•Concept of layering
• LAN technologies (Ethernet).
• Flow and error control techniques
• switching
• IPv4/IPv6
• routers and routing algorithms (distance vector, link state).
•TCP/UDP and sockets
• congestion control.
•Application layer protocols (DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP)
•Basics of Wi-Fi.
•Network security: authentication, basics of public key and
private key cryptography, digital signatures and certificates,
Concept of Layering
Telecommunication : communication at a distance
Data:: information presented in whatever form is agreed
upon by the parties creating and using the data
Data communications
communications:: the exchange of data between two
devices via some form of transmission medium such
as a wire cable
• services
• interface
•Protocol stack
Network Models
•OSI Model
•TCP/IP Model
Widely used in internet
The principles that were applied to
arrive at the seven layers are as
01. A layer should be created where a
different level of abstraction is needed.
02. Each layer should perform a well
defined function.
03. The function of each layer should be
chosen with an eye towards defining
internationally standardized protocols.
04. The layer boundaries should be
chosen to minimize the information
flow across the interfaces.
05. The number of layers should be
large enough that distinct functions
need not be thrown together in the
same layer out of necessity, and small
enough that the architecture does not
become unwieldy.
The interaction between layers in the OSI model
An exchange using the OSI model
Physical layer
• The main task of the physical layer is to transmit raw bits over a communication
• The design issues deal with mechanical, electrical, and procedural interfaces, and
the physical transmission medium, which lies below the physical layer.
• The physical layer may be sure that the given stream of bits was encoded and
Data link layer
•The data link layer is responsible for moving frames from one hop (node) to the
•Framing: To create and to recognize frame boundaries – typically by attaching
special bit patterns to the beginning and end of the frame,
•Error Control: To solve the problems caused by damaged, lost or duplicate
• Flow Control: To keep a fast transmitter from drowning a slow receiver in data.
Hop-to-hop delivery
Network layer
•The network layer is responsible for the delivery of individual packets from the
source host to the destination host.
•To implement the routing mechanism
• To control congestions
• To allow interconnection of heterogeneous networks
Source-to-destination delivery
Transport layer
(a) P–2Q–1R–3S–5
(b) P–1Q–4R–2S–3
(c) P–1Q–4R–2S–5
(d) P–2Q–4R–1S–3
19. Match the following:
(P) SMTP (1) Application layer
(Q) BGP (2) Transport layer
(R) TCP (3) Data link layer
(S) PPP (4) Network layer
(5) Physical layer
(a) P–2Q–1R–3S–5
(b) P–1Q–4R–2S–3
(c) P–1Q–4R–2S–5
(d) P–2Q–4R–1S–3
20. Which of the following tasks is not done by data link layer?
a) Framing
b) Error control
c) Flow control
d) Channel coding
20. Which of the following tasks is not done by data link layer?
a) Framing
b) Error control
c) Flow control
d) Channel coding