2020 Nissan Kicks Owner Manual
2020 Nissan Kicks Owner Manual
2020 Nissan Kicks Owner Manual
This manual was prepared to help you un- cerning proper use of such accessories Before driving your vehicle, please read this
derstand the operation and maintenance prior to operating the vehicle and/or ac- Owner's Manual carefully. This will ensure
of your vehicle so that you may enjoy many cessory. It is recommended that you visit a familiarity with controls and maintenance
miles (kilometers) of driving pleasure. NISSAN dealer for details concerning the requirements assisting you in the safe op-
Please read through this manual before particular accessories with which your ve- eration of your vehicle.
operating your vehicle. hicle is equipped.
A separate Warranty Information Book- WARNING
let explains details about the warranties IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION RE-
covering your vehicle. The “Maintenance MINDERS!
and schedules” section of this manual
explains details about maintaining and Follow these important driving rules to
servicing your vehicle. Additionally, a help ensure a safe and comfortable trip
separate Customer Care/Lemon Law for you and your passengers!
Booklet (U.S. only) will explain how to re- • NEVER drive under the influence of
solve any concerns you may have with alcohol or drugs.
your vehicle, and clarify your rights un- • ALWAYS observe posted speed limits
der your state's lemon law. and never drive too fast for
When you require any service or have any conditions.
questions, a NISSAN dealer will be glad to • ALWAYS give your full attention to
assist you with the extensive resources driving and avoid using vehicle fea-
available to them. tures or taking other actions that
could distract you.
In addition to factory-installed options,
your vehicle may also be equipped with • ALWAYS use your seat belts and ap-
additional accessories installed prior to de- propriate child restraint systems.
livery. It is recommended that you visit a Preteen children should be seated in
NISSAN dealer for details concerning the the rear seat.
particular accessories with which your ve- • ALWAYS provide information about
hicle is equipped. It is important that you the proper use of vehicle safety fea-
familiarize yourself with all disclosures, tures to all occupants of the vehicle.
warnings, cautions and instructions con-
• ALWAYS review this Owner’s Manual This manual includes information for all fer to the NISSAN CUSTOMER CARE PRO-
for important safety information. features and equipment available on this GRAM page in this Owner’s Manual.
model. Features and equipment in your ve-
hicle may vary depending on model, trim IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT
level, options selected, order, date of pro- THIS MANUAL
This vehicle should not be modified. duction, region or availability. Therefore,
Modification could affect its perfor- You will see various symbols in this manual.
you may find information about features or They are used in the following ways:
mance, safety, emissions or durability equipment that are not included or in-
and may even violate governmental stalled on your vehicle. WARNING
regulations. In addition, damage or per- All information, specifications and illustra-
formance problems resulting from tions in this manual are those in effect at This is used to indicate the presence of
modifications may not be covered un- the time of printing. NISSAN reserves the a hazard that could cause death or se-
der NISSAN warranties. right to change specifications, perfor- rious personal injury. To avoid or re-
mance, design or component suppliers duce the risk, the procedures must be
WARNING without notice and without obligation. followed precisely.
From time to time, NISSAN may update or
Installing an aftermarket On-Board Di- revise this manual to provide Owners with
agnostic (OBD) plug-in device that uses CAUTION
the most accurate information currently
the port during normal driving, for ex- available. Please carefully read and retain This is used to indicate the presence of
ample remote insurance company with this manual all revision updates sent a hazard that could cause minor or
monitoring, remote vehicle diagnos- to you by NISSAN to ensure you have ac- moderate personal injury or damage to
tics, telematics or engine reprogram- cess to accurate and up-to-date informa- your vehicle. To avoid or reduce the risk,
ming, may cause interference or dam- tion regarding your vehicle. Current ver- the procedures must be followed care-
age to vehicle systems. We do not sions of vehicle Owner's Manuals and any fully.
recommend or endorse the use of any updates can also be found in the Owner
aftermarket OBD plug-in devices, un- section of the NISSAN website at https://
less specifically approved by NISSAN. owners.nissanusa.com/nowners/
The vehicle warranty may not cover navigation/manualsGuide. If you have
damage caused by any aftermarket questions concerning any information in
plug-in device. your Owner's Manual, contact NISSAN Con-
sumer Affairs. For contact information, re-
Some vehicle parts, such as lithium bat-
teries, may contain perchlorate material.
The following advisory is provided: “Per-
chlorate Material – special handling may
apply. For additional information, refer
to www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/
trademark owned by
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and
APD1005 licensed to
If you see this symbol, it means “Do not do Panasonic.
this” or “Do not let this happen.”
© Nissan Mexicana, S. A. de C. V.
All rights reserved. No part of this Owner's
If you see a symbol similar to these in an Manual may be reproduced or stored in a
illustration, it means the arrow points to the retrieval system, or transmitted in any
front of the vehicle. form, or by any means, electronic, me-
chanical, photocopying, recording or oth-
erwise, without the prior written permis-
Arrows in an illustration that are similar to sion of Nissan Mexicana, S. A. de C. V.
these indicate movement or action.
We appreciate your interest in NISSAN and thank you for buying a quality NISSAN vehicle.
Table of Illustrated table of contents 0
In case of emergency 6
Do-it-yourself 8
Index 11
0 Illustrated table of contents
Air bags, seat belts and child restraints . . . . . . . . . . 0-2 Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-6
Exterior front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-3 Engine compartment check locations . . . . . . . . . . . 0-8
Exterior rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-4 Warning and indicator lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-9
Passenger compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-5
HR16DE engine
1. Engine coolant reservoir (P. 8-4)
2. Windshield-washer fluid reservoir
(P. 8-10)
3. Engine oil filler cap (P. 8-5)
4. Engine oil dipstick (P. 8-5)
5. Brake fluid reservoir (P. 8-9)
6. Fuse box (P. 8-19)
7. Battery (P. 8-12)
8. Air cleaner (P. 8-16)
9. Engine drive belt location (P. 8-14)
Power steering 2-17 Blind Spot Warn- 2-19 Front passenger 2-19
warning light ing (BSW) indica- air bag status
tor light (if so light
Rear Automatic 2-17 High Beam Assist 2-19
Braking (RAB) CRUISE indicator 2-19 indicator light
warning light (if so light (if so (green) (if so
equipped) equipped) equipped)
Seat belt warning 2-18 DRIVE SPORT 2-19 High beam indi- 2-20
light and chime mode indicator cator light (blue)
light (if so
Shift P (Park) 2-18 Lane Departure 2-20
warning light (if so Engine start op- 2-19 Warning (LDW)
equipped) eration indicator indicator light (if
light (if so so equipped)
Supplemental air 2-18 equipped)
bag warning light Malfunction Indi- 2-20
Front fog light in- 2-19 cator Light (MIL)
dicator light
(green) (if so
equipped) Overdrive OFF in- 2-21
dicator light (if so
LRS2795 LRS2814
LRS2202 LRS3072
LRS2302 LRS2302
2. Push and hold the lock knob. Do not remove head restraint/headrest
from vehicles equipped with Bose head
3. Remove the head restraint/headrest restraint/headrest speaker system.
from the seat. Removal may damage the system
4. Store the head restraint/headrest prop- wiring.
erly in a secure place so it is not loose in
the vehicle.
Raise Lower
To raise the head restraint/headrest, pull it To lower, push and hold the lock knob and
up. push the head restraint/headrest down.
Make sure the head restraint/headrest is Make sure the head restraint/headrest is
positioned so the lock knob is engaged in positioned so the lock knob is engaged in
the notch before riding in that designated the notch before riding in that designated
seating position. seating position.
• Every person who drives or rides in • The seat belt should be properly ad-
this vehicle should use a seat belt at justed to a snug fit. Failure to do so
all times. Children should be in the may reduce the effectiveness of the
rear seats and in an appropriate entire restraint system and increase
restraint. the chance or severity of injury in an
accident. Serious injury or death can
occur if the seat belt is not worn
WRS0139 LRS0242
seat belt movement by two separate and move the shoulder belt anchor to the
methods: desired position O 2 , so the belt passes over
the center of the shoulder. The belt should
• When the seat belt is pulled quickly from
be away from your face and neck, but not
the retractor
falling off your shoulder. Release the ad-
• When the vehicle slows down rapidly justment button to lock the shoulder belt
anchor into position.
• If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt WARNING There are three basic types of child re-
guide of the seat belt anchors, the seat straint systems:
belts may retract slowly. Wipe the shoul- Do not allow children to play with the • Rear-facing child restraints
der belt guide with a clean, dry cloth. seat belts. Most seating positions are • Forward-facing child restraints
• Periodically check to see that the seat equipped with Automatic Locking Re-
• Booster seats
belt and the metal components, such tractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If the seat
as buckles, tongues, retractors, flexible belt becomes wrapped around a child’s The proper restraint depends on the child's
wires and anchors, work properly. If loose neck with the ALR mode activated, the size. Generally, infants up to about 1 year
parts, deterioration, cuts or other dam- child can be seriously injured or killed if and less than 20 lbs. (9 kg) should be placed
age on the webbing is found, the entire the seat belt retracts and becomes in rear-facing child restraints. Forward-
seat belt assembly should be replaced. tight. This can occur even if the vehicle facing child restraints are available for chil-
is parked. Unbuckle the seat belt to re- dren who outgrow rear-facing child re-
lease the child. If the seat belt cannot straints and are at least 1 year old. Booster
be unbuckled or is already unbuckled, seats are used to help position a vehicle
release the child by cutting the seat lap/shoulder belt on a child who can no
belt with a suitable tool (such as a knife longer use a forward-facing child restraint.
or scissors) to release the seat belt.
Children need adults to help protect
them. They need to be properly re- Infants and children need special pro-
strained. tection. The vehicle's seat belts may
In addition to the general information in not fit them properly. The shoulder belt
this manual, child safety information is may come too close to the face or neck.
available from many other sources, includ- The lap belt may not fit over their small
ing doctors, teachers, government traffic hip bones. In an accident, an improp-
safety offices, and community organiza- erly fitting seat belt could cause serious
tions. Every child is different, so be sure to or fatal injury. Always use appropriate
learn the best way to transport your child. child restraints.
LRS0671 WRS0697
Forward-facing – step 4 Forward-facing – step 6
4. For child restraints that are equipped 6. After attaching the child restraint, test it
with webbing-mounted attachments, before you place the child in it. Push it
remove any additional slack from the from side to side while holding the child
anchor attachments. Press downward restraint near the LATCH attachment
and rearward firmly in the center of the path. The child restraint should not
child restraint with your knee to com- move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from
press the vehicle seat cushion and seat- side to side. Try to tug it forward and
back while tightening the webbing of check to see if the LATCH attachment
the anchor attachments. holds the restraint in place. If the re-
straint is not secure, tighten the LATCH
5. Tighten the tether strap according to
attachment as necessary, or put the re-
the manufacturer's instructions to re-
straint in another seat and test it again.
move any slack.
You may need to try a different child
restraint. Not all child restraints fit in all
types of vehicles.
Safety-Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-31
7. Check to make sure the child restraint is Rear bench seat
properly secured prior to each use. If the OUTBOARD SEATING POSITIONS
child restraint is loose, repeat steps 1
through 6. 1. Remove the head restraint/headrest
and store it in a secure place. Be sure to
reinstall the head restraint/headrest
when the child restraint is removed. For
additional information, refer to “Head
restraints/headrests” in this section.
2. Position the top tether strap as shown.
3. Secure the tether strap to the tether an-
chor point as shown.
4. Tighten the tether strap according to
LRS3060 the manufacturer’s instructions to re-
Rear seats move any slack.
1 Top tether strap If you have any questions when install-
2 Anchor point ing a top tether strap, it is recommended
that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this
Installing top tether strap service.
The child restraint top tether strap must be
used when installing the child restraint with
the LATCH lower anchor attachments.
First, secure the child restraint with the
LATCH lower anchors (rear outboard posi-
tions only).
LRS0667 LRS0668
Forward-facing – step 4 Forward-facing – step 5
4. Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is fully 5. Allow the seat belt to retract. Pull up on
extended. At this time, the seat belt re- the shoulder belt to remove any slack in
tractor is in the Automatic Locking Re- the belt.
tractor (ALR) mode (child restraint
mode). It reverts to Emergency Locking
Retractor (ELR) mode when the seat belt
is fully retracted.
WRS0681 WRS0698
Forward-facing – step 6 Forward-facing – step 8
6. Remove any additional slack from the 8. After attaching the child restraint, test it
seat belt; press downward and rear- before you place the child in it. Push it
ward firmly in the center of the child re- from side to side while holding the child
straint with your knee to compress the restraint near the seat belt path. The
vehicle seat cushion and seatback while child restraint should not move more
pulling up on the seat belt. than 1 inch (25 mm), from side to side. Try
to tug it forward and check to see if the
7. Tighten the tether strap according to the
belt holds the restraint in place. If the
manufacturer's instructions to remove
restraint is not secure, tighten the seat
any slack.
belt as necessary, or put the restraint in
another seat and test it again. You may
need to try a different child restraint. Not
all child restraints fit in all types of
PRECAUTIONS ON SRS Rear outboard seat-mounted side- occupant seated a suitable distance away
This SRS section contains important infor- impact supplemental air bag system from the steering wheel, instrument panel
mation concerning the following systems: This system can help cushion the impact and door finishers. For additional informa-
force to the chest area of the rear outboard tion, refer to “Seat belts” in this section.
• Driver and front passenger supplemental
front-impact air bag (NISSAN Advanced seat passengers in certain side-impact The supplemental air bags operate only
Air Bag System) collisions. The side air bags are designed to when the ignition switch is placed in the
• Front seat-mounted side-impact supple- inflate on the side where the vehicle is im- ON position.
mental air bag pacted. After placing the ignition switch in the
• Rear outboard seat-mounted side- Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and ON position, the supplemental air bag
impact supplemental air bag rollover supplemental air bag system warning light illuminates. The supple-
• Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and This system can help cushion the impact mental air bag warning light will turn off
rollover supplemental air bag force to the head of occupants in front and after about 7 seconds if the system is
rear outboard seating positions in certain operational.
• Driver and passenger supplemental knee
air bag side-impact collisions. The curtain air bags
• Seat belt with pretensioner(s) (front are designed to inflate on the side where
seats) the vehicle is impacted. In a rollover, the
curtain air bags are designed to inflate and
Supplemental front-impact air bag system remain inflated for a short time.
The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System can Driver and passenger supplemental
help cushion the impact force to the head knee air bags
and chest of the driver and front passenger
in certain frontal collisions. This system can help cushion the impact
force to the driver’s and front passenger’s
Front seat-mounted side-impact knees in certain collisions.
supplemental air bag system
The SRS is designed to supplement the
This system can help cushion the impact crash protection provided by the driver and
force to the chest area of the driver and front front passenger and rear seat belts and is
passenger in certain side-impact collisions. not a substitute for them. Seat belts
The side air bags are designed to inflate on should always be correctly worn and the
the side where the vehicle is impacted.
1-42 Safety-Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
or instrument panel. Always properly
use the seat belts.
• The driver and front passenger seat
belt buckles are equipped with sen-
sors that detect if the seat belts are
fastened. The NISSAN Advanced Air
Bag System monitors the severity of
a collision and seat belt usage, then
inflates the air bags as needed. Fail-
ure to properly wear seat belts can
increase the risk or severity of injury
in an accident.
• The front passenger seat is equipped
with an occupant classification sen-
sor (weight sensor) that turns the
WARNING • The seat belts and the front air bags front passenger air bag and passen-
are most effective when you are sit- ger knee air bag OFF under some
• The front air bags ordinarily will not ting well back and upright in the seat. conditions. This sensor is only used in
inflate in the event of a side impact, The front air bags inflate with great this seat. Failure to be properly
rear impact, rollover, or lower sever- force. Even with the NISSAN Ad- seated and wearing the seat belt can
ity frontal collision. Always wear your vanced Air Bag System, if you are un- increase the risk or severity of injury
seat belts to help reduce the risk or restrained, leaning forward, sitting in an accident. For additional infor-
severity of injury in various kinds of sideways or out of position in any mation, refer to “Front passenger air
accidents way, you are at greater risk of injury bag and status light” in this section.
• The front passenger air bag and pas- or death in a crash. You may also re- • Keep hands on the outside of the
senger knee air bag will not inflate if ceive serious or fatal injuries from steering wheel. Placing them inside
the passenger air bag status light is the front air bag if you are up against the steering wheel rim could increase
lit. For additional information, refer it when it inflates. Always sit back the risk that they are injured when
to “Front passenger air bag and sta- against the seatback and as far away the front air bag inflates.
tus light” in this section. as practical from the steering wheel
• Never let children ride unrestrained • Children may be severely injured or
or extend their hands or face out of killed when the front air bags, side air
the window. Do not attempt to hold bags or curtain air bags inflate if they
them in your lap or arms. Some ex- are not properly restrained. Pre-
amples of dangerous riding posi- teens and children should be prop-
tions are shown in the illustrations. erly restrained in the rear seat, if
ARS1043 ARS1045
ARS1044 ARS1046
• When sitting in the rear seat, do not
hold onto the seatback of the front
seat. If the side air bag inflates, you
may be seriously injured. Be espe-
cially careful with children, who
should always be properly re-
strained. Some examples of danger-
ous riding positions are shown in the
• Do not use seat covers on the front or
rear seatbacks. They may interfere
with side air bag inflation.
In addition to the above, certain objects For additional information related to the
placed on the front passenger seat may normal operation and troubleshooting of
also cause the light to operate as de- this occupant classification sensor system,
scribed above depending on their weight. please refer to “Normal operation” and
“Troubleshooting” in this section.
Type A (if so equipped)
1. Tachometer 2. Warning and indicator lights
Vehicle information display 3. Speedometer
Odometer 4. Trip reset switch
Twin trip odometer Instrument brightness control knob
Fuel gauge
Type B (if so equipped)
1. Tachometer 4. Trip reset switch
2. Trip computer Instrument brightness control knob
Odometer 5. Warning and indicator lights
Twin trip odometer
3. Speedometer
O1 are displayed in the vehicle information side of the instrument panel to change the
display (Type A) (if so equipped) or the trip display as follows:
computer (Type B) (if so equipped) when Trip → Trip → Odometer Mile-
the ignition switch is placed in the ON po-
age → Trip
Resetting the trip odometer
The odometer records the total distance
the vehicle has been driven. Pushing the TRIP RESET switch O
2 for more
than 1 second resets the currently dis-
The twin trip odometer records the dis- played trip odometer to zero.
tance of individual trips.
LIC3562 LIC3536
Type A (if so equipped) Type B (if so equipped)
The tachometer indicates engine speed in
revolutions per minute (rpm). Do not rev When engine speed approaches the
engine into the red zone O
1 . red zone, shift to a higher gear or re-
duce engine speed. Operating the en-
Type A (if so equipped): To access the ta- gine in the red zone may cause serious
chometer, use the and on the engine damage.
steering wheel to navigate to the “Gauges”
display. For additional information, refer to
“How to use the vehicle information dis-
play” in this section.
Type B (if so equipped): The tachometer is
located on the left side of the meter cluster.
Shipping mode
This message may appear if the extended
storage switch is not pushed in. When this
message appears, push in the extended
storage switch to turn off the warning. For
additional information, refer to “Extended
storage switch” in this section.
or Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Master warning light (if so equipped) Front passenger air bag status light
warning light
Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) system NISSAN Intelligent Key® warning light (if High Beam Assist indicator light (green) (if
warning light (if so equipped) so equipped) so equipped)
Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) with Power steering warning light High beam indicator light (blue)
Pedestrian Detection system warning light
(if so equipped)
or Brake warning light Rear Automatic Braking (RAB) warning Lane Departure Warning (LDW) indicator
light (if so equipped) light (if so equipped)
Charge warning light Seat belt warning light and chime Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Door open warning light (if so equipped) Shift P (Park) warning light (if so Overdrive OFF indicator light (if so
equipped) equipped)
Engine oil pressure warning light Supplemental air bag warning light Security indicator light (if so equipped)
High temperature warning light (red) (if so Blind Spot Warning (BSW) indicator light SET indicator light (if so equipped)
equipped) (if so equipped)
LED Headlight system warning light (if so CRUISE indicator light (if so equipped) Side light and headlight indicator light
equipped) (green)
Low tire pressure warning light Engine start operation indicator light (if Turn signal/hazard indicator lights
so equipped)
Low windshield-washer fluid warning light (if Front fog light indicator light (green) (if Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF indi-
so equipped) so equipped) cator light
LIC3565 LIC3566
The vehicle information display is located HOW TO USE THE VEHICLE
to the left of the speedometer. It displays INFORMATION DISPLAY
such items as:
The vehicle information display can be
• Audio Information
changed using the ,
• Drive Computer Information , and OK buttons located on the steer-
• Fuel Economy Information ing wheel.
• Indicators and Warnings
1 - Use these buttons
• Vehicle and Meter Display Settings to navigate the vehicle information
• Odometer/twin trip odometer display.
• Gear Position Indicator (P, R, N, D, L) 䊊
2 OK - Change or select an item in the
• Distance To Empty and Fuel Indicator vehicle information display.
3 (if so equipped) — Returns to the
previous menu.
Driver Assistance
The driver assistance menu allows the user to change the various driving aids and assistance options.
Vehicle Settings
The vehicle settings allow the user to change the settings for lights, wipers, locking, keys, and other vehicle settings.
TPMS Settings
The TPMS settings menu allows the user to change the tire pressure units displayed in the vehicle information display.
The maintenance menu allows the user to set reminders for various vehicle maintenance items.
The tire replacement indicator is not a substitute for regular tire checks, including tire pressure checks. For additional informa-
tion, refer to “Changing wheels and tires” in the “Do-it-yourself” section of this manual. Many factors including tire inflation,
alignment, driving habits and road conditions affect tire wear and when tires should be replaced. Setting the tire replacement
indicator for a certain driving distance does not mean your tires will last that long. Use the tire replacement indicator as a guide
only and always perform regular tire checks. Failure to perform regular tire checks, including tire pressure checks could result in
tire failure. Serious vehicle damage could occur and may lead to a collision, which could result in serious personal injury or death.
The unit/language menu allows the user to change the units shown in the vehicle information display.
Factory Reset
The factory reset menu allows the user to restore the vehicle information display settings to factory status.
LIC0474 LIC2661
When the LED DRL system is active, tail
lights on your vehicle are not on. It is
necessary at dusk to turn on your
headlights. Failure to do so could cause
an accident injuring yourself and oth-
LIC2638 LIC2639
• The battery could run down if the
seat heater is operated while the en-
gine is not running.
• Do not use the seat heater for ex-
tended periods or when no one is us-
ing the seat.
• Do not put anything on the seat
which insulates heat, such as a blan-
ket, cushion, seat cover, etc. Other-
wise, the seat may become
• Do not place anything hard or heavy
LIC3568 LIC3973
on the seat or pierce it with a pin or
To sound the horn, push near the horn icon WARNING similar object. This may result in
on the steering wheel. damage to the heater.
Do not use or allow occupants to use • Any liquid spilled on the heated seat
WARNING the seat heater if you or the occupants should be removed immediately with
cannot monitor elevated seat tem- a dry cloth.
Do not disassemble the horn. Doing so peratures or have an inability to feel
could affect proper operation of the • When cleaning the seat, never use
pain in body parts that contact the gasoline, benzine, thinner, or any
supplemental front air bag system. seat. Use of the seat heater by such
Tampering with the supplemental similar materials.
people could result in serious injury.
front air bag system may result in seri- • If any malfunctions are found or the
ous personal injury. heated seat does not operate, turn
the switch off and have the system
checked. It is recommended that you
visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
For additional information, refer to “Auto- The Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)
matic Emergency Braking (AEB)” , “Auto- system, Automatic Emergency Braking
matic Emergency Braking (AEB) with Pe- (AEB) with Pedestrian Detection system, or
destrian Detection” and “Rear Automatic Intelligent Forward Collision Warning (I-
Braking (RAB)” in the “Starting and driving” FCW) system may be linked with the LDW
section of this manual. system. For additional information, refer to
”Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)” , “Au-
tomatic Emergency Braking (AEB) with Pe-
destrian Detection” , and “Intelligent For-
ward Collision Warning (I-FCW)” in the
“Starting and driving” section of this
The Lane Departure Warning (LDW) switch
is used to turn on and off the LDW system.
When the LDW switch is pushed, the LDW
system will turn on and the LDW indicator
light will illuminate. When the LDW switch is
pushed again, the LDW system will turn off
and the LDW indicator light will turn off.
The LDW system warns the driver with a
warning light and chime that the vehicle is
beginning to leave the driving lane. For ad-
ditional information, refer to “Lane Depar-
ture Warning (LDW)” in the “Starting and
driving” section of this manual.
LIC4227 LIC4315
Push the VDC OFF switch again or restart The Rear Door Alert system functions un- • When the driver puts the vehicle in the P
the engine to turn on the system. For addi- der certain conditions to indicate there (Park) position, a notification message
tional information, refer to “Vehicle Dy- may be an object or passenger in the rear appears in the vehicle information dis-
namic Control (VDC) system” in the “Start- seat(s). Check the seat(s) before exiting the play with the options to “Dismiss Mes-
ing and driving” section of this manual. vehicle. sage” or “Disable Alert” if desired.
The Rear Door Alert system is initially dis- – Select “Disable Alert” to temporarily
abled. The driver can enable the system disable for that stop.
using the vehicle information display. For – No selection or ‘Dismiss Message” will
additional information, refer to “Vehicle in- keep the alert enabled for that stop.
formation display warnings and indicators” • If the alert is enabled when a driver exits
in this section. the vehicle, a message will appear in the
vehicle information display that states
When the system is enabled: “Check Back Seat For All Articles.”
• The system is activated when a rear door If “Horn & Alert” setting is selected:
is opened and closed within 10 minutes of –– An audible horn sound will occur after
the vehicle being driven. When the driver a short time unless a rear door is
door is closed and the system is acti- opened and closed within a short time
vated, a visual message appears in the to deactivate the alert.
vehicle information display. For additional –– If the doors are locked before the alert
information, refer to “Rear Door Alert is is deactivated by opening a rear door,
activated” in this section. the horn will sound.
• If a rear door is opened and closed but –– If the trunk is opened before a rear door
the vehicle is not driven within approxi- is opened, the horn will be delayed until
mately 10 minutes, the system will not be after the trunk is closed.
activated. A rear door must be opened
and closed and the car driven within 10 NOTE:
minutes for the system to activate. If “Alert Only” setting is selected, the
When the Rear Door Alert system is acti- message alert will still be shown in the
vated: vehicle information display but the horn
will not sound.
LIC3581 LIC3266
The extended storage switch is used when Pulled position
the vehicle is in transit from the factory. It is
located in the fuse panel O A which is on the
driver’s side left kick panel, near the floor, on
the inside of the panel. If any electrical
equipment does not operate, ensure the
extended storage switch is pushed fully in
place, as shown.
LIC0016 LIC4004
Keep glove box lid closed while driving
to help prevent injury in an accident or
a sudden stop.
cargo could cause personal injury. The cargo cover keeps the luggage com- 䊊
2 Remove the cargo cover from the hold-
partment contents hidden from the out- ers on the rear pillar.
.When assembled, the Arrow on the Start with driver side front bolt. Bolts
bottom side of the crossbar end support should not be fully tightened, only par-
always points towards the front of the tially tightened.
LIC3238 LIC3588
1. Window lock button Front passenger's power window
2. Power door lock switch switch
3. Front passenger side automatic switch The passenger's window switch operates
only the corresponding passenger's win-
4. Right rear passenger side switch dow. To open the window partially, push the
5. Left rear passenger side switch switch down O 1 lightly until the desired
window position is reached. To close the
6. Driver’s side automatic switch window partially, pull the switch up O2 until
There are some small distances imme-
LIC2663 LIC0410
diately before the closed position
which cannot be detected. Make sure
Rear power window switch Automatic operation that all passengers have their hands,
The rear power window switches open or To fully open a window equipped with au- etc., inside the vehicle before closing
close only the corresponding windows. To tomatic operation, push the window the window.
open the window, push the switch and hold switch down to the second detent and re- If the vehicle's battery is disconnected, re-
it down O1 . To close the window, pull the lease it; it need not be held. The window placed, or jump started, the power window
switch up O2 . automatically opens all the way. To stop auto-reverse function may not operate
the window, lift the switch up while the win- properly. Have the power window auto-
Locking passengers' windows dow is opening. reverse system re-initialized. It is recom-
When the window lock switch is depressed, If so equipped, it may be possible to fully mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for
only the driver's side window can be close a window equipped with automatic this service.
opened or closed. Push it again to cancel operation, pull the switch up to the second If the control unit detects something
the window lock function. detent and release it; it need not be held. To caught in a window equipped with auto-
stop the window, push the switch down matic operation as it is closing, the window
while the window is closing. will be immediately lowered.
When power window switch does If the power window function does not op-
not operate erate properly after performing the above
procedure have the system checked and
If the power window automatic function repaired. It is recommended that you visit a
(closing only) does not operate properly, NISSAN dealer for this service.
perform the following procedure to initial-
ize the power window system:
1. Place the ignition switch in the ON
2. Open the window more than halfway by
operating the power window switch.
3. Pull the power window switch and hold it
to close the window, and then hold the
switch more than 3 seconds after the LIC3985
window is closed. The interior light has a three-position
4. Release the power window switch. Op- switch and operates regardless of ignition
erate the window by the automatic switch position.
function to confirm the initialization is When the switch is in the ON position O 3 ,
complete. The power window automati- the interior lights illuminate, regardless of
cally opens or closes depending on if the door position. The lights will go off after a
automatic down or up function is period of time unless the ignition switch is
selected. placed in the ON position.
5. Perform steps 2 through 4 above for When the switch is in the O 2 position, the
other windows. interior lights will stay on for a period of
time when:
the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System. Af- When the doors are locked using one of the • To help avoid risk of injury or death
ter the registration process, these compo- following methods, the doors cannot be through unintended operation of the
nents will only recognize keys coded into opened using the inside or outside door vehicle and/or its systems, including
the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System handles. The doors must be unlocked to entrapment in windows or inadver-
during registration. Any key that is not open the doors. tent door lock activation, do not
given to the dealer at the time of registra- leave children, people who require
tion will no longer be able to start your WARNING the assistance of others or pets unat-
vehicle. tended in your vehicle. Additionally,
• Always have the doors locked while
driving. Along with the use of seat the temperature inside a closed ve-
CAUTION hicle on a warm day can quickly be-
belts, this provides greater safety in
the event of an accident by helping to come high enough to cause a signifi-
Do not allow the immobilizer system
prevent persons from being thrown cant risk of injury or death to people
key, which contains an electrical tran-
from the vehicle. This also helps keep and pets.
sponder, to come into contact with wa-
ter or salt water. This could affect sys- children and others from uninten-
tem function. tionally opening the doors, and will
help keep out intruders.
• Before opening any door, always look
for and avoid oncoming traffic.
LPD2445 LPD2798
LPD3013 LPD3602 After locking the doors using the Intel-
Type B (if so equipped) ligent Key, be sure that the doors have
Type A (if so equipped) been securely locked by operating the
1. (lock) button 1. (remote engine start) door handles. Failure to follow these in-
2. (lock) button structions may result in inadvertently
2. (unlock) button unlocking the doors, which may de-
3. (panic) button 3. (unlock) button crease the safety and security of your
4. (panic) button vehicle.
• Vehicles with an automatic climate control • The hood is not securely closed.
system (if so equipped) will default to either • The hazard indicator lights are on.
heating or cooling mode. For additional in- • The engine is still running. The engine
formation, refer to “Remote Engine Start with must be completely stopped. Wait at
Intelligent Climate Control” in the “Monitor, least 6 seconds if the engine goes from
climate, audio, phone and voice recognition running to off. This is not applicable when
systems” section of this manual. extending engine run time.
Laws in some local communities may re- • The button is not pressed and held
strict the use of remote starters. For ex- for at least 2 seconds.
ample, some laws require a person using • The button is not pressed and held
Remote Engine Start to have the vehicle in within 5 seconds of pressing the lock but-
view. Check local regulations for any re- ton.
• The brake is pressed.
LPD2995 Other conditions may affect the function of • The doors are not closed and locked.
the Remote Engine Start feature. For addi-
The button will be on the NISSAN tional information, refer to “Conditions the • The liftgate is open.
Intelligent Key® if the vehicle has Remote Remote Engine Start will not work” in this • The I–Key System Error warning shows in
Engine Start. This feature allows the engine section. the vehicle information display (if so
to start from outside the vehicle. equipped).
Other conditions can affect the perfor-
The following features may be affected mance of the Intelligent Key transmitter. • The alarm sounds due to illegal entry into
when the Remote Engine Start feature is For additional information, refer to “NISSAN the vehicle.
used: Intelligent Key®” in this section. • Two Remote Engine Starts, or a single
• Vehicles with a manual climate control Remote Engine Start with an extension,
system (if so equipped) will default to the CONDITIONS THE REMOTE ENGINE have already been used.
last used heating or cooling mode. START WILL NOT WORK • The vehicle is not in P (Park).
The Remote Engine Start will not operate if • There is a detected registered key already
any of the following conditions are present: inside of the vehicle.
• The ignition switch is placed in the ON
• Make sure the hood is completely
closed and latched before driving.
Failure to do so could cause the hood
to fly open and result in an accident.
• If you see steam or smoke coming
from the engine compartment, to
avoid injury do not open the hood.
1. Pull the hood lock release handle O A lo- 5. When closing the hood, return the sup-
cated below the driver side instrument port rod to its original position, lower the
panel. The hood will spring up slightly. hood slowly and drop the hood from the
height of 8 to 12 in (20 to 30 cm). This
2. Push the lever O B at the front of the
allows proper engagement of the hood
hood to the side as illustrated with your
fingertips and raise the hood O C .
• Always be sure the liftgate has been • Before opening the liftgate, be sure
closed securely to prevent it from to clear away snow, ice or dust that
opening while driving. may be stuck to the liftgate. If the
• Do not drive with the liftgate open. liftgate is opened while materials are
This could allow dangerous exhaust still stuck to it, it may suddenly close
gases to be drawn into the vehicle. again due to the weight of these
For additional information, refer to materials.
“Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide)” in • Always be sure to fully open the lift-
the “Starting and driving” section of gate. If it is not fully opened, it may
this manual. suddenly shut.
• Do not leave children or adults who • Be especially careful when opening
would normally require the assis- the liftgate in strong wind. The door
tance of others alone in your vehicle. could be caught by a gust of wind LPD2475
Pets should also not be left alone. and may close suddenly. • The liftgate gas stays OA are installed in
They could accidently injure them- order to support the weight of the lift-
selves or others through inadvertent gate. In order to prevent the gas stays
operation of the vehicle. Also, on hot, being damaged or not operating prop-
sunny days, temperatures in a closed erly, be sure to observe the following
vehicle could quickly become high points.
enough to cause severe or possibly – Do not insert hands or cords into the gas
fatal injuries to people or animals. stays O A or apply any force to them lat-
• Always be sure that hands and feet erally.
are clear of the door frame to avoid – Do not attach any adhesive foreign ma-
injury while closing the liftgate. terials such as pieces of plastic or stick-
ers to the rod OB portion.
SECONDARY LIFTGATE UNLOCK 1. Move the cover O A by using a screw- 2. Then move the inside lever O B by using a
driver or a similar tool available on hand. screwdriver or similar tool available on
Follow the following steps to unlock the
hand. The liftgate will open.
liftgate when the battery is discharged.
It is recommended that you visit a
NISSAN dealer as soon as possible for
Unlocking the liftgate:
• Do not adjust the steering wheel
while driving. You could lose control
of your vehicle and cause an
• Do not adjust the steering wheel any
closer to you than is necessary for
proper steering operation and com-
fort. The driver's air bag inflates with
great force. If you are unrestrained,
leaning forward, sitting sideways or
out of position in any way, you are at
greater risk of injury or death in a
LCE2260 crash. You may also receive serious LPD2448
To remove the fuel-filler cap: or fatal injuries from the air bag if you MANUAL OPERATION
are up against it when it inflates. Al-
1. Turn the fuel-filler cap counterclockwise ways sit back against the seatback Tilt and telescopic operation
to remove. and as far away as practical from the Pull the lock lever O
1 down:
2. Loop the tether strap around the hook steering wheel. Always use the seat
• Adjust the steering wheel up or down in
O1 while refueling. belts.
direction O2 to the desired position.
To install the fuel-filler cap: • Adjust the steering wheel forward or
1. Insert the fuel-filler cap straight into the backward in direction O 3 to the desired
2. Turn the fuel-filler cap clockwise until a Push the lock lever O1 up firmly to lock the
• Do not store the sun visor before re-
turning the extension to its original
• Do not pull the extension sun visor
forcibly downward.
To access the vanity mirror, pull the sun
visor down and flip open the mirror cover.
Some vanity mirrors are illuminated (if so
equipped) and turn on when the mirror
cover is open.
1. To block glare from the front, swing
down the sun visor O
1 .
To access the card holder, pull the sun visor MIRROR To operate the outside mirror remote con-
down and slide card in the card holder O A . The night position O
1 reduces glare from trol move the small switch O 1 to select the
Do not view information while operating the headlights of vehicles behind you at right or left mirror. Adjust each mirror to the
the vehicle. night. desired position using the large switch O 2 .
Move the small switch to the center (neu-
Use the day position O
2 when driving in tral) position to prevent accidentally mov-
daylight hours. ing the mirror.
Use the night position only when nec- • Do not adjust the mirrors while driv-
essary, because it reduces rearview ing. You could lose control of your ve-
clarity. hicle and cause an accident.
1. MENU button 5. TUNE•SCROLL knob / PUSH SOUND
2. Display screen
6. VOL (volume) knob / PUSH (power)
3. DISP button
4. BACK button
7. (brightness control) button
8. button*
LHA5319 LHA5318
1. CAMERA button
2. DISP button
Backing up behind a projecting running. 1. Visually check that the parking space is
object – Drive the vehicle on a straight road safe before parking your vehicle.
for more than 5 minutes.
The position O C is shown farther than the 2. The rear view of the vehicle is displayed
• When the steering wheel is turned on the screen OA when the shift lever is
position OB in the display. However, the po-
with the ignition switch in the ACC
sition O
C is actually at the same distance as moved to the R (Reverse) position.
position, the predicted course lines
the position O A . The vehicle may hit the
may be displayed incorrectly.
• If dirt, rain or snow accumulate on the display objects clearly. Clean the camera
camera, the RearView Monitor may not by wiping it with a cloth dampened with a
display objects clearly. Clean the camera. diluted mild cleaning agent and then wip-
• Do not use wax on the camera lens. Wipe ing it with a dry cloth.
off any wax with a clean cloth dampened
with a diluted mild cleaning agent, then
wipe with a dry cloth.
• Do not use alcohol, benzine or thin-
ner to clean the camera. This will
cause discoloration.
• Do not damage the camera as the
monitor screen may be adversely
1. CAMERA button
Backing up behind a projecting running. 1. Visually check that the parking space is
object – Drive the vehicle on a straight road safe before parking your vehicle.
for more than 5 minutes.
The position O C is shown farther than the 2. The rear view of the vehicle is displayed
• When the steering wheel is turned on the screen OA when the shift lever is
position OB in the display. However, the po-
with the ignition switch in the ON po-
sition O
C is actually at the same distance as moved to the R (Reverse) position.
sition, the predicted course lines may
the position O A . The vehicle may hit the
be displayed incorrectly.
LHA3592 LHA4113
When the “[X]” icon is displayed on the SYSTEM MAINTENANCE
screen, the camera image may be receiv-
ing temporary electronic disturbances CAUTION
from surrounding devices. This will not hin-
der normal driving operation but the sys- • Do not use alcohol, benzine or thin-
tem should be inspected if it occurs fre- ner to clean the camera. This will
quently. It is recommended that you visit a cause discoloration.
NISSAN dealer for this service. • Do not damage the cameras as the
monitor screen may be adversely
1. CAMERA button
played: approximately 5 mph (8 km/h), the MOD view in the front view and rear view modes.
• When the shift lever is in the P (Park) or N system detects moving objects in the A blue MOD icon O 3 is displayed in the view
(Neutral) position and the vehicle is front view. where the MOD system is operative. A gray
stopped, the MOD system detects mov- • When the shift lever is in the R (Reverse) MOD icon is displayed in the view where the
ing objects in the bird’s-eye view. The position and the vehicle speed is below MOD system is not operative.
MOD system will not operate if the out- approximately 5 mph (8 km/h), the MOD If the MOD system is turned off, the MOD
side mirrors are moving in or out, in the system detects moving objects in the icon O3 is not displayed.
stowed position, or if either front door is rear view. The MOD system will not oper-
opened. ate if the liftgate is open.
LHA4113 LHA4123
• Odors from inside and outside the ve-
• The air conditioner cooling function hicle can build up in the air conditioner
operates only when the engine is unit. Odor can enter the passenger
running. compartment through the vents.
• Do not leave children or adults who • When parking, set the heater and air
would normally require the assis- conditioner controls to turn off air re-
tance of others alone in your vehicle. circulation to allow fresh air into the
Pets should also not be left alone. passenger compartment. This should
They could accidentally injure them- help reduce odors inside the vehicle.
selves or others through inadvertent
operation of the vehicle. Also, on hot,
sunny days, temperatures in a closed
vehicle could quickly become high
LHA4124 enough to cause severe or possibly
Center vents fatal injuries to people or animals.
Adjust air flow direction of center vent by • Do not use the recirculation mode for
moving the vent slides. long periods as it may cause the inte-
rior air to become stale and the win-
dows to fog up.
• The air conditioner cooling function
operates only when the engine is
• Do not leave children or adults who
would normally require the assis-
tance of others alone in your vehicle.
Pets should also not be left alone.
They could accidentally injure them-
selves or others through inadvertent
operation of the vehicle. Also, on hot,
sunny days, temperatures in a closed
vehicle could quickly become high
enough to cause severe or possibly
fatal injuries to people or animals.
• Do not use the recirculation mode for
long periods as it may cause the inte-
rior air to become stale and the win-
dows to fog up.
LHA5218 • Odors from inside and outside the ve-
1. Temperature control dial /AUTO button 6. Rear window and outside mirror hicle can build up in the air conditioner
2. Heated seat switches (if so (if so equipped) defroster switch unit. Odor can enter the passenger
equipped) 7. MODE (manual air flow control) button compartment through the vents.
3. Display Screen 8. Front defroster button • When parking, set the heater and air
4. Fan speed control dial/A/C (air 9. ON-OFF button conditioner controls to turn off air re-
conditioner) button circulation to allow fresh air into the
5. Air recirculation button passenger compartment. This should
help reduce odors inside the vehicle.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-41
AUTOMATIC OPERATION • The temperature of the passenger com- Remote Engine Start with
partment will be maintained automati- Intelligent Climate Control (if so
Heating (A/C OFF) cally. Air flow distribution and fan speed
The air conditioner does not activate. When are also controlled automatically.
you need to heat only, use this mode. • A visible mist may be seen coming from Vehicles equipped with automatic climate
the vents in hot, humid conditions as the controls and Remote Engine Start function
1. Press the AUTO button. may go into automatic heating or cooling
air is cooled rapidly. This does not indicate
2. Turn the temperature control dial to set mode when Remote Engine Start is acti-
a malfunction.
the desired temperature. vated depending on outside and cabin
• The temperature of the passenger com- temperatures. During this period, the cli-
Dehumidified defrosting or mate control display and buttons will be
partment will be maintained automati- defogging inoperable until the ignition switch is
cally. Air flow distribution and fan speed
1. Press the front defroster button on. turned on. In Remote Engine Start defrost-
are also controlled automatically.
ing mode, the rear window defroster and
• Do not set the temperature lower than 2. Turn the temperature control dial to set heated seats (if so equipped) may be acti-
the outside air temperature. Otherwise, the maximum temperature to aid in vated automatically.
the system may not work properly. defogging.
• Not recommended if windows fog up. • To quickly remove ice from the outside of MANUAL OPERATION
the windows, use the fan speed con-
Cooling and/or dehumidified trol dial to set the fan speed to maximum. Fan speed control
heating (AUTO) • As soon as possible after the windshield Turn the fan speed control dial to
is clean, press the AUTO button to return manually control the fan speed.
This mode may be used all year round as
the system automatically works to keep a to the automatic mode. Press the AUTO button to return to auto-
constant temperature. Air flow distribution • When the front defroster button is matic control of the fan speed.
and fan speed are also controlled auto- pressed, the air conditioner will automati-
matically. cally be turned on. Temperature control dial
1. Press the AUTO button on. The temperature control dial allows you to
adjust the temperature of the outlet air. To
2. Turn the temperature control dial to the lower the temperature, turn the dial to the
left or right to set the desired left. To increase the temperature, turn the
temperature. dial to the right.
4-42 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Air recirculation To turn system off
Press the air recirculation button to To turn off the heater and air conditioner,
recirculate interior air inside the vehicle. press the ON-OFF button. Press the ON-
OFF button again, the system will turn on in
A/C (air conditioner) button the mode which was used immediately
before the system was turned off.
Start the engine, turn the fan speed
control dial to the desired position and
press the button to turn on the air Rear window and outside mirror
conditioner. To turn off the air conditioner, (if so equipped) defroster switch
press the button again. For additional information, refer to “Rear
The air conditioner cooling function op- window and/or outside mirror defroster
erates only when the engine is running. switch (if so equipped)” in the “Instruments
and controls” section of this manual.
Air flow control LHA4125
• If you feel that the air flow mode you have The air conditioner system in your NISSAN RADIO
selected and the outlets the air is coming vehicle is charged with a refrigerant de- When the ignition is placed in the ACC or ON
out do not match, select the mode. signed with the environment in mind. position, press the PUSH (power) button
• When you change the air flow mode, you This refrigerant does not harm the to turn the radio on. If you listen to the radio
may feel air flow from the foot outlets for earth's ozone layer. with the engine not running, the ignition
just a moment. This is not a malfunction. should be placed in the ACC position.
Special charging equipment and lubricant
is required when servicing your NISSAN air Radio reception is affected by station sig-
conditioner. Using improper refrigerants or nal strength, distance from radio transmit-
lubricants will cause severe damage to ter, buildings, bridges, mountains and other
your air conditioner system. For additional external influences. Intermittent changes
information, refer to “Air conditioner sys- in reception quality normally are caused by
tem refrigerant and oil recommendations” these external influences.
in the “Technical and consumer informa- Using a cellular phone in or near the ve-
tion” section of this manual. hicle may influence radio reception quality.
It is recommended that you visit a NISSAN
dealer to service your “environmentally Radio reception
friendly” air conditioner system. Your NISSAN radio system is equipped with
state-of-the-art electronic circuits to en-
WARNING hance radio reception. These circuits are
The air conditioner system contains re- designed to extend reception range, and to
frigerant under high pressure. To avoid enhance the quality of that reception.
personal injury, any air conditioner ser- However, there are some general charac-
vice should be done only by an experi- teristics of both FM and AM radio signals
enced technician with proper equip- that can affect radio reception quality in a
ment. moving vehicle, even when the finest
equipment is used. These characteristics
are completely normal in a given reception
area and do not indicate any malfunction
in your NISSAN radio system.
Keys Description
Each time “ ” key is
touched, the repeat mode
Touch to return to the begin-
ning of the current track.
Touch again to select the
LHA4711 LHA4710 previous track. Touch and
hold to rewind the current
USB connections screen USB screen track.
Press the MENU button and touch the 1. “USB Menu” key Touch to play the track.
“Connections” key or press the “Settings” Touch to switch to the USB Menu screen. Touch to pause the track.
key and touch the “Connections” key to Touch to select the next
2. Track information
change USB settings. track. Touch and hold to
Track information such as the song fast-forward the track.
• Auto Change Source name, artist name and album name are
Touch ON or OFF to change the audio Each time “ ” key is
displayed. touched, the random mode
source settings for USB memory devices changes.
or an iPod® connected through a USB 3. Audio source indicator
cable. Indicates the currently selected audio
4. USB operation keys
Touch to control USB playback
SEEK/TRACK buttons
AM and FM
• Press or hold for less than 1.5 seconds to
increase or decrease the preset station
and show a list of the preset stations.
• Press or hold for more than 1.5 seconds to
seek up or down to the next station.
iPod® LHA4725
• Press or hold for less than 1.5 seconds to
STEERING WHEEL SWITCH FOR increase or decrease the track number. USB/iPod® CHARGING PORTS
AUDIO CONTROL • Press or hold for more than 1.5 seconds to There are USB/iPod® charging ports lo-
1. SEEK/TRACK buttons reverse or fast forward the track being cated on the center console. These ports
2. SOURCE switch played. will charge compatible devices.
3. Volume control switch Bluetooth® Streaming Audio NOTE:
• Press or hold for less than 1.5 seconds to
The USB/iPod® charging ports will not
SOURCE switch skip ahead or back to the next song.
operate with the display screen. Only the
Push the SOURCE switch to change the USB USB connection port located on the in-
mode in the following sequence: • Press or hold for less than 1.5 seconds to strument panel, below the temperature
AM → FM→ USB/iPod®*→ Bluetooth® Au- increase or decrease the track number. controls, will operate USB/iPod® devices
dio* → AUX* → AM. • Press or hold for more than 1.5 seconds to through the audio system.
* These modes are only available when reverse or fast forward the track being
compatible media storage is inserted into played.
the device or connected to the system.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-63
SIRI® EYES FREE (if so equipped)
Speak this command to access the Sys- LHA4705
tem Voice settings menu. The system will PHONE DISPLAY SCREEN
exit Voice Recognition mode. Touch one of
the following options on the screen to The Phone screen can be displayed by
change the settings. pressing the button on the control
• Beep Only for Opening Prompt
By touching the “ON” key, the indicator The following options are displayed:
light will illuminate, the system voice will • Quick Dial
turn off and only a tone will sound when Displays the Quick Dial screen. For addi-
the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys- tional information, refer to “Quick dial” in
tem is activated. To turn the system voice this section.
back on, touch the “ON” key again, the • Phonebook
indicator light will turn off. Displays the Phonebook screen. For addi-
tional information, refer to “Making a call”
in this section.
Volume & beeps Volume Settings “Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” and
There are several methods to customize The Volume settings screen can be found “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic
the volume settings. by pressing the button on the control accessory has been designed to connect
panel then touching the “Volume” key on specifically to iPod, iPhone or iPad, respec-
Volume & Beeps the screen. To adjust the volume of the tively, and has been certified by the devel-
The Volume & Beeps screen can be found following options, touch the “-” and “+” keys oper to meet Apple performance stan-
by pressing the MENU button on the on the screen. dards. Apple is not responsible for the
control panel, touching the “Settings” key operation of this device or its compliance
on the screen and selecting “Volume & The available settings are:
with safety and regulatory standards.
Beeps”. To adjust the volume of the follow- • Ringtone Please note that the use of this accessory
ing options, touch the “-” and “+” keys on the Adjust the volume level of the ringtone of with iPod, iPhone or iPad may affect wire-
screen. incoming calls. less performance.
The available settings are: • Outgoing Call
Adjust the volume level of the outgoing iPad, iPhone, iPod classic, iPod Nano, iPod
• Ringtone calls. shuffle and iPod touch are trademarks of
Adjust the volume level of the ringtone of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
incoming calls. countries. Lightning is a trademark of
• Outgoing Call Apple Inc.
Adjust the volume level of the outgoing
• Voice Prompt Vol.
Adjust the volume level of the system
• Text-to-speech Vol.
Adjust the volume of the replay voice for
text messaging.
• Button Beeps
Turns on/off the button beep sounds and
alarm for prohibited operations.
WARNING EXHAUST GAS (carbon monoxide) • If electrical wiring or other cable con-
WARNING nections must pass to a trailer
• Do not leave children or adults who through the seal on the trunk lid or
would normally require the assis- • Do not breathe exhaust gases; they the body, follow the manufacturer's
tance of others alone in your vehicle. contain colorless and odorless car- recommendation to prevent carbon
Pets should also not be left alone. bon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is monoxide entry into the vehicle.
They could accidentally injure them- dangerous. It can cause uncon- • The exhaust system and body should
selves or others through inadvertent sciousness or death. be inspected by a qualified mechanic
operation of the vehicle. Also, on hot, • If you suspect that exhaust fumes whenever:
sunny days, temperatures in a closed are entering the vehicle, drive with all
vehicle could quickly become high a. The vehicle is raised for service.
windows fully open, and have the ve-
enough to cause severe or possibly hicle inspected immediately. b. You suspect that exhaust fumes
fatal injuries to people or animals. are entering into the passenger
• Do not run the engine in closed compartment.
• Properly secure all cargo with ropes spaces such as a garage.
or straps to help prevent it from slid- c. You notice a change in the sound
• Do not park the vehicle with the en- of the exhaust system.
ing or shifting. Do not place cargo
gine running for any extended length
higher than the seatbacks. In a sud- d. You have had an accident involv-
of time.
den stop or collision, unsecured ing damage to the exhaust sys-
cargo could cause personal injury. • Keep the rear vent windows, lift- tem, underbody, or rear of the
gates, doors and trunk lids (if so vehicle.
• To avoid raising the center of gravity
equipped) closed while driving, oth-
excessively, do not exceed the rated
capacity of the roof rack (if so
erwise exhaust gases could be THREE-WAY CATALYST
drawn into the passenger compart- The three-way catalyst is an emission con-
equipped) and evenly distribute the
ment. If you must drive with one of trol device installed in the exhaust system.
these open, follow these precau- Exhaust gases in the three-way catalyst
tions: are burned at high temperatures to help
1. Open all the windows. reduce pollutants.
2. Set the air recirculation but-
ton to off and the fan control dial
to high to circulate the air.
If the no start condition re-occurs, NISSAN • Make sure the area around the vehicle is 1. Apply the parking brake.
recommends placing the registered key on clear.
2. Move the shift lever to P (Park) or N (Neu-
a separate key ring to avoid interference • Check fluid levels such as engine oil, cool- tral). P (Park) is recommended.
from other devices. ant, brake fluid, and windshield-washer
fluid as frequently as possible, or at least The shift lever cannot be moved out of
whenever you refuel. P (Park) and into any of the other gear
positions if the ignition switch is
• Check that all windows and lights are
placed in the OFF position.
• Visually inspect tires for their appearance The starter is designed not to operate
and condition. Also check tires for proper if the shift lever is in any of the driving
inflation. positions.
• Lock all doors. 3. Push the ignition switch to the ON posi-
• Position seat and adjust headrests/head tion. Depress the brake pedal and push
restraints. the ignition switch to start the engine.
• Adjust inside and outside mirrors. To start the engine immediately, push
• Fasten seat belts and ask all passengers and release the ignition switch while de-
to do likewise. pressing the brake pedal with the igni-
• Check the operation of warning lights tion switch in any position.
when the ignition switch is pushed to the • If the engine is very hard to start in
ON position. For additional information, extremely cold weather or when re-
refer to “Warning lights, indicator lights starting, depress the accelerator
and audible reminders” in the “Instru- pedal a little (approximately 1/3 to the
ments and controls” section of this floor) and while holding, crank the en-
manual. gine. Release the accelerator pedal
when the engine starts.
NOTE: For additional information, refer to “NISSAN
Care should be taken to avoid situa- Intelligent Key®” in the “Pre-driving checks
Do not operate the starter for more tions that can lead to potential bat- and adjustments” section of this manual.
than 15 seconds at a time. If the engine tery discharge and potential no-start
does not start, push the ignition switch conditions such as:
to the OFF position and wait 10 seconds 1. Installation or extended use of elec-
before cranking again, otherwise the tronic accessories that consume bat-
starter could be damaged. tery power when the engine is not
running (phone chargers, GPS, DVD
players, etc.).
2. The vehicle is not driven regularly
and/or only driven short distances.
In these cases, the battery may need to
be charged to maintain battery health.
5-16 Starting and driving
• Be sure the parking brake is fully re-
leased before driving. Failure to do so
can cause brake failure and lead to
an accident.
• Do not release the parking brake
from outside the vehicle.
• Do not use the shift lever in place of
the parking brake. When parking, be
sure the parking brake is fully
• To help avoid risk of injury or death
through unintended operation of the
WSD0169 LSD3632
vehicle and/or its systems, do not
leave children, people who require To engage: Pull the lever up O
A .
the assistance of others or pets unat- To release:
tended in your vehicle. Additionally, Failure to follow the warnings and in-
the temperature inside a closed ve- 1. Firmly apply the foot brake. structions for proper use of the LDW
hicle on a warm day can quickly be- 2. Move the shift lever to the P (Park) system could result in serious injury or
come high enough to cause a signifi- position. death.
cant risk of injury or death to people • This system is only a warning device
and pets. 3. While pulling up on the parking brake
to inform the driver of a potential un-
lever slightly, press the button and lower
intended lane departure. It will not
completely O B .
steer the vehicle or prevent loss of
4. Before driving, be sure the brake warn- control. It is the driver’s responsibility
ing light goes out. to stay alert, drive safely, keep the
vehicle in the traveling lane, and be in
control of the vehicle at all times.
The BSW system helps alert the driver of The BSW system uses radar sensors O 1
other vehicles in adjacent lanes when installed near the rear bumper to detect
changing lanes. other vehicles in an adjacent lane.
Illustration 2 – Approaching from
Illustration 2: If the driver activates the
turn signal when another vehicle is in the
detection zone, then the system chimes
(twice) and the side indicator light flashes.
• The radar sensors may not detect ve-
hicles which are approaching rapidly
from behind.
LSD2302 LSD2303
Illustration 3 – Overtaking another Illustration 4 – Overtaking another
vehicle vehicle
Overtaking another vehicle Illustration 4: If the driver activates the
turn signal while another vehicle is in the
Illustration 3: The side indicator light illu-
detection zone, then the system chimes
minates if you overtake a vehicle and that
(twice) and the side indicator light flashes.
vehicle stays in the detection zone for ap-
proximately 2 seconds. NOTE:
• When overtaking several vehicles in a
row, the vehicles after the first vehicle
may not be detected if they are travel-
ing close together.
• The radar sensors may not detect
slower moving vehicles if they are
passed quickly.
LSD2305 LSD2308
Illustration 5 – Entering from the side Illustration 6 – Entering from the side
Entering from the side Illustration 6: If the driver activates the
turn signal while another vehicle is in the
Illustration 5: The side indicator light illu-
detection zone, then the system chimes
minates if a vehicle enters the detection
(twice) and the side indicator light flashes.
zone from either side.
• If the driver activates the turn signal
before a vehicle enters the detection
zone, the side indicator light will flash
but no chime will sound when the
other vehicle is detected.
If the BSW system malfunctions, it will turn
off automatically. The system malfunction
warning message with the BSW indicator
(orange) will appear in the vehicle informa-
tion display (if so equipped).
compliance could void the user’s authority 2. L'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter WARNING
to operate the equipment. tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
For Canada même si le brouillage est susceptible Failure to follow the warnings and in-
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. structions for proper use of the RCTA
Applicable law: Canada 310 could result in serious injury or death.
Bandes de fréquences: 24.05 - 24.25GHz
This device complies with Industry Canada • The RCTA system is not a replace-
licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation Puissance émise: Moins de 20 milliwatts
ment for proper driving procedures
is subject to the following two conditions: and is not designed to prevent con-
1. This device may not cause interference, tact with vehicles or objects. When
and backing out of a parking space, al-
ways use the side and rear mirrors
2. This device must accept any interfer- and turn and look in the direction
ence, including interference that may your vehicle will move. Never rely
cause undesired operation of the solely on the RCTA system.
The RCTA system will assist you when
Frequency bands: 24.05 – 24.25GHz backing out from a parking space. When
Output power: less than 20 milliwatts the vehicle is in reverse, the system is de-
signed to detect other vehicles approach-
Droit applicable: Canada 310
ing from the right or left of the vehicle. If the
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR system detects cross traffic, it will alert you.
d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appar-
eils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation
est autorisée aux deux conditions suiv-
1. L'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouil-
lage, et
When the RCTA system malfunctions, it will
turn off automatically. The system mal-
function warning message will appear in
the vehicle information display (if so
If the AEB with Pedestrian Detection sys- the upper side of the windshield O
A .
tem malfunctions, it will be turned off auto- To keep the AEB with Pedestrian Detection
matically, a chime will sound, and the AEB system operating properly, be sure to ob-
with Pedestrian Detection system warning serve the following:
light (orange) will illuminate in the vehicle
• Always keep the sensor areas of the front
information display (if so equipped).
bumper and windshield clean.
• Do not strike or damage the areas
around the sensors (e.g., bumper, wind-
Failure to follow the warnings and in-
structions for proper use of the I-FCW
system could result in serious injury or
• The I-FCW system can help warn the
driver before a collision occurs but
will not avoid a collision. It is the driv-
er’s responsibility to stay alert, drive
safely and be in control of the vehicle
at all times.
Follow these easy-to-use Fuel Efficient • Recirculating the cool air in the cabin 7. Avoid Idling
Driving Tips to help you achieve the most when the A/C is on reduces cooling • Shutting off your engine when safe for
fuel economy from your vehicle. load. stops exceeding 30–60 seconds saves
1. Use Smooth Accelerator and Brake 4. Drive at Economical Speeds and fuel and reduces emissions.
Pedal Application Distances 8. Buy an Automated Pass for Toll Roads
• Avoid rapid starts and stops. • Observing the speed limit and not ex- • Automated passes permit drivers to
• Use smooth, gentle accelerator and ceeding 60 mph (97 km/h) (where le- use special lanes to maintain cruising
brake application whenever possible. gally allowed) can improve fuel effi- speed through the toll and avoid stop-
• Maintain constant speed while com- ciency due to reduced aerodynamic ping and starting.
muting and coast whenever possible. drag.
9. Winter Warm Up
• Maintaining a safe following distance
2. Maintain Constant Speed behind other vehicles reduces unnec- • Limit idling time to minimize impact to
• Look ahead to try and anticipate and essary braking. fuel economy.
minimize stops. • Safely monitoring traffic to anticipate • Vehicles typically need no more than
• Synchronizing your speed with traffic changes in speed permits reduced 30 seconds of idling at start-up to ef-
lights allows you to reduce your num- braking and smooth acceleration fectively circulate the engine oil before
ber of stops. changes. driving.
• Maintaining a steady speed can mini- • Select a gear range suitable to road • Your vehicle will reach its ideal operat-
mize red light stops and improve fuel conditions. ing temperature more quickly while
efficiency. driving versus idling.
5. Use Cruise Control
3. Use Air Conditioning (A/C) at Higher 10. Keeping your Vehicle Cool
• Using cruise control during highway
Vehicle Speeds driving helps maintain a steady speed. • Park your vehicle in a covered parking
• Below 40 mph (64 km/h), it is more area or in the shade whenever pos-
• Cruise control is particularly effective
efficient to open windows to cool the sible.
in providing fuel savings when driving
vehicle due to reduced engine load. on flat terrains. • When entering a hot vehicle, opening
• Above 40 mph (64 km/h), it is more the windows will help to reduce the
efficient to use A/C to cool the vehicle 6. Plan for the Shortest Route inside temperature faster, resulting in
due to increased aerodynamic drag. • Utilize a map or navigation system to reduced demand on your A/C system.
determine the best route to save time.
Avoid repeating such steering wheel op- The brake system has two separate hy- WARNING
erations that could cause the power steer- draulic circuits. If one circuit malfunctions,
ing system to overheat. you will still have braking at two wheels. • While driving on a slippery surface,
You may hear a sound when the steering be careful when braking, accelerat-
BRAKE PRECAUTIONS ing or downshifting. Abrupt braking
wheel is operated quickly. However, this is
not a malfunction. or accelerating could cause the
Vacuum assisted brakes wheels to skid and result in an
If the power steering warning light illumi- The brake booster aids braking by using accident.
nates while the engine is running, it may engine vacuum. If the engine stops, you • If the engine is not running or is
indicate the power steering system is not can stop the vehicle by depressing the turned off while driving, the power
functioning properly and may need servic- brake pedal. However, greater foot pres- assist for the brakes will not work.
ing. Have the power steering system sure on the brake pedal will be required to Braking will be harder.
checked. It is recommended that you visit a stop the vehicle and stopping distance will
NISSAN dealer for this service. be longer. Wet brakes
When the power steering warning light illu-
When the vehicle is washed or driven
minates with the engine running, there will Using the brakes through water, the brakes may get wet. As
be no power assist for the steering but you Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal a result, your braking distance will be lon-
will still have control of the vehicle. At this while driving. This will overheat the brakes, ger and the vehicle may pull to one side
time, greater steering effort is required to wear out the brake pads faster, and reduce during braking.
operate the steering wheel, especially in gas mileage.
sharp turns and at low speeds. To dry the brakes, drive the vehicle at a safe
To help reduce brake wear and to prevent speed while lightly pressing the brake
For additional information, refer to “Power the brakes from overheating, reduce speed pedal to heat up the brakes. Do this until
steering warning light” in the “Instruments and downshift to a lower gear before going the brakes return to normal. Avoid driving
and controls” section of this manual. down a slope or long grade. Overheated the vehicle at high speeds until the brakes
brakes may reduce braking performance function correctly.
and could result in loss of vehicle control.
instrument panel. The brake system then BRAKE ASSIST The VDC system uses various sensors to
operates normally but without anti-lock monitor driver inputs and vehicle motion.
When the force applied to the brake pedal
assistance. Under certain driving conditions, the VDC
exceeds a certain level, the Brake Assist is
If the ABS warning light illuminates during system helps to perform the following
activated generating greater braking force
the self-test or while driving, have the ve- functions:
than a conventional brake booster even
hicle checked. It is recommended that you with light pedal force. • Controls brake pressure to reduce wheel
visit a NISSAN dealer for this service. slip on one slipping drive wheel so power
WARNING is transferred to a non-slipping drive
Normal operation wheel on the same axle.
The Brake Assist is only an aid to assist • Controls brake pressure and engine out-
braking operation and is not a collision put to reduce drive wheel slip based on
The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) oper- warning or avoidance device. It is the vehicle speed (traction control function).
ates at speeds above 3 - 6 mph (5 - 10 driver’s responsibility to stay alert,
km/h). The speed varies according to road • Controls brake pressure at individual
drive safely and be in control of the ve- wheels and engine output to help the
conditions. hicle at all times. driver maintain control of the vehicle in
When the ABS senses that one or more the following conditions:
wheels are close to locking up, the actuator – Understeer (vehicle tends to not follow
rapidly applies and releases hydraulic pres- the steered path despite increased
sure. This action is similar to pumping the steering input)
brakes very quickly. You may feel a pulsa- – Oversteer (vehicle tends to spin due to
tion in the brake pedal and hear a noise certain road or driving conditions)
from under the hood or feel a vibration
from the actuator when it is operating. This The VDC system can help the driver to
is normal and indicates that the ABS is op- maintain control of the vehicle, but it can-
erating properly. However, the pulsation not prevent loss of vehicle control in all driv-
may indicate that road conditions are haz- ing situations.
ardous and extra care is required while
The I–TC may not be effective depend-
ing on the driving condition. Always
drive carefully and attentively.
When the I–TC is operating, you may feel a
pulsation in the brake pedal and hear a
noise. This is normal and indicates that the
I–TC is operating properly.
Even if the I–TC is set to OFF, some func-
tions will remain on to assist the driver (for
example, avoidance scenes).
The chassis control is an electric control The I–TC can be set to ON (enabled) or OFF
module that includes the following func- (disabled) through the vehicle information INTELLIGENT ENGINE BRAKE (I-EB)
tions: display “Chassis Control” page. For addi- The I-EB function adds subtle deceleration
• Intelligent Trace Control tional information, refer to “Vehicle infor- by controlling the Continuously Variable
• Intelligent Engine Brake mation display” in the “Instruments and Transmission gear ratio, depending on the
controls” section of this manual. cornering condition calculated from driv-
• Active Ride Control
When the Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) er's steering input and plural sensors. This
INTELLIGENT TRACE CONTROL OFF switch is used to turn off the VDC sys- benefit is for easier traceability and less
(I-TC) tem, the I–TC is also turned off. workload of adjusting speed with braking
at corners.
This system senses driving based on the When the I–TC is operated and the Chassis
driver’s steering and acceleration/braking Control mode is selected in the vehicle in- The I-EB also adds subtle deceleration with
patterns, and controls brake pressure at formation display, the I–TC graphics are gear ratio control according to driver’s
individual wheels to aid tracing at corners shown in the vehicle information display. brake pedal operation.
and help smooth vehicle response. For additional information, refer to “Vehicle
The I-EB can be set to ON (enabled) or OFF ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL (ARC) WARNING
(disabled) through the vehicle information
This system senses upper body motion
display “Chassis Control” page. For addi- • Never rely solely on the hill start as-
based on wheel speed information and
tional information, refer to “Vehicle infor- sist system to prevent the vehicle
controls four wheel brake pressure to en-
mation display” in the “Instruments and from moving backward on a hill. Al-
hance ride comfort in effort to restrain un-
controls” section of this manual. ways drive carefully and attentively.
comfortable upper body movement. This
When the I-EB is operated at corners and Depress the brake pedal when the
system comes into effect above 25 mph
the Chassis Control mode is selected in the vehicle is stopped on a steep hill. Be
(40 km/h). When the VDC OFF switch is
vehicle information display, the I-EB graph- especially careful when stopped on a
used to turn off the VDC system, the ARC is
ics are shown in the vehicle information hill on frozen or muddy roads. Failure
also turned off.
display. For additional information, refer to to prevent the vehicle from rolling
When the brake control of the ARC is oper- backwards may result in a loss of
“Vehicle information display” in the “Instru-
ated and the Chassis Control mode is se- control of the vehicle and possible
ments and controls” section of this manual.
lected in the vehicle information display, serious injury or death.
the ARC graphics are shown in the vehicle • The hill start assist system is not de-
information display. For additional infor- signed to hold the vehicle at a stand-
The I-EB may not be effective depend- mation, refer to “Vehicle information dis- still on a hill. Depress the brake pedal
ing on driving conditions. Always drive play” in the “Instruments and controls” sec- when the vehicle is stopped on a
carefully and attentively. tion of this manual. steep hill. Failure to do so may cause
When the ARC is operating, you may hear the vehicle to roll backwards and
When the I-EB is operating, the needle of
noise and sense slight deceleration. This is may result in a collision or serious
the tachometer will rise up and you may
normal and indicates that the ARC is oper- personal injury.
hear an engine noise. This is normal and
indicates that the I-EB is operating prop- ating properly. • The hill start assist may not prevent
erly. the vehicle from rolling backwards
on a hill under all load or road condi-
tions. Always be prepared to depress
the brake pedal to prevent the ve-
hicle from rolling backwards. Failure
to do so may result in a collision or
serious personal injury.
Do not attach stickers (including transpar- FREEING A FROZEN DOOR LOCK DRAINING OF COOLANT WATER
ent material), install accessories or apply
To prevent a door lock from freezing, apply If the vehicle is to be left outside without
additional paint near the sonar sensors.
de-icer through the key hole. If the lock antifreeze, drain the cooling system, includ-
Do not strike or damage the area around becomes frozen, heat the key before in- ing the engine block. Refill before operating
the sonar sensors. It is recommended that serting it into the key hole or use the re- the vehicle. For additional information, refer
you visit a NISSAN dealer if the area around mote keyless entry function on the Intelli- to “Changing engine coolant” in the “Do-it-
the sonar sensors is damaged due to a gent Key. yourself” section of this manual.
In the winter when it is anticipated that the 1. SUMMER tires have a tread designed to
temperature will drop below 32°F (0°C), provide superior performance on dry
check the antifreeze to assure proper win- pavement. However, the performance of
ter protection. For additional information, these tires will be substantially reduced
refer to “Engine cooling system” in the “Do- in snowy and icy conditions. If you oper-
it-yourself” section of this manual. ate your vehicle on snowy or icy roads,
NISSAN recommends the use of MUD &
If the battery is not fully charged during wheels. It is recommended that you visit
extremely cold weather conditions, the a NISSAN dealer for the tire type, size,
battery fluid may freeze and damage the speed rating and availability information.
battery. To maintain maximum efficiency, 2. For additional traction on icy roads,
the battery should be checked regularly. studded tires may be used. However,
This vehicle is equipped with a sealed some states, provinces and territories
maintenance free battery. It is recom- prohibit their use. Check local laws be-
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for fore installing studded tires.
Skid and traction capabilities of studded
snow tires on wet or dry surfaces may be
poorer than that of non-studded snow
TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING • If the low tire pressure warning light • When replacing a wheel without the
SYSTEM (TPMS) illuminates while driving, avoid sud- TPMS such as the spare tire, the TPMS
This vehicle is equipped with the TPMS. It den steering maneuvers or abrupt will not function and the low tire
monitors tire pressure of all tires except the braking, reduce vehicle speed, pull pressure warning light will flash for
spare. When the low tire pressure warning off the road to a safe location and approximately 1 minute. The light will
light is lit and the “Tire Pressure Low — Add stop the vehicle as soon as possible. remain on after 1 minute. Have your
Air” warning appears in the vehicle infor- Driving with underinflated tires may tires replaced and/or TPMS system
mation display, one or more of your tires is permanently damage the tires and reset as soon as possible. It is recom-
significantly under-inflated. If the vehicle is increase the likelihood of tire failure. mended that you visit a NISSAN
being driven with low tire pressure, the Serious vehicle damage could occur dealer for these services.
TPMS will activate and warn you of it by the and may lead to an accident and • Replacing tires with those not origi-
low tire pressure warning light. This system could result in serious personal in- nally specified by NISSAN could af-
will activate only when the vehicle is driven jury. Check the tire pressure for all fect the proper operation of the
at speeds above 16 mph (25 km/h). For ad- four tires. Adjust the tire pressure to TPMS.
ditional information, refer to “Warning the recommended COLD tire pres- • Do not inject any tire liquid or aerosol
lights, indicator lights and audible remind- sure shown on the Tire and Loading tire sealant into the tires, as this may
ers” in the “Instruments and controls” sec- Information label to turn the low tire cause a malfunction of the tire pres-
tion, and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System pressure warning light OFF. If the sure sensors.
(TPMS)” in the “Starting and driving” section light still illuminates while driving af-
ter adjusting the tire pressure, a tire • If the light still comes on while driving
of this manual. after adjusting the tire pressure, a
may be flat or the TPMS may be mal-
functioning. If you have a flat tire, re- tire may be flat or the TPMS may be
WARNING malfunctioning. If you have a flat tire,
place it with a spare tire as soon as
possible. If no tire is flat and all tires replace it with a spare tire as soon as
• Radio waves could adversely affect
are properly inflated, have the ve- possible. If no tire is flat and all tires
electric medical equipment. Those
hicle checked. It is recommended are properly inflated, it is recom-
who use a pacemaker should contact
that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this mended that you visit a NISSAN
the electric medical equipment
service. dealer for this service.
manufacturer for the possible influ-
ences before use.
Be sure to block the wheel as the ve-
hicle may move and result in personal
Getting the spare tire and tools 3. Carefully remove the wheel cover to 4. Remove the jacking rod OA , the jack O
B ,
avoid potential damage to the side trim. and wheel nut wrench OC from the stor-
1. Open the liftgate.
age cover O
D .
2. Lift the flaps on the wheel cover to ac-
5. Remove the storage cover O
D to access
cess the spare tire.
the spare tire.
SCE0913 SCE0630
6. To loosen the bolt, turn Removing wheel cover (if so
counterclockwise. equipped)
7. Once loosened remove the bolt, and re-
move the spare tire. CAUTION
Do not use your hands to pry off wheel
caps or wheel covers. Doing so could
Do not touch floor metal directly. Doing result in personal injury.
so could result in any burns.
nut wrench. Do not remove the wheel 3. To lift the vehicle, securely hold the jack they are tight.
nuts until the tire is off the ground. lever and rod with both hands. Carefully
raise the vehicle until the tire clears the
ground. Remove the wheel nuts, and
then remove the tire.
4. Lower the vehicle slowly until the tire Adjust tire pressure to the COLD pres- To start your engine with a booster battery,
touches the ground. Then, with the sure. the instructions and precautions below
wheel nut wrench, tighten the wheel COLD pressure: After vehicle has been must be followed.
nuts securely in the sequence illustrated parked for 3 hours or more or driven less
A , OB , O
C , O D ). Lower the vehicle
than 1 mile (1.6 km). WARNING
COLD tire pressures are shown on the • If done incorrectly, jump starting can
WARNING Tire and Loading Information label. lead to a battery explosion, resulting
in severe injury or death. It could also
• Incorrect wheel nuts or improperly 5. Securely store the jack and the tool kit in damage your vehicle.
tightened wheel nuts can cause the its storage area.
• Explosive hydrogen gas is always
wheel to become loose or come off. 6. Place the spare tire cover and liftgate present in the vicinity of the battery.
This could cause an accident. floor carpeting over the jack and tool kit. Keep all sparks and flames away
• Do not use oil or grease on the wheel 7. Securely store the damaged tire in the from the battery.
studs or nuts. This could cause the vehicle. • Do not allow battery fluid to come
nuts to become loose. into contact with eyes, skin, clothing
• Retighten the wheel nuts when the 8. Close the liftgate. or painted surfaces. Battery fluid is a
vehicle has been driven for 600 miles corrosive sulfuric acid solution which
(1,000 km) (also in cases of a flat WARNING can cause severe burns. If the fluid
tire,etc.). • Always make sure that the spare tire should come into contact with any-
and jacking equipment are properly thing, immediately flush the con-
As soon as possible, tighten the wheel
secured after use. Such items can be- tacted area with water.
nuts to the specified torque with a
torque wrench. come dangerous projectiles in an ac- • Keep battery out of the reach of
cident or sudden stop. children.
Wheel nut tightening torque:
• The spare tire is designed for emer- • The booster battery must be rated at
83 ft-lb (113 N·m)
gency use. For additional informa- 12 volts. Use of an improperly rated
The wheel nuts must be kept tightened tion, refer to “Wheels and tires” in the battery can damage your vehicle.
to specification at all times. It is recom- “Do-it-yourself” section of this
mended that wheel nuts be tightened to manual.
specification at each lubrication interval.
4. Start the engine of the booster vehicle CAUTION If your vehicle is overheating (indicated by a
and let it run for a few minutes. (red) high temperature warning light (if
• Do not push start this vehicle. The so equipped)), or if you feel a lack of engine
5. Keep the engine speed of the booster
three-way catalyst may be power, detect abnormal noise, etc., take the
vehicle at about 2,000 rpm and start the
damaged. following steps.
engine of the vehicle being jump
started. • Continuously Variable Transmission
(CVT) models cannot be push- WARNING
CAUTION started or tow-started. Attempting • Do not continue to drive if your ve-
to do so may cause transmission hicle overheats. Doing so could cause
Do not keep the starter motor engaged damage. engine damage or a vehicle fire.
for more than 10 seconds. If the engine
does not start right away, place the ig- • To avoid the danger of being scalded,
nition switch in the OFF position and never remove the coolant reservoir
wait 3 to 4 seconds before trying again. cap while the engine is still hot. When
the coolant reservoir cap is removed,
6. After starting the engine, carefully dis- pressurized hot water will spurt out,
connect the negative cable and then the possibly causing serious injury.
positive cable. • Do not open the hood if steam is
coming out.
1. Move the vehicle safely off the road, ap-
ply the parking brake and move the shift
lever to P (Park).
Do not stop the engine.
2. Turn off the air conditioner. Open all the
windows, move the heater or air condi-
tioner temperature control to maximum
hot and fan control to high speed.
3. Get out of the vehicle. Look and listen for 6. After the engine cools down, check the When towing your vehicle, all State (Provincial
steam or coolant escaping from the ra- coolant level in the engine coolant res- in Canada) and local regulations for towing
diator before opening the hood. (If ervoir with the engine running. Add cool- must be followed. Incorrect towing equip-
steam or coolant is escaping, turn off ant to the engine coolant reservoir, if ment could damage your vehicle. Towing in-
the engine.) Do not open the hood fur- necessary. Have your vehicle repaired. It structions are available from a NISSAN
ther until no steam or coolant can be is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealer. Local service operators are generally
seen. dealer for this service. familiar with the applicable laws and proce-
dures for towing. To assure proper towing
4. Open the engine hood.
and to prevent accidental damage to your
vehicle, NISSAN recommends having a ser-
WARNING vice operator tow your vehicle. It is advisable
If steam or water is coming from the to have the service operator carefully read
engine, stand clear to prevent getting the following precautions:
5. Visually check drive belts for damage or
looseness. Also check if the cooling fan • Never ride in a vehicle that is being
is running. The radiator hoses and radia- towed.
tor should not leak water. If coolant is • Never get under your vehicle after it
leaking, the water pump belt is missing has been lifted by a tow truck.
or loose, or the cooling fan does not run,
stop the engine.
WARNING • When towing, make sure that the trans-
Be careful not to allow your hands, hair, mission, axles, steering system and
jewelry or clothing to come into con- powertrain are in working condition. If
tact with, or get caught in, engine belts any of these conditions apply, dollies or
or the engine cooling fan. The engine a flatbed tow truck must be used.
cooling fan can start at any time. • Always attach safety chains before
In order to maintain the appearance of CAUTION • Do not wash the vehicle with strong
your vehicle, it is important to take proper household soap, strong chemical de-
care of it. • Do not concentrate water spray di- tergents, gasoline or solvents.
To protect the paint surfaces, wash your rectly on the sonar sensors (if so
• Do not wash the vehicle in direct sun-
vehicle as soon as you can: equipped) on the bumper as this will
light or while the vehicle body is hot,
result in damage to the sensors. Do
• After a rainfall to prevent possible dam- as the surface may become
not use pressure washers capable of
age from acid rain. water-spotted.
spraying water over 1,200 psi (8,274
• After driving on coastal roads. kPa) to wash your vehicle. Use of • Avoid using tight-napped or rough
• When contaminants such as soot, bird high-pressure washers over 1,200 psi cloths, such as washing mitts. Care
droppings, tree sap, metal particles or (8,274 kPa) can result in damage to or must be taken when removing
bugs get on the paint surface. removal of paint or graphics. Avoid caked-on dirt or other foreign sub-
using a high-pressure washer closer stances so the paint surface is not
• When dust or mud builds up on the sur-
than 12 inches (30 cm) to the vehicle. scratched or damaged.
Always use a wide-angle nozzle only, Rinse the vehicle thoroughly with plenty of
Whenever possible, store or park your ve- keep the nozzle moving and do not
hicle inside a garage or in a covered area. clean water.
concentrate the water spray on any
When it is necessary to park outside, park in one area. Inside edges, seams and folds on the
a shady area or protect the vehicle with a doors, hatches and hood are particularly
• Do not use car washes that use acid vulnerable to the effects of road salt. There-
body cover. in the detergent. Some car washes, fore, these areas must be cleaned regularly.
Be careful not to scratch the paint sur- especially brushless ones, use some Take care that the drain holes in the lower
face when putting on or removing the acid for cleaning. The acid may react edge of the door are open. Spray water
body cover. with some plastic vehicle compo- under the body and in the wheel wells to
nents, causing them to crack. This loosen the dirt and wash away road salt.
WASHING could affect their appearance, and
also could cause them not to func- A damp chamois can be used to dry the
Wash dirt off with a wet sponge and plenty vehicle to avoid water spots.
of water. Clean the vehicle thoroughly us- tion properly. Always check with your
ing a mild soap, a special vehicle soap or car wash to confirm that acid is not
used. WAXING
general purpose dishwashing liquid mixed
with clean, lukewarm (never hot) water. Regular waxing protects the paint surface
and helps retain new vehicle appearance.
7-2 Appearance and care
Polishing is recommended to remove building up and causing the acceleration of CAUTION
built-up wax residue and to avoid a weath- corrosion on the underbody and suspen-
ered appearance before re-applying wax. sion. Before the winter period and again in Follow the directions below to avoid
A NISSAN dealer can assist you in choosing the spring, the underseal must be checked staining or discoloring the wheels:
the proper product. and, if necessary, re-treated. • Do not use a cleaner that uses strong
• Wax your vehicle only after a thorough GLASS acid or alkali contents to clean the
washing. Follow the instructions supplied wheels.
Use glass cleaner to remove smoke and
with the wax. • Do not apply wheel cleaners to the
dust film from the glass surfaces. It is nor-
• Do not use a wax containing any abra- wheels when they are hot. The wheel
mal for glass to become coated with a film
sives, cutting compounds or cleaners temperature should be the same as
after the vehicle is parked in the hot sun.
that may damage the vehicle finish. ambient temperature.
Glass cleaner and a soft cloth will easily
remove this film. • Rinse the wheel to completely re-
Machine compounding or aggressive pol-
move the cleaner within 15 minutes
ishing on a base coat/clear coat paint fin-
CAUTION after the cleaner is applied.
ish may dull the finish or leave swirl marks.
REMOVING SPOTS When cleaning the inside of the win-
dows, do not use sharp-edged tools, Clean all chrome parts regularly with a
Remove tar and oil spots, industrial dust,
abrasive cleaners or chlorine-based non-abrasive chrome polish to maintain
insects, and tree sap as quickly as possible
disinfectant cleaners. They could dam- the finish.
from the surface of the paint to avoid last-
age the electrical conductors, radio an-
ing damage or staining. Special cleaning TIRE DRESSINGS
tenna elements or rear window de-
products are available at a NISSAN dealer
froster elements. NISSAN does not recommend the use of
or any automotive accessory store. It is
recommended that you visit a NISSAN tire dressings. Tire manufacturers apply a
ALUMINUM ALLOY WHEELS (if so coating to the tires to help reduce discolor-
dealer for these products. equipped) ation of the rubber. If a tire dressing is ap-
UNDERBODY Wash the wheels regularly with a sponge plied to the tires, it may react with the coat-
dampened in a mild soap solution, espe- ing and form a compound. This compound
In areas where road salt is used in winter, it
cially during winter months in areas where may come off the tire while driving and
is necessary to clean the underbody regu-
road salt is used. If not removed, road salt stain the vehicle paint.
larly in order to prevent dirt and salt from
can discolor the wheels.
Appearance and care 7-3
If you choose to use a tire dressing, take the Occasionally remove loose dust from the CAUTION
following precautions: interior trim, plastic parts and seats using a
• Use a water-based tire dressing. The vacuum cleaner or soft bristled brush. Wipe • Never use benzine, thinner or any
coating on the tire dissolves more easily the vinyl and leather (if so equipped) sur- similar material.
than with an oil-based tire dressing. faces with a clean, soft cloth dampened in • Small dirt particles can be abrasive
• Apply a light coat of tire dressing to help mild soap solution, then wipe clean with a and damaging to leather (if so
prevent it from entering the tire tread/ dry, soft cloth. equipped) surfaces and should be re-
grooves (where it would be difficult to re- Regular care and cleaning is required in moved promptly. Do not use saddle
move). order to maintain the appearance of the soap, car waxes, polishes, oils, clean-
• Wipe off excess tire dressing using a dry leather (if so equipped). ing fluids, solvents, detergents or
towel. Make sure the tire dressing is com- ammonia-based cleaners as they
Before using any fabric protector, read the may damage the leather’s natural
pletely removed from the tire tread/ manufacturer's recommendations. Some
grooves. finish.
fabric protectors contain chemicals that
• Allow the tire dressing to dry as recom- may stain or bleach the seat material. • Never use fabric protectors unless
mended by the tire dressing manufac- recommended by the manufacturer.
Use a cloth dampened only with water to • Do not use glass or plastic cleaner on
turer. clean the meter and gauge lens. meter or gauge lens covers. It may
damage the lens cover.
Do not use water or acidic cleaners (hot
steam cleaners) on the seat. This can Most air fresheners use a solvent that
damage the seat or occupant classifi- could affect the vehicle interior. If you use
cation sensor. This can also affect the an air freshener, take the following precau-
operation of the air bag system and re- tions:
sult in serious personal injury. • Hanging-type air fresheners can cause
permanent discoloration when they con-
tact vehicle interior surfaces. Place the air
freshener in a location that allows it to
hang free and not contact an interior sur-
When performing any inspection or main- • Your vehicle is equipped with an au- • Avoid contact with used engine oil and
tenance work on your vehicle, always take tomatic engine cooling fan. It may coolant. Improperly disposed engine
care to prevent serious accidental injury to come on at any time without warn- oil, engine coolant and/or other ve-
yourself or damage to the vehicle. The fol- ing, even if the ignition switch is in hicle fluids can damage the environ-
lowing are general precautions which the OFF position and the engine is ment. Always conform to local regula-
should be closely observed. not running. To avoid injury, always tions for disposal of vehicle fluid.
disconnect the negative battery • Never leave the engine or Continu-
WARNING cable before working near the fan. ously Variable Transmission (CVT) re-
• Park the vehicle on a level surface, • If you must run the engine in an en- lated component harnesses discon-
apply the parking brake securely and closed space such as a garage, be nected while the ignition switch is in
block the wheels to prevent the ve- sure there is proper ventilation for the ON position.
hicle from moving. Move the shift le- exhaust gases to escape. • Never connect or disconnect the bat-
ver to P (Park). • Never get under the vehicle while it is tery or any transistorized compo-
supported only by a jack. If it is nec- nent while the ignition switch is in
• Be sure the ignition switch is in the essary to work under the vehicle,
OFF or LOCK position when perform- the ON position.
support it with safety stands.
ing any parts replacement or repairs. • Keep smoking materials, flame and This “Do-it-yourself” section gives instruc-
• If you must work with the engine run- sparks away from the fuel tank and tions regarding only those items which are
ning, keep your hands, clothing, hair battery. relatively easy for an owner to perform.
and tools away from moving fans, • Because the fuel lines on gasoline
engine models are under high pres- A Genuine NISSAN service manual is also
belts and any other moving parts.
sure even when the engine is off, it is available. For additional information, refer
• It is advisable to secure or remove to “Owner's Manual/Service Manual order
any loose clothing and remove any recommended that you visit a
NISSAN dealer for service of the fuel information” in the “Technical and con-
jewelry, such as rings, watches, etc. sumer information” section of this manual.
filter or fuel lines.
before working on your vehicle.
You should be aware that incomplete or
• Always wear eye protection when-
CAUTION improper servicing may result in operating
ever you work on your vehicle.
difficulties or excessive emissions, and
• Do not work under the hood while could affect warranty coverage. If in doubt
the engine is hot. Turn the engine off about any servicing, it is recommended
and wait until it cools down. that you have it done by a NISSAN dealer.
8-2 Do-it-yourself
HR16DE engine
1. Engine coolant reservoir
2. Windshield-washer fluid reservoir
3. Engine oil filler cap
4. Engine oil dipstick
5. Brake fluid reservoir
6. Fuse box
7. Battery
8. Fuse box
9. Air cleaner
10. Engine drive belt location
Do-it-yourself 8-3
The engine cooling system is filled at the CAUTION • The life expectancy of the factory-fill
factory with a pre-diluted mixture of 50% coolant is 105,000 miles (168,000 km)
Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/ • Never use any cooling system addi- or 7 years. Mixing any other type of
Coolant (blue) and 50% water to provide tives such as radiator sealer. Addi- coolant other than Genuine NISSAN
year-round antifreeze and coolant protec- tives may clog the cooling system Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue)
tion. The antifreeze solution contains rust and cause damage to the engine, (or equivalent coolant), including
and corrosion inhibitors. Additional engine transmission and/or cooling system. Genuine NISSAN Long Life
cooling system additives are not neces- • When adding or replacing coolant, be Antifreeze/Coolant (green), or the
sary. sure to use only Genuine NISSAN use of non-distilled water may re-
Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) duce the life expectancy of the
WARNING or equivalent. Genuine NISSAN Long factory-fill coolant. For additional in-
• Never remove the coolant reservoir Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) is pre- formation, refer to the “Maintenance
cap when the engine is hot. Wait until diluted to provide antifreeze protec- and schedules” section of this
the engine and radiator cool down. tion to -34° F (-37° C). If additional manual.
Serious burns could be caused by freeze protection is needed due to
high pressure fluid escaping from the weather where you operate your ve-
radiator. For additional information hicle, add Genuine NISSAN Long Life
on precautions, refer to “If your ve- Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) concen-
hicle overheats” found in the “In case trate following the directions on the
of emergency” section of this container. If an equivalent coolant
manual. other than Genuine NISSAN Long Life
Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) is used, fol-
• The coolant reservoir is equipped low the coolant manufacturer’s in-
with a pressure type coolant reser- structions to maintain minimum an-
voir cap. To prevent engine damage, tifreeze protection to -34° F (-37° C).
use only a Genuine NISSAN coolant The use of other types of coolant so-
reservoir cap. lutions other than Genuine NISSAN
Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue)
or equivalent may damage the en-
gine cooling system.
8-4 Do-it-yourself
• To avoid the danger of being scalded,
never change the coolant when the
engine is hot.
LDI3221 • Never remove the coolant reservoir LDI3468
cap when the engine is hot. Serious
LEVEL sure fluid escaping from the coolant 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and
reservoir. apply the parking brake.
Check the coolant level in the reservoir
when the engine is cold. If the coolant • Avoid direct skin contact with used
coolant. If skin contact is made, wash 2. Start the engine and warm it up until the
level is below the MIN level O
B , add coolant
engine temperature reaches the nor-
up to the MAX level OA . thoroughly with soap or hand
cleaner as soon as possible. mal operating temperature (approxi-
If the cooling system frequently requires mately 5 minutes).
• Keep coolant out of the reach of chil-
coolant, have it checked. It is recom- 3. Stop the engine.
dren and pets.
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer
for this service. Engine coolant must be disposed of prop- 4. Wait at least 10 minutes for the engine oil
erly. Check your local regulations. to drain back to the oil pan.
For additional information on the location
of the engine coolant reservoir, refer to “En- 5. Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean.
gine compartment check locations” in this
section. 6. Reinsert the dipstick all the way.
Do-it-yourself 8-5
acceleration/deceleration especially 4. Raise and support the vehicle using a
when engine rpm is high. Consumption suitable floor jack and safety jack
is likely to be higher when the engine is stands.
new. if the rate of oil consumption, after • Place the safety jack stands under the
driving for 3,000 miles (5,000 km), is vehicle jack-up points.
more than 0.5 liter per 600 miles (1,000 • A suitable adapter should be attached to
km), consult a NISSAN dealer. the jack stand saddle.
Oil level should be checked regularly. Make sure the correct lifting and sup-
Operating the engine with an insuffi- port points are used to avoid vehicle
cient amount of oil can damage the en- damage.
gine, and such damage is not covered
by warranty.
7. Remove the dipstick and check the oil CHANGING ENGINE OIL AND OIL
level. It should be within the range O
8. If the oil level is below O
A , remove the oil For additional information on engine oil
filler cap and pour recommended oil and oil filter change, refer to the instruc-
into the opening. Do not overfill OC . tions outlined in this section.
When filling the engine oil, do not re-
move the dipstick. Vehicle set-up
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and
9. Recheck the oil level with the dipstick.
apply the parking brake.
It is normal to add some oil between oil
maintenance intervals or during the 2. Run the engine until it reaches operating
break-in period, depending on the sever- temperature.
ity of operating conditions or depending 3. Turn the engine off and wait for 15
on the property of the engine oil used. minutes.
More engine oil is consumed by frequent
8-6 Do-it-yourself
LDI3434 LDI3457 LDI3458
1 Oil filler cap O
2 Oil drain plug O
3 Oil filter
Do-it-yourself 8-7
Engine oil and filter 4. Loosen the oil filter with an oil filter CAUTION
wrench by turning it counterclockwise.
1. Place a large drain pan under the drain
Remove the oil filter by turning it by Be sure to remove any old gasket ma-
plug and oil filter.
hand. terial remaining on the sealing surface
2. Remove the oil filler cap. of the engine. Failure to do so could
5. Wipe the engine oil filter mounting sur-
3. Remove the drain plug with a wrench by face with a clean rag. lead to an oil leak and engine damage.
turning it counterclockwise and com- • The dipstick must be inserted in
pletely drain the oil. place to prevent oil spillage from the
dipstick hole when filling the engine
CAUTION with oil.
6. Coat the gasket on the new filter with
Be careful not to burn yourself, as the
clean engine oil.
engine oil is hot.
7. Screw in the oil filter clockwise until a
slight resistance is felt, then tighten addi-
WARNING tionally more than 2/3 turn.
• Prolonged and repeated contact Oil filter tightening torque:
with used engine oil may cause skin 11 to 15 ft-lb (14.7 to 20.6 N·m)
8. Clean and re-install the drain plug with a
• Try to avoid direct skin contact with
new washer. Securely tighten the drain
used oil. If skin contact is made, wash
plug with a wrench. Do not use exces-
thoroughly with soap or hand
sive force.
cleaner as soon as possible.
• Keep used engine oil out of reach of Drain plug tightening torque:
children. 22 to 29 ft-lb (29.4 to 39.2 N·m)
9. Refill the engine with the recommended
oil through the oil filler opening, and in-
stall the oil filler cap securely.
8-8 Do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself 8-9
8-10 Do-it-yourself
Add a washer solvent to the washer for CAUTION • Pre-mix washer fluid concentrates
better cleaning. In the winter season, add a with water to the manufacturer's
windshield-washer antifreeze. Follow the • Do not substitute engine antifreeze recommended levels before pouring
manufacturer's instructions for the mix- coolant for windshield-washer solu- the fluid into the windshield-washer
ture ratio. tion. This may result in damage to the reservoir. Do not use the windshield-
Refill the reservoir more frequently when paint. washer reservoir to mix the washer
driving conditions require an increased • Do not fill the windshield-washer fluid concentrate and water.
amount of windshield-washer fluid. reservoir with washer fluid concen-
trates at full strength. Some methyl
Recommended fluid is Genuine NISSAN
alcohol based washer fluid concen-
Windshield-Washer Concentrate Cleaner &
trates may permanently stain the
Antifreeze or equivalent.
grille if spilled while filling the
windshield-washer reservoir.
Do-it-yourself 8-11
No smoking, No exposed flames, No Do not expose the battery to electrical sparks, flames or smoking. Hydrogen gas generated by the
Sparks battery is explosive. Explosive gases can cause blindness or injury.
Handle the battery cautiously. Always wear eye protection glasses to protect against explosion or
2 Shield eyes
battery acid.
3 Keep away from children Never allow children to handle the battery. Keep the battery out of the reach of children.
Do not allow battery fluid to contact your skin, eyes, fabrics, or painted surfaces. Sulfuric acid can
cause blindness or severe burns. After touching a battery or battery cap, do not touch or rub your
4 Battery acid eyes. Thoroughly wash your hands. If the acid contacts your eyes, skin or clothing, immediately
flush with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Battery fluid is acid. If the bat-
tery fluid gets into your eyes or onto your skin, it could cause loss of your eyesight or burns.
5 Note operating instructions Before handling the battery, read this instruction carefully to ensure correct and safe handling.
6 Explosive gas Hydrogen gas generated by battery fluid is explosive. Explosive gases can cause blindness or injury.
8-12 Do-it-yourself
• If the battery is labeled “do not open” it is WARNING
maintenance free and battery fluid
should not be checked. It is recom- • Do not expose the battery to flames,
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer or an electrical spark or a cigarette. Hy-
a qualified specialist workshop to con- drogen gas generated by the battery
firm the battery’s performance. is explosive. Explosive gases can
• Keep the battery surface clean and dry. cause blindness or injury. Do not al-
Clean the battery with a solution of bak- low battery fluid to contact your skin,
ing soda and water. eyes, fabrics or painted surfaces. Sul-
• Make certain the terminal connections furic acid can cause blindness or in-
are clean and securely tightened. jury. After touching a battery or bat-
tery cap, do not touch or rub your
• If the vehicle is not to be used for 30 days
eyes. Thoroughly wash your hands. If
or longer, disconnect the negative (-) bat-
the acid contacts your eyes, skin or
tery terminal cable to prevent discharge.
clothing, immediately flush with wa- LDI3302
NOTE: ter for at least 15 minutes and seek
medical attention.
Care should be taken to avoid situations Do not try to open the top of the battery.
• When working on or near a battery,
that can lead to potential battery dis-
always wear suitable eye protection This battery is not equipped with remov-
charge and potential no-start conditions
and remove all jewelry. able vent caps.
such as:
• Battery posts, terminals and related
1. Installation or extended use of elec- accessories contain lead and lead JUMP STARTING
tronic accessories that consume bat- compounds. Wash hands after If jump starting is necessary, refer to “Jump
tery power when the engine is not run- handling. starting” in the “In case of emergency” sec-
ning (Phone chargers, GPS, DVD
• Keep battery out of the reach of tion of this manual. If the engine does not
players, etc.)
children. start by jump starting, the battery may
2. Vehicle is not driven regularly and/or • Do not tip the battery. have to be replaced. It is recommended
only driven short distances. that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this
In these cases, the battery may need to
be charged to maintain battery health.
Do-it-yourself 8-13
LDI3246 LDI3028
1. Automatic tensioner pulley
CAUTION 2. Generator pulley
3. Water pump pulley
• Do not ground accessories directly to 4. Air conditioner compressor pulley
the battery terminal. Doing so will 5. Crankshaft pulley
bypass the variable voltage control
system and the vehicle battery may WARNING
not charge completely.
Be sure the ignition switch is placed in
• Use electrical accessories with the the OFF or LOCK position before servic-
engine running to avoid discharging ing drive belt. The engine could rotate
the vehicle battery. unexpectedly.
8-14 Do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself 8-15
8-16 Do-it-yourself
Do-it-yourself 8-17
If the brakes do not operate properly, have Under some driving or climate conditions,
the brakes checked. It is recommended occasional brake squeak, squeal or other
that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this ser- noise may be heard. Occasional brake
vice. noise during light to moderate stops is nor-
mal and does not affect the function or
Self-adjusting brakes performance of the brake system.
Your vehicle is equipped with self-adjusting Proper brake inspection intervals should
brakes. be followed. For additional information re-
garding brake inspections, refer to the ap-
The front disc-type brakes self-adjust ev-
propriate maintenance schedule informa-
ery time the brake pedal is applied. The rear
tion in the "Maintenance and schedules"
drum-type brakes self-adjust every time
section of this manual.
the parking brake is applied.
Have your brake system checked if the
brake pedal height does not return to
normal. It is recommended that you
visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
LDI2997 LDI3440
If any electrical equipment does not oper- ENGINE COMPARTMENT
ate, check for an open fuse.
Fuses are used in the passenger compart-
ment and engine compartment. Spare Never use a fuse of higher or lower am-
fuses are provided and can be found in the perage rating than that specified on
passenger compartment fuse box. the fuse box cover. This could damage
the electrical system or electronic con-
When installing a fuse make sure the fuse is trol units or cause a fire.
installed in the fuse box securely.
Your vehicle may not be equipped with
all fuses listed on the fuse label.
Do-it-yourself 8-19
Fusible links
If any electrical equipment does not oper-
ate and the fuses are in good condition,
check the fusible links in the holder. If any of
the fusible links are melted, replace only
with Genuine NISSAN parts.
For checking and replacing the fusible links,
it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN
dealer for this service.
5. If the fuse is open O
A , replace it with a
new fuse O B .
8-20 Do-it-yourself
LDI3087 LDI2998
If any electrical equipment does not oper- suitable tool. Use a cloth to avoid dam- NOTE:
ate, check for an open fuse. aging the trim.
Your vehicle may not be equipped with
3. Locate the fuse that needs to be all fuses listed on the fuse label.
4. Remove the fuse with the fuse puller O
B .
Do-it-yourself 8-21
8-22 Do-it-yourself
3. Replace the battery with a new one. FCC Notice:
Recommended battery: CR2032 or For USA:
equivalent. This device complies with Part 15 of the
• Do not touch the internal circuit and FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the fol-
electric terminals as doing so could lowing two conditions: (1) This device
cause a malfunction. may not cause harmful interference, and
• Hold the battery by the edges. Holding (2) this device must accept any interfer-
the battery across the contact points ence received, including interference
will seriously deplete the storage ca- that may cause undesired operation.
pacity. Note:
• Make sure that the + side faces the Changes or modifications not expressly
bottom of the lower part. approved by the party responsible for
4. Close the lid securely as illustrated with compliance could void the user’s author-
OC and OD . ity to operate the equipment.
Do-it-yourself 8-23
HEADLIGHTS • Do not leave the headlight assembly Replacing the LED headlight bulb
For additional information on headlight open without a bulb installed for a (if so equipped)
bulb replacement, refer to the instructions long period of time. Dust, moisture, If LED headlight bulb replacement is re-
outlined in this section. smoke, etc. entering the headlight quired, it is recommended that you visit a
body may affect bulb performance. NISSAN dealer for this service.
Replacing the halogen headlight Remove the bulb from the headlight
assembly just before a replacement FOG LIGHTS (if so equipped)
bulb (if so equipped) bulb is installed.
The headlight is a semi-sealed beam type For additional information on fog light bulb
• Only touch the base when handling replacement, refer to the instructions out-
which uses a replaceable headlight (halo- the bulb. Never touch the glass enve-
gen) bulb. They can be replaced from inside lined in this section.
lope. Touching the glass could sig-
the engine compartment without remov- nificantly affect bulb life and/or
ing the headlight assembly. headlight performance.
If headlight bulb replacement is required, It • High pressure halogen gas is sealed
is recommended that you visit a NISSAN inside the halogen bulb. The bulb
dealer for this service. may break if the glass envelope is
scratched or the bulb is dropped.
CAUTION • Use the same number and wattage
• Aiming is not necessary after replac- as shown in the chart.
ing the bulb. When aiming adjust- Fog may temporarily form inside the lens
ment is necessary, it is recom- of the exterior lights in the rain or in a car
mended that you visit a NISSAN wash. A temperature difference between
dealer for this service. the inside and the outside of the lens
causes the fog. This is not a malfunction. If
large drops of water collect inside the lens,
it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN
dealer for this service.
8-24 Do-it-yourself
CAUTION 5. Remove by pulling straight off the fog
light. Do not shake or rotate the bulb
• High pressure halogen gas is sealed when removing it. Do not touch the
inside the halogen bulb. The bulb glass envelope.
may break if the glass envelope is
6. Install the new bulb in the reverse order
scratched or the bulb is dropped.
of removal.
• When handling the bulb, do not touch
the glass envelope.
• Use the same number and wattage
as originally installed as shown in the
• Do not leave the bulb out of the fog
light for a long period of time as dust,
moisture and smoke may enter the
fog light body and affect the perfor-
mance of the fog light.
1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery
2. Access to the fog light is in front of and
behind the front tire and the fascia.
LDI3036 3. Remove the fasteners; carefully pull
Replacing the fog light bulb (if so back the front fender protector.
equipped) 4. Rotate the bulb counterclockwise and
pull out to remove.
Do-it-yourself 8-25
Item Wattage (W) Bulb No.*¹
Headlight assembly (Type A) (if so equipped)*
High 65 H9
Low 55 H11
Turn/Park 27/7 3457NAK
Side marker 5 W5W
Headlight assembly (Type B) (if so equipped)*
High 65 H9
Low — —
Turn signal 27/7 3457NAK
Park — —
Side marker 5 W5W
Fog light (Type A) (if so equipped) 35 H8
Daytime Running Light (DRL) 21 W21W
Fog light (Type B) (if so equipped) 35 H8
Door mirror turn signal light (if so equipped)* — —
Map light* 10 —
Room light* 8 —
Glove box light* 1.4 —
Vanity mirror light (if so equipped)* 5 —
Cargo light* 5 W5W
High-mounted stop light* — —
Rear combination light*
Turn signal 21 WY21W
Stop/Tail 21/5 W21/5W
Backup (reversing) 16 W16W
Tail light* 5 W5W
License plate light 5 W5W
* If replacement is required, it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
Always check with the Parts Department at a NISSAN dealer for the latest parts information.
8-26 Do-it-yourself
7. License plate light
8. High-mounted stop light
9. Tail light
10. Rear combination light
LDI3462 SDI1805
1. Map light Replacement procedures
2. Room light All other lights are either type A, B, C or D.
3. Door mirror turn signal light (if so
When replacing a bulb, first remove the
equipped) lens, lamp and/or cover.
4. Headlight assembly
5. Fog light (if so equipped) Indicates bulb removal
6. Daytime Running Light (DRL) (if so Indicates bulb installation
Do-it-yourself 8-27
If you have a flat tire, refer to “Flat tire” in display, one or more of your tires is Tire inflation pressure
the “In case of emergency” section of significantly under-inflated. If
this manual. Check the tire pressures (including
equipped, the system also displays the spare) often and always prior to
TIRE PRESSURE pressure of all tires (except the spare long distance trips. The recom-
tire) on the display screen by send- mended tire pressure specifications
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
ing a signal from a sensor that is are shown on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S.
installed in each wheel. certification label or the Tire and
The TPMS will activate only when the Loading Information label under the
WARNING vehicle is driven at speeds above 16 “Cold Tire Pressure” heading. The Tire
mph (25 km/h). Also, this system and Loading Information label is af-
Radio waves could adversely af- may not detect a sudden drop in tire fixed to the driver side center pillar.
fect electric medical equipment. pressure (for example a flat tire while Tire pressures should be checked
Those who use a pacemaker driving). regularly because:
should contact the electric medi- • Most tires naturally lose air over
cal equipment manufacturer for For additional information, refer to
“Low tire pressure warning light” in time.
the possible influences before
the “Instruments and controls” sec- • Tires can lose air suddenly when
tion, “Tire Pressure Monitoring Sys- driven over potholes or other ob-
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire tem (TPMS)” in the “Starting and driv- jects or if the vehicle strikes a curb
Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). ing” section and “Flat tire” in the “In while parking.
It monitors tire pressure of all tires case of emergency” section of this
except the spare. When the low tire manual.
pressure warning light is lit and the
“Tire Pressure Low – Add Air” warning
appears in the vehicle information
8-28 Do-it-yourself
The tire pressures should be • The Gross Vehicle Weight Rat- • For additional information re-
checked when the tires are cold. The ing (GVWR) is located on the garding tires, refer to “Impor-
tires are considered COLD after the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certifica- tant Tire Safety Information”
vehicle has been parked for 3 or tion label. The vehicle weight (US) or “Tire Safety Informa-
more hours, or driven less than 1 mile capacity is indicated on the Tire tion” (Canada) in the Warranty
(1.6 km) at moderate speeds. and Loading Information label. Information Booklet.
The TPMS with Easy-Fill Tire Alert Do not load your vehicle be-
provides visual and audible signals yond this capacity. Overload-
outside the vehicle for inflating tires ing your vehicle may result in
to the recommended COLD tire reduced tire life, unsafe operat-
pressure. For additional information, ing conditions due to prema-
refer to “TPMS with Easy-Fill Tire ture tire failure, or unfavorable
Alert” in the “Starting and driving” handling characteristics and
section of this manual. could also lead to a serious ac-
cident. Loading beyond the
Incorrect tire pressure, including
specified capacity may also re-
under inflation, may adversely af-
sult in failure of other vehicle
fect tire life and vehicle handling.
WARNING • Before taking a long trip, or
whenever you heavily load
• Improperly inflated tires can your vehicle, use a tire pressure
fail suddenly and cause an gauge to ensure that the tire
accident. pressures are at the specified
Do-it-yourself 8-29
the best balance of tire wear, ve-
hicle handling, driveability, tire
noise, etc., up to the vehicle's
5 Tire size - For additional informa-
tion, refer to “Tire labeling” in this
6 Spare tire size.
6. Install the valve stem cap. WDI0394
1 Tire size (example: P215/65R15 3. Two-digit number (65): This num-
95H) ber, known as the aspect ratio,
1. P: The “P” indicates the tire is de- gives the tire's ratio of height to
signed for passenger vehicles (not width.
all tires have this information). 4. R: The “R” stands for radial.
2. Three-digit number (215): This 5. Two-digit number (15): This num-
number gives the width in milli- ber is the wheel or rim diameter in
meters of the tire from sidewall inches.
edge to sidewall edge.
8-32 Do-it-yourself
3 Tire ply composition and material
Do-it-yourself 8-33
6 Term of “tubeless” or “tube type” lar side that must always face out- • Always use tires of the same type,
Indicates whether the tire requires ward when mounted on a vehicle. size, brand, construction and tread
pattern on all four wheels. Failure to
an inner tube (“tube type”) or not TYPES OF TIRES do so may result in a circumference
(“tubeless”). difference between tires on the front
WARNING and rear axles which can cause the
7 The word “radial”
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) sys-
• When changing or replacing tires, be tem to malfunction resulting in per-
The word “radial” is shown if the tire sure all four tires are of the same type sonal injury or death, excessive tire
has radial structure. (i.e., Summer, All Season or Snow) wear and may damage the transmis-
and construction. A NISSAN dealer
8 Manufacturer or brand name
may be able to help you with infor-
sion and differential gears.
• For additional information regarding
Manufacturer or brand name is mation about tire type, size, speed
rating and availability. tires, refer to “Important Tire Safety
shown. Information” (US) or “Tire Safety In-
• Replacement tires may have a lower formation” (Canada) in the Warranty
speed rating than the factory Information Booklet.
Other Tire-related Terminology equipped tires, and may not match
In addition to the many terms that the potential maximum vehicle All season tires
are defined throughout this section, speed. Never exceed the maximum
speed rating of the tire. NISSAN specifies All Season tires on some
Intended Outboard Sidewall is (1) the models to provide good performance all
• Replacing tires with those not origi-
sidewall that contains a whitewall, nally specified by NISSAN could af- year, including snowy and icy road condi-
bears white lettering or bears fect the proper operation of the low tions. All Season tires are identified by ALL
tire pressure warning system. SEASON and/or M&S on the tire sidewall.
manufacturer, brand, and/or model
Snow tires have better snow traction than
name molding that is higher or All Season tires and may be more appropri-
deeper than the same molding on ate in some areas.
the other sidewall of the tire, or (2)
the outward facing sidewall of an
asymmetrical tire that has a particu-
8-34 Do-it-yourself
Summer tires states, provinces and territories prohibit to the fenders or underbody. If possible,
their use. Check local laws before installing avoid fully loading your vehicle when using
NISSAN specifies summer tires on some
studded tires. Skid and traction capabilities tire chains. In addition, drive at a reduced
models to provide superior performance
of studded snow tires on wet or dry sur- speed. Otherwise, your vehicle may be
on dry roads. Summer tire performance is
faces may be poorer than that of non- damaged and/or vehicle handling and
substantially reduced in snow and ice.
studded snow tires. performance may be adversely affected.
Summer tires do not have the tire traction
rating “M&S” on the tire sidewall. TIRE CHAINS Tire chains must be installed only on the
front wheels and not on the rear wheels.
If you plan to operate your vehicle in snowy Use of tire chains may be prohibited ac-
or icy conditions, NISSAN recommends the cording to location. Check the local laws Never install tire chains on a TEMPORARY
use of SNOW tires or ALL SEASON tires on all before installing tire chains. When installing USE ONLY spare tire.
four wheels. tire chains, make sure they are the proper Do not use tire chains on dry roads. Driving
size for the tires on your vehicle and are with chains in such conditions can cause
Snow tires installed according to the chain manufac- damage to the various mechanisms of the
If snow tires are needed, it is necessary to turer's suggestions. Use only SAE class “S” vehicle due to some overstress.
select tires equivalent in size and load rat- chains. Class “S” chains are used on ve-
ing to the original equipment tires. If you do hicles with restricted tire to vehicle clear-
not, it can adversely affect the safety and ance. Vehicles that can use Class “S” chains
handling of your vehicle. are designed to meet the minimum clear-
ances between the tire and the closest ve-
Generally, snow tires have lower speed rat- hicle suspension or body component re-
ings than factory equipped tires and may quired to accommodate the use of a
not match the potential maximum vehicle winter traction device (tire chains or
speed. Never exceed the maximum speed cables). The minimum clearances are de-
rating of the tire. termined using the factory equipped tires.
If you install snow tires, they must be the Other types may damage your vehicle. Use
same size, brand, construction and tread chain tensioners when recommended by
pattern on all four wheels. the tire chain manufacturer to ensure a
tight fit. Loose end links of the tire chain
For additional traction on icy roads, stud-
must be secured or removed to prevent
ded tires may be used. However, some
the possibility of whipping action damage
Do-it-yourself 8-35
Wheel nut tightening torque:
83 ft-lb (113 N·m)
The wheel nuts must be kept tight-
ened to specifications at all times.
It is recommended that wheel nuts
be tightened to specification at
each tire rotation interval.
CHANGING WHEELS AND TIRES • Retighten the wheel nuts when Tire wear and damage
Tire rotation the vehicle has been driven for 1. Wear indicator
600 miles (1,000 km) (also in
NISSAN recommends rotating the 2. Location mark
cases of a flat tire, etc.).
tires every 7,500 miles (12,000 km).
• Do not include the spare tire in
For additional information on the tire the tire rotation.
replacing procedures, refer to “Flat
• For additional information re-
tire” in the “In case of emergency”
garding tires, refer to “Impor-
section of this manual.
tant Tire Safety Information”
As soon as possible, tighten the (US) or “Tire Safety Informa-
wheel nuts to the specified torque tion” (Canada) in the Warranty
with a torque wrench. Information Booklet.
8-36 Do-it-yourself
WARNING • Improper service of the spare WARNING
tire may result in serious per- • The use of tires other than those rec-
• Tires should be periodically in- sonal injury. If it is necessary to ommended or the mixed use of tires
spected for wear, cracking, repair the spare tire, it is rec- of different brands, construction
bulging or objects caught in ommended that you visit a (bias, bias-belted or radial), or tread
patterns can adversely affect the
the tread. If excessive wear, NISSAN dealer for this service. ride, braking, handling, Vehicle Dy-
cracks, bulging or deep cuts • For additional information re- namic Control (VDC) system, ground
are found, the tire(s) should be garding tires, refer to “Impor- clearance, body-to-tire clearance,
replaced. tire chain clearance, speedometer
tant Tire Safety Information” calibration, headlight aim and bum-
• The original tires have built-in (US) or “Tire Safety Informa- per height. Some of these effects
tread wear indicators. When tion” (Canada) in the Warranty may lead to accidents and could re-
the wear indicators are visible, Information Booklet. sult in serious personal injury.
• If your vehicle was originally
the tire(s) should be replaced.
equipped with four tires that were
• Tires degrade with age and Replacing wheels and tires the same size and you are only re-
use. Have tires, including the When replacing a tire, use the same size, placing two of the four tires, install
tread design, speed rating and load carry- the new tires on the rear axle. Placing
spare, over 6 years old checked ing capacity as originally equipped. For ad- new tires on the front axle may cause
by a qualified technician be- ditional information, refer to “Wheels and loss of vehicle control in some driving
cause some tire damage may tires” in the “Technical and consumer infor- conditions and cause an accident
not be obvious. Replace the mation” section of this manual. and personal injury.
tires as necessary to prevent
tire failure and possible per-
sonal injury.
Do-it-yourself 8-37
• If the wheels are changed for any • The TPMS sensor may be damaged if Wheel balance
reason, always replace with wheels it is not handled correctly. Be careful Unbalanced wheels may affect vehicle
which have the same off-set dimen- when handling the TPMS sensor. handling and tire life. Even with regular use,
sion. Wheels of a different off-set • When replacing the TPMS sensor, the wheels can get out of balance. Therefore,
could cause premature tire wear, de- ID registration may be required. It is they should be balanced as required.
grade vehicle handling characteris- recommended that you visit a
tics, affect the VDC system and/or in- Wheel balance service should be per-
NISSAN dealer for ID registration. formed with the wheels off the vehicle.
terference with the brake discs/ • Do not use a valve stem cap that is
drums. Such interference can lead to Spin balancing the wheels on the vehicle
not specified by NISSAN. The valve could lead to mechanical damage.
decreased braking efficiency and/or stem cap may become stuck.
early brake pad wear. For additional
information on wheel off-set dimen- • Be sure that the valve stem caps are Care of wheels
sions, refer to “Wheels and tires” in correctly fitted. Otherwise the valve • Wash the wheels when washing the ve-
the “Technical and consumer infor- may be clogged up with dirt and hicle to maintain their appearance.
mation” section of this manual. cause a malfunction or loss of
• Clean the inner side of the wheels when
• When replacing a wheel without the the wheel is changed or the underside of
TPMS such as the spare tire, the TPMS • Do not install a damaged or de- the vehicle is washed.
will not function and the low tire formed wheel or tire even if it has
• Do not use abrasive cleaners when
pressure warning light will flash for been repaired. Such wheels or tires
washing the wheels.
approximately 1 minute. The light will could have structural damage and
could fail without warning. • Inspect wheel rims regularly for dents or
remain on after 1 minute. Have your corrosion. Such damage may cause loss
tires replaced and/or TPMS system • The use of retread tires is not
of pressure or poor seal at the tire bead.
reset as soon as possible. It is recom- recommended.
• NISSAN recommends waxing the road
mended that you visit a NISSAN • For additional information regarding
wheels to protect against road salt in ar-
dealer for this service. tires, refer to “Important Tire Safety
eas where it is used during winter.
• Replacing tires with those not origi- Information” (US) or “Tire Safety In-
nally specified by NISSAN could af- formation” (Canada) in the Warranty
fect the proper operation of the Information Booklet.
8-38 Do-it-yourself
Spare tire (TEMPORARY USE ONLY • When driving on roads covered with CAUTION
spare tire) snow or ice, the TEMPORARY USE
ONLY spare tire should be used on the • Do not use tire chains on a TEMPO-
When replacing a wheel without the TPMS RARY USE ONLY spare tire. Tire chains
such as the spare tire, the TPMS will not rear wheels and the original tire used
on the front wheels (drive wheels). will not fit properly and may cause
function. damage to the vehicle.
• Tire tread of the TEMPORARY USE
Observe the following precautions if the ONLY spare tire will wear at a faster • Because the TEMPORARY USE ONLY
TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare tire must be rate than the standard tire. Replace spare tire is smaller than the original
used. Otherwise, your vehicle could be the spare tire as soon as the tread tire, ground clearance is reduced. To
damaged or involved in an accident: wear indicators appear. avoid damage to the vehicle, do not
drive over obstacles. Also, do not
• Do not use the spare tire on other
WARNING drive the vehicle through an auto-
matic car wash since it may get
• The spare tire should be used for • Do not use more than one spare tire caught.
emergency use only. It should be re- at the same time.
placed with the standard tire at the • Do not tow a trailer when the TEMPO-
first opportunity to avoid possible RARY USE ONLY spare tire is installed.
tire or differential damage.
• Drive carefully while the TEMPORARY
USE ONLY spare tire is installed. Avoid
sharp turns and abrupt braking while
• Periodically check spare tire inflation
pressure. Always keep the pressure
tire at 420 kPa, 4.2 bar (60 psi).
• With the TEMPORARY USE ONLY spare
tire installed do not drive the vehicle
at speeds faster than 50 mph (80
Do-it-yourself 8-39
8-40 Do-it-yourself
9 Maintenance and schedules
Some day-to-day and regular mainte- SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE During the normal day-to-day operation of
nance is essential to maintain your vehicle the vehicle, general maintenance should
The maintenance items listed in this sec-
good mechanical condition, as well as its be performed regularly as prescribed in
tion are required to be serviced at regular
emissions and engine performance. this section. If you detect any unusual
intervals. However under severe driving
It is the owner's responsibility to make sure sounds, vibrations or smells, be sure to
conditions, additional or more frequent
that the scheduled maintenance, as well as check for the cause or have it checked
maintenance will be required.
general maintenance, is performed. promptly. In addition, it is recommended
WHERE TO GO FOR SERVICE that you visit a NISSAN dealer if you think
As the vehicle owner, you are the only one that repairs are required.
who can ensure that your vehicle receives If maintenance service is required or your
proper maintenance. You are a vital link in vehicle appears to malfunction, have the When performing any checks or mainte-
the maintenance chain. systems checked and serviced. It is recom- nance work, closely observe the “Mainte-
mended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for nance precautions” in the “Do-it-yourself”
GENERAL MAINTENANCE this service. section of this manual.
General maintenance includes those items NISSAN technicians are well-trained spe- EXPLANATION OF GENERAL
which should be checked during normal cialists and are kept up-to-date with the MAINTENANCE ITEMS
day-to-day operation. They are essential latest service information through techni-
for proper vehicle operation. It is your re- cal bulletins, service tips and training pro- Additional information on the following
sponsibility to perform these procedures grams. They are fully qualified to work on items with “ * ” is found in the “Do-it-
regularly as prescribed. NISSAN vehicles before work begins. yourself” section of this manual.
Performing general maintenance checks If your vehicle is involved in a collision, it is Outside the vehicle
requires minimal mechanical skill and only recommended that you ask your NISSAN
a few general automotive tools. dealer where the nearest NISSAN Certified The maintenance items listed here should
Collision Center is located, or go to http:// be performed from time to time, unless
These checks or inspections can be done otherwise specified.
by yourself, a qualified technician or, if you collision.nissanusa.com.
prefer, a NISSAN dealer. You can be confident that a NISSAN deal- Doors and engine hood: Check that the
er's service department can perform the doors and engine hood operate properly.
service needed to meet the maintenance Also ensure that all latches lock securely.
requirements on your vehicle. Lubricate hinges, latches, latch pins, rollers
and links if necessary. Make sure that the
Fluid leaks: Check under the vehicle for The following descriptions are provided to NOTE:
fuel, oil, water or other fluid leaks after the give you a better understanding of the
vehicle has been parked for a while. Water scheduled maintenance items that should NISSAN does not advocate the use of
dripping from the air conditioner after use be regularly checked or replaced. The non-OEM approved aftermarket flush-
is normal. If you should notice any leaks or if maintenance schedule indicates at which ing systems and strongly advises
fuel fumes are evident, check for the cause mileage/time intervals each item requires against performing these services on a
and have it corrected immediately. service. NISSAN product. Many of the aftermar-
ket flushing systems use non-OEM ap-
Radiator and hoses: Check the front of the In addition to scheduled maintenance, proved chemicals or solvents, the use of
radiator and clean off any dirt, insects, your vehicle requires that some items be which has not been validated by NISSAN.
leaves, etc., that may have accumulated. checked during normal day-to-day opera-
Make sure the hoses have no cracks, defor- tion. For additional information, refer to For recommended fuel, lubricants, fluids,
mation, rot or loose connections. “General maintenance” in this section. grease, and refrigerant, refer to “Recom-
mended fluids/lubricants and capaci-
Underbody: The underbody is frequently Items marked with “*” are recommended ties” in the “Technical and consumer in-
exposed to corrosive substances such as by NISSAN for reliable vehicle operation. formation” section of this manual.
those used on icy roads or to control dust. It You are not required to perform mainte-
is very important to remove these sub- nance on these items in order to maintain EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM
stances from the underbody, otherwise the warranties which come with your MAINTENANCE:
rust may form on the floor pan, frame, fuel NISSAN. Other maintenance items and in-
Drive belt*: Check engine drive belt for
lines and exhaust system. At the end of tervals are required.
wear, fraying or cracking and for proper
winter, the underbody should be thor- When applicable, additional information tension. Replace any damaged drive belt.
oughly flushed with plain water, in those can be found in the “Do-it-yourself” section
areas where mud and dirt may have accu- Engine air filter: Replace at specified inter-
of this manual.
mulated. For additional information, refer vals. When driving for prolonged periods in
to the “Appearance and care” section of this dusty conditions, check/replace the filter
manual. more frequently.
Windshield-washer fluid*: Check that Engine coolant*: Replace coolant at the
there is adequate fluid in the reservoir. specified interval. When adding or replac-
ing coolant, be sure to use only Genuine
NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue)
or equivalent with the proper mixture. (For
Maintenance and schedules 9-5
additional information on the proper mix- Brake pads, rotors, drums and linings: To help ensure smooth, safe and economi-
ture for your area, refer to “Engine cooling Check for wear, deterioration and fluid cal driving, NISSAN provides two mainte-
system” in the “Do-it-yourself” section of leaks. Replace any deteriorated or dam- nance schedules that may be used, de-
this manual.) aged parts immediately. pending upon the conditions in which you
NOTE: Mixing any other type of coolant Exhaust system: Visually inspect the ex- usually drive. These schedules contain
or the use of non-distilled water may re- haust pipes, muffler and hangers for leaks, both distance and time intervals, up to
duce the recommended service interval cracks, deterioration, and damage. Tighten 120,000 miles (192,000 km)/96 months. For
of the coolant. connections or replace parts as necessary. most people, the odometer reading will in-
dicate when service is needed. However, if
Engine oil and oil filter: Replace engine oil Steering gear and linkage, axle and sus- you drive very little, your vehicle should be
and oil filter at the specified intervals. For pension parts, drive shaft boots: Check serviced at the regular time intervals
recommended oil grade and viscosity refer for damage, looseness, and leakage of oil shown in the schedule.
to “Recommended fluids/lubricants and or grease. Under severe driving conditions,
capacities” in the “Technical and consumer inspect more frequently. After 120,000 miles (192,000 km)/96
information” section of this manual. months, continue maintenance at the
Tire rotation: Tires should be rotated every same mileage/time intervals.
Fuel lines*: Check the fuel hoses, piping 7,500 miles (12,000 km) according to the in-
and connections for leaks, looseness, or structions under “General maintenance” in
deterioration. Tighten connections or re- this section. When rotating tires, check for
place parts as necessary. damage and uneven wear. Replace if nec-
Spark plugs: Replace at specified intervals. essary.
Install new plugs of the type as originally Transmission fluid/oil: Visually inspect for
equipped. signs of leakage at specified intervals.
CHASSIS AND BODY If using a car-top carrier, or driving on
rough or muddy roads, replace the CVT
MAINTENANCE: fluid every 60,000 miles (96,000 km) or re-
Brake lines and cables: Visually inspect for quest the dealer to inspect the fluid dete-
proper installation. Check for chafing, rioration data using a CONSULT. If the dete-
cracks, deterioration, and signs of leaking. rioration data is more than 210000, replace
Replace any deteriorated or damaged the CVT fluid.
parts immediately.
The maintenance intervals shown on the preceding pages are for normal operating conditions. If the vehicle is mainly operated under
severe driving conditions as shown below, more frequent maintenance must be performed on the following items as shown in the table.
SEVERE DRIVING CONDITIONS • Operating in hot weather in stop-and-go • Driving in dusty conditions.
• Repeated short trips of less than 5 miles “rush hour” traffic. • Driving on rough, muddy or salt spread
(8 km). • Extensive idling and/or low speed driving roads.
• Repeated short trips of less than 10 miles for long distance, such as police, taxi or • Using a car-top carrier.
(16 km) with outside temperatures re- door-to-door delivery use.
maining below freezing.
Maintenance operation: Inspect = Inspect and correct or replace as necessary.
Maintenance item Maintenance operation Maintenance interval
Brake fluid Replace Every 10,000 miles (16,000 km) or 12 months
Brake pads, rotors, drums and linings Inspect Every 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or 6 months
Drive shaft boots Inspect Every 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or 6 months
Engine oil & oil filter Replace Every 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or 6 months
Exhaust system Inspect Every 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or 6 months
Steering gear & linkage, axle & suspension parts Inspect Every 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or 6 months
7,500 Miles (12,000 km) or 6 Months 15,000 Miles (24,000 km) or 12 Months 22,500 Miles (36,000 km) or 18 Months
Dealer Name: Dealer Name: Dealer Name:
Date: Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage: Mileage:
Dealer Dealer Dealer
Stamp: Stamp: Stamp:
30,000 Miles (48,000 km) or 24 Months 37,500 Miles (60,000 km) or 30 Months 45,000 Miles (72,000 km) or 36 Months
Dealer Name: Dealer Name: Dealer Name:
Date: Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage: Mileage:
Dealer Dealer Dealer
Stamp: Stamp: Stamp:
52,500 Miles (84,000 km) or 42 Months 60,000 Miles (96,000 km) or 48 Months 67,500 Miles (108,000 km) or 54 Months
Dealer Name: Dealer Name: Dealer Name:
Date: Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage: Mileage:
Dealer Dealer Dealer
Stamp: Stamp: Stamp:
97,500 Miles (156,000 km) or 78 Months 105,000 Miles (168,000 km) or 84 Months 112,500 Miles (180,000 km) or 90 Months
Dealer Name: Dealer Name: Dealer Name:
Date: Date: Date:
Mileage: Mileage: Mileage:
Dealer Dealer Dealer
Stamp: Stamp: Stamp:
The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure
described in the “Do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (approximate)
Fluid type Metric US Imperial Recommended Fluids/Lubricants
Measure Measure Measure
• For additional information, refer to “Fuel recommendation” in
Fuel 41 L 10-7/8 gal 9 gal
this section.
• Genuine “NISSAN Motor Oil 0W-20 SN” (or equivalent) is recom-
Engine oil*1 With oil filter mended.
4.1 L 4-3/8 qt 3-5/8 qt
Drain and refill change • If the above motor oil (or engine oil) is not available, a synthetic
1*: For additional information, 0W-20 GF-5 SN motor oil (or engine oil) may be used. Damage
refer to “Engine oil” in the “Do- caused by the use of motor oil (or engine oil) other than as rec-
it-yourself” section of this Without oil filter ommended is not covered under NISSAN’s New Vehicle Limited
manual. 3.8 L 4 qt 3-3/8 qt Warranty. For additional information, refer to “Engine oil and oil
filter recommendations” in this section.
Engine coolant • Pre-diluted Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue)
6.95 L 1-7/8 gal 1-1/2 gal
with reservoir or equivalent
• Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3
• NISSAN recommends using Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 (or
equivalent) ONLY in NISSAN CVTs. Do not mix with other fluids.
For additional information, refer to the “Do- Using fluids that are not equivalent to Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) fluid
it-yourself” section of this manual. NS-3 may damage the CVT. Damage caused by the use of fluids
other than as recommended is not covered under NISSAN’s New
Vehicle Limited Warranty outlined in your Warranty Information
Refill to the proper level according to the
• Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy Duty Brake Fluid, available in
Brake fluid instructions in the “Do-it-yourself” section
mainland U.S.A. through a NISSAN dealer, or equivalent DOT 3.
of this manual.
Multi-purpose grease — — — • NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)
• HFO-1234yf (R-1234yf)
Air conditioning system refrigerant — — — • For additional information, refer to “Air conditioner system re-
frigerant and oil recommendations” in this section.
FUEL RECOMMENDATION • Do not use a fuel containing more • Do not use fuel that contains the oc-
Use unleaded regular gasoline with an oc- than 15% ethanol in your vehicle. Your tane booster methylcyclopentadi-
tane rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock vehicle is not designed to run on a enyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT).
Index) number (Research octane number fuel containing more than 15% etha- Using fuel containing MMT may ad-
91). nol. Using a fuel containing more versely affect vehicle performance
than 15% ethanol in a vehicle not spe- and vehicle emissions. Not all fuel
CAUTION cifically designed for a fuel contain- dispensers are labeled to indicate
ing more than 15% ethanol can ad- MMT content, so you may have to
• Only vehicles with the E-85 filler door versely affect the emission control consult your gasoline retailer for
label can operate on E-85. Fuel sys- devices and systems of the vehicle. more details. Note that Federal and
tem or other damage can occur if Damage caused by such fuel is not California laws prohibit the use of
E-85 is used in vehicles that are not covered by the NISSAN New Vehicle MMT in reformulated gasoline.
designed to run on E-85. Limited Warranty. • U.S. government regulations require
• Using a fuel other than that specified ethanol dispensing pumps to be
could adversely affect the emission identified by a small, square, orange
control system, and may also affect and black label with the common ab-
the warranty coverage. breviation or the appropriate per-
• Under no circumstances should a centage for that region.
leaded gasoline be used, because
this will damage the three-way
Oil viscosity
The engine oil viscosity or thickness
changes with temperature. Because of
this, it is important to select the engine oil
LTI2051 viscosity based on the temperatures at
ENGINE OIL AND OIL FILTER Select only engine oils that meet the which the vehicle will be operated before
American Petroleum Institute (API) certifi- the next oil change. Choosing an oil viscos-
RECOMMENDATIONS ity other than that recommended could
cation or International Lubricant Standard-
ization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) cause serious engine damage.
Selecting the correct oil
certification and SAE viscosity standard.
It is essential to choose the correct grade, These oils have the API certification mark Selecting the correct oil filter
quality and viscosity engine oil to ensure on the front of the container. Oils which do Your new NISSAN vehicle is equipped with a
satisfactory engine life and performance. not have the specified quality label should high-quality Genuine NISSAN oil filter. When
For additional information, refer to “Recom- not be used as they could cause engine replacing, use a Genuine NISSAN oil filter or
mended fluids/lubricants and capacities” damage. its equivalent for the reason described in
in this section. NISSAN recommends the
“Change intervals.”
use of an energy conserving oil in order to
improve fuel economy.
Model HR16DE
Type Gasoline, 4-cycle, DOHC
Cylinder arrangement 4-cylinder, inline
Bore x Stroke in (mm) 3.071 x 3.291 (78.0 x 83.6)
Displacement cu in (cm 3) 97.51 (1,598)
Firing order 1–3–4–2
Idle speed
CVT in N (Neutral) position
No adjustment is necessary.
Ignition timing (degree B.T.D.C. at idle speed)
CO % at idle
Spark plug DILKAR6K-11
Spark plug gap (Nominal) in (mm) 0.043 (1.1)
Camshaft operation Timing chain
This spark ignition system complies with the Canadian standard ICES-002.
LABEL LABEL marks on the bumper fascia to indicate the
correct position for each screw.
The cold tire pressure is shown on the Tire The air conditioner specification label is af-
and Loading Information label. The label is fixed as shown. To install the front license plate:
located as shown. Use two 6 mm self-tapping screws to at-
tach front license plate to bumper fascia.
Self-tapping screws are not supplied
with vehicle.
WARNING • Curb Weight (actual weight of your • GCWR (Gross Combined Weight
vehicle) - vehicle weight including: rating) - The maximum total
• It is extremely dangerous to standard parts, fluids, emergency weight rating of the vehicle, pas-
ride in a cargo area inside a ve- tools, and spare tire assembly. This sengers, cargo, and trailer.
hicle. In a collision, people rid- weight does not include passen- • Vehicle Capacity Weight, Load limit,
ing in these areas are more gers and cargo. Total load capacity - maximum to-
likely to be seriously injured or • GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) - curb tal weight limit specified of the load
killed. weight plus the combined weight (passengers and cargo) for the ve-
• Do not allow people to ride in of passengers and cargo. hicle. This is the maximum com-
any area of your vehicle that is • GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rat- bined weight of occupants and
not equipped with seats and ing) - maximum total combined cargo that can be loaded into the
seat belts. weight of the unloaded vehicle, vehicle. If the vehicle is used to tow
• Be sure everyone in your ve- passengers, luggage, hitch, trailer a trailer, the trailer tongue weight
hicle is in a seat and using a tongue load and any other op- must be included as part of the
seat belt properly. tional equipment. This information cargo load. This information is lo-
is located on the F.M.V.S.S. certifica- cated on the Tire and Loading In-
TERMS tion label. formation label.
It is important to familiarize yourself • GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) - • Cargo capacity - permissible
with the following terms before maximum weight (load) limit weight of cargo, the subtracted
loading your vehicle: specified for the front or rear axle. weight of occupants from the load
This information is located on the limit.
F.M.V.S.S. certification label.
Steps for determining correct 1. Locate the statement “The com-
load limit bined weight of occupants and
cargo should never exceed XXX
ratings are given on the vehicle cer- Do not tow a trailer with your vehicle. • For emergency towing procedures
tification label. If weight ratings are FLAT TOWING refer to “Towing recommended by
exceeded, move or remove items to NISSAN” in the “In case of emer-
Towing your vehicle with all four wheels on gency” section of this manual.
bring all weights below the ratings. the ground is sometimes called flat towing.
This method is sometimes used when Continuously Variable
towing a vehicle behind a recreational ve- Transmission
hicle, such as a motor home.
Your NISSAN vehicle is covered by the fol- For USA safety from http://
lowing emission warranties: www.safercar.gov.
If you believe that your vehicle has a
defect which could cause a crash or You may notify NISSAN by contact-
1. Emission Defects Warranty
could cause injury or death, you ing our Consumer Affairs Depart-
2. Emissions Performance Warranty should immediately inform the Na- ment, toll-free, at 1-800-NISSAN-1.
Details of this warranty may be found with tional Highway Traffic Safety Admin- For Canada
other vehicle warranties in your Warranty istration (NHTSA) in addition to noti-
Information Booklet which comes with If you believe that your vehicle has a
your NISSAN vehicle. If you did not receive a fying NISSAN.
defect which could cause a crash or
Warranty Information Booklet, or it is lost, If NHTSA receives similar complaints,
you may obtain a replacement by writing could cause injury or death, you
it may open an investigation, and if it should immediately inform Trans-
• Nissan North America, Inc. finds that a safety defect exists in a port Canada in addition to notifying
Consumer Affairs Department group of vehicles, it may order a re- NISSAN.
P.O. Box 685003 call and remedy campaign. However,
Franklin, TN 37068-5003 NHTSA cannot become involved in If Transport Canada receives com-
For Canada individual problems between you, plaints, it may open an investigation,
Emission Control System Warranty your dealer, or NISSAN. and if it finds that a safety defect
exists in a group of vehicles, it may
Details of this warranty may be found with To contact NHTSA, you may call the
other vehicle warranties in your Warranty request that NISSAN conduct a recall
Information Booklet which comes with Vehicle Safety Hotline toll-free at campaign. However, Transport
your NISSAN vehicle. If you did not receive a 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424- Canada cannot become involved in
Warranty Information Booklet, or it is lost, 9153); go to http://www.safercar.gov; individual problems between you,
you may obtain a replacement by writing or write to: Administrator, NHTSA,
to: your dealer, or NISSAN.
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
• Nissan Canada Inc.
5290 Orbitor Drive D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other
Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4Z5 information about motor vehicle
Technical and consumer information 10-19
You may contact Transport Cana- Due to legal requirements in some states This vehicle is equipped with an Event Data
da's Defect Investigations and Re- and Canadian Provinces, your vehicle may Recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an
be required to be in what is called the EDR is to record, in certain crash or near
calls Division toll free at 1-800-333- “ready condition” for an Inspection/ crash-like situations, such as an air bag
0510. You may also report safety Maintenance (I/M) test of the emission deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data
defects online at: https:// control system. that will assist in understanding how a ve-
wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/7/ The vehicle is set to the “ready condition” hicle's systems performed. The EDR is de-
when it is driven through certain driving signed to record data related to vehicle dy-
PCDB-BDPP/fc-cp.aspx?lang=eng namics and safety systems for a short
patterns. Usually, the ready condition can
(English speakers) or https:// be obtained by ordinary usage of the ve- period of time, typically 30 seconds or less.
wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/7/ hicle. The EDR in this vehicle is designed to re-
cord such data as:
PCDB-BDPP/fc-cp.aspx?lang=fra If a powertrain system component is re- • How various systems in your vehicle were
(French speakers) paired or the battery is disconnected, the operating;
vehicle may be reset to a “not ready” condi-
Additional information concerning tion. Before taking the I/M test, check the • Whether or not the driver and passenger
motor vehicle safety may be ob- vehicle's inspection/maintenance test safety belts were buckled/fastened;
tained from Transport Canada's readiness condition. Place the ignition • How far (if at all) the driver was depress-
switch in the ON position without starting ing the accelerator and/or brake pedal;
Road Safety Information Centre at and,
the engine. If the Malfunction Indicator
1-800-333-0371 or online at Light (MIL) comes on steady for 20 seconds • How fast the vehicle was traveling.
www.tc.gc.ca/roadsafety (English and then blinks for 10 seconds , the I/M test • Sounds are not recorded.
speakers) or www.tc.gc.ca/ condition is “not ready”. If the MIL does not
blink after 20 seconds, the I/M test condi- These data can help provide a better un-
securiteroutiere (French speakers). derstanding of the circumstances in which
tion is “ready”. It is recommended that you
crashes and injuries occur. NOTE: EDR data
To notify NISSAN of any safety con- visit a NISSAN dealer to set the “ready con-
dition” or to prepare the vehicle for testing. are recorded by your vehicle only if a non-
cerns please contact our Consumer trivial crash situation occurs; no data are
Information Centre toll free at 1-800- recorded by the EDR under normal driving
387-0122. conditions and no personal data (e.g.
name, gender, age and crash location) are
recorded. However, other parties, such as
10-20 Technical and consumer information
law enforcement, could combine the EDR Genuine NISSAN Service Manuals for this
data with the type of personally identifying model year and prior can be purchased. A
data routinely acquired during a crash in- Genuine NISSAN Service Manual is the best
vestigation. source of service and repair information for
To read data recorded by an EDR, special your vehicle. This manual is the same one
equipment is required and access to the used by the factory-trained technicians
vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition to working at NISSAN dealerships. Genuine
the vehicle manufacturer and NISSAN NISSAN Owner’s Manuals can also be pur-
dealer, other parties, such as law enforce- chased.
ment, that have the special equipment, can For USA
read the information if they have access to For current pricing and availability of Genu-
the vehicle or the EDR. EDR data will only be ine NISSAN Service Manuals, contact:
accessed with the consent of the vehicle
owner or lessee or as otherwise required or www.nissan-techinfo.com
permitted by law. For current pricing and availability of Genu-
ine NISSAN Owner's Manuals, contact:
For Canada
To purchase a copy of a Genuine NISSAN
Service Manual or Owner’s Manual, for this
model year and prior, please contact your
nearest NISSAN dealer. For the phone num-
ber and location of a NISSAN dealer in your
area, call the NISSAN Information Center at
1-800-387-0122 and a bilingual NISSAN rep-
resentative will assist you.
11-2 Index
Event Data recorders . . . . . . . . . . . .10-20 Fuel gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8 Hill start assist system . . . . . . . . . . .5-104
Exhaust gas (Carbon monoxide) . . . . . .5-4 Fuel octane rating . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-5 Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21
Explanation of maintenance items . . . . .9-2 Fuel recommendation . . . . . . . . . .10-3 Hook
Explanation of scheduled maintenance Fuel efficient driving tips . . . . . . . . . . .5-95 Luggage hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-63
items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-5 Fuel-filler door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-25 Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-52
Extended storage switch . . . . . . . . . .2-58 Fuel gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8
Fuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-19
Fusible links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-20 I
Ignition switch
Flashers (See hazard warning flasher G Push-button ignition switch . . . . . . .5-11
switch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2 Immobilizer system . . . . . . . . . .2-40, 5-14
Flat tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3, 6-4 Gauge Important vehicle information label . . .10-11
Floor mat positioning aid . . . . . . . . . . .7-5 Fuel gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8 In-cabin microfilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-16
Fluid Speedometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5, 2-6 Increasing fuel economy . . . . . . . . . .5-96
Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Tachometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7 Indicator
Capacities and recommended Trip odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5, 2-6 NISSAN Intelligent Key® battery discharge
fuel/lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2 General maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2 indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Glove box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-61 Instrument brightness control . . . . . . .2-50
fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Grocery hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-63 Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . .0-6, 2-2
Engine coolant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-4 Instrument panel dimmer switch . . . . .2-50
Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5 Integrated Dynamics-control Module . .5-103
Windshield-washer fluid . . . . . . . . .8-10 H Intelligent Around View Monitor . . . . . .4-17
F.M.V.S.S. certification label . . . . . . . . .10-11 Intelligent Driver Alertness (I-DA). . . . . .5-92
Fog light switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-51 Hands-free phone system, Bluetooth® . .4-67 Intelligent Engine Brake (I-EB) . . . . . . .5-103
Front air bag system (See supplemental Hazard warning flasher switch. . . . . . . .6-2 Intelligent Forward Collision Warning
restraint system) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-48 Headlight and turn signal switch . . . . .2-44 (I-FCW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-80
Front-door pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-59 Headlight control switch . . . . . . . . . .2-44 Intelligent Key system
Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Headlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-24 Key operating range . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8
Fuel Head restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5 Mechanical key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-3
Capacities and recommended Heated seat switches . . . . . . . . . . . .2-52 Remote keyless entry operation . . . .3-12
fuel/lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2 Heater Troubleshooting guide . . . . . . . . . .3-16
Fuel economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-96 Heater and air conditioner . . . . . . . .4-41 Warning signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-16
Fuel-filler door lock opener lever . . . .3-25 Heater and air conditioner controls . .4-42 Intelligent Trace Control (I-TC) . . . . . . .5-103
Heater operation . . . . . . . . . .4-35, 4-42
Index 11-3
Interior light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-71 Lane Departure Warning (LDW) . . . . . . .5-23 Fuel-filler door lock opener lever . . . .3-25
iPod® Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-57 Lane Departure Warning (LDW) switch . .2-54 Power door locks . . . . . . . . . . .3-5, 3-6
ISOFIX child restraints. . . . . . . . . . . . .1-23 LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Low fuel warning light. . . . . .2-15, 2-16, 2-33
CHildren) System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-23 Low tire pressure warning light. . . . . . .2-15
Launch bar menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-8 Low windshield-washer fluid warning
J License plate light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16
Installing the license plate. . . . . . . .10-12 Luggage hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-63
Jump starting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9, 8-13 Liftgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-22 Luggage rack (see roof rack) . . . .2-65, 2-66
Light Luggage (See vehicle loading
K Air bag warning light . . . . . . . .1-62, 2-18 information) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13
Brake light (See stop light) . . . . . . . .8-26
Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2 Bulb check/instrument panel . . . . . .2-12
Bulb replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-26 M
Key fob battery replacement . . . . . . . .8-22
Keyless entry Charge warning light . . . . . . . . . . .2-13
Exterior and Interior lights . . . . . . . .8-26 Maintenance
With Intelligent Key system General maintenance . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
(See Intelligent Key system) . . . . . . .3-12 Fog lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-24
Fog light switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-51 Inside the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3
Keys Maintenance precautions . . . . . . . . .8-2
NISSAN Intelligent Key® . . . . . . . . . . .3-7 Headlight and turn signal switch . . . .2-44
Headlight control switch . . . . . . . . .2-44 Outside the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System Seat belt maintenance . . . . . . . . . .1-17
keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-3 Headlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-24
Interior light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-71 Under the hood and vehicle . . . . . . .9-4
Light bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-24 Maintenance log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11
L Low tire pressure warning light . . . . .2-15 Maintenance requirements. . . . . . . . . .9-2
Low windshield-washer fluid warning Maintenance schedules. . . . . . . . . . . .9-6
Labels light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16 Maintenance under severe operation
Air conditioner specification label . . .10-12 Passenger air bag and status light . . .1-51 conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10
Emission control information label . .10-11 Personal lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72 Malfunction indicator light . . . . . . . . .2-20
Engine serial number . . . . . . . . . . .10-11 Security indicator light . . . . . . . . . .2-21 Manual front seat adjustment . . . . . . . .1-3
F.M.V.S.S. certification label . . . . . . . .10-11 Trunk light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-73 Map lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72
Tire and Loading Information label . .10-12 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-24 Map pocket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-59
Vehicle identification number (VIN) . .10-10 Map lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72 Menu button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Vehicle identification number (VIN) Lock Meters and gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10 Child safety rear door lock. . . . . . . . .3-6 Instrument brightness control . . . . .2-50
Warning labels (for SRS) . . . . . . . . . .1-61 Door locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4, 3-5
11-4 Index
Mirror Overheat Precautions when starting and
Outside mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-28 If your vehicle overheats . . . . . . . . .6-11 driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4
Rearview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-28 Owner's manual order form . . . . . . . .10-21 Push starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-11
Vanity mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27 Owner's manual/service manual order
Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-28 information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-21
Moving Object Detection (MOD) . . . . . .4-28 R
P Radio
N Car phone or CB radio . . . . . . . . . .4-67
Parking FM/AM radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-49
NISSAN Anti-Theft System . . . . . .2-39, 5-14 Parking brake operation . . . . . . . . .5-23 Steering wheel audio control switch. .4-63
NissanConnect® Owner's Manual . . . . . .4-2 Parking/parking on hills . . . . . . . . .5-96 Radio frequency remote control
NISSAN Intelligent Key™ . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2 Personal lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-72 Key operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9
NISSAN Intelligent Key® . . . . . . . . . . . .3-7 Phone, Bluetooth® hands-free system . .4-67 Readiness for inspection maintenance
NISSAN Intelligent Key® battery discharge Power (I/M) test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-20
indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13 Power door locks . . . . . . . . . . .3-5, 3-6 Rear Automatic Braking (RAB) . . . . . . .5-54
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer Power outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-57 Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) . . . . . . .5-42
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-40, 5-14 Power rear windows. . . . . . . . . . . .2-70 Rear Door Alert . . . . . . . . .2-36, 2-37, 2-56
Power steering system . . . . . . . . . .5-97 Rear power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-70
Power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-68 Rear seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4
O Rear power windows . . . . . . . . . . .2-70 Rear sonar system OFF switch. . . . . . .2-55
Power outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-57 Rear Sonar System (RSS) . . . . . . . . . .5-105
Octane rating (See fuel octane rating) . .10-5 Power steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-97 Rearview mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-28
Oil Precautions RearView Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-9
Capacities and recommended Maintenance precautions . . . . . . . . .8-2 Adjusting the screen . . . . . . . . . . .4-24
fuel/lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2 On-pavement and off-road driving Rear window and outside mirror defroster
Changing engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . .8-6 precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-9 switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-44, 4-43
Changing engine oil filter . . . . . . . . .8-6 Precautions on booster Rear window defroster switch . . .2-44, 4-35
Checking engine oil level . . . . . . . . .8-5 seats . . . . . . . . . . . .1-21, 1-27, 1-33, 1-38 Rear window wiper and washer
Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5 Precautions on child switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-43
Engine oil and oil filter restraints . . . . . . . . .1-21, 1-27, 1-33, 1-38 Recommended Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2
recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-6 Precautions on seat belt usage . . . . .1-10 Recorders
Engine oil viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-6 Precautions on supplemental restraint Event Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-20
Outside mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-28 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-42 Refrigerant recommendation . . . . . . . .10-7
Index 11-5
Registering a vehicle in another Manual front seat adjustment . . . . . .1-3 Steering
country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10 Rear seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4 Power steering system . . . . . . . . . .5-97
Remote Engine Start . . . . . . . . . .3-18, 5-16 Security indicator light . . . . . . . . . . . .2-21 Steering wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-26
Reporting safety defects (US only) . . . .10-19 Security system (NISSAN Anti-Theft System), Steering wheel audio control switch . . .4-63
Roof rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-65, 2-66 engine start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-39, 5-14 Stop light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-26
Security system (NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-59
System), engine start . . . . . . . . .2-40, 5-14 Storage tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-60
S Security systems Sun visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27
Vehicle security system . . . . . . . . .2-38 Supplemental air bag warning labels . . .1-61
Safety Self-adjusting brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-18 Supplemental air bag warning
Child safety rear door lock. . . . . . . . .3-6 Service manual order form. . . . . . . . .10-21 light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-62, 2-18
Child seat belts . . . . .1-21, 1-27, 1-33, 1-38 Servicing air conditioner. . . . . . . . . . .4-44 Supplemental front impact air bag
Reporting safety defects (US only). . .10-19 Shifting system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-48
Seat adjustment Continuously Variable Transmission Supplemental restraint system
Front manual seat adjustment . . . . . .1-3 (CVT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-18 Information and warning labels . . . . .1-61
Rear seat adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . .1-4 Shoulder belt height adjustment . . . . . .1-16 Precautions on supplemental restraint
Seatback pockets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-60 Siri® Eyes-Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-64 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-42
Seat belt Sonar Supplemental restraint system
Child safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-18 Rear system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-105 (Supplemental air bag system) . . . . . . .1-42
Infants and small children . . . . . . . .1-19 Spark plug replacement . . . . . . . . . . .8-15 Switch
Injured person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-13 Spark plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-15 Autolight switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-45
Larger children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-19 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-8 Automatic power window switch . . .2-70
Precautions on seat belt usage . . . . .1-10 Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5, 2-6 Fog light switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-51
Pregnant women . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-13 SRS warning label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-61 Hazard warning flasher switch . . . . . .6-2
Seat belt extenders. . . . . . . . . . . . .1-17 Stability control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-100 Headlight and turn signal switch . . . .2-44
Seat belt maintenance . . . . . . . . . .1-17 Standard maintenance . . . . . . . . .9-7, 9-8 Headlight control switch . . . . . . . . .2-44
Seat belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10, 7-6 Starting Instrument brightness control . . . . .2-50
Shoulder belt height adjustment . . . .1-16 Before starting the engine . . . . . . . .5-15 Power door lock switch. . . . . . . .3-5, 3-6
Three-point type with retractor . . . . .1-13 Jump starting . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9, 8-13 Rear sonar system OFF switch . . . . .2-55
Seat belt extenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-17 Precautions when starting and Rear window and outside mirror defroster
Seat belt warning light . . . . . . . . .1-13, 2-18 driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4 switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-44, 4-43
Seats Push starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-11 Rear window defroster switch . .2-44, 4-35
Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Starting the engine . . . . . . . . . . . .5-15 Rear window wiper and washer
Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 Starting the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-15 switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-43
11-6 Index
Turn signal switch . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-51 Transmission Vehicle immobilizer system . . . . .2-40, 5-14
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Vehicle information display . . . . . . . . .2-23
fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Vehicle loading information . . . . . . . .10-13
T Driving with Continuously Variable Vehicle recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-14
Transmission (CVT). . . . . . . . . . . . .5-17 Vehicle security system . . . . . . . . . . .2-38
Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7 Travel (See registering a vehicle in another Vehicle security system
Theft (NISSAN Anti-Theft System), engine country) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10 (NISSAN Anti-Theft System),
start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-39, 5-14 Trip odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5, 2-6 engine start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-39, 5-14
Theft (NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System), Trunk light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-73 Vehicle security system (NISSAN Vehicle
engine start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-40, 5-14 Turn signal switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-51 Immobilizer System), engine
Three-way catalyst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4 start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-40, 5-14
Tire Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-32
Flat tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3, 6-4 U Visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27
Spare tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-5, 8-39 Voice Prompt Interrupt. . . . . . . . . . . .4-70
Tire and Loading Information label . .10-12 Uniform tire quality grading . . . . . . . .10-18
Tire chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-35 USB/iPod® Charging Ports . . . . . . . . .4-63
Tire pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-28 USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connection Port W
Tire rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-36 (models without Navigation System) . . .4-54
Types of tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-34 Warning
Uniform tire quality grading. . . . . . .10-18 Air bag warning light . . . . . . . .1-62, 2-18
Wheels and tires . . . . . . . . . .8-28, 10-9 V Battery charge warning light . . . . . .2-13
Wheel/tire size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-9 Brake warning light . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13
Tire pressure Vanity mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27 Door open warning light . . . . . . . . .2-14
Low tire pressure warning light . . . . .2-15 Variable voltage control system . . . . . .8-14 Engine oil pressure warning light . . . .2-14
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) . .5-5 Vehicle dimensions and weights. . . . . .10-9 Hazard warning flasher switch . . . . . .6-2
Top tether strap child restraint . . . . . . .1-25 Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF Low fuel warning light . . . .2-15, 2-16, 2-33
Towing switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-55 Low tire pressure warning light . . . . .2-15
4-wheel drive models . . . . . . . . . . .6-13 Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) Low windshield-washer fluid warning
Flat towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-17 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-100 light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16
Trailer towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-17 Vehicle identification . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10 Passenger air bag and status light . . .1-51
Towing a trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-17 Vehicle identification number (VIN) . . . .10-10 Seat belt warning light . . . . . . .1-13, 2-18
Towing your vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-12 Vehicle identification number (VIN) Supplemental air bag warning
(Chassis number) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10 light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-62, 2-18
Vehicle identification number (VIN) Vehicle security system . . . . . . . . .2-38
plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10
Index 11-7
Warning labels (for SRS) . . . . . . . . . .1-61
Warning lights, indicator lights and audible
reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0-9, 2-11
Washer switch
Rear window wiper and washer
switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-43
Weights (See dimensions and weights). .10-9
Wheels and tires . . . . . . . . . . . .8-28, 10-9
Wheel/tire size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-9
When traveling or registering in another
country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-68
Locking passengers' windows . . . . .2-70
Power rear windows. . . . . . . . . . . .2-70
Power windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-68
Rear power windows . . . . . . . . . . .2-70
Windshield-washer fluid . . . . . . . . . . .8-10
Windshield wiper blades . . . . . . . . . . .8-17
Rear window wiper and washer
switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-43
Wiper blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-17
Wiper and washer switch . . . . . . . . . .2-41
11-8 Index
FUEL RECOMMENDATION: • Do not use a fuel containing more • U.S. government regulations require
Use unleaded regular gasoline with an oc- than 15% ethanol in your vehicle. Your ethanol dispensing pumps to be
tane rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock vehicle is not designed to run on a identified by a small, square, orange
Index) number (Research octane number fuel containing more than 15% etha- and black label with the common ab-
91). nol. Using a fuel containing more breviation or the appropriate per-
than 15% ethanol in a vehicle not spe- centage for that region.
CAUTION cifically designed for a fuel contain-
For additional information, refer to “Recom-
ing more than 15% ethanol can ad-
• Only vehicles with the E-85 filler door mended fluids/lubricants and capacities”
versely affect the emission control
label can operate on E-85. Fuel sys- in the “Technical and consumer informa-
devices and systems of the vehicle.
tem or other damage can occur if tion” section of this manual.
Damage caused by such fuel is not
E-85 is used in vehicles that are not covered by the NISSAN New Vehicle ENGINE OIL RECOMMENDATION:
designed to run on E-85. Limited Warranty.
For additional information, refer to “Recom-
• Using a fuel other than that specified • Do not use fuel that contains the oc-
mended fluids/lubricants and capacities”
could adversely affect the emission tane booster methylcyclopentadi-
in the “Technical and consumer informa-
control system, and may also affect enyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT).
tion” section of this manual.
the warranty coverage. Using fuel containing MMT may ad-
• Under no circumstances should a versely affect vehicle performance COLD TIRE PRESSURE:
leaded gasoline be used, because and vehicle emissions. Not all fuel
dispensers are labeled to indicate Refer to the Tire and Loading Information
this will damage the three-way
MMT content, so you may have to label.
consult your gasoline retailer for The label is typically located on the driver
more details. Note that Federal and side center pillar or on the driver's door. For
California laws prohibit the use of additional information, refer to “Wheels and
MMT in reformulated gasoline. tires” in the “Do-it-yourself” section of this
During the first 1,200 miles (2,000 km) of
vehicle use, follow the break-in procedure
recommendations for the future reliability
and economy of your new vehicle. For ad-
ditional information, refer to “Break-in
schedule” in the “Starting and driving” sec-
tion of this manual. Failure to follow these
recommendations may result in vehicle
damage or shortened engine life.
Printing : May 2020
Publication No.: OM20EM 0P15U1
Printed in the U.S.A. ‘20 P15-D