Specification of GHR 1520 - 3BD

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MODEL GHR - 1520 – 3BD


Work piece dimension 1500 mm. Diameter x 2000 mm. Height
Blast Cleaning all surface of steel work pieces.
Various rates for each designed steel work pieces and accessories. The estimated cycle time
should be 8–10 minutes per cycle. However it depends on surface condition and loading & unloading


The machine consists of a cabinet to house and contain the overhead hoist crane hanger operations, a
fully mechanical and continuous abrasive handling and reclamation system. The overhead hoist crane
units are installed outside the cabinet, three (3) wheels type “RDD 90”, and an abrasive removal system.
The machine is generally as shown on proposed arrangement drawing NO. S 261101 rev. 00
and is comprised of :
1. Blasting Wheel
Three (3) sets of Blasting Wheel Model RDD 90 , abrasive flow capacity 100 kg./ min / unit.
Eight (8) wear - resist blades precision cast and balanced to provide long and continuous operation.
Center feed impeller and control cage are manufactured of High Chromium wear - resist material.
They are designed to operate with minimum friction between abrasive and wheel parts, which in turn
results in minimum power loss and more effective blast cleaning. The control cage is held in place by a
single bolt – clamp to assure fast, accurate re-assembly.
Heavy steel plate 10.0 mm. thickness wheel housing is completely lined with High Chromium wear –
resist alloy casting liners 10.0 – 12.0 thickness. These wear plates consist of only nine (9) pieces, which
requires stocking only five (5) part numbers. The housing wear plates overlapping joints to prevent
excessive wear and abrasive leakage.
These blasting wheel are 360 mm. Diameter given high velocity 58 meter per second which is direct
driven through Electric Motor 7.5 kW 2 pole 2800 RPM 415/380 voltage
2. Blasting Chamber
The overall blasting chamber is 2000 mm. Width x 2000 mm. Length x 3500 mm. Height
fabricated of steel plate 4.5 mm thickness. The blasting compartment houses the blasting wheel
operation fabricated of mild steel plate 10.0 mm thickness and ceiling & walls are protected by High
Chromium wear - resist liner 10.0-12.0 mm thickness. and resistant rubber 6.0 mm. thickness.
The blasting area is diameter 1500 mm x 2000 mm long
3. Abrasive Handling and Reclamation System.
To provide mechanical and continuous abrasive handling and reclamation, the following
units will be furnished :
3.1 Spiral Abrasive Conveyor
Two (2) spiral abrasive conveyor 200 mm diameter, receives the used abrasive and
refuse and transports its to the elevator boot. The spiral conveyor has a continuous ribbon steel flight
secured to a pipe with stub – end shafts. The bearing plate at end of the trough are bolted and removable.
All screw conveyor shaft bearings are lubricated and sealed – for – life. The spiral abrasive conveyor is
driven by gear reducer motor each 0.75 kW 4 pole 415/380 voltage.
3.2 Abrasive Elevator
One (1) bucket elevator receives the used abrasive and refuse from the spiral abrasive
conveyor. The elevator boot is constructed of steel plate and is provided with an access door for clean
– out. Removable bearing plates are provided on both sides of the boot for easy access to the pulley.
An access door for belt and bucket inspection is provided at a convenient location. The elevator belt is
constructed of specially reinforced material. The buckets that carry the abrasive are made of mild steel
and are attached to the belt with huck bolts.The elevator head is constructed of steel plate and has a
removable top over for belt installation or inspection. The head pulley is crowned and rubber lagged to
give maximum traction between the pulley and the belt. All elevator bearings in the head and boot are
lubricated and sealed – for – life. A take – up mechanism is provided in the head to maintain proper belt
tension. The belt – bucket elevator is driven by gear reducer motor 1.5 kW 4 pole 415/380 voltage
The abrasive and refuse is centrifugally discharged from the head through the discharge spout to the
abrasive separator.
3.3 Abrasive Separator
One (1) high efficiency, high capacity abrasive separator consists of magnetic drums
and air wash section built integral with the elevator head. The material received from the elevator is
deposited behind the fixed but adjustable metering gate and is allowed to fall in a uniform curtain
through 600 mm long air wash section. The air wash and separator zone is 250 mm high to allow space
for efficient separation of good abrasive and fine refuse by a fixed air velocity and then usable abrasive
flows to the storage bin. The abrasive storage bin fabricated of mild steel plate receives the cleaned
abrasive from the separator and stores this material 500 kg for distribution through gravity feed spouts
to the Blasting Wheel units.
4. Electric Chain Mechanism
Two (2) electric chain hanger ‘Black Bear’ capacity 2000 kg. per hanger with single lifting
speed 2.1 meter per minute by motor power 1.5 kW 4 pole 415/380 voltage. The steel structure
support the electric chain hanger fabricated by heavy duty steel structure in “Y” rail type. That means
one hanger move into the blasting chamber and blasted while the other hanger prepare for loading and
unloading the work piece in order to reduce the idle time.
The blasting timer is required to set to get the proper blasting profile. When the blasting timer finished,
the cut – off gate is closed to prevent the abrasive flow to blasting wheel units and then the pneumatic
roof door and main door open so the operator can move the work piece out the cabinet.
5. Rotating device
When completed hanging the work piece, the operator convey the work piece by pushing
button of electric chain hanger switch. The work piece move into the cabinet and the sprocket lock into
the chain and will rotate with 5.0 - 8.0 RPM to make the even blasting wheel. The rotating device is
driven by worm gear reducer ‘LM’ and motor 0.75 kW 4 pole 415/380 voltage
6. Control Panel
One (1) control panel stand attached the cabinet body with push buttons and pilot
lights, manual & semi-automatic functions, three (3) ammeter for each blasting wheel units indicate
amphere loading of the abrasive to the motor, one(1) hour meter to record operating hours. All electrical
equipment and pneumatic equipment are wired to terminal strips and connected into control panel.
7. Dust Collector
One (1) Reverse Jet Pulse Dust Collector rated to handle 4000 CFM, will incorporate 25
high efficiency anti – static filter giving an air to surface ratio of 4.0 : 1 and featuring a self – cleaning
reverse air pulse system. The filters are mounted on diameter 150 mm x 2000 mm long spacing with
laterals and diaphragm valves, each providing about 1.0 square meter of surface area. Access to the
filter bags is through access doors in the front and the roof of the dust collector.
Whole row clamping of the filter flanges are accomplished on the underside of the tube sheet with the
help of guide rails. The Dust Collector casing is constructed of heavy welded steel with stitch welded
reinforcing stiffeners where required and angle support legs. The dust is collected in a pyramidal
hopper slide slope and terminating with balance weight valve into the disposal drum.
The high efficiency exhauster fan is driven by electric motor 7.5 kW 2 pole 415/380 voltage

Total power consumption 42.0 kW 415/380 voltage 50 Hz

Total air consumption 20 CFM at 5.0 kg/cm2

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