Chemistry Model Paper XII

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Annual Examination 2021
Total Time 2 hour. Total Marks 85

Time: 30 min Section ‘A’ (M.C.Qs (Multiple Choice Question) Marks: 43

Note: This section consists of 43 questions. Attempt all M.C.Qs. Each carries 1 marks.
Q 1: Choose the correct answers for each from the given options:

1. Saponification results in the formation of:

a. Glass
b. Polymer
c. fertilizer
d. Soap

2. Bakelite is a polymer of phenol and ________

a. Methanol
b. Methanal
c. Alcohol
d. None of these

3. EDTA is:
a. Bidentate ligand
b. Monodentate ligand
c. Chelate
d. Multidentate ligand

4. The isomers caused by difference in the position of same functional group in the
same chain are termed as ________ isomers.
a. Chain
b. Functional group
c. Position
d. none of these

5. The general formula of alkyl halides is:

a. CnH2n+2X
b. CnH2n+1X
c. CnH2n+X2
d. None of these

6. Cod liver oil is a source of ,
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin K

7. This gas is produced by ethene with sulphur monochloride:

a. Tear gas
b. Acetylene gas
c. Laughing gas
d. Mustard gas

8. Kipp’s apparatus is used for the preparation of this gas,

a. H2S
b. O2
c. Cl2
d. SO3

9. In KMnO4, oxidation number of Mn is:

a. +7
b. +6
c. +5
d. +4

10. The metal present in Grignard’s Reagent is:


11. The chlorination of methane (CH4) is an example of:

a. Addition reaction
b. Substitution reaction
c. Elimination reaction
d. Oxidation reaction
12. The general formula of aldehyde is:
a. OH

13. Wurtz reaction will be applicable in the :

a. CH2 CH2
b. CHBr
c. CH3Br
d. None of them

14. In general alkali metals act as
a. Reducing agents
b. Oxidizing agents
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

15. When alkyl halide is heated with alcoholic KOH _______ is formed.
a. Alkene
b. Alkyl Halides
c. Alkane
d. Alkyne

16. The chemical formula Al2O3 stands for:

a. Diaspore
b. Corundum
c. Bauxite
d. Gibbisite

17. Water gas is produced by passing steam over red hot coke at:
a. 800oC
b. 900oC
c. 600oC
d. 1000oC

18. Aldehyde is formed by oxidation of:

a. Primary Alcohol
b. Secondary Alcohol
c. Tertiary Alcohol
d. Ether

19. Tollen‟s reagent is:

a. Ammonical cuperous oxide
b. Ammonical silver nitrate
c. Ammonical silver oxide
d. Ammonical silver bromide

20. Non metals acts as:

a. Rreducing agent
b. Bleaching agent
c. Oxidizing agent
d. Nitrating Agent

21. Tetra ethyl lead is used for reduce the__________ of the engine.
a. Knocking
b. etching
c. hydrogenation
d. Sublimation

22. Making of design on glass surface is known as
a. Knocking
b. Etching
c. Hydrogenation
d. Sublimation

23. It is a nucleophile:
a. OH-1
b. CN-1
c. SH-1
d. All of these

24. Ethanol can be prepared by the__________ of glucose:

a. Hydration
b. Hydrogenation
c. Oxidation
d. Fermentation

25. The hybridization in the carbon atom of methane is:

a. sp3
b. sp2
c. sp
d. sp3

26. This will give Iodoform reaction on the treatment with Na2CO3 and I2:
a. Aceticacid
b. Acetone
c. Acetic Anhydride
d. Methanol

27. Only one of this compound given below obeys Markownikoff rule on reaction with
a. CH3-CH=CH2
b. CH2=CH2
c. CH≡CH
d. CH3-CH=CH-CH3

28. Saturated Hydrocarbon containing a single bond are called

a. Parafins
b. Alkynes
c. Proteins
d. Olefines

29. Electronic configuration of Zn:

a. 4S1, 3d10
b. 4S0, 3d9
c. 4S0, 3d10
d. 4S2, 3d10

30. The mixture of “Al” and Fe2O3is used in :
a. Pyrolysis
b. Thermite process
c. Electrolysis
d. Washing

31. Hydrides of group VII A are -------- in nature:

a. Acidic
b. Basic
c. Amphoteric
d. Neutral

32. The meta director are the groups that allow new group to enter into:
a. 2,6 position
b. 3,5 position
c. 1,4 position
d. None of these

33. Any material which enhances the cleaning effect of water is called
a. Soap
b. detergent
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

34. A super cooled liquid having no definite melting and boiling point.
a. Paints
b. Glass
c. cement
d. None of these

35. The functional group present in oil and fats is:

a. Carboxylic group
b. Alcoholic group
c. Aldehydic group
d. Ester group

36. A dipolar charged but on overall electrically neutral ion is called

a. Zwitterions
b. Cation
c. Anion
d. None of these

37. Enzymes are synthesized only by living cells.

a. Living cells
b. Non living cells
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

38. Compounds with the general formula CnH2nO2 are called _________.
a. carboxylic acids
b. Ether
c. Alkane
d. Alkene

39. Tertiary alkyl halides react with reaction mechanism.

a. SN1
b. SN1
c. Both SN1& SN2
d. None of these

40. In the fractional distillation of petroleum, at the lowest boiling point hydrocarbon is:

a. Benzene
b. Methane
c. Ethene
d. Kerosene oil

41. It is is used as a lubricant for machinery and also as a moderator in nuclear reactors.
a. Diamond
b. Graphite
c. Epsom
d. Gypsum

42. All the alums crystallize to yield crystals of the shape

a. Octahedral
b. Tetrahedral
c. Trigonal
d. Linear

43. Stainless steel is

a. mixture
b. compound
c. an alloy
d. both a and c


Annual Examination 2021
Time:1 hour 30 min. Max. Marks: 42
Section ‘B’ (Short Answer Questions)

Note: Attempt any six part questions, Three from organic and Three from inorganic chemistry. All
questions carry equal marks. (Marks: 24)


1. How is Bauxite ore purified by Baeyer’s process OR Serpek’s process?

2. Write the electronic configuration of Cu (Z=29) & identify Group, Period and Block.
How does CFT explain fully the color of the complex compounds?
3. Write the formulae of any four ORES of aluminum OR copper.
4. Write a short note any one of the following
a. Atomic hydrogen
b. Copper sulphate
c. Potassium chromate
d. Corrosion & its prevention
Refer the following table and answer the question that follows.
Plaster of paris Hypo Boric acid Blue vitriol

 Give the chemical formula of A & B

 How does B react with AgBr ?
 Write the equation for heating C at 100C .

 Give the equation for the preparation of D.

5. Write the valence shell electronic configuration of the following groups:

*Transition element *Representive element
Give equation any four of the following.
 Action of Nitric acid acid on Benzene
 Reaction of aluminum with alkali metals.
 Thermal decomposition of aluminum hydroxide Al(OH) . 3

 Reaction between caustic soda and ferric chloride.

 Lunar caustic on heating
 Copper sulphate with potassium iodide.

6. Explain that the position of hydrogen in Group IA of the periodic table write four points of each.
Give the refining of Aluminum by Hope’s Electrolytic method.
How chlorine gas prepared by Nelson’s cell.


1. Draw the orbital structure of an Ethyne molecule. Briefly explain the nature of hybridization
in carbons and their bonds.
2. Define alcohol OR Alkyl halide. Describe its classification with suitable examples.
3. Define any 4 of the following:
 Homologous series *Cracking
 Refining of Petroleum *Zwitter ion
 Catenation *Peptide bond
Write a short note any one of the following.
 Fertilizers *Glass industry
 *Plastics *Amino acid
4. Give equations for the following reactions:
 Water with Ethyne
 Ethanol with Grignard Reagent
 Ethene with water
 Phenol with zinc (Zn) dust

5. Write the mechanism of benzene with any two of the following

 friedel-craft alkylation
 friedel-craft acylation
 Nitration and Sulphonation
 Bromination
6. What happened when, (Any Four)
 Ethanol gas react with sodium metal
 Ethanol react with thionyl chloride
 Phenol with conc. nitric acid
 Phenol with conc. sulphuric acid at 15Co.
 Phenol with Zn dust


NOTE: Attempt three question from this section in all, selecting atleast one question from
Inorganic chemistry and one from organic chemistry. (Marks: 18)

1. What is binary compound of hydrogen? Describe any four of its types.
Describe the extraction of sodium metal by Down’s process.
What is Modern periodic law and how it remove the defects of Mendeleev’s periodic

2. The following chart represents stages in manufacture of HNO3

 Describe the chemical process in stage A along with the conditions for maximum conversion.
 Describe the process in C and D.
 How 98% concentrated HNO3 is obtained
Discuss the chemical properties of S-Block Element.
Describe the classification of long form of periodic table on the basis of electronic configuration.

3. What are carbohydrates? How they are classified. Give its biological important.
What is Grignard’s Reagent? How are the following compound obtained from
* Ethanoic acid * Ethane * Ethanol
Define Nucleophilic substitution reaction. Write the step wise mechanism of the following.
1. SN1 reaction of 2-bromo2-chloro propane with NaOH
2. SN2 reaction of bromo propane with NaCN

4. What is fermentation process? Explain the manufacture of ethanol from starch or
Define isomerism. Explain its types with suitable example.

Complete and balance following chemical equations.

 H-CHO + NaOH
 C6H5-OH + HNO3(at 250C)
 H – CH=O + 2[Ag(NH3)2]OH
 C2H5OH + [O]


Give the I.U.P.A.C names of the following: (ANY FIVE)




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