Project Charter Template
Project Charter Template
Project Charter Template
3. Stakeholders (e.g., those with a significant interest in or who will be significantly affected by this project)
Project Purpose / Business Justification Describe the business need this project addresses
Objectives (in business terms) Describe the measurable outcomes of the project, e.g., reduce cost by xxxx or increase quality to yyyy
Deliverables List the high-level “products” to be created (e.g., improved xxxx process, employee manual on yyyy)
Scope List what the project will and will not address (e.g., this project addresses units that report into the Office of Executive Vice President.
Units that report into the Provosts Office are not included)
Project Milestones Propose start and end dates for Project Phases (e.g., Inception, Planning, Construction, Delivery) and other major
Major Known Risks (including significant Assumptions) Identify obstacles that may cause the project to fail.
Risk Risk Rating (Hi, Med, Lo)
Constraints List any conditions that may limit the project team’s options with respect to resources, personnel, or schedule (e.g.,
predetermined budget or project end date, limit on number of staff that may be assigned to the project).
External Dependencies Will project success depend on coordination of efforts between the project team and one or more other
individuals or groups? Has everyone involved agreed to this interaction?
5. Communication Strategy (specify how the project manager will communicate to the Executive Sponsor, Project Team members and
Stakeholders, e.g., frequency of status reports, frequency of Project Team meetings, etc.
6. Sign-off
Name Signature Date
Executive Sponsor
Department Sponsor
Project Manager
7. Notes