192 Units) and 1 Block of 24 Levels Hotel
(360 Rooms) on La No: 20-14010217/Gazetted Notice Ref No: Jkm.Phb.600-2/4/0/85(23) (With
Strata/Subsidiary Titles To Be Applied For) along Jalan Lintas, Luyang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
126. Earthwork Activities For The Proposed Conversion, Subdivision And Development Of 11-Storey And 9-
Storey Apartment (With Subsidiary (Strata) Titles To Be Applied For) On Lot Nt. 043120958 At Berungis,
District Of Tuaran, Sabah.
127. The Proposed Conversion, Amalgamation And Subdivision Of Residential Development On Nt. 023145619,
Nt. 023145600, Nt. 023145628, Nt. 023145637, Nt. 023137902, Nt. 023146205, Nt. 023145593, Nt.
023145584 And Nt. 023137886 At Kg. Melinsung, District Of Papar, Sabah.
128. Projek Menaiktarafkan Jalan Kepayan dari Jambatan Petagas Mengahal ke Persimpangan Lok Kawi, Fasa
1C, Sabah.
129. Addendum for Proposed Shrimp Aquaculture Project at Sungai Telaga, Pitas, Sabah.
130. Projek Pembinaan Jalan Tongod-Pinangah, Pakej 3, Sabah.
131. Cadangan Penyusunan Dan Pembinaan Semula Penempatan Kg.Gana dengan 439.18 Hektar di Kota
Marudu , Sabah.
132. Proposed Development of Oil Palm Plantation (Approx. 4,607.50 Ha) At Kalabakan, Sabah.
133. Operasi Kuari Batu Atas Geran Tanah Nt. 12496, Nt. 12497 dan NT. 023176276 di Tampasak, Kinarut,
Papar, Sabah.
134. Proposed 5,752 Ha Of Logging & Oil Palm Plantation At Lumiri, Keningau, Sabah.
135. Proposed Quarry Operation at CL. 175325587 at CL. 175325587 at Kg.Binunuk, Beaufort, Sabah.
136. Proposed Quarry Operation On Cl. 105335439 At Pasir Putih, Tawau, Sabah.
137. Projek Menaiktarafkan Jalan Saradan-Panimbawan, Tuaran, Sabah.
138. Reassessment Report For The Proposed Stone Quarry And Its Activities At Cl 235310344, Nt 233102273,
Cl 233111334 And Cl 053033079 At Kg.Kesagaan, Pitas, Sabah.
139. Proposed Residential Development, Conversion, Amalgamation, And Subdivision On Nt. 023185882 And Nt.
023185917 At Kg. Novoung, Papar.
140. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Mesej Ke Timpangoh Laut, Penampang, Sabah.
141. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Moresem Ke Jalan Sukau (Termasuk Pembinaan Jambatan
Kinabatangan Ke-2), Kinabatangan, Sabah.
142. Proposed Dredging Activites For Construction Of Finger Jetty (62m) At Salut River, Sabah.
143. The Proposed 1224 Units Of 16, 17, 26 & 27 – Storey Apartment for Prima Housing on CL. 015177634 At
Km 6, Off Jalan Kiansom, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
144. Menaiktaraf Jalan Lintas, Kota Kinabalu, Termasuk Tiga Persimpangan Bertingkat (Fasa 2):
1) Persimpangan Jalan Penampang Baru
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2) Persimpangan Lido
3) Persimpangan Lintas Plaza
145. Pembinaan Empangan Air Mentah Bagi Bekalan Air Keningau.
146. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Naik Taraf Jalan Montenior-Halogilat/Beaufort (Fasa II), Sabah.
147. Proposed Prima Housing 1200 Units Apartments (With Subsudiary Title To Be Applied For) On Cl. 015087966
At Jalan Sepanggar, Kg. Rantau, Menggatal, Sabah.
148. Proposed Earhwork Activites at Salambigar, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
149. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Pinangah Ke Masaum, Kinabatangan, Sabah.
150. Proposed Mixed Development On 017561867, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
151. Aktiviti Penumbusan Laut di Sepanggar Bay On CL. 015580891 (Phase II), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
152. Proposed Earthwork For Mixed Resort Development (Strata Title To Be Applied) on Lots FR 054032923, FR
054032941, NT 053081100, NT 053081119, NT 053081888 and NT 053086954 at Kg. Marimbau in District of
Kudat, Sabah.
153. Development of Forest Plantation (582 Ha) in Pulau Jambongan, Sabah.
154. Proposed 1,133.2 HA Oil Palm Plantation at Iburu Project Sipitang.
155. Proposed Residential Development complete with Facilities and External Works on CLI. 015062156, Jalan
Bambangan-Bantayan, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
156. Proposed Conversion and Subdivision of Mixed Development on Parcel A of Lot 1 (1115353083) Render of
115310239, and Proposed Conversion and Subdivision of Five Storey Walk-Up Apartments and 156 Units of
Single Storey Terrace House Development on Parcel B of Lot 1 (115353083) Render of 115310239, Jalan
Silam, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
157. Pembinaan Jalan Segama Northern Bypass (KM 8.4 to KM 16.9, POIC) Lahad Datu, Sabah.
158. Proposed Earthwork At 213095213 & 213095222, Jalan Penampang-Tambunan, Kg. Kibabaig, District Of
Penampang, Sabah.
159. Proposed 846 Units 1 & 2 -Storey Terrace House And 10 Units 2-Storey Shop Office On Cl. 115328884, Cl.
115328893, Cl. 115328900, Cl. 115335736 & Cl. 115335727 For Pr1ma Housing Project Along Jalan
Segama, Mile 10 ½, District Of Lahad Datu, Sabah.
160. Kerja-Kerja Oembaikan Cerun di Km 55.60 Jalan Kota Kinabalu-Keningau-Tenom, Sabah.
161. Proposed Conversion and Submission for Single Storey Terrace House Development on CL. 02411394,
Kinarut Papar District.
162. Earthwork Activities for Proposed Development on FR. 014008934 at Kg. Kibagu, Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu,
163. Pelaksaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) For North West
164. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) For Outer Kota
Kinabalu Ring Road.
165. Proposed Mix Commercial Development On TL. 017561867 And CL. 015707570 Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
166. Proposed Sepangar Bay Conventional Cargo Terminal (SBCCT) and Sepangar Bay Oil Terminal (SBOT).
167. Projek Membina Dan Menyiapkan Jalan Semanwang Ke Tanjung Kuala Gum-Gum, Sandakan Sabah.
168. Proposed Rock Blasting Works At Ready Built Factories-Phase 5 (RB5), Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP),
KK Sabah.
169. “Cadangan Pembinaan 410 Units Rumah Pangsa 5 Tingkat Dan Kerja-kerja Berkaitan Bagi Program
Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Diatas Lot NT. 113005655, Seluas 15.77 Ekar, Mukim Sapagaya, Daerah Lahad
Datu, Sabah Untuk : Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar Perumahan Dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT)”.
170. Proposed Development on CL. 045115919, Kg. Tenghilan, Jalan Tuaran-Kota Belud, Tuaran, Sabah.
171. Perkhidmatan Perunding Kajian Alam Sekitar (EIA) Bagi Projek Membina Jalan Tawayari, Lahad Datu,
172. The Proposed Upgrading Of Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, Jalan Ums And Jalan Sulaman (Phase 1), Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
173. The Proposed Residential Development On Part Of Cl. 015055526 At Kg Darau, Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu,
174. The Proposed Construction of Road (6.8 KM) at Labuan FT.
175. “Cadangan pembanguna Ladang Kelapa Sawit Dalam Geran Komunal FR. 164005323 (900ha) Kg.
Pongulobon Satu Di Daerah Tenom, Sabah”.
176. For “Cadangan Pembangunan Ladang Kelapa Sawit Dalam Geran Komunal FR. 164005341 (190 ha) Kg.
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015026927 Into a Residential Development off Mile 8, Lahad Datu - Kunak Highway, District of Lahad Datu,
183. Proposed River Sand Extraction at PT. 2016100284 (2 Acres) Sungai Brantian, Tawau, Sabah.
184. For River Sand / Stone Extraction at 97110503 ( 6 Acres) Sungai Segama, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
185. Proposed Mix Development of Residential on CL. 015093008 & CL. 05282345 at Kg, Sukang, Jalan Sukang
Mabpai, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (KKMC).
186. Proposed Kolej Vokasional Berasrama Penuh Serta Lain-Lain Kemudahan Berkaitan Di Kawasan Hub
Pendidikan Sandakan, Daerah Sandakan, Sabah.
187. “Membina & Menaik Taraf Sungai Putatan Dan Kerja-Kerja Berkaitan ( Pakej 3), Sabah”.
188. For Extraction of Stone Located at River Pangapuyan and Processing Site at 224006704 and 224006713
Kota Marudu, Sabah.
189. Proposed Development at Gantian Bay, Sepangar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
190. For SLCB Estates – Apas Balung Estate Tawau, Sg Manila Estate Sandakan, Suan Lamba Estate Sandakan
and Silabukan Estate Lahad Datu, Sabah.
191. Logging Operation (840 Ha) at Forest Reserve Kuala Tomani Class II, Tenom, Sabah.
192. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Sepanjang 27.118 KM Bagi Jalan Lok Kawi-Pengalat-Papar,
193. Extraction of River Stone and Sand Deposit at Sg. Pangapuyan on TOL (JTU(G):800/2223.4.31) and
Processing Site at NT.224006704 and NT.224006713, Kota Marudu, Sabah.
194. Proposed Logging Operation with 150.3 Hectares on Part of FR. 124014946 at Semporna, Sabah.
195. Earthwork Activities and Proposed 846 Units 1 & 2 Storey Terrace House and 10 Units 2-Storey Shop Office
on CL.115328884, CL.115328893, CL.115328900, CL.115335736 & CL.115335727 for Prima Housing
Project With 32.70 Hectares Along Jalan Segama, Mile 10 ½, District of Lahad Datu, Sabah.
196. Logging at TOL 08901275 (PT.86082109) Ulu Lingkabau Sugut, Beluran, Sabah.
197. Earthwork Activities and Upgrading of 6.27 Km Jalan Ulu Karangan, Beaufort, Sabah.
198. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit at CL.025152032, Jalan Kelatuan, Papar, Sabah.
199. River Stone And Sand Mining on NT.063109151 at Kg.Matupang, Ranau, Sabah.
200. Loggong Operation at Kg.Mindohuan (605.90 Ha), Ranau, Sabah.
201. Earthwork Activities and Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development of 72 Units of 3-Storey Shop
Office (With Subsidiary Titles To Be Applied For) at Phase 1, 95 Units Of 2-Storey Terrace House & 32 Units
of 2-Storey Semi Detached House at Phase 2 & 3 On C.L. 1655003823 and Dumping Site At Nt.163000566,
District of Tenom, Sabah.
202. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak-Layak, Pitas, Sabah.
203. Proposed Earthwork Activities and Conversion, (From NT to CL), Subdivision and Commercial Tourism
Development Consist of 10 Units of Homestay on NT013068963 at Kg. Tombongon, Menggatal, Kota
204. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 1,395.10 Hectares At Ladang Hassan, Sandakan, Sabah.
205. Proposed Earthwork Activities for Development of Commercial Complex on CL.215429208 and Part of
CL.215429324 (3.988 Ha) at Jalan Bundusan, Penampang District Sabah.
206. Earthwork Activities of Ponds Construction at Sook Estate, Located at Jalan Tulid, Sook Keningau, Sabah.
207. Earthwork Activities for Proposed Residential Development on Part of CL.175336080, Jalan Taman
Wawasan, District of Beaufort, Sabah.
208. Earthwork Activities And Construction Of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong Il Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant
Upgrading Works) at Inanam, Sabah.
209. Earthwork Activities And Resort Development Including Road Diversion On CL.185313740, CL.185313731,
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214. Earthwork Activities For Proposed Conversion, Amalgamation,Subdivision and Development of
NT.043238875, NT.04317179 & NT.043172818 Into A Residential Development At Kg Serusup,District Of
215. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Dumping Site (18.1 Hectare) At CL 015606283, Kingfisher, Kota Kinabalu,
216. Porposed Clearing Activities of FR.154000674 (1,200 Ha) at Kg.Tatalaan 1 Joint Venture Between The
Beneficiaries of Communal Grant of Kg.Tatalaan 1 With Sentotimber Sdn Bhd, Pensiangan, Sabah.
217. Earthwork Activities And Proposed Amalgamation And Subdivision Of New Water Tank And PPU on
CL.025339780 (Individual Title), 2 Blocks of Condominium on CL.025367999, 3 Blocks of Apartment on
CL.025368003 and Mixed-Used Development on CL.025368085 & CL.025368076 (Total 15.65 Hectares) at
Lok Kawi, District of Papar, Sabah (With Subsidiary (Strata) To Be Applied For).
218. Earthwork Activities for Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development of CL. 135314439 into a Housing
Development at Kampung Ulu Liawan, District of Keningau.
219. Replanting Activities at Litang Estate (776 Hectares), Lahad Datu, Sabah.
220. Earthwork Activities For Projek Pembinaan Komplex Sukan Tongod, Sabah.
221. Cadangan Membina Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah, Rumah Guru 6 Unit, Bangunan Baru Asrama 120 Pelajar dan 1
Block Dewan Makan, Makmal dan Bengkel KH/PAV Serta Pagar di Sk Pekan Pensiangan Untuk Perluasan
Sekolah K9 Di Daerah Nabawan, Negeri Sabah.
222. Pembinaan Kompleks Pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (Sprm) Negeri Sabah.
223. Earthwork Activities for The Proposed Development of KK One For Redevelopment/Rehabilition of Existing
Approved Building Structure Oo Komplex Star City (Phase IIC) On Part of TL.017546940 & TL.017544713 at
Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
224. Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Earthwork Activities, Reclamation, And Construction Of
Proposed Mixed Development On CL. 015708531 With 1.821 Ha At Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
225. Proposed Off-Site Scheduled Waste Storage At Kkip, Off Jalan Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
226. Proposed Logging Activities on Pt.20-20080088 (2,902 Hectares) At Paitan, District of Labuk Sugut, Sabah.
227. Proposed Off-Site Scheduled Waste Storage Facility and Recovery Plant At Part Of Cl 015585501, Lot No.13,
Dbkk Building No.24, Jalan 1d Kkip Selatan, Iz 3, Kkip, Off Jalan Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
228. Earthwork Activities For New Mosque With 6.475 Hectares (Phase 2) On Part Of L.A. 20-15120271, Jalan
237. Proposed Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation (1,312.47 Hectares) At Marmahat Estate, Labuk Sugut District,
238. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Ke Pekan Baru Pengalungan, Nabawan, Sabah.
239. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Linayukan Tongod Ke Sinaron, Keningau, Daerah Tongod,
240. Proposed Resort Development at Cl.015710639 (Fomerly Nt.013081948) And Jetty Construction On Pt.20-
14010297 At Pulau Gaya, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
241. Proposed Rock Extraction And Crushing On Cl. 01558439 (3.589 Hectares) At Mile 7, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu,
242. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Membina Gantian Penuh 12 Bilik Darjah Dan Lain-Lain Kemudahan Di
Sekolah Kebangsaan Nampasan, Ranau, Sabah.
243. Integrated Mosaic Planting At Fmu 16 (3,000 Hectares), Sungai Pinangah Forest Reserve, District Of Tongod,
244. River Stone And Sand Mining On Nt.063109151 At Kg. Matupang And Processing Site On Nt. 063025356 At
Kg. Segindai Lama, Ranau, Sabah.
245. Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation (884 Hectares) At Morotai Estate, Tawau, Sabah.
246. Earthwork Activities And Proposed Development Condominium With Carpark And Retail With Strata Titles To
Be Applied For On Cl.015014570 (2.22 Hectares) Off Jalan Tuaran (Beside Taman Fantasi), Kota Kinabalu,
247. Earthwork Activities And Proposd Residential Developments On Cl 015306699, Cl 015306715, Cl 015306724,
Cl 015306733, Cl 015306742, And Cl 015306751 (4.5 Hectares) And Road Upgrading, At Jalan Asrama, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
248. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Tongod-Pinangah, Tongod, Sabah.
B. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (2001-2021), Selected Projects related to OPP:-
at Kalabakan, Sabah.
7. Environmental Management Plan for Chipmill for Sabah Softwoods Berhad at Kalabakan, Sabah.
8. The Proposed Earthwork And Infrastructure Works At Jalan Permaisuara, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
9. Preparation Of Lahad Datu, Sewerage Scheme (Phase 2), Sabah.
10. Proposed Development Of Customs Department Headquartes On Pt. 20-13010127 Along Sulaman By-Pass
1. Proposed 6.5 Megawatt Small Renewable Energy Biomass Power Plant on CL 08531115, KM 3, Jalan
Beluran, Sabah.
2. Proposed Construction of a Palm Oil Mill at CL085330409, Ladang Mamahat, Sabah.
3. Proposed Construction of a Palm Oil Mill at Kalabakan, Tawau, Sabah.
4. Proposed Palm Oil at CL105334996, KM 66, off Tawau Brantian Highway, Tawau, Sabah.
5. Proposed Palm Oil Mill at CL 105322012, Pulau Sebatik, Tawau, Sabah.
D. Proposal Mitigation Measures (PMM) (2001-2020), Selected Projects related to OPP:-
1. Proposed Residental and Commercial Development at Kg. Darau, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
2. Proposal 80 Units of 5-storey and 10-storey Apartment Development on CL015329405 at Lorong Tahan 3,
Taman Sentosa, Luyang Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
3. “Cadangan Pejabat Pencegah Mampakul diatas Lot PT99180037, di Pekan Baru Mampakul Daerah Kuala
Penyu, Sabah”.
4. Proposed Starnis Resort Development on CL.025344736 at Kg. Melinsung Papar, Sabah.
5. Proposed Commercial Development of Suria Sabah on TL017539810 at Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
6. Proposed 5 storey Commercial and Car Park Complex Development on 21124488, 21124454, and 21124768
at Donggongon Town, Penampang, Sabah.
7. Proposed Development of Mega Mall, 12 Story Wisma Maksak, 10- Story Hotel, 2 Blocks of 2 Story
Administrision Blocks and 2 storey Civil Service Museum on TL.017546431, Ceremonial Drive, Likas Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
8. Proposed Kuala Penyu Bay Beach Resort on FR.3100 & Lot 1 NT.183030686 at Kg. Sabang, District of Kuala
Penyu, Sabah.
9. Proposed Development of Resort with 5 Chalets, Function Hall and Jetty at NT 750 at Kulapuan Island,
Semporna, Sabah.
10. Proposed 4 Units Of 4-Storey Office / Clinic On Lot 197500851 Pekan Sipitang.
11. Proposed Logging Operation (153 Ha) at Semporna, Sabah.
12. For SLCB Estates – Lormalong Estate Kunak and Merotai Estate Tawau, Sabah.
13. Proposed 2-Storey Seaside Resort on NT 10207 and NT 023225961 at Kg. Kinarut Laut, District of Papar,
14. Cadangan Membina Esplanade Dataran Bengkoka, Pitas, Sabah.
15. Kerja – Kerja Pembersihan Kawasan Skim Penempatan Nabawan Melalui G.N.444-69 Seluas 418.65 Hektar,
Nabawan, Sabah.
16. Proposed Resort and Diving Academy (Phase 2) At Mamutik Island, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
17. Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation (464.32 Ha) at Koyah Estate, Kinabatangan, Sabah.
18. Development of Mixed Agricultural Plantation at CL.135325736 (370.03 Ha), Keningau, Sabah.
19. Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (376.68 Ha) at District of Tongod, Sabah.
20. Proposed Oil Palm Replanting Activities at Klias Estate (200 Hectares), District Of Beaufort, Sabah.
21. Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation At Kandang Besar Estate (192 Ha), Keningau, Sabah.
22. Proposed Resort Development On Tol 10900260 At Celebes Sea, Tawau, Sabah.
23. Oil Palm Replanting Activities On Part Of Pt.90090078 (Block 8 To 11) At Litang Estate (338 Hectares),
District Of Lahad Datu, Sabah.
24. Pembinaan Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah Dan Lain-Lain Kemudahan Di Smk Wallace Bay, Tawau, Sabah.
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1. Permohonan Kelulusan Bertulis untuk Pemasangan 1 Unit Penggahar dan 1 unit Cerobong di Telibong Water
Supply Project.
2. Application for Approval from DOE Sabah to operate a Premix Plant at Pitas, Sabah.
3. Approval of Inno Works for Composting Plant at Kwantas Palm Oil Mill.
4. Submission of Written Approval for Desilting Work of Anaerobic Pond 2b, Anaerobic Pond 3 and Polishing
Pond, Ladang Sabah Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
5. Submission of Written Approval for Desilting Work of Aerobic Pond 1, Pinang Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
6. Submission of Written Approval for Desilting Work of Anaerobic Pond 3, Bornion Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
7. Submission of Application of Written Approval for Two Generator Sets Installed at Optimism Enterprise,
Telupid, Sabah.
8. Submission of Application of Written Approval for Two Generator Sets Installed at Aksijaya Sdn. Bhd,
Nabawan, Sabah.
9. Submission of Application of Written Approval for Two Generator Sets Installed at ML Sabah Trading,
Nabawan, Sabah.
10. Submission of Land Irrigation at Beufort Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
11. Permohonan Kebenaran Bertulis Sistem Land Irrigation untuk Kilang Kelapa Sawit Leepang, Sandakan,
12. Permohonan Kebenaran Bertulis Sistem Land Irrigation untuk Kilang Kelapa Sawit Pamol, Sandakan, Sabah.
13. Permohonan Kebenaran Bertulis Sistem Land Irrigation untuk Kilang Kelapa Sawit Ladang Sabah, Sandakan,
14. Submission of Land Irrigation at Ladang Mamahat Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
15. Submission of Land Irrigation at Atlantica Palm Oil Mill, KM 72, Jalan Sandakan - Telupid, Sandakan, Sabah.
16. Submission of AS PAT for Proposed Asphaltic Concrete Plant at Kg. Bauto, KM 120, Jalan Sandakan -
Telupid, Sandakan, Sabah.
17. Submission of Land Irrigation at Ladang Mills Sdn. Bhd., Jalan Sandakan - Telupid, Sandakan, Sabah.
18. Submission of Land Irrigation at Segaliud Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
19. Submission of Land Irrigation at Sungai Ruku Mill, KM 98, Jalan Sandakan – Lahad Datu, Sandakan, Sabah.
20. Application of Written Approval for Air Pollution Control Equipment (Centrifugal Dust Collector and Bag Filter)
at Hevajaya Sdn. Bhd., MMB Timber Complex, Tawau, Sabah.
21. Application of Written Approval for Concrete Batching Plant Installed at Advance Readymix (S) Sdn. Bhd.,
SEDCO Industrial Estate, Kolombong, Sabah.
22. Application of Written Approval for Fuel Bag Filter at Pauma Enterprise Sdn. Bhd., Mile 9 3/4, Jalan Tuaran,
Sandakan, Sabah.
26. Submission of Bio – Polisher System at Bornion Palm Oil Mill, Kota Kinabatangan, Sandakan, KL – Kepong
Mill, Tawau – Semporna Highway, Tawau, Pinang Palm Oil Mill, Semporna, Lungmanis Palm Oil Mill, Jalan
Tungku, Lahad Datu, Sabah and at Sandakan Bay Palm Oil Mill, KM 54, Jalan Sukau, Kinabatangan,
Sandakan, Sabah.
27. Submission of Control Equipment Application for Spray booth Installed at Emasiang Sdn. Bhd., Kawasan
MIEL, KKIP, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
28. Application of Written Approval for Fuel Burning Equipment (Generator) at Tiara Labuan Hotel, Labuan F.T.
29. Application of Written Approval for Fuel Burning Equipment (Generator) at Sheraton Labuan Hotel, Labuan
30. Application of Written Approval for Fuel Burning Equipment (Boiler) at Sheraton Labuan Hotel, Labuan F.T.
31. Submission of AP/E/1/01 for a Batching Plant Installed at Cyber City, Kota Kinabalu.
32. Submission of AS PAT for a Batching Plant Installed at Cyber City, Kota Kinabalu.
33. Permohonan Kebenaran Bertulis Sistem Land Irrigation untuk Kilang Kelapa Sawit Pamol, Sandakan, Sabah.
34. Permohonan Kebenaran Bertulis Sistem Land Irrigation untuk Kilang Kelapa Sawit Leepang, Sandakan,
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35. Permohonan Kebenaran Bertulis Sistem Land Irrigation untuk Kilang Kelapa Sawit Ladang Sabah, Sandakan,
36. Submission of Land Irrigation at Ladang Mamahat Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
37. Submission of Land Irrigation at Atlantica Palm Oil Mill, KM 72, Jalan Sandakan - Telupid, Sandakan, Sabah.
38. Submission of Land Irrigation at Ladang Mills Sdn. Bhd., Jalan Sandakan - Telupid, Sandakan, Sabah.
39. Submission of Land Irrigation at Sungai Ruku Mill, KM 98, Jalan Sandakan – Lahad Datu, Sandakan, Sabah.
40. Submission of Land Irrigation at Man Choon Estate, Off KM 58, Jalan Labuk, Labuk Sugut, Sandakan, Sabah.
41. Application of Effluent Disposal System by Land Irrigation for Sandau Palm Oil Mill and Sebrang Palm Oil Mill,
Lahad Datu, Sabah.
42. Application of Written Approval for Installation of TEK Memplus Tertiary Treatment Plant for Melangking Palm
Oil Mill, Sabah.
43. Application of Written Approval for Installation of Additional Aeration System at Segaliud Palm Oil Mill, Sabah.
44. Application of Written Approval From Doe To Install Two Fuel Burning Equipments (Gas Turbine) And One
Unit Of Generator Set At Tawau, Sabah.
45. Application of Written Approval for Installation of Additional Aeration System at Lam Soon Palm Oil Mill,
46. Application of Written Approval for Installation of Polishing Plant for Morisem POM, Sabah.
47. Application of Written Approval for Installation of Polishing Plant for Syarimo POM, Sabah.
48. “Meningkatkan Keberkesanan Sistem Kawalan Pencemaran Udara ‘Asphalt Plant’ Asphamix Sdn Bhd”.
49. Upgrading Capacity Of Fortuna Palm Oil Mill From 45 Mt/Hr To 90 Mt/Hr By Installing Composting Plant at
Sandakan, Sabah.
50. To obtain Written Approval of Biogas from DOE for Ladang Sabah Palm Oil Mill at Sandakan, Sabah.
51. Preparation of New “Laporan PAT” for The Proposed Taliwas Palm Oil Mill at CL 1162900049, Mile 3, Jalan
Segama, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
52. Application of Written Approval for “Penukaran Had Pelepasan Effluen Bagi Parameter Bod3 Tidak Melebihi
20 Mg/L” At Lam Soon Palm Oil Mill, Sabah
4. Industrial Effluent Characterization Study (IECS) at Enmore Enterprise Sdn Bhd Premise, Kg. Kibabaig,
Penampang, Sabah.
1. Impact Study of Palm Oil Mills, Oil Palm Plantations and Other Pollutants on the Quality of Selected Rivers in
Sabah (Environment Protection Department Sabah).
2. Best Management Practice (BMP) Guidelines for Infrastructural Drainage System and Management of Solid
Waste, Sewage and Sullage within Babagon Water Catchment Management Area for DID Sabah.
3. Water Quality Assessment for Tondulu Catchment, Tambunan for DID Sabah.
H. Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Audit (2001-2021), Selected Projects related to OPP:
4. Proposed Agro-Forestry Development at Lot 3, Bonggaya Forest Reserve, Beluran, District, Sabah.
5. Proposed Oil Palam Plantation (OPP) on Lot 2 (10,250 Hectares), Labuk and Sugut, Beluran District, Sabah.
6. Proposed Quarry Operation On PL 26108, CL 105336098, CL 105336105, CL 105335877, PL 10626110, CL
105312570, PL 106290626, L 15842 & CL 105247541 at Mile 9, Apas Road, Tawau, Sabah.
7. Proposed 1 Borneo Development at Sepanggar Bay Road, Near Kampung Pulau Penampang Reserve,
Suang Parai, District of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
8. Proposed Quarry Operation on CL 235311510, Kampung Salimpodon Darat, Pitas, Kudat Division, Sabah.
9. Proposed Quarry Operation and Related Activities at Lots CL 125312923, 125312932, 125313448,
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15. Proposed Commercial Development of Suria Sabah on TL 017539810 at Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
16. Cadangan Perlaksanaan Projek Pembangunan Rumah Kos Sederhana Rendah dan Kedai di atas Lot NT
7241 dan NT 7248 di Jalan Minintod, Penampang, Sabah.
17. Proposed housing Development on Phase 5 and Phase 8 at Kuala Menggatal, Kotal Kinabalu, Sabah.
18. Cadangan Perlaksanaan Projek Pembangunan Perumahan Kos Sederhana dan Kedai di atas Lot CL
075314877 dan CL 075121078 di Km 13, Jalan Labuk, Sandakan, Sabah.
19. T.4961-The Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the Proposed
Minintod 132 KV Transmission System.
20. Proposed Mixed Development of Hotel and Shoplots Within Apartment on Lot 207532616 at Labuan Federal
21. Proposed 4-Storey Apartment on NT. 213160359, CL. 215073626, CL. 215152882 and Part of NT. 5703, Off
Jalan Kasigui-Minintod, Bukit Padang, Penampang District, Sabah. (Country Height Apartments).
22. Proposed Mini Hydro Power Plant Development Under Small Renewable Energy Program at Sungai
Pangapuyan, Kota Marudu Sabah.
23. Proposed Moving soil and Grave on Premises no CL. 105342498 located at Ranggu, District of Tawau,
24. Proposed SUDC Housing Development by Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn Bhd on Lot CL.
015551087, Kingfisher Park, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
25. Existing Aggregate Quarry on Lots CL. 225311080, NT. 223123626 and NT. 22310323 at Kg. Mangaris, Kota
Marudu, Sabah.
26. Proposed Development of Mega Mall, 12-Storey Wisma MAKSAK, 10-Storey Hotel, 2 Blocks of 2-Storey
Administration Block and 2-Storey Civil Service Museum on TL 017546431, Ceremonial Drive, Likas, Kota
Kinabalu Sabah.
27. Existing Quarry Operation on PL 106291605, PL 106177164, CL 105169015 and PL 106291178 at Mile 5,
Jalan Sin On, District of Tawau, Sabah.
28. River Stone Mining on Lots PT. 95030461 and PT. 95030462 along Sg. Kedamaian and Aggregate Crushing
Facility on Lots CL. 035161642 AND nt. 033092643 By Kilang Batu No: 2 Kota Belud at Kg. Rajunah, Kota
Belud, Sabah, Malaysia.
29. Proposed New Township and Tourism Development on Parcel B1 and B2 at Bukit Nenas, Sandakan, Sabah.
30. Proposed Housing Development on CL 015237633, CL 015028672, CL 015028663 and CL 015028814 at
Kota Kinabalu-Tuaran By-Pass, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
31. Proposed 21 Units Double-Storey Shopoffice Development on PT 20-04080199 at Jalan Pasar, Beluran,
32. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Sook - Tulid Sinua, Keningau, Sabah.
33. Proposed Residential Development on CL 015492458 ( REMR. Of 015092207) and NT. 013049806, at Kg.
Nunton, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu.
34. Proposed Persatuan Taoism San-Ching Development on CL 015058474 and Part of CL 015058465 at Jalan
Kiansom, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
35. Proposed Mixed Commercial cum Residential Development and Transport Hub on Lot 01200688 (PT 20-
08010082, 20-08010083, 20-08010084, 20-08010085, 20-08010087 and 20-08010089) at Tanjung Aru, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
36. Proposed Amalgamation, Subdivision and 5-Storey Apartments (with strata title to be applied for) and 2-
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 16 of 19
Storey Shops/Office (with individual lot title) Development on CL. 015045057, CL. 045045048, CL.
045269066, CL. 045269057, CL. 015068265, CL. 015067393 and CL. 015045039 at Telipok, District of Kota
37. Proposed Residential and Commercial Development at Kg. Darau, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
38. Proposed Housing Development on CL 015492449 at Kg. Nunton, Kolombong, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
39. The Proposed Commercial and 27 Storey Condominium Development (With Subsidiary [STRATA] Titles to be
Applied For) on TL. 017538788, Jalan Haji Saman, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
40. The Scheduled Waste Storage and Recovery Plant at Lot H10(Lot 11370), Asian Supply Base, Rancha-
Rancha Industrial Estate, Federal Territory of Labuan.
41. Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Development at Benta Wawasan 1 by Serijaya Industri Sdn Bhd,
Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung Rara Forest Reserves, Tawau District,
42. Proposed Sand Mining on PT 2009110083 at Sungai Segama, District of Lahad Datu, Sabah.
43. Menyiapkan Kerja-Kerja Terbengkalai Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan dari Pohon Batu (Simpang Tamu) ke Pancur
Hitam, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.
44. Projek Pembinaan Jalan Dua Jala Dari Uitm ke Sepangar Container Terminal (3KM), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
45. Pembinaan Projek Persimpangan Bertingkat Dan Lorong Ketiga Di Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
(Persimpangan (i) Jalan Lintas/Jalan Kolam (ii) Jalan Lintas/Jalan Tuaran Batu 5½.
46. Proposed Condominium Development (With Subsidiary (Strata) Titiles to be Applied for) on C.L. 015281044 at
Miles 3½, Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
47. Proposed Mixed Commercial Development with Purpose Built Medical Centre and Related Facilities on TL.
017549530 at Coastal Highway, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
48. Projek Sistem Bekalan Air Graviti Mukim Keranaan, Ranau, Sabah.
49. Proposed 100MV Combined Cycle Power Plant on NT. 023159864, NT. 11069, NT. 11068, NT. 11067 and
NT. 11066 at Kg. Benoni, District of Papar, Sabah.
50. Cadangan Pembinaan Jalan Segama Northern Bypass (POIC), Lahad Datu, Sabah.
51. Prohram Jalan Luar Bandar Negeri Sabah (Projek NKRA) – Jalan Gonipis – Tebobon Kiulu, Tuaran, Sabah.
52. Cadangan Membina Jalan Jempangah – Montenior, Beaufort, Sabah.
53. Earthwork Activities for the Proposed Water Supply Project at Sg. Mengalong, Sipitang, Sabah.
54. Development of Oil Palm Plantation Within Part of Block YT 2/04 (5 000 HA Approximately) at Kalabakan,
55. Projek Pemasangan Paip Bekalan Air ke Pulau Gaya Fasa 1, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
56. The Prosed River Sand Mining Operation at PT 20-12020233, Kg. Manggis, Papar, Sabah.
57. The Proposed River Sand Mining Operation at PT 20-12020233, Kg. Manggis, Papar, Sabah.
58. Projek Membina Jalan Kota Marudu – Melinsay – Poring, Ranau, Sabah (110 KM) : Package 2 – Marak Parak
to Togop.
59. River Sand Mining Operation at PT. 20-07020593 and CL. 02549236, Kg. Kogopon, Papar, Sabah.
60. River Sand Mining Along Sg. Papar On Lots PT. 20-090020312 And CL. 025342625 (Lot 1A) at Kg. Kabang,
Papar, Sabah.
61. River Sand Operation on NT. 17134757 at Sg. Padas, Kg. Suasa and Processing Site on NT. 6867 at Kg.
Poring Lupak, Beaufort, Sabah.
62. The Proposed River Sand Mining on Lot NT 13670 at Sg. Damit, Ktg. Kosusu, Tuaran, Sabah.
63. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Donggongon Ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 1 – Fasa 2 : Km 6.85 – Km 13.7)
di Penampang Sabah, Malaysia.
64. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Donggongon Ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 1 – Fasa 1 : Km 0.375 - Km 6.85)
di Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.
65. Preparation of Lahad Datu Sewerage Scheme 9Phase 2), Sabah.
66. Development of Forest Plantation at Jambongan Forest Reserve, Pualau Jambongan, Sabah.
67. Proposed Sepangar Maitime Serivices Base at Sepangar Bay On CL. 015580891, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
68. Aktiviti Penggalian Pasir Sungai di TOL. 50624, Sg. Tuaran dan Pemprosesan di PT. 20-10040422, Kg. Kuala
Sabandar, Tuaran.
69. Proposed Housing Development on CL 015402623 and CL 015392284 at Jalan Kionsom, Mile 6 1/2, Inanam,
70. Proposed Stone Quarry and its Activities at CL 235310344, NT 233102273, CL 233111334 and CL
053033079 at Kg. Kesagaan, Pitas, Sabah.
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77. Pembinaan Jalan Pintas Kg. Gersik, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan Secara Reka dan Bina.
78. Projek Pembinaan Jalan Maliau Basin (Pakej 1 dan Pakej 2), Kalabakan, Sabah.
79. Proposed Development of Customs Department Headquartes on PT. 20-13010127 Located along Sulaman
by-pass Road (Jalan UMS) in the District ok Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
80. Proposed shrimp Aquaculture Project At Sungai Telaga, Pitas, Including shrimp Ponds and Contruction of
Access Roads.
81. Proposed Jalan Libaran bypass for Package 4 in Sandakan, Sabah.
82. Perumahan Negara Lambak Kanan, Housing Contract H40, Earthwork, Infrastructure and High-rise Apartment
Blocks, Negara Brunei Darussalam 1.
83. JKP/09/2012 Perumahan Negara Kg.Lugu Design & Build of Eathworks, Infrastructure and 1000 units of High
Density Development including Master Planning at Kg. Lugu National Housing Scheme with 24 months,
Negara Brunei Darussalam.
84. Replanting of Oil Plam Plantation at Gugusan Sahabat (Dent Penisular) Lahad Datu for Felda Wilayah
Sahabat, Sabah.
85. Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation at Gugusan Umas (Brantian) Tawau for Felda Wilayah Shabat, Sabah.
86. Projek Pembaikan Cerun dan Jalan dari Rana uke Tam,bunan Fasa 2B, Sabah.
87. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Topokon – Wangkod – Gontung, Tamparuli, Sabah.
88. Proposed Aggregate Quarry Operation on Lots FR. 014010934 & NT. 0130878 at Sepanggar, Kota Kinbalu,
89. Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Audit for Earthworks and Development of Desa Impian Housing
and Commercial Development on LA. 01201312000242 at Kuala Inanam, including River Realignment Works.
90. Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Audit Report for “Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Segaman Fasa 1, Lahad
91. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ansip-Dalit-Kahaba, Keningau, Sabah.
92. Akitiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembangunan 900 unit Rumah Teres 1-Tingkat bagi Program Perumahan Rakyat
(PPR-DIMILIKI) Seluas 32.113 hektar di Lot NT.0339377, NT. 033090087 Sebahagian daripada NT.
033126993, CL. 035260363, CL. 035260372 dan 2 Lot Tanah Kerajaan di Ulu Perasam ,Daerah Kota Belud,
93. Projk Menaiktaraf Jalan Mesej ke Tipangoh Laut, Penampang, Sabah.
94. Proposed Quarry Operation on CL. 195316431, CL. 195316440, CL. 195316459 and NT. 193075008 at Kg.
Samin, District of Sipitang Sabah.
95. The Development Of Forest Plantation In Pulau Jambongan, Sabah (Every 6 Months).
96. Melaksanakan Kerja-Kerja Pengawasan Kualitu Udara (Ambient Air Monitoring) Di Stesen Janakuasa
97. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Donggongon Ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 3B) Sabah.
98. Proposed 21-Storey Commercial Development (With Subsidiary Strate Tiltle To Be Applied For) ON Part Of
CL. 015583963 At Damai Luyang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
99. “Akitiviti Kerja Tanah dan Cadangan Pembinaan Semula Penempatan Kg. Gana Dengan Keluasan 71.92
Hektar di Kota Marudu, Sabah”.
100. The Ambient Air Monitoring At Lahad Datu Sabah.
101. Proposed Logging Activities For Area A (515.52 Ha) And Area B ( 317 Ha) Within Pensiangan Forest
Owned By Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (Muis) At Nabawan Pensiangan Sabah.
102. Environmental Monitoring For Facilities To Sabah Ports Sdn Bhd.
103. Development Of oil Palm Plantation In Communal Grant FR 254000041 In Kampung Kawayoi-Inarad, District
CV-Lo Su Mui Page 18 of 19
Of Tongod.
104. Proposed “Pembangunan Tanah dalam Kawasan Geran Kemunal FR 154000567 Sapulut 4, Nabawan,
105. “Akitiviti Penggalian Pasir Sungai di TOL. 50624 Sg. Tuaran, Pemprosesan di PT. 20-10040422, Kg. Kuala
Sabandar, Tuaran”.
106. Proposed Amalgamation & Subdivision For Housing Development on CL. 015108264, CL.015 The
Proposed Subdivision For 2 Units Double Storey Shophouse, 30 Units Double Storey Semi-
Detached and 177 Terrace Housing Development on CL.025318450 with 7.467 HA and proposed
Borrow Pit at CL.025023152, CL.025022860 and CL.025022851 with Total 10.778 Ha, District of
Papar, Sabah.178453 and CL.015484018 at Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
107. The Proposed 68 Units Ready Built Factories Phase 5 (RBF5) and Dumping Sites on Part of CL.015583801,
CL. 015582153, CL. 015580953 and CL. 045339320 at Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (K.K.I.P), Kota Kinabalu,
108. Water Sampling at Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
109. The Proposed Mixed Development Consists of 1-Storey Basement, 4-Storey Shop/Office, 6-Storey Carpark,
2-Storey Villa, 2 Block of 32-Storey Condominium, 1 Block of 25 Storey Condominium, 16- Storey Hotel Cum
Banquet & 12-Storey Office Block on TL 017546879 at Teluk Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
110. The Existing Quarry Operation at Kampung Timbok, Telipok, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
111. “Proposed 5,752 Ha of Logging Oil Plantation at PT. 20-10151023, Lumiri, Pensiangan, Sabah”.
112. The Proposed Sandakan Port Wharf Extension.
113. The proposed Rock Blasting Works at Ready Built Factories – Phase 5 (RBF 5), Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park
(KKIP), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
114. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Lintas, Bertingkat (Fasa 2): (1) Persimpangan Jalan Penampang
Baru, (2) Persimpangan Lido Dan (3) Persimpangan Linyas Plaza.
115. The Proposed Mix Development of Residential on CL 015093008 & CL 015282345 at Kg. Sukang, Jalan
Sukang Mabpai, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (KKMC).
116. “Projek Pembangunan Lembangan Sungai Bersepadu (PLSB) Sg. Moyog, Sabah – Membina & Menaik Taraf
Sungai Putatan Dan Kerja-Kerja Berkaitan (Pakej 3), Sabah”.
117. Quarry Activities on CL. 125317561, Sigalong Estate, Kalumpang, Daerah Semporna, Sabah.
118. Project Jalan Ulu Karangan, Beaufort, Sabah.
119. “Projek Menyiapkan Kerja-Kerja Terbengkalai Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Pohon Batu (Simpang Tamu) Ke
Pancur Hitam, Wilayah Persekutuan Lauan (Fasa 2)’.
120. Proposed Kuala Penyu Bay, Beach Resort on Site Fr. 3100 & Lot 1 NT. 183030686 at Sabang, District of
Office (With Subsidiary Titles To Be Applied For) At Phase 1, 95 Units Of 2 Storey Terrace House & 32 Units
Of 2 Storey Semi Detached House at Phase 2 & 3 on CL.1655003823 (7.92 Hectares) and Dumping Site at
NT.163000566 (2.189 Hectares), District Of Tenom, Sabah.
124. Proposed Development of Industrial Buildings & Facilities on LA.2011010280 (CL.015702075) at Sepanggar,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
125. Earthwork Activities and Implementation of Pan Borneo Highway, Sabah; WP06 – WP08: Proposed Road
Construction From Putatan To Sepangar and Road Upgrading From Sepangar To Bulatan Berungis, Sabah
For Package WP06 (19.6 Km).
126. Earthwork and Construction Activities For The Proposed Implementation of Pan Borneo Highway, South-West
Region Work Package WP1 – WP4 (110 Km), Districts of Sipitang, Beaufort and Papar, Sabah For Package
WP3 (22.376 Km).
127. Proposed Earthwork Activities and Mixed Development On TL.017561867 (2.428 Hectares) and
CL.015707570 (2.428 Hectares), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
128. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Serta Pembangunan Perumahan Dan Komersil Di Cl. 025214096, Batu 14, Jalan
Penampang-Papar, Kinarut, Daerah Papar (6.75 Hektar).
129. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With114 Hectares at Lormalong Estate at Kunak, Sabah.
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130. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 196.26 Ha at Merotai Estate at Tawau, Sabah.
131. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah – Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Kg. Melalia Ke Beaufort (WP02).
132. Development of Forest Plantation (582 Hectares) In Pulau Jambongan, Sabah.
133. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm on PL.076222574 & PL.076222083, Division C, Fields No. 88c, 92c, 93c and
96c With 157.44 Hectures at Ladang Hassan, Sandakan, Sabah.
134. Earthwork Activities and Construction of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong II Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant
Upgrading Works), At Inanam , Kota Kinabalu City, Sabah.
135. Earthwork Activities for Construction of Menggatal Reservoir (Telibong II Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant
Upgrading Works), At Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu City, Sabah.
136. Earthwork Activities for Construction of Telibong Reservoir (Telibong II Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant
Upgrading Works) At Telibong, District Of Tuaran, Sabah.
137. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah, Pembinaan Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ke Mesej Mangalias (5m), Daerah Tenom, Sabah.
138. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Untuk Cadangan Membina Dan Menyiapkan Kolej Vokasional Berasrama Penuh Serta
Lain-Lain Kemudahan Berkaitan Di Kawasan Hub Pendidikan Sandakan, Daerah Sandakan, Negeri Sabah.
139. Development Activities of The “Proposed Kota Kinabalu Convention City (KKCC – Phase 1) at Tanjung Lipat,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
140. Proposed Gold Mining (Phase 1) on CL.105651438 At Mount Wullersdorf, Tawau, Sabah.
141. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 114 Ha at Lormalong Estate at Kunak, Sabah.
142. Replanting Activities of 835 Hectares Oil Palm on PL.076290009, PL.076222930, CL.075359616 &
CL.075359607 at Dusun Estate, Segaliud, District of Sandakan, Sabah.
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
services including auditing and monitoring (Air, Noise, and Water
Nationality : Malaysian
Race : Dusun
14th August 2020 Half-Day Training Workshop on Construction Noise Model (RCNM
– Software Training) (Organized by SOx NOx Asia Sdn Bhd and
EPG International Sdn Bhd)
6th November 2019 Seminar Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 anjuran Kelab JASAba
(Seminar Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara
Bersih) 2014)
22nd January 2018 Seminar on Environmental Mainstreaming in EIA 2018 oleh Kelab
9th – 10th November Seminar on the New Dimension of EIA in Malaysia 2016 oleh Kelab
2016 Kebajikan dan Sukan Jabatan Alam Sekitar (KESAS)
27th October 2016 Seminar Pematuhan Industri dan Guided Self-Regulation (GSR) by
16th – 17th October 2015 Workshop Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Project
22nd – 26th October 2013 Road day (Organized by Jabatan Kerja Raya)
22nd – 23rd June 2012 Seminar on Social Impact Assessment (Organized by Ensearch)
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
4th - 7th July 2010 Seminar on Dissemination of New Laws under The Environmental
uality Act 1974 (Organized by Ensearch and Department of
6th May 2010 Forum Bersama Perunding Alam Sekitar, Pemantapan Sistem
Penilaian Kesan kepada Alam Sekitar (Organized by Environment
Protection Department)
11th June 2009 Seminar on Promotion of Cleaner Production (Organized by
Department of Environment)
15th – 17th September 2008 Seminar on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) using
RIAM, Organized by Envirolink Sdn. Bhd.
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
di atas Lot NT 7241 dan NT 7248 di Jalan Minintod, Penampang, Sabah.
14. Proposed Housing Development on Phase 5 and Phase 8 at Kuala Menggatal, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
15. Cadangan Perlaksanaan Projek Pembangunan Perumahan Kos Sederhana dan Kedai di
atas Lot CL 075314877 dan CL 075121078 di Km 13, Jalan Labuk, Sandakan, Sabah.
16. T.4961 – The Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of the Proposed Minintod 132 KV Transmission System.
17. Proposed Mixed Development of Hotel and Shoplots Within Apartment on Lot 207532616
at Labuan Federal Territory.
18. Proposed 4-Storey Apartment on NT. 213160359, CL. 215073626, CL. 215152882 and
Part of NT. 5703, Off Jalan Kasigui-Minintod, Bukit Padang, Penampang District, Sabah.
(Country Height Apartments).
19. Proposed Mini Hydro Power Plant Development Under Small Renewable Energy Program
at Sungai Pangapuyan, Kota Marudu Sabah.
20. Proposed Moving soil and Grave on Premises no CL.105342498 located at Ranggu,
District of Tawau, Sabah.
21. Proposed SUDC Housing Development by Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn
23. Proposed Development of Mega Mall, 12-Storey Wisma MAKSAK, 10-Storey Hotel, 2
Blocks of 2-Storey Administration Block and 2-Storey Civil Service Museum on TL
017546431, Ceremonial Drive, Likas, Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
24. Existing Quarry Operation on PL 106291605, PL 106177164, CL 105169015 and PL
106291178 at Mile 5, Jalan Sin On, District of Tawau, Sabah.
25. River Stone Mining on Lots PT.95030461 and PT. 95030462 along Sg. Kedamaian and
Aggregate Crushing Facility on Lots CL. 035161642 and NT. 033092643 By Kilang Batu
No: 2 Kota Belud at Kg. Rajunah, Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia.
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
26. Proposed New Township and Tourism Development on Parcel B1 and B2 at Bukit Nenas,
Sandakan, Sabah.
27. Proposed Housing Development on CL 015237633, CL 015028672, CL 015028663 and
CL 015028814 at Kota Kinabalu-Tuaran By-Pass, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
28. Proposed 21 Units Double-Storey Shopoffice Development on PT 20-04080199 at Jalan
Pasar, Beluran, Sandakan.
29. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Sook - Tulid Sinua, Keningau, Sabah.
30. Proposed Residential Development on CL 015492458 (REMR. OF 015092207) and NT.
013049806, at Kg. Nunton, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu.
31. Proposed Persatuan Taoism San-Ching Development on CL 015058474 and Part of CL
015058465 at Jalan Kiansom, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
32. Proposed Mixed Commercial cum Residential Development and Transport Hub on Lot
01200688 (PT 20-08010082, 20-08010083, 20-08010084, 20-08010085, 20-08010087
and 20-08010089) at Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
33. Proposed Amalgamation, Subdivision and 5-Storey Apartments (with strata title to be
applied for) and 2-Storey Shops/Office (with individual lot title) Development on
CL.015045057, CL.015045048, CL.015269066, CL.015269057, CL. 015068265,
CL.015067393 and CL.015045039 at Telipok, District of Kota Kinabalu.
34. Proposed Residential and Commercial Development at Kg. Darau, Menggatal, Kota
Kinabalu Sabah.
35. Proposed Housing Development on CL 015492449 at Kg. Nunton, Kolombong, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
36. The Proposed Commercial and 27 Storey Condominium Development (With Subsidiary
[STRATA] Titles to be Applied For) on TL. 017538788, Jalan Haji Saman, Kota Kinabalu,
37. The Scheduled Waste Storage and Recovery Plant at Lot H10 (Lot 11370), Asian Supply
Base, Rancha-Rancha Industrial Estate, Federal Territory of Labuan.
38. Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Development at Benta Wawasan I by Serijaya Industri
Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung Rara Forest
Reserves, Tawau District, Sabah.
39. Proposed Sand Mining on PT 2009110083 at Sungai Segama, District of Lahad Datu,
40. Menyiapkan Kerja-Kerja Terbengkalai Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan dari Pohon Batu (Simpang
Tamu) ke Pancur Hitam, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.
41. Projek Pembinaan Jalan Dua Hala dari UiTM ke Sepangar Container Terminal (3KM), Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
42. Pembinaan Projek Persimpangan Bertingkat Dan Lorong Ketiga Di Bandaraya Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah, (Persimpangan (i) Jalan Lintas/Jalan Kolam (ii) Jalan Lintas/Jalan Tuaran
Batu 5½.
43. Proposed Condominium Development (With Subsidiary (Strata) Titles to be Applied for) on
C.L.015281044 at Miles 3⅟₂, Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
44. Proposed Mixed Commercial Development with Purpose Built Medical Centre and Related
Facilities on Lot TL.017549530 at Coastal Highway, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
45. Projek Sistem Bekalan Air Graviti Mukim Keranaan, Ranau, Sabah.
46. Proposed 100MW Combined Cycle Power Plant on NT.023159864, NT.11069, NT.11068,
NT.11067 and NT.11066 at Kg. Benoni, District of Papar, Sabah.
47. Cadangan Pembinaan Jalan Segama Northern Bypass (POIC), Lahad Datu, Sabah.
48. Program Jalan Luar Bandar Negeri Sabah (Projek NKRA) - Jalan Gonipis - Tebobon, Kiulu,
Tuaran, Sabah.
49. Cadangan Membina Jalan Jempangah -Montenior, Beaufort, Sabah.
50. Earthwork Activities for the Proposed Water Supply Project at Sg. Mengalong, Sipitang,
51. Development of Oil Palm Plantation Within Part of Block YT 2/04 (5 000 HA Approximately)
at Kalabakan, Sabah.
52. Projek Pemasangan Paip Bekalan Air ke Pulau Gaya Fasa1, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
53. Proposed Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) At Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
54. The Proposed River Sand Mining Operation at PT 20-12020233, Kg. Manggis, Papar,
55. Projek Membina Jalan Kota Marudu - Melinsau - Poring, Ranau, Sabah (110KM): Package
57. River Sand Mining Along Sg. Papar On Lots PT.20-090020312 And CL.025342625 (Lot
1A) at Kg. Kabang, Papar, Sabah.
58. River Sand Mining Operation on NT. 17134757 at Sg. Padas, Kg. Suasa and Processing
Site on NT. 6867 at Kg. Poring Lupak, Beaufort, Sabah.
59. The Proposed River Sand Mining on Lot NT 13670 at Sg. Damit, Kg. Kosusu, Tuaran,
60. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Donggongon Ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 1 - Fasa 2: Km
6.85 - Km 13.7) di Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
61. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Donggongon Ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 1 - Fasa 1: Km
0.375 - Km 6.85) di Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.
62. Preparation of Lahad Datu Sewerage Scheme (Phase 2), Sabah.
63. Development of Forest Plantation at Jambongan Forest Reserve, Pulau Jambongan,
64. Proposed Sepangar Maritime Services Base at Sepangar Bay On CL. 015580891, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
65. Aktiviti Penggalian Pasir Sungai di TOL. 50624, Sg. Tuaran dan Pemprosesan di PT.20-
10040422, Kg. Kuala Sabandar, Tuaran.
66. Proposed Housing Development on CL 015402623 and CL 015392284 at Jalan Kionsom,
Mile 6 ⅟₂, Inanam, Sabah.
67. Proposed Stone Quarry and its Activities at CL 235310344, NT 233102273, CL 233111334
and CL 053033079 at Kg. Kesagaan, Pitas, Sabah.
68. Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Bungalio-Longkou Lama-Timbok, Tuaran, Sabah.
69. Cadangan Pembinaan Pejabat Daerah Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia di
Sandakan, Sabah.
70. Proposed Earthwork Activities and Road Construction in 3 Phases within Sipitang Oil and
Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP).
71. Earthwork and Housing Development on C. L. 105593271, Imam Estate, Jalan Utara,
Tawau Sabah.
72. Proposed Earthwork Activities for The Housing Development on Nt.213182444,
NT.213090245, NT.213090236, NT.213090227, NT.213090254, NT.213090272,
NT.213082298, NT.213088512 & NT.21308627 at Kg. Kibabaig, Penampang, Sabah.
73. Reclamation, Dredging, Wharf Construction and Associated Works for The Proposed
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
80. JKP/09/2012 Perumahan Negara Kg. Lugu Design & Build of Earthworks, Infrastructure
and 1000 units of High Density Development including Master Planning at Kg. Lugu
National Housing Scheme within 24 months, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
81. Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation at Gugusan Sahabat (Dent Penisular) Lahad Datu for
Felda Wilayah Sahabat, Sabah.
82. Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation at Gugusan Umas (Brantian) Tawau for Felda Wilayah
Sahabat, Sabah.
83. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Topokon - Wangkod - Gontung, Tamparuli,
84. Projek Pembaikan Cerun dan Jalan dari Ranau ke Tambunan Fasa 2B, Sabah.
85. Proposed Aggregate Quarry Operation on Lots FR.014010934 & NT. 013087815 at
Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
86. Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Audit for Earthworks and Development of Desa
Impian Housing and Commercial Development on LA. 01201312000242 at Kuala Inanam,
including River Realignment Works.
87. Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Audit Report for "Projek Naiktaraf Jalan
Segama Fasa 1, Lahad Datu".
88. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ansip-Dalit-Kahaba, Keningau, Sabah.
89. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembangunan 900 unit Rumah Teres 1-Tingkat bagi Program
Perumahan Rakyat (PPR-DIMILIKI) Seluas 32.113 hektar di Lot NT. 0339377, NT.
033090087 Sebahagian daripada NT. 033126993, CL. 035260363, CL.035260372 dan 2
Lot Tanah Kerajaan di Ulu Perasan, Daerah Kota Belud, sabah.
90. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Mesej ke Tipangoh Laut, Penampang, Sabah.
91. Proposed Quarry Operation on CL. 195316431, CL. 195316440, CL. 195316459 and NT.
93. ”Projek Pembangunan Lembangan Sungai Bersepadu (PLSB) Sg. Moyog, Sabah –
Membina & Menaik Taraf Sungai Putatan Dan Kerja-Kerja Berkaitan (Pakej 3), Sabah”.
94. Quarry Activities on CL.125317561, Sigalong Estate, Kalumpang, Daerah Semporna,
95. Project Jalan Ulu Karangan, Beaufort, Sabah.
96. Projek Menyiapkan Kerja-Kerja Terbengkalai Porjek Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Pohon Batu
(Simpang Tamu) Ke Pancur Hitam, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan (Fasa 2).
97. Proposed Kuala Penyu Bay, Beach Resort on Site Fr. 3100 & Lot 1 NT.183030686 at
Sabang, Distrct of Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
98. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Dari Kg Bangkulat Ke Kg Imbak (11KM),
Tongod, Sabah.
99. Quarry Activities on CL.125317562 at Sigalong Estate, Kalumpang, Semporna, Sabah.
100. Projek Pembaikan Cerun – Cerun Jalan Kota Kinabalu – Sandakan (Laluan Persekutuan
22) Pakej 2 di km 83.90, km 96.70, Ranau, Sabah.
101. Development of Oil Palm Plantation in Communal Grant FR. 254000041 in Kg. Kawayoi-
Inarad, District of Tongod, Sabah.
102. Cadangan Pembukaan Tanah Dalam Kawasan Geran Funal FR 1540000567 Sapulut 4,
Nabawan, Sabah.
103. Proposed 5,752 Ha of Logging & Oil Palm Plantation at PT.20-10151023, Lumiri,
Persiangan, Sabah.
104. Proposed Logging Operation With 150.3 Hectares on Part of FR. 124014946 at Semporna,
105. Earthwork and Construction Activities For The Proposed Implementation Of Pan Borneo
Highway, South-West Region Work Package WP1-WP4 (110 Km), Districts Of Sipitang,
Beaufort And Papar, Sabah For Package WP4 (25 Km).
106. Kerja – Kerja Pembersihan Kawasan Skim Penempatan Nabawan Melalui G.N 444-69
Seluas 418.65 Hektar, Nabawan, Sabah.
107. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah-Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Sindumin ke
Kg. Melalia.
108. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah – Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Kampung
Melalia ke Beaufort (WP02).
109. Proposed Sewage Treatment Plant (Phase 1) at Beaufort, Sabah.
110. Earthwork and Construction Activities for The Proposed Implementation of Pan Borneo
Highway, South-West Region Work Package WP1 – WP4 (110 KM), Districts of Sipitang,
Beaufort and Papar, Sabah for Package WP3 (25KM).
111. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Lintas, Kota Kinabalu Termasuk Tiga
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
115. Proposed Proposed Construction of Kompleks Ibu Pejabat Mahkamah Syariah Negeri
Sabah On Lot 01200896 (2.023 Hectares), Teluk Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
116. River Stone and Sand Mining Along Sg. Langanan on Lots PL. 066290202 and NT.
063052086, Kg. Napong, Ranau, Sabah.
117. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah untuk Projek Pembinaan Talian Penghantaran 132kV dari Kota Belud
ke Ranau, Sabah di sebahagian Tanah Kerajaan dan TL.067500181 Di Bawah Program
Bekalan Elektrik Luar Bandar (BELB) Secara Rundingan Terus Reka dan Bina.
118. Proposed Earthwork Activities for SMK Petagas (6.11 Hectares), District of Putatan, Sabah.
119. Kerja-Kerja Pemantauan Alam Sekitar di Tapak Pelupusan Berpusat Keningau, Sabah.
120. “Aktiviti Kerja Tanah, Menaiktaraf dan Membina Jalan Sepanjang 2.35 KM Dari Jalan
Sukau ke Jalan J.Kg/Jalan Kg. Sukau, Kampung Sukau, Daerah Kinabatangan, Sabah”.
121. “Proposed Gold Mining (Phase 1) on CL.105651438 at Mount Wullersdorf, Tawau, Sabah”.
122. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Pembinaan Kompleks Sukan Tongod (4.78 Hektar) Serta
Pelupusan Tanah Berlebihan (1.89 Hektar) di Sebahagian Tanah Diwartakan untuk Tapak
Mini Kompleks,Tongod Sabah.
123. Earthwork Activities and Resort Development Including Road Diversion on CL.185313740,
CL.185313731, CL.185313713, CL.185313786,CL.185313768 and CL.185313777 at
Kampung Bayong , District of Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
124. Earthwork Activities and Construction of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong II Phase 2 Water
Treatment Plant Upgrading Works) at Inanam, Kota Kinabalu City, Sabah.
125. Earthwork Activities for Construction of Menggatal Reservoir (Telibong II Phase 2 Water
Treatment Plant Upgrading Works) at Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu City, Sabah.
126. Earthwork Activities for Construction of Telibong Reservoir (Telibong II Phase 2 Water
Treatment Plant Upgrading Works) at Telibong, District of Tuaran, Sabah.
127. Earthwork Activities for the Regeneration of Existing Taman Makmur on Lot 20-14010217
with 2.02 Hectares at Luyang, Off Jalan Lintas, Kota Kinabalu.
128. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Kompleks Sukan Tongod (4.78 Hektar) Serta
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
Kota Marudu, Sabah.
135. Earthwork Activities and Implementation of Pan Borneo Highway, Sabah; WP06 - WP08:
Proposed Road Construction From Putatan to Sepangar and Road Upgrading from
Sepangar to Bulatan Berungis, Sabah for Package WP06 (19.6 KM).
136. Earthwork Activities and Implementation of Pan Borneo Highway, Sabah; WP06 - WP08:
Proposed Road Construction From Putatan to Sepangar and Road Upgrading from
Sepangar to Bulatan Berungis, Sabah for Package WP06 (19.6 KM).
137. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 1,395.10 Hectares at Ladang
Hassan, Sandakan, Sabah.
138. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation on Division C With 157.44 Hectares at Ladang
Hassan Sandakan, Sabah.
139. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 196.26 Hectares at Merotai Estate at
Tawau, Sabah.
140. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 114 Ha at Lormalong Estate at Kunak,
141. Oil Palm Replanting Activities on Part of Pt.90090078 (Block 1 To 8 & 12) at Litang Estate
(776 Hectares), District of Lahad Datu, Sabah.
1. Environmental Monitoring Work for Cement Industries Sdn Bhd, Sabah (Sepanggar and
Lahad Datu).
2. Industrial Effluent Characterization Study Schlumberger WTA (M) Sdn Bhd.
3. Memperelok Jalan dari KM11 ke KM15. Jalan Bebuluh, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.
4. Melaksanakan Kerja-kerja Pengawasan Kualiti Udara (Ambient Air Monitoring) Di Stesen
Janakuasa Malawa (SESB).
10 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
5. Environmental Monitoring Work for “Five Sites (Pekan Kinabatangan, Labuk, Silam, Kunak
and Balung) of Gammerlite Sdn Bhd”.
6. Noise Monitoring for Proposed Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) at Jalan Tun
Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu, sabah.
7. Water Sampling and Analysis for the “Proposed Aquaculture Prawn Farming (318 Ponds)
at Telaga, Pitas, Sabah”.
8. Air and Noise Monitoring at Concrete Mixing Plant at Jalan Timur, Tawau, Sabah.
9. Noise Monitoring for Proposed Development of Mega Mall, 12 Storey Wisma Maksak,
10Storey Hotel, 2 Blocks of 2 storey Administor Block and 2 storey civil service museum
on TL017546431, Ceremonial Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
10. Monitoring Report for the Proposed Earthwork and Infrastructure Works at Jalan
Permaisuara, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
11. Monitoring at Sg. Balung and Sg. Kawa oil Palm Plantation, Tawau, Sabah.
12. Melaksanakan Kerja-kerja Pengawasan Kualiti Udara (Ambient Air Monitoring) Di Stesen
Janakuasa Malawa.
13. Pembinaan Jalan Persisir Pantai Dari Membedai Ke Tanjung Aru, Wilayah Persekutuan
14. Project "Pembaikan Semula Cerun-Cerun di KM 15.7 dan KM 50.37, Jalan Merotai Ke
Kalabakan, Tawau, Sabah".
15. Projek Jalan Telupid Singgat Mata, Beluran, Sabah.
16. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah-Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Sindumin ke
Kg. Melalia.
17. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah – Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Kampung
Melalia ke Beaufort (WP02).
11 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
1. The Proposed Development of Medical School, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu,
2. Proposed Fuk Tao Lin Sian Temple Development on Fr.895, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu,
3. “Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Development at Benta Wawasan I by Benta
Wawasan Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung
Rara Forest Reserves, Tawau District, Sabah”.
4. “Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Development at Benta Wawasan I by Serijaya
Industri Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung Rara
Forest Reserves, Tawau District, Sabah”.
5. “Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Development at Benta Wawasan I Samel Plantation
Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung Rara Forest
Reserves, Tawau District, Sabah”.
6. “Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Development at Benta Wawasan IIC by Ratus
Awansari Sdn Bhd, Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung
Rara Forest Reserves, Tawau District, Sabah”.
7. Replanting Oil Palm Trees for Minat Teguh Estate (2,433.87 Ha) at Mile 23, Sandakan.
8. Replanting Oil Palm Trees for Sijas Estate (652.58 Ha) at Mile 54, Sandakan.
9. Proposed Quarry Operation on FR 104014217, part of CL 104014217 and CL. 105363620,
Ranggu, District of Tawau, Sabah.
10. Moving Soil and Gravel on Premises no. CL. 105342498 Located at Ranggu, District of
Tawau, Sabah.
11. Existing Quarry Operation on NT.12589, NT.12590, NT.12591, L.26310, NT.12381,
L.15295, NT.14566 and NT.14567 at Tamparuli, Sabah.
12 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
CL.025318456, 0.5 Km North-West of Papar Town Centre, District of Papar, Sabah and
Proposed Borrow Pits at CL 23152, CL 22860 And CL 22851, District of Papar, Sabah.
16. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Lintas, Kota Kinabalu Termasuk Tiga
Persimpangan Bertingkat (Fasa 2): 1) Persimpangan Jalan Penampang Baru, 2)
Persimpangan Lido dan 3) Persimpangan Lintas Plaza.
17. The Proposed Shop 2-3 Storey Shop Office, 2 Storey Terrace House and Semi Detached
House on CL.025314096 at Mile 14, Penampang-Papar Road, Kinarut, District of Papar.
18. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Mesej ke Timpangoh Laut, Penampang, Sabah.
19. Proposed 1,133.2 Ha Oil Palm Plantation at Iburu Project Sipitang.
20. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Naik Taraf Jalan Montenior-Halogilat/Beaufort (Fasa II), Sabah.
21. The Proposed Condominium Development on TL. 017517850, CL. 015078323 and TL.
015079848 (with Subsidiary (Strata) Titles to be applied for) along Jalan Tuaran, Likas,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
22. Earthwork Activities at Ladang Sri Harapan Palm Oil Mill at Telupid, Sabah.
23. The Proposed 1224 Units of 16, 17, 26 & 27 – Storey Apartment for Prima Housing on
CL.015177634 at Km 6, off Jalan Kiansom, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
24. Cadangan Naiktaraf Jalan Papar dari Bulatan Papar ke Bulatan Benoni, Sabah (Jalan
Papar Spur).
25. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Topokon-Wangkod-Gontung, Tamparuli,
26. Proposed Sand Mining on PT. 20-04020947 at Sg. Papar, Kg. Rampazan and Processing
Site at Kg. Tomui, Papar, Sabah.
27. Earthwork Activities and Housing Development on CL. 105593271 with 40.47 Hectares,
Imam Estate, Jalan Utara, Tawau, Sabah.
28. Quarry Activities on CL. 125317562 at Sigalong Estate, Kalumpang, Semporna, Sabah.
29. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Melangkap Piasau-Gaur, Kota Belud, Sabah.
30. Proposed 11-Storey Condominium on CL215311961 on Beverly Hills 3, District of
Penampang, Sabah.
31. Cadangan Membina dan Menyiapkan Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Anibongan
yang Mengandungi 24 Bilik Darjah dan Kemudahan Berkaitan di Kinabongan, Pitas,
32. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaik Taraf Jalan Sejauh 3.2 Km Bagi Jalan Kepayan dari
Jambatan Petagas Menghala Ke Persimpangan Lok Kawi, Fasa 1C, Putatan, Sabah.
33. Earthwork activities and housing development on part of CL. 215112806 (L. 11280), NT.
9422 (213176053) and NT. 4798 (213176044) with total 5.39 ha comprising of 6-storey car
13 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
park below and condominium towers (subsidiary title to be applied for) at Kampung
Minintod, Jalan Kasigui Minintod, district of Penampang, Sabah.
34. Earthwork activities for proposed subdivision for 2 units double storey shophouse,30 units
double storey semi-detached and 177 units terrace housing development on cl.025318450
with 7.467 ha and proposed borrow pit at CL.025023152, CL.025022860 and
CL.025022851 with total 10.778 ha, district of Papar, Sabah.
35. Proposed quarry operation on CL.105335439 (5.17 hectares) at Pasir Putih, Tawau,
36. Earthwork activities and development of proposed 3-storey shop/office (with subsidiary
titles to be applied for) and 3/2½- storey terrace houses on CL. 025314096 (6.75 ha) at
mile 14, Penampang-Papar road, Kinarut, district of Papar.
37. Earthwork activities and development of proposed 3-storey shop/office (with subsidiary
titles to be applied for) and 3/2½- storey terrace houses on CL. 025314096 (6.75 ha) at
mile 14, Penampang-Papar road, Kinarut, district of Papar.
38. Earthwork activities at Ladang Sri Harapan palm oil mill on part of CL. 085337515 of 60
hectares, Telupid, Sabah.
39. Membina jalan Lahad Datu bypass, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
40. Earthwork activities and development of proposed pr1ma housing 1,200 units apartments
(with subsidiary title to be applied for) on CL. 015087966 with 9.11 hectares at Jalan
Sepanggar, Kg. Ratau, Menggatal, Sabah.
41. Proposed Upgrading of Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, Jalan UMS and Jalan Sulaman (Phase
2), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
42. Proposed Development at Gantian Bay, Sepangar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
43. "Projek Menyiapkan Kerja-Kerja Terbengkalai Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Pohon Batu
14 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
50. Project River Sand and Stone Mining on Lot NT173105907 Along Sg. Padas and
Processing Site on Lot CL175282676, at Kg Montenior, Beaufort Sabah.
51. Hydraulic, Marine and Mangrove Ecology Study For Jalan Tun Fuan Stephen, Jalan UMS
& Jalan Sulaman, Kota Kinabalu (Phase 2: Roundabout Perkasa To Yayasan Flyover).
52. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Kg. Bangkulat Ke kg Imbak, Tongod Sabah.
53. Proposed Construction of Road at Labuan F.T.
54. "Projek Menariktaraf Tapak Pelupusan Sisa Pepejal di Bukit Gemok, Tawau, Sabah”.
55. Quarry Operation in Mawau Estate Beaufort, Sabah.
56. Project Naiktaraf Jalan Mesej Kg. Kelanyaan, Tenom, Sabah.
57. Program Penanaman Semula Sawit Tanah Anak Negeri at Binkor Keningau.
58. Proposed Development on C.L. 045115919, Kg Tenghilan, Jalan Tuaran - Kota Belud,
Tuaran, Sabah.
59. Proposed Design, Construction, Completion and Commissioning of Semporna Water front
Mixed Development Inclusive of 42 Acres of Reclamation Works, Common Facilities and
Common Infrastructure / External Works on Lot 127501339 Mukim Semporna, Daerah
Tawau, Sabah for MESSRS SEDCO.
60. Sand Mining / Stone Extraction for Applied TOL 20-16081502, Sg Labuk Kg Buis, Telupid,
61. Cadangan Merekabentuk, Membina dan Menyiapkan 500 unit Rumah Kluster 1 Tingkat
Dan Kerja-Kerja Berkaitan Bagi Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Tagasan Di Atas Lot
CL 125324003 & CL 125324012, Seluas 61.34 Ekar, Kampung Tagasan Daerah
Semporna Sabah.
62. Perlaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah - Tawau Coastal Road (Work Package
63. Proposed Conversion (From NT. To CL), Subdivision and Commercial Tourism
Development Consist of 10 Units of Chalets on NT 013068963 at Kg. Tombongon,
Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu.
64. Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak - Layak Pitas, Sabah.
65. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Untuk Tujuan Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air Di Lahad Datu.
66. Pelaksanaan Projek Lebuh Raya Pan Borneo Sabah - Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Bongawan
Ke Papar (WP04).
67. Proposed Earthwork Activities for SMK Petagas (6.11ha), District of Putatan, Sabah.
68. Perlaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah - Cadangan Membina Jalan Dari
Beaufort Ke Bongawan (WP03).
69. Proposed 10mw AC Solar Photovoltaic Plant Located at CL075487786, Luboh Estate,
Sandakan, Sabah.
15 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
70. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit at CL.025152032, Jalan Kelatuan, Papar,
71. Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development of 72 Units of 3-Storey Shophouse at
Phase 1, 95 Units of 2-Storey Terrance House & 32 Units of 2-Storey Semi-Detached
House at Phase 2 & Phase 3 On CL.165003823, District of Tenom, Sabah.
72. Proposal for An Estimated 276 ha Mitigation Measures (PMM) for Oil Palm Plantation at
Litang Estate, Lahad Datu.
73. Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Pintas Kubu, Beaufort Sabah.
74. Proposed New Quarry on Part of CL125327700 (Approximately 5 Hectares) Located at
Batu 6, Jalan Gulung - Gulung, Semporna Sabah.
75. Logging at TOL 08901275 (PT.86082109) Ulu Lingkabau Sugut, Beluran, Sabah.
76. Projek Jalan Telupid Singgahmata, Beluran, Sabah.
77. Perlaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah - Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari Kampung
Melalia ke Beaufort (WP02).
78. Kerja-Kerja Pembersihan Kawasan SKIM Penempatan Nabawan Melalui G.N.444-69
Seluas 500 Hektar.
79. Proposed Temporary Structure (Tents and Others Building) as camp Ground Facilities on
NT143100556 and part of NT143079547 at Kg. Kaingaran Tambunan Sabah.
80. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit on NT.173039739, SN.173060814,
SN.173045942, SN.173043418 and SN.173045951 at Kg. Tandoi and Dumping Site on
NT.173123825, NT.173123816, NT.173123807, NT.173135316 and NT.173135325 at Kg.
Lumat Mawao, Beaufort. (WP03).
81. Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision of Warehouse Development On CL 025339780
(individual Titles), 3 Blocks Of Condominium On CL 025367999, 8 Blocks of Apartment On
16 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
88. Earthwork Activities For New Mosque With 6.475 Hectares (Phase 2) On Part Of L.A. 20-
15120271, Jalan Seri Melor, District Of Semporna, Sabah.
89. Proposed Logging Activities On Pt.20-20080088 (2,902 Hectares) At Paitan, District Of
Labuk Sugut, Sabah.
90. Activities, Reclamation, And Construction Of Proposed Mixed Development On CL.
015708531 With 1.821 Ha At Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
91. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Pembinaan Kompleks Pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah
Malaysia (SPRM) Di Sebahagian CL.015694381, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
92. Earthwork Activities for The Proposed Development of KK One For
Redevelopment/Rehabilition of Existing Approved Building Structure Oo Komplex Star City
(Phase IIC) On Part of TL.017546940 & TL.017544713 at Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu,
93. Pembinaan Kompleks Pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Negeri
94. Cadangan Membina Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah, Rumah Guru 6 Unit, Bangunan Baru Asrama
120 Pelajar dan 1 Block Dewan Makan, Makmal dan Bengkel KH/PAV Serta Pagar di Sk
Pekan Pensiangan Untuk Perluasan Sekolah K9 Di Daerah Nabawan, Negeri Sabah.
95. Earthwork Activities For Projek Pembinaan Komplex Sukan Tongod, Sabah.
96. Project Menbina Jalan Tawayari, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
97. Porposed Clearing Activities of FR.154000674 (1,200 Ha) at Kg.Tatalaan 1 Joint Venture
Between The Beneficiaries of Communal Grant of Kg.Tatalaan 1 With Sentotimber Sdn
Bhd, Pensiangan, Sabah.
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CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
9. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation with 157.44 Hectares at Ladang Hassan,
Sandakan, Sabah.
10. Proposed 2-Storey Seaside Resort on NT.10207 and NT.023225961 at Kg. Kinarut Laut,
District of Papar, Sabah.
11. Kerja – Kerja Pembersihan Kawasan Skim Penempatan Nabawan Melalui G.N.444-69
Seluas 418.65 Hektar, Nabawan, Sabah.
12. Logging Operation at TOL 08901275 (PT. 86082109) With 161.6 Hectares at Ulu
Lingkabau Sugut, Beluran, Sabah.
13. Proposed Subdivision, Residential & Commercial Development Consist of 13-Storey
Affordable Apartment (2- Tower, Subsidiary Title Will be Applied For), 2 & 3-Storey
Shoplots, 1-Storey Market Square, 3-Storey Mall cum Supermarket, 2-Storey College,
Petrol Station Lot and Drive-Thru Lot on CL.025059616 with Total 18.26 Hectares at Papar,
14. Development of Resort Consisting of: Phase 1: 10-Storey Hotel Suit (150 rooms), Phase
2: 11-Storey Hotel (250 rooms), Phase 3: Single Storey Resort Villa (8 units), 3-Storey
Resort Villa (6 units) and Phase 4: Grand Ball Room on N.T. 183314669 (Lot 1), N.T.
183314678, and N.T. 183319557 at Kampung Bayong, District of Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
15. Proposed Sandakan Port Wharf Extension, Sandakan, Sabah.
16. Proposed Linggisan Eco Luxury Resort Development Phase 1 on Lot NT.03307490,
NT.033079686 and NT.2296, Pulau Mantanani Besar, District of Kota Belud, Sabah.
17. Proposed Commercial Development 19-Unit 2 Storey Shop Office on PT. 84190069 at
Pekan Sipitang.
18. Proposed 4-story Apartment Development on NT 213189550, NT 213189569,
NT213159507, and 19 Other native Land at Kg. Kepayan, district of Penampang Kota
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CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
F. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Sampah Perbadanan Labuan di Bukit Kallam, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan (Tapak Baru).
2. The Scheduled Waste Storage at Lot H10 (Lot 11370), Asian Supply Base, Rancha-
Rancha Industrial Estate, Federal Territory of Labuan.
3. The Scheduled Waste Storage and Recovery Plant at Lot H10 (Lot 11370) at Asian Supply
Base, Rancha-Rancha Industrial Estate, Federal Territory of Labuan – Combine EMP.
4. The Proposed Construction of 350,000 PE Regional Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at
Inanam, Sabah.
1. JKP/09/2012 Perumahan Negara Kg. Lugu Design & Build of Earthworks, Infrastructure
and 1000 units of High Density Development including Master Planning at Kg. Lugu
National Housing Scheme within 24 months, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
H. Special Study
1. Penyediaan Prosedur Tetap Operasi Dan Garis Panduan Pelaksanaan Pematuhan kendiri
Bagi Pematuhan Syarat-Syarat Alam Sekitar untuk Aktiviti Peladangan Kelapa Sawit Di
negeri Sabah, for EPD Sabah.
2. Kajian Penyediaan Pelan Tindakan bagi Meningkatkan Tahap Pematuhan Syarat-Syarat
Alam Sekitar bagi Aktiviti Pembangunan di Negeri Sabah
19 | P a g e
CV – Roziyanna Binti Manjuin
1. Atlantica Palm Oil Mill and Andum Estate, Located at KM 72, Jalan Sandakan - Telupid,
Sandakan Sabah.
2. Ladang Hassan Estate (1,395.10Ha) Located at Sandakan, Sabah.
3. Ladang Hassan Estate (157.44Ha) and Palm Oil Mill Located at Sandakan, Sabah.
4. Participatory Social Impact Assessment (P-SIA) for the “Shrimp Farm of Sankina
Aquaculture Sdn Bhd in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia”.
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Membership : Registered with Environment Protection Department, Sabah
Nationality : Malaysian
Race : Bumiputera Sabah
Awards :
Duration Awards
1998 Dean’s List Award by University Technology of Malaysia
3. Proposed Mixed Commercial Cum Residential Development and Transport Hub on
Lot 01200688 and Railway Line Reserve at Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
4. Proposed Pembinaan Jalan Bukit Gading dan Jalan Sungai Nasib/Lihak-Lihak,
Semporna, Sabah.
5. Extraction of Earth Material on NT 083024159 for Housing Development at Telupid,
District of Labuk Sugut, Sabah.
6. Proposed Quarry Operation on CL015081446, NT615 and 015388646at Kampung
Mansiang, Menggatal, Sabah.
7. Proposed Development of Mega Mall, 12-Storey Wisma Maksak, 10-Storey Hotel, 2
Blocks of 2-Storey Administration Block and 2-Storey Civil Service Museum on TL
017546431, Ceremonial Drive, Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (KK Mega Mall).
8. Municipal Solid Waste Sorting, Composting and Recycling Plant at Kayu Madang
Sanitary Landfill, Kg. Lapasan, Jalan Gayang, Telipok, Sabah.
9. Proposed Persatuan Taoism San-Ching Development on CL015058474 and Part of
CL015058465 at Jalan Kiansom Inanam, Sabah.
10. Proposed Extraction Activities on L215112806 at Kg. Minintod, Jalan Kasigui
Minintod, Penampang, Sabah.
11. Proposed Housing, Shop/Office and Nursing Home on PL 784 and NT6460 at
Kampung Kuai, Penampang, Sabah.
12. Proposed 6.5 Megawatt Small Renewable Energy Biomass Power Plant on
20. Proposed Development of 1440 Units of Low- Medium Cost Apartment (Strata Title
and other Related Ameneties on Lot CL045335064 Telipok, KM .24 Jalan Tuaran,
District of Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
21. Earthwork Activities on CL 015486325 (Phase 5, 6, 7 & 8) at Teluk Sepanggar,
Menggatal, Sabah.
22. Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision for 282 Units Condominium with
Communal Facilities on Lots CL015152842 and 015495084 at Bukit Padang, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
23. Proposed Construction of a Palm Oil Mill at CL 085330409, Ladang Mamahat,
24. Proposed Construction of New Kalabakan Plam Oil Mill at Kalabakan, Tawau,
25. “Cadangan Membina dan Menimbus ‘Esplanade’ di persisir Pantai Pekan Sipitang,
26. Proposed Earthwork Activities on CL.015486325 (Phase 5, 6, 7 & 8) at Taman Bukit
Sepangar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
27. Proposed Resort Development on TL941, L13137, L13138, and L15390 at North
33. Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision for 282 Units Condominium with
Communal Facilities on Lots CL 015152842 and 015495084 at Bukit Padang, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
34. Proposed Development of 1440 Units of Low- Medium Cost Apartment (Strata Title
and Other Related Ameneties on Lot CL045335064 Telipok, KM .24 Jalan Tuaran,
District Of Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
35. Earthwork Activities on CL 025334221, Lok Kawi, Sabah .
36. Proposed Residential Development on 015492458 (REMR of 015092207) and
013049806 at Kg. Nunton, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
37. Proposed Construction of New Kalabakan Palm Oil Mill at Kalabakan, Tawau,
38. Proposed Construction of a Palm Oil Mill at CL 085330409, Ladang Mamahat,
Sandakan, Sabah.
39. Proposed Commercial Development of Suria Sabah on Title No. T.L.017539810 at
Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, Kota Kinabalu.
40. “Cadangan Perlaksanaan Projek Pembangunan 780 Unit Rumah Kos Sederhana
Rendah Jenis Apartment 5 Tingkat, 384 Unit Rumah Kos Sederhana Jenis
Apartment 4 Tingkat dan 10 unit Kedai 1-Tingkat di atas Lot NT 7241 dan NT 7248 di
Jalan Minitod, Penampang, Sabah”.
41. Proposed Mountain Resort on CL 065319315, NT 063079934, NT 063100185 and
Part of NT 063077136 at Kg. Kundasang, Ranau, Sabah.
42. “Cadangan Membina dan Menyiapkan Semula Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah dan
Perumahan Polis Diraja Malaysia di atas Lot 117503465, Lahad Datu, Sabah,
43. Proposed Construction of a Palm Oil Mill at CL 105334996, Km 66, off Tawau-
Brantian Highway, Tawau, Sabah.
44. Proposed Housing Development on CL 135311643, NT 133065139 and CL
49. Logging activities at FMU WEST of FMU No.5, Trusmadi Forest Reserve, Ranau
District, Sabah.
50. Logging activities at Sg. Imbak State Land, Tongod District, Sabah.
51. Logging activities at FMU No. 8, Pensiangan District, Sabah.
52. Earthwork Activities for the Proposed 2-Storey Shop/Office and 2-Storey
Supermarket on CL.165319737 and CL.165319728 at Tenom Town, District of
Tenom, Sabah (2012)
53. Proposed Development of Resort with 5 Chalets, Function Hall and Jetty at NT 750
at Kulapuan Island, Semporna, Sabah.
54. Earthwork Activities for The Proposed Water Supply Project at Sg. Mengalong, Sipitang,
Sabah (2012)
55. The Existing Quarry Operation On Nt.12589, Nt.12590, Nt.12591, L.26310, Nt.12381,
04316231, L.17123, 04316123, L.15295, Nt.14566 and Nt.14567 at Tamparuli, Sabah
56. Proposed Residential Development consisting of 7 Levels Parking Podium, a
Recreational Podium and 3 Tower Blocks of 26-Storey Residential Tower on CL.
015058518 at Jalan Kolam, Kota Kinabalu [with Subsidiary (Strata) Titles to be
Applied for] (2012)
57. “Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Cadangan Pembangunan Projek bagi SMK Tandek II (36
BD) di Lot NT 223124927, NT 223142729, FR 739, Kota Marudu, Sabah untuk
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia” (2012)
58. Earthwork Activities for Proposed Subdivision & Development of 15 Blocks (136
Units) 2-3 Storey Shoplots on 225312149 at Pekan Kota Marudu, District of Kota
Marudu, Sabah (2012)
60. Proposed Kuala Penyu Bay Beach Resort on FR.3100 & Lot 1 NT.183030686 at Kg.
Sabang, District of Kuala Penyu, Sabah (2013)
61. The Proposed Quarry Operation on CL.2253110978, NT.223121284 and
NT.223110978, Kg. Manggaris, Langkon, Kota Marudu, Sabah (2013)
62. “Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Bungalio-Longkou Lama-Timbok, Tuaran, Sabah” (2013)
63. Development of OPP within part of block YT 2/04 (5,000 ha approximately) at
Kalabakan, Sabah.
64. Proposed Housing Development on C.L. 015019940 (10.38 Ac.) at Bukit Padang
Phase 1, Luyang, Penampang District, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
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65. Proposed 15 & 21 Storey Condominium On. C.L. 015124606 at Mile 2, Jalan Tuaran,
District Of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
66. “Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Sook – Tulid – Sinua, Keningau, Sabah (Fasa II)”.
67. Moving Soil and Gravel on Premises No. CL.105342498 located at Ranggu, District
of Tawau, Sabah.
68. “Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Bungalio-Longkou Lama-Timbok, Tuaran, Sabah”.
69. Proposed Sand Mining on PT 2009110083 at Sg. Segama, District of Lahad Datu,
70. The Proposed 28 Units 2-Storey Terrace House & 38 Units 2½-Storey Terrace
House & 6 Bungalow Lots On 215026289, 01613545 And Part Of 015027688, Off
Jalan Penampang Lama, District Of Penampang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
71. Environmental Management Plan for Existing Operation of Kapilit Palm Oil Mill for
Sabah Softwoods Berhad at Kalabakan, Sabah.
72. Environmental Management Plan for Chipmill for Sabah Softwoods Berhad at
Kalabakan, Sabah.
73. “Cadangan Membina Sebuah Tokong Cina Nam Tien Kong (Jiu Wang Da Di) Di Atas
Tanah 013110971 (Lot 6) & 013110999 (Lot 8) Di Kg. Tatahan, Jalan Kiansom,
Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah”.
74. The Proposed Condominium Development on TL. 017517850, Cl. 015078323 and
T.L. 015079848 (With Subsidary (Strata) Titles to be Applied for) along Jalan Tuaran,
Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
75. The Proposed 5 Units Of 4 Storey Link Villas (With Subsidiary Titles to be Applied
for) on CL.015329549, CL.015329558, CL.015411908, CL.015358782 at Taman
Kinabalu, Off Jalan Kolam Luyang, District of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
79. Proposed Development of 130 Unit SOHO Duplex dan Service Apartment 26-Tingkat
dan 291 Unit Kedai di atas Tanah CL. 215429324, Jalan Bundusan, Penampang,
80. Replanting For Sijas Estate (823 Ha) At Mile 54, Sandakan, Sabah.
81. Replanting For Minat Teguh Estate (2,434ha) at Mile 54, Sandakan, Sabah.
82. Projek Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air di Lahad Datu, Sabah.
83. Proposed 20-Storey Commercial Development (With Subsidiary Strata Title To Be
Applied For) On Part Of Cl. 015583963 (Lot 1) at Damai Luyang, Kota Kinabalu
District, Sabah.
84. The Proposed Condominium Development on TL. 017517850, Cl. 015078323 and
T.L. 015079848 (With Subsidary (Strata) Titles to be Applied for) along Jalan Tuaran,
Likas, Kota Kinabalu , Sabah.
87. Proposed Amalgamation, Subdivision And 5-Storey Apartments (With Strata Title To
Be Applied For) And 2-Storey Shops/ Office (With Individual Lot Title) Development
On CL015045057, CL015045048, CL015269066, CL015269057, CL015068265,
CL015067393 And CL015045039 At Telipok, District of Kota Kinabalu.
88. Projek Cadangan Pembinaan Jeti Dan Jambatan Konkrit Baru Di Kg.Balimbang,
Pulau Bum-bum, Semporna, Sabah.
89. Development Of Oil Palm Plantation Within Part Of Block Yt 2/04 (5,000 Ha
Approximately) At Kalabakan, Sabah.
90. Proposed Condominium Development On Tl. 017517850, 015078323 And Tl
015079848 (With Subsidiary (Strata) Titles To Be Applied For ) Along Jalan Tuaran,
102. Proposed Housing Development On Cl 015108264, CL 015178453 And Cl
015484018 At Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu
103. Proposed Quarry Operation At 261205 (About 120 Acres), Mile 9, Jalan Apas,
Tawau, Sabah
104. Proposed River Sand Extraction At Sg. Lugutan, Sipitang, Sabah.
105. Earthwork Activities For The Proposed 68 Units Ready Built Factories Phase 5
(RBF5) On Part Of Cl.01558380 And Cl.015582153 And Dumping Site At Iz10 And
Iz11, Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (K.K.I.P), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
106. Cadangan Penyusunan Dan Pembinaan Semula Penempatan Kg.Gana, Kota
Marudu Di Bawah Pelaksanaan Projek Agropolitan, Kementerian Kemajuan Luar
Bandar Dan Wilayah
107. Proposed Agro-Forestry Development In Blocks YT 2/06 And YT 3/06 At Luasong,
Tawau, Sabah.
108. Proposed Development Of Esplanade And Jetty At Bengkoka, Pitas
109. Earthwork Activities For Proposed Subdivision For 2 Units Double Storey
Shophouse, 30 Units Double Storey Semi-Detached And 177 Units Terrace
Housing Development On Cl.025318456, 0.5 Km North-West Of Papar Town
Centre, District of Papar, Sabah And Proposed Borrow Pits At CL 23152, CL 22860
And Cl 22851, District Of Papar, Sabah
110. The Proposed Shop 2-3 Storey Shop Office, 2 Storey Terrace House And Semi
Detached House On Cl.025314096 At Mile 14, Penampang-Papar Road, Kinarut,
District Of Papar
Storey College, Petrol Station Lot and Drive-Thru Lot on CL.025059616 with Total
18.26 Hectares at Papar, Sabah.
113. EIA for Earthwork Activites and Development of Proposed Pr1m Housing 1,200
Units Apartment (With subsidiary title to be applied for) on CL.015087966 with 9.11
Hectares at Jalan Sepanggar, Kg. Ratau, Menggatal, Sabah.
114. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Jalan Montenior – Halogilat / Beaufort
(Fasa II), Sabah.
115. EIA for Cadangan Naiktaraf Jalan Papar Dari Bulatan Papar Ke Bulatan Benoni,
Sabah (JalanPapar Spur).
116. EIA for Proposed Quarry Operation at Block BW1/13 (0.65 Ha) at Gunung Rara
Forest Reserve, Tawau.
117. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities at Salambigar, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
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118. EIA for Aktiviti Penimbusan Laut Di Teluk Sepanggar Di CL.015580891 (Fasa II),
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
119. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Pinangah – Masaum Sepanjang
11 KM, Tongod, Sabah.
120. EIA for Membina Jalan Lahad Datu Bypass, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
121. EIA for Proposed River Stone Extraction on PT. 2014190248 (0.78 Ha) at Sg.
Mengalong and Processing Site on NT.193020530 and Part of NT. 193016769
(Total 0.607 Ha) at Kg. Melamam, Sipitang, Sabah.
122. EIA for Proposed Residential Development of 29-Storey Condominium 87 Units with
0.27 Hectares on TL.017528719, off Jalan Signal Hill Park, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
123. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Proposed Development on FR. 014008934 at Kg.
Kibagu, Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
124. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Development for The Proposed Residential for
Shop, Duplex Housing and 1 Block Condominium [With Subsidiary (Strata) title to
be applied for] on CL. 015282345 and CL. 015093008 at Kg. Sukang, Jalan Sukang
Mabpai, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
125. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Residential Development on Part of CL.
015055526 (9.767 Hectares) at Kg. Darau, Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
126. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Mixed Development on TL. 017561867
(2.428 HA) and CL. 015707570 (2.428 HA), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
127. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Amalgation, Conversion, Subdivision and
Development of CL. 115314488 and CL. 115314497 info a Residential
Development with 12.78 Hectares off Mile 8, Lahad Datu-Kunak Highway, District of
Lahad Datu, Sabah.
128. EIA for River Sand Extraction at PT. 2016100284 (0.81 Ha) Sungai Brantian,
Tawau, Sabah.
129. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Untuk Cadangan Membina dan Menyiapkan Kolej
Vokasional Berasrama Penuh Serta Lain-Lain Kemudahan Berkaitan di Kawasan
Hub Pendidikan Sandakan, Daerah Sandakan, Negeri Sabah.
130. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Proposed Mixed Resort Development (strata title to
be applied) on FR. 054032923, NT. 053081100, NT. 053081119, FR. 054032941,
NT. 053081888 and NT. 053086954 with 23.485 Hectares at Kg. Marimbau, District
of Kudat, Sabah.
131. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah untuk Projek Pembinaan Talian Penghantaran 132KV
dari Kota Belud Ke Ranau, Sabah di Sebahagian Tnah Kerajaan dan TL.
135. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Sepanjang 27.118 KM bagi Jalan
Lok Kawi-Pengalat-Papar, Sabah.
136. EIA for Extraction of River Stone and Sand Deposit at Sg. Pangapuyan on TOL
(JTU(G):800/2223.4.31) and Processing Site at NT. 224006704 and NT.
224006713, Kota Marudu, Sabah.
137. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Upgrading of 6.27 Km Jalan Karangan, Beaufort,
138. EIA for Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit at CL. 025152032, Jalan
Kelatuan, Papar, Sabah.
139. EIA for Loggong Operation at Kg. Mindohuan (605.90 Ha), Ranau, Sabah.
140. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and
Development of 72 Units of 3-Storey Shop Office (With Subsidiary Titles To Be
Applied For) at Phase 1, 95 Units Of 2-Storey Terrace House & 32 Units of 2-Stroey
Semi Detached House at Phase 2 & 3 On CL. 1655003823 and Dumping Site At Nt.
163000566, District of Tenom, Sabah.
141. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak-
Layak, Pitas, Sabah.
142. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Conversion, (From NT to CL),
Subdivision and Commercial Tourism Development Consist of 10 Units of
Homestay on NT. 013068963 at Kg. Tombongon, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu.
143. EIA for Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 1.395.10 Hectares At
Ladang Hassan, Sandakan, Sabah.
144. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities for Development of Commercial Complex on
CL. 215429208 and Part of CL. 215429324 (3.988 Ha) at Jalan Bundusan,
Penampang District Sabah.
145. EIA for Earthwork Activities And Construction Of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong II
Phase 1 Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works) at Inanam, Sabah.
146. EIA for Earthwork Activities And Resort Develoment Including Road Diversion On
CL. 185313740, CL. 185313731, CL. 185313713, CL. 185313786, CL. 185313768
And Cl. 185313777 At Kampung Bayong, District Of Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
147. EIA for Replanting Activities For Sook Estate (2468 Ha) Located At Jalan Tulid,
153. EIA for Eathwork Activities For Proposed Dumping Site (18.1 Hectare) At CL.
015606283, Kingfisher, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
154. EIA for Porposed Clearing Activities of FR.154000674 (1,200 Ha) at Kg.Tatalaan 1
Joint Venture Between The Beneficiaries of Communal Grant of Kg.Tatalaan 1 With
Sentotimber Sdn Bhd, Pensiangan, Sabah.
155. EIA for Earthwork Activities And Proposed Amalgamation And Subdivision Of New
Water Tank And PPU on CL.025339780 (Individual Title), 2 Blocks of Condominium
on CL.025367999, 3 Blocks of Apartment on CL.025368003 and Mixed-Used
Development on CL.025368085 & CL.025368076 (Total 15.65 Hectares) at Lok
Kawi, District of Papar, Sabah (With Subsidiary (Strata) To Be Applied For).
156. EIA for Earthwork Activities for Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development
of CL. 135314439 into a Housing Development at Kampung Ulu Liawan, District of
157. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Kompleks Sukan Tongod (4.78 Ha)
Serta Pelupusan Tanah Berlebihan (1.89 Ha) di Sebahagian Tanah Diwartakan
Untuk Tapak Mini Kompleks, Tongod Sabah.
158. EIA for Replanting Activities at Litang Estate (776 Hectares), Lahad Datu, Sabah.
159. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Membina Jalan Tawayari, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
160. EIA for Cadangan Membina Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah, Rumah Guru 6 Unit, Bangunan
Baru Asrama 120 Pelajar dan 1 Blok Dewan Makan, Makmal dan Bengkel Kh/Pav
Serta Pagar di Sk Pekan Pensiangan Untuk Perluasan Sekolah K9 di Daerah
Nabawan, Negeri Sabah.
161. EIA for Earthwork Activities for The Proposed Development of KK One For
Redevelopment/Rehabilition of Existing Approved Building Structure Oo Komplex
Star City (Phase IIC) On Part of TL.017546940 & TL.017544713 at Kampung Air,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
162. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Kompleks Pejabat Suruhanjaya
Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) di Sebahagian CL.015694381, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
163. EIA for Earthwork Activities, Reclamation, And Construction Of Proposed Mixed
Development On CL. 015708531 With 1.821 Ha At Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu,
164. EIA for Earthwork Activities And Proposed Residential Development (7.52 Ha) And
Disposal Of Overburden (2.51 Ha) On Part Of CL.175336080, Jalan Taman
Wawasan, District Of Beaufort, Sabah.
165. EIA for Earthwork Activities Of Ponds Construction At Sook Estate, Located At
Jalan Tulid, Sook, Keningau, Sabah.
166. EIA for Proposed Off-Site Scheduled Waste Storage At KKIP, Off Jalan Sepanggar,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
167. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit on Part of CL.175346666 and Dumping
Sites on CL.175275706 and CL.175007860 at Kg. Lumat, Beaufort.
168. Earthwork Activities and Proposed Upgrading of Jalan Kolam Including Two
Flyovers and Supplementary Roads (Total 8.636 KM), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
169. Earthwork Activities and Upgrading of Jalan Paitan - Pantai Boring, Beluran, Sabah.
170. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Gading – Gading, Semporna,
CV- Festory@Fasther Gadana Page 12 of 13
171. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Naiktaraf Jalan dari Kg. Bangkulat Ke Kg. Imbak,
Tongod, Sabah.
172. Earthwork Activities and Proposed Upgrading of 6.96 KM Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen,
Jalan UMS & Jalan Sulaman, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah – Phase I.
173. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Semawang Ke Tanjung Kuala Gum
Gum, Sandakan, Sabah.
174. Proposed Logging Activities On PT.20-20080088 (2,902 Hectares) At Paitan,
District Of Labuk Sugut, Sabah.
175. Earthwork Activities For New Mosque With 6.475 Hectares (Phase 2) On Part Of
L.A. 20-15120271, Jalan Seri Melor, District Of Semporna, Sabah.
NT.033079686 and NT.2296, Pulau Mantanani Besar, District of Kota Belud,
2. Proposed Commercial Development 19-Unit 2-Storey Shop Office on PT.84190069
at Pekan Sipitang.
3. Development of Resort Consisting of: Phase 1: 10-Storey Hotel Suit (150 rooms),
Phase 2: 11-Storey Hotel (250 rooms), Phase 3: Single Storey Resort Villa (8 units),
3-Storey Resort Villa (6 units) and Phase 4: Grand Ball Room on N.T. 183314669
(Lot 1), N.T. 183314678, and N.T. 183319557 at Kampung Bayong, District of Kuala
Penyu, Sabah.
4. Proposed Logging Operation with 150.3 Hectares on Part of FR. 124014946 at
Semporna, Sabah.
5. Logging Operation at TOL 08901275 (PT. 86082109) With 161.6 Hectares at Ulu
Lingkabau Sugut, Beluran, Sabah.
6. Kerja – Kerja Pembersihan Kawasan Skim Penempatan Nabawan Melalui G.N.444-
69 Seluas 418.65 Hektar, Nabawan, Sabah.
7. Proposed 2-Storey Seaside Resort on NT.10207 and NT.023225961 at Kg. Kinarut
Laut, District of Papar, Sabah.
Keningau, Sabah.
11. Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (376.68 Ha) at District of Tongod, Sabah.
12. Proposed Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation With 114 Ha At Lormalong Estate At
Kunak, Sabah.
13. Proposed Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation With 196.26 Ha At Merotai Estate At
Tawau, Sabah.
14. Proposed 2-Storey Seaside Resort On Nt.10207 And Nt.023225961 At Kg. Kinarut
Laut, District Of Papar, Sabah.
15. Program Pembangunan Dan Penanaman Semula Sawit (233 Ha) Tanah Anak
Negeri At Bingkor, Keningau, Sabah.
16. Proposed Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation With 157.44 Hectares At Ladang
Hassan, Sandakan, Sabah.
CV- Festory@Fasther Gadana Page 13 of 13
17. Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation At Kandang Besar Estate (192 Ha), Keningau,
18. Proposed Resort Development On Tol 10900260 At Celebes Sea, Tawau, Sabah.
1. Projek Pembinaan Jalan Maliau Basin (Pakej 1 Dan Pakej 2) , Kalabakan, Sabah.
2. The Proposed Stone Quarry And Its Activities At CL.235310344, NT.233102273,
CL.233111334 And CL.053033079 At Kg. Kesagaan, Pitas, Sabah.
3. Membina Jalan Lahad Datu Bypass, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
4. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Untuk Tujuan Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air Di Lahad Datu.
5. Earthwork Activities For Construction Of Telipok Reservoir (Telibong Ii Phase 2
Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah.
6. Earthwork Activities For Construction Of Telibong Reservoir (Telibong Ii Phase 2
Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah.
7. Earthwork Activities For Construction Of Menggatal Reservoir (Telibong Ii Phase 2
Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah.
8. Proposed Sand Mining On Tol.08902801 At Sg. Klagan, Beluran,Sabah.
9. Existing Aggregate Quarry Operation And Associated Facilities On Lots
Fr.014010934,Nt.013081815, Nt.013068543 And Nt.013068534 At Sepanggar,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Nationality Denmark
Education PhD, Hydrodynamics and Coastal Engineering, Institute of Hydrodynamics and
Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 1993
MSc, Hydrodynamics and Coastal Engineering, Institute of Hydrodynamics and
Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 1990
Courses Seminar on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) using RIAM, Niche
Training Network in collaboration with Envirolink Sdn. Bhd., 2008
Workshop: Guidelines on Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts for EIA
Projects (Part A and B), Department of Environment, Malaysia, 2008
Employment record
Year Firm Position and responsibilities
2008 - date DHI Water & Environment, South-East Asia Regional Technical Director.
2003 - 2008 DHI Water & Environment, Managing Director, Malaysia Offices.
1998 - 2003 DHI Water & Environment, Senior Coastal Engineer & Project Manager,
Malaysia Responsible for technical management of
numerous projects in South East Asia.
1990 - 1993 Institute of Hydrodynamics PhD Student, PhD Student in wave breaking,
and Hydraulic Engineering sediment transport under the advice of Prof. Rolf
Deigaard and Prof. Jørgen Fredsøe. Teaching and
advising undergraduate students. Six-month stay
at California Institute of Technology. Pasadena,
Experience record
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2016 Treasure Bay Bintan Hydraulic input and optimization of layout for
Masterplan Studies, Bintan, masterplan for major tourism and resort
Indonesia development. Expert input supported by hydraulic
2015 Sandsource study for Project director for a sand source investigation
reclamation fill, Sabah, focused on identifying a suitable sand source for
Malaysia. reclamation and beach nourishment for the
Tanjung Aru Eco Development.
2015 Sedimentation and dredge Project manager for the modelling and assessment
plume assessment for of sedimentation and potential maintenance
Gorgon channel dredge plumes for Gorgon navigation channel and
maintenance, Western berth pockets
2015 Sedimentation and dredge Project manager for the assessment of dredge
plume assessment for the plumes and sedimentation associated with the 3-
dredging of the CaTRo year dredging programme for the 65 km long
Channel, Caspian Sea, CaTRo channel in the Caspian Sea.
2015 Stabilisation and restoration Technical advisor and reviewer of design of beach
of Karambunai Beach, protection to mitigate ongoing severe erosion and
Sabah, Malaysia reestablish beach amenity values. Includes
assessment of river mouth and coastal impacts.
2015 Management Plan for River Technical advisor and coastal lead on assessment
Stone and Sand Mining, Sg. of sustainable river sand mining carried out for the
Mengalong and Sg. Environment Protection Department of Sabah,
Lukutan, Sabah, Malaysia. Malaysia.
2015 Hydraulic Studies and Technical advisor and reviewer. Hydraulic and
Sedimentation Assessment morphological studies to determine design
for SMOE port expansion, conditions and risk of siltation associated with
Batam, Indonesia. expansion of the SMOE facilities at Batam,
2015 Sedimentation Assessment Project Manager for study of port and channel
for Ashburton North Port sedimentation for Ashburton North harbor carried
and dredged channel. out for Pilbara Port Authority.
2015 Dredge plume assessment Project Manager for assessment of the likely
for maintenance dredging. dredge plumes associated with maintenance
Western Australia dredging for the Wheatstone LNG terminal.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2015 EIA for Terminal Extension Technical Advisor for impact modelling for
at MCT, Brunei. dredging and reclamation for the proposed
terminal extension at MCT.
2015 - 2016 Tanjung Aru Eco Technical Advisor and manager for modelling
Development Special support and assessment of coastal and marine
Environmental Impact impacts of a masterplan for a beach rehabilitation
Assessment, Sabah, and reclamation project.
2015 Shell Todd Oil Services Ltd Lead reviewer on Oil spill and Drill cuttings
Marine Consent Application, modelling for Environmental Court hearing for
New Zealand consent application.
2015 Gorgon LNG, Western Project Manager. Modelling and advice in support
Australia of submission to regulators on risk to corals from
turbidity and sedimentation from propeller wash
2015 Assessment and Modelling Technical Advisor and coordinator for advice and
of floatables, BSB Brunei. modelling of strategies for trapping floatable in
Sungai Brunei and Sg. Kedayan.
2014-15 Sg. Segama river sand Technical Advisor and quality assurer for a study
mining, Lahad Datu, Sabah, of sustainable sand mining capacity for Sg.
Malaysia Segama carried out for the Environment Protection
2014-15 Kudat Tourism Masterplan, Technical Advisor. Provided technical advice and
Malaysia presentations to technical and steering committees
for the development of a comprehensive coastal
tourism masterplan.
2014 Sediment plume modelling Technical Advisor and manager for modelling and
for EIA for the BPMC assessment of sediment plumes generated from
pipeline installation, Brunei. trenching of the BPMC gas pipeline.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2014 Waituna Lagoon, New Technical Advisor. Provided expert advice for a
Zealand pre-feasibility engineering study for technical
solutions to managing lagoon entrance opening
and closure for drainage and water quality.
2014 Bintan Treasure Bay, Technical Advisor. Provided expert advice on
Indonesia hydraulic feasibility of master plan for major resort
development. Suggested changes to master plan
to resolve potential issues with water quality,
navigation and coastal stability.
2014 Coastal Adaptation Study, Technical Expert. Provided review and technical
Singapore input on coastal adaptation strategies to counter
the effects of climate change and global sea level
2013 - 2015 Tg Aru Eco Development Project Director, overlooking the hydraulic
Masterplan Study, Malaysia modelling and design input for marine components
for the masterplan for a major redevelopment of
the main public beach area in Kota Kinabalu.
Project includes re-engineering and upgrade of
public beach, a waterway connecting a fishermen's
wharf development and a marina development
catering for mega-yachts, reclamation for hotels,
2013-2014 Wheatstone Coral Project Manager. Model validation for coral spawn
Validation Modelling, modelling carried out to support an assessment of
Australia the potential impacts to coral larvae from dredging
during a mass coral spawn event. Particle tracking
model was validated against deployed GPS
tracked drifters over two periods during the
spawning season.
2013 Padas river sand mining Technical Advisor and Coastal Expert. Modelling
study, Sabah, Malaysia study of the sustainable sand mining capacity for
lower Padas river system for the Environment
Protection Department.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2013 DI Oilspill Modelling Project Manager. Oil spill modelling for day
Assistance, Australia bunkering sites during a three year dredging
2012 - 2013 Wheatstone LNG plant Technical Advisor and Reviewer. Provided review
diffuser outfall, Australia and technial advise on diffusor outfall modelling for
a temporary outfall during construction phase of
the LNG facility.
Framework, Australia forecast modelling, MODIS imagery and advice on
the assessment of risks for cumulative impacts
from concurrent dredging programmes.
2012 River Hydraulic Study for Project Director. Project director for the
Eco-Tourism Resort at Sg. assessment of potential impacts to river hydraulics,
Kalumpang, Tawau, including current, flood and morphological
Malaysia asessment, from a piled development in major
mangrove channel.
2012 - 2013 Tk Rubiah EMMP, Perak, Project Director. Project director for extensive
Malaysia modelling and assessment for dredge plume
management during construction. Included daily
spill assessment, hindcast modelling and reporting
over a 2 months dredging campaign.
2012 Teluk Rubiah DEIA Post Technical Advisor and Presenter. Provided support
Approval Support, Malaysia to Vale through modelling, advice and
presentations to authorities on using proactive spill
monitoring and management as an alternative to
silt curtains for mitigation of dredge plume impacts.
Appeal to authorities successful.
Malaysia, Malaysia
2011 - 2012 Preparation of EIA Project Director. Development of two guides for
guidelines for Sabah, Environment Protection Department for
Malaysia environmental assessment of 1) Dredging &
Reclamation; 2) Coastal Development.
2011 - 2013 Wheatstone Coral Spawn Project Manager. Agent Based Modelling to
Impact, Australia assess the potential impacts to coral larvae from
dredge plumes and sedimentation caused by
dredging to support an assessment of possible
dredge scenarios that will not impact coral
Year Project, Country Position and activities
assessment of mitigation options.
associated with dredging, optimisation of dredge
programmes and input to the Environmental
Monitoring and Management Plans
2011 - 2012 Wheatstone LNG Project - Project Manager. Assessment of stability of dredge
Spoil Ground Stability spoil grounds for 40 million m3 dredge programme.
Assessment (Phase 4), Included modelling and assessment of a range of
Australia climatic conditions, including cyclones.
2011 Wheatstone LNG Project - Technical Expert Advisor. Support during tendering
Support During Tendering, phase for navigation channel dredging. DHI
Australia support included assessment through modelling of
environmental risks associated with dredging
programmes presented by tenderers.
2011 - 2013 Sabah Islands Management Technical Advisor. Technical advisor for
Plan, Malaysia development of a management plan for islands in
Sabah, including assessment of exposure,
2011 Sg. Papar & Kimanis sand Project Director. Assessment of carrying capacity
mining carrying capacity for sand mining in river systems through a
study, Malaysia combination of catchment and river modelling and
Year Project, Country Position and activities
Downstream Peer Review to peer review panel for Strategic Environmental
Presentations, Australia Assessment for the proposed Browse LNG
Presinct Development at James Price Point,
Kimberley, Western Australia.
2010 - 2011 Browse LNG Development - Project Manager. Cyclone modelling and
Cyclone Modelling and assessment of related coastal impacts for Strategic
Assessment, Australia Environmental Assessment for the proposed
Browse LNG Presinct Development at James Price
Point, Kimberley, Western Australia.
2010 Browse LNG Development - Project Manager. Dredge plume modelling and
Upstream Post/Pre-lay input to impact assessment for the Strategic
Trenching, Australia Environmental Assessment for the proposed
Browse LNG Presinct Development at James Price
Point, Kimberley, Western Australia.
2010 - 2011 50209 Whakatane Harbour Technical Expert. Provided technical advice and
Entrance Improvement assistance on river mouth study of the potential to
Project, New Zealand upgrade the navigaitonal access through the
Whakatane river mouth
2010 - 2011 Browse LNG Strategic Technical advisor and head of modelling team.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
management in Singapore.
2009 - 2010 Environmental modelling for Technical Advisor. Dredge plume modelling and oil
the Browse Downstream spill modelling.
Project, Australia
2009 - 2010 Tsunami Modelling Impact Technical Advisor and modelling team leader.
Assessment for North and Tsunami modelling and impact assessment for
East Coast of Sabah, South China, Sulu and Sulawesi Sea tsunami
Malaysia impacts on Sabah
2009 Side scan and sub-bottom Project Director. . A survey was carried out along
profiling survey, Myanmar the 24 inch PCML pipeline using high resolution
side scan sonar to detect if the pipeline is buried or
exposed or above the seabed (free-span).
2009 Sabah Oil and Gas Project Director. Assessment of morphology and
Terminal, Kimanis Landfall pipeline stability at landfall site.
Study, Malaysia
2009 SOGT Kimanis. Thermal Project Director. Providing preliminary design input
Plume and Sedimentation and guidance at the pre-tender phase.
Assessment for Preliminary
and Detailed Design Input,
2009 Providing evidence to the Technical Expert. Preparing and providing written
Environmental Court for the and verbal evidence to the environmental hearing
Opotiki River Mouth for the proposed Opotiki river mouth training.
Training, New Zealand
2008 Department of Irrigation & . Input to the Coastal Manual. Chapter 4: River
Drainage Coastal Manual, Mouth Dynamics and Management Guidelines.
2008 DHI-NTU Research Centre, . Technical input to project definition under the joint
Singapore DHI-NTU Research Centre, Singapore.
2008 Cobia Farm HD Study Project Director. Additional investigations into large
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2008 Kuala Terengganu Airport Project Director. Assessment of sediment plume
Reclamation, Sand-source impacts from sand sourcing for reclamation for
studies, Malaysia runway extension.
2008 Landfall Study for Yetagun Project Director. Coastal assessment and coastal
and Yadana Pipelines, protection study for exposed pipelines at landfall
Myanmar area for Petronas and Total, Myanmar.
2008 Similajau Port Masterplan, Project Director. Design Conditions and input to
Sarawak, Malaysia design optimisation and impact assessment for
Masterplan study of major port development,
Similajau, Sarawak
2008 Bintulu Port Sedimentation Project Director. DHI is contracted to carry out
Studies, Bintulu, Malaysia sedimentation studies, sediment plume modelling
for disposal ground as well as carry out
hydrographic survey
2008 Tawau Reclamation for Project Director. EIA for reclamation project for
commercial development, major commercial complex development.
Sabah, Malaysia
2008 Shell Sarawak side-scan Project Director. Habitat surveys and mapping for
sonar and habitat survey, proposed pipeline and platform sites
2008 South China Sea Wave Project Director. Hindcast and forecast wave data
Model, Singapore of the entire South China Sea.
2008 Cutad and Hamilo Coves Project Director. Hydraulic and Coastal
for the Hamilo Coast Engineering study for the Hamilo Coast
project, Ternate, Cavite, Development.
2008 Proposed Dry Dock and Project Director. Hydraulic modelling study in
Dredging Works, Johor support of EIA.
Bharu, Malaysia
2008 Sapangar Bay Oil Terminal, Project Director. Impact assessment for extension
Impact assessment for Jetty of jetty for Sapangar Bay Oil Terminal
Extension, Sabah, Malaysia
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2008 Sandakan Fisheries Jetty Project Director. Impact assessment for input to
and Dredged Channel, EIA for marine components of proposed fisheries
Sabah, Malaysia complex
2008 Kimanis Gas-Fired Power Project Director. Input on current patterns, thermal
Plant, Sabah, Malaysia plume and chlorine dispersion, sediment
dispersion, coastal morphology impact, marine
ecology as well as design input.
2008 Shell Off-shore surveys, Project Director. Input to ERM for offshore survey
Sarawak, Malaysia campaign for Shell, Sarawak.
2008 Shell Sarawak deep water Project Director. Mapping of coral habitats through
coral habitat surveys, ROV surveys.
2008 Shell Sarawak. Drill Waste Project Director. Modelling and impact assessment
Plume Modelling, Malaysia of drill waste from offshore platform.
2008 Kedah Oil Refinery Oil Spill Project Director. Survey campaign for oil spill
Modelling, Malaysia modelling for proposed Kedah Oil Refinery.
2008 Kudat Open Ocean Fish Project Director. To assess the viability of open
Cage Study, Sabah, cage fish farming in Kudat.
2008 DHI Singapore Technical Technical Director. Technical input and QA role on
Assistance, Singapore numerous projects in Singapore and South-east
Asia for regional hub.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2007 Labuan Jetty Assessment, Project Director. A new Jetty is proposed along an
Labuan F. T., Malaysia existing reclamation with dredged deep water and
DHI is to carry out an assessment of potential
hydraulic impacts.
proposed reclamation at potential reclamation sites to identify any potential
Sungai Nibong, Penang, “stoppers” for reclamation and EIA approval.
2007 Labuan Sand Source Project Director. DHI carried out a numerical
Modelling, Malaysia modelling study on the potential hydraulic and
sediment plume impacts to support an
environmental impacts assessment for sand
sourcing of approximately 215,000 m3 over a three
years period at a location offshore Pulau Labuan,
in the Brunei Bay
2007 Minahas 2 x 55MW CSFPP, Project Director. DHI conducted the hydrographic
Sulawesi, Indonesia survey and preliminary model study on
2007 Sealord Fish Farm Site Project Director. DHI was contracted to investigate
Assessment Study, potential farm and hatchery sites around the
Malaysia Sabah shoreline and provide basic information on
associated aquaculture industries.
2007 Perak Sand Source Project Director. EIA for sand extraction from an
Hydraulic Modelling and area in approximately 30m water depth offshore of
EIA Study, Perak, Malaysia Perak. This study outlines the development and
application of numerical modelling to assess
potential impacts associated with offshore sand
sourcing for the project. It considers hydraulics and
sediment plume movement offshore of Perak.
2007 Tg. Dawai Fabrication Plant Project Director. Hydraulic modelling and marine
for Oil Rig, Kedah, Malaysia ecology studies in support of an EIA for the oil rig
fabrication plant.
2007 Kuantan Mega Port, Project Director. Hydraulic studies for layout
Kuantan, Malaysia optimisation and to support an EIA for a proposed
major port development.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2007 Pulau Perhentian Pipeline Project Director. Hydraulic studies in support of the
Study, Terengganu, PEIA.
Hub, Malacca, Malaysia issues directly related to construction of a new
berthing facility for fishing boats constructed in a
dredged basin to the west of the river.
2007 KKIA Sand Source Study, Project Director. Numerical modelling study on the
Sabah, Malaysia potential hydraulic and sediment plume impacts
from sand sourcing for Kota Kinabalu International
Airport (KKIA) redevelopment of approximately 5
million m3 of sand at a location offshore of Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah
2007 ISMP Penang, Malaysia Project Director. Scopes included data collection,
investigations, and establish baseline conditions
for the coastal processes in the area through a
desk study and numerical modelling. The baseline
study will make extensive use of numerical models
for coastal sediment budgets, marine sediment
budgets, erosion threat mapping, marine water
quality and river sediment plume dispersion.
2007 Runway Reclamation for Project Director. The hydraulic study is carried out
Sultan Mahmud Airport, to document the impacts of the runway extension,
Terengganu, Malaysia which will be carried out as sea reclamation.
2007 Cooling Water Shortage Project Director. The objective of the study is
Study, Kapar Power mitigation of cool water shortage at the power
Station, Malaysia station.
2007 Pahang River Mouth Project Director. The study was to determine a
Improvement Studies, layout of river mouth improvement works which will
Pahang, Malaysia secure adequate navigation depth at the LKIM jetty
facility, safe navigation through the river mouth and
provide sufficient wave sheltering at the berthing
area without unacceptable impacts in terms of e.g.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2007 Sipitang Esplanade, Sabah, Project Director. To carry out hydraulic modelling
Malaysia to form the basis for hydraulic impacts and
sediment plume modeling in respect of the
2007 Boustead Naval Shipyard Project Director. To carry out numerical modelling
Lumut, Perak, Malaysia for a hydraulic study for the proposed new ship-lift
at Lumut Naval Dockyard to consider design
aspects such as current and wave climate at the
site and assessment of potential sedimentation
and also environmental as-sessment.
2007 Kuantan River Mouth Project Director. To carry out the detailed hydraulic
Improvement Studies, studies and provide input to the conceptual and
Kuantan, Malaysia detailed design of the project and also to identify
and investigate ways to ensure safe and
convenient navigation for the fishing fleet through
the river mouth while ensuring that the river mouth
has the necessary hydraulic capacity to minimise
the risk of upstream flooding with minimum
impacts on e.g. coastal morphology
2007 Sabah Oil and Gas Project Director. To conduct and produce an
Nearshore Sand Source, environmental statement/technical note on the
Kimanis Bay, Sabah, potential envi-ronmental impacts and feasibility of
Malaysia sourcing sand.
2007 Cobia Site Study, Malaysia Project Director. To establish large-scale marine
fin fish farming in Malaysia
2007 DEIA for proposed Project Director. To focus on the coastal hydraulics
2006 Proposed airport for Pulau Project Director. A study to assess the hydraulic
Tioman, Malaysia and coastal impacts of the reclamation for the
proposed project.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2006 Kuala Terengganu River Project Director. Design of coastal protection for 8
Mouth Reclamation Phase km of coastline.
2, Terengganu, Malaysia
2006 DEIA for the proposed Project Director. Design optimisation and EIA for
beach reclamation at Tg. major tourism development on reclaimed land
Api, Kuantan, Pahang,
2006 Cambodia Institutional Project Director. EIA case study and training of
Strengthening, Cambodia government authorities.
2006 Proposed reclamation of Project Director. EIA for major tourism
Mersing Laguna, Mersing, development on reclaimed land, inclusive of design
Johor, Malaysia optimisation for creation of stable beaches and
internal waterways
2006 Proposed Sandakan Project Director. EIA for Sandakan Barter Trade
Integrated Barter Trade Terminal, inclusive of modelling studies for jetty
Terminal Development at and also identify key environmental impacts
Batu Sapi, Sandakan,
Sabah, Malaysia
2006 Labuan Mega Methanol Project Director. EIA of jetty construction for the
Jetty EIA, Labuan F.T., proposed Mega Methanol Plant.
2006 EIA for the proposed jetties Project Director. Hydraulic impact assessment for
at Pulau Balambangan and jetty development.
2006 Proposed Palm Oil Cluster Project Director. Hydraulic impact assessment of
(POIC) Sandakan, Sabah, reclamation for the Sandakan Palm Oil Industrial
Malaysia Cluster in support of EIA.
2006 Port Klang Harbour City Project Director. Hydraulic impact assessment of
Reclamation, Selangor, the Harbour City Reclamation at Port Klang.
2006 Klang Marina Hydraulic Project Director. Hydraulic studies and impact
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2006 Royal Malaysian Navy Project Director. Hydraulic studies on impacts and
Access Road Extension, design aspects of access road on reclaimed
Sapangar Bay, Sabah, causeway
Reclamations, Terengganu, dredging and reclamation works in the Terengganu
Malaysia River near Kuala Terengganu
2006 Proposed land reclamation Project Director. Impact assessment and design
for integrated resort project optimisation through numerical model study of
in Tumpat, Kelantan, major reclamation development on highly dynamic
Malaysia coastline and lagoon system.
2006 Sg. Bebar, Nenasi, River Project Director. Numerical modelling study to
Mouth Project, Pahang, identify and assess possible river mouth
Malaysia stabilisation on morphologically dynamic coastline
2006 Lahad Datu POIC Jetty EIA, Project Director. PMM of Jetty development
Lahad Datu, Sabah,
2006 Silam Power Station, Lahad Project Director. Preliminary modelling of currents
Datu, Sabah, Malaysia and thermal plume for tender support for the Silam
Power Station.
2006 EIA for sand mining Project Director. To assess the hydraulic and
offshore Sg. Udang, sediment plume impacts of the borrow pit using
Melaka, Malaysia numerical modeling.
2006 DEIA for the proposed Project Director. To carry out numerical modelling
Mukah Power Plant, Mukah, to support the assessment of potential impacts to
Sarawak, Malaysia the marine environment due to discharge of
cooling water and on the impacts on the coastline
due to the plant.
2006 EIA and QRA for the Project Director. To undertake the hydraulic and
Proposed Sabah Oil and morphological impact assessment for the main EIA
Gas Terminal (SOGT) at to perform an impact assessment on the marine
Kimanis, Sabah, Malaysia habitats and other environmental receptors.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2006 South China Sea Wave Project Director. Wave modelling for the South
Modelling, China Sea to assess modelling capabilities and
requirements for longterm monitoring.
mangroves on tsunami for Nahrim for assessment of the effects of
propagation., Malaysia mangroves on tsunamis and the exposure of
coastline along Straits of Melaka.
2006 Sg. Papar River Mouth Project Manager. Assessment of navigation and
Studies, Papar, Sabah, siltation problems in the Papar river mouth
2005 Proposed palm oil industrial Project Director. Coastal hydraulic study of the
cluster at Lahad Datu, project
Sabah, Malaysia
2005 Cambodia Coastal Zone Project Director. Coastal zone management of the
Environmental Cambodia shoreline
Management, Cambodia
2005 Deepwater coral survey, Project Director. Deepwater coral survey at South
Offshore Sabah, Malaysia Furious Shoal
2005 Kunak Oil Jetty, Kunak, Project Director. EIA aspect of the proposed oil
Sabah, Malaysia jetty. Tasks included coastal morphology,
sediment plumes and environmental impacts
2005 Coastal protection works, Project Director. Hydraulic and coastal engineering
Pantai Sabak, Kelantan, studies.
2005 Coastal protection works, Project Director. Hydraulic and coastal engineering
Bukit Chendering to Kuala study
Marang, Terengganu,
2005 Widening of the Penang Project Director. Hydraulic modelling and design
Bridge, Penang, Malaysia engineering
2005 Sepang Gold Coast, Project Director. Hydraulic modelling at the site
between Kuala Sepang Besar and Kuala Sepang
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2005 EIA for the proposed 3-sand Project Director. Hydraulic study on the 3-
borrow areas in Straits of proposed sand borrow sites
Malacca, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia
2005 Proposed extension of the Project Director. Hydraulic study on the proposed
Asian Supply Base, F.T. extension of the Asian Supply Base site
Labuan, Malaysia
2005 Coral Mapping at Teluk Project Director. Overseeing the completion of the
Dalam, Pulau Redang, coral reef mapping
2005 PMLSB Mega Methanol Project Director. Sea water plume dispersion study
Project, F.T. Labuan,
2005 Proposed pipeline between Project Director. Sediment plume modelling for the
F13 and F13 West, Miri, study
Sarawak, Malaysia
2005 Proposed Resort Project Director. the EIA aspect of the proposed
Development at Police development. Tasks included coastal morphology,
Beach, Pulau Gaya, Sabah, sediment plumes and environmental impacts
2005 Stockton Beach, Australia Project engineer. Support to Australian office for
modelling and management of coastal areas
2004 Jimah Power Station, Lukut, Project Manager. Hydraulic modelling study in
Malaysia support of EIA. Assessment included coastal
thermal plumes, coastal morphology, sediment
plumes and backwater effects in river.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2003 Royal Malaysian Naval Project engineer. Design wave & water level study
Base Sapangar Bay, Kota for the proposed development of the Royal
Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Malaysian Naval Base at Sapangar Bay, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah
2003 Burdekin Storm Surge Project engineer. Establish detailed hindcast and
Study, Brisbane, Australia forecast models for modelling of cyclone induced
storm surges.
2003 Portugis Village, Melaka, Project engineer. Hydraulic study of the urban
Malaysia renewal scheme – tourist complex on the sea
reclamation site at Portugis Village, Town Area,
2002 Langkawi, Malaysia Project engineer. Wave and coastal stability study
for proposed groin and beach nourishment project.
2001 - 2002 Likas Bay, Sabah, Malaysia Survey and re-assessment of volume for potential
reclamation project
2001 - 2002 Sungai Muda River Mouth, Project engineer. Assessment of morphological
Malaysia stability, navigation and flood management in
connection with proposed river mouth training.
Assessment of morphological stability for second
river barrage.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2001 - 2002 Sapangar Bay Naval Port, Technical Supervisor. Modelling of sediment
Sabah, Malaysia plumes from proposed dredging sites
through numerical modelling.
2001 Merbau & NGL Cracker, Assessment of hydraulic, thermal and navigational
Singapore impact of major proposed reclamation projects.
2001 Intergen Site Selection, Feasibility study for site selection for power plant.
Singapore Identification of thermal discharges and modelling
of present and future thermal balance.
2001 Jurong Island Phase 4-Tuas Project engineer. Establishment of major hydraulic
View Extension, Singapore model covering the entire Singapore Straits.
Detailed current forecasting and evaluation of
navigational con-ditions at SPMs.
2001 Illawarra Wave Refraction, Project engineer. Establishment of near-shore
Wollongong, Australia design wave conditions based on off-shore
statistics and 2d wave modelling.
2000 - 2001 Pilot study – Offshore Sand Technical manager. Hydraulic and sediment plume
Source Study for Likas Bay modelling.
Reclamation, Sabah,
2000 Likas Mangroves, Sabah, Project Engineer. Detailed study of salinity balance
Malaysia and drainage within Likas Mangroves, KK City Bird
Sanctuary. Optimisation of channel layout and
2000 Gelugor Mainline Project. Project engineer. The morphological stability study
Environment and Seabed along the pipeline.
Erosion Study, Penang,
2000 Lekir Bulk Terminal, Perak, Technical manager. Extensive field campaign
Malaysia including hydrographic survey, tide and current
measurements, sediment core sampling, visual
diving inspection.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
2000 Manjung Power Station Pro- Technical manager. Extensive field campaign
ject. Cooling Water Intake including hydrographic survey, tide and current
Culverts (Offshore) measurements, sediment core sampling, visual
Hydrographic Survey, diving inspection.
Lumut, Perak, Malaysia
1999 - 2000 Sapangar Bay Container Project Engineer. Assessment of hydraulic impact,
Port hydraulic studies, sedimentation, flooding and water quality for
Sabah, Malaysia container port development
1999 - 2000 Meruntum Lagoon, Sabah, Project Engineer. Assessment of water quality
Malaysia aspects within lagoon. Analysis of impacts from
dredging spoils and optimisation of mitigation
1997 - 1998 Tanshui Harbour, Taiwan Project Manager in Taiwan during 2 months’
expatriation. Investigation of coastal erosion and
siltation, define coastal protection scheme in
connection with major harbour development.
1996 - 1997 Kerengga Harbour, Project Manager and Engineer. Large proposed
Malaysia harbour, investigation of: Coastal and river impact,
sedimentation of approach channel and harbour
basins, design waves and water levels, wave
agitation. Extensive use of numerical models.
Year Project, Country Position and activities
1996 Marang River Mouth Im- . Three and a half month expatriation in Malaysia
provement Project, in connection with technical assistance for the
Malaysia Marang River Mouth Improvement Project.
1996 LITPACK training course, Training Course
1995 LITPACK, Extensive work on updating and developing DHI's
numerical modelling tool for littoral processes,
1993 - 1994 Rio Píedras, Spain Future development of a sandspit at a tidal inlet
Languages Speaking Reading Writing
French Poor Poor Poor
Papers published in peer-reviewed international journals:
Savioli J.C; Pedersen C; Rijmenant J.V; Oliver M.A; Chua J.F and Rocha C. (2013): Dredging - how
can we manage it to minimise Impacts. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Asian
and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2013). Bali, Indonesia, 2013.
Nielsen C; Sidek M.Y; Pedersen C and Madsen H. (2012): Drainage design in Brunei Darussalam;
Generation of Design Rainfall and Ocean Water Level Conditions. Engineers Australia 34th
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Sydney, 2012.
Hjelmager J. and Pedersen C. (2012): River Mouth Management in Malaysia – an Overview of
Issues. 8TH International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries,
Madras, India, 2012.
Pedersen, C; Ling A. and Driscoll A. (2014): Dredge Plume Forecasting & Management. Poster
breakers. Proceedings of 23rd Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Venice, Vol 2, pp 2344-
Pedersen, C; Mangor, K; Foster, T; and Wong, WT (1996): The application of numerical modelling in
river mouth stabilisation. The Marang case. Proceedings from the Tenth Congress of the Asia and
Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydraulich Research (IAHR), Langkawi, Malaysia,
Pedersen, C; Ziauddin A.L and Lai C. (2010): Tsunami Modelling and Risk Mapping for East Coast of
Sabah, Malaysia. Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE,
Shanghai, 2010.
Pedersen, C and Ling A.C.C (2011): Dredge Plume Modelling as a Tool in Ecological Impact
Assessments. Presentation at AMSA Conference, Perth, 2011.
JPS Malaysia Coastal Manual. Chapter 4: Rivermouth/tidal inlet management and planning
Other Publications:
Pedersen, C (1993): Numerical simulation of sediment transport due to plunging breaking waves.
Series Paper No 58, Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of
Pedersen, C; Deigaard, R; and Sutherland, J (1993): Turbulence measurements under broken
waves. Progress report No 74, Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, Technical
University of Denmark.
Pedersen, C (1990): Experimental investigation of bed properties in oscillatory flow. MSc thesis,
Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
Sumer, BM; Pedersen, C; Yu, D; and Fredsøe, J (1990): Bed shear-stress measurements in the
vicinity of a pipeline in waves. Progress report no. 71, Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic
Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
Current Address:
Lot 13, 2nd Floor, Block B,
Lintas Square, Jalan Lintas,
88300, Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia.
+6 019 528 0602
Environmental Data Analysis - data sorting and quality control;
plots and charts production, application of statistical analyses and
mathematical models, calculation of ecological indices
Research - scientific literature review, experimental design and
technical report writing
Task / Period of
Project Title Brief Description
Responsibility Involvement
Marine Ecology Study A study to characterize • Lead the survey team July 2020 – November
for Earthwork Activities, the existing marine in conducting 2020
Reclamation, and environment in the substrate survey
Construction of proposed project area. using point intercept
Proposed Mixed transect method.
Development on • GIS mapping of the
CL.015708531 with surveyed area.
1.821 ha at Sutera • Report writing.
Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, • Client liaison.
Page 2 of 8
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
Marine Ecology Study A study to characterize • Lead the survey team November 2019 –
for Proposed Subdivision the existing marine in conducting January 2020
of CL.025370629 and environment in the substrate survey
Amalgamation of proposed project area. using point intercept
CL.025313080 & transect method.
CL.025342563 for • GIS mapping of the
Tourism and Recreation surveyed area.
Resort Development • Report writing.
with Total 42.8 Hectares • Client liaison.
along Jalan Pengalat Lok
Kawi, at Kampung
Suoangan, Kinarut,
Papar, Sabah
Marine Ecology Study A study to characterize • Lead the survey team January 2018 - April
for “Pembinaan the existing marine in doing the benthic 2018
Pangkalan Maritim environment in the substrate survey
Agensi Penguatkuasaan proposed project area. using underwater
Maritim Malaysia camera.
(APMM), Semporna, • GIS mapping of the
Sabah” surveyed area.
• Report writing.
• Client liaison.
Hydraulic Study for the Assessment of the • Participate in January 2018 - April
Proposed Earthwork potential impact of the mangrove assessment 2018
Activities and Upgrading proposed road survey.
of Jalan Tun Fuad expansion on the • Liaison with
Stephen, Jalan UMS and adjacent flood government agency.
Jalan Sulaman, Kota mitigation pond, • Report writing.
Kinabalu, Sabah-Phase II mangrove habitat,
water and marine
sediment quality.
Hydraulic Study for the A study to assess the • Assist in the December 2017 -
Proposed Jetty potential hydraulic deployment of January 2018
Development at Banggi impacts from the Acoustic Doppler
Island, Kudat, Sabah proposed jetty Current Profiler
construction. (ADCP).
Carrying Capacity and A study to characterize • Conduct water February 2017 - May
Site Assessment Study the existing quality sampling, 2018
for the Proposed Salmon environment in Port sediment sampling,
Aquaculture in Port Adventure, to benthic invertebrates
Adventure, Stewart determine the sampling & benthic
Island, Southland, New environmental impacts substrate survey.
Zealand that may arise and to • GIS - benthic habitat
estimate a sustainable mapping.
production biomass per • Water and sediment
year for the proposed physico-chemical
salmonid aquaculture data analyses.
in the bay.
Page 3 of 8
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
• Desktop review of
the impacts of marine
aquaculture on water
column and benthic
• Report writing.
Hydraulic Study for the A study to investigate • Conduct sediment February 2017
Proposed Sea Sand potential hydraulic sampling and
Borrow Pit at Bunburry impacts from sand preliminary benthic
Shoal, Offshore Kota extraction activity at an substrate survey
Kinabalu, Sabah offshore sand borrow using underwater
pit. camera.
Macquarie Harbour spatial and temporal samples and in-situ
Pelagic Oxygen Demand, variation in pelagic measurements.
Tasmania, Australia oxygen demand (POD) • Conduct experiment
in the harbour and to to quantify POD.
determine factors • Create conceptual
influencing POD in the model.
water column.
Water Quality and An EMP to monitor the • Conduct sediment February 2017 - May
Benthic Compliance water quality and core sampling, 2017
Monitoring in Big Glory benthic impacts from benthic substrate
Bay, Stewart Island, finfish and shellfish survey using
Southland, New Zealand aquaculture activities in underwater camera
the bay. and benthic
• Report writing.
Beggiatoa Coverage in the possible causes that Beggiatoa species. December 2016
and Around Franklin contributes to the • Analysis of physico-
Lease and World formation of Beggiatoa chemical water
Heritage Area in mats on the seabed in quality, weather data
Macquarie Harbour, the World Heritage and other
Page 4 of 8
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
Spring and Summer Risk A study to predict the • Analysis of climate June 2017 - March
Analysis on Fish Health water column dissolved and weather data. 2018, October 2016 -
in Macquarie Harbour, oxygen and • Conduct statistical March 2017
Tasmania, Australia temperature conditions analysis on historical
and their potential data of water
impacts on fish health temperature and
during spring and dissolved oxygen.
summer seasons. • Provide forecasts of
harbour conditions
based on statistical
• Report writing.
Hydraulic Study for the A study to assess the • Participate in October 2016 -
Proposed Sapangar Bay potential hydraulic bathymetric and February 2018
Conventional Cargo impacts from the shoreline
Terminal (SBCCT) and proposed reclamation morphology surveys.
Sapangar Bay Oil and dredging activities • Report writing.
Terminal (SBOT) on for port expansion.
Land Parcels 01125674
and 01125194
Hydraulic Study for the A study to assess the • Participate in July 2016 - February
Proposed Earthwork potential hydraulic bathymetric and 2017
Activities and Mixed impacts of the proposed shoreline
Development on TL. reclamation activity for morphology surveys.
017561867 and CL. mixed development at • Report writing.
015707570, Kota Kota Kinabalu
Kinabalu, Sabah waterfront.
Ammonium Emission A study to model the • GIS - incorporating June 2016 - September
Modelling for a Proposed dispersion of soluble modelling results in 2016
Salmon Farm Lease in nutrient (ammonium) GIS layout.
the possibility of
eutrophication in the
water column.
Monthly Water Quality An EMP to monitor the • Collect water samples February 2016 - April
Monitoring in Macquarie impacts of salmon for laboratory 2018
Harbour, Tasmania, aquaculture on water analyses.
Australia quality in Macquarie • Measure in-situ
Harbour. water column
Page 5 of 8
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
Hydraulic Modelling for A study to model the • Historical weather November 2015 –
a Proposed Aquaculture diffusion and dispersion data analysis. August 2016
Hatchery Outfall in of nutrient discharged • Desktop review on
Okiwi Bay, from an aquaculture soluble nutrient
Marlborough, New facilities through an transport and
Zealand offshore outfall. dispersion.
Desktop Review on the A review on the • Desktop review on May 2015 – August
Impacts of Biofouling on possible effects of fish the negative effects of 2015
Aquaculture Structures, cages in-situ net in-situ net cleaning
Net Cleaning Methods cleaning operation on operation and
and Biofouling the health of mussel in impacts of biofouling
Organisms on Cultured adjacent farms in Port organisms on other
Species Esperance, Tasmania, farmed organisms.
Macquarie Harbour A study to assess the • Create conceptual May 2015 – October
Dissolved Oxygen effects of salmonid model. 2015
Working Group aquaculture on the • Desktop review on
(MHDOWG) Report – ambient water columns benthic nutrient
Nutrients in the harbour, fluxes and oceanic
particularly on the recharge mechanism.
nutrient and dissolved
oxygen levels.
Page 6 of 8
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
di Balembang, Pulau and social interviews. 19/05/2014
Bum-Bum, Semporna, • Report writing.
Sabah • Liaise with client and
government agencies.
Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Submission:
Bokara-Batu Sapi Fasa 2, 08/01/2014
Sandakan, Sabah Approval:
Page 7 of 8
Curriculum Vitae | Dorathy Penjinus
Seminar Pengurusan Alam Sekitar: Isu & Cabaran Pengurusan
Pulau-Pulau di Sabah | Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar (JPAS)
18th December 2013
Road Day Proceedings | Public Works Department (JKR) Sabah
22nd – 23rd October 2013
PEER REVIEWED Maxey, J. D., Hartstein, N. D., Penjinus, D., & Kerroux, A. (2017).
PUBLICATION Simple quality control technique to identify dissolved oxygen
diffusion issues with biochemical oxygen demand bottle
incubations. Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture
(BJoMSA), 1, 75 - 79.
Page 8 of 8
Page 1 of 8
CV- Tai Tsui Man
including environmental impact and site assessment studies.
Race : Chinese
Place of Birth
: Sandakan, Sabah
22nd January 2018 Seminar On Environmental Mainstreaming in EIA 2018 oleh Kelab
dan Sukan Alam Sekitar (KESAS)
9th – 10th November 2016 Seminar on the New Dimension of EIA in Malaysia 2016 o
Kebajikan dan Sukan Jabatan Alam Sekitar (KESAS)
21st June 2011 Khusus Penghantaran Laporan Bulanan Efluen Secara Online
2. EIA for Projek Menaik Taraf Jalan Sook-Tulid Sinua, Keningau, Sabah (Fasa 1).
3. EIA for Proposed Sand Mining on P.T. 2010110223 at Sg. Segama, District of Lahad
Datu, Sabah.
5. EIA for Cadangan Membina Jalan Pekebun Kecil - Lumou Minisukang, Telupid,
Sandakan, Sabah.
6. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Cadangan Pembangunan Projek bagi SMK Tandek II (36
BD) di Lot NT 223124927, NT 223142729, FR 739, Kota Marudu, Sabah untuk
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
Page 2 of 8
CV- Tai Tsui Man
8. EIA for Earthwork Activities for Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision of 6 units of
Detached Warehouse cum 3-Storey Office, 34 Units of Semi-detached Warehouse cum
3-Storey Office and 4 Blocks of Light Industrial Showroom cum Office on CL.015583463,
CL.015583472 and CL.015583481 at Mile 7.5, Jalan Tuaran, District of Kota Kinabalu.
9. EIA for Cadangan Penyatuan, Pembahagian, Penukaran Syarat Guna Tanah dan
Membina Sebuah Tokong Cina Nam Tien Kong (Jiu Wang Da Di) Di Atas Tanah
013110971 (lot 6) & 013110999 (Lot 8) Di Kg. Katahan, Jalan Kiansom, Inanam, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
11. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Road Construction in 3 Phases within Sipitang
Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP).
12. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah, Pembinaan dan Naiktaraf Jalan Bokara Batu Sapi Fasa 2,
Sandakan, Sabah.
13. EIA for Proposed Conversion and Subdivision of Lot 2 Single Storey Multi-Purpose Halls
with Ancillary Buildings and Lot Future Development on NT.013068981 at Kg. Tombongan
at District of Kota Kinabalu.
14. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ansip-Dalit-Kahaba, Keningau, Sabah.
15. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities for Development of Commercial Complex on
CL.215429208 and Part of CL.21549324 (Approx. 9.85 Acres/3.988 Hectares) at Jalan
Bundusan, Penampang District, Sabah.
16. EIA for Quarry Activities on CL.125317562 at Sigalong Estate, Kalumpang, Semporna,
17. EIA for Proposed Housing Development on part of CL. 105593271, Imam Estate, Jalan
Utara, Tawau, Sabah.
18. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Pembinaan Bagi Projek Cadangan Perlaksanaan
19. EIA for Perumahan Negara Kg. Lugu Design & Build of Earthworks, Infrastructure and
1000 units of High Density Development including Master Planning at Kg. Lugu National
Housing Scheme within 24 months, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
20. EIA for Earthwork Activities for Proposed Moving Soil And Gravel On Premises No. CL
105342498 at Ranggu, Tawau District, Sabah.
21. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Topokon-Wangkod-Gontung,
Tamparuli, Sabah.
22. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembangunan 900 Unit Rumah Teres 1-Tingkat Bagi
Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR-DIMILIKI) seluas 32.113 hektar di lot NT. 0339377, NT.
033090087, sebahagian daripada NT. 033126993, CL. 035260363, CL. 035260372 dan 2
Lot Tanah Kerajaan di Ulu Perasan, Daerah Kota Belud, Sabah.
24. EIA for Proposed 21 – Storey Commercial Development (With Subsidiary Strata Title To
Be Applied For) On Part Of Cl. 015583963 At Damai Luyang, Kota Kinabalu District, Sabah.
25. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ansip-Dalit-Kahaba, Keningau, Sabah.
26. EIA for the Earthwork Activities on RBF 5 and Dumping Sites at IZ 10 and IZ 11, Kota
Kinabalu Industrial Park (K.K.I.P).
27. PMM for the Proposed Kuala Penyu Bay Beach Resort on Site FR.3100 & Lot 1
NT.183030686 at Kg. Sabang, District of Kuala Penyu, Sabah.
28. PMM for the Proposed Commercial Development 19-Unit 2 Storey Shop Office On PT.
84190069 at Pekan Sipitang.
29. PMM for the Proposed Linggisan Eco Luxury Resort Development on Lot N.T.
03307490, N.T. 033079686 and N.T. 2296, Pulau Mantanani Besar, District of Kota
Belud, Sabah.
30. PMM for the Proposed 4-Units of 4-Storey Office/Clinic, Pekan Sipitang.
31. PMM for the Proposed Development Of Esplanade And Jetty At Bengkoka, Pitas.
32. PMM for the Proposed Sandakan Port Wharf Extension.
34. Reassessment Report for the Earthwork Activity At Phase 5a Of Proposed Mixed
Commercial Cum Residential Development And Transport Hub On Lot 01200688 (Pt 20-
08010086 & Pt 20-08010088), 01200944 And Part Of Lot 02100705 (Pt 20- 08010082,
20-08010083, 20-08010084, 20-08010085, 20-08010087 & 20-08010089) At Tanjung
Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
35. EMP for Menyiapkan Kerja-Kerja Terbengkalai Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan dari Pohon Batu
(Simpang Tamu) ke Pancur Hitam, Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan (Fasa 1: CH-75 hingga
36. EMP for Perumahan Negara Kg. Lugu Design & Build of Earthworks, Infrastructure and
1000 units of High Density Development including Master Planning at Kg. Lugu National
Housing Scheme within 24 months, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
37. EMP for Pembinaan Projek Persimpangan Bertingkat & Lorong Ketiga Di Bandaraya KK,
Sabah (Persimpangan (i) Jalan Lintas/Jalan Kolam (ii) Jalan Lintas/Jalan Tuaran Batu 5
38. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Mesej ke Timpangoh Laut,
39. EIA for Proposed Subdivision, Residential & Commercial Development Consist of 13-Storey
Affordable Apartment (2-Tower, Subsidiary Title Will be Applied For), 2 & 3 Storey Shoplots,
1-Storey Market Square, 3-Storey Mall cum Supermaket, 2-Storey College, Petrol Station
Lot and Drive-Thru Lot on CL.025059616 with Total 18.26 Hectares at Papar, Sabah.
40. EIA for Earthwork Activites and Development of Proposed Pr1m Housing 1,200 Units
Page 4 of 8
CV- Tai Tsui Man
Apartment (With subsidiary title to be applied for) on CL.015087966 with 9.11 Hectares
at Jalan Sepanggar, Kg. Ratau, Menggatal, Sabah.
41. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Jalan Montenior – Halogilat / Beaufort (Fasa II),
42. EIA for Cadangan Naiktaraf Jalan Papar Dari Bulatan Papar Ke Bulatan Benoni, Sabah
(JalanPapar Spur).
43. EIA for Proposed Quarry Operation at Block BW1/13 (0.65 Ha) at Gunung Rara Forest
Reserve, Tawau.
44. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities at Salambigar, Negara Brunei Darussalam.
45. EIA for Aktiviti Penimbusan Laut Di Teluk Sepanggar Di CL.015580891 (Fasa II), Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
46. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Pinangah – Masaum Sepanjang 11 KM,
Tongod, Sabah.
47. EIA for Membina jalan Lahad Datu Bypass, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
48. EIA for Proposed River Stone Extraction on PT. 2014190248 (0.78 Ha) at Sg. Mengalong
and Processing Site on NT.193020530 and Part of NT. 193016769 (Total 0.607 Ha) at Kg.
Melamam, Sipitang, Sabah.
49. EIA for Proposed Residential Development of 29-Storey Condominium 87 Units with 0.27
Hectares on TL.017528719, off Jalan Signal Hill Park, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
50. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Proposed Development on FR. 014008934 at Kg. Kibagu,
Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
51. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Development for The Proposed Residential for Shop,
Duplex Housing and 1 Block Condominium [With Subsidiary (Strata) title to be applied for]
on CL. 015282345 and CL. 015093008 at Kg. Sukang, Jalan Sukang Mabpai, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
52. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Residential Development on Part of CL.
015055526 (9.767 Hectares) at Kg. Darau, Jalan Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
53. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Mixed Development on TL. 017561867 (2.428
HA) and CL. 015707570 (2.428 HA), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
54. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Amalgation, Conversion, Subdivision and
Development of CL. 115314488 and CL. 115314497 info a Residential Development with
12.78 Hectares off Mile 8, Lahad Datu-Kunak Highway, District of Lahad Datu, Sabah.
55. EIA for River Sand Extraction at PT. 2016100284 (0.81 Ha) Sungai Brantian, Tawau, Sabah.
56. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Untuk Cadangan Membina dan Menyiapkan Kolej Vokasional
Berasrama Penuh Serta Lain-Lain Kemudahan Berkaitan di Kawasan Hub Pendidikan
Sandakan, Daerah Sandakan, Negeri Sabah.
57. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Proposed Mixed Resort Development (strata title to be
applied) on FR. 054032923, NT. 053081100, NT. 053081119, FR. 054032941, NT.
053081888 and NT. 053086954 with 23.485 Hectares at Kg. Marimbau, District of Kudat,
58. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah untuk Projek Pembinaan Talian Penghantaran 132KV dari Kota
Belud Ke Ranau, Sabah di Sebahagian Tnah Kerajaan dan TL. 067500181 di bawah
Program Bekalan Elektrik Luar Bandar (BELB) Secara Rundingan Terus Reka dan Bina.
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CV- Tai Tsui Man
59. EIA for Earthwork Aktivities and Proposed Conversion & Sub-Division of Mixed Commercial
Development Comprises Of i) 1 Block of 15-Strorey Comercial Building, Sovo, Multi-Storey
Basement Carpark, ii) 1 Block of 21-Storey Specialist Centre, Office, Multi-Storey &
Basement Carpark, iii) 1 Block of Single Storey Commercial Building with 2.28 Hectares
on CLS. 075131387, 075133909 and 075131378 at Mile 1 ½, Jalan Utara, Sandakan,
60. EIA for Logging operation at Kg. Mindohuan (605.90 HA), Ranau, Sabah.
61. EIA for Logging Operation (840 HA) at Forest Reserve Kuala Tomani Class II, Sabah.
62. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Sepanjang 27.118 KM bagi Jalan Lok
Kawi-Pengalat-Papar, Sabah.
63. EIA for Extraction of River Stone and Sand Deposit at Sg. Pangapuyan on TOL
(JTU(G):800/2223.4.31) and Processing Site at NT. 224006704 and NT. 224006713, Kota
Marudu, Sabah.
64. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Upgrading of 6.27 Km Jalan Karangan, Beaufort, Sabah.
65. EIA for Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit at CL. 025152032, Jalan Kelatuan,
Papar, Sabah.
66. EIA for Loggong Operation at Kg. Mindohuan (605.90 Ha), Ranau, Sabah.
67. EIA for Earthwork Activities and Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development of
72 Units of 3-Storey Shop Office (With Subsidiary Titles To Be Applied For) at Phase 1, 95
Units Of 2-Storey Terrace House & 32 Units of 2-Stroey Semi Detached House at Phase
2 & 3 On CL. 1655003823 and Dumping Site At Nt. 163000566, District of Tenom, Sabah.
68. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak-Layak,
Pitas, Sabah.
69. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Conversion, (From NT to CL), Subdivision and
Commercial Tourism Development Consist of 10 Units of Homestay on NT. 013068963 at
Kg. Tombongon, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu.
70. EIA for Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation With 1.395.10 Hectares At Ladang
Hassan, Sandakan, Sabah.
71. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities for Development of Commercial Complex on CL.
215429208 and Part of CL. 215429324 (3.988 Ha) at Jalan Bundusan, Penampang District
72. EIA for Earthwork Activities And Construction Of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong II Phase
015606283, Kingfisher, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
81. EIA for Porposed Clearing Activities of FR.154000674 (1,200 Ha) at Kg.Tatalaan 1
Joint Venture Between The Beneficiaries of Communal Grant of Kg.Tatalaan 1 With
Sentotimber Sdn Bhd, Pensiangan, Sabah.
82. EIA for Earthwork Activities And Proposed Amalgamation And Subdivision Of New
Water Tank And PPU on CL.025339780 (Individual Title), 2 Blocks of Condominium
on CL.025367999, 3 Blocks of Apartment on CL.025368003 and Mixed-Used
Development on CL.025368085 & CL.025368076 (Total 15.65 Hectares) at Lok Kawi,
District of Papar, Sabah (With Subsidiary (Strata) To Be Applied For).
83. EIA for Earthwork Activities for Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development
of CL. 135314439 into a Housing Development at Kampung Ulu Liawan, District of
84. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Kompleks Sukan Tongod (4.78 Ha) Serta
Pelupusan Tanah Berlebihan (1.89 Ha) di Sebahagian Tanah Diwartakan Untuk
Tapak Mini Kompleks, Tongod Sabah.
85. EIA for Replanting Activities at Litang Estate (776 Hectares), Lahad Datu, Sabah.
86. EIA for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Membina Jalan Tawayari, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
87. EIA for Cadangan Membina Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah, Rumah Guru 6 Unit, Bangunan
Baru Asrama 120 Pelajar dan 1 Blok Dewan Makan, Makmal dan Bengkel Kh/Pav
Serta Pagar di Sk Pekan Pensiangan Untuk Perluasan Sekolah K9 di Daerah
Nabawan, Negeri Sabah.
88. EIA for Earthwork Activities for The Proposed Development of KK One For
98. PMM for Development of Mixed Agricultural Plantation at CL.135325736 (370.03 Ha),
Keningau, Sabah.
99. PMM for Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (376.68 Ha) at District of Tongod, Sabah.
100. RR for Membina Jalan Lahad Datu Bypass, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
101. RR for Aktiviti Kerja Tanah untuk Tujuan Menaiktaraf Sistem Bekalan Air di Lahad
102. RR for Eathwork Activities For Construction Of Menggatal Reservoir (Telibong ll
Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah.
103. RR for Earthwork Activities For Construction Of Telibong Reservoir (Telibong ll Phase
2 Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah.
104. RR for Earthwork Activities For Construction Of Telipok Reservoir (Telibong Il Phase
2 Water Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah.
105. RR for Proposed Sand Mining on TOL.08902801 at Sg. Klagan, Beluran,Sabah.
106. EMP for Perlaksanaan Projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo Sabah-Menaiktaraf Jalan Dari
Sindumin Ke Kg.Melalia.
107. EMP for Pembangunan Lembangan Sungai Bersepadu Sg. Moyog, Sabah (Pakej 3)
- Membina & Menaiktaraf Sungai Putatan dan Kerja-Kerja Berkaitan.
108. EMP for Menaiktaraf Jalan dari Donggongan ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur, Sabah
(Pakej 3B).
109. EMP for Facilities to Sabah Ports Sdn. Bhd.
110. EMP for Pembangunan Lembangan Sungai Bersepadu Sg. Moyog, Sabah (Pakej 1)
- Membina & Menaiktaraf Sungai Parit 18A, Penambahbaikan Parit A dan Kerja-Kerja
113. EMP for Project Cadangan Membina Satu Blok Bangunan Pentadbiran, Dewan
Serbaguna Dan Auditorium Di Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Gaya (Fasa 2) Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
114. EMP for Rancangan Tebatan Banjir(Rtb) Sungai Tebongan(Kampung Teguli)
Putatan, Sabah. (Tawaran Semula).
115. EMP for Rancangan Tebatan Banjir Sungai Pancuran, Lembangan Sungai
Sepagaya, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
116. EIA for Proposed Shop/Office & Jetty Development at Part of Land on PT. 90082796
at Jalan Pasar Beluran.
117. EIA for Proposed Earthwork Activities and Development of 560 Units on 1 Block of
8-Storey Carpark and Facilities Podium with Two (2) Towers of 32-Storey
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CV- Tai Tsui Man
CV-Herwan Wahit Page 1 of 8
Membership : Registered with Environment Protection Department, Sabah (Reg. No.
Nationality : Malaysian
Race : Bumiputera
6. The Proposed Replanting of 2, 238, 59 Hectares Oil Palm Plantation at Sg. Balung Estate,
Tawau, Sabah.
7. The Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation at Sg. Kawa Estate, Tawau, Sabah.”
8. Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation At Gugusan Sahabat (Dent peninsular) Lahad Datu For
Felda Wilayah Sahabat, Sabah.
9. The Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation at Gugusan Umas (Brantian) Tawau for
Felda Wilayah Sahabat, Sabah.
10. The Project Proponent for the Development of Oil Palm Plantation within Part of Block
YT2/04 (5,000 Ha Approximately) at Kalabakan, Sabah.
11. Proposed Oil Palm Plantation Development at Benta Wawasan 1 by Serijaya Industri Sdn
Bhd, Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area, Kalabakan and Gunung Rara Forest
Reserve, Tawau, Sabah”.
12. The Preparation of Lahad Datu Sewerage Scheme (Phase 2), Sabah.
13. Cadangan Pembinaan Pejabat Daerah Agensi Penguatkuasa Maritim Malaysia di
Sandakan, Sabah.
14. Proposed Sand Mining On P.T. 200911083 At Sg. Segama, District of Lahad Datu Sabah.
15. Cadangan Pembinaan Jalan Segama Northern Bypass (POIC) Lahad Datu, Sabah.
16. Proposed Sand Mining on Lot P.T. 20-10080715 At Sg. Klangan, Beluran, Sabah.
17. Development of Forest Plantation at Jambongan Forest Reserve, Pulau Jambongan, Sabah.
18. The Proposed Jalan Libaran Bypass for The Package 4 in Sandakan, Sabah.
19. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Donggongon ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 1- Fasa 2: Km
6.85 – Km 13.7) di Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.
20. Projek Naik Taraf Jalan Donggongon Ke Simpang Jalan Papar Spur (Pakej 1- Fasa 1: Km
0.375 – Km 6.85) di Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia.
21. The Proposed New Nature Township and Tourism Development at Bukit Nenas, Sandakan.
22. Projek Pembinaan Jeti dan Jambatan Konkrit Baru di Kg. Balimbang, Pulau Bum-Bum,
Semporna, Sabah.
23. Projek Sistem Bekalan Air Graviti Mukim Keranaan, Ranau, Negeri Sabah.
24. Reclamation, Dredging, Wharf Construction and Associated Works for The Proposed
Container Terminal at Phase 3B, POIC Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia.
25. The Proposed 21 Units Double Store Shop Office Development on PT 20-04080199 at Jalan
Beluran, Sandakan.
26. Proposed River Sand Mining on Lot NT 13670 at Sg Damit, Kg. Kosusu, Tuaran, Sabah.
27. Proposed Quarry Operation on PL 26108, CL 105336098, CL 105336105, CL 105335877,
PL 10626110, CL 105312570, PL 106290626, PL 15842 and CL 105247541 at Mile 9, Apas
Road, Tawau, Sabah.
CV-Herwan Wahit Page 3 of 8
28. The Proposed Quarry Operation on CL 235311510, Kampung Salimpodon Darat, Pitas,
Kudat Division, Sabah.
29. The Existing Quarry Operation on PL 106291605, PL 106177164, CL 105169015 and PL
106291178 at Mile 5, Jalan Sin On, Tawau, Sabah.
30. The Proposed Quarry Operation and Related Activities at Lots CL 125312923, CL
125312932, CL 125313448, CL 125313457 and CL 125313466, Semporna, Sabah.
31. The Proposed GML Quarry of Limestone and Related Activities at Km 63, Tawau/ Lahad
Datu Highway, Tawau District, Sabah.
32. The Proposed Housing Development on CL 015267633, CL 015028672, CL 015028663 and
CL 01502881 at Kota Kinabalu-Tuaran by-Pass, Kota Kinabalu.
33. The Proposed SUDC Housing Development by Sabah Urban Development Corporation Sdn
Bhd on Lot CL 015551087, Kingfisher Park, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
34. Cadangan Perlaksanaan Projek Pembangunan Rumah Kos Sederhana Rendah dan Kedai
di atas Lot NT 7241 dan NT 7248 di Jalan Minintod, Penampang, Sabah.
35. The Proposed Residantial Development on CL 015492458 (Remr. Of 015092207) and NT
013049806 at Kg. Nunton, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
36. The Proposed Amalgamation and Subdivision for 552 Units Condominium (Alam Damai) at
Luyang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
37. The Proposed Persatuan Taoism San-Ching Development on CL. 015058474 and part of
CL. 015058465 at Jalan Kiansom, Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
38. The Proposed Tamparuli town Sewerage Scheme at Tuaran District, Sabah (Design &
39. Proposed Hotel, Services Apartment & Club House Development (With Subsidiary & Strata
Title To be Applied For) on TL.017538778, Jalan Saman, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
40. Proposed Sand Mining On P.T. 200911083 At Sg. Segama, District of Lahad Datu Sabah.
41. Cadangan Mereka bentuk, Membina & Menyiapkan 696 unit Rumah Pangsa 11 Tingkat &
Kerja-kerja yang Berkaitan bagi Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR DISEWA) di atas Tanah
Seluas 17.6 Ekar, Lot CL.215401255 (PL 3213) & Lot NT.213134233, Kg. Ketiau, Putatan,
42. Cadangan Pembinaan Jalan Segama Northern Bypass (POIC) Lahad Datu, Sabah.
43. Projek Sistem Bekalan Air Graviti Mukim Keranaan, Ranau, Negeri Sabah.
44. Projek Pembinaan Jalan Dua Hala Dari Uitm ke Sepanggar Container Terminal (3KM) Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah.
45. Cadangan Membina Jalan Pekebun Kecil-Lumou Minisukang, Telupid, Sabah.
46. Proposed 5752 Ha of Logging Oil Plantation at PT 20-10151023, Lumiri, Pensiangan,
CV-Herwan Wahit Page 4 of 8
47. Proposed “Pembangunan Tanah dalam Kawasan Geran Komunal FR154000567 Sapulut 4,
Nabawan, Sabah”.
48. Development of Oil Palm Plantation in Communal Grant FR254000041 in kampong Kawayoi
– Inarad, District of Tongod.
49. Proposed Sandakan Port Wharf Extension Sandakan, Sabah.
1. Environmental Monitoring (Air, noise & water sampling) Work for Cement Industries Sdn
Bhd, Sabah (Kota Kinabalu Branch)
2. Environmental Monitoring (Air, noise & water sampling) Work for Cement Industries Sdn
Bhd, Sabah (Lahad Datu Branch)
3. Environmental Monitoring (Air, noise & water sampling) Work for Ere Sdn Bhd, Kg.
Kodundungan, Penampang Project site.
4. Environmental Monitoring (Air, noise & water sampling) Work for Ere Sdn Bhd, Parking Lot,
SMC Luyang Project Site.
5. Environmental Monitoring (Air, noise & water sampling) Work for New Paradigm Logistics
Sdn Bhd, Lahad Datu Site.
5. Earthwork Activities and Upgrading of 6.27 Km Jalan Ulu Karangan, Beaufort, Sabah.
6. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit at CL.025152032, Jalan Kelatuan, Papar,
7. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Naiktaraf Jalan dari Kg. Bangkulat Ke Kg. Imbak, Tongod,
8. Earthwork Activities and Proposed Upgrading of 6.96 Km Jalan Tun Fuad Stephen, Jalan
Ums & Jalan Sulaman, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah – Phase II
9. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Menaiktaraf Jalan Gading – gading, Semporna, Sabah
10. Logging Operation at Kg. Mindohuan (605.90 Ha), Ranau, Sabah.
CV-Herwan Wahit Page 5 of 8
11. Proposed Earthwork Activities and Conversion (From Nt To CL), Subdivision and
Commercial Tourism Development Consist of 10 Units of Homestay on Nt013068963 at Kg.
Tombongon, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu
12. Earthwork Activities and Upgrading of Jalan Paitan Pantai Boring, Beluran, Sabah
13. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak-Layak, Pitas,
14. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Borrow Pit on Part of CL.175346666 and Dumping Sites on
CL.175275706 and CL.175007860 at Kg. Lumat, Beaufort.
15. Proposed Replanting of Oil Palm Plantation with 1,395.10 Hectares at Ladang Hassan,
Sandakan, Sabah
16. Proposed Earthwork Activities and Conversion (From Nt To CL), Subdivision and
Commercial Tourism Development Consist of 10 Units of Homestay on Nt013068963 at Kg.
Tombongon, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu.
17. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak-Layak, Pitas,
18. Earthwork Activities and Proposed Upgrading of Jalan Kolam Including Two Flyovers and
Supplementary Roads (Total 8.636 Km), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
19. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Pembinaan Jalan Sepanjang 1.85 Km dari Jalan Sukau Ke Jalan
J.Kg, Sukau, Kinabatangan, Sabah.
20. Earthwork Activities for The Proposed 10 Mwac Solar Photovoltaic Plant Located at CL.
0754887786, Luboh Estate, Sandakan, Sabah
21. Earthwork Activities for Construction of Menggatal Reservoir (Telibong Ii Phase 2 Water
Treatment Plant Upgrading Works), Sabah
22. Earthwork Activities and Development of Proposed Prima Housing 1,200 Units Apartments
(with Subsidiary Title to be Applied for) on CL. 015087966 with 9.11 Hectares and Dumping
Site at CL. 014004338, CL. 013040312 and CL. 013057255 at Jalan Sepanggar, Kg. Ratau,
Menggatal, Sabah
23. Program Pembangunan dan Penanaman Semula Sawit (233 Ha) Tanah Anak Negeri at
Bingkor, Keningau, Sabah.
24. Proposed Quarry on Pt.20-14230653 at Kg. Bilangau Darat, Pitas, Sabah
25. Proposed Earthwork Activities for Development of Commercial Complex on CL.215429208
and Part of CL.215429324 (3.988 Ha) at Jalan Bundusan, Penampang District Sabah
26. Earthwork Activities of Ponds Construction at Sook Estate, Located at Jalan Tulid, Sook
Keningau, Sabah.
27. Earthwork Activities for Proposed Residential Development on Part of CL.175336080, Jalan
Taman Wawasan, District of Beaufort, Sabah.
CV-Herwan Wahit Page 6 of 8
28. Earthwork Activities And Construction Of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong Il Phase 2 Water
Treatment Plant Upgrading Works) at Inanam, Sabah
29. Earthwork Activities And Resort Development Including Road Diversion On CL.185313740,
CL.185313731, CL.185313713, CL.185313786, CL.185313768 And CL.185313777 at
Kampung Bayong, District Of Kuala Penyu, Sabah
30. Proposed Development of Industrial Buidings & Facilities on LA. 2011010280 (CL.
015702075) at Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
31. Earthwork Activities And Proposed Housing Development On Part Of CL.045115919 (29.59
Hectares), Km 4, Jalan Tuaran – Kota Belud, Sabah Consisting of 833 Units of Double Storey
Terrace Affordable Homes Under My Home Scheme, 800 Units Of “Projek Perumahan
Rakyat” Under “Build &Sell” Scheme and 17 Units of Double Storey Shops (Strata Titles To
Be Applied For Lot 2).
32. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Menaiktaraf Jalan Ke Mesej Mangalias, Tenom, Sabah
33. Replanting Activities for Dusun Estate (835 Hectares) Located at Sandakan, Sabah
34. Earthwork Activities For Proposed Conversion, Amalgamation,Subdivision and Development
of NT.043238875, NT.04317179 & NT.043172818 Into A Residential Development At Kg
Serusup,District Of Tuaran
35. Earthwork Activities at Proposed Dumping Site (18.1 Hectare) At CL 015606283, Kingfisher,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
36. Porposed Clearing Activities of FR.154000674 (1,200 Ha) at Kg.Tatalaan 1 Joint Venture
Between The Beneficiaries of Communal Grant of Kg.Tatalaan 1 With Sentotimber Sdn Bhd,
Pensiangan, Sabah.
37. Earthwork Activities And Proposed Amalgamation And Subdivision Of New Water Tank And
PPU on CL.025339780 (Individual Title), 2 Blocks of Condominium on CL.025367999, 3
38. Earthwork Activities for Proposed Conversion, Subdivision and Development of CL.
135314439 into a Housing Development at Kampung Ulu Liawan, District of Keningau
39. Replanting Activities at Litang Estate (776 Hectares), Lahad Datu, Sabah
40. Earthwork Activities For Projek Pembinaan Komplex Sukan Tongod, Sabah.
41. Project Menbina Jalan Tawayari, Lahad Datu, Sabah
42. Cadangan Membina Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah, Rumah Guru 6 Unit, Bangunan Baru Asrama
120 Pelajar dan 1 Block Dewan Makan, Makmal dan Bengkel KH/PAV Serta Pagar di Sk
Pekan Pensiangan Untuk Perluasan Sekolah K9 Di Daerah Nabawan, Negeri Sabah.
43. Pembinaan Kompleks Pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (Sprm) Negeri
CV-Herwan Wahit Page 7 of 8
015708531 With 1.821 Ha At Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
47. Proposed Logging Activities On Pt.20-20080088 (2,902 Hectares) At Paitan, District Of
Labuk Sugut, Sabah
48. Earthwork Activities For New Mosque With 6.475 Hectares (Phase 2) On Part Of L.A. 20-
15120271, Jalan Seri Melor, District Of Semporna, Sabah.
7. Proposed Oil Palm Plantation (376.68 Ha) at District of Tongod, Sabah
8. Replanting Of Oil Palm Plantation At Kandang Besar Estate (192 Ha), Keningau, Sabah
E. Had been undertaking various technical assignments in fieldwork for baseline studies
(EIA) and monitoring works since joining the company in October 2009:
kendiri Bagi Pematuhan Syarat-Syarat Alam Sekitar untuk Aktiviti Peladangan Kelapa
Sawit Di negeri Sabah (2018).
condition for Housing and Commercial development activities in Sabah (2021).
5. Kursus penghantaran laporan bulanan effluent secara online yang dilaksanakan oleh
Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) Negeri Sabah (21st June 2011).
CV- Yong Kock Hui Page 1 of 3
Qualification : Geologist
Key Qualification : Experience in engineering geology, geotechnical engineering,
and structural geology
Registered with Environment Protection Department, Sabah
Nationality : Malaysian
Race : Chinese
Applied for].
2. The Proposed Condominium Development On Tl. 017517850, Cl. 015078323 And
T.L. 015079848 (With Subsidary (Strata) Titles To Be Applied For) Along Jalan
Tuaran, Likas, Kota Kinabalu , Sabah.
3. Proposed Earthwork Activities And Development Of 560 Units On 1 Block Of 8-
Storey Carpark And Facilities Podium With Two (2) Towers Of 32-Storey
Condominium On Cl.215417048 At Donggongon Town In The District Of
Penampang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (With Subsidiary Strata Title To Be Applied
CV- Yong Kock Hui Page 2 of 3
Tank And PPU On CL.025339780 (Individual Title), 2 Blocks Of Condominium On
CL.025367999, 3 Blocks Of Apartment On CL.025368003 And Mixed-Used
Development On CL.025368085 & CL.025368076(Total 15.65 Hectares) At Lok
Kawi, District Of Papar, Sabah(With Subsidiary (Strata) To Be Applied For).
8. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Membina Jalan Tawayari, Lahad Datu, Sabah.
9. Cadangan Membina Gantian 12 Bilik Darjah, Rumah Guru 6 Unit, Bangunan Baru
Asrama 120 Pelajar Dan 1 Blok Dewan Makan, Makmal Dan Bengkel KH/PAV
Serta Pagar Di SK Pekan Pensiangan Untuk Perluasan Sekolah K9 Di Daerah
Nabawan, Negeri Sabah.
10. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Pembinaan Kompleks Pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan
Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Di Sebahagian Cl.015694381, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
11. Existing Aggregate Quarry Operation And Associated Facilities On Lots
FR.014010934, NT.013081815, NT.013068543 And NT.013068534 At Sepanggar,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
12. Earthwork Activities And Proposed 30-Storey Condominium (With Subsidiary
(Strata) Titles To Be Applied For) On CL.015001359 (0.77 Hectares) And Access
Road On Part Of CL.017519274 And TL.017519078 (0.31 Hectares), Jalan Bukit
Bendera Upper, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
13. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah dan Projek Gantian Penuh 12 Bilik Darjah Dan Lain-Lain
Kemudahan Di Sekolah Kebangsaan Nampasan, Ranau, Sabah.
14. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Naiktaraf Jalan Dari Kg. Bangkulat Ke Kg. Imbak,
Tongod, Sabah.
15. Earthwork Activities And Upgrading Of 6.27 Km Jalan Ulu Karangan, Beaufort,
16. Aktiviti Kerja Tanah Dan Projek Jalan Suang Duyung Ke Kg. Tanjung Layak-Layak,
Pitas, Sabah.
17. Proposed Earthwork Activities And Conversion, (From NT To CL), Subdivision And
Commercial Tourism Development Consist Of 10 Units Of Homestay On
Nt013068963 At Kg. Tombongon, Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu.
18. Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Earthwork Activities And
Construction Of Inanam Laut Reservoir (Telibong Ii Phase 2 Water Treatment
Plant Upgrading Works) At Inanam, Sabah.
19. Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Proposed Earthwork Activities For
Development Of Commercial Complex On Cl.215429208 And Part Of
Cl.215429324 (3.988 Ha) At Jalan Bundusan, Penampang District Sabah.
20. Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Earthwork Activities And Proposed
560 Units On 1 Block Of 8 Storey Carpark And Facilities Podium With 2 Towers Of
31 & 32 Storey Condominium On Cl.215417048 (2.828 Hectares) And Access
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