Envirn-Engg Iit Kanpur
Envirn-Engg Iit Kanpur
Envirn-Engg Iit Kanpur
Onkar Dixit Head Vinod Tare Binayak Rath onkar vinod brath 7267 7792 7155 7759 Purnendu Bose pbose 7582
Purnendu Bose pbose Saumyen Guha sguha 7403 7917
S Tripathi T. Gupta 7403 snt tarun 7845 7128
E-mails : _____@iitk.ac.in
Recognising the emerging challenges for environmentally sustainable economic development, unique broad based programme in Environmental Engineering and Management has recently been started. This is primarily to meet the growing human resources requirements of high quality to provide leadership in various sectors such as environmental policy and planning, implementation and legal aspects, sustainable industrial development, environment-friendly infrastructure management, resource cleanup through remediation of land, water and air resources, over and above the traditional "end-of-the-pipe" pollution control measures. The need for an integrated approach to environmental issues that transcend the boundaries of traditional disciplines in social sciences, physical sciences, engineering sciences and management sciences has been recognised. This new programme builds on the past rich experience in environmental engineering, and the available experts and infrastructure across various branches of engineering, sciences and humanities in the institute. This interdisciplinary programme offers M. Tech. (4 semesters) in Environmental Engineering and Management and is ad ministered by the Department of Civil Engineering. Doctoral programme in environmental engineering is offered by the Department of Civil Engineering. A Bachelor's degree in any branch of engineering, or a Master's degree in most branches of sciences is the minimum required for admission to the M. Tech. Programme. Admission to the M.Tech. programme is generally offered in the semester beginning July/August.
EEM 601 L-T-P-D-[C] 3-0-0-0-[4] EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Understanding earth, atmosphere and processes governing environmental conditions; the biosphere, earth's energy budget, the atmosphere, climate and climate change, the geologic, tectonic, hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. Study and significance of natural resources; renewable biological resources, wildlife conservation/management, fisheries, forestry, energy resources, nonrenewable energy resources, renewable energy resources, energy consumption, scarcity and conservation; mineral resources, mineral availability and recycling; air, water and soil resources. World food supply; traditional agriculture, green revolution, aquaculture, modern agriculture, ecological impacts of modern agriculture, organic farming. Major environmental concerns; natural hazards and processes, dams and environment, channelisation and environment, global climate and hazards, effect of population increase on environment, historical perspective of growing environmental concerns. PHYSICOCHEMICAL PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES Structure and basic properties of water - their significance in environmental engineering, sources of water impurities, abiotic reactions, biological metabolism. Solid-liquid-gas interactions, mass transfer and transport of impurities in water and air, diffusion, dispersion. Physical and chemical interactions due to various forces, suspensions and dispersions. Chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium, and chemical thermodynamics, acid-base equilibria, solubility equilibria, oxidationreduction equilibria. Process kinetics, reaction rates and catalysis, surface and colloidal chemistry, adsorption. Settling of particles in water, coagulation and flocculation, filtration - mechanisms and interpretations, ion exhange and adsorption, water stabilisation, acration and gas transfer. Membrane process; reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, desalination. ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES Ecosystems; biotic and abiotic components, production and consumption, trophic levels, productivity and energy flow, food webs, cycling of elements. Ecology of population; ecological niche, mortality and survivorship, community interactions. Changes in ecosystems; succession. long range changes, long range stability. The organisation and dynamics of ecological communities. Description and study of typical natural and artificial ecosystems. Biochemistry; photosynthesis and respiration, important biological compounds, enzymes. Microbiological concepts; cells, classification and characteristics of living organisms, characterisation techniques, reproduction, metabolism, microbial growth kinetics. 167
Applications to environmental engineering; assimilation of wastes, engineered systems, concepts and principles of carbon oxidation, nitrification, denitrification, methanogenasis, etc., concepts of quantization of degradable pollutants. EEM 604 L-T-P-D-[C] 2-4-0-0-[4] ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND POLLUTION MONITORING TECHNIQUES Genral principles of sample collection and data analysis. Gravimetric methods for solids analysis in water and wastewater, determination of acidity, alkalinity and turbidity, analysis of common cations and anions in water/wastewater through various chemical techniques, determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Titrimetric methods; acid-base titrations, precipitation titrations, complexometric titrations, oxidation-reduction titrations. Electrochemical methods; working principles of electrodes, different types of electrodes. Spectrophotometric methods; Nephelometric methods; Atomic absorption spectroscopy; Biological methods and microbiology; biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), MPN test for microbial pollution, plate counts; confirmatory tests. Sampling techniques for air pollution measurements; analysis of particulates and common chemical air pollutants like oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon. AIR POLLUTION AND ITS CONTROL, 3-0-0-4 Air pollutants, their sources and harmful effects on the environment; Meteorology as applied to air pollution and dispersion of air pollutants; Air quality and emission standards; Air pollution legislation; Methods for monitoring and control, selection of control equipment. Engineering control concepts; process change, fuel change; Pollutant removal and disposal of pollutants; Control devices and systems, removal of dry particulate matter, liquid droplets and mist removal, gaseous pollutants and odour removal. Control of stationary and mobile sources. Economics and trends in air pollution control. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT Environmental management, problems and strategies; Review of political, ecological and remedial actions; Future strategies; multidisciplinary environmental strategies, the human, planning, descision-making and management dimensions. Environmental impact assessment (EIA), definitions and concepts, sustainable development (SD), initial environmental examination (IEE), environmental impact statement (EIS), environmental appraisal, environmental audit (EA); Environmental impact factors and areas of consideration, measurement of environmental impact, organisation, scope and methodologies of EIA, case studies stressing physical aspects of environment.
INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT Sources and types of wastes; solid, liquid and gaseous wastes; water use in industry, industrial water quality requirements, deterioratation in water quality. Control and removal of specific pollutants in industrial wastewaters, e.g., oil and grease, cyanide, fluoride, toxic organics, heavy metals, radioactivity, etc. Solid and hazardous wastes; definitions, concepts and management aspects. Control of gaseous emissions; hood and ducts, tall stacks, particulate and gaseous pollutant control; recent trends in industrial waste management, cradle to grave concept, life cycle analysis, clean technologies. Case studies of various industries, e.g., dairy, fertiliser, distillary, sugar, pulp and paper, iron and steel, metal plating, thermal power plants, etc. Environmental audit; definitions and concepts; environmental audit versus accounts audit, compliance audit; relevant methodologies, regulations; Introduction to ISO and ISO 14000. FATE AND TRANSPORT OF CONTAMINANTS IN NATURAL SYSTEMS Introduction, modelling of volatilization, sorption / desorption, chemical transformations, photochemical transformations, biological transformations and bioturbation. Concepts of scale in natural systems, brief review of mass, momentum and energy balance, advection, molecular diffusion, dispersion. Modelling of rivers, lakes, large lakes, sediments, estuaries, wetlands, subsurface flow and transport. Finite difference and linear algebraic methods to solve the system equations. Some special models. PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN OF WATER SUPPLY AND TREATMENT SYSTEMS Definitions and Concepts: Water sources, Philosophy of water treatment, Review of water quality characteristics and potable and industrial water standards, Unit operations, Unit processes, Water supply; Theory and Design of Water Supply Systems; Estimation of water quantity, Review of flow in pipes and open channel flow, Review of pump characteristics, Design of water distribution networks, Theory and design of Conventional Unit Operations used in Water Treatment: Sedimentation, Floatation, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, and disinfection processes; Theory and Design of Advanced Unit Operations used in Water Treatment: Membrane Processes, Ion Exchange, Aeration/stripping, Percipitation, Adsorption, Oxidation-reduction and advanced oxidation processes; Water Treatment Plant Design; Selection of raw water source, Planning and siting of water treatment plant, Hydraulics of water treatment plant, Chemical requirement and residuals management. PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL Definition and Concepts; Philosophy of wastewater Treatment, Review of 169
Wastewater quality parametrs and discharge standards for aquatic and land disposal, Estimation of wastewater quantity; Wastewater Collection; Principles of open Channel flow, Design of sewers and sewerage systems; Wastewater treatment; Preliminary treatment, Bar-rack, Screens, Grit chamber, Equalization tank, Primary sedimentation, Secondary treatment, Aerobic processes, Anaerobic processes, Tertiary treatment, Nutrient removal, Residual management, Natural Design; Planning and siting of Wastewater treatment plant, Hydraulics of wastewater treatment plant, Chemical requirements and material balance; Wastewater Disposal; disposal to inland waters such as lakes reservoirs, rivers and streams, disposal to sea, disposal on Land. EEM 612 L-T-P-D-[C] 3-0-0-0-[4] QUANTATIVE METHODS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Review of Basic Mathematical Concepts; various theorems, series, matricies, ODs and PDs; Numerical Methods; Basic Concepts of numerical differentiation and integration, Finite difference techniques, solution of linear and nonlinear equations, problem formulation; Probability and Statistical Methods; Exploratory data analysis, Probability distribution, Linear and non-linear regression analysis, Analysis of varience, Design of experiments, Monto Carlo simulation; Optimization; Basic Concepts, Problem formulation and statement, Types of optimization problems; Environmental Decision making; Scaling and ranking techniques, Decision matrices, Decision making techniques. Emphasis on problem formulation and application of available software in the areas of environmental science, engineering and management. ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS, LEGISLATION & SOCIAL IMPACT Broad aspects of environmental economics; society and environment, sustainable development, management of environment, regional and global environmental strategies, environmental movements. Environmental legislation; role of U.N. and its associate bodies, role of world bank, administering global environmental funds, environmental programmes and policies in developed and developing countries, environmental programmes and policies of the government of India, structural changes for environmental managements, sectoral policies regarding land, water, forestry, energy, industrial pollution, and human resources development. Environmental impact assessment (EIA); rationale and historical development of EIA, methodologies and socio-economic aspects of EIA, status of EIAs in india, case studies stressing socio-economic aspects of EIA. ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, 3-0-0-0-4 Atmosphere as a Physical system, Introduction to Atmospheric Models: Simple Radiative model, Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, Atmospheric Observations: The mean Temperature and Wind Fields, Gravity Waves, Rossby Waves, Ozone. 170
Atmospheric Thermodynamics: The Ideal Gas Law, Atmospheric Composition, Hydrostatic Balance, Entropy and Potential Temperature, Parcel Concepts, The Available Potential Energy, Moisture in the Atmosphere, The Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate, The Tephigram, Cloud Formation Mass Conservation, The Material Derivative, Alternative form of the Continuity Equation, The Equation of State for the Atmosphere, The Navier- Stokes Equation, Rotating Frames of Reference, Equations of Motion in Coordinate Form, Geostropic and Hydrostatic Approxi-mations, Pressure Coordinates and Geopotential. Further Atmospheric Fluid Dynamics: Vorticity and Potential Vorticity, The Boussinesque Approximation, Quasi Geostrophic Motion, Gravity Waves, Boundary Layers, General Considerations, The Laminar Ekman Layer, Baroclinic Instability, Barotropic Instability. Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions, Chemical Kinetics, Bimolecular Reactions, Photodissociation, Stratospheric Ozone, Chapman Chemistry, Catalytic Cycles, Transport of Chemicals, The Antarctic Ozone Hole. Aerosol Dynamics: Discrete and continuous aerosol size distributions; Thermodynamics of atmospheric aerosols; Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation; Coagulation and coagulation kernels; Condensation/evaporation, saturation vapour pressure corrections; Fluxes to a particle population; Sedimentation and dry deposition; Chemical equilibria; Heterogeneous reactions in aerosol- aqueousphase; Aerosol-cloud interactions. Aerosol and Global Climate: Trends in anthropogenic emissions and troposphere composition; Solar and terrestrial radiation; Effect of pollutants on Earths radiation budget; Radiation scattering by aerosols and clouds; Models for global warming and cooling. EEM 699 M. TECH. THESIS