Livestock Diseases.
Livestock Diseases.
Livestock Diseases.
A disease is any alteration in the 5. Infectious disease /
state of the body of an organism or communicable /
its organs which interferes with the transmittable disease- a disease
proper performance of its functions. caused by a pathogen which enters
Terms used in livestock diseases. the body and triggers the
development of an infection.
1. Fever- refers to rise in body
temperature. 6. Incubation period- This is the
period between the time of
2. Symptoms- visible signs of a infection and the time of first
disease. symptoms show up.
3. Contagious disease- Disease It is the period during which the
that is spread through contact. animal remains normal in
4. Causal organism or agent- appearance although it is harboring
refers to micro-organism that the pathogen
causes disease. 7. Recovery- This is the return to a
healthy state by a sick animal.
ii. Retained placenta/after birth after abortion. v. Cleanliness must be maintained in the
animal’s house.
iii. Infertility/Barrenness in cows.
vi. Blood test should be carried out to detect the
iv. Odourless, yellowish, slimy discharge from the infected animals followed by proper
vulva after abortion. treatment.
a) Animal affected- Cattle, sheep, goats of viii. The animal stops chewing cud.
ages between 8-18 months.
ix. Sudden death occurs.
b) Causal organism.
x. Blood oozes from the anus and
A bacterium called Clostridium chauvei which nose of dead animal.
permanently remain in the soil.
xi. If affected muscles are cut they
It enters the animal body through wounds and appear black
contaminated water.
xii. There is bloody froth that
c) Symptoms. smells like rancid butter.
i. Lameness. d) Control.
ii. Affected parts of the body become swollen. i. Treatment with antibiotics.
iii. Fever/ body temperature rises. ii. Vaccination using blanthax.
iv. The sick animal breathes heavily and faster. iii. The carcass should be buried
v. The animal becomes dull and goes off feed. deep or burnt completely.
vi. When swollen parts are touched they crackle.
vii. Grunting and grinding of teeth.
© Sam obare 26-Jun-21
7. Anthrax.
It is infectious, zoonotic and notifiable. iv. Tar-like watery blood comes out of the
a) Animals attacked-Cattle, sheep, goats, body openings in the dead animal. Blood
pigs, man and wild animals. does not clot easily.
b) Causal organism. v. Lack of rigor mortis in dead animal.
Bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. Rigor mortis is the stiffness of the body
after death.
The bacteria is found in faeces, and soil.
d) Control.
The animal gets the disease through the bites,
feeds and water and through open wounds. i. Treatment using large doses of anti-
anthrax serum.
c) Symptoms.
ii. Use antibiotics e.g. penicillin.
i. The animal is swollen on the underside of
the body. Also excessive bloating/swelling iii. Vaccination using Blanthrax.
of the stomach after death. iv. Treatment of wounds.
ii. Animal develops fever/ rise in v. Quarantine incase of outbreak.
temperature. vi. The carcass must not be opened.
iii. Blood stains in the faeces and milk. vii. Proper disposal of the carcass e.g. deep
iv. Throat swells in pigs which may cause burying or burning.
death due to suffocation.
© Sam obare 26-Jun-21
8. Pneumonia/lung fever.
It is a contagious, infectious and notifiable vii) There are nasal discharges which force the
disease of poultry. birds to shake their heads to clear it.
a) Animal affected-Poultry. viii) Birds walk in staggering motion.
b) Causal organism-Newcastle disease virus ix) Drooping wings and bending of the neck.
whose incubation period is 5-7 days. x) Birds produce watery greenish diarrhea.
c) Symptoms. xi) Eggs laid have soft shells.
i) Birds have difficulties in breathing. They Control.
produce a harsh, grating rasping sound
when breathing. i. Vaccination during first six weeks and two
months later.
ii) The beaks remain wide open and necks are
strained. ii. Quarantine.
iii) Birds become dull. iii. Mass slaughter and burning affected birds.
iv) Birds stand with eyes closed all the time. iv. Cleaning and disinfecting poultry houses.
v) The birds loose appetite.
Symptoms of newcastle.
vi) Often the birds have their beaks and wings
4. Fowl Pox. © Sam obare 26-Jun-21
d) Symptoms.
It is infectious poultry disease.
i. Injuries/lesions are observed on the comb,
(a) Animals Affected- Poultry e.g. chicken, wattles, legs, vent, feet and under the wings.
turkeys, pigeons
ii. Difficulty in breathing and swallowing.
b) Causal Organism-A virus known as
Avian fox with incubation period- 3-14 iii. Loss of appetite.
days. iv. Emaciation/poor growth.
c) Predisposing factors. v. Watery discharge from the eyes or nose in early
i. Presence of wounds. stages.
ii. Presence of biting insects e.g. mosquitoes/ vi. Dullness.
mites. vii. Poor egg production.
e) Control and treatment.
i. Vaccination.
ii. Observe proper hygiene.
iii. Isolation and treatment of affected birds
iv. Mass slaughter of the affected birds.
5. Gumboro disease (infectious
bursa disease).
a) Animal affected-Cows, goats and iv. The animal lies down on its side and
sheep that have recently given birth. the whole body stiffens.
It is common in high producing cows in the v. Complete loss of appetite.
first few months of lactation. vi. Body functions e.g. urination,
b) Cause. defecation and milk secretion stops.
Low calcium levels in blood which leads to vii. Animal falls down and becomes
increase in magnesium and sugar level in unconscious.
blood. viii. Sudden death if there is no treatment.
This is because animals lose more calcium ix. Stomach contents are drawn into the
through milk secretion than they are getting mouth which later cause lung fever
from diet. when breathing in.
c) Symptoms.
Symptoms appear 12-27 hours after birth.
i. Dullness.
ii. Muscular twitching causing trembling of
the animal.
iii. Staggering of the animal as it moves. © Sam obare 26-Jun-21