ES Environmental Science and Engineering: Section 1: Mathematics Foundation
ES Environmental Science and Engineering: Section 1: Mathematics Foundation
ES Environmental Science and Engineering: Section 1: Mathematics Foundation
Growth and control of microorganisms: Bacterial nutrition and growth; Specific growth rate and
doubling time; Monod’s model; Types of culture media; Batch and continuous culture; Effects
of environmental factors on growth; Control of microbes using physical and chemical methods.
Global Water Resources: Structure, properties and distribution of water; Water quality; Threats
to water resources; Water conservation.
Surface Water Resources: Hydrological cycle and water balance - precipitation, infiltration,
evapotranspiration, runoff; Flow hydrographs; Unit hydrographs; Stage-discharge
relationship; Reservoir capacity; Reservoir and channel routing; Surface run-off models;
Surface water management; Rain water harvesting and storage.
Water and wastewater quality parameters; Eutrophication and thermal stratification in lakes;
River pollution - Oxygen sag curve.
Water treatment methods - screening, sedimentation with and without coagulation, filtration,
desalination, disinfection; Water distribution and storage
Point and non-point sources of wastewater; Population forecasting methods; Design of sewer
and storm water sewers; Sewer appurtenances; Preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary
sewage treatment; Sludge generation, processing and disposal methods; Sewage farming.
Sources and characteristics of industrial effluents; Concept of Common Effluent Treatment
Plants (CETP); Wastewater recycling and zero liquid discharge.
Kinetics and reactor design: Mass and energy balance, Order and rate of reactions, Batch
reactors, Completely mixed flow reactors, Plug flow reactors.
Particulate pollutants: measurement and control methods; Control of particulate air pollutants
using gravitational settling chambers, cyclone separators, wet collectors, fabric filters (Bag-
house filter), electrostatic precipitators (ESP).
Automotive emission controls, fuel quality, diesel particulate filters, catalytic convertors.
Air quality management: Point, line and area sources; Inventory; Influence of meteorology -
wind rose diagrams, stability, mixing height, topography, dispersion modelling, monitoring.
Noise pollution: Sources; Health effects; Standards; Measurement and control methods.
Integrated solid waste management; Waste hierarchy; Rules and regulations for solid waste
management in India.
Management of biomedical waste, plastic waste and E-waste: Sources, generation and
characteristics; Waste management practices including storage, collection and transfer.
Section 8: Global and Regional Environmental Issues
Global effects of air pollution – Greenhouse gases, global warming, climate change, urban
heat islands, acid rain, ozone hole.
Environmental Law and Policy – Objectives; Polluter pays principle, Precautionary principle;
The Water and Air Acts with amendments; The Environment (Protection) Act (EPA) 1986;
National Green Tribunal Act, 2010; National Environment Policy; Principles of International
Law and International treaties.
Energy and Environment: Energy sources – overview of resources and reserves; Renewable
and non-renewable energy sources; Energy-Environment nexus.