M.A. - M.SC - Geog - I Year - For Affiliated College Syllabi
M.A. - M.SC - Geog - I Year - For Affiliated College Syllabi
M.A. - M.SC - Geog - I Year - For Affiliated College Syllabi
Geography (Syllabus for Affiliated Colleges) First Year (as per NEP 2020)
Syllabi for
M. A. / M. Sc. Geography (First Year)
(For Affiliated Colleges to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
v. Even if a student takes exit after 1st year, he will be provided with job opportunities with
required skill set.
vi. Create confidence in other, for equipping themselves with that part of Geography which is
needed for various branches of Sciences or Humanities in which they have aptitude for
higher studies and original work.
vii. Provide job oriented skills to the students with multiple entry and exit option.
viii. To create research culture and on job training for made a competent students for Indian
ix. To inculcate the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach in the curriculum.
x. To enhance employability and entrepreneurship skill among the students.
xi. To develop research and innovative skill among the students.
Programme Specific Outcome (PSO):
On completion of the Two-year Post Graduation in Geography, students will:
1. Possess an enriched and comprehensive knowledge of Geography and its practical
applications across various disciplines.
2. Develop a strong sense of environmental values, being well-informed about sustainable
development goals, as well as various cross-cutting issues affecting our planet.
3. Augment their skills in spatial analysis through the application of statistical techniques,
geospatial tools, and by keeping abreast of emerging trends, theories, and models in the
4. Be able to analyze, compare, and critically evaluate concepts and content relevant to
competitive examinations and global contexts, nurturing a deeper understanding of global
5. Demonstrate knowledge and expertise in field excursions, advanced surveying techniques
and digital map-making, aiding them to interpret and represent geographical data
6. Be proficient in research writing, preparing manuscripts, and designing research projects.
7. Develop essential employability and entrepreneurship skills, making them well-prepared
for market jobs or for establishing their own endeavors in relevant fields.
8. Apply geographical knowledge, tools, and techniques to address various geo-
environmental and human challenges, contributing to effective problem-solving.
9. Recognize the significance of resource management, regional planning, and sustainable
development, ensuring responsible and informed decision-making.
10. Prioritize diverse emerging issues, trends and techniques effectively in real-time
geographical problems, leading to positive contributions to both society and the
Credits Total
Course Code Course Name
Major GEO 501 MJ Principles of Geomorphology 02 -- 02
Core GEO 502 MJ Principles of Climatology 02 -- 02
GEO 503 MJ Principles of Economic Geography 02 -- 02
GEO 504 MJ Principles of Population and Settlement 02 -- 02
GEO 505 MJ Introduction to Statistical Methods in 02 -- 02
GEO 506 MJP Practicals in Physical Geography -- 02 02
GEO 507 MJP Practicals in Human Geography -- 02 02
Total credits related to Major Core 10 04 14
First Semester
Major Group A
Elective GEO 510 MJ Introduction to Geographic Information 02 -- 02
(Select System
any one GEO 511 MJP Practicals in Geographic Information -- 02 02
group) System
Group B
GEO 512 MJ Tourism Management 02 -- 02
GEO 513 MJP Practicals in Tourism Management -- 02 02
Group C
GEO 514 MJ Geography of Soil 02 -- 02
GEO 515 MJP Practicals in Soil Analysis -- 02 02
Total Credits related to Major Electives 02 02 04
Research GEO 531 RM Research Methodology 04 -- 04
Semester I- Total Credits 16 06 22
Credits Total
Major GEO 551 MJ Core Special–1 (Theory) 04 -- 04
Core (Select any one as per specialization
from following)
A. Fluvial Geomorphology
B. Synoptic Climatology
C. Agricultural Geography
D. Population Geography
Major Group A
Elective GEO 560 MJ Introduction to Remote Sensing 02 -- 02
(Select GEO 561 MJP Practicals in Remote Sensing -- 02 02
any Group B
one GEO 562 MJ Geography of India 02 -- 02
group) GEO 563 MJP Practicals in Surveying -- 02 02
Group C
GEO 564 MJ Political Geography 02 -- 02
GEO 565 MJP Practicals in Digital Cartography -- 02 02
Total Credits related to Major Electives 02 02 04
On Job GEO 581 OJT On Job Training 04
Training (Student should complete on job training not less than
60 clock hours)
Sem. II Total Credits=Major Core + Major Elective + OJT 12 06 22
Vertical Group (Semester - II) Credit for Credit for Total Credit
Theory Practical
Total Credits related to Major Core 10 04 14
Total Credits related to Major Electives 02 02 04
On Job Training -- -- 04
Total Credits 12 06+ 04 22
Note:- Students will be awarded PG Degree on completion of two year- IV semester. (88
Syllabi for
M. A. / M. Sc. Geography (Second Year)
(For Affiliated Colleges to Savitribai Phule Pune University)
Credits Total
Major GEO 601 MJ Core Special–3 (Theory) 04 -- 04
Core (Select any one as per specialization
from following)
1. Tropical Geomorphology
2. Monsoon Climatology
3. Geography of Development II
4. Urban Geography
GEO 602 MJP Core Special– 3 (Practical) -- 02 02
(Select any one as per specialization
from following)
1. Practicals in Tropical Geomorphology
2. Practicals in Monsoon Climatology
3. Practicals in Geography of
Development- II
Third Semester
Vertical Group (Semester - III) Credit for Credit for Total Credit
Theory Practical
Total Credits related to Major Core 10 04 14
Total Credits related to Major Electives 02 02 04
Research Project 04
Total Credits 12 06 +04 22
Credits Total
Major GEO 651 MJ Social and Cultural Geography 04 -- 04
GEO 652 MJ Geography of Disaster Management 04 -- 04
any one
Group B
GEO 662 MJ Geography of Maharashtra 02 -- 02
Group C
GEO 664 MJ Environmental Laws 02 -- 02
Vertical Group (Semester - IV) Credit for Credit for Total Credit
Theory Practical
Total Credits related to Major Core 08 04 12
Total Credits related to Major Electives 02 02 04
Research Project 06
Total Credits 10 06+06 22
(V) per
Major Theory GEO 501 MJ Principles of
I I 02 30 02
Core Geomorphology
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to;
COs 1: Define the field of Geomorphology and explain the essential principles of it.
COs 2: Illustrate and explain the forces affecting the crust of the Earth and gain
knowledge about Earth’s interior.
COs 3: Develop an idea about systems and cycles of the solid Earth
COs 4: Explain the evolution of continents and ocean basin
COs 5: Co-relate the Endogenic and Exogenic forces controlling landform development.
COs 6: Compare the mountain building activities processes of weathering and mass
COs 7: Develop research interest to solve critical and emerging issues of
Reference Books:
1. Allison, R.J. (2005): Applied Geomorphology: Theory and Practice, Wiley, New
2. Bloom, A.L. (2012): Geomorphology- A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic
Landforms, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
3. Chorley, R.J., Schumm, S. A. and Sugden, D. E. (1984): Geomorphology, Methuen,
4. Christiansen E.H. and Hamblin, W.K. (2008): The Earths dynamic systems
Macmillan, New York and Collier Macmillan London.
5. Gregory, K.J. and Goudie, A.S. (2014): The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology,
SAGE, London.
6. Holmes, (1944): Principles of Physical Geology, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd,
7. Huggett, R.J. (2008): Fundamentals of Geomorphology, Routledge, London and New
8. Kale, V.S. (2014): Landscapes and Landforms of India, Springer, London/New York.
9. Kale, V. S. and Gupta, A. (2010): Introduction to Geomorphology, Universities Press,
No. of Total
Group Course
Major Principles of
I I Theory GEO 502 MJ 02 30 02
Core Climatology
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, student will be able to:
COs 1: Acquainted with the role of climate in the formation of complex interactive earth
COs 2: Understand various contemporary climatic issues particularly climate change,
flood, drought, cyclones etc.
COs 3: Demonstrate scientific explanation of weather and climate patterns in different
parts of the world.
COs 4: Examine causes and processes influencing the climatic variations and the
impact of climate on humans or vice-versa.
Reference Books:
1. Ahrens, C. D., & Henson, R. (2016): Essentials of Meteorology: An invitation to
the atmosphere, Cengage Learning.
2. Critchfield, H. J.(2010): General Climatology, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
3. Lal, D. S. (2014): Climatology, Chaitanya Publishing House, Allahabad.
4. Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J., Herman, R., &Tasa, D. G. (2018): The Atmosphere:
An introduction to Meteorology. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
5. Oliver, J. E. &Hidore, J. J. (2003): Climatology: An Atmospheric Science, Pearson
Education, Delhi.
6. Rohli, R. V., & Vega, A. J. (2018): Climatology, Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
7. Savindra Singh (2005): Climatology, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
8. Singh, S. (2005): Climatology, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
9. Trewartha, G. T.: Introduction to Weather and Climate.
Semester No. of
Group Course Total
Principles of
I I Theory GEO 503 MJ Economic 02 30 02
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
i. Definition, Nature and Scope of Economic
ii. Types of Economic Activities
01 Introduction 05
iii. Recent Trends and Issues of Economic
i. Economic Landscape
Concepts in ii. Economic System
03 Economic iii. New Economic Geography 07
Geography iv. New liberalism
Total Periods 30
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
COs 1: Understand with the fundamental ideas of economic geography.
COs 2: Explain the theories and models in Economic Geography.
COs 3: Illustrate concepts of Economic Geography.
COs 4: Explain the emerging concepts of Economic Geography.
1. Chatterjee K., (2015): Basics of Economic Geography, Concept Publishing Company,
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India.
2. K. Siddhartha., (2018): Economic Geography, Kitab Mahal, India.
3. Majid Husain., (2016): Models in Geography, Rawat Publications, India.
4. S. K. Shelar., (2013): Principles of Economic Geography, Kanpur
ChandralokPrakashan, India.
5. Uma Kapila.,(2022):Indian Economy Performance and Policies Academic
Foundation, India.
6. Y. S. Chander., (2010): Developmental Geography and Economic Theory, Swastik
Publications, India.
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Principles of
Major Population and
I I Theory GEO 504 MJ 02 30 02
Core Settlement
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
i. Definition, Nature and Scope of Population
Introduction ii. Approaches to the study of Population Geography
1 to Population 08
and iii. Definition, Nature and Scope of Settlement
Settlement Geography
iv. Approaches to the study of Settlement Geography
i. Concept of population growth
ii. Components of Population Change - Fertility,
Population and Mortality and Migration
2 Settlement 06
iii. Concept of settlement growth
iv. Factors influencing growth and distribution of
i. Population distribution - India and World
ii. Factors influencing distribution of population
3 Distribution iii. Population density: meaning, definition and its types 08
and Density iv. Factors influencing density of population
Total 30
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to;
COs 1: Understand the basic concepts in population and settlement Geography
COs 2: Acquire knowledge about the population distribution in the world, factors
affecting population distribution.
COs 3: Identify patterns and processes of population and settlement growth
COs 4: Evaluate the factors influencing the growth of population and settlement
1. Bhende, A. and Kanitkar, T. (2011): Principles of Population Studies, Himalaya
Publishing House, Bombay.
2. Beaujeu, G. J. (1966): Geography of Population, Longman Group Ltd.
3. Chandna, R.C. (Rep.2010): Geography of Population, Concepts, Determinants and
Patterns, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Clark, J. I. (1973): Population Geography, Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.
5. Clark, J.I. (1984): Geography and Population: Approaches and Applications,
Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.
6. Hudson, (1970): Geography of Settlement, Macdonald & Evans Ltd., London.
7. Khullar, D. R. (2011): India A Comprehensive Geography, Kalyani Publication, New
8. Michel Chisholm (1973): Studies in Human Geography, London.
9. Mishra, R.S.(1975): Economics of Growth and Development, Somaiya Publication
Pvt. Ltd.
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Introduction to
Major Statistical
I I Theory GEO 505 MJ 02 30 02
Core Methods in
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
COs 1: Understand the basic principles of statistics in the context of geography
COs 2: Apply appropriate descriptive statistical technique to analyze geographical data
COs 3: Interpret statistical results effectively
COs 4: Evaluate the use of descriptive statistics in geographical research
1. Croxton, C., Cowden, D. J., & Klein, S. (1967). Applied general statistics. Prentice
Hall, New Jersey.
2. Frank, H., &Althoen, S. C. (1994). Statistics: Concepts and applications. Cambridge
University Press.
3. Hammond, R., &McCullagh, P. S. (1985). Quantitative techniques in geography: an
introduction. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press.
4. Mann, P. S. (2020). Introductory statistics. John Wiley & Sons.
5. O'Brien, L. (2005). Introducing quantitative geography: measurement, methods, and
generalized linear models. Taylor & Francis.
6. Rogerson, P. A. (2019). Statistical methods for geography: a student's guide. Sage
Publications, London.
Practicals in
I I Practical GEO 506 MJP Physical 02 30 02
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
COs 1: Understand the drainage network in terms of stream orders, numbers etc.
COs 2: Examine the drainage basin for understanding the topographical variations.
COs 3: Acquainted with the role of geomorphic techniques in geography as a
scientific method for understanding the landforms.
COs 4: Helpful to learn important applied aspects of climatology, elements
diagrams and climatic classification.
COs 5: Construct climatic elements diagrams and inspect climatic classification
Reference Books:
1. Aackombe, R. V. and Gardiner, V. (1983): Geomorphological Field Manual.
2. Chorley, R. J., Schumm, S. A. and Sugden, D. E. (1984): Geomorphology,
Methuen, London.
3. Goudie, A. (1990): Geomorphological Techniques, Un win Hyman, London.
4. Kale, V. S. and Gupta, A. (2001): Introduction to Geomorphology, Orient
Longman, Culcutta.
5. King, C. A. M. (1966): Techniques in Geomorphology, Edward Arnold, London.
6. Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J., Herman, R., &Tasa, D. G. (2018): The Atmosphere:
An introduction to Meteorology. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
7. Monkhouse, F. J., & Wilkinson, H. R. (1964): Maps and Diagrams: Their
Compilation and Construction. London: Metheun and Co. Ltd.
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Practicals in
I I Practical GEO 507 MJP Human 02 30 02
No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic Periods
i. Indicators of Economic Development
Economic ii. Gravity Model
1. 07
Indices iii. Cost benefit Analysis
Application of i. Introduction
4. Human ii. Field visit for data collection 07
Total 30
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Introduction to
Major Geographic
I I Theory GEO 510 MJ Information 02 30 02
Total 30
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
COs 1: Describe objectives and components of GIS
COs 2: Understand the concept of spatial database and analysis
COs 3: Explain the nature and structure of spatial data models
COs 4: Compare the raster and vector GIS spatial data
COs 5: Assess the topology building and overlay analysis
COs 6: Generate the spatial overlay analysis and grid operations
1. Burroughs, P. A. and McDonnell, R. A. (2002): Principles of Geographical Information
System, Oxford University Press.
2. Clarke, Keith C.(1999) Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey
3. DeMers Michel N.(2000): Geographic Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons.
4. George J. (2004): Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Universities Press Pvt. Ltd.,
5. Jensen, J. R. (2003): Remote Sensing of Environment, An Earth Resource Perspective,
Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Kang-tsung Chang (2003): Geographic Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New
7. Lillesand, T. M. and Kiefer R. W. (2002): Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John
Wiley and Sons, New Delhi.
8. LoAlbert, C. P., and Young, K. W (2003): Concepts and Techniques of Geographical
Information Systems, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
9. Michael F. Goodchild and Karen K. Kemp (1990): Introduction to GIS, National Center
for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California, Santa Barbara.
10. Paul A. Lonfley, Michel F. Goodchild, D J. Maguire and D W. Rhind, (2002):
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Science, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
11. Shrikat Karlekar (2014): Geographic Information Systems, dimand publication, Pune
12. StarJ, and J.Estes, (1994): Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey.
Practicals in
Major Geographic
I I Practical GEO 511 MJP Information 02 30 02
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
COs 1: Understand the components of GIS
COs 2: Examine the raster and vector layer file structure
COs 3: Classify geographical features with point, line, polygon
COs 4: Prioritize GIS input, storage, manipulation, retrieval, analysis and maps
geographical data
COs 5: Design map layout and prepare GIS based various spatial and thematic maps
1. Burroughs, P. A. and McDonnell, R.A. (2002): Principles of Geographical
Information System, Oxford University Press.
2. Clarke, Keith C.(1999) Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey
3. DeMers Michel N.(2000): Geographic Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons.
4. George J. (2004): Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Universities Press Pvt. Ltd.,
5. Kang-tsung Chang (2003): Geographic Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New
6. Shrikat Karlekar (2014): Geographic Information Systems, dimand publication, Pune
No. of Total
Major Tourism
I I Theory GEO 512 MJ 02 30 02
Elective Management
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
COs 1: Understand the concept of tourism management and planning and its application
in the tourism industry.
COs 2: Explain the concept and evolution of tourist destinations, and identify factors
contributing to their development and evolution over time.
COs 3: Assess the implications of the destination life cycle stages on destination
management strategies and decision-making processes.
COs 4: Utilize digital marketing strategies in the tourism industry, including website
development, social media marketing, and online advertising.
COs 5: Design and implement effective promotion techniques and campaigns for
tourism products, services, or destinations.
COs 6: Identify and analyze technology trends and innovations influencing the tourism
COs 7: Recognize the potential of virtual reality in enhancing tourism experiences and
identify its practical applications in the industry.
COs 8: Develop tour packaging strategies based on target markets, themes, and pricing
1. "Virtual Reality in Tourism and Hospitality" by (Vikas Publishing House)
2. Anil G. Jadhav "Promotion Techniques and Campaigns in Tourism" by (Excel Books)
3. Charles R. Goeldner and J.R. Brent Ritchie "Tourism: Principles, Practices,
Philosophies" by Wiley Publication.
4. Claire Boobbyer "Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases" by CABI publication.
5. Clare Inkson and Medlik S. "Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes, and
Relationships" by (Cengage Learning EMEA)
6. ErcanSirakaya-Turk, MuzafferUysal, and William E. Hammitt "Research Methods for
Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism" by (CABI)
7. Guido Candela and Paolo Figini "Tourist Destination Management: Issues, Analysis,
and Policies" by Routledge publication.
8. Gurdeep Singh and S. P. Gupta "Tourism Management and Planning" by (Ane Books
Pvt. Ltd.)
9. Hannes Werthner and Noelle O'Connor "Virtual Reality in Tourism" by (Springer)
10. S. Gokulakrishnan (2013) "Tour Marketing and Budgeting" (PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.)
Practicals in
I I Practicals GEO 513 MJP Tourism 02 30 02
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. Period
i. Assess a potential tourism site
ii. Destination analysis
1 Tourism Site iii. Research the destination case Study - attractions, 04
Assessment accommodations, transportation, and other tourism-
related aspects.
i. Data analysis of Tourist arrivals, hotel occupancy rates,
or tourism expenditure.
Data Analysis ii. Analyze the data using tools like Microsoft Excel or
2 06
and Reporting statistical software.
iii. Generate reports, create visualizations, and draw
conclusions based on their data analysis.
i. Develop promotional materials such as brochures,
posters, and social media content.
Promotions and
3 ii. Develop a marketing campaign for their assigned 04
iii. Tourism marketing through online platform
i. Online Booking and Cancellation – Bus, Rail, flights,
ii. Design a tour package domestic and international for
4 Tour Planning 06
iii. Prepare Budget for package domestic and international
Organize a field trip to a tourism-related business such as a
5 Field Trip hotel, travel agency, or tourist attraction. Prepare a report 10
summarizing their observations.
Total 30
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, student will be able to:
COs 1: Evaluate and assess the suitability of potential tourism sites based on their natural,
cultural, and infrastructure attributes.
COs 2:Demonstrate proficiency in data analysis techniques and tools, allowing them to
interpret and present tourism-related data effectively for decision-making purposes.
COs 3:Develop the ability to design and implement comprehensive marketing campaigns
COs 4:Utilizing online travel booking systems, including making reservations, managing
itineraries, and understanding the ticket booking and cancellation processes.
COs 5: They should organize well planned filed visit or tour.
1. Anil Kumar (2012) "Hospitality and Tourism Management" (Excel Books)
2. Arch G. Woodside (2008) "Tourism Management: Analysis, Behaviour and Strategy"
(Publisher: CABI)
3. C. R. Goeldner (2007) "Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies" (Wiley)
4. Chris Cooper (2017) "Tourism Principles and Practice" (Pearson Education)
5. David Airey and John Tribe (2006) "Tourism and Destination Management" (Sage)
6. Devesh Nigam (2008) "Tourism Planning and Tour Operation" (Shree Publishers)
7. Dimitrios Buhalis (2022) 'Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing"
(Edward Elgar Publishing)
8. Jennifer Raga (2017) "Hospitality and Tourism Management Trends, Challenges and
Innovations" (Society Publishing)
9. John Beech and Simon Chadwick (2006) "The Business of Tourism Management"
(Pearson Education)
10. K.V. Rao (2014) "Tourism Planning and Development" (Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.)
11. Manoj Dixit (2020) "Tourism Management" (Oxford University Press India)
12. Meenakshi Gupta (2019) "Tourism: Principles and Practices" (VK Global
Publications Pvt. Ltd.)
Major Geography
I I Theory GEO 514 MJ 02 30 02
Elective of Soil
Objectives of the Course:
1. To understand the significance of soil geography in environmental studies and land
2. To identify the relationships between soil and various natural systems, including
ecosystems and climate.
3. To recognize the role of soil in supporting human activities, agriculture, and
ecosystem services.
4. To familiarize with major soil classification systems
5. To assess the importance of soil conservation and sustainable land management
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. Period
Introduction to i. Definition, Nature and Scope of Soil Geography
Soil Geography ii. Soil as a Natural Resource
1 iii. Factor of Soil Formation- climate, biotic, topography, 06
parent material and time
i. Soil Profile- Development of soil profile and horizon
ii. Physical Properties-Texture, Structure, Colour, Density
(Particle and Bulk Density), Porosity, Pore Space,
2 Soil Profile 10
Temperature, Permeability, Moisture
iii. Chemical Properties- Acidity and Alkalinity, Soil pH
and NPK, Redox Potential, Cation, Anion exchange
i. Soil Classification System
ii. Land Capability Classification
3 System and 08
iii. Land Suitability Classification
types of Soil
iv. Soil types of India.
i. Soil Degradation : Soil Pollution, Acidification and
Soil Degradation Salinization
4 and ii. Soil Conservation: Definition and various methods 06
Conservation iii. Soil Conservation in India
iv. Role of RS and GIS in Soil Conservation.
Total 30
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Practicals lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, student will be able to:
COs 1:Demonstrate proficiency in collecting, preparing, and analyzing soil samples.
COs 2:Apply appropriate methods to assess soil physical, chemical, and biological
COs 3:Interpret and evaluate soil analysis data to make informed land management
COs 4:Utilize soil analysis knowledge to recommend sustainable soil management
COs 5:Recognize the significance of soil analysis in real-life applications for agriculture,
environmental conservation, and land development.
1. Helmut Kohnke and P. J. Niederholzer, "Soil Science Simplified", Wiley-Blackwell
2. J. R. Schaetzl and Robert O. Siltanen, "Soil Geography and Land Use Planning", CRC
3. Michael E. Essington, "Soil and Water Chemistry: An Integrative Approach", CRC
4. J. Russell Boulding and G. Fred Lee, "Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and
Ground-Water Contamination: Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation", CRC
5. M.R. Carter and E.G. Gregorich (Editors), "Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis",
CRC Press
6. Eldor A. Paul, "Soil Microbiology, Ecology, and Biochemistry", Academic Press
7. Kim H. Tan, "Environmental Soil Science”, CRC Press
8. Daniel Hillel, "Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics", Academic Press.
Research Research
I I Theory GEO 531 RM 04 60 04
Methodology Methodology
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
1. i. Concept of Discovery, Innovation and Research
ii. Types of research
Introduction to iii. Research Approaches:
Research 1. Inductive reasoning
2. Deductive reasoning
3. Logical and Scientific Thinking approach
2. i. Definition of literature review,
Review of ii. Purpose of literature review
literature iii. Components of literature review
iv. Literature matrix/log book
3. i. Hypothesis: Meaning and types
ii. Theories – 1) Empirically inductive
Hypothesis and 2) Deductively Complete
theory iii. Models – 1) Natural analogue system
2) Physical system
3) General system
4. i. Research Questions
Framing of ii. Identifying Research Gap
research 04
iii. Statement of Problem
iv. Framing of research aims, goals and objectives
5. i. Methods and Methodology
Research ii. Research techniques 08
iii. Data types and sources
Course Outcome:
By the completion of the course, student will be able to:
COs 1: Develop research aptitude among the students through comprehensive
understanding of core concepts in research, review of research
COs 2: Find the research questions, statement of research problem and frame the
aims and objectives of the research.
COs 3: Frame research methodology and select appropriate methods.
COs 4: Prepare research reports and presentation for publication ethically.
COs 5: Able to creative and critical thinking abilities essential for research among
the students.
1. Gomez, B., & Jones III, J. P. (Eds.). (2010). Research methods in geography: A
critical introduction (Vol. 6). John Wiley & Sons.
2. Gomez, B., & Jones, J. P. III (2010). Research Methods in Geography: A Critical
Introduction. John Wiley and Sons.
3. Goudie, A. (Ed) (2004): Encyclopedia of Geomorphology, Routledge, London.
4. Gregory, D., Johnston, R., Pratt, G., Watts, M. &Whatmore, S. (2009). The
Dictionary of Human Geography. Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell.
5. Hay, I. (2000). Qualitative research methods in Human Geography.
6. Montello, D. and Sutton, P. (2013). An Introduction to Scientific Research Methods
in Geography and Environmental Studies. SAGE Publications.
7. Warf, B. (Ed)(2006). Encyclopedia of Human Geography. London: SAGE
No. of
Major Fluvial
I II Theory GEO 551 MJ (A) 04 60 04
Core Geomorphology
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
1. i. Definition and scope
ii. Drainage basin and stream network
Introduction to iii. The drainage basin as a geomorphic unit 6
Fluvial iv. Horton’s laws of drainage composition
Geomorphology v. Phases of drainage network development- Glock's
2. i. Runoff generation and types (infiltration-excess
overland flow, saturation-excess overland flow.
ii. Channel initiation
Drainage Basin
iii. Gully and channel formation 6
iv. Discharge and magnitude / frequency of flows in
river system (flood stages and hydrographs,
discharge measurement methods)
3. i. Types of flows- steady and unsteady flow, uniform
and non-uniform flow, laminar and turbulent flow
ii. Flow behaviour- sub-critical, critical and 8
Open Channel
supercritical flow
iii. Flow velocity variations and measurement
iv. Shear stress and stream power
4. i. River categories- alluvial, bedrock and mix
ii. Cross-section morphology and reach
morphology- width-depth ratio, channel capacity,
wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius and gradient
Savitribai Phule Pune University BOS, Geography 42 | P a g e
M. A./ M. Sc. Geography First Year (Sem. II) (as per NEP 2020)
iii. Controls on channel morphology- morphologic
and hydrologic controls 10
iv. Channel bed configuration- ripples, dunes, anti-
dunes, riffle-pool sequence, steps and pools
v. Channel patterns or planforms - straight,
meandering, braided, anabranching and
vi. Concept of grade- long profile: below, near and
above grade conditions
5. i. At-a-station hydraulic geometry
ii. Downstream hydraulic geometry (Relation of 6
discharge with width, depth, velocity and gradient)
6. i. Types of erosion- vertical, lateral and headward
ii. Erosional processes- solution, abrasion,
Fluvial Erosion cavitations, attrition, impaction, hydraulic action
iii. Erosion all and forms of bedrock channels- gorge, 8
canyon, incised meanders, rapids, waterfalls,
potholes, inner channels, grooves.
7. i. Types of river load- solution and particulate
ii. Capacity and competence
iii. Entrainment of sediment- forces acting on a
submerged particle, critical shear stress and 8
critical velocity
iv. Modes of sediment transport in rivers –
dissolved load, wash load, bed load and
suspended load
v. Measurement of sediment load
vi. Sediment yield
8. i. Flood plains and associated features-
meanders, point bars, ox-bow lakes, natural
levees, back swamp, Yazoo streams.
ii. River terraces – formation and classification
iii. Alluvial fans and bajadas 8
iv. Delta- formation and types
v. Mid-channel and bank attached channel forms
Total 60
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: Straightforward explanations of concepts and formulate even if students have little
previous knowledge of mathematics and science.
Cos 2: Illustrations with case studies and examples will develop the student’s interest in
fluvial geomorphology.
COs 3: Holistic, catchment-wide approach will be widely advocated for successful river
channel management.
No. of
Major Synoptic
I II Theory GEO 551 MJ (B) 04 60 04
Core Climatology
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
i. Nature and scope of Synoptic Climatology
ii. Scales of atmospheric motion
1 Introduction 12
iii. Laws of motion
iv. Synoptic charts and maps
i. Dry adiabatic lapse rate
Atmospheric ii. Wet adiabatic lapse rate
2 12
Stability iii. Types of atmospheric stability
iv. Changes in atmospheric stability
i. Introduction
3 Air masses ii. Source regions 08
iii. Classification and modification
i. Frontal Weather
4 Fronts 08
ii. Types of Fronts
i. Tropical and mid-latitude cyclones
Cyclones and
5 ii. Cold and warm-core anticyclones 08
iii. Rossby waves and western disturbances
i. Weather observation and analysis
Weather ii. Synoptic and Dynamic Conditions during
6 12
Forecasting summer and winter
iii. Types and methods of forecasting
Total 60
Major Agriculture
I II Theory GEO 551 MJ ( C) 04 60 04
Core Geography
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
Introduction to i. Definition, Nature and Scope
Agriculture ii. Approaches to study of Agriculture
1. 06
Geography Geography
iii. Recent trends in Agriculture Geography
i. Physical Determinants
Determinants of ii. Economic Determinants
2. 12
Agriculture iii. Social Determinants
iv. Technological Determinants
i. Definition and Concept of Region
ii. Crop Combination Techniques: Weaver and
Thomas method
Agricultural iii. Crop Diversification: Bhatia’s method and
3. 12
Regionalization Doi’s method
iv. Agricultural efficiency: Kendall’s ranking
v. Agricultural Regions in India
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: Explain definitions, concepts, nature and scope of Agricultural Geography
COs 2: Examine the determinants of agriculture
COs 3: Critically analyze the agricultural regionalization and related concepts
COs 4: Classify the agricultural types
COs 5: Illustrate the problems and prospects of agriculture
COs 6: Distinguish between different concepts of agriculture
COs 7: Apply the knowledge in actual practice
1. Aiyer, A.K.Y.N. (1949): Agricultural and Allied Arts in Vedic India.
2. Bayliss Smith, T.P. (1987): The Ecology of Agricultural Systems. Cambridge University
Press, London.
3. Berry, B.J.L. et. al. (1976): The Geography of Economic Systems. Prentice Hall, New
4. Brown, L.R. (1990): The Changing World Food Prospects - The Nineties and Beyond.
5. Dyson, T. (1996): Population and Food, Global Trends and Future Prospects. Routledge,
6. Gregor, H.P. (1970): Geography of Agriculture. Prentice Hall, New York.
No. of Total
Group Course
Major Population
I II Theory GEO 551 MJ (D) 04 60 04
Core Geography
Total 60
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: To learn the various concepts of Population Geography and sources of
Population data.
COs 2:To understand demographic attributes and examine regional variation in India
COs 3:To understand the population theories as well as demographic, social, economic
and cultural composition of population.
COs 4:To understand and analyze the population policy in the context of population
growth, structure and distribution.
COs 51:To able to know the concept of HDI and GDI and relation between population
and development.
1. Agarwala, S.N. (1977): India’s population Problems, Tata McGraw Hill publishing
Co. Ltd. , New Delhi.
2. Birdsell N., Kelley A.C., Sinding S. (2003): Population Matters: Demographic
Change, Economic Growth and Poverty in Developing Countries. Oxford University
3. Bose Ashis et.al. (1974): Population in India’s Development Vikas Publishing House,
New Delhi, 1974.
4. ChandnaR.C. (1986) :Geography of Population concepts, Determinants and Patterns,
Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Practicals in
Major Fluvial
Practical GEO 552 MJP (A) 02 30 02
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
i. The measurement of stream flow
The flow regime a) The velocity–area method
b) Continuous stream flow measurement
1 8
c) Construction of rating curve
ii. Construction of typical annual hydrograph
iii. Construction of a storm hydrograph
i. Estimating the suspended sediment load of a
ii. Computation of channel parameters (Bank full
discharge, Bank full width, depth, hydraulic
sediment transfer
2 radius, wetted perimeter, channel slope) 7
and Flow in
iii. Flow velocity measurement by Manning’s
iv. Flow behavior (Calculation of Froude number-
Subcritical, critical and supercritical flow
i. Calculating bed shear stress and unit stream
Transport and
ii. Application of William equations for sediment
3 Deposition 7
entrainment and transport (By using bed shear
stress, unit stream power and mean velocity)
iii. Calculation of sediment yield index
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: Relevant aspects of hydrology, with particular emphasis on the characteristics of
different flow regimes and flood frequency–magnitude relationships.
COs 2: Acquainted with the process of sediment transport through the fluvial system.
COs 3: Explain the basic overview of the properties of fluid flow.
COs 4: Introduced with the processes of erosion, sediment transport and deposition.
COs 5: Examine channel form which starts by considering the various controls on
morphology, the nature of morphological adjustments and the space and time scales
over which they take place.
1. Charlton, R. (2008): Fundamentals of fluvial Geomorphology, Routledge, New
2. Fryirs, K.A. andBrierley, G.J. (2013): Geomorphic Analysis of River Systems: An
approachto reading the landscape, WileyBlackwell.
3. Garde, R.J. (2006): River Morphology, New age international limited publishers,
New Delhi.
4. Kale, V.S. and Gupta, A. (2001): Introduction to Geomorphology, Orient Longman,
5. Knighton, D. (1998): Fluvial forms and processes, Arnold, an imprint of Hodder
Education, Hachette UK Company, London.
6. Kondolf, M.G. and Piegay, H. (2016): Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology, Wiley-
7. Leopold, L.B., Wolman, M.G. and Miller, P. (1954): Fluvial processes in
Geomorphology, Freeman and Co.San Francisco.
8. Maithi, R. (2016): Modern approaches to Fluvial Geomorphology, Primus Books.
No. of
Course Total
Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 552 MJP (B) Synoptic 02 30 02
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. Periods
i. Instrumentation and measurement techniques
of different weather elements:
a. Temperature: Working of maximum and
minimum thermometer, Thermographs,
Weather Data Basic Calculations of air-temperature
b. Pressure: Mercurial barometer, correction
1 15
of instrumental error
c. Wind: Construction and working of wind
vanes and cup anemometer
d. Precipitation: Types of rain gauges
e. Humidity: Types, Calculation of Relative
Humidity, Principle of working of
i. Introduction to surface weather maps
ii. Coding and decoding of synoptic data
2 Station Model 07
iii. Analysis of isobars, frontal systems and
other synoptic systems
i. Temperature Profile and Environmental
Atmospheric lapse rate
3 08
Stability ii. Adiabatic lapse rates
iii. Determining Atmospheric Stability
Total 30
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:-
COs 1: Understand the process of instrumentation and collection of weather data
COs 2: Analyze and interpret synoptic weather maps
COs 3: Perform statistical analysis of different weather variables
COs 4: Describe the mechanism of adiabatic changes and its relation with atmospheric
1. Fitzroy, R. (1863). The weather book: a manual of practical meteorology (Vol. 2).
Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green.
2. Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J., Herman, R., &Tasa, D. G. (2018). The atmosphere: An
introduction to Meteorology. Pearson Prentice Hall.
3. Navarra, J. G. (1979): Atmosphere, Weather and Climate, W. B. Saunders Company,
4. World Meteorological Organization. (1983). Guide to meteorological instruments and
methods of observation. Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization.
Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 552 MJP (C) Agriculture 02 30 02
Total Practicals 30
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1 : To compare crop combination and diversification indices.
COs 2 : To calculate agricultural efficiency.
COs 3 : To interpret level and index of agricultural productivity.
COs 4 : To synthesize agricultural field data.
1. Asis Sarkar (2015): Practical Geography, A Systemic Approach ,Orient Block Swan
2. Carter ,H (1977):The study of Urban Geography, Edward Arnold .London
3. Grigg, D.(1955) An Introduction to Agricultural Geography, London, Routledge
4. Hans, R. (1978): Fundamentals of Demography, Surjeet, Delhi
5. Hudson F.S. (1976): Geography of Settlements, Eastover, Macdonald and amp; Evans,
6. Hussain, M (1978): Agricultural Geography, Rawat Publication, Jaipur
No. of
Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 552 MJP (D) Population 02 30 02
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: Acquire the knowledge about the measures of Fertility and Mortality.
COs 2: They calculate and compare various measures of Human Resource.
COs 3: Apply computer applications for the analysis and representation of population data.
COs 4: Design graphical representation of population data.
1. Agarwala, S. N. (1962). Age at Marriage in India, Allahabad: Kitab Mahal Pvt. Ltd.
2. Barclay, G. W. (1958). Techniques of Population Analysis, New York: John Wiley and
3. Mandal, R. B., Uyanga, J., and Prasad, H. (2007), Introductory Methods in Population
Analysis, New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.
4. Pathak, K. B., and Ram, F. (2013). Techniques of Demographic Analysis, Mumbai:
Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Shryock, H. S. (1970). The Methods and Materials of Demography, New York: Academic
6. Siegel, J. S., and Swanson, D. A. (2004). The Methods and Materials of Demography.
Boston: Academic Press.
7. Taylor, P. J. (1977). Quantitative Methods in Geography. Boston: Hughton Miffin Co.
8. Wilkinson, F. J., and Monkhouse, H. R. (1966). Maps and Diagrams: Their Compilation
and Construction. London: Metheun and Co.
No. of
Major Geographical
I II Theory GEO 553 MJ 02 30 02
Core Thought
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: Understand the Historical development of Geography.
COs 2: Establishing relationship of Geography with other disciplines.
COs 3: Analyzing modern and contemporary principles of Systematic, Regional, Physical
and Human approaches in Geography.
COs 4: Elaborate philosophy and Contribution of Indian Geographers.
1. Adhikari, S. (2006), Fundamentals of geographical thought, Allahabad, India.
2. Adhikari, Sudeepta (2010) Fundamentals of Geographical Thought, Chaitanya
PublishingHouse, Allahabad, India.
3. Ahmad, N., (1947), Muslim contributions to geography, Lahore.
4. Ahmad, S.M. (953), Al-Masudi’s contribution to medieval geography Islamic culture,
Vol. XXVII, No.2
5. Ali , S.M, (1976), Arab geographical thought, Aligarh, India.
6. Arild Halt (1980), Geography: Its history and concepts, London.
7. Dikshit, R. D. (2006), Geographical Thought: A Contextual History of Ideas, Prentice
Hall ofIndia, New Delhi, India.
8. Dikshit, R.D. (2001), “Indian geography: An encounter with reality”, Transactions,
Institute of Indian Geographers, 23 (1 and 2), pp: 1-18, India.
9. Hartshorne, R. (1959), Perspective on Nature of Geography, Chicago.
10. Husain, Majid (2004), Evolution of Geographical Thought, Rawat Publications, Jaipur,
11. James and Martin (2005), “All Possible World: A History of Geographical Ideas”, 2nd
edition, John Wiley and Sons: New York.
Major Coastal
I II Theory GEO 554 MJ (A) 04 60 04
Core Geomorphology
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
i. Introduction to coastal geomorphology
ii. The coastal environment: littoral, shore,
coastal zones
iii. Components of coastal systems processes,
1 sediment transport, morphology. 08
iv. Spatial and temporal variation in Coastal
v. Coastal classification: genetic and
i. Definition wave length, amplitude, depth,
period, fetch, frequency
ii. Types of waves: sea waves, swell waves,
capillary waves, gravity waves, long period
tidal waves, storm waves, standing waves
iii. Process of shoaling: wave breakers- spilling,
plunging and surging, reflection, diffraction
2 Waves and Tides 10
and refraction of waves
i. Equilibrium Theory of Tides
ii. Dynamical Theory of Tides
iii. Semidiurnal, diurnal, spring, and neap tides
iv. Tides in bays and estuaries
v. Tides and coastal landforms
Total 60
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to - -
COs 1 : Actual knowing the coastal system and shore zone.
COs 2 : It actually helps students to knowing the coastal processes like wave, tide and ocean
current and they aware about it.
COs 3 : Students knowing the causes and consequences of sea level change and they aware
about the future Hazards.
COs 4 : Students knowing the Coastal Hazards and is apply this knowledge to Conservation of
coastal area,
1. Bird, E.C. (2000): Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction, John Wiley and
2. Bloom, A.L. (2002): Geomorphology: A Systematic Analysis of Late
Cenozoic,Landforms, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Davis, J.L. (1980): Geographical variation in coastal development, Longman, New York
Geomorphology Hodder Education, London.
4. Goudie, A.S. (Eds.) (2004): Encyclopaedia of Geomorphology, Routledge, London.
5. Ivan, V. (2006): Global Coastal Change, Blackwell publishing, Oxford.
K. 8.
6. KarlekarShrikant (2009): Coastal processes and landforms, Diamond Publication, Pune
7. King, C.A.M. (1972): Beaches and Coasts, Edward Arnold, London.
8. Masselink, G. Hughes, M. and Knight, J. (2011): Introduction to Coastal Processes and
9. Pethick, J. (1984): An Introduction to Coastal Geomorphology, Arnold-Heinemann,
10. Tooley, M. M. and Shennan, I. (1987): Sea level changes, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, U.
No. of
Major Agro-
I II Theory GEO 554 MJ (B) 04 60 04
Core Meteorology
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
Nature and Scope of Agro-Meteorology,
1 Introduction Perspectives and Applications of Agro- 5
Solar Radiation and its role in plant growth,
Solar Radiation Interception by Plants, Concepts
2 Plants and Energy of Soil and Air Temperature, Thermoperiodism, 8
Plant injury due to sudden changes in
Concepts of Evaporation and
Plants and
3 Evapotranspiration, Water Use and Loss in 8
irrigation, Water loss and its measurements
Definition, Meteorological Indicators, Drought
4 Droughts 6
Assessment Methods, Desertification
Role of Weather and Climate, Pests and Insects
Crops and
5 affecting crop plants, climate and parasites of 6
Biological Hazards
Remote Sensing Applications in Agro-
Applications of RS Meteorology, GIS applications in the field of
6 7
and GIS Agro-Meteorology
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to - -
COs 1 : Understand the relationship between meteorological factors and
agricultural activities.
COs 2 : Utilize drought assessment method in different climatic regions.
COs 3 : Learn applications of remote sensing and Geographical Information
System for decision-making in agricultural activities.
COs 4 : Synthesize the impacts of observed climate change on agricultural systems
and predict future scenarios.
1. Doorenbos, J. (1977). Crop water requirements. FAO irrigation and drainage paper, 24, 1-
2. Kakade, J. R. (1985). Agricultural climatology. Metropolitan Book Co. New Delhi.
3. Mavi, H. S. (1986). Introduction to agrometeorology. Oxford & IBH Publishing.
4. Mavi, H. S., & Tupper, G. J. (2004). Agrometeorology: principles and applications of
climate studies in agriculture. CRC Press.
5. Sharma, B.T. (2015). Agricultural and hydrological applications of remote sensing. Koros
No. of Total
Group Course
Major Geography of
I II Theory GEO 554 MJ (C) 04 60 04
Core Development
Geography of
I II Theory GEO 554 MJ (D) Rural 04 60 04
1. Alam, S.M. et.al. (1982): Settlement System of India Oxford and IBH Publication Co.,
New Delhi
2. Chisholm M. (1967): Rural Settlement and Land use. John Wiley, New York
3. Chisholm, M., Rural Settlement and Land Use, Hutchinson, London,1970
4. Clout, H.D. (1977): Rural Geography, Pergamon, Oxford
5. Ghosh, Sumita, Introduction to Settlement Geography, Orient Longman, Calcutta, 1998
6. Ghosh. S. (2015): “Introduction to Settlement Geography”, Orient Blackswan Private
Limited, Hyderabad
7. Hudson, F.S. (1976):A Geography of Settlements, Macdonald and Evans, New York
8. Mandal, R.B. 2001. Introduction to Rural Settlement, 2nd ed, Concept Publishing
9. Musmade A H, Sonawane AE, More JC, (2015): Population and Settlement Geography,
(Marathi), Diamond Publication, Pune
Savitribai Phule Pune University BOS, Geography 75 | P a g e
M. A. / M. Sc. Geography First Year (Sem. II) (as per NEP 2020)
M. A. / M. Sc. Geography – I (Semester -II)
GEO 555 MJP (A): Practicals in Coastal Geomorphology
Semester Core Special - 2 (Practical)
Course Total
Vertical and Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 555 MJP (A) Coastal 02 30 02
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
Geomorphic i. Study of Coastal Landforms using
1 4
Landforms Topographic Maps and Satellite Images
i. Wave Analysis, Recording of Waves in the
2 Wave Analysis 6
Surf Zone
3 Tide Analysis i. Tide Data Analysis and Classification 6
4 Coastal Profile i. i. Beach/ Dune/ Sand Bar Profiles 6
5 Coastal Sediments i. Sample Collection and Analysis 4
i. Study/measurement of beach/cliff/shore
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1 : Develop geomorphic mapping.
COs 2 :Understand coastal wave processes and recording data.
COs 3 :Explain the various processes of spatio-temporal variation of tide in coastal area.
COs 4 :Synthesize data and creation of coastal profiles in selected coastal area.
1. Bloom, A. L. (2002). Geomorphology: A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic, Landforms,
New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
2. Carter, R. W. G. (1988). Coastal Environments, London: Academic press ltd.
3. Dackombe, R. V. and Gardiner, V. (1983): Geomorphological Field Manual. George Allen and
Unwin, London.
4. Goudie, A. (1990): Geomorphological Techniques. Unwin Hyman, London.
5. King, C. A. M. (1972). Beaches and Coasts, London: Edward Arnold.
6. Pethick, J. (1984). An Introduction to Coastal Geomorphology. London: Arnold-Heinemann.
7. Smith, M. J., Paron, P., and Griffiths, J. (2011). Geomorphological Mapping. Amsterdam:
Core Special - 2 (Practical)
Course Total
Vertical & Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Pracitcals in
I II Practical GEO 555 MJP (B) Agro- 02 30 02
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. periods
Water loss and Concept of Evapotranspiration, Estimation of
1 its Potential Evapotranspiration, Crop 7
measurement Evapotranspiration, Crop coefficient Curve
Crop Crop Phenological Stages, Preparation of Crop
2 7
Phenology Weather Calendar
Components of Water Balance, Computation of
3 Water Balance 8
Weekly Water Balance
Concepts of Available Water and Management
4 Allowable Deficit (MAD), Computation of Irrigation 8
Total 30
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1: Utilize different meteorological methods for estimation of crop
COs 2: Prepare crop weather calendar on the basis of crop phenological stages and variability of
climatic conditions.
COs 3: Design and implement water balance methods for sustainable agriculture.
COs 4: Acquire skills to effectively schedule irrigation activities for optimal crop production
and water use efficiency.
Course Total
Vertical and Course Title Periods lectures
Type Credits
(V) Course Code per week
Practicals in
I II Practicals GEO 555 MJP (C) Geography of 02 30 02
Practicals in
Major Geography of
I II Practical GEO 555 MJP (D) 02 30 02
Core Rural
Major Introduction to
I II Theory GEO 560 MJ 02 30 02
Elective Remote Sensing
No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic lectures
1. i. Introduction and Definition
Introduction to ii. Types of remote sensing - Active and Passive
Remote Sensing iii. History and development of Remote Sensing in India
iv. Applications of Remote Sensing data
2. i. Stages in Remote sensing
ii. Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic
Electromagnetic iii. Interaction of EMR with atmosphere - scattering, 08
Energy Absorption and Atmospheric Windows
iv. Interaction of EMR with Earth’s surface features-
reflection, absorption, emission and transmission
3. i. Types of platforms- Ground based, Air based, Space
ii. Orbit- Geo-stationary and sun-synchronous
Remote Sensing iii. Sensors-Types and characteristics
Platforms and iv. Concept of Resolution - Spatial, Spectral, Temporal, 12
Sensors Radiometric
v. Earth Resources and meteorological Satellites
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1 : Write history of Indian remote sensing and application areas of RS
COs 2 : Discuss the EMR, EMS and types of RS
COs 3 : Illustrate RS platforms and sensors
COs 4 : Classify the satellite images based on sensor and resolution
COs 5 : Interpret the satellites data/images visually
COs 6 : Compare the satellite images and aerial photographs
COs 7 : Interpretation of aerial photographs
1. American society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, (1999), Remote Sensing
for the Earth Sciences, Manual of Remote Sensing,3rd ,vol. 3, Wiley, New York
2. Bethesda (2005) Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Mary Land, USA. 2005.
3. Campbell, J. B. (2002), Introduction to Remote Sensing. London: Taylor and Francis.
4. Jensen, J.R. (2000), Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth resource
Perspective. Prentice Hall.
5. Joseph, G. (2003). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Hyderabad: University Press.
6. Lueder, D.R., (1959) Aerial photographic interpretation, McGraw Hill Book Co.,
7. Mather, P.M. (1999). Computer processing of remotely sensed images: an introduction,
Wiley, Chichester.
8. OllierLillesand, T. M., and Ralph, K. W. (2008). Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons.
9. Paul R.Wolf, (2001) Elements of Photogrammetry, McGraw-Hill Science, 2001.
10. Sabins, F. F. (1996). Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation, San Francisco: W.
H. Freemanand Company.
11. Shrikant Karlekar (2014) Remote Sensing, Diamond Publication, Pune
12. Tempfi, K., Kerle, N., Huurneman, G., and Janssen, L. F. (Eds) (2009). Principles of
Remote Sensing - An Introductory Text Book. Netherlands: The International Institute
for Geoinformation Science
Major Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 561 MJP 02 30 02
Elective Remote Sensing
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1 : List the elements of visual interpretation key of aerial photos and satellite images.
COs 2 : Identify geographical features from aerial photos and satellite images
COs 3 : Use of stereoscope and open source GIS software
COs 4 : Classify the land use/land cover layers using DIP
COs 5 : Compose land use/land cover maps using software’s
COs 6 : Examine accuracy assessment of Land use/land cover map
COs 7 : Invent object height using aerial photographs with stereoscope
6. American society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, (1999), Remote Sensing
for the Earth Sciences, Manual of Remote Sensing,3rd,vol. 3, Wiley, New York
7. Bethesda (2005) Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Mary Land, USA. 2005.
8. Campbell, J. B. (2002), Introduction to Remote Sensing. London: Taylor and Francis.
9. Jensen, J.R. (2000), Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth resource
Perspective. Prentice Hall.
10. Joseph, G. (2003). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Hyderabad: University Press.
11. Lueder, D.R., (1959) Aerial photographic interpretation, McGraw Hill Book Co.,
12. Mather, P.M. (1999). Computer processing of remotely sensed images: an
introduction, Wiley, Chichester.
13. Ollier Lillesand, T. M., & Ralph, K. W. (2008). Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons.
14. Paul R.Wolf, (2001) Elements of Photogrammetry, McGraw-Hill Science, 2001.
15. Sabins, F. F. (1996). Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation, San Francisco:
W. H. Freeman and Company.
16. Shrikant Karlekar (2014) Remote Sensing, Diamond Publication, Pune
No. of Total
Group Course
Major Geography
I II Theory GEO 562 MJ 02 30 02
Elective of India
Major Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 563 MJP 02 30 02
Elective Surveying
1. Asis Sarkar (2015): Practical Geography, A Systematic Approach, Orient Black Swan
2. Duggal, S.K. (2013): Surveying Vol. 2, McGraw Hill Publication, New York.
3. Kanetkar, T.P. and Kulkarni, S.V. (2010): Surveying and Leveling Vol. II, Pune
Vidyarthi Publication, Pune.
4. Maslov, AV., Gordeev, A.V. and Batrakov, Yu.G. (1984): Geodetic surveying, Mir
Publishers, Moscow.
5. Rangwala, S.C. (2011): Surveying and Leveling, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Anand,(Gujarat), India.
6. Punmia B.C., Jain A. and Jain A. (2011): Surveying, Vol. II. and III, Laxmi
Publication -New Delhi.
7. R. Subramanian :Surveying and Levelling, Oxford University Press
8. S.K. Roy: Fundamental of surveying, PHI
Course No. of
Major Political
I II Theory GEO 564 MJ 02 30 02
Elective Geography
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1 : Understand the historical evolution, development, and recent trends in Political
COs 2 : Familiar with fundamental concepts of political geography.
COs 3 : Critically examine the theoretical models and their applications within geography.
COs 4 : Aware of current geopolitical issues and understand the significance of the Indian
Ocean within them.
COs 5 : Use the ideas of political geography to develop a position on a contemporary issue
and take a public stance on that issue.
1. Alexander, L.M (1963): World Political Patterns, Ram McNally, Chicago.
2. Adhikari, S. (2008) Political Geography of India, ShardaPustakBhavan Allahabad
3. Adhikari S. (1997): Political Geography, Rawat Publication, Jaipur.
4. Dikshit R D. (1996): Political Geography – A Contemporary Perspective, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Dikshit R.D. (2000): Political Geography: The Spatiality of Politics, Tata McGraw
New Delhi.
6. Dodds, Klaus (2007): Geopolitics, New York: Oxford University Press.
7. Dwivedi R. L. (1996): Political Geography. Chaitanya Prakashan, Allahabad.
8. K. Siddhartha (1998) Nation State theory and Geopolitics: An introductory Political
Geography, Kisalaya Publication, Patana.
9. Moor, R. (1981): Modern Political Geography. McMillan, London.
10. Taylor Peter (1985): Political Geography, Longman, London.
Practicals in
I II Practical GEO 565 MJP Digital 02 30 04
Topic No. of
Topic Name Sub Topic
No. Practicals
i. Overview of digital cartography
Digital Cartography ii. Data types
1 and GIS 07
iii. Data acquisition and management using GIS
i. Raster and vector data
ii. Coordinate Systems
Coordinate systems iii. Georeferencing of SOI Toposheet or satellite
2 08
and Georeferencing
iv. Mosaic and image subset
i. Digitization of three features i.e. Point, line and
Total 30
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, student will be able to -
COs 1 : Obtain knowledge about importance and applications of digital cartography.
COs 2 : Implement skill of open source GIS software for data acquisition and management.
COs 3 : Apply the skill about Georeferencing, and map layout tool.
COs 4 : Prepare digital map.
1. Borden Dent and Jeffrey Torguson (2021) "Cartography: Thematic Map Design" (McGraw-
Hill Education)
2. Chris B. Jones (2014) "Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography"
(Taylor & Francis)
3. Cynthia A. Brewer (2015) "Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users" (Esri Press)
4. Dana Tomlin (2019) "Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling" (ESRI
5. David O'Sullivan and David J. (2010) "Geographic Information Analysis" Unwin (Wiley)
6. Ian Muehlenhaus (2018) "Web Cartography: Map Design for Interactive and Mobile
Devices" (CRC Press)
7. Ian Muehlenhaus and Keith (2020) "Digital Cartography" by Clarke (Pearson)
8. J. Ariza- López (2012) "Open Source Approaches in Spatial Data Handling" (Springer)
9. Jennifer George- Palilonis (2016) "A Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting: Information"
(Taylor & Francis)
10. John Jensen (2013) "Principles of Geographic Information Systems" (McGraw-Hill
Education) Jon Kimerling (2009) "Map Use: Reading, Analysis, Interpretation" (ESRI Press)
11. John P. Snyder (1995) "Map Projections: A Reference Manual" (CRC Press)
12. Kurt Menke (2020) "Mastering QGIS" (Packt Publishing)
13. Markus Neteler (2018) "Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach" (Springer)
On Job On Job
I II Practical GEO 581 OJT 04 60
Training Training
Course Outcome:
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
COs 1 : Embrace different pathways of learning, including experiential learning
COs 2 : Understand the social, economic and administrative considerations that influence the
working environment of different organizations
COs 3 : Learn new strategies like time management, multi-tasking and new skills
COs 4 : Get an opportunity to meet new people and learn networking skills