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Or-01 Clip Book-Updated 2011 10.18

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Abortion and Family Planning Issues

Pro-Life Candidate In 2011, it was reported that although Cornilles was pro-life. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11] Cornilles Said He is Pro-Life Cornilles said, Im pro-life. [Americans for Prosperity Meeting, 1/19/10] Pro-Life Cornilles said he is pro-life, but I always have been grateful that we can make that choice. [Daily Astorian,

Touted Endorsement from Oregon Right to Life At a Democracy in Action forum in 2010, Cornilles touted his endorsement from Oregon Right to Life. I can assure you that you would not have the endorsement of the Oregon Right to Life unless you were pro-life. I am the only candidate on the stage who has indicated his pro-life, in that he got the endorsement of the Oregon Right to Life, Cornilles said. [Democracy in Action forum, 4/20/10] Received Independent Expenditure Help from Oregon Right to Life According to FEC filings, Oregon Right to Life spent over $50,000 in independent expenditures, including over $30,000 in mail and over $18,000 in phone calls. The National Right to Life organization spent $852 in radio ads in support of Cornilles. [FEC.gov]

Received Oregon Right to Life Endorsement in 2010 In 2011, Life News reported that Cornilles was pro-life and received the Oregon Right to Life endorsement in 2010. Republican Rob Cornilles is pro-life. In 2010, he earned the endorsement of Oregon Right to Life, the states largest pro-life organization that works to protect human life both from abortion and from assisted suicide, which is legal in Oregon. In addition, Cornilles opposes the pro-abortion Obama healthcare law. [Life News, 9/19/11]

Budget and Debt Issues

Supported Balanced Budget Amendment-Expressed Concern Over Immediate Enactment At a forum Cornilles opposed a balanced budget amendment. The question is about a balanced budget amendment, let me explain, there's a lot of talk in Washington DC about creating a balanced budget amendment, that means there would be an amendment to the Constitution which would require the federal government, just like our state government has to do, it would require the federal government to only spend as much as you bring in. Right now we dont have that requirement on the federal level, thats why we have these deficits that were running each and every year. He went on to say I support a balanced budget amendment, the problem with a balanced budget amendment, if we enacted it immediately is, if you remember were in a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit this year, and if its a law that you cant spend more than you can bring in, wed have to cut 1.3 trillion dollars of servicesWe have to slowly work to a balanced budget. Thats my proposal, I think its a fair way and I also think its a measured way so as not create so much hurt across the country. [West View High School
Forum, Part 1, 00:31, 10/17/11]

Said He Would Have Voted to Raise Debt Ceiling In a 2011 radio interview, Cornilles said the debt ceiling had to be raised because America had to pay its bills. Cornilles said, As it relates to the current debt ceiling crisis as they called it, you know the fact is we should have never gotten to that point. Why did we have to raise the debt ceiling? Its because we borrow money we dont have And for those who might argue that we shouldnt have raised the debt ceiling, well no one will ever know for certain because we actually did it, some would argue that we should not have done it and we would have been able to pay our bills anyways. I do not subscribe to that thinking. I think we had to do it for the good of the country. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2, 8:40, Posted

Supported Balanced Budget Amendment In 2011, columnist Dave Lister wrote that Cornilles supported a balanced-budget amendment, but recognizes that Draconian spending cuts cant happen overnight. [Columnist, Dave Lister, Oregonian, 9/29/11] Said Solution to Debt Crisis was Growing Private Sector In 2011, columnist Dave Lister wrote that Cornilles said the debt crisis would not be solved without growing the private sector. Until we get people back to work so theres less dependence on government

services, we are going to have to continue to borrow money we dont have. This is a pivotal period that requires more than a Republican or a Democrat. It requires proven career builders, not proven career politicians. [Columnist, Dave Lister, Oregonian, 9/29/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Endorsed by The Portland Business Alliance In 2011, Cornilles was endorsed by The Portland Business Alliance in the First Congressional District primary. Cornilles earned the nod because of his private sector experience and commitment to creating jobs. [Portland Business Journal, 10/13/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Wife Gave $250 to Mitt Romney There are no federal campaign contributions for Robert Cornilles. But his wife Allison gave Mitt Romney for President $250 in 2007. His wife was listed as an executive assistant at Game Face, Inc.

Raised Over $500,000 in Two Months Since Entering Special Election in 2011 In 2011, Cornilles raised over $500,000 in the two months since he entered the race to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Democrat David Wu. [Blog, Oregonian, 10/3/11] Received $2,500 From Koch Industries PAC In 2010, Cornilles received a $2,500 donation from the Koch Industries political action committee. [CQ
Moneyline, accessed 9/15/11]

Received Help from FreedomWorks In October 2010, FreedomWorks spent almost $1,400 on door hangers and bumper stickers to support Cornilles, according to independent expenditure filings with the FEC. [fec.gov]

Choice Issues
Cornilles is Pro-Life. Cornilles said, Im pro-life. [Americans for Prosperity Meeting, 1/19/10] Said He was Pro-Life. When asked where he stood on the issue of abortion he said, Well I always respect life and my wife and I have shared this opinion ever since we were old enough to be parents. One thing I do not support is I do not support the federal funding of abortionIm not a supporter of late term abortionand I think Im with the American people on this. [KGW.com, 10:26, 9/4/10] Cornilles Said He Wouldnt Have Gotten the Endorsement of Oregon Right to Life Unless He was Pro-Life. Cornilles said, I can assure you, you would not have the endorsement of the Oregon Right to

Life unless you were pro-life. I am the only candidate on the stage who has indicated hes pro-life, in that he got the endorsement of the Oregon Right to Life. So its very clear where I stand. If you have any questions I would encourage you to call Oregon Right to Life. [Democracy in Action Forum, 4/20/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues Economic and Financial Issues

Said He wanted to Affect Change Inside Oregon Boardrooms In 2011, Cornilles gave a speech at the Dorchester Founders event and said he wanted to affect positive change inside Oregon boardrooms. Friends, I would rather affect positive change inside Oregon boardrooms than protest circumstances on our sidewalks. If my comments here sound sacrilegious, consider that as Republicans, we know to separate religion from government. Because government is NOT our religion. Religion is our religion. Politics is politics. Im grateful our Founders had the wisdom to see the difference. [The Dorchester Founders Speech by Rob Cornilles, Accessed 4/4/11] Would Have Voted Economic Stimulus Bill In 2010, Cornilles said he would have voted against $800 billion economic stimulus. [Daily Astorian, 1/21/10]

Education Issues
Suggested Fundraising to Fund Music and Arts Programs When asked how he planned to fund music and arts programs Cornilles suggested fundraising. One of the boards that I serve on in our state is the Special Olympics of Oregon, and I helpraise money for those children. Last week I was at a dinner in downtown Portland, where we raised tens of thousands of dollars for these children and adults who should benefit from that program. And thats an example of what we can do for schools, and what we do for schools. He went on to say Heres the trick, in order for private citizens to be able to give money to their favorite charity, whether it be to school programs, Special Olympics or anything else, they have to have a job, they have to be prosperous. They cant be spending 40% of their income going to taxes, but rather we need to let them keep as much of their money as possible to do good things. To support their favorite causes How do you do that? You lower taxes, you make sure people have stable jobs, that grows the economy and that means important services such as you described. [West View High School Forum, Part 1, 10:55,

Criticized Bill Then Said It Funded Teachers At the Warrenton town hall He went back last week, flew back at the call of Mrs. Pelosi, like all members of the Congress, took time away from their district work session, which this is called in August when theyre supposed to be here working with you, instead Im here holding the town hall. I dont see Mr. Wu holding any town halls and they flew back to Washington at your expense and what did they do?

They passed another bailout bill, $26 billion. Swiped the credit card once againthat was for teachers. [Warrenton town hall, 41:11, 8/24/10] Said No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top Should Be Abolished In 2011, Cornilles and Avakian agreed the George W. Bush-era No Child Left Behind law and the Obama administrations Race to the Top should be abolished. They both favored giving local school districts much more freedom in how they spend school money. Cornilles said, nobody in Washington, D.C. knows better than we do locally how to educate our kids... I have trusted the teachers in the classrooms to best decide how to use the resources and methods to make sure our kids are prepared to compete globally. [Blog, Oregonian, 9/20/11] Flip-Flopped on No Child Left Behind Reauthorization At a candidate forum in 2010, Cornilles said that he supported reauthorizing No Child Left Behind.
[Dorchester candidate forum, 3/06/10]

In 2011, Cornilles said at a Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce candidate forum that he supported abolishing both the No Child Left Behind law and the Obama administrations Race to the Top program.
[Oregonian, 9/20/11]

Energy Issues Environmental Issues

Would Have Voted Against the Cap and Trade Bill In 2010, Cornilles said he would have voted against the cap and trade bill. [Daily Astorian, 1/21/10] Said There Was No Science that People Affect Climate Change At a May 2010 forum at the Executive Club in Portland, Cornilles said there was no science that could prove climate change was advanced by humans. [Executive Club forum video, 5/05/10] Said He was Working with Forestry Industry and Trusted Them as Stewards of Forest In a 2011 radio interview, Cornilles said he was working with the forestry industry and seeing how they managed the forest. Cornilles said, Im heading out into the forest. Im taking a tour with the forest industry and I want to see exactly what they do and how they do it, and what the federal government is doing to prevent them from doing their skills and their jobs well and see how I can be more helpful to this industryI have totally trust in their ability to be stewards of the forest. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2,
Summary, 7:40, Posted 9/23/11]

Ethics Issues

Financial Issues
Supported Occupy Wall Street Protests At a 2011 forum, Cornilles sided with Democrats in supporting the crowds at Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Portland gatherings. Cornilles claimed he was upset with what Wall Street bankers got away with and said, If thats what theyre protestingI join them. [Forest Grove News-Times 10/12/11] Criticized Dodd-Frank Bill In a 2011 radio interview, Cornilles criticized the Dodd-Frank bill for placing regulations on the banking industry. Yeah, I think this is an example ofthis is the result of a Congress that claims to have good intentions, but they over-reached. And this happens too often, the pendulum swings way too far to one side when a crisis happens in our country. We need frankly more reasoned thought and what you saw afterthis whole financial crisis weve have been going through these three or four years was one piece of legislation called the Dodd-Frank bill. The Dodd-Frank bill is a new financial regulations placed on banks and other lending institutions and financial advisors ect. Ive spoken to many of them, especially in the small business community and they say the Dodd-Frank bill is untenable for us. We cant comply with everything. Its too expensive, were going to have to shut down. Or its becoming so difficult for us to lend because of the restrictions on lending through the Dodd-Frank bill that now my local small businesses are suffering. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2, 12:50, Posted 9/23/11] Expressed Concern for Banking Community In a 2011 radio interview, Cornilles expressed concern about the banking industry. He said, You know I worry about the community banksI really worry about their ability to survive this crisis because of the new stack of regulations, theyre still trying to figure out andas Ive said earlier, if you dont know what regulation means the best and safest thing to do unfortunately is to go sit on the sidelines and wait till the rule book is determined and that is not good for this economy. So weve been over-regulated and that needs to be...shrunk responsible I might add if were going to see this economy grow again. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2, 12:50, Posted 9/23/11] Spoke Out Against Dodd-Frank At a 2010 forum Cornilles said This is the newest decision made back in Congress, its called the DoddFrank bill or commonly referred to as Wall-Street reform passedabout a month ago. Now it sounds like a good idea to reform Wall Street, Im for that. Theres a lot of things going on in Wall Streetwe need to scrutinize more carefully I should say. But theres a lot of stuff in this bill that those who wrote it and voted on it dont understand. Im talking to banks, those that we rely on right now to lend money to small businesses so we can grow jobsas recently as just a few days ago, I talked to them about this piece of legislation. I said what does it mean to you, your bank, your ability to lend money. And they said we dont know yet, thats the problem with it. [Warrenton Town Hall, 15:23, 8/24/10] Would Have Voted Against Bank Bailout Bill In 2010, Cornilles said he would have voted against bank bailout bill. [Daily Astorian, 1/21/10]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea Game Face Inc.
Internal Revenue Service Filed $83,000 Federal Tax Lien Against Company In 2011, it was reported that although Cornilles boasted that For 162 months weve met a payroll, he had an 83,000 federal tax lien against his company. Whats never been reported is Game Face later encountered a more serious problem. Although Cornilles boasts, For 162 months weve met a payroll, records show that in May 2007, the Internal Revenue Service filed an $83,000 federal tax lien against his company for failing to make 2006 tax withholdings. Cornilles blamed an inexperienced bookkeeper and said after discovering the problem, he paid off the lien in August 2007. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11] Paid Off Game Face Trainees Who Alleged They Were Made to Work without Pay In 2011, it was reported that Cornilles paid about $9,000 to three Game Face trainees who alleged they worked hundreds of hours without pay. In 2003, as the Forest Grove News-Times first reported, the company settled Bureau of Labor and Industries complaints by three Game Face trainees who alleged theyd worked hundreds of hours without being paid. Cornilles denies wrongdoing, but he paid the three about $9,000 to avoid litigation. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11] Ran as Job Creator Despite Only Employing Five People In 2011, it was reported that Cornilles ran as a job creator despite only employing five people. Cornilles is back, running as a job creator. Although his company, Game Face Marketing, which helps pro and college teams sell sports tickets, has just five employees, Cornilles claims hes trained or found jobs for hundreds since 1995. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11] Said He Met a Payroll for the Last 193 Months In his opening statement at the Jewish Federation Candidate Forum Cornilles said, sixteen years ago we started a company out of our spare bedroom and that companies called Gamefaceand that companies been able, for the last 193 months to be able to meet a payroll, something that not all businesses in Oregon are able to do unfortunately. [Jewish Federation Candidate Forum, Part 1, 10:45, 10/10/11] Said His Small Business Experience Would Help Him Create Jobs In 2011, Cornilles said his small business experience would help him create jobs. We do that through simplifying the tax code, eliminating loopholes that only mega-corporations get to take advantage of and making sure that our regulations are reasonable and not over the top, he said. [KATU.com, 10/13/11] Cornilles said He Knew How to Meet a Payroll, Write a Budget and Stick to a Budget At a Warrenton Town Hall Cornilles said, I think were going to see a lot of people coming out of the private sector getting elected to Congress this year. People who, like me know how to meet a payroll, who

know how to write a budget and stick to a budget. Who know how to make tough sometimes decisions every month, sometimes every day. [Warrenton Town Hall, 20:04. 8/24/10] Cornilles Said He Had a Clean Conscience About His Finances and Business Practices At a Warrenton Town Hall Cornilles said, I have a clean conscience about my finances and my business practices. [Warrenton Town Hall, 47:50. 8/24/10] Cornilles Said He Knew How to Meet a Payroll and Stick to a Budget in Business Cornilles said And so for 162 months weve met a payroll and that means that we know how to stick to a budget. We know how to say no when it wouldnt be prudent. [KAST2, Radio Interview, 2:30, Posted 9/22/11] Said as a Business Owner He Knew How to Stick to a Budget In 2010, Cornilles said, As a business owner who knows how to stick to a budget. As a business owner who knows when you take risksyou may win, but you may also loseI have that mentality and background. [Dorchester Republican Debate, 8:36, 3/6/10] Game Face Marketing Had $83,000 Tax Lien Released On May 2, 2007, Game Face Marketing Inc, Tax ID 911858186 of Tualatin, Oregon had a federal IRS tax lien filed against it for $83,284. The lien was released on August 17, 2007. [Nexis Public Records] Cornilles is the President and Founder of Game Face, Inc. Cornilles is the President and Founder of Game Face, a company that helps sports franchises boost ticket sales and provide a more entertaining experience for fans. His clients have included the Boston Celtics, New York Mets and Denver Broncos. He has also done work locally for the Portland Trail Blazers and the Portland Beavers. [The Oregonian, 7/15/09] Attempted to Take Credit for 500 Jobs Cornilles claimed he advised 25,000 executives and hundreds of sports businesses. He claimed his innovation had been the driving force behind the successful placement of more than 500 individuals into a full-time job in the industry. [www.cornillesforcongress.com, accessed 10/13/09] Cornilles was President of Game Face Inc.
In 2011, the Portland Tribune reported that Rob Cornilles, the President of Game Face Inc., a sports marketing company, was running against Jim Greenfield, who managed commercial and residential real estate investments.
[Portland Tribune, 8/15/11]

Owned a Business that Cornilles Claimed had 60 Employees and Placed 500 People in Jobs In 2011, Cornilles owned a business with his wife that had 60 employees and had placed at least 500 people in jobs. Their company was Game Face, advising sports teams on making themselves a sustainable

enterprise. Weve largely funded our business out of our back pocket, out of a savings account, and we know some of the fundamental principles that I think were lacking in Congress today. We know how to spend responsibly, we know how to hire, we know what it takes to hire, and we also know what it takes to sit on the sidelines when it comes to hiring and what goes through your mind when you try to think if hiring would be the wise thing to do right now, he said. [Daily Astorian, 9/23/11] Claimed That He Employed 60 People and Helped 500 People Get Jobs In 2011, Cornilles claimed that he employed 60 people and helped 500 people get jobs in Oregon. Cornilles said, Quite frankly, I am a career builder. Not only have I employed nearly 60 people, but our small business has actually helped create more than 500 careers for people around the industry and around the country. And thats experience that we need today, we dont need another proven career politician we need a proven career builder. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 1, 10:27, Posted 9/23/11] Said He Had 60 Employees and Helped 500 People Get Jobs In 2011, Cornilles said he had had 60 employees over the life of his company and had helped 500 people get jobs across the country. Thats true just to be clear our 60 employees are all not right now, over the years weve had 60 people go through our game facein addition to hiring for myself, we also encourage, persuade our clients, which are primarily sports franchises and intercollegiate sports programs around the country, we persuade them to hire as well. And we have been able to train people who wanted to work in this industrybut didnt have the requisite skills to do it. Even after a college education, we train them to do it and we introduce them to our clients and they get jobs, they get careers. Weve been able to do that for more than 500 people across the country. [KAST2, Radio Interview, 3:52, Posted 9/22/11] Sued by, Settled Case with Former Trainees Alleging Unpaid Work In 2003, Cornilles was sued by three participants of his Executive Academy, a training program for recent college grads meant to connect them to jobs in the sports marketing industry. Documents filed with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries showed that Game Face paid $9,052.07 to three former participants after they made claims that Cornilles academy was an unpaid call center with a $1,395 entry fee. What they dont tell you is when you show up you go through one week of classwork and you learn the first day that youre a salesman for him, said one former participant. Youre a cold-call telemarketer. The same participant said that employees made up to 120 calls a day, trying to sell season ticket packages for the various sports teams that had hired Cornilles. Hed go out and contract with these people and say Ill come in and train your ticket salespeople. Then he gets us to do it for free. The agreement, in which the former employees were paid for missing compensation, specifically stated that Game Face was not admitting to any wrongdoing. [Forest Grove News-Times, 10/20/10]

Worked with Dallas Stars on Training and Helping Place New Workers In 2008, Game Face Inc, co-hosted a sales training seminar for college students and graduates in the Dallas area. The trainings help people to find jobs in the growing arena of sports sales and management. The fact of the matter is we have more jobs that we have to fill for teams than we have qualified candidates for, Cornilles said. The industry is definitely growing because there are more teams than ever before. [Star Telegram, 4/07/08] Worked with St. Louis Cardinals on Downsizing Stadium Strategy In 2006, Cornilles worked with the St. Louis Cardinals on their new stadium which contained fewer seats and therefore required a new marketing strategy for the increased prices on the new seats. [Associated Press
State & Local Wire, 4/09/06]

Has Worked with More than Half the Teams in NHL In 2005, following the NHL and players agreement, Cornilles said the National Hockey League should look at the coming season as a total re-launch. He had worked with more than half the leagues teams.
[Baltimore Sun, 7/14/05]

Helped Turn Around L.A. Clippers Sales Cornilles helped to turn around the L.A. Clippers ticket sales when he came on as a salesperson for the team that had been labeled by Sports Illustrated as the worst. The consulting job was the start of Cornilles company Game Face Inc. [Business Journal, 9/21/01]

Bulls Hired Game Face Marketing in 1999 In 1999, The Bulls hired Game Face Marketing to help with their ticket sales, with Cornilles describing their services as helping teams focus on things they can provide to customers that are teamproof.
[Chicago Tribune, 5/05/99]

Consulted in Australia In 1998, Cornilles was brought in to help the National Baseball League by conducting a conference on ticket sales in Melbourne, Australia. [Canberra Times, 2/17/98] BBB Processed One Complaint about Game Face Inc in Previous 36 Months The Better Business Bureau processed a complaint about Game Face Inc in the past 36 months. It related to guarantee or warranty issues and was administratively closed. Being administratively closed is defined as BBB determined that despite the companys reasonable effort to address complaint issues, the consumer remained dissatisfied. The company does have a BBB rating of A, but is not an accredited business. [BBB.Org, accessed 10/13/09] NOTE: The Better Business Organization website no longer contains information about this complaint.

Gay and Lesbian Issues

Opposed Gay Marriage In 2011, it was reported that although Cornilles opposed gay marriage. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11]

Gun Issues Health Care Issues

Would Have Voted Against Health Care Reform Bill In 2010, Cornilles said he would have voted against the health care reform bill. [Daily Astorian, 1/21/10] Thought Repealing Obamacare was Wasted Exercise Because President Would Never Approve In 2011, Cornilles was asked if he would repeal the health care reform law, he said he thought repeal was a waste of time because the President would never approve it. Last year when I was running for Congress I took a lot of heat from my party and the reason was I would not say that I would go back to Congress in 2011, should I have been elected and repeal Obamacare as they called it. And the reason why is because I felt that it would be a wasted exercise to try to repeal something the President would never approve of. And we can talk more about why I felt that the repeal would be a wasted exercise and what

we should have been doing during these critical months to improve healthcare coverage and costs in our country. [After Deadline Radio Show, 13:38, Posted 9/30/11] Said Healthcare Costs Must be Lowered as Part of Medicare and Medicaid In a 2011 radio interview, Cornilles said he was in favor of lowering health care costs in Medicare and Medicaid. I think we can all agree theres tremendous waste and fraud in government today. Theres about a $60 billion fraud number just in Medicaid a year alone. Recently the Oregonian reported that $60 billion has been wasted in the two wars because of fraud and corruption. So we need to eliminate those who would allow this to continue. We need greater transparency. And people who are not beholden to certain special interest or lobbying groups who allow this to occur. He went on to say, As this relates to healthcare though I must add because thats part of Medicare and Medicaid, we have to reduce the cost of doing healthcare, providing health care in this country. A great example is what we have right here in Washington County. We have community health centers and I happen to be on the board of one called Virginia Garcia. [OregonLive.com, uploaded 9/26/11] Said There was Waste in Medicaid and Healthcare Costs Had to be Reduced In 2011, Cornilles highlighted waste in Medicare and Medicaid and his support for community health centers. I think we can all agree that theres tremendous waste and fraud in government today. Theres about a 60 billion dollar fraud number just in Medicaid alone every year. Recently the Oregonian reported that 60 billion dollars has been wasted in the two wars because of fraud and corruption so we need to eliminate those who would allow this to continue. We need greater transparency and people who are not beholden to special interests or lobbying groups that allow this to occur, Cornilles said. As it relates to healthcare though, I must say that is a part of Medicare and Medicaid. We have to reduce the cost of healthcare in this country. A great example is what we have right here in Washington County. We have community health centers and I happen to be on the board of one called Virginia Garciaand the typical patient there costs about $765 a year to give them preventative care, whereas if they went to the emergency room it would be $1,900 dollars per visit. [Washington County forum, 9/19/11; OregonLive.com,
Uploaded 9/26/11]

Housing Issues Infrastructure Issues

Agreed with President on Investing in Infrastructure In a 2011, Cornilles was asked to comment on President Obamas job speech in a radio interview. Cornilles said he agreed with the President on investing in infrastructure. A second thing thats important to me is that the President talks about infrastructure buildup. In order for us to revitalize our economy in Oregon and throughout the country we have to be able to have reliable transportation sources so we cant have congestion, we cant have old bridges etc. We need to make sure that we can compete domestically as well as internationally. Because we know whats happening you know in the Asian countries especially. Theyre building up infrastructure very quickly. They can move products and services rapidly;

it becomes more efficient, more cost effective for them, we have to compete with that. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2, 0:14, Posted 9/23/11]

Immigration and Border Issues

Opposed Amnesty, Wanted to Secure Borders In 2010, Cornilles said that he did not support amnesty. I support restoring our nation to what it's always been or what it should be, and that is a nation of laws. A nation of citizens who understands there are consequences to breaking laws. First thing we have to do is secure our borders, Cornilles said. [Republican forum, 4/22/10] NOTE: Need to verify transcript with video

Israel Jobs Issues

Short on Specifics on Job Creation In 2010, the Oregonian noted that Cornilles was short on specifics when it comes to saying precisely how he would apply his own job-creation skills to a large, diverse district. [Oregonian, 10/14/10] Criticized President Obamas September 2011 Job Speech In 2011, on the Bill Post Radio Show Cornilles criticized the Presidents September job speech. Cornilles said if he were the President giving a jobs speech he would have said, I understand that government intrusion of the free market system is not working. Weve tried it now for two and a half, three years almost and all we see is an unemployment rate that is historically high and back in Oregon it has been above the national average for 15 straight yearsthe rest of us watching that speech were asking where is the beef here. And so what I would have said is I know what is necessary to create employment opportunities for Oregonians back home. You need to first of all create an environment where businesses want to grow, where theyre motivated to expand and hire and not fearful of doing that. [The Bill Post Radio
Show, 2:15, 9/9/11]

Didnt Care About Political Persuasion in Getting People Back to Work In 2011, Cornilles said when it came to getting people back to work he didnt care about political persuasion. Ive visited all the communities in the district, he said. I didnt ask about what party they belonged to. I focused on (listening to) the results they needed to be accomplished. [Beaverton Valley Times,

Labor and Working Family Issues


Other Social Issues Personal Issues

2010 Assets Totaled Between $8 Million and $49 Million In 2011, Cornilles said his company was profitable and in 2010 he disclosed personal assets of between $8 million and $49 millionprimarily his wifes property investments. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11] Cornilles Said His Wife Laughed When Audience Member Called Him a Millionaire At a 2011 forum, Cornilles said, by the way, biggest laugh in the hall so far tonight was from my wife when you called me a millionaire. [Jewish Federation Candidate Forum, Part 2, 1:38, 10/10/11] Said Failing to Vote in Oregon Elections was A Mistake When asked why he didnt vote in 9 of the past 27 elections since 1998, despite the fact that the vote by mail system was easy, Cornilles said It was a mistake. These elections were things that I should have voted in, whether it was because of travel or other commitments, I made a mistake and I havent let it happen for a few years and I will not let it happen again. [News Channel 8, KGW.com, 9:10, 10/15/11] Graduated from Newberg High in Oregon In 2011, it was reported that Cornilles was an Oregon native and graduated from Newberg High. [Editorial,
Forest Grove News-Times, 10/19/11]

Failed to Vote a Third of the Time Because He Didnt Study Issues In 2011, Rob Cornilles said he didnt vote a third of the time because he didnt have enough time to study the issues. According to Politico, The Oregonian digs through congressional candidate Rob Cornilles voting record and finds a potential problem: Hes neglected to cast a ballot a third of the time since 1998. Election records show that Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, state Sen. Suzanne Bonamici of Beaverton and state Rep. Brad Witt of Clatskanie have not skipped an election. Cornilles, who ran against [Rep. David] Wu in 2010, missed statewide primary elections in 2000 and 2006 as well as local elections in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and in May of 2009. [Blog, Politico, 8/16/11] Reportedly Did Not Have Record of Tax Liens In light of the news that Avakian had delinquent taxes the Associated Press reported in 2011 that none of the other candidates in the race Democratic legislators Brad Witt and Suzanne Bonamici, and Republican businessman Rob Cornilles have records of tax liens. [Associated Press, 9/14/11] Owns Properties with Wife that Generate Between $465,000 to $4.15 million in Rent Annually

Listed on his 2009 PFD are five properties that generate between $465,000 and $4.15 million in rent annually. They appear be a part of a Family Partnership in which his wife as a 17 percent interest. Cornilles lists the mortgages for three of the properties as part of his liabilities. [PFD 2009] Wife appears to be Independently Wealthy through Family partnership worth Millions According to Cornilles financial disclosure filed in 2009, his wife, Allison, appeared to be quite wealthy. She listed assets, mostly commercial property, worth at least $9 million. However, Cornilles told the Oregonian that that as a minority owner of the assets, she cant liquidate them, even if she wanted to. This campaign is going to be based solely on the contributions that we receive, Cornilles said. In addition, FEC regulations limited the ability of a spouse to personally transfer money to a candidate for the purpose of a campaign, and contributions were limited to normal limits.
[Oregonian, 10/09/09]

Four Traffic Infractions There were four traffic infractions filed against Cornilles in Oregon between 1988 and 2001. [Nexis Public

1988: A speeding infraction for exceeding max speed for trucks. Union County Courts case number 883432, offense date May 31, 1988. 1995: A exceed maximum speed court fine of $66. Yamhill county court, case number T9504407, offense date August 31, 1995. 1997: A failure to carry registration card. Clackamas County Court case number 9773940, offense date April 24, 1997. 2001: A fine of $173 for violation of basic rule. Clackamas County Court case number 0185566, offense date June 11, 2001.

Note: Original records should be obtained to confirm.

Political Issues
Jim Greenfield was Cornilles Only Serious Challenger in the GOP Primary In 2011, it was reported that Jim Greenfield was Cornilles only serious challenger in the GOP primary. Cornilles reported $505,556 in contributions, he spent $101,295. Greenfield told the News-Times he is loaning his campaign $100,000. Cornilles received large donation from Nike Founder Phil Knight, Stimson Lumber CEO Andrew Miller, former U.S Sen. Bob Packwood and former Oregon Gov. Victor G. Atiyeh. [Portland Tribune, 10/19/11] Cornilles Had Thin Platform

In 2011, the Willamette Weekly endorsed Cornilles in the Republican primary, but said his platform is thin. [Editorial, Willamette Weekly, 10/19/11] Criticized for Failing to be a True Conservative At a forum in 2011, Cornilles failed to attend, but was attacked by his opponent for failing to be a true conservative. And though Cornilles did not attend, Greenfield used the opportunity to take jabs at his Republican primary challenger, whom he called a nice guy, a moderate. Greenfield said he was the only true fiscal conservative running and criticized Cornilles for not publicly taking a pledge not to raise taxes. [Daily Astorian, 10/17/11] Refused to Sign No Tax Pledge or Repeal of Federal Health-Care Law In 2011, it was reported that Cornilles refused to sign the no-tax pledge or vow to repeal the new federal health-care law. [Editorial, Forest Grove News-Times, 10/19/11] Said He was Not a Career Politician In 2011, Cornilles received the Oregonian endorsement in the primary and said his career experience meant he was not a typical politician. Cornilles, of Tualatin, is the founder and president of Game Face, a five-employee sports consulting and training company. He has never held public office but has served on several community boards, including Virginia Garcia health centers, Special Olympics of Oregon and the Oregon League of Minority Voters. Cornilles argues that voters in the district are tired of candidates on the typical career track, and that a businessman with community experience can speak to their concerns.
[Editorial, Oregonian, 10/15/11]

Headline: Blasted by his own party - Hes not a real Republican In 2011, Cornilles faced intense scrutiny from fellow Republicans about his conservative credentials. His Republican opponents said he was not a real conservative. Im a fiscally conservative Republican, he said. However, both of his primary opponents disagreed. Jim Greenfield said he wanted an aggressive approach to cut the national debt. Hes not a real Republican, Greenfield said. Greenfield cited Cornilless refusal to sign pledges to not raise taxes or to repeal the federal health care law. Every single Republican in Congress voted against Obamacare, so Rob Cornilles is clearly out of touch with Republicans on that, he said. Republican candidate Lisa Michaels agreed and said Republicans shouldnt look to Cornilles to limit government and cut taxes. If you want to elect somebody, you need to elect somebody who is a rock solid conservative, she said. Both Republicans expressed concerns that conservatives would not be motivated by Cornilles as the partys nominee. [KATU.com, 10/13/11] Said He Wasnt Running Against Obama In 2011, Cornilles said he was not running against Obama and didnt talk about him much on the campaign trail. Im not running against President Obama, Cornilles said. Im running for a district that hasnt had a champion in Congress for years. [Politico, 11/14/11]

Attacked By Right for Failing to Support No Tax Pledge and Health Care Repeal At a 2011 forum, Cornilles fended off attacks from the right. Cornilles was attacked by Jim Greenfield for not signing the no-new-taxes pledge offered by Grover Norquists Americans for Tax Reform. I have signed the no-new- tax pledge. Rob Cornilles has not, Greenfield said, adding hes also signed a pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which Cornilles wont do. Maybe Rob should run in the Democratic primary. Lisa Michaels, a Beaverton marketing consultant, piled on with Greenfield. Im a conservative. Jims a conservative. Rob is not, Michaels said. [Forest Grove News-Times 10/12/11] Said He Didnt Sign Other Peoples Pledges and Defended Stance on Health Care Reform At a 2011 forum, Cornilles fended off attacks from the right. He said he didnt sign other peoples pledges and would work to reform President Obamas health care bill instead of getting caught up in the game of voting to repeal it in full. [Forest Grove News-Times 10/12/11] Was in DC at Event in 2011 Held at the Republican National Campaign Committee In 2011, it was reported by Oregon Capitol News that Cornilles was scheduled to make a DC appearance with a stop at the Business Coalition for Fair Competition. The event was held at the Republican National Campaign Committee offices. The Business Coalition for Fair Competition was a policy advocacy group that promotes the utilization of and reliance upon the private sector by government at all levels and that eliminates unfair government-sponsored competition with private, for profit enterprise, including small business. [Oregon Capitol News, 10/5/11] Said No One from DC Asked Him to Run for Congress In a 2011 radio show Cornilles said people should trust him because no one from DC asked him to run for Congress. Cornilles said, So why they should trust me? Is because I wasnt groomed for this position. And you know Anne, nobody asked me from Washington D.C. would I run. No one approached me ten years ago and said Rob were going to put you on the career track to run for congress someday but you got to do this and then that, youve got to return this favor for us. You scratch our back, well scratch yours. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 1, 13:03, Posted 9/23/11] Announced Running for Congress July 2009, Met with National Republican Party In July 2009, Cornilles announced he was running for congress. He met with representatives from the National Republican Party to discuss his prospects and criticized Representative David Wu for the fiscal policies of Democrats in Congress. Wu, Cornilles said, is contributing to a spending spree right now that is racking up a debt and a deficit that is going to adversely affect our community for years to come. [Oregonian, 7/15/09] Claimed He was Not Political

In 2011, Cornilles said he did not come from a political background. I dont come from the political background. I dont know how to play the political games and dont know how to get to the edge of brinkmanship. But I do know how to get stuff done. And I know how to work with people of varying backgrounds economical, educational, ethnic backgrounds and Ive demonstrated that in my career.
[Daily Astorian, 9/23/11]

Hired Anne Ostrom as New Campaign Manager In 2011, Cornilles hired Mary Anne Ostrom as his new campaign manager. Mary Anne Ostrom, a former tech and political reporter for the San Jose Mercury News and most recently director of media affairs for Meg Whitman for Governor 2010. [Politico, 10/5/11] The Special Election in Oregon Leaned More Democratic Than New York Special The Oregonian reported that Wus old district leans more towards Democrats than New York. At this point, according to the Cook Political Report, Wus old district leans slightly more to the Democrats than does the open New York Congressional seat. Cook rates the Oregon seat as favoring Democrats by eight points, compared to the five-point Democratic lean in New York. [Blog, Oregonian,

Democratic Edge in OR-01; Cornilles Lost By 12 Percentage Points in 2010, a Strong Republican Year In 2011, it was reported that OR-01 had a Democratic registration edge and Wu defeated Cornilles by more than 12 percentage points when the two went head-to-head in 2010, which was a strong Republican year. [Blog, Oregonian, 10/3/11] Jim Greenfield Announced Run Against Rob Cornilles In August 2011, Jim Greenfield announced that he was putting together a team to take on Rob Cornilles. Greenfield got 34 percent of the vote in his attempt to unseat Wu in 2002. [Columbian, 8/11/11] Received Oregonian Endorsement in 2010 In 2010, Cornilles received the endorsement of the Oregonian, noting that voters seeking a new, moreconsistent presence in Congress should choose Cornilles. The paper also wrote that he had no government experience at any level and will have to deepen his knowledge of many issues facing the district. [Oregonian, Editorial, 9/26/10]

Senior Issues
Avoided Talking About Ryan Budget In 2011, Cornilles avoided talking about the Ryan budget. [Politico, 11/14/11] Supported a Private Option for Medicare

In 2011, Cornilles said he supported a hybrid approach of giving seniors a choice between the existing system and a private option in relation to the Republican budget plan. [Oregonian, 10/11/11] Supported Private Option for Social Security When asked about the Ryan Plan, Cornilles said, Right now theres two plans, essentially, one is to let Social Security go bankrupt by doing nothing, by allowing it to just continue on its present course. And the other is to take it totally private. I think that somewhere in between, I think you create an opportunity rather to allow people more choice. [Pacific University Candidate Forum, 31:54, 10/9/11] Asked What He Meant When He Said He Supported a Private Option for Seniors with Medicare and Social Security In 2011, Cornilles was asked, The Democratic Partys also taking you to task on your position on Social Security. Youve called it sort of a hybrid reform where you favor a private option for seniors with Social Security and Medicare. And some people would say that is really risky with the volatile Wall Street, being able to your money in private investment. Why do you think thats a good idea? He said, Well first of all, Ill be very clear I have never, nor would I ever support privatization of Social Security. What I do believe though is that Social Security needs to be sustainable for everybody. Right now, those seniors who are enjoying its benefits and who are soon to enjoy its benefits, that needs to be there for them. We have made promises to our seniors, theyve contributed to the system and that needs to be something that they receive. Down the road, how are we going to make sure that the generation 20 years from now, 30 years from now enjoys that same benefit? [News Channel 8, KGW.com, 5:47, 10/15/11] Favored Bowles-Simpson Report for Entitlement Reforms In 2011, Cornilles was asked, The Democratic Partys also taking you to task on your position on Social Security. Youve called it sort of a hybrid reform where you favor a private option for seniors with Social Security and Medicare. And some people would say that is really risky with the volatile Wall Street, being able to your money in private investment. Why do you think thats a good idea? He said, I think that this is, frankly, one of those areas where there is some common ground in Washington DC. This is probably the best place where we can find bipartisanship, however, I find it very discouraging that the Bowels-Simpson report, which was brought out almost a year ago, eight months in the making, it had some common sense ideas. Some of them I agree with some of them I dont, and yet for the most part this year its been sitting in the desk drawers of people in Washington. Im tired of people talking, lets actually roll up our sleeves, get to work and finish something. [News Channel 8,
KGW.com, 5:47, 10/15/11]

Supported Social Security Reform In 2011, columnist Dave Lister wrote that Cornilles supported Social Security reform, but understood the existing program had to be maintained for those whose retirement is on the horizon. [Columnist, Dave Lister,
Oregonian, 9/29/11]

Would Cut Social Security and Medicare Before Trimming Defense In 2010, Cornilles said that he would cut spending on entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare before trimming the defense budget. [Daily Astorian, 1/21/10]

Stem Cells Tax Issues

Advocated for Lowering Taxes for Millionaires In 2011, when asked if he would support raising revenue by taxing the rich like Warren Buffet. Cornilles said, Well, I do think, again I am kind of humored by Warren Buffet, I think hes found a nice way to use the tax code to make sure there are no more Warren Buffets. But I think quite simply we need to simplify the tax code. Its too complicated, there are too many loopholes that only the mega-corporations get to take advantage of. So if we simplify by eliminating the loopholes, by reducing the rates for all parties, people of all income brackets. [News Channel 8, KGW.com, 2:30, 10/15/11] Did Not Know Details of Herman Cains 9-9-9 Tax Plan In 2011, when asked if he would supported Herman Cains 9-9-9 Plan, Cornilles said, I, frankly, havent looked into it too much, I dont know that all the details are out there. Im really more concerned with simplifying the entire tax code. [News Channel 8, KGW.com, 3:19, 10/15/11] Said He Would Lower Tax Rates When Asked If He Would Support Taxing Millionaires When Cornilles was asked if the millionaires in the first district of Oregon should pay higher taxes he said, This whole issue about taxes is very simple to me. If we want to create greater economic activity and encourage people to be entrepreneurial and take risks and invest in America we need to lower all the tax rates and eliminate the crazy loopholes that we have created over the last 20 to 30 years. Thereby giving everyone a fair chance to be prosperous in this country. And by the way to biggest laugh in the hall so far tonight was from my wife when you called me a millionaire. [Jewish Federation Candidate Forum, Part 2,
1:12, 10/10/11]

Said He Backed Lower Tax Rates and Fewer Loopholes In 2011, Cornilles received the Oregonian endorsement in the primary and said he backed lower tax rates. He maintains that the economy is hurt by overregulation, and that the tax system needs lower rates and fewer loopholes. But he calls himself a different type of Oregon Republican, who grew up watching Hatfield, Packwood and Atiyeh, and has refused to commit to the no-tax-increase pledge that all but six of current U.S. House Republicans have signed. [Editorial, Oregonian, 10/15/11] Said He Opposed Raising Taxes


In 2011, Cornilles said he opposed raising taxes despite the fact that he would not sign the no tax pledge. Im a principled person, he said. and just because I have principles doesnt mean that I wont listen to what the other side has to say. [KATU.com, 10/13/11] Would Have Voted Against Closing Loopholes, Medicaid Assistance, Education Funding In 2010, Cornilles said he would have voted against a bill extending increased Medicaid assistance and education funding to states by closing tax loopholes for multinational corporations. [Jayne Carroll Show,
KUIK 1360, 8/10/10]

The bill extended the increased federal matching payments of the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage program provided for under the economic stimulus law for an additional six months. It also provided $10 billion in supplemental appropriations for education to assist in hiring and retaining teachers and other public school employees. The $26.1 billion cost of the bill was offset in part by terminating increased food stamp benefits, provided by the stimulus law, and by closing use of the foreign tax credit by multinational corporations. Closing those loopholes would raise approximately $10 billion in revenue. [CQ Bill Analysis, 8/11/10] The bill passed, 247-161, and the President signed the bill into law on August 10, 2010. [HR 1586, Vote
#518, 8/10/10]

Criticized President Obamas Position on Continuing Payroll Tax In 2011, Cornilles criticized President Obamas plan to extend lowered payroll tax rates for employers and employees. Cornilles said, Another thing that the president mentioned which I think is something that should be discussed and debated in congress, he talked about putting a further holiday on the payroll tax. Now thats good because it puts more money in middle class pockets, but the problem with this is that just doing a temporary tax cut extension for another twelve months is just going to create a bigger problem at the end of 2012. Because at that point the tax, the payroll tax will shoot up considerably. Tax breaks will expire. They will sunset and now were going to have a massive tax hike at the end of 2012. Cornilles continued, We need to fix the tax code so that its predictable and this isnt just for a year or two. Its five and ten years out that will revitalize investment dollars in this country both domestically and dollars coming even coming from overseas to invest in our local communities and our infrastructure.
[Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2, 3:45, Posted 9/23/11]

Wanted to Lower Corporate Tax Rate In 2010, Peggy Bodner with the Portland Examiner wrote that Cornilles believed that the corporate tax rate was hindering Americas ability to compete internationally, and wanted to lower the rate accordingly. [Portland Examiner, 5/18/10] Supported Extending Bush Tax Cuts


In a 2010 debate, Cornilles supported extending the Bush administrations tax cuts for the wealthy. Cornilles said not renewing the tax cuts would be demonizing certain classes of our society and would discourage growth. [Oregonian, 9/11/10] Advocated for Simplifying Tax Code and Getting Rid of Regulations In 2011, on the Bill Post Radio Show Cornilles advocated for simplifying the tax code and eliminating regulations that strangled business. He said, They know with certainty whats around the economic corner because the tax code has been simplified because regulations have been brought into check and we keep those reasonable regulations that keep us safe, but we eliminate those that simply strangle business investment and entrepreneurship and risk taking. In 2011, on the Bill Post Radio Show Cornilles criticized the Presidents September job speech and said he would simplify the tax code and get rid of regulations, which strangle business. [The Bill Post Radio Show,
3:16, 9/9/11]

Said He Wouldnt Sign No Tax Pledge At a 2011 forum, Cornilles was attacked by fellow Republicans for his refusal to sign the no tax pledge. A conservative Republican must go to Washington, D.C., Michaels said. With all due respect, (Cornilles) lost by double digits to crazy Congressman Wu. He said he wouldnt pander to right-wing ideals to win votes. I dont sign pledges, he said. I take a pledge to the people of the district. Right now, that means a fairer tax system with lower rates across the board and elimination of loopholes, he said. [Hillsboro Argus, 10/11/11] Was Not on Board with Grover Norquists No-Tax Pledge In 2011, columnist Dave Lister wrote that Cornilles was not on board with Grover Norquists no-tax pledge. I havent signed it, he says. I dont let other people do my talking for me. My commitments are to those who live in my district, first and foremost. [Columnist, Dave Lister, Oregonian, 9/29/11] Previously Would Not Answer Whether He Would Sign No-Tax Increase Pledge In 2011, in response to the question of whether Cornilles would sign a no-tax increase pledge, he said that the tax code is overly complicated. We need a simpler, fairer tax structure, Cornilles said. [Oregonian, 9/21/11] Advocated for Simpler Tax Code In 2011, Cornilles advocated for a simpler tax code and a fairer tax code. Cornilles said Here in Oregon especially, if we could have a simpler tax code, starting at the Federal level so that entrepreneurs and investors know what theyre going to be able to do with that investment, not just next year but 3 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now, thats step number 1. And we certainly need a fairer tax code in this country. Theres no reason for example GE, which makes billions of dollars much of it overseas, should have zero tax liability in this country. Thats absolutely wrong. [Ann Samuelsons radio
show, Summary, Part 1, 7:20, Posted 9/23/11]


Said Tax Cuts Were Necessary to Create Jobs In 2011, on the Bill Post Radio Show Cornilles said the President knew tax cuts would get the economy going again. Cornilles said, its also interesting to me that at the end of last year President Obama pushed forward the extension of what they call the Bush tax cuts. Now why did he do that? Because he knew that tax cuts were necessary to get the economy going again. And what did he do last night? He talked about additional extension of other tax cuts, the pay roll tax. It seems very curious to me that this President, when push comes to shove recognizes that in fact lower taxes is what will stimulate economic activity in this country not hire taxes. In 2011, on the Bill Post Radio Show Cornilles said tax cuts were necessary to create jobs. He expressed support for the Bush tax cuts and said the President acknowledged that lower taxes would stimulate the economy. [The Bill Post Radio Show, 3:27, 9/9/11] Said the Tax Code Needed to Be Simplified; Criticized President for Proposing Temporary Changes In 2011, Cornilles said the tax code needed to be simplified and criticized the President for proposing temporary changes to the tax code. The tax code is so overly complicated Tom, that small business owners like myself we cant understand it from year to year because it continues to change. As recently as two weeks ago the president, you know, proposed new changes to the tax code, which would be temporary by the way, which is not the way businesses think. It shows the difference between a President who really has never run anything before as far as the private sector vs. those of us who have. You have to simplify the tax code. You have to make it fair theres no reason that the GEs of the world who make billions of dollars even overseas should get away paying zero in taxesthat needs to be fixed. [KAST2,
Radio Interview, 5:50, 9/22/11]

Tea Party
Branded Himself as the Original Tea Party Candidate In 2010, Cornilles branded himself as the original tea party candidate. [Politico, 11/14/11] Asked How Closely He Affiliated Self with Tea Party Said He Didnt Know What Tea Party Meant In 2011, Cornilles was asked how closely he affiliated himself with the Tea Party. He said, Well, I really dont know what we mean when we say Tea Party quite frankly. If we mean that the Tea Party is made up of individuals who decided to get up off the couch and actually hold their elected officials accountable, who decided to do more than just yell at the TV andbecome active and involved in the political process, then I think everybody who is paying attention right now is a part of that movement. [News Channel 8,
KGW.com, 4:55, 10/15/11]

Said He Wanted to Motivate Oregon Tea Party and AFP


In 2011, Cornilles gave a speech at the Dorchester Founders event and said he wanted to motivate grassroots organizations like the Oregon Tea Party and AFP. Is our behavior motivating young or new Republicans to wholeheartedly join worthwhile, grassroots organizations like the Oregon Tea Party and AFP? Are we, the leaders of the Republican Party, acting in such a way that, as William F. Buckley said, the most conservative candidates that are electable would want to throw their life in the blender and run as an R? [The Dorchester Founders Speech by Rob Cornilles, Accessed 4/4/11] Said He Appreciated the Leadership of Oregon Tea Party At a 9/12 Project candidate forum in 2010, Cornilles said that he had been attending Tea Party meetings for months and months and months and I appreciate their passion and their leadership [9/12 Project
candidate forum, 3/18/10]

Cornilles Called Himself The Original Tea Party Candidate In 2010, Cornilles called himself the original Tea Party candidate because he had been running the longest of any candidate running in Oregon and epitomized Tea Party values. [Executive Club forum, 5/5/10]

Trade Issues
Supported Free Trade Agreements with Asia and Loosening Regulations In 2011, Cornilles said he supported free trade agreements with Asia and other partners and loosing regulations. Cornilles had an event with small business owners and said if elected, he would support free trade agreements with Asia and other partners, and try to loosen the regulatory climate, which he says hinders small business. [OPB News, 10/11/11] Advocated for Authorization of Trade Agreements with Korea, Panama and Colombia In 2011, Cornilles advocated for authorization of trade agreements with Korea, Panama and Colombia. Lets go ahead and authorize these free trade agreements with Korea, with Panama, with Colombia. If we do this, this means jobs for Oregon business because wed be opening up more markets internationally. And that gives our companies in the first district a chance to spread there goods elsewhere and I would add, we have to make sure that we have a fair infrastructure here that provides the transportation of goods and services. But you cant just throw more money at the problem, weve already dedicated money to infrastructure build-up and that moneys either being wasted or its not even being used right now because of the hurdles even the government has to go through to see a project to fruition.
[KAST2, Radio Interview, 8:02, Posted 9/22/11]

Wanted to Wheel-and-Deal with China In endorsing Wu in 2010, the Pamplin Media Group wondered why voters should elect someone who wants to wheel-and-deal with the Peoples Republic. The paper reported that Cornilles argued that his support from Nikes Phil Knight and Columbia Sportwears Tim Boyle show that he would work with job creators to sort out their issues with China and help them grow economic output. [Pamplin Media Group, Forest Grove News-Times, 10/13/10]


Oregon Lost 47,900 Jobs to China; Experienced More Job Losses than All But Three States In 2011, a think tank calculated that Oregon lost 47,900 jobs since China was admitted to the World Trade Organization in 2001. Oregon experienced more job losses to China than all but three other states. Oregons Silicon Forest, the Washington County technology belt between Beaverton and Hillsboro, has been among the hardest-hit areas in the nation. The report read as a result of Chinas currency manipulation and other trade distorting practices, including extensive subsidies, legal and illegal barriers to imports, dumping and suppression of wages and labor rights, the envisioned flow of U.S. exports to China did not occur. [Portland Tribune, 9/20/11] Cornilles Accused of Selling Out Oregon Jobs Due to Position on Trade In 2010, Cornilles criticized his opponent Wu for his obstructionist view on trade. Wu criticized Cornilles for his endorsement from Nike founder and accused him of selling out on Oregon jobs. What would you sell out first -- our jobs or our values? Wu asked his challenger. [The Sun, 10/27/10] Cornilles and Wu Were at Odds Over Trade Relations with China In 2011, it was reported that Cornilles was at odds with Wu over trade relations with China. Nike supported expanding trade relations and Nike co-founder and chairman Phil Knight personally endorsed Cornilles, and the Republican received contributions from the companys political action committee and a handful of its top executives. Wu didnt get a dime from Nike. [Politico.com,

Wanted to Wheel-and-Deal with China. The Forest Grove News-Times wondered why voters should elect someone who wants to wheel-and-deal with the Peoples Republic. The paper reported that Cornilles argued that his support from prominent employers showed that he would work with job creators to sort out their issues with China and help them grow economic output. [Editorial, Forest Grove News-Times, 10/13/10] Cornilles Favored Free Trade In 2011, Cornilles wrote on his website that he favored free trade agreements and policies that expand markets. [Cornilles for Congress, accessed 9/21/11]

Transportation Issues
Recognized Need for Columbia River Crossing In 2011, columnist Dave Lister wrote that Cornilles recognized the need for the Columbia River Crossing. He was however, disappointed that six years and $150 million were wasted. If we are to grow this economy, Cornilles, we have to have solid infrastructure. [Columnist, Dave Lister, Oregonian, 9/29/11] Cornilles Backed $3 Billion Columbia River Project


In 2011, Rob Cornilles backed the $3 billion project to replace the Interstate 5 bridge over the Columbia River. He agreed with the three leading Democratic candidates and said the need for the project was clear. Cornilles complained that the Washington and Oregon departments of transportation have spent $130 million on planning but havent turned a shovel of dirt yet. The 1st District for too many years has not had a real strong voice in Congress to help us build the infrastructure needed in the region, Cornilles said. [Oregonian, 9/17/11] Said He Would Make Sure Columbia River Crossing Project was Done Affordably In 2011, Rob Cornilles agreed the Columbia River Crossing project an expanded Interstate 5 bridge to connect Portland and Vancouver, Wash., should go forward. Cornilles said We have to improve our infrastructureWeve spent $147 million and six years on the project which hasnt even produced a shovel full of dirt. I will make sure it gets done and gets done affordably.
[Beaverton Valley Times, 9/22/11]

Columbia River Crossing Project Depended Upon Federal Funding In 2011, according to the Columbia River Crossing website the project was expected to receive federal funding. The CRC project is expected to receive funding from three major sources: the federal government, the states of Washington and Oregon and tolling the I-5 bridge. Each funding source is expected to provide about a third of the total construction funds. [Columbia River
Crossing.org, accessed 9/19/11]

Veterans Issues
Supported Obamas Proposed Job Programs for Veterans In a 2011, Cornilles was asked to comment on President Obamas job speech in a radio interview. Cornilles said he agreed with the President on providing jobs and job training for veterans. First of all he spoke very well about how we need to make sure we take care of our returning veterans, that they have job opportunities when they return homeI believe strongly that they need to go from helmet to hard hat quickly and whether it be through training programs. Whether it be through relationships we build within the corporate community that gives them reason and incentive to hire our veterans, they have sacrificed greatly, they and their families, they need to be taken care of. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 2, 0:14, Posted 9/23/11]

Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center

Accused of Possibly Abetting Illegal Immigrants by Supporting Health Care Facility In 2011, Cornilles gave a speech at the Dorchester Founders event and defended himself against charges that he was aiding an organization possibly abetting illegal immigrants. Recently I learned that my own naming to the Board of Directors for a health care facility in Washington County actually caused a few in our Party distress and consternation. The charge is that Im aiding a liberal organization and possibly abetting illegal immigrants. Why is it commendable to join a liberal school board, for example, but ill-


advised to exercise influence over an organization that serves needy children who would otherwise fill up our emergency rooms? [The Dorchester Founders Speech by Rob Cornilles, Accessed 4/4/11] Touted Involvement in Community Health Center Funded In Part Through Medicaid In 2011, Cornilles said the community health center he worked with, the Virginia Garcia Community Health Centers was funded in part through Medicaid. Cornilles said, Ive been fortunate to be involved in a variety of organizations on boards for example, Im on the board of the Special Olympics of Oregon, Im on the board of the Oregon League Minority Voters as well as Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation. And for those listeners who do not know what Virginia Garcia is, its a community health center in fact there are six clinic in Washington and Yamhill counties that we oversee and those clinics are for people of low or no income who need healthcare and they go to one of the Virginia Garcia clinics and we provide that healthcare for themAlmost 50% of the costs are provided actually by the patients. They work out a payment plan and the payment plan is still less than what it would be if they were buying insurance on a monthly basis. He went on to say And the other half comes from Medicaid and also comes from private donations and corporate donations. And Community health centers are just a terrific tool in fact a great solution for the health care problems we have today. [Ann Samuelsons radio show, Part 1, 2:40, Posted 9/23/11]

Womens Issues
Described Busted Dot-Coms as the Young Girl the Day After the Prom In 2001, Cornilles described the bust of dot-coms for sports teams as them looking like the young girl the day after the prom. Theres more room for other industries to step in and build alliances. Whereas, some industries were squeezed out when the dot-coms were sexy, now the dot-coms kind of look like the young girl the day after the prom, said Cornilles. [Business Journal, 5/11/01] Gave Presentation on, Everything I Need to Know about Business I Learned from Dating In 2006, Cornilles gave a presentation to students in Purdue Universitys Krannert School of Management called Everything I Need to Know about Business I Learned from Dating. He talked about his strategies, presenting, listening and solving, opening, rather than closing, and empathic listening. [Journal
and Courier, 3/25/06]


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