09-Sec 4 - Material Control
09-Sec 4 - Material Control
09-Sec 4 - Material Control
4.0. The system described in this section assures that the material received is properly
identified and has documentation including material test reports to satisfy the code
requirements. The system through receiving inspection, storage, issue and
identification assures that only intended material is used.
1.1.1. All Material Requisitions (Exhibit No.04-01) for Code material are prepared
by the Design Engineer, except for welding material is prepared by the
Welding Engineer and controlled in accordance with Para 4.6 below.
1.1.2. The Material Requisition includes the material specification, type, class or
grade selected from those permitted by the appropriate stress tables of the
applicable construction Code.
1.1.3. Technical Delivery conditions (Exhibit No 04-02) shall be prepared by the
Design Engineer and reviewed and approved by the Engineering Manager
and shall include all technical information and ordering information as per the
material specification of ASME Code Section II Part A and/or B as applicable
such as the size, Supply Condition, Heat Treatment, Markings, material test
report,…. , in addition to the requirements of the Construction Code Section
such as that of UG-79, UCS-79, special testing, Charpy impact test at MDMT
and grain size and the requirement of Sec.1 whenever applicable and the
supplementary requirements of the design if any, and any other instructions
to the supplier.
1.1.4. Completed Material Requisitions are signed, dated and approved by the
Engineering Manager, then forwarded to the Material Control Engineer to
verify the material available on stock to establish the quantity required to be
purchased. Copy is forwarded to Q.C. Inspector for use in examination of
received as well as stock material.
1.3.1. The warehouse keeper shall check the coming material at the shop for
quantity and visible damage against the Purchase Order and when accepted
to him, it shall be placed in a hold area identified with a signboard “Hold
ASME Material”.
1.3.2. The Warehouse Keeper shall make entry in his store register and inform the
QC inspector to perform the examination.
1.3.3. The Q.C. Inspector, using his copy of the Purchase Order (or Material
Requisition for stock material), examines all Code material (except welding
material which is received as described in paragraph 4.6 below) for
dimensions including formed and shell radii using correct templates, for
marking, condition and quantity.
1.3.4. All material marking and dimensions are recorded on the Material Receiving
Report (Exhibit No. 04-04).
1.3.5. For all plate material and for other products for which the material
specification, purchase order or Code Section requires markings traceability,
the Q.C. Inspector reviews the material test report, chemical analysis,
mechanical properties and other test results against those listed in the
applicable material specification. The material marking are recorded on the
Material Receiving Report.
1.3.6. For materials formed by others, if the original material markings are
transferred by others, it shall either be the full markings or coded markings
as described in Para 4.5 below.
1.3.7. When acceptable, the Q.C. Inspector signs and dates the Material Test
Report and the Material Receiving Report and are then forwarded to the
Quality Control Manager for approval by signature and date. The material
shall be moved to the “Accepted ASME Material” after acceptance of the Q.C
1.3.8. Material which does not meet Purchase Order and Technical Delivery
Conditions requirements, the Q.C. Inspector marks the material with a red
color spot and segregated in reject area. For small items the container shall
be marked with red color. Such material are considered nonconforming and
controlled as described in (CORRECTION OF NONCONFORMITIES)
Section 6 of this Manual.
"Orders for fabricated parts shall only be placed on suppliers having required ASME
certificate of authorization".
1.4.1. Code stamped Parts are unloaded in the hold area, and examined by the
Q.C. Inspector for damage, Code stamping and identification marking to
provide traceability to the Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report and drawing.
1.4.2. Manufacturer’s Serial Number and National Board Serial Number (if
registered) for each item received is recorded by the Q.C. Inspector on the
Material Receiving Report, who shall enter the date of receipt of all
Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports certifying these parts.
1.4.3. The applicable partial Data Report shall be reviewed and verified, before it
can be released by the Q.C. Inspector for installation or further fabrication.
1.4.4. The Authorized Inspector shall be afforded the right to inspect and verify all
parts against the applicable Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report prior to
further use.
1.4.5. Parts and material that do not meet all Code requirements are considered
nonconforming and are controlled as described in (CORRECTION OF
NONCONFORMITIES) Section 6 of this Manual.
1.4.6. When WA is the manufacturer of the completed vessel or Certification Mark–
stamped Part , The QC Manager shall ensure that parts furnished under the
provisions of UG -11 (b), (c), (d) and (e) for pressure vessels. And for boilers
the provisions of PG-11 (b), (c), (d) and (e) and meet all the applicable Code
4.6.1 All welding consumables shall meet the requirement of ASME SEC II Part C
or as otherwise permitted by the Code
4.6.2 Standard welding consumables shall be purchased in accordance with
Welding Consumables Requisition (Exhibit No. 04-07) prepared by the
Welding Engineer for welding materials used in production and approved by
Q.C Manager.
4.6.3 Based on new projects requirements the Welding Engineer prepares the
Welding Consumables Purchase Order (Exhibit No. 04-08) and attaches a
copy of the Welding Consumables Requisition (Exhibit No. 04-07) and TDC
for Filler Wires (Exhibit No. 04-09) and then sends to Welding Manager for
review and Purchasing Manger to send to the appropriate vendor.
4.6.4 Copies are then used for receiving examination.
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Date : 17/09/2023
All Code material supplied by the customer or his designee is received and
examined by the QC Inspector as described in 4.3. above, using a copy of the
Customer’s Material Requisition or Purchase Order. Alternatively the Company’s
Material Requisition approved as described in 4.1. above shall be used to verify
compliance with Code and customer requirements. Customer’s Purchase Order or
Material Requisition shall be reviewed for Code compliance and approved by the
Quality Control Manager.
Further material testing, if required, the Quality Control Inspector shall identify the
number, size, location and orientation of the test pieces required. The test shall be
performed by a qualified testing laboratory which provides testing reports and shall
be accepted by the Quality Control Manager by signature and date. The test reports
shall be made available to the Authorized Inspector for his review and shall be
marked by as required by the permitted specification.
All records including Material Test reports referenced in this Section are made
available for review by the Authorized Inspector and are filed in the job file
maintained by the Quality Control Manager.