06 Nep BSC Geology Syllabus-2023-24
06 Nep BSC Geology Syllabus-2023-24
06 Nep BSC Geology Syllabus-2023-24
Year: 2023-2024
Semesters : I and II
(Exit option)
Subject: GEOLOGY
1. To develop the curriculum for fostering subjective-learning.
2. To adopt recent pedagogical trends in education including e-learning, flipped class,
The redesigned curriculum of B.Sc. in Geology offers essential knowledge and
technical skills to study earth in a holistic manner. Students would be exposed to
different areas of earth science using a unique combination of core, elective and
vocational papers with significant inter-disciplinary components. Students would be
taught modern methods and technologies to understand dynamics of earth system &
tectonics, minerals & rocks, geomorphology, stratigraphy, fossils science, natural
recourses and its exploration techniques etc.
The entire programme of B.Sc. Geology will include classroom theories as well as
practical field and laboratory component. The programme will also have field visits,
study tours, outstations and field activities and projects as part of their curriculum.
Types of questions for Question 4 may be varied like: one-line answer / two-line answers /
definitions / reasoning / drawing small figures/ label the figure / one word answer / match
the pairs etc.
Course Outcome
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. The course enables the students to understand the scope and application of Geology and
gives them the confidence to go to the next level of learning in the subject.
2. It aims to provide adequate basic knowledge about origin and age of our Solar System and
planets including earth and its different layers.
3. Students will be able to understand the Internal Structure of Earth, its temperature and
Pressure conditions within the interior of the earth.
4. Course will help students to understand the basics concept of plate tectonics and dynamics
of earth.
5. Students will learn and understand the relation of ocean circulation with respect to celestial
bodies, oceanic tides and waves.
6. Strengthening understanding of atmosphere and its structure.
7. Develop skills of presentations and narration using computer & multimedia.
No. Of
(45 hrs)
Unit 1 Solar system and Earth: 15
Introduction to earth science, branches and its scope.
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
Journal / Submission
• Note: It is compulsory to record laboratory work (all the practicals) in the journal. The
journal is to be certified by the incharge teacher and the Head of the Department within time
frame. Certified journal must be produced while appearing at the time of Practical
No. Of
(45 hrs)
Unit 1 Oceanography 15
Introduction to water cycle.
Oceans and seas of the world.
Oceanic current system and effect of Coriolis force
Oceanic tides and waves.
Introduction to ocean basin relief and Hypsographic curve.
Unit 2 Atmosphere -I 15
Atmosphere: Composition, Layers and Structure of Atmosphere.
Atmospheric circulations
Atmospheric pressure and thickness.
Evolution of atmosphere.
Unit 3 Atmosphere -II 15
Suggested readings
o Holmes' principles of physical geology, Arthur Holmes.
o Physical Geography. Prayag Pustak Bhawan. Savindra Singh., (2008).
o Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Robert H. Stewart, (2008),
o A Text Book of Geology, P. K. Mukerjee, World press.
o Physical Geography, An introduction to earth environments. Michael Bradshaw & Ruth
Weaver, (1993)
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
Journal / Submission
• Note: It is compulsory to record laboratory work (all the practicals) in the journal. The
journal is to be certified by the incharge teacher and the Head of the Department within time
frame. Certified journal must be produced while appearing at the time of Practical
No. Of
(45 hrs)
Unit 1 Solar system and Earth: 15
Introduction to earth science, branches and its scope.
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
Journal / Submission
• Note: It is compulsory to record laboratory work (all the practicals) in the journal. The
journal is to be certified by the incharge teacher and the Head of the Department within time
frame. Certified journal must be produced while appearing at the time of Practical
Suggested readings
o Holmes' principles of physical geology, Arthur Holmes.
o Savindra Singh., (2008). Physical Geography. Prayag Pustak Bhawan.
o Robert H. Stewart, (2008), Introduction to Physical Oceanography.
o A Text Book of Geology, P. K. Mukerjee, World press.
o Principles of Engineering Geology, K.M. Banger, 2018, Standard Publisher.
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
Geology Syllabus Sem I & II 19
KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj - Kachchh
(Effective from June 2023-24 UNDER NEP-2020)
Paper MDC GEO-107-P: Elementary Earth Science
Journal / Submission
• Note: It is compulsory to record laboratory work (all the practicals) in the journal. The
journal is to be certified by the incharge teacher and the Head of the Department within time
frame. Certified journal must be produced while appearing at the time of Practical
Excursion/ Project work/ Visit/ Tour/ report and submission of specimens / Charts/ Model/
Fresh Material/ other activity (Given by teacher or as a part of Syllabus) will be mandatory
for all the students.
Course Outcome
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
(45 hrs)
Unit 1 Introduction to Mineralogy 15
• Definition and characteristics of mineral, rock forming and ore
• Introduction to Dana System of Mineral Classification.
• Introduction to Gem minerals.
Suggested readings
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
No. Of
Earthquake science
• Earthquakes– Definition, Mechanism of Earthquakes,
• Seismic Waves, Scales of Earthquake, Earthquake Prediction.
• Seismograph and Seismogram,
• Effect of Earthquake, Seismic Belts, Relation between
earthquakes, Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics.
• Introduction - Soil.
• Basics of weathering.
• Soil composition and soil profile.
• Classification of soil.
• Soil groups of India.
• Soil erosion and conservation.
Elementary Geomorphology
• Definition and Scope
• Basic geomorphological concepts.
• Different cycles of erosion.
• Rejuvenation and its causes.
• Tools and Techniques in geomorphology.
• Introduction to First, second and third order relief structure.
(45 hrs)
Unit 1 Introduction to Mineralogy 15
• Definition and characteristics of mineral, rock forming and ore
• Introduction to Dana System of Mineral Classification.
• Introduction to Gem minerals.
Suggested readings
•Rultey’s Elements of Mineralogy 26th edition, H.H. Read
•Rultey’s Elements of Mineralogy 27th edition, C.D Gribble
•Manual Mineralogy 21st edition, (after James D. Dana), Cornelis Klein, Cornelius S,
Hurlbut, Jr.
•Mineral science 22th edition, (after James D. Dana), Cornelis Klein.
•Mineralogy 2nd edition, Dexter Perkins.
•A Text Book of Geology, P. K. Mukherjee, World press.
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
(45 hrs)
Unit 1 Introduction to Mineralogy 15
• Definition and characteristics of mineral, rock forming and ore
• Introduction to Dana System of Mineral Classification.
• Introduction to Gem minerals.
Suggested readings
•Rultey’s Elements of Mineralogy 26th edition, H.H. Read
•Rultey’s Elements of Mineralogy 27th edition, C.D Gribble
•Manual Mineralogy 21st edition, (after James D. Dana), Cornelis Klein, Cornelius S,
Hurlbut, Jr.
•Mineral science 22th edition, (after James D. Dana), Cornelis Klein.
•Mineralogy 2nd edition, Dexter Perkins.
•A Text Book of Geology, P. K. Mukherjee, World press.
Note: Students may refer variety of material available online and on web resources for further
3. Give the chemical composition, crystal system, origin and at least --do--
two uses
4. Journal submission/field reports and Viva-voce 5 marks
Excursion/ Project work/ Visit/ Tour/ report and submission of specimens / Charts/ Model/
Fresh Material/ other activity (Given by teacher or as a part of Syllabus) will be mandatory
for all the students.