Detailed Syllabus CSE (DS)

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Haldia Institute of Technology (Autonomous)

B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)


At the end of this program, graduates will be able to

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT
tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation,
make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects
and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and
life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Curriculum Structure

Semester III (Second year)

Sl. Type of Course Code Course Title Hours per Credits
No. week
1 Engineering ESC-DS-301 Principles of Communication 2 0 0 2
Science Course Engineering
2 Engineering ESC-DS-302 Digital Electronics 3 0 0 3

Science Course
3 Engineering Science ESC-DS-303 Statistics for Data Science 2 0 0 2
4 Professional Core PCC-DS-301 Data Structure and Algorithms 3 0 0 3
5 Professional Core PCC-DS-302 Discrete Mathematics 3 0 0 3
6 Basic Science BSC-DS-301 Probability Theory 2 0 0 2
7 Mandatory Course MC-DS-301 Environmental Sciences 2 0 0 0
8 Engineering ESC-DS-391 Digital Electronics Lab 0 0 3 1.5
Science Course

9 Engineering Science ESC-DS-392 Statistics for Data Science Lab 0 0 3 1.5

10 Professional Core PCC-DS-391 Data Structure and Algorithms 0 0 3 1.5
Course Lab
Total Credits 19.5

Semester IV (Second year)

Sl. Type of Course Code Course Title Hours per Credits
No. week
1 Basic Science BSC-DS-401 Linear Algebra 3 0 0 3
2 Professional Core PCC-DS-401 Computer Organization and 3 1 0 4
Course Architecture
3 Professional Core PCC-DS-402 Data Base Management 3 0 0 3
Course System

4 Professional Core PCC-DS-403 Design and Analysis of 3 1 0 4

Course Algorithm
5 Humanities and HSMC-DS- Economics for Engineers 2 0 0 2
Social Sciences 401
6 Professional Core PCC-DS-491 Computer Architecture Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 Professional Core PCC-DS-492 Data Base Management 0 0 3 1.5

Course System Lab

8 Professional Core PCC-DS-493 Design and Analysis of 0 0 3 1.5
Course Algorithm Lab
9 Professional Core PCC-DS-494 IT Workshop (Python) Lab 0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits 22

Semester V (Third year)

Sl. Type of Course Code Course Title Hours per Credits
No. week
1 Professional Core PCC-DS-501 Operating System 3 0 0 3
2 Professional Core PCC-DS-502 Object Oriented Programming 3 0 0 3

3 Professional Core PCC-DS-503 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 0 3

4 Professional Core PCC-DS-504 Formal Language and 3 0 0 3
Course Automata Theory
5 Professional Core PCC-DS-505 Data Mining 3 0 0 3
6 Humanities and HSMC-DS- Human Values and 3 0 0 3
Social Sciences 501 Professional Ethics
7 Professional Core PCC-DS-591 Operating System Lab 0 0 3 1.5

8 Professional Core PCC-DS-592 Object Oriented Programming 0 0 3 1.5

Course Lab
9 Professional Core PCC-DS-593 Artificial Intelligence Lab 0 0 3 1.5
Total Credits 22.5

Semester VI (Third year)

Sl. Type of Course Code Course Title Hours per Credits
No. week
1 Professional Core PCC-DS-601 Data Analysis and 3 0 0 3
Course Visualization
2 Professional Core PCC-DS-602 Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
3 Professional Core PCC-DS-603 Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
4 Professional PEC-DS-601 Mobile Computing 3 0 0 3
Elective Course I (A/B/C/D) Information Security and

Computer Graphics
Cloud & Edge Computing
5 Professional PEC-DS-602 Data Warehousing 3 0 0 3
Elective Course II (A/B/C/D) Big Data Analytics
Soft Computing
Software Engineering
6 Open Elective Course OEC-DS-601 Soft Skill and Interpersonal 3 0 0 3
I (A/B/C/D) Communication
Operation Research
Human Resource Management
Organizational Behaviour
7 Mandatory Course MC-DS-601 Technical and Quantitative 1 0 0 0
8 Professional Core PCC-DS-691 Data Analysis and 0 0 3 1.5

Course Visualization Lab


9 Professional Core PCC-DS-692 Computer Networks Lab 0 0 3 1.5

Total Credits 21

Semester VII (Fourth year)

Sl. Type of Course Code Course Title Hours per Credits
No. week
1 Professional PEC-DS-701 Information Theory and 3 0 0 3

Elective Course III (A/B/C/D) Coding

Advanced Computer
Digital Image Processing
Internet Technology
2 Professional PEC-DS-702 Internet of Things 3 0 0 3
Elective Course IV (A/B/C/D) Information Retrieval
E-Commerce and ERP
Block chain Technology
3 Open Elective OEC-DS-701 Bioinformatics 3 0 0 3
Course II (A/B/C/D) Cyber Law and Cyber Security
Optimization Technique
Microprocessor and
4 Humanities and HSMC-DS-701 Project Management and 3 0 0 3
Social Sciences Entrepreneurship
5 Project PROJ-DS-781 Project I 0 0 10 5


6 Summer Internship SI-DS-782 Internship I 3

Total Credits 20

Semester VIII (Fourth year)

Sl. Type of Course Code Course Title Hours per Credits
No. week
1 Professional PEC-DS-801 Artificial Neural Network 3 0 0 3
Elective Course V (A/B/C/D) Natural Language Processing
Web Mining
Quantum Computing
2 Open Elective OEC-DS-801 Embedded Systems 3 0 0 3
Course III (A/B/C/D) Business Analytics

Human Computer Interaction

Cryptography and Network
3 Open Elective OEC-DS-802 Economic Policies in India 3 0 0 3
Course IV (A/B/C/D) Compiler Design
Research Methodology
Remote Sensing and GIS
4 Project PROJ-DS-881 Project II 0 0 10 5


5 Winter Internship WI-DS-882 Internship II 3

Total Credits 17

Semester III (Second year)

ESC-DS-301: Principles of Communication Engineering

Contacts: 2L per week Credits: 2

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of this course, students will be able to
 Describe the basic principle of communication system.
 Analyze and design amplitude modulation systems at the sub-system level.
 Analyze and design angle modulation systems at the sub-system level.
 Analyze and design pulse modulation systems at the sub-system level.
 Demonstrate the basic methods of probability and random variables to signal-to-noise ratios.
 Apply the concepts to practical applications in telecommunication.

Basics of Electrical Engineering

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Elements of Communication system, Analog Modulation & Demodulation, Noise, 8
SNR Analog-to-Digital Conversion. (Basic ideas in brief)
[Details: Introduction to Base Band transmission & Modulation (basic concept) (1L);
Elements of Communication systems (mention of transmitter, receiver and channel);
origin of noise and its effect, Importance of SNR in system design (1L); Basic principles
of Linear Modulation (Amplitude Modulation) (1L); Basic principles of Non-linear
modulation (Angle Modulation - FM, PM) (1L); Sampling theorem, Sampling rate,
Impulse sampling, Reconstruction from samples, Aliasing (1L); Analog Pulse
Modulation - PAM (Natural & flat topped sampling), PWM, PPM (1L); Basic concept of
Pulse Code Modulation, Block diagram of PCM (1L); Multiplexing - TDM, FDM (1L).
2 Digital Transmission: 8
[Details: Concept of Quantisation & Quantisation error, Uniform Quantiser (1L); Non-
uniform Quantiser, A-law & μ-law companding (mention only) (1L); Encoding, Coding
efficiency (1L); Line coding & properties, NRZ & RZ, AMI, Manchester coding PCM,
DPCM (1L); Baseband Pulse Transmission, Matched filter (mention of its importance
and basic concept only), Error rate due to noise (2L); ISI, Raised cosine function, Nyquist
criterion for distortion-less base-band binary transmission, Eye pattern, Signal power in
binary digital signals (2L).
3 Digital Carrier Modulation & Demodulation Techniques: 8
[Details: Bit rate, Baud rate (1L); Information capacity, Shanon‘s limit (1L); M-ary
encoding, Introduction to the different digital modulation techniques - ASK, FSK, PSK,
BPSK, QPSK, mention of 8 BPSK, 16 BPSK (2L); Introduction to QAM, mention of
8QAM, 16 QAM without elaboration (1L); Delta modulation, Adaptive delta modulation
(basic concept and importance only, no details (1L); introduction to the concept of
DPCM, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta modulation and their relevance (1L); Spread
Spectrum Modulation - concept only. (1L)

Text books and Reference books:

1. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications by Simon Haykin; Published by Wiley India.
2. Data Communication and Networking by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Published by Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Communication Systems 4th Edition by Simon Haykin; Published by Wiley India (Student Edition)
4. Principles and Analog and Digital Communication by Jerry D Gibson, Published by MacMillan.
5. Communication Systems by A. B. Carlson, Published by McGraw-Hill.
6. Understanding Signals and Systems by Jack Golten, Published by McGraw Hill.

ESC-CS-302: Digital Electronics

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Understand working of logic families and logic gates.
 Convert a number from one base system to another.
 Understand Boolean algebra and represent digital circuits from Boolean expressions.
 Design and implement many Combinational circuits.
 Design and implement various Sequential logic circuits.
 Understand the process of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog conversion.

1. Number Systems

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Digital signals, digital circuits, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and Exclusive-OR 4
operations, Binary Number System & Boolean Algebra (recapitulation); BCD, ASCII,
EBDIC, Gray codes and their conversions; Signed binary number representation with
1‘s and 2‘s complement methods, Binary arithmetic, Venn diagram,
2 Boolean algebra (recapitulation); Representation in SOP and POS forms; 5
Minimization of logic expressions by algebraic method. K-map representation,
simplification of logic functions using K-map, minimization of logical functions.
Don‘t care conditions.
3 Combinational Circuits - Adder and Subtractor circuits (half & full adder & 7
subtractor); Encoder, Decoder, Comparator, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer and Parity
Generator. Error detecting and correcting codes. Adders, Subtractors, BCD arithmetic,
carry look ahead adder, serial adder
4 Sequential Circuits - Basic Flip-flop & Latch, Flip-flops -SR, JK, D, T and JK Master- 8
slave Flip Flops, Registers (SISO, SIPO, PIPO, PISO) Ring counter, Johnson counter
Basic concept of Synchronous and Asynchronous counters (detail design of circuits
excluded), Design of Mod N Counter. Counters design using flip-flops
5 A/D and D/A conversion techniques – Basic concepts (D/A: R-2-R only [2L] A/D: 6
successive approximation [2L]) Logic families- TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS - basic
concepts. (2L)

Text book and Reference books:

1. Microelectronics Engineering –Sedra & Smith-Oxford.
2. Analog Electronics, A.K. Maini, Khanna Publishing House (AICTE Recommended -2018)
3. Analog Electronics, L.K. Maheswari, Laxmi Publications (AICTE Recommended -2018)
4. Principles of Electronic Devices & circuits—B L Thereja & Sedha—S Chand
5. Digital Electronics – Kharate – Oxford
6. Digital Electronics – Logic & Systems by J.Bigmell & R.Donovan; Cambridge Learning.
7. Digital Logic and State Machine Design (3rd Edition) – D.J.Comer, OUP
8. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory – Boyelstad & Nashelsky - PHI
9. Bell-Linear IC & OP AMP—Oxford
10. P.Raja- Digital Electronics- Scitech Publications
11. Morries Mano- Digital Logic Design- PHI
12. R.P.Jain—Modern Digital Electronics, 2/e ,McGraw Hill
13. H.Taub & D.Shilling, Digital Integrated Electronics- McGraw Hill.
14. D.RayChaudhuri- Digital Circuits-Vol-I & II, 2/e- Platinum Publishers
15. Tocci, Widmer, Moss- Digital Systems,9/e- Pearson
16. J.Bignell & R.Donovan-Digital Electronics-5/e- Cenage Learning.
17. Leach & Malvino—Digital Principles & Application, 5/e, McGraw Hill
18. Floyed & Jain- Digital Fundamentals-Pearson.

ESC-DS-303: Statistics for Data Science

Contacts: 2L per week Credits: 2

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Understand statistical concepts to include measurements of location and dispersion.
 Demonstrate probability, probability distributions.
 Analysis sampling and estimation.
 Dissect hypothesis testing and regression.
 Explain correlation analysis and multiple regressions
 Understand business/economic forecasting.

Basic Mathematics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Probability models, their properties, combinatorial principle, conditional probability, 3
independence of events.
2 Random variable and distributions discrete and continuous distributions, cumulative 5
distribution functions. One dimensional change of variable, joint distributions, joint
probability functions, density functions. Conditional independence
3 Expectation: Discrete case & continuous case. Variance, covariance and correlation. 8
Generating functions, Conditional expectation. Sampling distribution and limits.
Convergence in probability and distribution. Monte Carlo approximations, Normal
4 Statistical inference. Models for inference. Data collection: finite population, simple 9
random sampling, histograms, survey sampling. Some basic inferences. Likely hood
inference. Maximum likely hood estimation, inference based on MLE. Bayesian
Inference, prior and poster distributions, inference estimation, Baysian computations,
optimal inference.
5 Model checking, sample model, residual probability plots, Chisquare test. Stochastic 7
processes, distribution, Markov chains. Poisson processes.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Outline of statistics 1 and 2 by Goon-Gupta-Dasgupta
2. Fundamentals of mathematical statistics by Gupta and Kapoor
3. Complete Business Statistics Book By Amir Aczel
4. The Practice of Business Statistics, by Manish Sharma (Khanna)

PCC-DS-301: Data Structure and Algorithms

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Create and Design programs using a variety of data structures such as stacks, queues, hash tables,
binary trees, heaps, graphs.
 Evaluate and choose appropriate data structures to represent data items in real world.
 Analyze the time and space complexities of algorithms.
 Implement and apply sorting algorithms for problem solving.
 Understand the concept of dynamic memory management.
 Identify and remember user defined data types, linear data structures for solving real world


 Programming for Problem Solving

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Basic Terminologies: Elementary Data Organizations, Data 9
Structure Operations: insertion, deletion, traversal etc.; Analysis of an Algorithm,
Asymptotic Notations, Time-Space trade off.
Searching: Linear Search and Binary Search techniques and their complexity
2 Stacks and Queue: ADT Stack and its operations: Algorithms and their 10
complexity analysis, Applications of Stacks: Expression Conversion and
evaluation– Corresponding algorithms and complexity analysis. ADT queue,
Types of Queue: Simple Queue, Circular Queue, Priority Queue; Operations
on each type of Queues: Algorithms and their analysis.
3 Linked Lists: Singly linked lists: Representation in memory, Algorithms of 6
several operations: Traversing, Searching, Insertion into, Deletion from linked
list; Linked representation of Stack and Queue, Header nodes, Doubly linked list:
operations on it and algorithmic analysis; Circular Linked Lists: all operations
their algorithms and the complexity analysis.
4 Trees: Basic Tree Terminologies, Different types of Trees: Binary Tree, 6
Threaded Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree; Tree operations on each
of the trees and their algorithms with complexity analysis. Applications of Binary
Trees. BTree, B+ Tree: definitions, algorithms and analysis.
5 Sorting and Hashing: Objective and properties of different sorting algorithms: 6
Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort;
Performance and Comparison among all the methods, Hashing.
6 Graph: Basic Terminologies and Representations, Graph search and traversal 3
algorithms and complexity analysis.

Text book and Reference books:

1) Data Structures and Program Design in C, 2/E by Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung.
2) Data Structure & Algorithms Using C, 5th Ed., Khanna Publishing House (AICTE Recommended
3) Fundamentals of Data Structures of C by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Andersonfreed.
4) Data Structures in C by Aaron M. Tenenbaum.
5) Data Structures by S. Lipschutz.
6) Data Structures Using C by Reema Thareja.
7) Data Structure Using C, 2/e by A.K. Rath, A. K. Jagadev.
8) Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.
9) Data Structures through C by Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications.
10) Expert Data Structures with C++ by R.B Patel, Khanna Publishing House.

PCC-DS-302: Discrete Mathematics

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Apply mathematical logic to solve problems.
2. Understand sets, relations, functions and discrete structures.
3. Use logical notations to define and reason about fundamental mathematical concepts such as sets
relations and functions.
4. Identify functions and determine their properties.
5. Formulate problems and solve recurrence relations.
6. Model and solve real world problems using graphs and trees.


1. Basic Mathematics
2. Probability and Statistics

Detailed Content:
Module Content Hours/
No Module
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Set Theory: Definition of sets, countable and uncountable sets, Set operations, 8
Partition of set, Cardinality (Inclusion-Exclusion & Addition Principles) Venn
Diagrams, proofs of some general identities on sets. Relation: Definition, types of
relation, composition of relations, Pictorial representation of relation, Equivalence
relation, Partial ordering relation, Job- Scheduling problem.
Function: Definition, type of functions, one to one, into and onto function, inverse
function, composition of functions, recursively defined functions, pigeonhole
principle. Theorem proving Techniques: Mathematical induction, Proof by
contradiction. Composition of Functions. The Pigeonhole and Generalized
Pigeonhole Principles.
3 Propositional Logic: Proposition, First order logic, Basic logical operation, truth 6
tables, tautologies, Contradictions, Algebra of Proposition, logical implications,
logical equivalence, predicates, Normal Forms, Universal and existential quantifiers.
2-way predicate logic. Introduction to finite state machine Finite state machines as
models of physical system equivalence machines, Finite state machines as language
4 Posets, Hasse Diagram and Lattices: Introduction, ordered set, Hasse diagram of 6
partially, ordered set, isomorphic ordered set, well ordered set, properties of
Lattices, bounded and complemented lattices.
Combinatorics: Introduction, Permutation and combination, Binomial Theorem,
Multimodal Coefficients Recurrence Relation and Generating Function: Introduction
to Recurrence Relation and Recursive algorithms, linear recurrence relations with
constant coefficients, Homogeneous solutions, Particular solutions, Total solutions,
Generating functions,
Solution by method of generating functions.
5 Algebraic Structures: Definition, Properties, types: Semi Groups, Monoid, Groups, 5
Abelian group, properties of groups, Subgroup, cyclic groups, Cosets, factor group,
Permutation groups, Normal subgroup, Homomorphism and isomorphism of
Groups, example and standard results, Rings and Fields: definition and standard
6 Graph Theory: Introduction and basic terminology of graphs, Planer graphs, 6
Multigraphs and weighted graphs, Isomorphic graphs, Paths, Cycles and
connectivity, Shortest path in weighted graph, Introduction to Eulerian paths and
circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, Graph colouring, chromatic number,
Isomorphism and Homomorphism of graphs, matching, vertex/edge covering.
Total 32

Text/Reference Books:

1. Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Koshy,Elsevier

2. Discrete Mathematical Structures ByLipshutz& Lipson, TMH
3. Discrete Mathematical Structures,,Pearson
4. Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematical Structures, K R Chowdhary, 3ed, PHI

BSC-DS-301: Probability Theory

Contacts: 2L per week Credits: 2

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Calculate probabilities by applying probability laws and theoretical results.
2. Identify an appropriate probability distribution for a given discrete or continuous random variable and
use its properties to calculate probabilities.
3. Calculate statistics such as the mean and variance of common probability distributions.
4. Calculate probabilities for joint distributions including marginal and conditional probabilities.
5. Determine whether random variables are independent and find their covariance and correlation.
6. Explain the role of probability in hypothesis testing and describe issues related to interpreting statistical

1. Knowledge of Basic Mathematics.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Probability: Introduction, random experiments, sample space, events and algebra of 5
events. Definitions of Probability – classical, statistical, and axiomatic. Conditional
Probability, laws of addition and multiplication, independent events, Theorem of
total probability, Bayes‘ theorem and its applications.
2 Random variables (RV): 10
Introduction to Random variables, - One dimensional Random Variables, Discrete
and Continuous RV- Density and Distribution function of RV, Expectation,
Variance, and its properties, Covariance, and Moments. Moment Generating
Special Distributions
Binomial and Poisson distributions – Normal distribution, Exponential distributions,
Weibull distribution
Jensen‘s Inequality, Cauchy Schwarz Inequality, Markov‘s inequality, Chebyshev‘s
Inequality, Chernoff‘s Inequality, One Sided Chebyshev‘s Inequality.
3 Correlation and regression 9
Two dimensional random variables, Joint distribution and Joint density functions -
Marginal, Conditional Distribution and Density functions. Regression and
correlation. – Partial and Multiple Correlation- Multiple Regression.
4 Test of Significance 10
Testing of hypothesis – Introduction - Types of errors, critical region, procedure of
testing hypothesis.
Large sample tests - Z test for Single Proportion, Difference of Proportion, Single
mean and difference of means. Small sample tests - Student‘s t-test, F-test - Chi-
square test - Goodness of fit - Independence of Attributes

Text book and Reference books:

1. Probability and Statistics for engineers and scientists by R.E.Walpole, R.H.Mayers, S.L.Mayers and
K.Ye, 9th Edition, Pearson Education (2012).
2. Probability, Statistics and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists by Bilal M. Ayub and Richard H.
McCuen, 3rd edition, CRC press (2011).
3. Mathematical Statistics by M. Ray, H S Sharma, and S Chaudhary, RP & Sons Education.
4. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics by T Veerarajan, Yes Dee Publishing Pvt Ltd.
5. Probability and Statistics for Engineers by R.A.Johnson, Miller & Freund‘s, 8th edition, Prentice Hall
India (2010)

MC-DS-301: Environmental Sciences

Contacts: 2L per week Credits: 0

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to

 Acquire fundamental knowledge of different aspects of environment and local, regional and global
environmental problems.
 Get the information about ecosystem and also about its functions like Food chain, Ecological pyramids
 Obtain the knowledge about the different types of resources like land, water, mineral and energy and
also about the effects of environment by the usage of these resources.
 Gain the knowledge about the ecosystem diversity, its values and also about the importance of the
endemic species and different techniques involved in its conservation.
 Gain the knowledge about the different types of pollutions and their control technologies, Waste water
treatment, Bio medical waste management etc.,
 Acquire the complete information about EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable
developmental activities, environmental policies and regulations, awareness among people about
protection of wild life, forest and other natural resources.

 Basics of Chemistry

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/ Module

1 Basic ideas of environment, basic concepts, man, society & environment, their 6
interrelationship (1L) Mathematics of population growth and associated
problems, Importance of population study in environmental engineering,
definition of resource, types of resource, renewable, non-renewable, potentially
renewable, effect of excessive use vis-à-vis population growth, Sustainable
Development. (2L) Materials balance: Steady state conservation system, steady
state system with non-conservative pollutants, step function. (1L) Environmental
degradation: Natural environmental Hazards like Flood, earthquake, Landslide-
causes, effects and control/management; Anthropogenic degradation like Acid
rain-cause, effects and control. Nature and scope of Environmental Science and
Engineering. (2L)
2 Elements of ecology: System, open system, closed system, definition of ecology, 6
species, population, community, definition of ecosystem- components types and
function. (1L) Structure and function of the following ecosystem: Forest
ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems,
Mangrove ecosystem (special reference to Sundarban); Food chain [definition
and one example of each food chain], Food web.( 2L) Biogeochemical Cycle-
definition, significance, flow chart of different cycles with only elementary
reaction [Oxygen, carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Sulphur]. (1L) Biodiversity-
types, importance, Endemic species, Biodiversity Hot-spot, Threats to
biodiversity, Conservation of biodiversity.( 2L)
3 Atmospheric Composition: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, 11
Thermosphere, Tropopause and Mesopause. (1L) Energy balance: Conductive
and Convective heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, simple global temperature
model [Earth as a black body, earth as albedo], Problems.( 1L) Green house
effects: Definition, impact of greenhouse gases on the global climate and
consequently on sea water level, agriculture and marine food. Global warming
and its consequence, Control of Global warming. Earth‘s heat budget.(1L) Lapse
rate: Ambient lapse rate Adiabatic lapse rate, atmospheric stability, temperature
inversion (radiation inversion).(2L) Atmospheric dispersion: Maximum mixing
depth, ventilation coefficient, effective stack height, smokestack plumes and
Gaussian plume model.(2L) Definition of pollutants and contaminants, Primary
and secondary pollutants: emission standard, criteria pollutant. Sources and effect
of different air pollutants Suspended particulate matter, oxides of carbon, oxides
of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur, particulate, PAN. (2L) Smog, Photochemical
smog and London smog. Depletion Ozone layer: CFC, destruction of ozone layer
by CFC, impact of other green-house gases, effect of ozone modification. (1L)
Standards and control measures: Industrial, commercial and residential air quality
standard, control measure (ESP. cyclone separator, bag house, catalytic
converter, scrubber (ventury), Statement with brief reference). (1L)
4 Hydrosphere, Hydrological cycle and Natural water. Pollutants of water, their 9
origin and effects: Oxygen demanding wastes, pathogens, nutrients, Salts,
thermal application, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organic compounds. (2L)
River/Lake/ground water pollution: River: DO, 5-day BOD test, Seeded BOD
test, BOD reaction rate constants, Effect of oxygen demanding wastes on river
[deoxygenation, reaeration], COD, Oil, Greases, pH. (2L) Lake: Eutrophication
[Definition, source and effect]. (1L) Ground water: Aquifers, hydraulic gradient,
ground water flow (Definition only)(1L) Standard and control: Waste water
standard [BOD, COD, Oil, Grease], Water Treatment system [coagulation and
flocculation, sedimentation and filtration, disinfection, hardness and alkalinity,
softening] Waste water treatment system, primary and secondary treatments
[Trickling filters, rotating biological contractor, Activated sludge, sludge
treatment, oxidation ponds] tertiary treatment definition. (2L) Water pollution
due to the toxic elements and their biochemical effects: Lead, Mercury,
Cadmium, and Arsenic (1L)
5 Lithosphere; Internal structure of earth, rock and soil (1L) Solid Waste: 3
Municipal, industrial, commercial, agricultural, domestic, pathological and
hazardous solid wastes; Recovery and disposal method- Open dumping, Land
filling, incineration, composting, recycling. Solid waste management and control
(hazardous and biomedical waste).(2L)
6 Definition of noise, effect of noise pollution, noise classification [Transport 3
noise, occupational noise, neighbourhood noise] (1L) Definition of noise
frequency, noise pressure, noise intensity, noise threshold limit value, equivalent
noise level, L10 (18hr Index) ,n Ld.Noise pollution control. (1L)
7 Environmental impact assessment, Environmental Audit, Environmental laws 2
and protection act of India, Different international environmental treaty/
agreement/ protocol. (2L)

Text book and Reference books:

1. M.P. Poonia & S.C. Sharma, Environmental Studies, Khanna Publishing House (AICTE
Recommended Textbook – 2018)
2. Masters, G. M., ―Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science‖, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd., 1991.
3. De, A. K., ―Environmental Chemistry‖, New Age International

ESC-DS-391: Digital Electronics Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Acquire knowledge about basics of digital electronics.
 Explain about how to solve problems related to number systems and Boolean algebra.
 Identify, analyze and design combinational circuits.
 Design BCD to Excess-3 and Binary to gray code conversion circuit.
 Compare various synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits.
 Analyze sequential digital circuits like flip-flops, registers, counters.

Laboratory Experiments:
1 Design a Half Adder and Full Adder using basic gates and verify outputs.
2 Design a Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor circuit using basic gates and verify outputs.
3 Construction of simple Multiplexer circuits using logic gates.
4 Construction of simple De-multiplexer circuits using logic gates.
5 Construction of simple Decoder using logic gates.
6 Construction of simple Encoder using logic gates.
7 Realization of RS / JK / D flip flops using logic gates
8 Design of Shift Register using J-K / D Flip Flop
9 Realization of Synchronous Up/Down counter
10 Design of MOD- N Counter
11 Study of DAC

ESC-DS-392: Statistics for Data Science Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 List motivation for learning a programming language
 Access online resources for R and import new function packages into the R workspace
 Import, review, manipulate and summarize data-sets in R
 Explore data-sets to create testable hypotheses and identify appropriate statistical tests
 Perform appropriate statistical tests using R
 Create and edit visualizations with R

 Statistics
 Basics of any programming language

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/ Module

1 Introduction to R Programming: R and R Studio, Logical Arguments, Missing 3
Values, Characters, Factors and Numeric, Help in R, Vector to Matrix, Matrix
Access, Data Frames, Data Frame Access, Basic Data Manipulation Techniques,
Usage of various apply functions – apply, lapply, sapply and tapply, Outliers
2 Descriptive Statistics: Types of Data, Nominal, Ordinal, Scale and Ratio, 3
Measures of Central Tendency, Mean, Mode and Median, Bar Chart, Pie Chart
and Box Plot, Measures of Variability, Range, Inter-QuartileRange, Standard
Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis, Histogram, Stem and Leaf Diagram,
Standard Error of Mean and Confidence Intervals.
3 Probability, Probability& Sampling Distribution: Experiment, Sample Space and 3
Events, Classical Probability, General Rules Of Addition, Conditional
Probability, General Rules For Multiplication, Independent Events, Bayes‘
Theorem, Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Continuous
Probability Distribution, Normal Distribution & t-distribution, Sampling
Distribution and Central Limit Theorem.
4 Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing: Population and Sample, Null and 3
Alternate Hypothesis, Level of Significance, Type I and Type II Errors, One
Sample t Test, Confidence Intervals, One Sample Proportion Test, Paired
Sample t Test, Independent Samples t Test, Two Sample Proportion Tests, One
Way Analysis of Variance and Chi Square Test.
5 Correlation and Regression: Analysis of Relationship, Positive and Negative 3
Correlation, Perfect Correlation, Correlation Matrix, Scatter Plots, Simple Linear
Regression, R Square, Adjusted R Square, Testing of Slope, Standard Error of
Estimate, Overall Model Fitness, Assumptions of Linear Regression, Multiple
Regression, Coefficients of Partial Determination, Durbin Watson Statistics,
Variance Inflation Factor.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Sandip Rakshit, 2018, Statistics with R Programming, McGraw Hill.
2. Ken Black, 2013, Business Statistics, New Delhi, Wiley.
3. Lee, Cheng. et al., 2013, Statistics for Business and Financial Economics, New York: Heidelberg
4. Anderson, David R., Thomas A. Williams and Dennis J. Sweeney, 2012, Statistics for Business and
Economics, New Delhi: South Western.
5. Waller, Derek, 2008, Statistics for Business, London: BH Publications.
6. Levin, Richard I. and David S. Rubin, 1994, Statistics for Management, New Delhi: Prentice Hall.

PCC-DS-391: Data Structure and Algorithms Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Design and solve programs using a variety of data structures such as stacks, queues, hash tables,
binary trees, heaps, graphs.
 Evaluate and choose appropriate data structures to represent data items in real world.
 Analyze the time and space complexities of algorithms.
 Implement sorting and searching algorithms for problem solving.
 Understand the concept of dynamic memory management.
 Identify and remember user defined data types, linear data structures for solving real world

 Programming for Problem Solving
 Data Structure and Algorithms

Detailed Content:

1. Implementation of array operations

2. Stacks and Queues: adding, deleting elements Circular Queue: Adding & deleting elements
3. Application of Stack: Expression Evaluation, Expression Conversion
4. Implementation of linked lists: inserting, deleting, and inverting a linked list. Implementation of stacks
& queues using linked lists
5. Polynomial addition, Polynomial multiplication
6. Recursive and Non-recursive traversal of Trees
7. Threaded binary tree traversal. AVL tree implementation
8. Implementation of different searching & sorting techniques.
Text book and Reference books:

1) Data Structures and Program Design in C, 2/E by Robert L.Kruse, Bruce P.Leung.
2) Data Structure & Algorithms Using C, 5th Ed., Khanna Publishing House (AICTE Recommended
3) Fundamentals of Data Structures of C by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Andersonfreed.
4) Data Structures in C by Aaron M. Tenenbaum.
5) Data Structures by S. Lipschutz.
6) Data Structures Using C by Reema Thareja.
7) Data Structure Using C, 2/e by A.K.Rath, A.K.Jagadev.
8) Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, Clifford Stein.
9) Data Structures through C by Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications.
10) Expert Data Structures with C++ by R.BPatel, Khanna Publishing House.

Semester IV (Second year)

BSC-DS-401: Linear Algebra

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Formulate elementary row and column operation.
 Evaluate matrix algebra and related matrices to linear transformation.
 Analyze singular value decomposition.
 Solve systems of linear equations.
 Use matrix algebra and the related matrices to linear transformations.
 Understand the basic ideas of linear mapping.

 Mathematics-I
 Mathematics-II

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Systems of linear equations, Matrices, Elementary row operations, Row- 9
reduced echelon matrices. Vector spaces, Subspaces, Bases and dimension,
Ordered bases and coordinates.
2 Linear transformations, Rank-nullity theorem, Algebra of linear 10
transformations, Isomorphism, Matrix representation, Linear functionals,
Annihilator, Double dual, Transpose of a linear transformation.
3 Characteristic values and characteristic vectors of linear transformations, 10
Diagonalizability, Minimal polynomial of a linear transformation, Cayley-
Hamilton theorem, Invariant subspaces, Direct-sum decompositions, Invariant
direct sums, The primary decomposition theorem, Cyclic subspaces and
annihilators, Cyclic decomposition, Rational, Jordan forms.
4 Inner product spaces, Orthonormal bases, Gram-Schmidt process. 7
Text books and Reference books:

1. E Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley-India

2. S. K. Mapa, Higher Algebra, Levant Books.
3. Chakravorty and Ghosh, Advanced Higher Algebra, U N Dhar Pvt. Ltd.
4. K.Hoffman and R.Kunze, Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition, Prentice- Hall of India, 2005.
5. M.Artin, Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India, 2005.
6. S.Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, 2nd Edition, John-Wiley, 1999.
7. S. Lang, Linear Algebra, Springer UTM, 1997.
8. S.Kumaresan, Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, Prentice-Hall of India, 2004.
9. Jim Defranza, Daniel Gagliardi, Introduction to Linear Algebra with Application, Tata McGraw-Hill
10. Anton and Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications version, Wiley India Edition

PCC-DS-401: Computer Organization & Architecture

Contacts: 3L+1T per week Credits: 4

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Demonstrate how Computer Systems work & the basic principles
 Understand Instruction Level Architecture and Instruction Execution
 Understand the current state of art in memory system design
 Demonstrate how I/O devices are accessed and its principles.
 Impart the knowledge on micro programming control unit
 Understand concepts of pipelining techniques.

 Number Systems
 Digital Electronics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/ Module

1 Basic organization of the stored program computer and operation sequence for 9
execution of a program. Role of operating systems and compiler/assembler.
Fetch, decode and execute cycle, Concept of operator, operand, registers and
Commonly used number systems. Fixed and floating point representation of
numbers. Overflow and underflow. Floating point - IEEE 754 standard.
2 Fixed point multiplication –Booth‘s algorithm. Fixed point division - Restoring 7
and non-restoring algorithms.
Design of adders – serial adder, ripple carry and carry look-ahead principles.
Design of ALU.
3 Instruction set architecture: Instruction format. Instruction length. 0-, 1-, 2-, 3- 7
address instructions. Instruction cycle. Instruction sets and addressing modes.
Introduction to RISC architectures. RISC vs CISC architectures.
4 Memory organization: Performance parameters, Memory unit design with 9
special emphasis on implementation of CPU-memory interfacing. Memory
hierarchy, hard disk, static and dynamic memory, associative memory. Cache
memory, Virtual memory.
5 Design of control unit - hardwired and microprogrammed control. Introduction 6
to instruction pipelining. Throughput and speedup, pipeline hazards.
6 I/O operations - Concept of handshaking, Polled I/O, interrupt and DMA. 4

Text book and Reference books:

1. Mano, M.M., ―Computer System Architecture‖, PHI.

2. Behrooz Parhami ―Computer Architecture‖, Oxford University Press
3. Hayes J. P., ―Computer Architecture & Organisation‖, McGraw Hill,
4. Hamacher, ―Computer Organisation‖, McGraw Hill,
5. T.K. Ghosh, ―Computer Organization‖ 2nd Ed., TMH
6. Chaudhuri P. Pal, ―Computer Organisation & Design‖, PHI,
7. P N Basu- ―Computer Organization & Architecture‖, Vikas Pub
8. Rajaraman – ―Computer Organization & Architecture‖, PHI
9. B. Ram – ―Computer Organization & Architecture‖, New Age Publications

PCC-DS-402: Database Management Systems

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

On completion of the course students will be able to:
 Describe the fundamental elements of relational database management systems
 Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-relationship model, relational database
design, relational algebra and SQL.
 Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios
 Convert the ER-model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate SQL queries on
 Improve the database design by normalization.
 Understand the basic database storage structures and access techniques: file and page organizations,
indexing methods including B tree, and hashing.

Prerequisites: N/A

Detailed Content:

Unit Content
Database system architecture: Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Data Definition
Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML).
1 9
Data models: Entity-relationship model, network model, relational
and object oriented data models, integrity constraints, data manipulation operations.
Relational query languages: Relational algebra, Tuple and domain
relational calculus, SQL3, DDL and DML constructs, Open source and
2 13
Commercial DBMS - MYSQL,ORACLE, DB2, SQL server.
Relational database design: Domain and data dependency, Armstrong‘s axioms, Normal
forms, Dependency preservation, Lossless design.
Query processing and optimization: Evaluation of relational algebra expressions, Query
equivalence, Join strategies, Query optimization algorithms.
3 Storage strategies: Indices, B-trees, hashing. 3
Transaction processing: Concurrency control, ACID property,
4. Serializability of scheduling, Locking and timestamp based schedulers, Multi-version 5
and optimistic Concurrency Control schemes, Database recovery.
Database Security: Authentication, Authorization and access control,
5 3
DAC, MAC and RBAC models, Intrusion detection, SQL injection.
Advanced topics: Object oriented and object relational databases, Logical databases,
6 3
Web databases, Distributed databases, Data warehousing and data mining.

Text book and Reference books:

1. ―Database System Concepts‖, 6th Edition by Abraham Silberschatz, HenryF. Korth, S. Sudarshan,
2. ―Principles of Database and Knowledge – Base Systems‖, Vol 1 by J. D. Ullman, Computer Science
3. ―Database Management Systems‖, R.P. Mahapatra, Khanna Publishing House, NewDelhi (AICTE
Recommended Textbook – 2018)
4. ―Fundamentals of Database Systems‖, 5th Edition by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe,
Pearson Education
5. ―Foundations of Databases‖, Reprint by Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor Vianu, Addison-

PCC-DS-403: Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Contacts: 3L+1T per week Credits: 4

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Prove the correctness and analyse the running time of the basic algorithms for those classic problems in
various domains.
 Apply the algorithms and design techniques to solve problems.
 Analyze the complexities of various problems in different domains.
 Apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying
 Design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.
 Adapt current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.

 Basics of C programming
 Data Structure and Algorithms

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/ Module

1 Models of computation: RAM,TM etc. time and space complexity 7
Asymptotic Notation Big-O, omega, theta etc.; finding time complexity of well-
known algorithms like- heapsort, search algorithm etc.
Algorithm Design techniques
Recursion- Definition, Use, Limitations, Examples: Hanoi problem. Tail
2 Divide and Conquer 8
Basic method, use, Examples: Merge sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search,
Dynamic Programming
Basic method, use, Examples: matrix-chain multiplication, All pair shortest paths,
single-source shortest path, Travelling Salesman problem
3 Branch and Bound : Basic method, use, Examples: The 15-puzzle problem 6
Backtracking :
Basic method, use, Examples: Eight queens problem, Graph coloring problem,
Hamiltonian problem
4 Greedy Method : 7
Basic method, use, Examples: Knapsack problem, Job sequencing with deadlines,
minimum spanning tree (Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms)
Lower Bound Theory:
Bounds on sorting and sorting techniques using partial and total orders.
Disjoint Set Manipulation:
Set manipulation algorithm like UNION-FIND, union by rank, Path compression
5 Properties of graphs and graph traversal algorithms :BFS and DFS 6
Matrix manipulation algorithms:
Different types of algorithms and solution of simultaneous equations, DFT &
FFT algorithm; integer multiplication schemes
6 Notion of NP-completeness: 6
P class, NP-hard class, NP-complete class, Circuit Satisfiability problem, Clique
Decision Problem.
Approximation algorithms:
Necessity of approximation scheme, performance guarantee, Polynomial time
approximation schemes: 0/1 knapsack problem.

Text book and Reference books:

1. A. Aho, J. Hopcroft and J.Ullman ―The Design and Analysis of algorithms‖

2. D.E.Knuth ―The Art of Computer Programming‖, Vol. I & Vol.2
3. Horowitz Ellis, Sahani Sartaz, R. Sanguthevar ―Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms‖.
4. Goodman: Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TMH.
5. K.Mehlhorn, ―Data Structures and algorithms- Vol. I & Vol. 2‖
6. S. Baase ―Computer algorithms‖
7. E.M.Reingold, J.Nievergelt and N.Deo- ―Combinational algorithms- Theory and Practice‖, Prentice
Hall, 1997
8. A.Borodin and I.Munro, ―The computational complexity of Algebraic and Numeric problems‖

HSMC-DS-401: Economics for Engineers

Contacts: 2L per week Credits: 2

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Evaluate the economic theories, cost concepts and pricing policies.
 Understand the market structures and integration concepts.
 Understand the measures of national income, the functions of banks and concepts of globalization.
 Apply the concepts of financial management for project appraisal.
 Understand accounting systems and analyze financial statements using ratio analysis.
 Understand the impact of inflation, taxation, depreciation. Financial planning, economic basis for
replacement, project scheduling, and legal and regulatory issues are introduced and applied to economic
investment and project-management problems

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 1. Economic Decisions Making – Overview, Problems, Role, Decision making process. 9
2. Engineering Costs & Estimation – Fixed, Variable, Marginal & Average Costs, Sunk
Costs, Opportunity Costs, Recurring And Nonrecurring Costs, Incremental Costs, Cash
Costs vs Book Costs, Life-Cycle Costs; Types Of Estimate, Estimating Models -
PerUnit Model, Segmenting Model, Cost Indexes, Power-Sizing Model, Improvement
& Learning Curve, Benefits.
2 3. Cash Flow, Interest and Equivalence: Cash Flow – Diagrams, Categories & 9
Computation, Time Value of Money, Debt repayment, Nominal& Effective Interest.
4. Cash Flow & Rate of Return Analysis – Calculations, Treatment of Salvage Value,
Annual Cash Flow Analysis, Analysis Periods; Internal Rate of Return, Calculating
Rate of Return, Incremental Analysis; Best Alternative Choosing an Analysis Method,
Future Worth Analysis, Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis, Sensitivity and Breakeven
Analysis. Economic Analysis In The Public Sector -Quantifying And Valuing Benefits
& drawbacks.
3 5. Inflation and Price Change – Definition, Effects, Causes, Price Change with Indexes, 9
Types of Index, Composite vs Commodity Indexes, Use of Price Indexes In
Engineering Economic Analysis, Cash Flows that inflate at different Rates.
6. Present Worth Analysis: End-Of-Year Convention, Viewpoint Of Economic Analysis
Studies, Borrowed Money Viewpoint, Effect Of Inflation & Deflation, Taxes,
Economic Criteria, Applying Present Worth Techniques, Multiple Alternatives.
7. Uncertainty In Future Events - Estimates and Their Use in Economic Analysis,
Range Of Estimates, Probability, Joint Probability Distributions, Expected Value,
Economic Decision Trees, Risk, Risk vs Return, Simulation, Real Options.
4 8. Depreciation - Basic Aspects, Deterioration & Obsolescence, Depreciation And 9
Expenses, Types Of Property, Depreciation Calculation Fundamentals, Depreciation
And Capital Allowance Methods, Straight-Line Depreciation Declining Balance
Depreciation, Common Elements Of Tax Regulations For Depreciation And Capital
9. Replacement Analysis - Replacement Analysis Decision Map, Minimum Cost Life of
a New Asset, Marginal Cost, Minimum Cost Life Problems.
10. Accounting – Function, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Financial Ratios Capital
Transactions, Cost Accounting, Direct and Indirect Costs, Indirect Cost Allocation.

Text books and Reference books:

1. James L. Riggs, David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa : Economics for Engineers 4e , Tata
2. Donald Newnan, Ted Eschembach, Jerome Lavelle: Engineering Economics Analysis, OUP
3. John A. White, Kenneth E. Case, David B. Pratt: Principle of Engineering Economic Analysis, John
4. Sullivan and Wicks: Engineering Economy, Pearson
5. R.Paneer Seelvan: Engineering Economics, PHI
6. Michael R Lindeburg : Engineering Economics Analysis, Professional Pub
7. Premvir Kapoor, Sociology & Economics for Engineers, Khanna Publishing House (AICTE
Recommended Textbook – 2018)

PCC-DS-491: Computer Architecture Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Summarize Xilinx/ Altera (VHDL) foundation tools and Hardware Description Language.
 Demonstrate different concepts and methods of digital system design techniques through hands-on
 Build various combinational and sequential digital systems.
 Identify knowledge, techniques required to design, implement and test modern day digital systems.
 Evaluate and interpret the results of logic and timing simulations.
 Analyze digital systems through hands-on experiments on the Xilinx/ Altera tools.

Laboratory Experiments:
1 Write VHDL codes for various logic gates.
2 Using VHDL, design a half adder in data flow model.
3 Using VHDL, design a full adder in data flow model.
4 Using VHDL, design a half subtractor.
5 Using VHDL, design a full subtractor.
6 Using VHDL, design 1-bit comparator.
7 Using VHDL, design 4:1 Multiplexer in data flow model.
8 Using VHDL, design 2:4 Decoder in data flow model.
9 Using VHDL, design 1:4 DEMUX in data flow model.
10 Write VHDL code for basic gates: 2 i/p AND Gate (Multiple Bit Handling)
11 Using VHDL, design 4:1 Multiplexer using when-else structure.
12 Using VHDL, design 2: 4 Decoder using when-case structure.
13 Using VHDL, design 2: 4 Decoder in behavioral model.
14 Write VHDL code for 4-bit Up Counter
15 Write VHDL code for 4-bit Down Counter
16 Write VHDL code for 4-bit Up-Down Counter
17 Using VHDL, design SR-flip flop in behavioral model.
18 Write VHDL code for D Flip Flop
19 Using VHDL, design JK-flip flop in behavioral model.
20 Write VHDL code for T Flip Flop

PCC-DS-492: Database Management System Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course the students are able to:
1. Apply the basic concepts of Database Systems and Applications.
2. Define the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL in database creation and interaction.
3. Design a commercial relational database system (Oracle, MySQL) by writing SQL using the system.
4. Analyse and Select storage and recovery techniques of database system.
5. Understand various advanced queries execution such as relational constraints, joins, set operations,
aggregate functions, trigger, views and embedded SQL.
6. Construct various software to design and build ER Diagrams, UML, Flow chart for related database

 Data Base Management Systems

Detailed Content:

Laboratory Experiments:
Structured Query Language

1. Creating Database
 Creating a Database
 Creating a Table
 Specifying Relational Data Types
 Specifying Constraints
 Creating Indexes

2. Table and Record Handling

 INSERT statement
 Using SELECT and INSERT together
 DROP, ALTER statements

3. Retrieving Data from a Database

 The SELECT statement
 Using the WHERE clause
 Using Logical Operators in the WHERE clause
 Using Aggregate Functions
 Combining Tables Using JOINS
 Subqueries

4. Database Management
 Creating Views
 Creating Column Aliases
 Creating Database Users
 Using GRANT and REVOKE

5. Cursors in Oracle PL / SQL

6. Writing Oracle PL / SQL Stored Procedures
PCC-DS-493: Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab
Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

After completion of this course, the students are able to:

1) Solve problems by applying appropriate algorithms.
2) Analyze the efficiency of various algorithms.
3) Apply techniques of stacks and queues to solve problems.
4) Develop a program that can be solved in many ways using different techniques.
5) Identify and evaluate complex problems using principles of mathematics and engineering science
6) Design a novel solution for real life problem

 Basics of C programming
 Data Structure and Algorithms

Lab Experiments List:

1. Design, develop and implement the specified algorithms for the following problems using C/C++
Language in LINUX environment.
2. Write a C/C++ program to sort the elements by using quick sort method.
3. Write a C/C++ program to sort the elements by using merge sort method.
4. Obtain the Topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph.
5. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using
6. Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming.
7. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal‘s algorithm.
8. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim‘s algorithm.
9. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using Warshall‘s algorithm.
10. Implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem using Floyd‘s algorithm.
11. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method.
12. Check whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.
13. Implement N Queen‘s problem using Back Tracking

Text/ Reference Books:

1. Anany Levitin: ―Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms‖, Pearson Education, Delhi,
2nd Edition, 2007, ISBN: 9780321358288.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran: ―Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms‖,
Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2nd Edition, 2007, ISBN-10: 8173716129.


PCC-DS-494: IT Workshop (Python) Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems.
 Identify and repair coding errors in a program.
 Demonstrate programs using simple Python statements and expressions.
 Explain control flow and functions concept in Python for solving problems.
 Use Python data structures – lists, tuples & dictionaries for representing compound data.
 Explain files, exception, modules and packages in Python for solving problems.

 Programming for Problem Solving

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction 3
History, Features, Setting up path, Working with Python, Basic Syntax, Variable and
Data Types, Operator
2 Conditional Statements 3
If, If- else, Nested if-else, Looping, For, While, Nested loops
3 Control Statements 3
Break, Continue, Pass
4 String Manipulation 3
Accessing Strings, Basic Operations, String slices, Function and Methods
5 Lists 3
Introduction, Accessing list, Operations, Working with lists, Function and Methods
6 Tuple 3
Introduction, Accessing tuples, Operations, Working, Functions and Methods.
7 Dictionaries 3
Introduction, Accessing values in dictionaries, Working with dictionaries, Properties
8 Functions 3
Defining a function, Calling a function, Types of functions, Function Arguments,
Anonymous functions, Global and local variables
9 Modules 3
Importing module, Math module, Random module, Packages, Composition, Input-
Output Printing on screen, Reading data from keyboard, Opening and closing file,
Reading and writing files, Functions
10 Exception Handling 3
Exception, Exception Handling, Except clause, Try abd finally clause, User Defined

Text book and Reference books:

1. Martin C. Brown ―Python: The Complete Reference‖, McGraw Hill Education

2. Reema Thareja., ―Python Programming: Using Problem Solving Approach‖, Oxford University Press.
3. Ashok Namdev Kamthane and Amit Ashok Kamthane, ―Programming and Problem Solving with Python‖,
McGraw Hill,
4. Vishwajit K. Barbudhe,‖ Introduction of Python‖, Notion Press
5. Taneja Sheetal and Kumar Naveen, ―Python Programming - A modular approach‖, Pearson Education.

Semester V (Third year)

PCC-DS-501: Operating System

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Understand the mechanisms of OS to handle processes and threads and their communication
 Develop algorithms for process scheduling for a given specification of CPU utilization, Throughput,
Turnaround Time, Waiting Time, Response Time.
 Demonstrate the mechanisms involved in memory management in contemporary OS
 Understand the components and management aspects of concurrency management
 Develop the techniques for optimally allocating memory to processes by increasing memory utilization
and for improving the access time.
 Design and implement file management system.

 Digital Electronics
 Computer Organization & Architecture
 Programming Concepts

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Concept of Operating Systems, Generations of Operating systems, Types 3
of Operating Systems, OS Services, System Calls, Structure of an OS - Layered,
Monolithic, Microkernel Operating Systems, Concept of Virtual Machine. Case study
on UNIX and WINDOWS Operating System.
2 Processes: Definition, Process Relationship, Different states of a Process, Process State 8
transitions, Process Control Block (PCB), Context switching
Thread: Definition, Various states, Benefits of threads, Types of threads, Concept of
Process Scheduling: Foundation and Scheduling objectives, Types of Schedulers,
Scheduling criteria: CPU utilization, Throughput, Turnaround Time, Waiting Time,
Response Time; Scheduling algorithms: Pre-emptive and Non pre-emptive, FCFS, SJF,
RR; Multiprocessor scheduling: Real Time scheduling: RM and EDF.
3 Inter-process Communication: Critical Section, Race Conditions, Mutual Exclusion, 6
Hardware Solution, Strict Alternation, Peterson‘s Solution, The Producer-Consumer
Problem, Semaphores, Event Counters, Monitors, Message Passing, Classical IPC
Problems: Reader‘s & Writer Problem, Dinning Philosopher Problem etc.
4 Deadlocks: Definition, Necessary and sufficient conditions for Deadlock, Deadlock 4
Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance: Banker‘s algorithm, Deadlock detection and
5 Memory Management: Basic concept, Logical and Physical address map, Memory 8
allocation: Contiguous Memory allocation – Fixed and variable partition– Internal and
External fragmentation and Compaction; Paging: Principle of operation – Page
allocation – Hardware support for paging, Protection and sharing, Disadvantages of
Virtual Memory: Basics of Virtual Memory – Hardware and control structures –
Locality of reference, Page fault , Working Set , Dirty page/Dirty bit – Demand paging,
Page Replacement algorithms: Optimal, First in First Out (FIFO), Second Chance (SC),
Not recently used (NRU) and Least Recently used (LRU).
6 I/O Hardware: I/O devices, Device controllers, Direct memory access Principles of 6
I/O Software: Goals of Interrupt handlers, Device drivers, Device independent I/O
software, Secondary-Storage Structure: Disk structure, Disk scheduling algorithms
File Management: Concept of File, Access methods, File types, File operation,
Directory structure, File System structure, Allocation methods (contiguous, linked,
indexed), Free-space management (bit vector, linked list, grouping), directory
implementation (linear list, hash table), efficiency and performance.
Disk Management: Disk structure, Disk scheduling - FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN,
Disk reliability, Disk formatting, Boot-block, Bad blocks

Text book and Reference books:

1. Operating System Concepts Essentials, 9th Edition by Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne,
Wiley Asia Student Edition.
2. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition, William Stallings, Prentice Hall of
3. Operating System: A Design-oriented Approach, 1st Edition by Charles Crowley, Irwin Publishing
4. Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, 2nd Edition by Gary J. Nutt, Addison-Wesley
5. Design of the Unix Operating Systems, 8th Edition by Maurice Bach, Prentice-Hall of India
6. Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Edition, Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati, O'Reilly and Associates

PCC-DS-502: Object Oriented Programming

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Create and explain GUI and thread based application.

 Evaluate the complexity of procedural language by using the concept of polymorphism, inheritance,
abstraction, and encapsulation.
 Analyze any real world problem with object oriented approach and formulate a solution for the same.
 Implement and apply object oriented approach to relate to real world problem.
 Understand, describe and illustrate the features of object oriented programming.
 Recall the knowledge of procedural language and map it to paradigm of Object Oriented concept.

 Programming for Problem Solving

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Basics of OOP and Introduction to JAVA: Properties of object oriented 8
programming language, Object, Class, relationships among objects.
Aggregation, Association, Generalization, meta-class. Class, object, message
passing, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism. Basic concept of JAVA
programming– advantages of java, byte-code & JVM, data types, operators,
control statements & loops, array, creation of class, object, constructor, finalize
and garbage collection.
2 Class & Object proprieties: Different types of access specifiers, method 10
overloading, this keyword, use of objects as parameter & methods returning
objects, call by value & call by reference, static variables, methods and block
nested & inner classes, Inbuilt classes like String, Character, StringBuffer, basic
string handling concepts, concept of mutable and immutable string.
Reusability properties: Super class & subclasses including multilevel hierarchy,
process of constructor calling in inheritance, use of super and final keywords
with super() method, dynamic method dispatch, abstract classes & methods,
interfaces. Creation of packages, importing packages, member access for
packages, UTIL package.
3 Exception handling and I/O: Exception handling basics, different types of 6
exception classes, use of try & catch with throw, throws & finally, creation of
user defined exception classes. Input Output stream structure, Wrapper class,
command line arguments, basics of I/O operations – keyboard input using
Buffered Reader & Scanner classes. File copy programming using command
line arguments.
4 Multithreading and Applet & Swing Programming: Basics of 7
multithreading, main thread, thread life cycle, creation of multiple threads,
thread priorities, thread synchronization, inter-thread communication, deadlocks
for threads, suspending & resuming threads. Introduction to Microservices.
Basics of applet programming, applet life cycle, difference between application
& applet programming, parameter passing in applets. Basic of swing
programming, Difference between applet and swing,

Text book and Reference books:

1) Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Rambaugh, James Michael, Blaha, Prentice Hall, India.
2) Object Oriented System Development Ali Bahrami, Mc Graw Hill.
3) The complete reference-Java2, Patrick Naughton, Herbert Schildt, TMH.
4) Core Java For Beginners,R.K Das, VIKAS PUBLISHING.
5) Java How to Program, Deitel and Deitel,6th Ed. – Pearson.
6) Beginning Java 2 SDK, Ivor Horton's,Wrox.
7) Programming With Java: A Primer,E. Balagurusamy, 3rd Ed., TMH.

PCC-DS-503: Artificial Intelligence

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the various searching techniques, constraint satisfaction problem and example problems-
game playing techniques.
2. Apply these techniques in applications which involve perception, reasoning and learning.
3. Explain the role of agents and how it is related to environment and the way of evaluating it and how
agents can act by establishing goals.
4. Acquire the knowledge of real-world Knowledge representation.
5. Analyze and design a real-world problem for implementation and understand the dynamic behaviour of
a system.
6. Use different machine learning techniques to design AI machine and enveloping applications for real
world problems.

1. Data Structures
2. Probability

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

No Module
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course 1
2 Meaning and definition of artificial intelligence, Physical Symbol System 6
Hypothesis, production systems, Characteristics of production systems; Breadth
first search and depth first search techniques. Heuristic search Techniques: Hill
Climbing, Iterative deepening DFS, bidirectional search. Analysis of search
methods. A* algorithm, and their analysis. Introduction to Genetic Algorithms.
3 Knowledge Representation, Problems in representing knowledge, knowledge 8
representation using propositional and predicate logic, logical consequences,
syntax and semantics of an expression, semantic Tableau. Forward and backward
reasoning. Proof methods, substitution and unification, conversion to clausal
form, normal forms, resolution, refutation, deduction, theorem proving, in
refencing, monotonic and non-monotonic reasoning. Introduction to prolog.
4 Network-based representation and reasoning, Semantic networks, Conceptual 6
Graphs, frames. Description logic (DL), concept language, reasoning using DL.
Conceptual dependencies (CD), scripts, reasoning using CD. Introduction to
natural language processing.
5 Adversarial search and Game theory, classification of games, game playing 7
strategies, prisoner's Dilemma. Game playing techniques, minimax procedure,
alpha-beta cut-offs. Complexity of alpha-beta search. Automated planning,
classical planning problem, forward planning, partial order planning, planning
with proposal logic, hierarchical task planning, multiagent planning
6 Reasoning in uncertain environments, Fuzzy logic, fuzzy composition relation, 6
operations on fuzzy sets. Probabilistic reasoning, Bayes theorem, construction of
Bayesian networks, belief propagation. Markov processes and Hidden Markov
Total 34

Text/Reference Books:

1. Artificial Intelligence: Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Mc-GrawHill.

2. Introduction to AI & Expert System: Dan W.Patterson, PHI.
3. Artificial Intelligence by Luger (Pearson Education)
4. Russel & Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Pearson Education.
PCC-DS-504: Formal Language & Automata Theory
Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

After completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Design finite automata to accept a set of strings of a language.
2. For a given language evaluate whether the given language is regular or not.
3. Develop context free grammars to generate strings of context free language.
4. Determine equivalence of languages accepted by Push down Automata and languages generated by
context free grammars.
5. Implement the hierarchy of formal languages, grammars and machines.
6. Distinguish between computability and non-computability and Decidability and undecidability.


Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs/Unit

1 Introduction: Alphabet, languages and grammars, productions and derivation, Chomsky 6
hierarchy of languages.
2 Regular languages and finite automata: Regular expressions and languages, deterministic 7
finite automata (DFA) and equivalence with regular expressions, nondeterministic finite
automata (NFA) and equivalence with DFA, regular grammars and equivalence with finite
automata, properties of regular languages, pumping lemma for regular languages,
minimization of finite automata)
Context-free languages
3 and pushdown automata: Context-free grammars (CFG) and
languages (CFL), Chomsky and Greibach normal forms, nondeterministic pushdown
automata (PDA) and equivalence with CFG, parse trees, ambiguity in CFG, pumping
lemma for context-free languages, deterministic push down automata, closure properties of
Context-sensitive4 languages: Context-sensitive grammars (CSG) and languages, linear
bounded automata and equivalence with CSG.
Turing machines: 5 The basic model for Turing machines (TM), Turing recognizable
(recursively enumerable) and Turing-decidable (recursive)languages and their closure
properties, variants of Turing machines, nondeterministic TMs and equivalence with
deterministic TMs, unrestricted grammars and equivalence with Turing machines, TMs as
Undecidability: 6Church-Turing thesis, universal Turing machine, the universal and
diagonalization languages, reduction between languages and Rice s theorem, undecidable
problems about languages

Text books and reference books:

1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata
Theory, Languages, and Computation, Pearson Education Asia.
2. Harry R. Lewis and Christos H. Papadimitriou, Elements of the Theory of Computation,
Pearson Education Asia.
3. Dexter C. Kozen, Automata and Computability, Undergraduate Texts in Computer
Science, Springer.
4. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing.
5. John Martin, Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation, Tata McGraw
6. Dr. R.B.Patel, Theory of Computation, Khanna Publishing House.

PCC-DS-505: Data Mining

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand what Is Data Mining, what kinds of data can be mined, what kinds of patterns can be
mined, and what kinds of applications are targeted.
2. Explain major Issues in data mining.
3. Apply machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics, visualization, algorithm, database technology
and high-performance computing in data mining applications.
4. Identify what kinds of technologies are used for different application.
5. Manipulate data preprocessing, data Warehouse and OLAP technology, data cube technology; mining
frequent patterns and association, classification, clustering, and outlier detection.
6. Discover interesting patterns from large amounts of data to analyze for predictions and classification.

 Basic understanding of DBMS
 Engineering Mathematics
 Data Structure and Algorithm

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Evolution and Importance of Data Mining-Types of Data and Patterns 8
Mined-Technologies-Applications-Major Issues in Data Mining. Knowing about
Data-Data Pre-processing: Cleaning– Integration–Reduction–PCA, Data
Transformation and Discretization. Mining Frequent Patterns: Basic Concept –
Frequent Item Set Mining Methods – Mining Association Rules – Association to
Correlation Analysis.
2 Classification and Prediction: Issues – Decision Tree Induction – Bayesian 6
Classification – Rule Based Classification – k-Nearest-Neighbor Classification –
Linear SVM – Regression – Linear, Logistic – Accuracy and Error measures –
Introduction to Ensemble methods
3 Clustering: Overview of Clustering – Types of Data in Cluster Analysis – Major 6
Clustering Methods-Partitioning Methods- k-Means, k-Medoids. Hierarchical
Methods-Agglomerative and Divisive hierarchical clustering. Density-Based
Methods-DBSCAN, Graph-based clustering (CHAMELEON), Evaluation in
4 Mining Data Streams- Mining Time-Series Data- Mining Sequence Patterns in 5
Biological Data- Graph Mining – Social network Analysis – Text Mining – Mining
the World Wide Web, Applications and Trends in Data Mining Tools:
Implementation of Data mining algorithms using Latest Open-Source Data mining
Tools. TensorFlow, python, R
5 Advanced techniques, Data Mining software and applications, Text mining: 5
extracting attributes (keywords), structural approaches (parsing, soft
parsing). Bayesian approach to classifying text, Web mining: classifying web pages,
extracting knowledge from the web, Data Mining software and applications

Text book and Reference books:

1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei, ―Data mining concepts and Techniques‖, Third Edition,
Elsevier Publisher, 2006.
2. K.P.Soman, Shyam Diwakar and V.Ajay, ―Insight into data mining Theory and Practice‖, Prentice Hall of
India, 2006.
3. Yanchang Zhao, ―R and Data Mining‖, Elsevier, 2013
4. Aurélien Géron, Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow, O‘Reilly Media, 2017
5. Itay Lieder, Yehezkel Resheff, Tom Hope, Learning TensorFlow, O‘Reilly Media, 2017

HSMC-DS-501: Human Values and Professional Ethics

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Understand Engineering and Technology as social and professional activities.
 Demonstrate the effects of technological growth, crisis of global resources and possible way out.
 Understand knowledge development for ethics in profession.
 Dissect development of professional and human values.
 Explain development of inner core and initiation of lifelong learning and survival process in professional
 Demonstrate development of Moral character and thought of development of the country.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Science, Technology and Engineering as knowledge and as Social and Professional 10
Effects of Technological Growth:
Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome.
Limits of growth: sustainable development. Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy
Resources. Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies.
Environmental Regulations, Environmental Ethics. Appropriate Technology Movement
of Schumacher; later developments. Technology and developing notions. Problems of
Technology transfer, Technology assessment impact analysis. Human Operator in
Engineering projects and industries. Problems of man, machine, interaction, Impact of
assembly line and automation. Human centered Technology.
2 Ethics of Profession: 8
Engineering profession: Ethical issues in Engineering practice, Conflicts between
business demands and professional ideals. Social and ethical responsibilities of
Technologists. Codes of professional ethics. Whistle blowing and beyond, Case studies.
3 Profession and Human Values: 10
Values Crisis in contemporary society. Nature of values: Value Spectrum of a good life.
Psychological values: Integrated personality; mental health. Societal values: The
modern search for a good society, justice, democracy, secularism, rule of law, values in
Indian Constitution. Aesthetic values: Perception and enjoyment of beauty, simplicity,
clarity. Moral and ethical values: Nature of moral judgments; canons of ethics; ethics of
virtue; ethics of duty; ethics of responsibility.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Stephen H Unger, Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, New
York 1994 (2nd Ed)
2. Deborah Johnson, Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1991.
3. A N Tripathi, Human values in the Engineering Profession, Monograph published by IIM, Calcutta 1996.

PCC-DS-591: Operating System Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Demonstrate shell programming which include shell scripts and explaining shell syntax (variables,
conditions, control structure, and functional commands).
 Execute programs like, creating a new process, creating orphan process and zombie process,
synchronizing parent and child process.
 Analyze synchronization of co-operating processes with semaphore (semctl(), semget(), semop(), set
semvalue, del semvalue, semaphore p and semaphore v).
 Adapt concept of signals with sending signals, signal interface, and signal handling.
 Apply POSIX threads using pthread_create, pthread_join and pthread_exit.
 Understand Inter-Process Communication (IPC) with use of pipes, message queue etc.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Shell programming: creating a script, making a script executable, shell syntax 3
(variables, conditions, control structures, functions, commands).
2 Process: starting new process, replacing a process image, duplicating a process image, 2
waiting for a process, zombie process.
3 Signal: signal handling, sending signals, signal interface, signal sets. 3
4 Semaphore: programming with semaphores (use functions semctl, semget, semop, 2
set_semvalue, del_semvalue, semaphore_p, semaphore_v).
5 POSIX Threads: programming with pthread functions(viz. pthread_create, 3
pthread_join, pthread_exit, pthread_attr_init, pthread_cancel)
6 Inter-process communication: pipes(use functions pipe, popen, pclose), named 3
pipes(FIFOs, accessing FIFO)

Text and Reference Books:

1. UNIX Shell Programming by Yashavant Kanetkar, BPB Publication
2. UNIX: Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition by Sumitabha Das, McGraw Hill
3. UNIX and Shell Programming by Forouzan & Gilberg

PCC-DS-592: Object Oriented Programming Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Create multithreaded programs.
 Evaluate the complexity of procedural language by using the concept of polymorphism, inheritance,
abstraction, and encapsulation.
 Experiment any real world problem with object oriented approach and formulate a solution for the
 Implement and apply object oriented approach to relate to real world problem.
 Understand and develop graphical user interface using AWT.
 Recall the knowledge of event handling mechanism.

 Programming for Problem Solving
 Object Oriented Programming

Detailed Content:
Implement all problems abiding by features of object oriented programming (Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Reusability, Data Hiding, Generalization, and Specialization.)
 Familiarization on object oriented approach of programming: use of class, object, and reference.
 Use of constructor, static, final, array, date, access specifiers.
 Familiarization with String, StringBuffer, ArrayList and LinkedList classes.
 Familiarization on Inheritance and Dynamic Method Dispatch.
 Familiarization on Abstract Class, Interface and Package Java Exception Handling.
 Familiarization on Java IO using Scanner, BufferedReader, PrintWriter. File handling in Java.
 Exploring Java multithreading concept.
 Familiarization on Java Applet, AWT Event Handling.
 Basics of Java Swing: Different Layouts, Event Handling.

Text book and Reference books:

1) Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Rambaugh, James Michael, Blaha, Prentice Hall, India.
2) Object Oriented System Development Ali Bahrami, McGraw Hill.
3) The complete reference-Java2, Patrick Naughton, Herbert Schildt, TMH.
4) Core Java For Beginners, R.K Das, VIKAS PUBLISHING.
5) Java How to Program, Deitel and Deitel, 6th Ed. – Pearson.
6) Beginning Java 2 SDK, Ivor Horton's, Wrox.
7) Programming With Java: A Primer, E. Balagurusamy, 3rd Ed., TMH.

PCC-DS-593: Artificial Intelligence Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the applications of AI and agent-based approach to AI.
2. Obtain first-order predicate calculus, logical reasoning and problem solving using Python language.
3. Study and discuss various techniques and algorithms of AI used in general problem solving,
optimization problems, constraint satisfaction problems, and game programming.
4. Familiarize students with various sub-areas of AI, such as expert systems, natural language processing
and machine learning.
5. Study and discuss various techniques and algorithms of AI used in Genetic Algorithm.
6. Dissect various techniques and algorithms of AI used in Expert System.
 Data Structures
 Probability
 Python Programming Language

Detailed Content:
Sl No Content
1 Anaconda:
Learn how to use Anaconda to manage packages and environments for use with Python.
2 Jupyter Notebooks:
Learn how to use Jupyter Notebooks to create documents combining code, text, images, and
3 Numpy Basics:
• Learn the value of NumPy and how to use it to manipulate data for AI problems.
• Mini-Project: Use NumPy to mean normalize anndarray and separate it into several smaller
4 Pandas Basics:
• Learn to use Pandas to load and process data for machine learning problems.
• Mini-Project: Use Pandas to plot and get statistics from stock data
5 Matplotlib Basics:
Learn how to use Matplotlib to choose appropriate plots for one and two variables based on the
types of data you have.

Text/Reference Books:

1. Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners: A Plain English Introduction Author: Oliver Theobald
Publisher — Scatterplot Press
2. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques
to Build Intelligent Systems (First Edition) Author: AurelienGeron Publisher — O‘Reilly Media
3. Machine Learning (in Python and R) For Dummies Author: John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron
4. Machine Learning in Action Author: Peter Harrington Publisher — Manning Publications

Semester VI (Third year)

PCC-DS-601: Data Analysis & Visualization

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3
Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Understand the basics of data visualization
 Understand the importance of data visualization and the design and use of many visual components.
 Analyse various visualization structures such as tables, spatial data, time-varying data, tree and network,
 Apply basic algorithms in data visualization.
 Understand the types of transformation the data has undergone to improve the effectiveness of the
 Explain characteristics and methods that are needed for the visualization of geospatial data

 Data Mining

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Importance of analytics and visualization in the era of data abundance. 4
Review of probability, statistics and random processes.
Brief introduction to estimation theory.
2 Introduction to machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, gradient 3
descent, over fitting, regularization.
3 Clustering techniques: K-means, Gaussian mixture models and expectation- 5
maximization, agglomerative clustering, evaluation of clustering - Rand index, mutual
information based scores, Fowlkes-Mallows index
4 Regression: Linear models, ordinary least squares, ridge regression, LASSO, Gaussian 5
Processes regression.
5 Supervised classification methods: K-nearest neighbor, naive Bayes, logistic 5
regression, decision tree, support vector machine.
6 Introduction to artificial neural networks (ANNs), deep NNs, convolutional neural 5
network (CNN).
7 Data visualization: Basic principles, categorical and continuous variables. 3
8 Exploratory graphical analysis - Creating static graphs, animated visualizations - loops, 4
GIFs and Videos.
Data visualization in Python and R, examples.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., Friedman, J. (2009). The elements of statistical learning: data mining,
inference and prediction. Springer.
2. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork. 2000. Pattern Classification (2nd Edition). Wiley-
Interscience, New York, NY, USA.
3. Christopher M. Bishop. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and
Statistics). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

PCC-DS-602: Machine Learning

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning models from data.

2. Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms.
3. Understand how to evaluate models generated from data.
4. Apply the algorithms to a real problem, optimize the models learned and report on the expected
accuracy that can be achieved by applying the models.
5. Understand the foundation of generative models.
6. Understand algorithms for learning Bayesian networks.


 Design and Analysis of Algorithm

 Probability and Statistics

Detailed Content

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Machine Learning 4
Classical machine vs Adaptive Machine, Different Learning strategies,
Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi Supervised, Reinforcement learning, Transfer
learning (TL).
Basic of Training and Testing Phase Training and testing data, Over fitting and
Under fitting
2 Feature Selection Techniques 3
Filter Methods- Information gain, Chi-Square test, Correlation and coefficient.
Wrapper methods- Recursive feature elimination, Genetic Algorithm. Embedded
method- Decision trees
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
3 Regression Analysis 7
Dependent vs Independent variable. Introduction, Confusion Matrix, Curse of
Dimensionality, Managing Missing Features, Managing Categorical Data. Explain
Linear regression, Logistic regression, Polynomial regression, Ridge regression,
Lasso regression, Elastic Net regression
4 Classification 8
Binary vs Multiclass Classification, K Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Conditional
Probability, Bayes Theorem. Naive Bayes Classifier.
Naive Bayes Variants: Bernoulli Naive Bayes, Multinomial Naive Bayes,
Gaussian Naive Bayes. Support Vector Machine (SVM), Non-Linear Support
Vector Machine (SVM) And Kernel Function. Decision Tree Algorithm, Random
Forest (RF), ROC Curve.
5 Clustering 4
K means Clustering, DBSCAN, Hierarchical Clustering: Agglomerative
Clustering and Divisive Clustering
6 Ensemble Learning 3
Ensemble Method: Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregation), Boosting, Voting Classifier:
Hard Voting and Soft Voting.
7 Gradient Descent Algorithm, Introduction of Back Propagation Algorithm. 3
Artificial Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Text book and Reference books:

1. Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill Education.

2. Jeeva Jose, Introduction to Machine Learning, Khanna Book Publishing.
3. Saikat Dutta, Subramanian Chandramouli, Machine Learning, Pearson Education.
4. Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David, Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory To Algorithms,
Cambridge University Press.
5. S. Rogers and M. Girolami, A first course in Machine Learning, CRC Press, 2011.

PCC-DS-603: Computer Networks

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Design and investigate why network needs flow control and error control techniques.
2. Evaluate the performance of the different routing protocol (RIP, OSPF) based on routing cost,
convergence rate and complexity to find the shortest path.
3. Analyze the pieces of hardware (hub, bridge, switch, router) to make networks more efficient, faster,
more secure, easier to use, able to transmit several simultaneous messages, and able to interconnect with
other networks.
4. Demonstrate different LLC protocols, Internet Protocol, and usage of the IP address and subnet mask to
setup a network.
5. Understand various techniques (open loop and close loop) used for congestion control and quality of
service (traffic scheduling and shaping).
6. Identify and remember importance of existing protocols (DNS, DHCP, FTP, WWW, HTTP) running
in application layer.

 Programming for Problem Solving
 Data Structure and Algorithms
 Computer Organization & Architecture

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Data communications, Direction of data flow - Simplex, Half-duplex, 5
Full-duplex, Topology –Bus, Ring, Mesh. Star & Hybrid, Types of Network - LAN,
MAN 7 WAN, Protocols, and Reference models – OSI & TCP/IP reference model &
comparative study.
2 Physical Layer: Transmission media - Guided & Unguided, Switching – Circuit, 6
Packet & Message, Telephone Network, Network Devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges,
Switches, Router and Gateway.
Data link Layer: Types of Errors, Error Detection – Parity, CRC & Checksum, Error
Correction – Hamming Code
3 Data Link Layer and MAC Sublayer: Flow Control – Stop-n-Wait & Sliding 8
Window Protocol, ARQ Techniques – Stop-n-Wait, Go-Back- N & Selective Repeat,
Framing, Bit & Byte Oriented Protocol, HDLC, Point to Point Protocol (PPP), Token
Ring, FDDI and Ethernet Protocols, Reservation, Polling, Multiple access protocols -
4 Network Layer: Internet Protocol (IP), IPv4 vs IPv6, ARP & RARP, IP Addressing – 5
Classful & Classless, Subnetting, VLSM, CIDR. Routing - Techniques, Static,
Dynamic & Default Routing, Unicast Routing Protocols - RIP, OSPF, BGP.
5 Transport Layer: Process to Process delivery; UDP; TCP; Congestion Control - 4
Open Loop, Closed Loop, Quality of service, Techniques to improve QoS - Leaky
bucket & Token bucket algorithm.
6 Application Layer Protocols: DNS, SMTP, FTP & DHCP. 4
Modern Topic: Introduction to wireless LAN and Bluetooth, Mobile IP, Mobile

Text book and Reference books:

1) Computer Networks (4th Ed.) – A. S. Tanenbaum –Pearson Education/PHI

2) Data Communications and Networking (3rd Ed.) – B. A. Forouzan –TMH
3) Data and Computer Communications (5th Ed.) – W. Stallings –PHI/ Pearson Education
4) Computer Networking -A top down approach featuring the internet– Kurose and Rose –Pearson
5) Internetworking with TCP/IP, vol. 1, 2, 3(4th Ed.) – Comer –Pearson Education/PHI

PEC-DS-601A: Mobile Computing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the necessary knowledge of cellular communication, infrastructure-less networks
2. Analyze TCP, MAC protocols and their technical feasibility
3. Analyze device independent applications
4. Acquire knowledge about the basic concepts and principles in mobile computing
5. Understand techniques involved, in networks
6. Analyze systems issues for the design and implementation of mobile computing systems.

 Computer Networks

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Personal Communications Services (PCS): PCS Architecture, 4
Mobility management, Networks signaling. Global System for Mobile
Communication (GSM) system overview: GSM Architecture, Mobility
management, Network signaling.
2 General Packet Radio Services (GPRS): GPRS Architecture, GPRS Network 4
Nodes. Mobile Data Communication: WLANs (Wireless LANs) IEEE 802.11
standard, Mobile IP
3 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): The Mobile Internet standard, WAP 6
Gateway and Protocols, wireless markup Languages (WML). Wireless Local
Loop(WLL): Introduction to WLL Architecture, wireless Local Loop
4 Third Generation (3G) Mobile Services: Introduction to International Mobile 6
Telecommunications 2000 (IMT 2000) vision, Wideband Code Division
Multiple Access (W-CDMA), and CDMA 2000, Quality of services in 3G.
5 Global Mobile Satellite Systems; case studies of the IRIDIUM and 6
GLOBALSTAR systems. Wireless Enterprise Networks: Introduction to Virtual
Networks, Blue tooth technology, Blue tooth Protocols.
6 Server-side programming in Java, Pervasive web application architecture, Device 4
independent example application

Text book and Reference books:

1. Mobile Communications, Jochen Schiller, PHI/Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2003.

2. Fundamentals of Mobile Computing, Rajib Mall, PHI, Second Edition, 2015.
3. Wireless Communications and Networks, William Stallings, PHI/Pearson Education, 2002.
4. Principles of Wireless Networks, Kaveh Pahlavan, Prasanth Krishnamoorthy, PHI/Pearson Education,
5. Principles of Mobile Computing, Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk, Martin S. Nicklons and Thomas Stober,
Springer, New York, 2003.
6. Mobile Communication Systems, Hazysztof Wesolowshi, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2002.

PEC-DS-601B: Information Security and Privacy

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Formulate access control and application of defense against risks and threats.
 Evaluate the types of threats and vulnerabilities in context to the risks associated and their
 Analyze and compare attacks and their impact on information security.
 Apply available measures to confirm information reliability.
 Remember about malware, malicious code threats, its prevention and Detection.
 Understand requirements of security and its related terminology.

 Operating System
 Computer Networks
Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Basics of Information systems security: Information systems security, Seven 6
domains of IT infrastructure, Weak links in security, IT security Policy
Framework. Overview of Security Parameters: Confidentiality, integrity and
availability- Security violation and threats-Security policy and procedure-
Assumptions and Trust- Security Assurance, Implementation and Operational
Issues- Security Life Cycle.
2 Attacks Threats and Vulnerabilities: Malicious attacks, Threats and 6
Vulnerabilities, Attack tools, What is security breach, Malicious software,
Countermeasures. Risk management, BIA, BCP and DRP, Assessing risk and
Vulnerabilities, Compliance laws, confidentiality of data.
3 Access Control Models: Discretionary, mandatory, roll-based and task-based 6
models, unified models, access control algebra, temporal and spatio-temporal
Security Policies: Confidentiality policies, integrity policies, hybrid policies,
noninterference and policy composition, international standards.
4 Design: Design principles, representing identity, control of access and information 5
flow, confinement problem.
Assurance: Building systems with assurance, formal methods, evaluating systems.
5 Risk management and information security, risk analysis, evaluating 5
countermeasures, steps to disaster recovery. Types of backups.
Logic-based System: Malicious logic, vulnerability analysis, auditing, intrusion
6 Applications: Network security, operating system security, user security, program 4
security. Special Topics: Data privacy, introduction to digital forensics, enterprise
security specification.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice; Fourth or Fifth Edition. By William
Stallings, Prentice Hall.
2. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards by William Stallings. Prentice Hall.
3. John E. Canavan, Fundamentals of Network Security, Artech House, 2001.
4. Matt Bishop and Sathyanarayana S.Venkatramanayya, Introduction to Computer Security, Pearson
5. Matt Bishop, Computer Security: Art and Science, Pearson Education.
6. Thomas R. Peltier, Information Security Risk Analysis, CRC Press LLC.
7. Dorothy E. Denning, Information Warfare and Security, Addison Wesley.
8. Ross Anderson, Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, John
Wiley and Sons.
9. M. Stamp: Information Security: Principles and Practice, John Wiley & Sons.
10. Cryptography and Network Security, V.K. Jain, Khanna Publishing House.
11. Information Security & Cyber Laws, Sarika Gupta, Khanna Publishing House.
12. Fundamentals of Information Systems Security, David Kim, Michael G. Solomon, 2nd Edition.
13. The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the fundamentals of InfoSec in theory and
practice, Jason Andress.
PEC-DS-601C: Computer Graphics
Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Outline computer graphics system, display devices and various application areas of graphics.
 Develop scan conversion algorithms for line, circle and ellipse with examples.
 Demonstrate and illustrate 2D and 3D transformation operations such as translation, rotation, scaling,
 Analyze and model any kind of 3D objects using viewing, clipping and projection techniques.
 Apply various curve and surface representation methods such as B-Spline, Bezier, etc.
 Demonstrate and discuss various hidden surface removal algorithms, and lighting and shading models.

 Basic Mathematics
 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to computer graphics & graphics systems: Overview of computer graphics, 6
representing pictures, preparing, presenting & interacting with pictures for presentations;
Visualization & image processing; RGB color model, direct coding, lookup table; storage
tube graphics display, Raster scan display, 3D viewing devices, Plotters, printers,
digitizers, Light pens etc.; Active & Passive graphics devices; Computer graphics
2 Scan conversion: Points & lines, Line drawing algorithms; DDA algorithm, Bresenham‘s 8
line algorithm, Circle generation algorithm; Ellipse generating algorithm; scan line
polygon, fill algorithm, boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm.
3 2D transformation & viewing: Basic transformations: translation, rotation, scaling; Matrix 9
representations & homogeneous coordinates, transformations between coordinate
systems; reflection shear; Transformation of points, lines, parallel lines, intersecting lines.
Viewing pipeline, Window to view port co-ordinate transformation, clipping operations,
point clipping, line clipping, clipping circles, polygons & ellipse. Cohen and Sutherland
line clipping, Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon clipping, Cyrus-Beck clipping method.
4 3D transformation & viewing: 3D transformations: translation, rotation, scaling & other 5
transformations. Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, reflection through an arbitrary
plane; general parallel projection transformation; clipping, view port clipping, 3D
5 Curves: Curve representation, surfaces, designs, Bezier curves, B-spline curves, end 6
conditions for periodic B-spline curves, rational B-spline curves.
Hidden surfaces: Depth comparison, Z-buffer algorithm, Back face detection, BSP tree
method, the Painter‘s algorithm, scan-line algorithm; Hidden line elimination, wire frame
methods , fractal - geometry.
6 Color & shading models: Light & color model; interpolative shading model; Texture. 2

Text book and Reference books:

1. Hearn, Baker – ―Computer Graphics (C version 2nd Ed.)‖ – Pearson education.
2. Ghosh – ―Computer Graphics & Multimedia‖ – Penram.
3. Z. Xiang, R. Plastock – ―Schaum‘s outlines Computer Graphics (2nd Ed.)‖ – TMH
4. D. F. Rogers, J. A. Adams – ―Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics (2nd Ed.)‖ – TMH

PEC-DS-601D: Cloud and Edge Computing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Discuss the core concepts of cloud computing paradigm.
 Analyze services, systems, platforms, frameworks to support cloud computing.
 Assess virtualization technology services in open source cloud computing environment.
 Understand data centre technology and cloud security issues from industry centric perspective.
 Demonstrate the main concepts of edge computing.
 Gather knowledge of the different vendor platforms, software services, standard bodies and open source
communities available for edge computing.

 Knowledge of Programming.
 Database Management System
 Basics of security and privacy.
 Operating System.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Cloud Computing - Definition, Evolution of Cloud Computing, 7
Characteristics, Components
Cloud Computing Services - Cloud provider, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS and other
Organizational scenarios of clouds.
2 Cloud Administration and Management - Administering & Monitoring cloud 7
services, benefits and limitations, Lifecycle management of cloud services (six
stages of lifecycle).
Cloud Deployment - Deploy application over cloud. Comparison among SAAS,
3 Concepts of Cloud Security - Cloud security concerns, Security boundary, Security 6
service boundary Overview of security mapping Security of data: Brokered cloud
storage access, Storage location and tenancy, encryption, and auditing.
Data Center Technology - Server Virtualization, Automation, Remote Operation
and Management. Data Center virtualization: Computing, Storage, Network.
Introduction to Open Source IoT Cloud Platforms - Introduction to IoT cloud
platforms like Open Shift, Kaa etc.
4 Introduction to Edge Computing Scenario‘s and Use cases - Edge computing 8
purpose and definition, Edge computing use cases, Edge computing hardware
architectures, Edge platforms, Edge vs Fog Computing, Communication Models:
Edge, Fog and M2M.
IoT Architecture and Core IoT Modules - A connected ecosystem, IoT versus
machine-to-machine versus, SCADA, The value of a network and Metcalfe's and
Beckstrom‘s laws, IoT and edge architecture, Role of an architect, Understanding
Implementations with examples-Example use case and deployment, Case study –
Telemedicine palliative care, Requirements, Implementation, Use case
5 Implementation of Microcomputer RaspberryPi and device Interfacing, Edge to 5
Cloud Protocols - Protocols, MQTT, MQTT publish-subscribe, MQTT architecture
details, MQTT state transitions, MQTT packet structure, MQTT data types, MQTT
communication formats, MQTT 3.1.1 working example.
Edge computing with RaspberryPi, Industrial and Commercial IoT and Edge, Edge
computing and solutions.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2013
2. Anthony T. Velte, Toby J. Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, ―Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach‖,
McGraw-Hill, 2010.
3. Kai Hwang, Fox and Dongarra, Morgan Kaufmann, ―Distributed and Cloud Computing‖, 1st Edition,
Elseiver, 2012.
4. Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood, ―Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology &
Architecture‖, Prentice –Hall, 2013.
5. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski, ―Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms‖,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc Publications, 2011
6. Cloud Computing – Second Edition by Dr. Kumar Saurabh, Wiley India
7. IoT and Edge Computing for Architects - Second Edition, by Perry Lea, Publisher: Packt Publishing,
2020, ISBN: 9781839214806
8. Raspberry Pi Cookbook, 3rd Edition, by Simon Monk, Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2019, ISBN:
9. Fog and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms by Rajkumar Buyya, Satish Narayana Srirama,
Wiley publication, 2019, ISBN: 9781119524984.
10. David Jensen, ―Beginning Azure IoT Edge Computing: Extending the Cloud to the Intelligent Edge,

PEC-DS-602A: Data Warehousing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Define the knowledge of mathematics and science on data warehouse, building blocks, Data Mart and
recall in independent and life-long learning of data warehouse.
2. Classify Data warehouse Architecture in the areas of Data acquisition, Data storage and Information
delivery and illustrate the engineering principles.
3. Make use of the architecture and infrastructure of Database Software and model appropriate tools for
database software by applying the knowledge of software development by individual or team.
4. Analyze Metadata types by functional areas and assume effective reports on Business metadata by
understanding of the engineering principles of metadata.
5. Justify effective reports on Data acquisition, Data storage, and Information delivery and evaluate the
ability for life-long learning on data storage.
6. Discuss Knowledge Discovery Process, OLAP, Different techniques by building the knowledge of
mathematics and engineering fundamentals on OLAP and develop applications in societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues.

1. Knowledge of Programming skill.
2. Basic Statistics and mathematics.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Data Warehouse: Basic Concepts, Differences between Operational Database 7
Systems and Data Warehouses- A Multitiered Architecture - Data Warehouse
Models: Extraction, Transformation and Loading - Metadata Repository -Data
Cube and OLAP -Data Warehouse Design and Usage – Data warehouse
2 Introduction To Data Mining: Introduction - The evolution of database system 8
technology - Steps in knowledge discovery from database process - Architecture
of a data mining systems - Data mining on different kinds of data - Different kinds
of pattern - Technologies used - Applications - Major issues in data mining -
Classification of data mining systems – Data mining task primitives - Integration
of a data mining system with a database or data warehouse system.
3 Data Preprocessing: Data Objects and attribute types - Basic statistical description 8
of data - Data visualization – Measuring data similarity and dissimilarity - Data
cleaning - Integration - Data reduction – Data transformation and data
4 Association Rule Mining: Basic concepts - Frequent itemset mining methods - 8
Apriori algorithm, APattern growth approach for mining frequent itemsets, Mining
frequent itemsets using vertical data format, Mining closed and max patterns -
Pattern mining in multilevel and multidimensional space – Constraint based
Frequent pattern mining - Mining High-Dimensional Data and Colossal Patterns
5 Classification And Clustering: Classification: Basic concepts - Decision tree 9
induction - Bayes classification methods-Rule Based Classification- Model
Evaluation and Selection - Techniques to Improve Classification Accuracy -
Bayesian Belief Networks - Classification by Back propagation - Cluster Analysis
– Partitioning methods- Hierarchical methods.

Text and Reference books:

1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pai, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan
Kauffman, 2013
2. Alex Berson and Stephen J Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and OLAP, McGraw- Hill,2008
3. David Hand, Heikki Manila, Padhraic Symth, Principles of Data Mining, MIT Press, 2004
4. Margaret H. Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Pearson Education 2008

PEC-DS-602B: Big Data Analytics

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of data management and evolution of Big Data.
2. Understand and implement various big data technology foundations.
3. Apply the fundamentals of Hadoop ecosystem and its components for data analysis.
4. Analyze the optimization techniques in data bases.
5. Analyze the storage techniques in data bases.
6. Explore the understanding of text, sentiment analytics.

 Database Management System
 C/C++ or Java in Linux
 Data Structures and Algorithms

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop 5
Types of Digital Data, Introduction to Big Data, Big Data Analytics, History of
Hadoop, Apache Hadoop, Analysing Data with Unix tools, Analysing Data with
Hadoop, Hadoop Streaming, Hadoop Echo System, IBM Big Data Strategy,
Introduction to InfosphereBigInsights and Big Sheets
2 HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) 7
The Design of HDFS, HDFS Concepts, Command Line Interface, Hadoop file
system interfaces, Data flow, Data Ingest with Flume and Scoop and Hadoop
archives, Hadoop I/O: Compression, Serialization, Avro and File-Based Data
3 Map Reduce 7
Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job Run, Failures, Job Scheduling, Shuffle and Sort,
Task Execution, Map Reduce Types and Formats, Map Reduce Features.
4 Hadoop Eco System 7
Introduction to PIG, Execution Modes of Pig, Comparison of Pig with Databases,
Grunt, Pig Latin, User Defined Functions, Data Processing operators.
Hive Shell, Hive Services, Hive Metastore, Comparison with Traditional Databases,
HiveQL, Tables, Querying Data and User Defined Functions.
Hbase: HBasics, Concepts, Clients, Example, Hbase Versus RDBMS.
Big SQL : Introduction
5 Data Analytics with R 6
Machine Learning: Introduction, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning,
Collaborative Filtering. Big Data Analytics with BigR

Text book and Reference books:

1. Big Data, Black Book, DT Editorial Services, Dreamtech Press, 2015

2. Big Data and Analytics, Seema Acharya, Subhashini Chellappan, Infosys Limited, Publication: Wiley
India Private Limited,1st Edition 2015
3. Bill Franks, Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with
advanced analystics, John Wiley & sons, 2012.
4. Glenn J. Myatt, Making Sense of Data, John Wiley & Sons, 2007 Pete Warden, Big Data Glossary,
O‘Reilly, 2011.
5. Big Data For Dummies, Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Fern Halper, Marcia Kaufman, Wiley 2013

PEC-DS-602C: Soft Computing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Characterize supervised and unsupervised learning neural networks based on its architecture, training
and testing mechanism.
2. Apply the concept of fuzzification and defuzzification in fuzzy systems.
3. Classify the architecture and working principles of specialized neural networks.
4. Analyze the fundamental concepts of genetic algorithm and classify its types.
5. Design, implement and evaluate a system / computer‐based system, process, component or program to
meet desired needs.
6. Apply soft computing techniques to solve real time problems.

1. Mathematics
2. Data Structure & Algorithms
3. Programming and problem solving skills.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Introduction to soft computing; introduction to fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic 2
systems; introduction to biological and artificial neural network; introduction to
Genetic Algorithm.
2 Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy logic systems: 10
Classical Sets and Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy relations: Operations on Classical sets,
properties of classical sets, Fuzzy set operations, properties of fuzzy sets, cardinality,
operations, and properties of fuzzy relations.
Membership functions: Features of membership functions, standard forms and
boundaries, different fuzzification methods.
Fuzzy to Crisp conversions: Lambda Cuts for fuzzy sets, fuzzy Relations,
Defuzzification methods.
Classical Logic and Fuzzy Logic: Classical predicate logic, Fuzzy Logic, Approximate
reasoning and Fuzzy Implication
Fuzzy Rule based Systems: Linguistic Hedges, Fuzzy Rule based system –
Aggregation of fuzzy Rules, Fuzzy Inference System- Mamdani Fuzzy Models –
Sugeno Fuzzy Models.
Applications of Fuzzy Logic: How Fuzzy Logic is applied in Home Appliances,
General Fuzzy Logic controllers, Basic Medical Diagnostic systems and Weather
3 Neural Network 10
Introduction to Neural Networks: Advent of Modern Neuroscience, Classical AI and
Neural Networks, Biological Neurons and Artificial neural network; model of artificial
Learning Methods: Hebbian, competitive, Boltzman etc.,
Neural Network models: Perceptron, Adaline and Madaline networks; single layer
network; Back-propagation and multi layer networks.
Competitive learning networks: Kohonen self organizing networks, Hebbian learning;
Hopfield Networks.
Neuo-Fuzzy modelling: Applications of Neural Networks: Pattern Recognition and
4 Genetic Algorithms: Simple GA, crossover and mutation, Multi-objective Genetic 10
Algorithm (MOGA).
Applications of Genetic Algorithm: genetic algorithms in search and optimization, GA
based clustering Algorithm, Image processing and pattern Recognition
5 Other Soft Computing techniques: Simulated Annealing, Tabu search, Ant colony 4
optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
6 Applications of Soft Computing: 4
Image Fusion - Neural network classification - Traveling salesman problem using
Genetic algorithm - Genetic algorithm based Internet searching technique.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Fuzzy logic with engineering applications, Timothy J. Ross, John Wiley and Sons.
2. S. Rajasekaran and G.A.V.Pai, ―Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
1. Algorithms‖, PHI
2. Principles of Soft Computing , S N Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, John Wiley & Sons
3. Genetic Algorithms in search, Optimization & Machine Learning by David E. Goldberg
4. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing, Jang, Sun, Mizutani, PHI
5. Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach,1/e by Kumar Satish, TMH,
6. Genetic Algorithms in search, Optimization & Machine Learning by David E. Goldberg, Pearson/PHI
7. A beginners approach to Soft Computing, Samir Roy & Udit Chakraborty, Pearson

PEC-DS-602D: Software Engineering

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Describe the importance of software engineering lifecycle models in the development of software and
apply the knowledge to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Analyze the requirements and develop SRS documents following the principles in modeling software
based on real life applications.
3. Design and develop software which adheres to the standard software design guideline & benchmarks.
4. Create and apply appropriate techniques for software testing.
5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles for software
projects management.
6. Understand software matrices like size, effort and cost estimation, and software quality metrics.

 Basic knowledge of programming

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Software Engineering -Objectives, Definitions, Software Process models - Waterfall 7
Model, Prototype model, RAD, Evolutionary Models, Incremental, Spiral, Software
Project Planning- Feasibility Analysis, Technical Feasibility, Cost- Benefit
Analysis, COCOMO model.
2 Structured Analysis, Context diagram and DFD, Physical and Logical DFDs, Data 5
Modelling, ER diagrams, Software Requirements Specification.
3 Design Aspects: Top-Down and Bottom-Up design; Decision tree, decision table 6
and structured English, Structure chart, Transform analysis Functional vs. Object-
Oriented approach.
4 Unified Modeling Language Class diagram, interaction diagram: collaboration 4
diagram, sequence diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, implementation
5 Coding & Documentation - Structured Programming, Modular Programming, 5
Module Relationship- Coupling, Cohesion, OO Programming, Information Hiding,
Reuse, System Documentation.
6 Testing - Levels of Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Software Quality, 9
Quality Assurance, Software Maintenance, Software Configuration Management,
Software Architecture.

Text and Reference books:

1. Software Engineering: A practitioner‘s approach - Pressman (TMH)

2. Software Engineering- Pankaj Jalote (Wiley-India)
3. Software Engineering- Rajib Mall (PHI)
4. Software Engineering -Agarwal and Agarwal (PHI)

OEC-DS-601A: Soft Skill and Interpersonal Communication

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Develop effective communication skills (spoken and written).
2. Develop effective presentation skills.
3. Develop all-round personalities with a mature outlook to function effectively in different
4. Develop broad career plans, evaluate the employment market, identify the organizations to get good
placement, match the job requirements and skill sets.
5. Improve self-confidence.
6. Become more effective individual through goal/target setting, self-motivation and practicing creative

 English Grammar

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 An Introduction – Definition and Significance of Soft Skills; Process, Importance and 6
Measurement of Soft Skill Development. Inter personal relations; communication
models, process and barriers; team communication; developing interpersonal
relationships through effective communication; listening skills; essential formal
writing skills; corporate communication styles –assertion, persuasion, negotiation
2 SWOT & Creative Thinking 6
Discovering the Self; Setting Goals; Beliefs, Values, Attitude, Virtue. Developing
Positive Thinking and Attitude; Driving out Negativity; Meaning and Theories of
Motivation; Enhancing Motivation Levels.
3 Corporate Communication 6
Public Speaking: Skills, Methods, Strategies and Essential tips for effective public
Group Discussion: Importance, Planning, Elements, Skills assessed; Effectively
disagreeing, Initiating, Summarizing and Attaining the Objective.
Interview& Presentation Skills: Interviewer and Interviewee– in-depth perspectives.
Before, During and After the Interview. Tips for Success: Types, Content, Audience
Analysis, Essential Tips – Before, During and After, Overcoming Nervousness
4 Non-Verbal Communication & Personality Development Importance and Elements; 6
Body Language. Concept, Essentials Meaning, Nature, Features, Stages, Models;
Learning Skills; Adaptability Skills.
5 Business Etiquette & Team Work 6
Concept of Teams; Building effective teams; Concept of Leadership and honing
Leadership skills. Meaning, Nature, Features, Stages, Models; Learning Skills;
Adaptability Skills

Text book and Reference books:

1. Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development – edited by B.N. Ghosh, McGraw Hill India, 2012.
2. Effective Communication and Soft Skills, Nitin Bhatnagar, Pearson Education India, 2011
3. English and Soft Skills – S.P. Dhanavel, Orient Blackswan India, 2010.
4. Effective Business Communication, Kulbhushan Kumar, Khanna Publishing House, 2021

OEC-DS-601B: Operation Research

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Design linear programming tools for optimal utilization of resources in various types of industries.
2. Evaluate transportation problems to minimize cost and understand the principles of assignment of jobs
and recruitment polices.
3. Analyze decision making under certainty, uncertainty and conflicting situations.
4. Apply forecasting methods for predicting demands.
5. Understand the basic elements of a Queuing model.
6. Remember and Define PERT/CPM technique for project scheduling and resource allocation in an
optimal way.


1. Probability and Statistics

2. Discrete Mathematics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Operations Research: Introduction, Historical Background, Scope of 3
Operations Research, Features of Operations Research, Phases of Operations
Research, Types of Operations Research Models, Operations Research Methodology,
Operations Research Techniques and Tools.
2 Linear Programming: Introduction, Linear Programming Problem, Requirements of 7
LPP, Mathematical Formulation of LPP, Case Studies of LPP, Graphical Methods to
Solve Linear Programming Problems, Applications, Advantages, Limitations.
Graphical Analysis of Linear Programming Problems: Introduction, Graphical
Analysis, Some Basic Definitions, Graphical Methods to Solve LPP, Some
Exceptional Cases, Important Geometric Properties of LPP. Simplex Method:
Introduction, Standard Form of LPP, Fundamental theorem of LPP, Solution of LPP -
Simplex Method, The Simplex Algorithm, Penalty Cost Method or Big M-method,
Two Phase Method, Solved Problems on Minimization. Duality in Linear
Programming Problem: Introduction, Importance of Duality Concepts, Formulation of
Dual Problem, Economic Interpretation of Duality, Sensitivity Analysis.
3 Transportation Problem: Introduction, Formulation of Transportation Problem (TP), 5
Transportation Algorithm (MODI Method), the Initial Basic Feasible Solution,
Moving Towards Optimality.
Assignment Problem: Introduction, Mathematical Formulation of the Problem,
Hungarian Method Algorithm, Travelling Salesman Problem.
4 Project Management Using CPM-PERT: Project Scheduling and PERT-CPM: 4
Introduction, Basic Difference between PERT and CPM, PERT/CPM Network
Components and Precedence Relationship, Project Management – PERT, Float
calculation and its importance. Cost reduction by Crashing of activity
5 Queuing Theory: Basis of Queuing theory, elements of queuing theory, Operating 6
characteristics of a queuing system, Queue discipline, Service Mechanism,
Classification of Queuing models, [M/M/1]:{//FCFS} Queue System, numerical.
Inventory Management: Inventory classification, Different costs associated to
Inventory, Inventory models with deterministic demands (EOQ, EPQ and price
discount models), inventory classification systems.
6 Job Sequencing: Introduction to sequencing and scheduling models: n job two 4
machines problem, n job 3 machines problem.
Decision Theory: Introduction, Decision under certainty, Decision under risk,
Decision under uncertainty: Laplace criterion, MaxiMin criterion, MiniMax criterion,
savage MiniMax regret criterion, Hurwicz criterion, Decision tree.
7 Replacement Theory: Introduction, Replacement of capital equipment which 3
depreciated with time, replacement by alternative equipment, Group and individual
replacement policy.

Text book and Reference books:

1. F.S. Hillier, G.J. Lieberman, B. Nag and P. Basu, Introduction to Operation Research, 10 th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2017.
2. C. Mohan and K. Deep, Optimization Techniques, New Age, 2009.
3. N.D. Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
4. K.V. Mittal and C. Mohan, Optimization Methods in Operations Research and Systems Analysis, New
Age, 2003.
5. H.A. Taha, Operations Research - An Introduction, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
6. Ravindran, D.T. Phillips and J.J. Solberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition,
John Willey and Sons, 2009.
7. K. Bedi, Production and Operations Management, Oxford University Press, 2004.
8. S.J. Chandra and A. Mehra, Numerical Optimization with Applications, Narosa, 2009.
9. J.K. Sharma, Operation Research: Theory and Applications, 5th Edition, Macmillan Pub., 2013.
10. L.W. Wayne, Operations Research Applications and Algorithms, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, USA.

OEC-DS-601C: Human Resource Management

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of key terms, theories/concepts and practices within the field of HRM
2. Design competence in development and problem-solving in the area of HRM
3. Formulate innovative solutions to problems in the fields of HRM
4. Identify and appreciate the significance of the ethical issues in HR
5. Analyze the problem and issues related to human resources in an organization.
6. Integrate the understanding of various HR concepts along with the domain concept in order to take
correct business decisions.


1. English communication

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 HRD-Macro Perspective: HRD Concept, Origin and Need, HRD as a Total System; 5
Approaches to HRD; Human Development and HRD; HRD at Macro and Micro
2 HRD–Micro Perspective: Areas of HRD; HRD Interventions Performance Appraisal, 7
Potential Appraisal, Feedback and Performance Coaching, Training, Career Planning,
OD or Systems Development, Rewards, Employee Welfare and Quality of Work Life
and Human Resource Information; Staffing for HRD: Roles of HR Developer;
Physical and Financial Resources for HRD; HR Accounting; HRD Audit, Strategic
3 Instructional Technology for HRD Learning and HRD; Models and Curriculum; 7
Principles of Learning; Group and Individual Learning; Transactional Analysis;
Assessment Centre; Behaviour Modeling and Self Directed Learning.
4 Human Resource Training and Development: Concept and Importance; Assessing 5
Training Needs; Designing and Evaluating T&D Programmes; Role, Responsibilities
and challenges to Training Managers.
5 Training Methods: Training with in Industry (TWI): On the Job & Off the Job 7
Training; Management Development: Lecture Method; Role Play; In-basket Exercise;
Simulation; Vestibule Training; Management Games; Case Study; Programmed
Instruction; Team Development; Sensitivity Training; Globalization challenges and
Strategies of Training; Program, Review on T&D Programmes in India

Text book and Reference books:

1. Nadler, Leonard: Corporat Human Resource Development, Van Nostrand Reinhold, ASTD, New York.
2. Rao, T.V and Pareek, Udai: Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Oxford IBH Pub.
Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi , 2005.
3. Rao, T.V: Readings in HRD, Oxford IBH Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
4. Viramani, B.R and Seth, Parmila: Evaluating Management Development, Vision Books, New Delhi.
5. Rao, T.V.( HRD in the New Economic Environment, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Pvt, Ltd., New Delhi,

OEC-DS-601D: Organizational Behaviour

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Discuss the development of the field of organizational behaviour and explain the micro and macro
2. Analyze and compare different models used to explain individual behaviour related to motivation and
3. Identify the processes used in developing communication and resolving conflicts
4. Explain group dynamics and demonstrate skills required for working in groups (team building)
5. Evaluate the various leadership styles and the role of leaders in a decision making process.
6. Design the implementation of organizational change



Detailed Content:
Module Content Hours/
1 Definition, need and importance of organizational behaviour – Nature and scope – 5
Frame work – Organizational behaviour models.
2 Individual Behaviour: 8
Personality – types – Factors influencing personality – Theories – Learning – Types of
learners – The learning process – Learning theories – Organizational behaviour
Misbehaviour – Types – Management Intervention.
Emotions - Emotional Labour – Emotional Intelligence – Theories.
Attitudes – Characteristics – Components – Formation – Measurement- Values.
Perceptions – Importance – Factors influencing perception – Interpersonal perception-
Impression Management.
Motivation – importance – Types – Effects on work behavior.
3 Group Behaviour: 7
Organization structure – Formation – Groups in organizations – Influence – Group
dynamics – Emergence of informal leaders and working norms – Group decision
making techniques –Team building- Interpersonal relations – Communication – Control.
4 Leadership and Power: 5
Meaning – Importance – Leadership styles – Theories – Leaders Vs Managers – Sources
of power – Power centers – Power and Politics.
5 Dynamics of Organizational Behaviour 5
Organizational culture and climate – Factors affecting organizational climate –
Job satisfaction – Determinants – Measurements – Influence on behavior.
Organizational change – Importance – Stability Vs Change – Proactive Vs Reaction
change – the change process – Resistance to change – Managing change.
Stress – Work Stressors – Prevention and Management of stress – Balancing work and
Organizational development – Characteristics – objectives –. Organizational

Text book and Reference books:

1. P. Robins, Organisational Behavior, PHI Learning / Pearson Education,11th edition, 2008.

2. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behavior, McGraw Hill, 11th Edition, 2001.
3. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, Organisational behavior, John Wiley, 9th Edition, 2008.
4. Udai Pareek, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, 2nd Edition, Oxford Higher Education, 2004.
5. Mc Shane & Von Glinov, Organisational Behaviour, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007.
6. Hellrigal, Slocum and Woodman, Organisational Behavior, Cengage Learning, 11th Edition 2007.
7. Ivancevich, Konopaske &Maheson, Oranisational Behaviour & Management, 7th edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2008.

MC-DS-601: Technical and Quantitative Aptitude

Contacts:1L per week Credits: 0

Course Outcomes (COs):

On successful completion of the course the students will be able to:
 Understand the basic concepts of quantitative ability
 Understand the basic concepts of logical reasoning Skills
 Acquire satisfactory competency in use of reasoning
 Solve campus placements aptitude papers covering Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning Ability
 Compete in various competitive exams like CAT, CMAT, GATE, GRE, UPSC, GPSC etc.
 Learn professional ethics.


 Basic Mathematics
 Basic Physics

Detailed Content:

Module No Content Hours /

1 UNIT - I 4
1. Quantitative Ability (Basic Mathematics)
1.1. Number Systems
1.2. LCM and HCF
1.3. Decimal Fractions
1.4. Simplification
1.5. Square Roots and Cube Roots
1.6. Average
1.7. Problems on Ages
1.8. Surds & Indices
1.9. Percentages
1.10 Problems on Numbers
2 UNIT – II 4
2. Quantitative Ability (Applied & Engineering Mathematics)
2.1. Logarithm
2.2. Permutation and Combinations
2.3 Probability
2.4 Profit and Loss
2.5 Simple and Compound Interest
2.6. Time, Speed and Distance
2.7. Time & Work
2.8. Ratio and Proportion
2.9. Area
2.10 Mixtures and Allegation
3 UNIT – III 3
2. Data Interpretation
3.1. Data Interpretation
3.2. Tables
3.3. Column Graphs
3.4. Bar Graphs
3.5. Line Charts
3.6. Pie Chart
3.7. Venn Diagrams
4 UNIT – IV 4
4. Logical Reasoning (Deductive Reasoning)
4.1. Analogy
4.2. Blood Relation
4.3 Directional Sense
4.4. Number and Letter Series
4.5. Coding – Decoding
4.6. Calendars
4.7. Clocks
4.8. Venn Diagrams
4.9. Seating Arrangement
4.10. Syllogism
4.11. Mathematical Operations

Text/Reference Books:
1. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning By R S Agarwal
2. Analytical and Logical reasoning By Sijwali B S
3. Quantitative aptitude for Competitive examination By R S Agarwal
4. Analytical and Logical reasoning for CAT and other management entrance test By Sijwali B S
5. Quantitative Aptitude by Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha 4th edition

PCC-DS-691: Data Analysis and Visualization Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Use data analysis tools in the pandas library, Power BI and Tableau.
 Assess Load, clean, transform, merge and reshaping of data operation.
 Apply pre-processing method to multi-dimensional data, and manipulate time series data.
 Understand real world data analysis problems.
 Design and Analysis Hierarchical and Topographical Data.
 Remember Interactive data plots.

 Microsoft Excel
 Python

Detailed Content/ List of Experiments:

1: Visualization of Spread sheet Models in Python.
2: Oracle Database Connectivity using Python.
3: Visualization of Semi-Structured Data.
4: Introduction to Tableau/Power BI and Aggregation Methods in Tableau/Power BI.
5: Visual Encodings and Basic Dashboards in Tableau/Power BI.
6: Interactive Plots in Python.
7: Hierarchical and Topographical Data Visualizations in Tableau/Power BI.
8: Calendar Heat maps and Flow Data Visualizations in Python.
9: Time Series Data Visualization in Python.
10: Dashboards, Actions and Story Telling in Tableau/Power BI.
Text book and Reference books:

1. Andy Kirk, Data Visualization A Handbook for Data Driven Design, Sage Publications, 2016
2. Philipp K. Janert, Gnuplot in Action, Understanding Data with Graphs, Manning Publications, 2010.
3. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., Friedman, J. (2009). The elements of statistical learning: data mining,
inference and prediction. Springer.
4. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork. 2000. Pattern Classification (2nd Edition). Wiley-
Interscience, New York, NY, USA.
5. Christopher M. Bishop. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and
Statistics). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

PCC-DS-692: Computer Networks Lab

Contacts: 3P per week Credits: 1.5

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Design an application to execute command remotely using socket programming.
 Evaluate file transfer application using socket programming.
 Analyze the hardware (hub, bridge, switch, router) to make networks more efficient, faster, more secure,
easier to use, able to transmit several simultaneous messages, and able to interconnect with other
 Implement error-control mechanism for data transmission.
 Understand the concepts of NIC installation and configuration.
 Remember to gather network information using socket programming.


 Programming for Problem Solving

 Data Structure and Algorithms
 Object Oriented Programming & Java
 Computer Networks

Detailed Content:

1. NIC Installation & Configuration

2. TCP/UDP Socket Programming – Introduction
3. Sockets – Operation, Socket types, Domains, Closing Sockets
4. Client/Server Models - Usage
5. Connection Based Services - Client and Server actions
6. Connectionless Services - Client and Server actions
7. Access Network Database - Host Information, Network Information, Protocol Information
8. Implement Multicasting / Broadcasting socket I/O.
9. Implement ARQ techniques.
Text book and Reference books:

a. Computer Networks (4th Ed.) – A. S. Tanenbaum –Pearson Education/PHI

b. Data Communications and Networking (3rd Ed.) – B. A. Forouzan –TMH
c. Data and Computer Communications (5th Ed.) – W. Stallings –PHI/ Pearson Education
d. Computer Networking -A top-down approach featuring the internet– Kurose and Rose -Pearson
e. Internetworking with TCP/IP, vol. 1, 2, 3(4th Ed.) – Comer –Pearson Education/PHI

Semester VII (Fourth year)

PEC-DS-701A: Information Theory and Coding

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Apply various source coding techniques.
 Design the channel performance using Information theory.
 Comprehend various error control code properties
 Apply linear block codes for error detection and correction
 Apply convolution codes for performance analysis & cyclic codes for error detection and correction.
 Design BCH & RS codes for channel performance improvement against burst errors.


 Basic Mathematics
 Probability and Statistics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

No Module
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Source Coding 6
Uncertainty and information, average mutual information and entropy, information
measures for continuous random variables, source coding theorem, Huffman codes.
3 Channel Capacity and Coding 5
Channel models, channel capacity, channel coding, information capacity theorem,
The Shannon limit.
4 Linear And Block Codes for Error Correction 5
Matrix description of linear block codes, equivalent codes, parity check matrix,
decoding of a linear block code, perfect codes, Hamming codes.
5 Cyclic Codes 5
Polynomials, division algorithm for polynomials, a method for generating cyclic
codes, matrix description of cyclic codes, Golay codes.
6 BCH Codes 5
Primitive elements, minimal polynomials, generator polynomials in terms of
minimal polynomials, examples of BCH codes.
7 Convolutional Codes 7
Tree codes, trellis codes, polynomial description of convolutional codes, distance
notions for convolutional codes, the generating function, matrix representation of
convolutional codes, decoding of convolutional codes, distance and performance
bounds for convolutional codes, examples of convolutional codes, Turbo codes,
Turbo decoding.
Total 34

Text/Reference Books:
1. Andre Neabauer, ―Coding Theory: Algorithms, Architectures & Applications‖, Wiley Publications,
2. Kennedy, ―Electronic Communication systems‖, McGraw Hill, 4th Ed., 1999.
3. John Proakis, ―Digital Communications‖, TMH, 5th Ed.,2008.
4. Simon Haykin, ―Communication System‖, Wiley, 2008.
5. Jorge Castineira, Moreira, ―Essentials of Error Control Coding‖, Wiley, 2006.

PEC-DS-701B: Advanced Computer Architecture

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Explain various parameters to measure the performance of a processor.
 Demonstrate the parallel computing concepts and compare parallel computing with sequential
 Explain the pipelining technique and its related issues.
 Demonstrate the vector processing, array processors and multiprocessors.
 Outline and design various types of interconnection networks for parallel computers.
 Dissect different techniques required to improve the performances of cache memory and main memory.

Computer Organization & Architecture

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Review of basic computer architecture (Revisited), Quantitative 3
techniques in computer design, measuring and reporting performance.
2 Pipelining: Basic concepts, instruction and arithmetic pipeline, data hazards, control 9
hazards and structural hazards, techniques for handling hazards. Exception handling.
Pipeline optimization techniques; Compiler techniques for improving performance.
3 Instruction-level parallelism (ILP): basic concepts, techniques for increasing ILP, 6
superscalar, super-pipelined and VLIW processor architectures. Array and vector
4 Multiprocessor architecture: taxonomy of parallel architectures; Centralized shared- 8
memory architecture: synchronization, memory consistency, interconnection
networks. Distributed shared-memory architecture. Cluster computers.
5 Non von Neumann architectures: data flow computers, reduction computer 4
architectures, systolic architectures.
6 Hierarchical memory technology: Inclusion, Coherence and locality properties; 8
Cache memory organizations, Techniques for reducing cache misses; Virtual
memory organization, mapping and management techniques, memory replacement

Text book and Reference books:

1. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing by Hwang and Briggs (Mc-Graw Hill)
2. Advanced Computer Architecture by Hwang (Mc-Graw Hill)
3. Computer Architecture: A Qualitative Approach by Hennesey & Patterson (Morgan Kaufman)

PEC-DS-701C: Digital Image Processing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Review the fundamental concepts of a digital image processing system.
 Analyze images in the frequency domain using various transforms.
 Evaluate the techniques for image enhancement and image restoration.
 Categorize various compression techniques.
 Interpret Image compression standards.
 Interpret image segmentation and representation techniques.


 Linear Algebra
 Discrete Mathematics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: Overview of Image Processing, Application area of image 5
processing, Digital Image Representation, Sampling & quantization. Spatial and
Intensity resolution, interpolation, Relationship between pixels – Neighbors,
Adjacency, connectivity, Regions, Boundaries and Distance.
2 Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain: Image Quality and Need for image 9
enhancement, Intensity transformation – negative, log, power-law and contrast
stretching (linear and non-linear) Histogram based techniques, Spatial Filtering
concepts, Spatial Convolution and Correlation, Image smoothing and Sharpening
spatial filters.
Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain: Properties of 1-D and 2-D
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Basic of filtering in the frequency domain.
Image smoothing and sharpening in frequency domain.
3 Image Restoration: Introduction to degradation, Types of Image degradations, 5
image degradation models, noise modeling, Estimation of degradation functions,
Image restoration in presence of noise only – spatial filtering, Periodic noise and
band – pass and band reject filtering.
4 Image Compression: coding redundancy, Image compression model, 6
Compression Methods – Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, LZW coding, Run-
length coding, and Predicative coding and Vector quantization.
5 Image Segmentation: Introduction, Detection of Discontinuities, Point 6
Detection, Line Detection and Edge Detection, Thresholding – Local, Global,
Optimum, Multiple and Variable, Hough Transforms, Principle of region –
growing, splitting and merging.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson.

2. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T. Veerakumar, Digital Image Processing, McGraw Hill
3. Anil K Jain ―Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing‖, Pearson.
4. S. Sridhar, ―Digital Image Processing‖, OXFORD University Press, Second Edition.
5. Bhabatosh Chanda, Dwijesh Dutta Majumder, Digital Image Processing and Analysis, Prentice Hall of

PEC-DS-701D: Internet Technology

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Define the concepts of networking and internet.
2. Explain the features of TCP/IP and Routing Protocol and application of VOIP Technology and
Multimedia and Threats.
3. Illustrate the concepts of Web design languages like HTML, Perl, Java Script and java applet and create
4. Differentiate the concept of Java socket and Java RMI (Client Server Programming).
5. Explain the concept of Multimedia Applications, Search Engine and Web Crawler.
6. Design a dynamic web page using the concept of Languages.


1. Knowledge of Programming Language.

2. Computer Networks.

Detailed Content

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction: 8
Overview, Network of Networks, Intranet, Extranet and Internet.
World Wide Web:
Domain and Sub domain, Address Resolution, DNS, Telnet, FTP, HTTP.
Review of TCP/IP:
Features, Segment, Three-Way Handshaking, Flow Control, Error Control, Congestion
control, IP Datagram, IPv4 and IPv6.
IP Subnetting and addressing:
Classful and Classless Addressing, Subnetting. NAT, IP masquerading, IP tables.
Internet Routing Protocol:
Routing -Intra and Inter Domain Routing, Unicast and Multicast Routing, Broadcast.
Electronic Mail: POP3, SMTP.
2 HTML: 10
Introduction, Editors, Elements, Attributes, Heading, Paragraph. Formatting, Link,
Head, Table, List, Block, Layout, CSS.Form, Iframe, Colors, Colorname, Colorvalue.
Image Maps:
map, area, attributes of image area.
Extensible Markup Language (XML):
Introduction, Tree, Syntax, Elements, Attributes, Validation, Viewing. XHTML in brief.
CGI Scripts:
Introduction, Environment Variable, GET and POST Methods.
3 PERL: 10
Introduction, Variable, Condition, Loop, Array, Implementing data structure, Hash,
String, Regular Expression, File handling, I/O handling.
Basics, Statements, comments, variable, comparison, condition, switch, loop, break.
Object – string, array, Boolean, reg-ex. Function, Errors, Validation.
Definition of cookies, Create and Store a cookie with example
Java Applets:
Container Class, Components, Applet Life Cycle, Update method; Parameter passing
applet, Applications.
4 Client-Server programming In Java: 6
Java Socket, Java RMI.
Malicious code-viruses, Trojan horses, worms; eavesdropping, spoofing, modification,
denial of service attacks.
Network security techniques:
Password and Authentication; VPN, IP Security, security in electronic transaction,
Secure Socket Layer (SSL), SecureShell (SSH).
Introduction, Packet filtering, Stateful, Application layer, Proxy.
5 Internet Telephony: 6
Introduction, VoIP.
Multimedia Applications:
Multimedia over IP: RSVP, RTP, RTCP and RTSP. Streaming media, Codec and
Plugins, IPTV.
Search Engine and Web Crawler:
Definition, Meta data, Web Crawler, Indexing, Page rank, overview of SEO

Text book and Reference books:

1. Web Technology: A Developer‘s Perspective, N.P. Gopalan and J. Akilandeswari, PHI Learning, Delhi,
2. Internetworking Technologies, An Engineering Perspective, Rahul Banerjee, PHI Learning, Delhi, 2011.

PEC-DS-702A: Internet of Things

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Understand the vision of IoT from a global context.
 Determine the Market perspective of IoT.
 Design Devices, Gateways and Data Management in IoT.
 Building state of the art architecture in IoT.
 Apply IoT in Industrial and Commercial Building Automation and Real-World Design
 Evaluate the performance of IoT devices


 Computer Networks
 Sensor Technology

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 M2M to IoT-The Vision-Introduction, From M2M to IoT, M2M towards IoT-the 5
global context, A use case example, Differing Characteristics.
2 Understand IoT Market perspective. 8
M2M to IoT – A Market Perspective– Introduction, Some Definitions, M2M Value
Chains, IoT Value Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT, The international
driven global value chain and global information monopolies.
M2M to IoT- An Architectural Overview– Building an architecture, Main design
principles and needed capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, standards
3 Data and Knowledge Management and use of Devices in IoT Technology. 8
M2M and IoT Technology Fundamentals- Devices and gateways, Local and wide area
networking, Data management, Business processes in IoT, Everything as a Service
(XaaS), M2M and IoT Analytics, Knowledge Management.
Understand State of the Art – IoT Architecture. IoT Architecture-State of the Art –
Introduction, State of the art, Architecture Reference Model- Introduction, Reference
Model and architecture, IoT reference Model.
4 Real World IoT Design Constraints, Industrial Automation and Commercial 10
Building Automation in IoT.
IoT Reference Architecture- Introduction, Functional View, Information View,
Deployment and Operational View, Other Relevant architectural views. Real-World
Design Constraints- Introduction, Technical Design constraints-hardware is popular
again, Data representation and visualization, Interaction and remote control.
Industrial Automation- Service-oriented architecture-based device integration,
SOCRADES: realizing the enterprise integrated Web of Things, IMC-AESOP: from
the Web of Things to the Cloud of Things, Commercial Building Automation –
Introduction, Case study: phase one-commercial building automation today, Case
study: phase two- commercial building automation in the future.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, Stamatis Karnouskos, David
Boyle, ―From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of
Intelligence‖, 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2014.
2. Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)‖, 1stEdition, VPT,
3. Francis daCosta, ―Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting
Everything‖, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013

PEC-DS-702B: Information Retrieval

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Describe the objectives of information retrieval.

2. Understand relevance feedback in vector space model and probabilistic model.
3. Understand query, document and phrase.
4. Ability to apply IR principles to locate relevant information large collections of data.
5. Ability to design different document clustering algorithms
6. Implement retrieval systems for web search tasks.

 Database Management System
 Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Information Retrieval Systems: Definition of Information Retrieval 4
System, Objectives of Information Retrieval Systems, Functional Overview,
Relationship to Database Management Systems, Digital Libraries and Data
Information Retrieval System Capabilities: Search Capabilities, Browse Capabilities,
Miscellaneous Capabilities
2 Cataloging and Indexing: History and Objectives of Indexing, Indexing Process, 7
Automatic Indexing, Information Extraction
Data Structure: Introduction to Data Structure, Stemming Algorithms, Inverted File
Structure, N-Gram Data Structures, PAT Data Structure, Signature File Structure,
Hypertext and XML Data Structures, Hidden Markov Models.
3 Automatic Indexing: Classes of Automatic Indexing, Statistical Indexing, Natural 7
Language, Concept Indexing, Hypertext Linkages.
Document and Term Clustering: Introduction to Clustering, Thesaurus Generation,
Item Clustering, Hierarchy of Clusters
4 User Search Techniques: Search Statements and Binding, Similarity Measures and 7
Ranking, Relevance Feedback, Selective Dissemination of Information Search,
Weighted Searches of Boolean Systems, Searching the INTERNET and Hypertext
Information Visualization: Introduction to Information Visualization, Cognition and
Perception, Information Visualization Technologies.
5 Text Search Algorithms: Introduction to Text Search Techniques, Software Text 6
Search Algorithms, Hardware Text Search Systems.
Multimedia Information Retrieval: Spoken Language Audio Retrieval, Non-Speech
Audio Retrieval, Graph Retrieval, Imagery Retrieval, Video Retrieval

Text book and Reference books:

a. C. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schütze, ―Introduction to Information Retrieval‖, Cambridge

University Press, 2008.
b. R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro Neto, ―Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology
behind Search‖, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2011.
c. David A. Grossman and Ophir Frieder ―Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics‖, Second
Edition, Springer 2004.
d. Gerald J Kowalski, Mark T Maybury Information Storage and Retrieval Systems: Theory and
Implementation, Springer, 2004.

PEC-DS-702C: Ecommerce and ERP

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand fundamental concepts and technologies related to ERP.
2. Explain the different phases of ERP implementation life cycle.
3. Examine the modules, benefits and various tools of ERP.
4. Analyze the impact of e-commerce on business model and strategies.
5. Assess the electronic payment systems and software.
6. Identify and solve the security issues related to communication.

 Basic Mathematics

Detailed Content:

Sl No Content Hours/
1 Introduction to E-Commerce 6
Introduction What is E-Commerce, Forces behind E-Commerce Industry Framework,
Brief history of E-Commerce, Inter Organizational E-Commerce Intra Organizational
Commerce, and Consumer to Business Electronic Commerce, Architectural framework
Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce,
Market forces behind I Way, Component of I way Access Equipment, Global
Information Distribution Network, Broad band Telecommunication.
2 Mobile Commerce and ERP 6
Introduction to Mobile Commerce, Mobile Computing Application, Wireless
Application Protocols, WAP Technology, Mobile Information Devices, Web Security
Introduction to Web security, Firewalls & Transaction Security, Client Server
Network, Emerging Client Server Security Threats, firewalls & Network Security.
3 E-Commerce Payment and Gateways 6
Electronic Payments Overview of Electronics payments, Digital Token based
Electronics payment System, Smart Cards, Credit Card I Debit Card based EPS,
Emerging financial Instruments, Home Banking, Online Banking.
4 E-Commerce and EDA 6
Net Commerce EDA, EDI Application in Business, Legal requirement in E -
Commerce, Introduction to supply Chain Management, CRM, issues in Customer
Relationship Management.
5 Internet and E-Commerce 6
Internet and Electronic commerce, internet, extranet and enterprise solutions,
information system for business operations, information system for managerial
decision support, information system for strategic advantage.
Total 30

Books Recommended:
1. Enterprise Resource Planning – A Managerial Perspective by D P Goyal, Tata McGraw Hill
Education, 2011
2. Enterprise Resource Planning by Ashim Raj Singla, Cengage Learning, 2008
3. Enterprise Resource Planning, Alexis Leon, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Enterprise Resource Planning, Ravi Shankar & S. Jaiswal, Galgotia

PEC-DS-702D: Block chain Technology

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand emerging abstract models for Block chain technology
2. Analyze the concept of bit coin and mathematical background behind it
3. Apply the tools for understanding the background of crypto currencies
4. Identify major research challenges and technical gaps existing between theory and practice in crypto
currency domain
5. Understanding of latest advances and its applications in Block chain technology.
6. The course will enable an individual to learn, how these systems work and how to engineer secure
software that interacts with the Bit coin network and other crypto currencies.

1. Data Structures and algorithm
2. Cryptography

Detailed Content

Sl No Content Hours/
1 INTRODUCTION Basic of Block chain Architecture – Challenges – Applications – 5
Block chain Design Principles -The Block chain Ecosystem - The consensus problem -
Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement - AAP protocol and its analysis - Nakamoto
Consensus on permission-less, nameless, peer-to-peer network - Abstract Models for
BLOCKCHAIN - GARAY model - RLA Model - Proof of Work (PoW) as random oracle -
formal treatment of consistency, liveness and fairness - Proof of Stake (PoS) based Chains -
Hybrid models ( PoW + PoS).
2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC FUNDAMENTALS Cryptographic basics for crypto currency - a 5
short overview of Hashing, cryptographic algorithm – SHA 256, signature schemes,
encryption schemes and elliptic curve cryptography- Introduction to Hyperledger-
Hyperledger framework - Public and Private Ledgers.
3 BITCOIN Wallet - Blocks - Merkley Tree - hardness of mining - transaction verifiability - 5
anonymity - forks - double spending - mathematical analysis of properties of Bit coin.
Bitcoin block chain, the challenges, and solutions, proof of work, Proof of stake,
alternatives to Bitcoin consensus, Bitcoin scripting language and their uses.
4 ETHEREUM Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) - Wallets for Ethereum - Solidity - Smart 5
Contracts - some attacks on smart contracts. Ethereum and Smart Contracts- The Turing
Completeness of Smart Contract Languages and verification challenges- comparing Bitcoin
scripting vs. Ethereum Smart Contracts
5 BLOCK CHAIN-RECENT TREND Blockchain Implementation Challenges- Zero 5
Knowledge proofs and protocols in Block chain - Succinct non interactive argument for
Knowledge (SNARK) - pairing on Elliptic curves – Zcash - attacks on Block chains – such
as Sybil attacks, selfish mining, 51% attacks - -advent of algorand, and Sharding based
consensus algorithms

Text/ Reference Books:

1. Melanie Swan, ―Block Chain: Blueprint for a New Economy‖, O‘Reilly, first edition – 2015.
2. Daniel Drescher, ―Block Chain Basics‖, Apress; 1st edition, 2017
3. Anshul Kaushik, ―Block Chain and Crypto Currencies‖, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi.
4. Imran Bashir, ―Mastering Block Chain: Distributed Ledger Technology, Decentralization and Smart
Contracts Explained‖, Packt Publishing, first edition – 2012.

OEC-DS-701A: Bioinformatics
Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Design basic algorithms used in Pairwise and Multiple alignments.
 Understand the methodologies used for database searching, and determining the accuracies of database
 Application of probabilistic model to determine important patterns
 Prediction of structure from sequence and subsequently testing the accuracy of predicted structures
 Determine the protein function from sequence through analyzing data
 Analysis and development of models for better interpretation of biological data to extract knowledge


 Biological Science
 Data Structure and Programming

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Bioinformatics 5
A word on Bioinformatics, Introduction, Branches of Bioinformatics, Aims of
Bioinformatics, Scope/research areas of bioinformatics
2 Sequence and molecular file form and ats, Introduction, Sequence file formats, 8
Sequence conversion tools, Molecular file formats, Molecular file format conversion,
Databases in bioinformatics & introduction: - Introduction, Biological databases,
Classification schema of biological databases, Biological database retrieval system
Biological sequence databases, National Centre for biotechnology information (NCBI),
Introduction, Tools and databases of NCBI, Database retrieval tool, Sequence
submission to NCBI, BLAST, PSI-BLAST, RPS-BLAST, Specialized tools,
Nucleotide database, Literature database, Protein database, Gene expression database,
GEO, Structural database, Chemical database, Other databases, EMBL Nucleotide
Sequence Database, Introduction, Sequence retrieval, Sequence submission at EMBL,
Resources of EMBL, Biological annotation and data curation, Sequence.
3 Introduction, Concept of alignment, Scoring Matrices, PAM, BLOSUM, Alignment of 7
pairs of sequences, Alignment algorithms, Heuristic methods, Multiple sequence
Alignment (MSA) Gene prediction methods: principles and challenges, Introduction,
Biological overview, what is gene prediction? Computational methods of gene
prediction, Combination of two methods, why is gene prediction difficult?
4 Molecular Phylogeny Introduction, Phenotypic phylogeny and molecular phylogeny, 5
Molecular clocks, Methods of phylogeny, Statistical Evaluation of the obtained
phylogenetic trees or validation methods, Software for phylogenetic analysis,
Reliability of molecular phylogenetic prediction Molecular Viewers, Introduction, A
few molecular viewers, RasMol, Deep view- The Swiss-PDB viewer (SPDBV), Cn3D.
5 Protein and secondary structure prediction: Introduction, Levels of protein structure, 7
Conformational parameter‘s Secondary structure of a protein, Secondary structure
types, Secondary structure prediction, Software for secondary structure prediction,
Limitations of secondary structure prediction. Protein modelling: Introduction,
Methods of protein modelling, Homology or comparative modelling, Model
refinement, Evaluation of the model.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Bioinformatics: a Textbook, Wiley Online Library

2. Mount, D. W. (2001). Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
3. Bourne, P. E., &Gu, J. (2009). Structural Bioinformatics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Liss.
4. Lesk, A. M. (2004). Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
5. Campbell, M & Heyer, L. J. (2006), Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, Pearson
6. Oprea, T. (2005). Chemoinformatics in Drug Discovery, Volume 23. Wiley Online Library.

OEC-DS-701B: Cyber Law and Cyber Security

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

After studying this course, student will be able to:
 Design learner conversant with the social and intellectual property issues emerging from ‗cyberspace.
 Explore the legal and policy developments in various countries to regulate cyberspace;
 Develop the understanding of relationship between commerce and cyberspace
 Understand in depth knowledge of information technology act and legal frame work of right to privacy,
data security and data protection.
 Remember various case studies on real time crimes.
 Evaluate the legal implication of cyber crime

 Computer Networks
 Cyber Security

Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs. /

1. Introduction of Cybercrime: What is cybercrime? Forgery, Hacking, Software Piracy, 8
Computer Network intrusion.
Category Cybercrime: of how criminals plan attacks, passive attack, Active attacks,
2. Cybercrime Mobile & Wireless devices: Security challenges posted by mobile devices, 8
cryptographic security for mobile devices, Attacks on mobile/cellphones, Theft, Virus,
Hacking. Bluetooth; Different viruses on laptop
3. Tools and Methods used in Cybercrime: Proxy servers, pan word checking, Random 8
checking, Trojan Horses and Backdoors; DOS & DDOS attacks; SQL injection: buffer
over flow.
4. Phishing & Identity Theft: Phishing methods, ID Theft; Online identity method. 8
Cybercrime & Cybersecurity: Legal aspects, Indian laws, IT act, public key certificate.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Cyber security by Nina Gobole & Sunit Belapune; Pub: Wiley India.
2. Information Security & Cyber laws, Gupta & Gupta, Khanna Publishing House

OEC-DS-701C: Optimization Technique

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
 Analyse the real-life systems with limited constraints.
 Depict the systems in a mathematical model form.
 Solve the mathematical model manually as well as using soft resources/software under the given
 Describe the Concept of optimization and classification of optimization problems.
 Understand variety of real industrial problems such as resource allocation, production planning,
assignment, transportation, travelling salesman etc. and solve these problems using linear programming
approach using software.
 Formulation simplex methods variable with upper bounds.
 Linear algebra
 Probability and statistics
 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming

Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs/

1 Historical Development; Engineering applications of Optimization; Art of Modeling, 9
Objective function; Constraints and Constraint surface; Formulation of design problems as
mathematical programming problems. Classification of optimization problems, Optimization
techniques –classical and advanced techniques.
Introduction to Operation Research: Operation Research approach, scientific methods,
introduction to models and modeling techniques, general methods for Operation Research
models, methodology and advantages of Operation Research, history of Operation Research.
2 Linear Programming (LP): Introduction to LP and formulation of Linear Programming 7
problems, Graphical solution method, alternative or multiple optimal solutions, Unbounded
solutions, Infeasible solutions, Maximization – Simplex Algorithm, Minimization – Simplex
Algorithm using Big-M method, Two phase method, Duality in linear programming, Integer
linear programming.
3 Allocation problems and Game Theory: Introduction to Transportation problems, 8
Transportation problem –Methods of basic feasible solution -Optimal solution–MODI
Assignment problem-Hungarian method
Game theory: Two people-zero sum game-mixed stages -Dominance properties
4 Sequential optimization; Representation of multi stage decision process Types of multi stage 8
decision problems; Concept of sub optimization and the principle of optimality. Recursive
equations –Forward and backward recursions; Computational procedure in dynamic
programming (DP), Discrete versus continuous dynamic programming; Multiple state
variables; curse of dimensionality in DP; Problem formulation and application in Design of
continuous beam and optimal geometric layout of atruss
5 Network Analysis: Network definition and Network diagram, probability in PERT analysis, 8
project time cost trade off, introduction to resource smoothing and allocation
Sequencing: Introduction, processing N jobs through two machines, processing N jobs
through three machines, processing N jobs through m machines.
Inventory Model: Introduction to inventory control, deterministic inventory model, EOQ
model with quantity discount

Text Books/ References:

1. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research, Prentice Hall, Pearso.
2. J. S Arora, Introduction to optimum design, 2nd edition, Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd.,
3. S. S Rao, Optimization: theory and application, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Wayne L. Winston - Operations Research - Applications and Algorithms-Duxbury Press (2003).
5. Ravindra K. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, and James B. Orlin, Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms,
and Applications, Pearson.
6. J K Sharma, Operations Research Theory and Applications, MacMillan India Ltd.
7. N D Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in management, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Payne T A, Quantitative Techniques for Management: A Practical Approach, Reston Publishing Co.
Inc., Virginia.
9. Achille Messac, Optimization in practice with MATLAB, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
OEC-DS-701D: Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to
 Recall and apply a basic concept of digital fundamentals to Microprocessor based personal computer
 Identify a detailed s/w & h/w structure of the Microprocessor.
 Illustrate how the different peripherals (8255, 8253 etc.) are interfaced with Microprocessor.
 Distinguish and analyse the properties of Microprocessors & Microcontrollers.
 Analyse the data transfer information through serial & parallel ports.
 Train their practical knowledge through laboratory experiments.

 Digital Electronics
 Computer Organization & Architecture

Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs/

1 Introduction to 8085A CPU architecture-register organization, addressing modes and their 8
features. Software instruction set and Assembly Language Programming. Pin description
and features.
2 Instruction cycle, machine cycle, Timing diagram. 3
3 Hardware Interfacing: Interfacing memory, peripheral chips (IO mapped IO & Memory 7
mapped IO). Interrupts and DMA.
4 Peripherals: 8279, 8255, 8251, 8253, 8237, 8259, A/D and D/A converters and interfacing 8
of the same. Typical applications of a microprocessor.
5 16-bit processors: 8086 and architecture, segmented memory has cycles, read/write cycle in 9
min/max mode. Reset operation, wait state, Halt state, Hold state, Lock operation, interrupt
processing. Addressing modes and their features. Software instruction set (including
specific instructions like string instructions, repeat, segment override, lock prefizers and
their use) and Assembly Language programming with the same.
6 Brief overview of some other microprocessors (e.g. 6800 Microprocessor). 3

Text Books and References:

1. Microprocessor architecture, programming and applications with 8085/8085A, Wiley eastern Ltd, 1989
by Ramesh S. Gaonkar.
2. Intel Corp: The 8085 / 8085A. Microprocessor Book – Intel marketing communication, Wiley inter
science publications, 1980.
3. An introduction to micro-computers Vol. 2 – some real Microprocessor – Galgotia Book Source, New
Delhi by Adam Osborne and J. Kane
4. Advanced Microprocessors by Ray and Bhurchandi - TMH
5. Intel Corp. Micro Controller Handbook – Intel Publications, 1994.
6. Microprocessors and Interfacing by Douglas V. Hall, McGraw Hill International Ed. 1992
7. Assembly Language Programming the IBM PC by Alan R. Miller, Subex Inc, 1987
8. The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386 & 80486, Bary B. Brey, Prentice Hall,
India 1996.

HSMC-DS-701: Project Management and Entrepreneurship

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 Examine role of entrepreneur in economic development.
 Describe the steps to establish an enterprise.
 Compare and classify types of entrepreneurs.
 Explain project Identification and formulation.
 Define project evaluation.
 Evaluate the entrepreneurial support in India

 Software Engineering

Detailed Content:

Unit Contents Hrs/

1 1. Entrepreneurship Introduction: Meaning and Concept of Entrepreneurship, 20
Innovation and entrepreneurship, Contributions of entrepreneurs to the society, risk-
opportunities perspective, and mitigation of
risks [2L]
2. Entrepreneurship – An Innovation: Challenges of Innovation, Steps of Innovation
Management, Idea Management System, Divergent v/s Convergent Thinking, Qualities of a
prospective Entrepreneur [2L]
3. Idea Incubation: Factors determining competitive advantage, Market segment, blue
ocean strategy, Industry and Competitor Analysis (market structure, market size, growth
potential), Demand-supply analysis [4L]
4. Entrepreneurial Motivation: Design Thinking - Driven Innovation, TRIZ (Theory of
Inventive Problem Solving), Achievement motivation theory of entrepreneurship – Theory
of McClelland, Harvesting Strategies [2L]
5. Information: Government incentives for entrepreneurship, Incubation, acceleration.
Funding new ventures – bootstrapping, crowd sourcing, angel investors, Government of
India‘s efforts at promoting entrepreneurship and innovation – SISI, KVIC, DGFT, SIDBI,
Defense and Railways [4L]
6. Closing the Window: Sustaining Competitiveness, Maintaining Competitive
Advantage, the Changing Role of the Entrepreneur. [2L]
7. Applications and Project Reports Preparation [4L]
2 1. Project Management: Definitions of Project and Project Management, Issues and 20
Problems in Project Management, Project Life Cycle - Initiation / Conceptualization Phase,
Planning Phase, Implementation / Execution Phase, Closure / Termination Phase [4L]
2. Project Feasibility Studies – Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies, Preparation of
Detailed Project Report, Technical Appraisal, Economic/Commercial/Financial Appraisal
including Capital Budgeting Process, Social Cost Benefit Analysis [2L]
3. Project Planning – Importance of Project Planning, Steps of Project Planning, Project
Scope, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS),
Phased Project Planning [2L]
4. Project Scheduling and Costing – Gantt chart, CPM and PERT Analysis, Identification
of the Critical Path and its Significance, Calculation of Floats and Slacks, Crashing, Time
Cost Trade-off Analysis, Project Cost Reduction Methods. [6L]
5. Project Monitoring and Control – Role of Project Manager, MIS in Project
Monitoring, Project Audit [2L]
6. Case Studies with Hands-on Training on MS-Project [4L]

Text Books and Reference Books:

1. Business, Entrepreneurship and Management: Rao, V.S.P.; Vikas
2. Entrepreneurship: Roy Rajeev; OUP.
3. Text Book of Project Management: Gopalkrishnan, P. and Ramamoorthy, V.E.; McMillan
4. Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology: Nicholas, J.M., and Steyn, H.; PHI
5. Project Management: The Managerial Process: Gray, C.F., Larson, E.W. and Desai, G.V.; MGH

Semester VIII (Fourth Year)

PEC-DS-801A: Artificial Neural Network

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Analyze synaptic connectivity as the basis of neural computation and learning
2. Evaluate the ideological basics of artificial neural networks
3. Understand the origins of artificial neural networks
4. Know some application of artificial neural networks
5. Identify the different structures of artificial neural networks.
6. Learn perceptron and dynamical theories of recurrent networks including amplifiers, attractors, and
hybrid computation.

 Higher Engineering Mathematics e.g. linear algebra, multivariate calculus and Probability theory,
 Data Structure and Algorithms
 Fundamental knowledge of signals and systems along with types, Mathematical representation of signals
and system modelling in time as well as frequency domain.

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to ANN Features, structure and working of Biological Neural Network, 7
Trends in Computing Comparison of BNN and ANN
2 Basics of Artificial Neural Networks: 6
History of neural network research, characteristics of neural networks terminology,
models of neuron Mc Culloch – Pitts model, Perceptron, Adaline model, Basic learning
laws, Topology of neural network architecture
3 Backpropagation networks: (BPN) 6
Architecture of feed forward network, single layer ANN, multilayer perceptron, back
propagation learning, input - hidden and output layer computation, backpropagation
algorithm, applications, selection of tuning parameters in BPN, Numbers of hidden
nodes, learning.
4 Activation & Synaptic Dynamics: 5
Introduction, Activation Dynamics models, synaptic Dynamics models, stability and
convergence, recall in neural networks.
5 Basic functional units of ANN for pattern recognition tasks: Basic feed forward, Basic 6
feedback and basic competitive learning neural network.

Text book and Reference books:

1. B. Yegnanarayana - Artificial neural network PHI Publication.

2. S. Raj sekaran, Vijayalakshmi Pari - Neural networks, Fuzzy logic and Genetic Algorithms
3. Kevin L. Priddy, Paul E. Keller – Artificial neural networks: An Introduction - SPIE Press, 2005
4. Mohammad H. Hassoun – Fundamentals of artificial neural networks - MIT Press, 1995
5. Nelson Morgan – Artificial neural network: Electronic Implementations – IEEE Press, 1990
6. Journal of Artificial neural networks, Volume 1 – Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1994

PEC-DS-801B: Natural Language Processing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Justify the various steps necessary for processing natural language
2. Suggest appropriate lexical and parsing techniques for a given natural language
3. Apply appropriate statistical models for a given natural language application
4. Modify existing algorithms to suit any natural language for processing
5. Recommend appropriate pre-processing steps essential for the various applications involving natural
language processing.
6. Design applications involving natural language

 Linear algebra
 Probability and Statistics
 Artificial Intelligence
 Programming in any high-level language, preferably Python

Detailed Content:

Unit Content
1 Regular Expressions and Automata (Recap) [2L] 11
Introduction to NLP, Regular Expression, Finite State Automata
Tokenization [5L]
Word Tokenization, Normalization, Sentence Segmentation, Named Entity Recognition,
Multi Word Extraction, Spell Checking - Bayesian Approach, Minimum Edit Distance
Morphology [4L]
Morphology - Inflectional and Derivational Morphology, Finite State Morphological
Parsing, The Lexicon and Morphotactics, Morphological Parsing with Finite State
Transducers, Orthographic Rules and Finite State Transducers, Porter Stemmer
2 Language Modeling [4L] 8
Introduction to N-grams, Chain Rule, Smoothing - Add-One Smoothing, Witten-Bell
Discounting; Backoff, Deleted Interpolation, N-grams for Spelling and Word Prediction,
Evaluation of language models.
Hidden Markov Models and POS Tagging [4L]
Markov Chain, Hidden Markov Models, Forward Algorithm, Viterbi Algorithm, Part of
Speech Tagging - Rule based and Machine Learning based approaches, Evaluation
3 Text Classification [4L] 9
Text Classification, Naïve Bayes‘ Text Classification, Evaluation, Sentiment Analysis -
Opinion Mining and Emotion Analysis, Resources and Techniques
Context Free Grammar [5L]
Context Free Grammar and Constituency, Some common CFG phenomena for English,
Top-Down and Bottom-up parsing, Probabilistic Context Free Grammar, Dependency
4 Computational Lexical Semantics [4L] 9
Introduction to Lexical Semantics - Homonymy, Polysemy, Synonymy, Thesaurus -
WordNet, Computational Lexical Semantics - Thesaurus based and Distributional Word
Information Retrieval [5L]
Boolean Retrieval, Term-document incidence, The Inverted Index, Query Optimization,
Phrase Queries, Ranked Retrieval - Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency based
ranking, Zone Indexing, Query term proximity, Cosine ranking, Combining different
features for ranking, Search Engine Evaluation, Relevance Feedback

Text Books and References:

1. Speech and Language Processing, Jurafsky and Martin, Pearson Education
2. Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing, Manning and Schutze, MIT Press

PEC-DS-801C: Web Mining

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 Implement web search concepts and methods to return documents automatically based on user queries.
 Design and implement a crawler application to collect and index documents from the web.
 Develop computational methods to classify documents by topic.
 Create a system to collect and analyse streaming data.
 Evaluate the performance of web search systems.
 Analyse text to determine the reliability of the information including potential bias.

 Basic knowledge of algebra, discrete math and statistics.
 Knowledge of Data Mining, and Machine Learning for extracting knowledge from the web.

Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs/

1 Introduction to Web Data Mining and Data Mining Foundations, Introduction – World Wide 10
Web (WWW), A Brief History of the Web and the Internet, Web Data Mining-Data Mining,
Web Mining. Data Mining Foundations – Association Rules and Sequential Patterns – Basic
Concepts of Association Rules, Apriori Algorithm- Frequent Itemset Generation,
Association Rule Generation, Data Formats for Association Rule Mining, Mining with
multiple minimum supports – Extended Model, Mining Algorithm, Rule Generation, Mining
Class Association Rules, Basic Concepts of Sequential Patterns, Mining Sequential Patterns
on GSP, Mining Sequential Patterns on PrefixSpan, Generating Rules from Sequential
2 Information Retrieval and Web Search: Basic Concepts of Information Retrieval, 10
Information Retrieval Methods – Boolean Model, Vector Space Model and Statistical
Language Model, Relevance Feedback, Evaluation Measures, Text and Web Page Pre-
processing – Stopword Removal, Stemming, Web Page Preprocessing, Duplicate Detection,
Inverted Index and Its Compression – Inverted Index, Search using Inverted Index, Index
Construction, Index Compression, Latent Semantic Indexing – Singular Value
Decomposition, Query and Retrieval, Web Search, Meta Search, Web Spamming.
3 Link Analysis and Web Crawling: Link Analysis – Social Network Analysis, Co-Citation 10
and Bibliographic Coupling, Page Rank Algorithm, HITS Algorithm, Community
Discovery-Problem Definition, Bipartite Core Communities, Maximum Flow Communities,
Email Communities. Web Crawling – A Basic Crawler Algorithm- Breadth First Crawlers,
Preferential Crawlers, Implementation Issues – Fetching, Parsing, Stopword Removal, Link
Extraction, Spider Traps, Page Repository, Universal Crawlers, Focused Crawlers, Topical
Crawlers, Crawler Ethics and Conflicts.
4 Opinion Mining and Web Usage Mining Opinion Mining – Sentiment Classification – 10
Classification based on Sentiment Phrases, Classification Using Text Classification Methods,
Feature based Opinion Mining and Summarization – Problem Definition, Object feature
extraction, Feature Extraction from Pros and Cons of Format1, Feature Extraction from
Reviews of Format 2 and 3, Comparative Sentence and Relation Mining, Opinion Search and
Opinion Spam. Web Usage Mining – Data Collection and Pre-processing- Sources and
Types of Data, Key Elements of Web usage Data Pre-processing, Data Modeling for Web
Usage Mining, Discovery and Analysis of Web usage Patterns -Session and Visitor Analysis,
Cluster Analysis and Visitor Segmentation, Association and Correlation Analysis, Analysis
of Sequential and Navigation Patterns.

Text Book / Reference Books:

1. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data by Bing Liu (Springer Publications)
2. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber (Elsevier
3. Web Mining : Applications and Techniques by Anthony Scime
4. Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data by Soumen Chakrabarti

PEC-DS-801D: Quantum Computing

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3
Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Explain the working of a Quantum Computing program, its architecture and program model.
 Develop quantum logic gate circuits.
 Design different mathematical foundation for quantum computing.
 Develop quantum computing algorithm.
 Program quantum algorithm on major toolkits.
 Find different quantum computational complexity.

 Data Structure and Algorithm
 Programming in Python/ C#

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Quantum Computing: 3
Motivation for studying Quantum Computing
Major players in the industry (IBM, Microsoft, Rigetti, D-Wave etc.)
Origin of Quantum Computing
Overview of major concepts in Quantum Computing
· Qubits and multi-qubits states, Bracket notation.
· Bloch Sphere representation
· Quantum Superposition
· Quantum Entanglement
2 Math Foundation for Quantum Computing: 8
Matrix Algebra: basis vectors and orthogonality, inner product and Hilbert spaces,
matrices and tensors, unitary operators and projectors, Dirac notation, Eigen values
and Eigen vectors
3 Building Blocks for Quantum Program: 8
Architecture of a Quantum Computing platform
Details of q-bit system of information representation:
· Block Sphere
· Multi-qubits States
· Quantum superposition of qubits (valid and invalid superposition)
· Quantum Entanglement
· Useful states from quantum algorithmic perceptive e.g. Bell State
· Operation on qubits: Measuring and transforming using gates.
· Quantum Logic gates and Circuit: Pauli, Hadamard, phase shift, controlled gates,
Ising, Deutsch, swap etc.
Programming model for a Quantum Computing Program
· Steps performed on classical computer
· Steps performed on Quantum Computer
· Moving data between bits and qubits.
4 Quantum Algorithms: 14
Basic techniques exploited by quantum algorithms.
· Amplitude amplification
· Quantum Fourier Transform
· Phase Kick-back
· Quantum Phase estimation
· Quantum Walks
Major Algorithms
· Shor‘s Algorithm
· Grover‘s Algorithm
· Deutsch‘s Algorithm
· Deutsch -Jozsa Algorithm
OSS Toolkits for implementing Quantum program
· IBM quantum experience
Microsoft Q
· Rigetti PyQuil (QPU/QVM)
5 Quantum Computational Complexity and Error Correction: 7
Computational complexity
Black-box model
Lower bounds for searching general
Black-box lower bounds
Polynomial method
Block sensitivity
Adversary methods
Classical error correction
Classical three-bit code
Fault tolerance
Quantum error correction
Three- and nine-qubit quantum codes
Fault-tolerant quantum computation

Text book and Reference books:

1. Michael A. Nielsen, ―Quantum Computation and Quantum Information‖, Cambridge University Press.
2. David McMahon, ―Quantum Computing Explained‖, Wiley.
3. IBM Experience:
4. Microsoft Quantum Development Kit
5. Forest SDK PyQuil:
6. P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, ―An introduction to Quantum Computing‖,
Oxford University Press, 1999.
7. V. Sahni, ―Quantum Computing‖, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2007.

OEC-DS-801A: Embedded Systems

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to
 Acquire a basic knowledge about fundamentals of microcontrollers
 Define programming and system control to perform a specific task.
 Design devices and buses used in embedded networking
 Develop programming skills in embedded systems for various applications.
 Experiment about basic concepts of circuit emulators.
 Discuss about Life cycle of embedded design and its testing.

 Basic electronics.
 Digital electronics.
 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
 C programming.

Detailed Content:
Unit Contents Hrs/
1 Introduction-defining Real time systems, Embedded Real Time Systems, Special 12
Characteristics of real time systems, a brief evolutionary history.
Hardware Architectures of Real Time systems.
2 Software architectures (concepts of interrupt driven activation, need for real time 6
monitor, pseudo parallelism), meeting of deadlines& real time constraints
3 Overview of WARD & MELLOR Methodology: Ward & Mellor Life Cycle, the 10
essential model step, the implementation model, real time extensions of DFD
4 Real time languages: overview of ADA/Java Extension 4
5 Real time Operating Systems 4
6 System Development Methodologies 4

Text/ Reference Books:

1. ―Embedded System Design‖ Frank Vahid & Tony Givargis; John Wiley & sons, Inc.
2. ―Real – Time Systems and software‖ Alan C. Shaw ; John Wiley & Sons Inc
3. ―Fundamentals of embedded Software‖, Daniel W. Lewis, Pearson
4. ―Real time Systems‖, J. W. S. Liu, Pearson
5. ―Embedded Realtime System Programming‖, S. V. Iyer and P. Gupta, TMH
6. ―An Embedded System Primer‖ David E. Simon; Addison-Wesley Pub
7. ―Embedded System Design‖ Steve Heath; Butterworth-Heinemann Pub.
8. ―Embedded System Computer Architecture‖ Graham Wilson, Butterworth-Heinemann

OEC-DS-801B: Business Analytics

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Understand and critically apply the concepts and methods of business analytics.
 Identify, model and solve decision problems in different settings.
 Interpret results/solutions and identify appropriate courses of action for a given managerial situation
whether a problem or an opportunity.
 Create viable solutions to decision making problems.
 Apply appropriate analytical methods to find solutions to business problems that achieve stated
 Remember and describe complex business problems in terms of analytical models.


 Probability and Statistics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Foundations of Business Analytics 3
Introduction to Business Analytics, Analytics on Spreadsheets
2 Product-Market Fit: Gap Analysis 6
Gap Analysis, Carrying Out Gap Analysis, Steps in Gap Analysis, Conducting a
Representative Survey for Gap Analysis, Predicting, Consumer Behavior and Gap
Analysis in Smartphone Market.
3 Analytical Modeling by Factor and Cluster Analysis 6
Factor Analysis Concepts, Application of Factor Analysis Concepts of Cluster
Analysis, Similarity Measures, Application of Cluster Analysis.
4 Analytical Modeling by Logistics Regression and Discriminant Analysis 7
Linear Discriminant Analysis Model, Predictive Modeling using Discriminant
Analysis, Application of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Credit Scoring of Loan
Applicants. Theoretical Formulation of Logistics Regression, Mathematical
Interpretation of Logistics Regression, Indicator for Model Fit, Applying Logistics
Regression, Application of Logistics Regression in Predicting Risk in Portfolio
Management Testing the Reliability/Consistency of the Different Factors Measured.
5 Segmentation of primary target market by Heuristic Modeling Introduction to 4
RFM Analysis Enhancing Response Rates with RFM Analysis.
6 Segmentation of target market based on large databases using Decision Tree 5
Introduction to Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) Predictive
Modelling by CHAID

Text book and Reference books:

1. ―Business Analytics: An Application Focus‖, Purba Halady Rao, Prentice Hall.
2. ―Business Analytics‖ James R. Evans, Pearson.
3. ―Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics‖, Thomas W. Miller, Pearson
4. ―Enterprise Analytics: Optimize Performance, Process, and Decisions Through Big Data‖, Thomas H.
Davenport, Pearson.
5. ―Fundamentals of Business Analytics‖, Seema Acharya, Wiley India.
6. ―Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics‖, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen,
Efraim Turban, David King, Prentice Hall

OEC-DS-801C: Human Computer Interaction

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Explain the capabilities of both humans and computers from the viewpoint of human information
 Describe typical human–computer interaction (HCI) models, styles, and various historic HCI
 Apply an interactive design process and universal design principles for designing HCI systems.
 Analyze and identify user models, user support, socio-organizational issues, and stakeholder
requirements of HCI systems.
 Apply design and development principles in the construction of HCI systems
 Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.


 Basics of programming
 Data Structure and Algorithms

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, Task-centered system design: task- 6
centered process, development of task examples, evaluation of designs through a task-
centered walk-through
2 User-centered design and prototyping: assumptions, participatory design, methods for 6
involving the user, prototyping, low fidelity prototypes, medium fidelity
3 Methods for evaluation of interfaces with users: goals of evaluation, approaches, 8
ethics, introspection, extracting the conceptual model, direct observation, constructive
interaction, interviews and questionnaires, continuous evaluation via user feedback and
field studies, choosing an evaluation method
4 Psychology of everyday things: psychopathology of everyday things, examples, 5
concepts for designing everyday things, Beyond screen design: characteristics of good
representations, information visualization, Tufte‘s guidelines, visual variables
5 Graphical screen design: graphical design concepts, Design principles and usability 5
heuristics: design principles, principles to support usability, HCI design standards:
process-oriented standards, product-oriented standards, Past and future of HCI: the
past, present and future, perceptual interfaces, context-awareness and perception.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Dix A. et al., Human-Computer Interaction, Harlow, England, Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN-10:
2. Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece, Interaction Design: Beyond Human Computer
Interaction, 3rd, Edition, Wiley, 2011, ISBN-10: 04706657693.

OEC-DS-801D: Cryptography and Network Security

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Design network application security schemes, such as PGP, S/MIME, SSL, HTTPS etc.
 Evaluate concepts of Firewall (including types of Firewall), DMZ Network and comparing between
different Firewall Configurations.
 Analyze Biometric Authentication and differentiate between different types of Authentication tokens.
 Implement and apply numerical module based on DES and RSA illustrating the concept of SSL, PGP,
Authentication token, Digital Signature, Message Digest and Hash function.
 Understand and classify different kinds of Substitution techniques and Transposition techniques and
discuss the concepts of Symmetric key cryptography and Asymmetric key cryptography.
 Define the concepts of Network security and identifying different types of attack on Network security.


 Computer Networks
 Discrete Mathematics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Network Security and Cryptography: Concepts and Techniques, Need for Security, 9
Security approaches, Principles of Security, Types of attack on security. Introduction
to cryptography, Plaintext & Cipher text, Substitution Techniques, Transposition
Techniques, Encryption & Decryption, Type of attacks on encrypted text, Symmetric
& Asymmetric key Cryptography.
2 Symmetric Key Algorithms: Algorithm types & Modes, Overview of Symmetric Key 8
Cryptography, Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, Digital Envelope, DES (Data
Encryption Standard) algorithm & its variant, IDEA(International Data Encryption
Algorithm) algorithm, RC5 (Rivest Cipher 5) algorithm.
3 Asymmetric Key Algorithms: Digital Signature and User Authentication, Overview 9
of Asymmetric key Cryptography, RSA algorithm, Digital Signature, Basic concepts
of Message Digest and Hash Function (Algorithms on Message Digest and Hash
function not required), HMAC algorithm. Authentication Basics, Password,
Authentication Token, Certificate based Authentication and Biometric
4 Electronic mail security, SSL and Firewall: Basics of mail security, PEM, PGP, 6
S/MIME, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Introduction to Firewall, Types of
firewall, Firewall Configurations and DMZ Network.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Cryptography and Network Security, William Stallings, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Asia
2. Network Security private communication in a public world, C. Kaufman, R. Perlman and M. Speciner,
3. Cryptography & Network Security: Atul Kahate, TMH.
4. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards by William Stallings, Pearson.
5. Designing Network Security, Merike Kaeo, 2nd Edition, Pearson Books.
6. Building Internet Firewalls, Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, D. Brent Chapman, 2nd Edition,
7. Practical Unix & Internet Security, Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford, Alan Schwartz, 3rd Edition,

OEC-DS-802A: Economic Policies in India

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

After studying this course, student will be able to:
 Understand comprehensive of Indian Economy.
 Analyse govt policies and programs
 Formulate the links between household behaviour and the economic models of demand.
 Understand govt policies and programs
 Remember how planning and infrastructure support can develop an economy.
 Apply their knowledge in policy formulation


 Fundamental of Economics

Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs. /

1. Basic Structure of the Indian Economy 8
Concepts of Development, Underdevelopment – Basic Features of Indian Economy:
Growth and Structural Changes in Indian Economy – Demographic Features – Population:
Size, Growth, Composition and their Implications on Indian Economy – Concept of
Demographic Dividend –Occupational Distribution of Population in India – Population
Policy of India.
National Income, Poverty and Unemployment 8
2. Estimation of National Income – Trends and Composition of National Income in India –
Income Inequalities in India: Magnitude, Causes, Consequences and Remedial Measures –
Poverty in India: Concept, Types, Causes and Consequences – Unemployment in India:
Concept, Types, Trends, Causes and Consequences – Poverty Alleviation and Employment
Generation Programmes in India.
3. Planning and Public Policy 8
Five Year Plans: Concept and Objectives – Review of Five Year Plans – NITI Aayog –
Economic Reforms: Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization – Impact of WTO on
Indian Economy.
4. Agricultural and Industrial Sectors 8
Importance and Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy – Trends in Agricultural
Production and Productivity – Land Reforms – Green Revolution – Agricultural Finance –
Agricultural Marketing – Agricultural Pricing – Food Security in India. Structure, Growth,
Importance and Problems of Indian Industry – Large, Medium and Small Scale Industries:
Role and Problems – Industrial Policies of 1948, 1956 and 1991– FEMA and Competition
Commission of India –Disinvestment Policy – Foreign Direct Investment.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Ahluwalia, I.J. and I.M.D Little (Eds.) (1999), India‘s Economic Reforms and Development (Essays
in honour of Manmohan Singh), Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Bardhan, P. K. (9th Edition) (1999), The Political Economy of Development in India, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
3. Bawa, R. s. and P. S. Raikhy (Ed.) (1997), Structural Changes in Indian Economy, Guru Nanak Dev
University Press, Amritsar.
4. Brahmananda, P. R. and V. R. Panchmukhi (Eds.) (2001), Development Experience in the Indian
Economy: Inter-State Perspectives, Book well, Delhi.
5. Chakravarty, S. (1987), Development Planning: The Indian Experience, Oxford University Press, New
7. Dantwala, M. L. (1996), Dilemmas of Growth: The Indian Experience, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
8. Datt, R. (Ed.) (2001), Second Generation Economic Reforms in India, Deep Publications, New Delhi.
9. Government of India, Economic Survey (Annual), Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
10. Jain, a. K. (1986), Economic Planning in India, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi.
11. Jalan, B. (1992), The Indian Economy – Problems and Prospects, Viking, New Delhi.

OEC-DS-802B: Compiler Design

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Describe the compilation phases, input and output of each phases, recognizing different possible errors
detected by different phases..
 Design a DFA to recognize partial keywords of C programming language and lexical analyzer,
automated lexical analyzer using LEX, and FLEX.
 Understand the role of a parser, syntax analysis phase, top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing
techniques and automated parser generation tool: YACC.
 Realize and explain the role of semantic analysis phase with data type handling issues, associated
actions with CFG rules using SDD and SDT.
 Understand different ways of intermediate code generation techniques and intermediate representation
of any high-level language code segment, and run-time environment issues during compilation.
 Develop the knowledge of code optimization and code generation issues, construct flow graphs and
DAG representation of basic blocks, and register allocation and assignment.

 Formal Language & Automata
 Knowledge of Programming Language

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 Introduction to Compiling 2
Compilers, Analysis of the source program, The phases of the compiler, Cousins of the
2 Lexical Analysis 5
The role of the lexical analyzer, Tokens, Patterns, Lexemes, Input buffering,
Specifications of a token, Recognition of a tokens, Finite automata, From a regular
expression to an NFA, From a regular expression to NFA, From a regular expression to
DFA, Design of a lexical analyzer generator (Lex).
3 Syntax Analysis 8
The role of a parser, Context free grammars, Writing a grammar, Top down Parsing,
Non-recursive Predictive parsing (LL), Bottom up parsing, Handles, Viable prefixes,
Operator precedence parsing, LR parsers (SLR, LALR), Parser generators (YACC).
Error Recovery strategies for different parsing techniques.
4 Syntax directed translation 4
Syntax director definitions, Construction of syntax trees, Bottom-up evaluation of S
attributed definitions, L attributed definitions, Bottom-up evaluation of inherited
5 Type checking 3
Type systems, Specification of a simple type checker, Equivalence of type expressions,
Type conversions.
6 Run time environments 5
Source language issues (Activation trees, Control stack, scope of declaration, Binding of
names), Storage organization (Subdivision of run-time memory, Activation records),
Storage allocation strategies, Parameter passing (call by value, call by reference, copy
restore, call by name), Symbol tables, dynamic storage allocation techniques.
7 Intermediate code generation 4
Intermediate languages, Graphical representation, Three-address code, Implementation
of three address statements (Quadruples, Triples, Indirect triples).
8 Code optimization 5
Introduction, Basic blocks & flow graphs, Transformation of basic blocks, Dag
representation of basic blocks, The principle sources of optimization, Loops in flow
graph, Peephole optimization.
9 Code generations 4
Issues in the design of code generator, a simple code generator, Register allocation &

Text book and Reference books:

1. Aho, Sethi, Ullman - ―Compiler Principles, Techniques and Tools‖ - Pearson Education.
2. Holub - ―Compiler Design in C‖ - PHI.
3. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, ―Introduction to Automata Theory,Languages
and Computation‖, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2014
4. Alfred V. Aho, Monica S Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffery D Ullman, ―Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
Tools‖, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2015.
5. Michael Sipser, ―Introduction to the Theory of Computation‖, 2nd Edition, Wadsworth Publishing Co
Inc, 3rd Edition, 2012.

OEC-DS-802C: Research Methodology

Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Discuss different methodologies and techniques used in research work.
 Explain basic computer skills necessary for the conduct of research.
 Explain key research concepts and issues.
 Select and define appropriate research problem and parameters.
 Develop the required numerical skills necessary to carry out research.
 Develop an appropriate framework for research studies.

 Probability and Statistics

Detailed Content:

Module Content Hours/

1 RESEARCH FORMULATION AND DESIGN Motivation and objectives – Research 8
methods vs. Methodology. Types of research – Descriptive vs. Analytical, Applied vs.
Fundamental, Quantitative vs. Qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical, concept of applied
and basic research process, criteria of good research. Defining and formulating the
research problem, selecting the problem, necessity of defining the problem, importance
of literature review in defining a problem, literature review-primary and secondary
sources, reviews, monograph, patents, research databases, web as a source, searching the
web, critical literature review, identifying gap areas from literature and research
database, development of working hypothesis
2 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Accepts of method validation, observation 8
and collection of data, methods of data collection, sampling methods, data processing
and analysis strategies and tools, data analysis with statically package (Sigma
STAT,SPSS for student t-test, ANOVA, etc.), hypothesis testing
ethical committees (human & animal); IPR- intellectual property rights and patent law,
commercialization, copy right, royalty, trade related aspects of intellectual property
rights (TRIPS); scholarly publishing- IMRAD concept and design of research paper,
citation and acknowledgement, plagiarism, reproducibility and accountability.
4 INTERPRETATION AND REPORT WRITING Meaning of Interpretation, Technique 8
of Interpretation, Precaution in Interpretation, Significance of Report Writing, Different
Steps in Writing Project Report, Layout of the Project/Research Report, Types of
Reports, Oral Presentation, Mechanics of Writing a Project/Research Report,
Precautions for Writing Research Reports, Conclusions.

Text book and Reference books:

1. Garg, B.L., Karadia, R., Agarwal, F. and Agarwal, U.K., 2002. An introduction to Research
Methodology, RBSA Publishers.
2. Kothari, C.R., 1990. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International.
3. Sinha, S.C. and Dhiman, A.K., 2002. Research Methodology, Ess Publications. 2 volumes.
4. Trochim, W.M.K., 2005. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, Atomic Dog Publishing.
5. Wadehra, B.L. 2000. Law relating to patents, trade-marks, copyright designs and geographical
indications. Universal Law Publishing.
6. Anthony, M., Graziano, A.M. and Raulin, M.L., 2009. Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry, Allyn
and Bacon.
7. Carlos, C.M., 2000. Intellectual property rights, the WTO and developing countries: the TRIPS
agreement and policy options. Zed Books, New York. Coley, S.M. and Scheinberg, C. A., 1990,
―Proposal Writing‖, Sage Publications.
8. Day, R.A., 1992.How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University Press.
9. Fink, A., 2009. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. Sage Publications
10. Leedy, P.D. and Ormrod, J.E., 2004 Practical Research: Planning and Design, Prentice Hall.
11. Satarkar, S.V., 2000. Intellectual property rights and Copy right. Ess Publications.
OEC-DS-802D: Remote Sensing and GIS
Contacts: 3L per week Credits: 3

Course Outcomes (COs):

After studying this course, student will be able to:

 Analyse the principles and components of photo-grammetry and remote sensing.

 Describe the process of data acquisition of satellite images and their characteristics
 Compute an image visually and digitally with digital image processing techniques.
 Explain the concepts and fundamentals of GIS.
 Design by computation knowledge of remote sensing and GIS in different civil engineering applications.

To understand this course, the learner must have idea of:
 Internet Fundamental
 Data Base Concepts
 Basics of sensor Technology

Detailed Content:

Unit Content Hrs. /

1. Introduction and Overview of Geographic Information Systems 7
Definition of a GIS, features and functions; why GIS is important; how GIS is applied;
GIS as an Information System; GIS and cartography; contributing and allied disciplines;
GIS data feeds; historical development of GIS.
GIS and Maps, Map Projections and Coordinate Systems
Maps and their characteristics (selection, abstraction, scale, etc.); automated cartography
versus GIS; map projections; coordinate systems; precision and error
Data Sources, Data Input , Data Quality and Database Concepts 11
2. Major data feeds to GIS and their characteristics: maps, GPS, images, databases,
commercial data; locating and evaluating data; data formats; data quality; metadata.
Database concepts and components; flat files; relational database systems; data modeling;
views of the database; normalization; databases and GIS.
Spatial Analysis
Questions a GIS can answer; GIS analytical functions; vector analysis including
topological overlay; raster analysis; statistics; integrated spatial analysis.
Making Maps
Parts of a map; map functions in GIS; map design and map elements; choosing a map
type; producing a map formats, plotters and media; online and CD-ROM distribution;
interactive maps and the Web.
3. Implementing a GIS 10
Planning a GIS; requirements; pilot projects; case studies; data management; personnel
and skill sets; costs and benefits; selecting a GIS package; professional GIS packages;
desktop GIS; embedded GIS; public domain and low cost packages.
Technology & Instruments involved in GIS & Remote Sensing
GIS applications; GIS application areas and user segments; creating custom GIS software
applications; user interfaces; case studies. Future data; future hardware; future software;
Object-oriented concepts and GIS; future issues – data ownership, privacy, education;
GIS career options and how to pursue them.
4. Remote Sensing 7
Remote sensing of environment, E.M. Principle, Thermal infrared remote sensing,
Remote sensing of Vegetation, Remote sensing of water, urban landscape

Text book and Reference books:

1. ―Principles of geographical information systems‖, P. A. Burrough and R. A. Mcdonnel, Oxford.

2. ―Remote sensing of the environment‖ ,J. R. Jensen, Pearson
3. ―Exploring Geographic Information Systems‖, Nicholas Chrismas, John Wiley & Sons.
4. ―Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems‖,Keith Clarke, PHI.
5. ―An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems‖, Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, and Steve
Carver. Addison-Wesley Longman

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