The Wicked
The Wicked
The Wicked
Race:ArchFiend (Demigod)
Faction:The Fated.; Rank:Namer.
R.HD:30 (96).; I.C.F.:90 (Custom).
Class: - .
Level: - .
NB:*Augmented (AD&D 2E - Hellbound:
The Blood War; NB:Xz'fyl has Not
altered his abilities by virtue
of this ability.).
Build:Powerful, Slenderly Muscular Build:Powerful, Slenderly Muscular
Size:M (6 ft. tall).; V.S.C.s:5. Size:G (180 ft. long (60 ft. coil (30
ft. sphere))).; V.S.C.s:3.
Apparent Weight:280 lb. Apparent Weight:114 T.
Physiological Weight:46.592 T. Physiological Weight:3,648 T.
Psychological Weight:46.592 T. Physiological Weight:3,648 T.
Eyes:Deep Void-black (Cold, Disc.) Eyes:Deep Void-black (Cold, Disc.)
- Necroumb.:Deep Void-black (Bioemotive). - Necroumb.:Deep Void-black (Bioemotive).
Hair:Deep Alabaster-white (L., Silken) Claws, Scales, etc.:Alabaster-white
Skin:Deep Alabaster-white (Silken) Skin:Deep Alabaster-white (Thickly
- Fluids:Deep Void-black (Cold, Flu., Res.) - Fluids:Deep Void-black (Cold, Flu., Res.)
Apparent Age:15 Apparent Age:Adult (var.).
Physiological Age:15 Physiological Age:Adult (var.).
Psychological Age:15 Apparent Gender:Male.
Chronological Age:15 Physiological Gender:Male.
Apparent Gender:Male.
Physiological Gender:Male.
Psychological Gender:Male.
Alignment:Neutral Evil
Hit Points:57,024 (6,336 (3,168 (96d20+1,248),*2 (via Living Wall
(see below))),*9 (via rift (see below))).
NB:Xz'fyl's Living Wall abilities can't increase his hit point total
beyond his FULL normal total (3,168)*2. Rift far exceeds that.
THACO:Always hits (*-9 vs. Always defends.)
NB:Xz'fyl's an elder lich (((grim reaper, etc.))).*This total doesn't
include Xz'fyl's modifiers (racial, etc.), etc..
Att.:6/1*3 (i.e. (6/1*3 (((i.e. The 3 "Limbs" Xz'fyl uses.))).).
NB:Use Table 35 - Specialist Attacks Per Round - Fighter 7-12 (x3
(i.e. Monk + Weapon Specialization.)) to calculate Xz'fyl's Base
Attacks Per Round for each weapon type, then x3 (x1 per
weapon) to calculate Total Attacks Per Round.
However, remember...Certain weapons can't be dual- or multi-
wielded. (NB:This doesn't inc. his divine abilities.)
Dam.:Var. (see below).; +11 d.c. (+5 d.c. [+3 d.c. Divine, +5 d.c.
Monk; NonStacking], +1 d.c. Grand Mastery, +5 V.C.S.s).
Unarmed (Bite):30d10+47+48d20+etc..;
(Claw, etc.):20d10+47+48d20+etc..
Special:+1 d.c. in dragon form.
Actions:x2 (x2 Divine).; Special:*Starwyrm.
NB:*This lets him physically act, cast a spell, and use a psionic
power, all in the same round. Xz'fyl rarely permits absorbed
creatures (as per his Living Wall abilities) any actions.
He does, however, occassionally release them
as liches, etc. under his control.
Living Wall Creatures: ∞ .
NB:Xz'fyl can freely modifiy/release/reintegrate/destroy (even at
range (senses)) (selective (Immediate nonaction)) any/all of his
living wall creatures (selective (Immediate nonaction)). Add.,
they're not the creatures he Assimilated (as Assimilate
(see below) destroys creatures, etc.). They're
merely facsimiles.
Initiative:Always wins (-12 (-10 Dexterity, -2 Monk) vs. Always wins).
Movement (Base:18".):89, Bu 89, Cl 89, Fl 267 (A), Jp 44.5, Sw
NB:+32 (AD&D 2E - Player's Option - Combat & Tactics - Pg. 14),
+27 Monk, +12 Vampire).
MR:100% vs. Mortals; 75% vs. Demi-Greater Gods; 50% vs. Over-
Deities (EO(D)); 25% vs. Over-Deities (OO(S)+)+ (via Over-Deity
(EO(D)) Magic Resistance) ( ∞ (via Lord of The Occult and Magic
Immunity (Elder Lich)).; R:10/R (via Starwyrm Regeneration).
Perm. "Spells":*•Pierce any shield (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms
- Cult of The Dragon),*•rift (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Dragon
Kings; self only), and *•sever lifeline (AD&D -
Special:*Un(-dispellable/-negateable/-suppressable) by
anyone else; and, tech.,•elemental and•nonmagical.
Abs.:N.E., P.E..; Imm.:Acid, cold, ele., fire, son.;
chr., dar., for., gra., lig.; dis., gas, poi.; etc..
NB:Xz'fyl is an Elder Sangrolu (Elder BloodLich), etc..
This gives him far too many immunities to list here.
Corruption Points:0.; Reality Wrinkle:84,480 ft.
Special:A divinity can't gain corruption points (i.e. its immune.),
gains 0 "land-based" powers (as its own are superior), and its
Reality Wrinkle is considered its add. full Godly Realm.
PPDM:-∞.; RSW:-∞.; PP:-∞.; BW:-∞.; Spell:-∞.
Strength:40 +22/+44; 21,635 lb.*(354.46784 KT.; 2.83574272 MT.
); 22,000 lb.*(360.448 KT.; 2.883584 MT.); 19 (19);
NB:*AD&D 2E Str assumes Medium size. Larger creatures can lift
commensurately greater weights. (i.e.*8/*2 of height/length.) Add.,
V.S.C.s increase this by*8/V.S.C. as well. In Xz'fyl's case, the
total multiplier is*8*8*8*8*8 in his human, etc. forms
and*8*8*8*8*8*8 in his dragon form.
Dexterity:40 +10 +10 -11
Constitution:40 +2 (+13) 100% 100% +11 7/1 Round
Intelligence:40 All 10th (15th) 100% All 0-15th-level
Wisdom:40 +4 1st:3.; 2nd:3.; 3rd:3.; 4th:3.; 5th:3.; 6th:3.; 7th:3.;
8th:3.; 9th:3.; 10th:3.
Cause fear, charm person, command, friends, hypnotism, forget, hold
person, ray of enfeeblement, scare, fear, charm monster, confusion,
emotion, fumble, suggestion, chaos, feeblemind, hold monster,
magic jar, quest, geas, mass suggestion, rod of rulership,
antipathy/sympathy, death spell, mass charm; 0-
15th-level (ench./charm, necromancy).
Charisma:40 125 +20 +20 (+38 w/Com:45.)
Comeliness:40 (45 w/Cha.:40; fascinate, etc. (AD&D 1E - Unearthed
Arcana); NB:Xz'fyl deliberately lowers his Comeliness to 14 (19 w
/Cha.:40; etc.) to avoid drawing too much attention to himself.)
Special:Ability scores > 25 are possible for deities.
Armor Class:-76 (-22 Dexterity (-11*2 (Yogi)), -10 Monk,*-54 Natural
(+30 (Base), +20 V.S.C.s, +4 Monster of Legend)); Special:*-61
Natural in dragon form.
Sangrolu, Elder (BloodLich, Elder) (i.e. All Lich (((Elder))) (AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D 2E -
Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.II; Phylactery:Xz'fyl's Godly Realm (see below).; P.R.:Spell
Knowledge.; S.A. (15 (1d4+6 (Lich (Priest))+1d2+3 (Elder Lich))):Animate Dead, Animate
Dead (Elder Lich) (x3; Any/all known var. of Undead (up to 30HD/L (i.e. HD/L.)), inc.
combinations thereof.; Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths &
Avatars), if immortal, or Senses, if mortal.), Army of The Damned (Elder Lich) (+x1;
Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if immortal, or
Senses, if mortal.), Bone Command, Control Undead Legion, Control Undead Legion (Elder
Lich) (x1; Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars), if
immortal, or Senses, if mortal.), Improved Immunity (x6; Xz'fyl is immune to all magic
(spells, etc. (inc. spell-like abilities, etc.)), psionics (powers, etc. (inc. psi-like abilities,
etc.))), and supernatural effects (i.e. Attacks (i.e., breath weapons, etc..)), etc..), though he
can choose to permit any of the aforementioned to affect him normally. Add., Most weapons
are unable to harm Xz'fyl, but there are exceptions. A warrior (fighter, paladin, or ranger)
w/a sword +5 or better can inflict normal damage on him. Further, any character w/a sword
+5 or better can inflict 1 point of damage on him each time he strikes him.; Special:After
overcoming Xz'fyl's Gaseous Form (see below) and Regeneration (see previous), if Xz'fyl, his
phylactery, his phylacteric fangs (((soul gems))), or any of his phylacteric ribs are destroyed
and Xz'fyl, his phylactery, his phylacteric fangs (((soul gems))), or any of his phylacteric ribs
are not destroyed, that which was destroyed will reform in 1-10 days. If Xz'fyl, his
phylactery, his phylacteric fangs (((soul gems))), and his phylacteric ribs are all destroyed
and the fragments of thereof are not destroyed by immersion in the blood of a Solar (Solar
Deva), Aasimon (AD&D 2E - Planescape - Monstrous Compendium - Appendix I) and the
casting of a pierce any shield spell (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Cult of The Dragon)
followed by a mordenkainen's disjunction spell cast by the same caster, Xz'fyl, his
phylactery, his phylacteric fangs (((soul gems))), and his phylacteric ribs will all reform in 1-
10 days. ...and, even then, there's still his Immortality (see below) to overcome.), Skull
Scry.; Special:Dark Lord Traits (DR210; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Death Knight
Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Death, Minor Traits (AD&D 2E -
Amalgam [DMG/DVD]; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Defiler Lich Traits (AD&D 2E -
M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - M.C.:A.III:C.o.D.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Defiler
DemiLich Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - M.C.:A.III:C.o.D.; NB:Acquired for
disguise purposes. All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). DemiLich Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D
2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.II; NB:Acquired for disguise purposes. All (((Beneficial))) Traits
only.). DracoLich Traits (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Cult of The Dragon; NB:All
(((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Elder Lich Traits (i.e. AC -6, Corporeal/Incorporeal (ethereal)
(selective (Immediate nonaction)); +Fl.=L.M.*3 (A); THACO:Special (never misses).; Touch
(Base:48d10 [N.E.] (((Burst/Shot, Strike))), etc. or 192d10 [N.E.] (((Touch))), etc..):[48d20
(((Burst/Shot (standard or lozenge (0-45 ft. (detonate 36 ft. r. (i.e. 4/5 range (see
previous).)))), Strike (standard or lozenge (melee-ranged, 0-45 ft. (detonate 36 ft. r. (i.e.
1/5 Bw range (see previous).))))))), etc. or 192d20 (((Touch (standard or lozenge (melee-
ranged, 0-180 ft. (detonate 144 ft. r. (i.e. 4/5 Bw range (see previous).))))))), etc..]
[[Acid/[Deh.+Str]/Fire/[For.+blindness, etc./knock down, etc.]/[N.E.]/[Son.+death,
etc./fear/pain (aud./inaud. (selective (Immediate nonaction)))]/P/[P +dazzling]] (0-100%
(selective (Immediate nonaction)))]+Aging (1d4x25 years)+Energy Drain (2)+Paralysis.;
Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25; Special:Army of The Damned (An elder lich may animate/control (as
if possessing them via magic jar, yet not actually residing within them) up to 3 x the elder
lich's caster level in corpses/undead creatures of any type of up to its HD/L (((each))) at
once, maintaining both the creatures' innate abilities and endowing them with full sentience
(its own) and Lich (its own (enhanced, if enhanced)), Not Elder Lich, abilities. Any
uncontrolled, sentient undead w/more than 1/2 its HD/L receives a save vs. spell (which has
an add. -3 penalty) to negate the control and, if successful, do Not gain the Lich (enhanced,
if enhanced) abilities. Add., while they are aware of the attempt to control them, they are
Not aware of the elder lich or the details of said attempt to control them. Just that it
happened. The same applies to those the elder lich successfully controls. Add., they
remember nothing of what occured while so controlled, unless the elder lich lets them
remember what occured. ...and, even then, they only remember what it lets them
remember. These undead do Not count against the elder lich's normal control limit(s).).
Curse (An elder lich can also pronounce a powerful curse on those who annoy it. These can
be so mighty as to include:always being hit by one’s enemies, never making a saving throw,
or the inability to acquire new experience points. Elder lich curses can be overcome w/a
remove curse, but the victim loses one point of charisma permanently when the curse is
removed.), Dread Aura (The supernatural power of an elder lich is such that the mere sight
of one causes any creature to flee in panic for 2-12 (2d6) turns (and causes any living
creature to age 25 years) unless a saving throw spell (which has an add. -3 penalty) is
made.), Grim Reaper (An elder lich always has initiative. An elder lich's attacks never miss.
Any living creature killed by an elder lich is drained of its life essence and is forever dead. An
elder lich can; once per round, as an Immediate nonaction, at will; automatically gate in up
to 3 minor deaths (AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD], exc. HD = 1/2 the elder lich's caster
level (min. = 8HD).) per caster level. However, it can never have more than 3 minor deaths
per caster level summoned at any one time, though they may freely summon more of their
kind (AD&D 2E - Amalgam [DMG/DVD], exc. HD = 1/4 the elder lich's caster level (min. = 4
HD).), etc. as per usual. These undead do Not count against the elder lich's normal control
limit(s). An elder lich is add. immune to fire.), Howl (Once per round, an elder lich can
unleash a howl which acts as a death ray, affecting all creatures within a 100 yard radius of
itself. Those who fail to save vs. death (which has an add. -3 penalty) are permanently
dead.), Magic Immunity (An elder lich is immune to most magic (spells, etc. (inc. spell-like
abilities, etc.)), psionics (powers, etc. (inc. psi-like abilities, etc.)), and supernatural effects
(i.e. Attacks (i.e., breath weapons, etc..)), etc..), though it can choose to permit any of the
aforementioned to affect it normally. However, a dispel evil will do 5-8 (1d4+4) points of
damage to it, a shatter spell will inflict 3-18 (3d6) points of damage to it, and holy word
pronounced against it will deliver 5-30 (5d6) points of damage to it. An elder lich can't be
Turned, Destroyed, Rebuked, or Commanded.), Malevolence (An elder lich can attack any
creature (even a specific one) within 100 yards w/a magic jar spell. If the creature fails its
save vs spell (which has an add. -3 penalty), it's trapped in either any one of the elder lich's
phylacteric ribs (regardless of the elder lich's or its phylacteric rib's current state) of the
elder lich's choice or any object in range (see previous) of the elder lich's choice. Creatures
trapped in the elder lich's phylacteric ribs remain trapped (regardless of the elder lich's or its
phylacteric rib's current state) until either consumed or freed. Creatures trapped in objects
remain trapped until freed. (NB:True seeing reveals creatures trapped in certain objects
(crystal, etc.).)), Phylacteric Ribs (An elder Lich has enchanted all 24 of its ribs. Each of
these ribs now serves as an add. phylactery and a powerful magical device which can trap
the soul (no save) of its adversaries. The physical body of someone hit with the elder lich’s
spell collapses and rots away in a single round. The elder lich can repeat this attack until all
of its phylacteric ribs are filled. An amulet of life protection will prevail over the phylacteric
rib, but the character’s body will perish regardless. Every 24 hours, those who have been
trapped inside the ribs must make a saving throw vs. spell (which has an add. -3 penalty).
Those who fail are lost forever, having been consumed by the elder lich to power its magical
nature. If the throw is made the soul can be freed by simply crushing the rib. A new body
must be within 10 yards for the soul to enter or it will be lost. Such a body might be a clone
or simulacrum. (See spells of those names.)). Rejuvenation (If the elder lich, its phylactery,
or any of its phylacteric ribs are destroyed and the elder lich, its phylactery, or any of its
phylacteric ribs are not destroyed, that which was destroyed will reform in 1-10 days. If the
elder lich, its phylactery, and its phylacteric ribs are all destroyed and the fragments thereof
are not destroyed by immersion in holy water and the casting of a dispel magic spell, the
elder lich, its phylactery, and its phylacteric ribs will all reform in 1-10 days.), Spell-Like
Powers (An elder lich gains one spell-like power of its choice (i.e. Any 1-9th level
spell.)/century it exists that it can use at will. Elder liches typically choose spells from the
schools of Conjuration/Summoning, Lesser/Greater Divination, and Necromancy.). Weapon
Immunity (Most weapons will be unable to harm the elder lich, but there are exceptions. A
fighter or ranger w/a sword +5 or better, sword of sharpness, or vorpal sword can inflict
normal damage on the elder lich, as can a paladin w/a sword +4 or better, sword of
sharpness, or vorpal sword. Further, any character w/a sword +5 or better, sword of
sharpness, or vorpal sword can inflict 1 point of damage on the elder lich each time he
strikes it.), Undead Lord (There is no limit to the number of Undead an elder lich can control.
However, the remaining parameters (AD&D 2E - V.R.M.H.C.v.II) still apply.).). Holocaustal
(((Living Wall))) Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Psionic Lich
Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.II; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits
only.). Psionic DemiLich Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.II;
NB:Acquired for disguise purposes. All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Revenant (AD&D 2E -
M.M.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.). Spectral (((Ghost))) Traits (AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D
2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; Corporeal/Incorporeal (ethereal) (selective (Immediate
nonaction)); Create Undead:Yes (((Any/all known var. of Undead (up to 30 HD/L (i.e.
HD/L.)), inc. combinations thereof.; Range:As Communication/Sensing Ability (AD&D 2E -
Faiths & Avatars), if immortal, or Senses, if mortal.))).; M.:5.; E.P. (6 (1d2+4)):Accelerate
Aging, Cause Fear, Command Undead, Create Illusions (As deific Magic Use (AD&D 2E -
Faiths & Avatars; Errata:Inc. (see below).), exc. Illusion/Phantasm only.), Inhabit Bodies,
Inhabit Objects.; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.).), Mummy (Ancient Dead) (AD&D 2E -
M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; R.:5.; S.A. (9 (2d3+3)):Alter Form (I-V (no
limits)), Animate Objects, Charm, Command Undead, Create Undead, Illusion (As deific
Magic Use (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars; Errata:Inc. (see below).), exc. Illusion/Phantasm
only.), Passage, Resist Magic, Weightlessness.; Weaknesses:None.), and Vampire Traits
(AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; A.C.:7 (Patriarch).; Coffin Home
(((Gravesite (or earth, etc. thereof, if its current coffin, etc. is elsewhere)))): Xz'fyl's Godly
Realm (see below).; S.A. (5):Gargoyle Control, Superior Blood Drain (x2; Up to 5
Constitution points per round.), Undead Master (x2).; Special:Vampire (((Nosferatu))) Traits
(AD&D 2E - M.M., AD&D 2E - Ravenloft - V.R.M.H.C.v.I; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only.).;
Weaknesses:None (NB: Xz'fyl [has no reflection/scent/shadow]/moves in complete silence
(selective (Immediate nonaction)).).).; Special:Xz'fyl himself is impervious to all vampire-
specific weaknesses. However, the flesh and fluids of a standard Sangrolu (BloodLich); Not
its bones, soul, etc.; retain the standard vampire-specific weaknesses. This is primarily
cosmetic. (i.e., harming a standard Sangrolu (BloodLich)'s flesh/fluids does Not harm the
standard Sangrolu (BloodLich) itself. However, if, for example, a standard Sangrolu
(BloodLich) attempted to gain uninvited entrance to a private residence while
fleshed/fluided, it would be barred. However, if the standard Sangrolu (BloodLich) first
assumed gaseous form, it would Not be restrained. Garlic, holy symbols, mirrors, and stakes
are likewise ineffectual. Though garlic could make its breath foul; holy symbols could leave
gruesome, superficial burns; its skeleton, unnervingly, has both reflection(s) and shadow(s);
and stakes in the heart could ruin its clothing. Even running water and sunlight are mere
nuisances for a standard Sangrolu (BloodLich). While they still destroy its flesh and fluids,
this does it no harm and its flesh and fluids heal/rejuvenate normally.)), and
Demigod (x3) Traits (AD&D 2E - Faiths & Avatars; Errata:HD:d20's (D+). Magic Resistance
(Gods' Magic vs Mortals' Magic Resistance:Mortals suffer -100% Magic Resistance vs. Gods,
not their Avatars, if any. This is in add. any/all other penalties, if any.). Psionics (AD&D 2E -
The Complete Psionics Handbook, Pg. 123; = HD/L; All/*All/All (NB:*This inc. High Sciences
(AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - The Will and The Way).); All/All (NB:Deities are immune to all
psionic attack, even from deities of > divine (rank/stature) than them, as well as all psionic
abilities not practiced by a deity, and, even then, they are immune to all psionic abilities
used by deities of < divine (rank/stature) than themselves.); = Int; Unlimited (Max
Expenditure/Use = HD/L equivalent Psionicist PSP total.); if psionic (or totally immune to all
psionics, even from deities of > divine (rank/stature) than them, if nonpsionic)).; Artifacts:0
(0 (NB:-12 (+72 d.a. (T:146 d.a. (18 (6*3) (B)+36 (12*3) (P)+18 (6*3) (I.C.F.)+72
(6*4*3) (A)+2 (Misc.)).; -146 d.a. for Archetypal Form (see below) (-6 d.c.), augmented
(x2) Creation (see below) (-7 d.a.), augmented (x2) Immortality (see below) (-7 d.a.),
augmented (x2) Magic Resistance (see below) (-7 d.a.), augmented (x2) Magic Use (see
below) (-7 d.a.), augmented (x2) Planar Travel (see below) (-7 d.a.), augmented (x2)
Saving Throws (see below) (-7 d.a.), augmented (x2) Sensing Ability (see below) (-7 d.a.),
augmented (x2) Shapeshifting (see below) (-7 d.a.), Lord of The Occult (see below) (-36
d.a.), Omnimaven (see below) (-6 d.a.), Slipstream (see below) (-6 d.a.), and
Transmortality (see below) (-36 d.a.).)).)).; Avatars:0 (1; NB:Deities have all beneficial
Avatar abilities, or superior var. thereof. (NB: Xz'fyl's Avatars' statistics are identical to his
own (((sans Demigod (AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars) Traits, having Avatar
(AD&D 2E - Forgotten Realms - Faiths & Avatars) Traits instead))). Add., he creates
"programmed" daemonic (yugoloth) horrors.)).; Godly Heritage:Cronus (Paternal), The
General of Gehenna (Paternal), Solar (Maternal) (NB:Chimera.).; Godly Realm:The Ruins
(contested).; Portfolios:Artifice (constructs, traps), death (murder, undead), evil (daemon,
fear), knowledge (education, memory), occult (magic, psionics), and time (past, future).;
Psionic:Yes (ME/U:1,135.).; Special:Archetypal Form (Xz'fyl's true form is Archetypal and, as
such, noone else, not even a power of > divine (rank/stature), can assume, clone, etc. it
/anything approximating/incorporating it, regardless of circumstances. His avatars, if any,
being a part of hisself can assume, clone, etc. it/anything approximating/incorporating it
normally.). Classes & Kits (NB:Deities, as noted, do not suffer from class or kit
requirements, restrictions, or hindrances. Add., multiple amalgamated class var. (up to +1/2
HD/L; C.:+10% exp./amalgamated class.) and kits (up to +1/HD/L; C.:+5% exp./+1 Kit.)
can be adopted. (NB:These rules apply to deities' Avatars, and to Heroes as well.)). Creation
(As OD (EO(D)) (i.e. As GD, exc. must rest for one round per 1 ton of mass he wishes to
manifest.). (NB:Xz'fyl can't create creatures w/ > divine (rank/stature), experience, HD/L,
or knowledge than himself. They can, however, grow, learn, and develop normally; even,
potentially, exceed him; thereafter.)). Divinity (NB:Xz'fyl's divinity is inherent (i.e. Power
(see The Power (I.H.:A.)).) and he has no need of worship (i.e. Glory (see The Glory
(I.H.:A.)).); or Resonance (see The Resonance (I.H:A.)), etc.; to retain it. Add., Xz'fyl's
Traits (divine or otherwise) can't be impaired, limited, lost, nullified, or taken (exc. by Xz'fyl
himself (see previous)). Not even by a power of > divine (rank/stature). They function
normally in any/all environs (inc. anti-/dead/null/wild magic/psionic areas, etc..), regardless
of any/all circumstances/etc., exc. him being dead.). High Level (i.e. All (((Beneficial)))
High-Level Character (AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master Option - High-Level Campaigns) options
apply.). Immortality (As OD (EO(D) ) (i.e. As GD, exc. destroyed by powers of OD (OO(S))+
(rank/stature) in physical or magical/psionic combat.).; Special:Immortality is further
augmented by Transmortality (see below).). Lord of The Occult (Xz'fyl can employ up to 3 (3
for his Avatar(s), if any) magics/3 (3 for his Avatar(s), if any) psionics (spells /powers, item
eff.s, etc.) (NB:This doesn't inc. his dragon, etc. (overlap) or divine (stack) abilities.)/round
in add. to his normal physical attacks. All magics /psionics (see previous) Xz'fyl employs can
range from triple (triple for his Avatar(s), if any) max (normal for his Avatars, if any) eff. in
all respects (a.o.e., dam., etc.) and a -3 (-3 for his Avatar(s), if any) penalty to saves
against them to min. eff. or any range in between, as he desires. Xz'fyl can creatively
reshape a.o.e. to suit his desires, changing cubic forms to spherical ones, making "holes" in
an eff. so that a being is avoided, etc.. Even after he runs out of his normal number of
spells/psps/charges/uses, Xz'fyl can create 1 magic/1 psionic (spell/power, item eff.,
etc.)/round indef. and infin.. Xz'fyl can take (no immunity (unless of ≥ divine
(rank/stature)), no magic resistance (even if of ≥ divine (rank/stature)), no save) from any
being (anywhere in his current crystal sphere (((material plane))), demiplane, or planar
layer (as well as his godly realm (or locale he's the manifestation of (The Ruins in his case)),
if desired)) the ability to use magic/psionics and prevent it from using spells/powers of any
sort, or, in an even harsher restriction, prevent it from using any sort of magic /psionics (see
previous). These restrictions persist until he ends them. Xz'fyl can't take away powers'
ability to grant their worshipers spells/powers through prayer. If he desired to take away the
ability to cast/manifest spells/powers from all of a deity's clergy, he would have to take away
all those people's ability to use magic/psionics individually. Xz'fyl is unaffected by
magic/psionics (see previous) of any sort unless he permits himself to be. Even if Xz'fyl's
deceived into lowering his defenses, he still gains a save, even if one isn't ordinarily allowed.
Xz'fyl never fails a save vs. magic/psionics (see previous) of any sort, regardless of any/all
circumstances/etc., exc. him being dead. Xz'fyl's ability to use magic/psionics (see previous)
can't be impaired, limited, lost, nullified, or taken (exc. by Xz'fyl himself (see previous)). Not
even by a power of > divine (rank/stature). They function normally in any/all environs (inc.
anti-/dead/null /wild magic/psionic areas, etc..), regardless of any/all circumstances/etc.,
exc. him being dead. (NB:This is a lesser redundancy of the aforementioned (see previous).)
Xz'fyl magics/psionics (see previous) have a C/ML = his HD/L*3 (*3 for his Avatar(s), if any)
(see previous (i.e. 90 (90 for his Avatar(s), if any) (see previous).)); have a
casting/manifesting (or activation) time of 0 (((instantaneous))); have no caps (i.e. Level-
based (i.e., dice, etc..) limits (i.e., can cast 90 (90 for his Avatar(s), if any) dice fireballs,
etc..).) on the eff.s of magics/psionics (see previous); and do not have costs (i.e., exp.,
etc..) or cause him ill /undesired eff.s (self-explanatory). (NB:Some of Xz'fyl's abilities, or
aspects thereof, are superior to (overlap) some of the powers of his Lord of The Occult
ability, or aspects thereof. However, Xz'fyl's avatar(s), if any, can still benefit from them.);
Special:Xz'fyl's power is inherent, infinite, and not reliant upon Mystra's Weave/any var.
thereof.). Magic Resistance (As OD (EO(D)) (i.e. 100% vs. mortal magics, 75% vs. demi-
greater deity magics, 50% vs. over deity (elder one (daitya)) magics, and 25% vs. over
deity (old one (secundadeian))+ magics.).). Magic [and Psionics] Use (As OD (EO(D)).;
NB:Deities of < Over-Deity (EO(D)) (rank/stature) can't use their ability to cast "any" spell
of "any" level at will to cast 10th+ level spells at will, unless they would still have the ability
to cast 10th+ level spells were they mortal. (i.e. They must have had the requisite training.
This can vary from campaign setting to campaign setting, etc..). Add., most deities of <
Over-Deity (EO(D)) (rank/stature) aren't even aware 10th+ level spells even exist, let alone
how to cast them.). Omnicompetent (Benefit:Deities are divinely proficient in all Thieving,
etc. Skills (0% (+5%/HD/L (((each)))); w/no max.), all NonWeapon Proficiencies (1 slot (+1
slot/HD/L (((each)))); w/no max.), and all High Level Skills (1 slot (+1 slot/HD/L
(((each)))); w/no max.). Add., all NonWeapon Proficiencies and High Level Skills have an eff.
base cost of 1 slot (((each))), regardless of deities' class(es) or lack thereof or its typical
base cost.). Omnimaven (Benefit:Xz'fyl is proficient/has Grand Mastery (AD&D 2E - Player's
Option - Combat & Tactics) w/all weapons, etc. (i.e. Anything you can spend weapon
proficiency slots on.). Furthermore, all weapons, natural or otherwise, are considered "monk
weapons" for Xz'fyl. This means he gains commensurately improved attacks per round,
commensurately improved damage, and the ability to use any/all weapons, natural or
otherwise, as if they're an extension of his own body. This even includes any/all projectile
weapons. Finally, if his current form is (dual-/multi-)limbed, he gains just as many attacks
w/his add. limbs as he does w/his primary limb and suffers no penalties for attacking w/dual
or multiple weapons, natural or otherwise.). Planar Travel (As OD (EO(D)) (i.e. As GD, exc.
barable (though not trapable) by powers of OD (EO(D))+ (rank/stature).).; NB:Demigods
(D) are not considered "True" Gods and are, resultantly, not prohibited from (or imprisoned
in) The Prime Material, or any other, Plane. They can, however, still be barred (or trapped),
by divinities of ≥ divine (rank/stature), from (in) their respective godly realms/locales
they're the manifestation of. Lesser Deities (LD)+ can't be imprisoned. They can, however,
still be barred by divinities of ≥ divine (rank/stature), from their respective godly
realms/locales they're the manifestation of. Over-Deities (OD (EO(D))+)+ are beyond "True"
Gods and, resultantly, not prohibited from (or imprisoned in) The Prime Material, or any
other, Plane. They can, however, still be barred by divinities of ≥ divine (rank /stature), from
their respective godly realms/locales they're the manifestation of.). Saving Throws (As OD
(EO(D)) (i.e. As GD, exc. OD (EO(D)).).). Sensing Ability (As OD (EO(D)) (i.e. As GD, exc.
blockable by powers of OD (EO(D))+ (rank/stature).).). Shapeshifting (As OD (EO(D)) (i.e.
As GD, exc. OD (EO(D)) .).). Slipstream (Xz'fyl exists within his own time stream and is
unaffected by temporal eff.s (such as slow, etc.) and can't be undermined by time travel
(someone can't go back to his past and simply kill him as an infant for instance).;
Special:This doesn't defend against haste or similar abilities, etc..). Transmortality (As
Immortality, exc. Xz'fyl can't be permanently destroyed. Not even by a power of > divine
Assimilated Items: - .
Class Abilities (Class Var.:(((+15 (20-5 (base (((5)))))))).; Kits:[[[+30 (50-20 (base [[[1]]]
+ redundancies [[[19]]]))]]].):
Assa. (((1))) [[[7]]] (AD&D 2E - Greyhawk - The Scarlet Brotherhood; Kits [[[7]]]:Assassin
(AD&D 2E - Player's Option - Skills & Powers), Fellblade ((( Hellblade))) (AD&D 2E - The
Guide to Hell; Fiend option)), Investigator (DRA3), Planewalker (AD&D 2E - Planescape -
The Planewalker's Handbook), Psychologue (DRA3), Shinobi (Assassin (((Thief)))) (AD&D 2E
- The Complete Ninja's Handbook), Stalker (DRA3).),
Cler. (((6))) [[[8]]] (AD&D 2E - P.H., Cleric (Elemental) (((2 (see below)))) (AD&D 2E - Dark
Sun; Element(s)/Paraelement(s)/Quasielement(s):Earth (((1))), Fire (((1))), Magma (((B))),
Ooze (((B))), Smoke (((B))), Ash (((B))), Dust (((B))), Mineral (((B))), and Radiance (((B))).),
Diamondstar (((Rubystar))) (AD&D 2E - Sardior; Priests:Diamondstars [Alignment:Any evil.;
Minimum Ability Scores:As Rubystar.; Weapon Proficiencies:As Rubystar.; Dress/Armor
Allowed:As Rubystar.; NonWeapon Proficiencies:As Rubystar.; Spheres of Influence:As
Rubystar.; Granted Spells:As Rubystar.; Granted Powers:As Rubystar, exc. diamond shield
(((ruby shield))) and ruby shield. (NB:Xz'fyl's Diamondstars' primary purpose (for the
moment) is to discretely observe and study The Church of Sardior from within.).; Special
Restrictions:None (NB:Xz'fyl seduces his followers into darkness by demanding little from life. However, due to binding (even for deities, regardless of stature) contractual
obligations, the moment they die, or become undead, they forever after become his
implicitly obedient slaves (no immunity (unless of ≥ stature), no magic resistance (even if of
≥ stature), no save). Said contracts require as little as a deliberately expressed (mental,
etc.) agreement between the Diamondstar initiate and a Diamondstar of at least 2nd level.
Attempting to break a contract results in the Diamondstar's premature demise and
subsequent enslavement. Dissolving a contract requires negotiation w/Xz'fyl himself.).])
(((B))) Elemental (((2 (see below)))) (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Dragon Kings;
Element(s):Earth (((1))), Fire (((1))).; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only. Add., his
appearance is unchanged.), Necromantic Priest (((1))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of
Necromancers; Priests:Necrologians [Alignment:Any evil.; Minimum Ability Scores:As
Charnelist.; Weapon Proficiencies:Any.; Dress/Armor Allowed:Any.; NonWeapon
Proficiencies:As Charnelist.; Spheres of Influence:As Charnelist.; Granted Spells:As
Charnelist.; Granted Powers:As Charnelist.; Special Restrictions:None (NB:Xz'fyl seduces his
followers into darkness by demanding little from life. However, due to binding
(even for deities, regardless of stature) contractual obligations, the moment they die, or
become undead, they forever after become his implicitly obedient slaves (no immunity
(unless of ≥ stature), no magic resistance (even if of ≥ stature), no save). Said contracts
require as little as a deliberately expressed (mental, etc.) agreement between the
Necrologian initiate and a Necrologian of at least 3rd level. Attempting to break a contract
results in the Necrologian's premature demise and subsequent enslavement. Dissolving a
contract requires negotiation w/Xz'fyl himself.).].).; Kits [[[8]]]:Assassin (AD&D 2E -
Player's Option - Skills & Powers), Chronicler (DR194), Herbalist (AD&D 2E - The Complete
Book of Elves), Investigator (DRA3), Obeah-man (DR209), Psychologue (DRA3), Shinobi
(AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook), Stalker (DRA3).),
Mage (((11))) [[[19]]] (AD&D 2E - P.H. (i.e. Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).), Archmage
(((1))) (AD&D 2E - RA760 Archmagic (i.e. Defiler, Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).);
Special:Archmagic spells are considered 10th level spells (psionic enchantments, etc.) and
use 10th level spell slots regardless of their actual level.), Avangion (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Dark
Sun - Dragon Kings; Errata:AD&D 2E - Dark Sun - Defilers and Preservers:The Wizards of
Athas.; Special: Fallen (i.e. Loses all good/holy-specific abilities and gains evil/unholy var.
thereof. (e.g. Bless, etc. become curse, etc..)).; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits only. Add., his
appearance is unchanged.), Chronomancer (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Chronomancer (i.e. Defiler,
Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).)), Conjurer (((1))) (AD&D 2E - P.H. (i.e. Defiler, Preserver
(AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).), Defiler (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun), Demonologist (((1))) (AD&D
2E - Demonologist (i.e. Defiler, Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).), Diviner (((1))) (AD&D 2E
- P.H. (i.e. Defiler, Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).), Dragon (((1))) (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun -
Dragon Kings; Errata:AD&D 2E - Dark Sun (i.e. "In addition to its melee attacks, the dragon
can cast one magical spell and use one psionic power per round.", etc..), AD&D 2E - Dark
Sun - Defilers and Preservers:The Wizards of Athas.; Var.:Starwyrm (i.e. Oriental
(Serpentine) (i.e. Gains Bu. =1/2 L.M., Cl.= L.M., Fl.=L.M. (A), Jp.=1/2 L.M., Sw.=L.M., and
Constrict (=Claw x2). Loses wings.; NB:Starwyrms, unlike standard Dragons, don't require
an obsidian orb to cast psionic enchantments. Instead, they require a diamond orb, the color
of which determines their own color, as well as the color of their breath weapon. (NB:This is
purely a cosmetic effect. However, once the diamond color is chosen, it can't be changed
and all their diamond orbs thereafter must be crafted from said color diamond. (NB:Xz'fyl
has no need of diamond orbs to cast psionic enchantments. However, were he ever to craft
and make use of one, it could be of any color he desired. His current color is white.))) Their
breath weapon is superheated (((fire))) stardust (((sand))).).).; NB:All (((Beneficial))) Traits
only. Add., Xz'fyl acquired a human appearance. This caused him to lose his Gargantuan
(180 ft. long (60 ft. coil (30 ft. sphere))) size, Constrict, and tail. The remainder of his
Dragon Traits are modified to fit his form. However, he can, as an Immediate nonaction, at
will, assume his Human form, his Starwyrm form, or any combination thereof.),
Necromancer (((1))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers (i.e. Defiler,
Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).), Transmuter (((1))) (AD&D 2E - P.H. (i.e. Defiler,
Preserver (AD&D 2E - Dark Sun).).; Kits [[[18]]]:Anatomist (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book
of Necromancers), Arcanist (AD&D 2E - Spelljammer - The Complete Spacefarer's
Handbook), Archetypal Necromancer (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers),
Assassin (AD&D 2E - Player's Option - Skills & Powers), Astronomist (AD&D 2E -
Spelljammer - The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook), Geomancer (AD&D 2E - Spelljammer
- The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook), Historian (AD&D 2E - Chronomancer), Investigator
(DRA3), Necromancer (AD&D 2E - Diablo II:The Awakening (NB:The text essentially states
that Diablo II Necromancers are Wizards specialized in Necromancy. (i.e. The Necromancer
kit, in truth, is Necromancer exclusive and merely gives add. benefits
(overlap).).)),*Philosopher (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers), Planewalker
(AD&D 2E - Planescape - The Planewalker's Handbook; Overcome Magic Resistance:-35% (-
135%, if target(s) is(are) mortal, +-35%, if target(s) is(are) a() divinit(-y/-ies).),
Psychologue (DRA3), Shinobi (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook), Slayer Mage
(AD&D 2E - Campaign Option - Council of Wyrms), Sorcerer (AD&D 2E - Diablo II:The
Awakening (NB:The text essentially states that Diablo II Sorcerers are Wizards specialized in
Conjuration. (i.e. The Sorcerer kit, in truth, is Conjurer exclusive and merely gives add.
benefits (overlap).).)), Stalker (DRA3), Thaumaturgist (AD&D 2E - The Guide to Hell; Fiend
option), Undead Master (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers).; Multiclass Kits
[[[1]]]:Deathweaver ((( Bladesinger))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Elves;
Var.:Deathweavers (see below).).; Sage Ability (19 (AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master Option -
High-Level Campaigns (16), AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers
(3;*L.L.:150%.))):Alchemy, Chemistry, Future History (x4; Baatezu, Fiends, Tanar'ri,
Yugoloth), History (x4; Baatezu, Fiends, Tanar'ri, Yugoloth),*Necromantic Spells
(x2),*Necromantic Magic Items (x2),*Netherworld (esp. The Lower Planes) (x2).; Special
Powers (3 (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Necromancers (3))):Enhanced Vision,
Regeneration (NB:No vulnerability.), Shadow Form.),
Monk (((1))) [[[10]]] (AD&D 2E - Greyhawk - The Scarlet Brotherhood; Kits [[[9]]]:Assassin
(AD&D 2E - Player's Option - Skills & Powers), Dragonslayer (Monk (((Warrior)))) (AD&D 2E
- Campaign Option - Council of Wyrms), Fellslayer (((Devil Slayer (Monk (((Warrior)))))))
(AD&D 2E - The Guide to Hell; Fiend option), Investigator (DRA3), Planewalker (Monk
(((Rogue)))) (AD&D 2E - Planescape - The Planewalker's Handbook), Planewalker (Monk
(((Warrior)))) (AD&D 2E - Planescape - The Planewalker's Handbook), Psychologue (DRA3),
Shinobi (Monk (((Priest)))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook), Stalker (DRA3).;
Multiclass Kits [[[1]]]:Deathweaver (((Bladesinger))) (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of
Elves; Var.:Deathweavers (see below).).),
Psio. (((1))) [[[6]]] (AD&D 2E - The Complete Psionicists Handbook, The Will & The Way;
Primary Discipline:All.; Kits [[[6]]]:Assassin (AD&D 2E - Player's Option - Skills & Powers),
Investigator (DRA3), Psychologue (DRA3), Shinobi (DR255), Stalker (DRA3), Yogi (DR225;
Wis +0, Con +0, Cha +0 (NB:As Xz'fyl's abilities each already exceed 19, they can be
improved no further by virtue of this ability.); Special:As a divinity, Xz'fyl will Never be "one
with Brahman". Instead, he persues total mastery over/understanding of his own self (body,
mind, soul, and spirit) and reality.).).;
NB:As a divinity, Xz'fyl is not limited by racial, class, kit, or alignment restrictions (i.e.,
resultantly, he gains only the advantages (benefits, etc.) of classes and kits and never gains
their disadvantages (hindrances, etc.).); is omnicompetent (see previous); and
automatically succeeds on all Thief, etc. Skills, etc..; Special:Deathweavers can be
Fighter/Wizards or Monk/Wizards, and of any race or alignment, though Drow are by far the
most common and will attempt to kill all nonDrow deathweaving practicioners,
arrogantly/ignorantly believing they created it. Deathweavers can use deathweaving (as
elven bladesong (AD&D 2E - The Complete Book of Elves), exc. silent and sneaky) even
when using or wielding two (or more) weapons (natural or otherwise) or even a "light"
double weapon such as a scythe, spear, or staff. This permits them to attack/defend while
casting a spell. However, while doing so, this also reduces their kit-based AC bonus to
level÷4, halves their normal complement of attacks per round for their off hand (to a
minimum of 1 attack), and limits their spells to spells w/o somatic/material components.
Add., Deathweavers can fight blind w/o penalty and sense (auditory, olfactory, and tactile)
their immediate environment in a 5 ft. radius per level as if it were an extension of their own
body. This is never detrimental to them. This special training adds the add. requirements of
Wis 15, blind-fighting, direction sense, and survival to the base Deathweaver kit. Finally,
Deathweaver monks' unarmed strikes count as bludgeoning/piercing/slashing (selective
(Immediate nonaction)). This special training has no add. requirments.
Weapon Proficiencies:All nonbow (inc. crossbows) at 5 slots and all bows (exc. crossbows) at
6 slots. (NB:This gives Xz'fyl weapon Grand Mastery (+3/+3, etc. (as per AD&D 2E -
Player's Handbook)) w/all weapons.) Add., has Grand Mastery in all Fighting Styles, etc. (i.e.
Anything you can spend weapon proficiency slots on.). Advanced Martial Arts:All (AD&D 2E -
The Complete Ninja's Handbook, etc.). (NB:Grand Mastery improves your unarmed strikes
normally. Monk abilities overlap Advanced Martial Arts. Xz'fyl has created his own Martial
Arts Style, "Απελπισία" (see below). He is its only Grand Master (and, currently, its only
practicioner).) Απελπισία (#At:+1 (overlapped).; Dmg:1d6 (overlapped).; AC Mod:-3
(overlapped).; Principal Attack:All.; Special Manuevers:All.; Weapons Allowed:All.;
NB:Grand Mastery improves Απελπισία normally. This is a divine martial art. For a mortal to
learn it, they would have to spend +4 weapon proficiency slots.) Special Maneuvers:All
(AD&D 2E - The Complete Ninja's Handbook, etc.). (NB:Maneuvers that add +1d2 damage,
instead add +1 d.c.. Maneuvers that add 1d4 damage, instead add +2 d.c.. This is due to
how damage is calculated.; Special:Iron Fist adds +1 d.c.. Eagle Claw adds +2 d.c..)
Deathweaving Grand Mastery (7 slots):+6 bonus to AC (+3 if attacking and parrying (see
below))/limb (unarmed strike) or weapon wielded, +6 bonus to hit and damage (+3 if
attacking and parrying (see below)), or Attack and parry w/o using attacks to parry.
(NB:This does Not inc. the benefits of the Deathweaver (((Spellsinger))) kit (see previous).);
Special:Xz'fyl typically combines Απελπισία (see previous) w/deathweaving (see previous)
and calls this deadly combination λήθη.
Equipment: - .
6 (Specialization)
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5 (+18)
10, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5
10, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
26 450, 460
27 450, 460
28 600, 610
29 600, 610
30 900, 910
31 900, 910
32 1,200, 1,210
33 1,200, 1,210
34 1,500, 1,510
35 1,500, 1,510
36 1,800, 1,810
37 1,800, 1,810
38 2,250, 2,260
39 2,250, 2,260
40 2,700, 2,710
26 -6, +5
27 -7, +6
28 -7, +6
29 -7, +6
30 -8, +7
31 -8, +7
32 -8, +7
33 -9, +8
34 -9, +8
35 -9, +8
36 -10, +9
37 -10, +9
38 -10, +9
39 -11, +10
40 -11, +10