Cell Phones
Cell Phones
Cell Phones
Some people have a cell phone that they cannot keep charged. I have a cell phone that will never go off. Yes its the craziest thing, but I for some reason, have a cell phone that will not shut off. I was a guest speaker at a wonderful conference pertaining to Christian media and I attended several of the seminars while there. One particular seminar had a panel of guest speakers, many of which I knew personally and I wanted to learn all I could. I chose a seat close to the front, so that I could really pay attention and not be distracted by anything. During the Q & A my telephone rang. Now, I had turned it off before the event, or so I thought. I grabbed my purse and after searching for what seemed like an eternity, I found my cell and quickly turned it off. Several minutes go by and my phone rings a 2nd time, but now I know for sure, I had turned it off. I apologized to the panel and the attendees. Once again, I turned it off. Several minutes passed and believe it or not, my cell rings. I was ready to throw it against the nearest brick wall. Never in all my life, have I had a cell that just would not turn off. Again, I repeated the process of shutting down my cell. After that seminar, I checked my phone and sure enough, it was still on. Oh my goodness! The take away: Isnt that just like those voices we hear in our ear: You are not good enough. You cant do that, Youre not qualified, If only I was smarter, prettier, richer, more popular, more accepted -----You fill in your own blank. Turning those sounds off just isnt enough. You have to replace all the noise and chatter with the truth of God Word. You have to silence any and all voices, arguments you are having with yourself, thoughts, mindsets, theories, reasoning, attitudes, beliefs that do not line up with the word of God. How freeing is that! Hallelujah. From this day forward, let the scriptures take precedent- define you, qualify you, approve you, accept you, mold you, lead you, influence you, guide you all else is just simply noisy useless chatter. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Cor. 10:4-6 NKJV www.robinbertram.tvrobin@robinbertram.org