Divergent Thinking

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Divergent thinking is essential to creativity, since generating various potential

possibilities is a vital component of creative thought. In his studies on intelligence,

psychologist J.P. Guilford linked creativity to divergent thinking and named five

characteristics of this type of thinking that both require and foster creativity:

 Flexibility: This is the capacity to explore and put forth a variety of options and

suggestions without becoming fixated on a single one. This quality is crucial for

creative thinking since it allows one to explore many possibilities without being

constrained by preconceived ideas.

 Fluency: This is the capacity to think of numerous potential pathways. It is a crucial

component of creativity since it enables the production of a large number of ideas that

can later be honed and developed into novel solutions.

 Originality Originality refers to the creation of unique and original concepts. Divergent

thinking is characterized by innovative and novel ideas rather than well-defined and

conventional ones, which are indicative of convergent thinking. Being original is

important since it includes coming up with fresh, original ideas.

 Elaboration: This relates to the capacity to develop and, ultimately, carry out a concept

that has been suggested. Elaboration exhibits the capacity to mentally organize novel

processes, which is crucial for turning original ideas into workable solutions.

Divergent thinking is essential for creative thinking since it involves coming up with

several alternatives, being adaptable, thinking of different routes to take, coming up

with unique and fresh ideas, and developing and putting those ideas into practice.

Divergent thinking is characterized by these qualities, which are crucial for fostering

creativity and ultimately producing innovative solutions.


1. SCAMPER: This is an abbreviation for "Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put

to another use, Eliminate, and Rearrange". It is an approach for creative thinking

that encourages pupils to consider changing and improving existing items, projects,

or ideas. This strategy encourages divergent thinking by forcing pupils to come up

with fresh ideas for existing work.

2. Mind Mapping: This method involves connecting and organizing information

using visual diagrams. It encourages students to think about how their learning

links, examine different viewpoints of a topic, and grasp how the material they are

learning builds and connects in the classroom.

3. Brainwriting: This is similar to brainstorming, but instead of discussing ideas

verbally, you write them down. It is especially beneficial for enabling shy or

introverted students to express themselves. It also allows students to take their time

developing ideas and building on suggestions given by others.

4. Reverse Brainstorming: This entails contemplating methods to exacerbate a

problem or generate new problems. It assists students in identifying potential

difficulties and promotes critical thinking abilities. Students can gain a deeper

understanding of a problem and discover strategies to overcome obstacles by

identifying ways to make it worse.


Attending class is essential for the divergent thinking process for various reasons:

 Exposure to Diverse Points of View: Being in class allows kids to interact with their

peers and teachers, exposing them to many ways of thinking about and tackling

problems. By encouraging students to explore diverse views and ideas, this interaction

can foster divergent thinking.

 Structured Learning atmosphere: The classroom provides an organized atmosphere

that can aid learning and foster divergent thinking. Teachers can guide students and

encourage them to think creatively and from multiple angles.

 Access to Resources: Attending class gives the access to resources (such as books,

materials, and technology) that might help to think differently. Teachers might also

offer exercises and activities that encourage varied thinking.

 Group Activities: By exposing students to multiple ideas and views, group activities

and discussions can foster divergent thinking. Group activities frequently necessitate

students thinking creatively and considering different solutions to a problem.

 Guidance and Feedback: Teachers can provide students with guidance and feedback to

assist them enhance their divergent thinking skills. They can encourage students to

think creatively, consider numerous perspectives, and experiment with alternative

problem-solving approaches.

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