UM Project Charter Template
UM Project Charter Template
UM Project Charter Template
Project Name:
Governing Body:
Executive Sponsor:
Project Manager:
Charter Authors:
Strategic Levers:
Purpose: The purpose of a project charter is to formally begin a project and authorize the Project
Manager to assign resources, build a project plan, and spend money to accomplish work. This document
indicates formal agreement of the scope of work. Any changes to the goal, deliverables and milestones,
scope or budget require an approved change request and revisions to this document.
1. Project Overview
(Briefly introduce the project. Describe the rationale/business justification for undertaking this project.
Describe the type of the project as lifecycle or new initiative. Explain how this project came about, why
we are undertaking it, and what problem or opportunity it is addressing. Describe the result of not
undertaking this project. Explain how it will benefit the University.)
2. Goal
(The goal of the project is a very broad statement. At the end of the project, what do you hope to
2. Milestones
(For major objectives and deliverables, list tentative milestone dates. Add tolerance +/-% or best/worst-
case scenario on milestone dates. If tolerance exceeds expectations, charter must be reviewed and go
through Change Management process.)
3. Scope
(Specify what work is IN SCOPE and what work is OUT OF SCOPE. Indicate the business functions and
processes that are defined and/or supported by this project.)
3.1. Scope Inclusions
3.2. Scope Exclusions
[Type name of item here. [Type category here: [Type estimate here, if [Type description of
Snag it, laptop, DBA, Software, Hardware, known or applicable] justification here]
Programmer, Developer, Materials, Human
war room, HEUG, etc ]. Resource, Space,
Training, Consultants, etc]
Installation Services
6. Interdependencies
(List other projects, systems or groups with which this project will interface/impact.)
6.1. Projects
6.2. Systems
6.3. Groups
Approved, development of detailed project plan is authorized
Approved, project execution is authorized (no further Project Manager involvement)
Approved, but project is on hold until future notice
Revise charter and resubmit for approval
Charter and project proposal are rejected
If this Charter is approved, the development of a Project Plan will begin. The Project Plan is expected to
be delivered by: (date) ______________
Version Date Link to Approved Change Request Executive Sponsor Sign off
on Charter Changes