19-Sec 14 - Field Assembly
19-Sec 14 - Field Assembly
19-Sec 14 - Field Assembly
1.1. SCOPE:
This Section describes the system for assuring that all requirements of Code and
customer’s specifications are met with respect to site work required in connection
with the construction of Code item. Site work will only consist of assembly of
power boilers, fabrication and assembly of power piping and/or completion of
pressure vessels which because of size or convenience cannot be completed at
the shop. Repairs and Alterations may also be carried out at site.
The Site Manager is responsible for the overall activities at field site.
1.2.2. All revisions to these documents shall be handled in the same manner as
the originals.
The distribution of site assembly data as well as the distribution of revisions to site
assembly data shall be handled in accordance with Section 3 (DRAWINGS,
DESIGN CALCULATION & SPECIFICATIONS) of this Quality Control Manual.
All site work shall be controlled through the use of the field Inspection and Test
Plan (ITP) in accordance with Section 5 (EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION
PROGRAM) of this Quality Control Manual, except that the Authorized Inspector
at field site and the Quality Control Site Inspector shall designate their own
inspection points on the Field Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)It is the responsibility
of the Quality Control Site Inspector to review the Field Inspection and Test Plan
(ITP) with the Authorized Inspector prior to commencement of site assembly work.
Examination along with test reports shall be made available to QC manager for
his certification of Data report.
All Nonconformities found during site work shall be handled in accordance with
Section 6 (CORRECTION OF NONCONFORMITIES) of this Quality Control
Manual, except that the Quality Control Site Inspector shall be holding the Quality
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Date : 17/09/2023
control manager responsibility and the authorize inspector will be the AI at field
The contractual relationship with the Authorized Inspection Agency, access for the
Authorized Inspector at field site and coordination with the Authorized Inspector
shall be handled in accordance with Section 11 (AURTHORIZED INSPECTOR) of
this Quality Control Manual, except that the contact person with the Authorized
Inspector will be the Quality Control Site Inspector.