the Internet Mailing System has successfully realized features, including rich text formatting, multimedia Paper Publication
its objectives, offering users a contemporary and attachments, and advanced organizational tools. The
secure platform for email communication. literature highlights the importance of responsive design JOURNAL
and user-centric interfaces to enhance the user ISSUE
exceeds the expectations of users in the digital age. Design And Implementation TITLE
Code and Sublime Text have been employed. using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a focus on
The Internet Mailing System is positioned to be at the These lightweight editors offer syntax highlighting, providing a responsive and intuitive user interface. The
forefront of digital communication, providing a code completion, and an extensible plugin layout is structured to include key components such as Batch Details
foundation for future enhancements and innovations in ecosystem, facilitating a streamlined coding the inbox, compose email, contacts, and settings.
the realm of email technology. experience for web-based components. Bootstrap is integrated to ensure consistent styling and Project Guide – Name:Ms .Anupam
. IntelliJ IDEA serves as the primary integrated Designation
development environment for Java, providing a responsiveness across various devices.
Dept. of CSE
robust platform for coding, debugging, and testing
. server-side logic. Its intelligent code assistance, Key Features:
Responsive Design: Utilizing Bootstrap components for Student Name: Enrollment Number
powerful navigation features, and seamless
responsiveness to ensure a seamless user experience on 1. Yashraj 03718002021
integration with build tools contribute to the
efficiency of the development process. different screen sizes. 2. Shubham 02418002021
Dynamic Elements: Incorporating JavaScript for Kumar jha
dynamic features such as real-time updates, interactive 3. Anuj Gupta 35418002021
email previews, and drag-and-drop functionalities.
T EM PL AT E D E SIGN © 2007