Spawn of Cthulhu
Spawn of Cthulhu
Spawn of Cthulhu
Strength(15):23+12+75 =110
Dexterity:23+12+75 =110
Constitution:23+12+72 =107
Intelligence:23+12+75 =110
Wisdom:23+12+75 =110
Charisma:23+12+75 =110
Cthulhu +14 Str, +18 Dex, +18 Con, +20 Int, +26 Wis, +24 Cha
Octopoid +8 Dex, +12 Con, +16 Int, +10 Wis, +22 Cha
Starspawn +12 Str, +6 Dex, +12 Con, +12 Int, +18 Wis, +14 Cha
Armathrax +50 Str, +50 Dex, +50 Con
SubTotal +50 Str, +50 Dex, +50 Con, +20 Int, +26 Wis, +24 Cha
Cyber -2 Cha
Dark Lord +4 Int, +6 Wis, +10 Cha
Dark Lord +60 Str, +30 Dex, +40 Con, +30 Int, +20 Wis, +50 Cha
Dread Lich +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha
Akalich +46 Int, +46 Wis, +46 Cha
Eternal +6 Str, +4 Dex, +8 Con, +6 Int, +8 Wis, +10 Cha
Heartless +18 Str, +18 Dex, +18 Con, +18 Int, +18 Wis, +18 Cha
Inveigler +4 Int, +6 Cha
Mythic +10
Spirit +4 Cha
Subpsionics -2
V.S.C.s:6 -12 Dex, +24 Con
Total +808; -360 for +30 d.a.
(■)Immortality (As Cthulhu (PRG:B4), exc. adj. for his capability and "his
rowhouse" (NB:This is M'hj'r's Godly Realm, despite of his demonic and
otherworldly nature.) rather than "his tomb in R'lyeh".;
NB:Alternative/NonMythic (i.e. Divine, NonDivine, etc..) forms of immortality
overlap/are overlapped by Immortality and are bypassed normally by the
methods required to bypass them. Alternative/NonMythic forms of
immortality are Not bypassed by the methods that bypass Immortality,
unless specifically stated otherwise in their descriptions.). (+11) ■Instrument
of The Gods (A.B.(P.E.)). (+12) ■Divine Safeguard (Instrument of The Gods
(A.B.(P.E.))) (Inc.). (+13) (■)Malaclypse. (+13) ■Nigh-Invulnerable
(Pathways:48). (+14) ■Divine Safeguard (Nigh-Invulnerable (Pathways:48))
(Inc.). (+15) ■Obscurity (Inc.). (+16) (■)Omnicompetent. (+16) ■Portfolio
Perfection (Mad.) (Inc.). (+22) ■Cosmic Safeguard (Portfolio Perfection
(Mad.) (Inc.)) (Inc.). (+28) (■)Postcognition. (+28) ( ■)Regeneration. (+28)
■Selectivity (Inc.). (+29) ■Slipstream. (+35). ■Cosmic Safeguard
(Slipstream) (Inc.). (+41) ■Warp (Inc.) (+42)
Entropic (Inc.),
- Chronal Wand (PL 8-9; The chronal wand is a personal chronal gate
generator. It creates a rupture in the fabric of time just large enough for one
character to step through into another time. The gate remains open until the
wand itself passes through, so multiple characters can step through without
using their own wands. The drawback to the chronal wand is that it must be
recalibrated after each use (see Equipment Failure, D20 Future), or entirely
new chronal coordinates must be entered, as though changing the settings.
The PL 8 version of the chronal wand weighs only 1 pound. The PL 9 version
has the same purchase DC, with the added benefit that it stores the last five
chronal coordinates automatically, enabling anyone to thumb through
settings without recalibrating the wand.; Weight:1 lb.; Purchase DC:58.;
Restriction:Illegal (+4).)
Archetype:Arcanist, C.P.t.S..
Ch.En.:96th (Co./Tu. ((N./P.)E. ( ∞ /Day; Bu.:48d10+6.; To.:192d10+6.))).
Bu. (Bl. (1/4; 400 ft. (+40 ft./HD/L) r.)):((30×2)+((60+6)÷2×4))÷4=48d10.
To. (To. (2/1; To.)):(30×2)+((60+6)÷2×4)=192d10.
NB:Channel Energy and Lich Touch are intertwined.
(i.e. they're essentially the same ability.)
Domains (S.s (P.s)):Cha. (Dem. (C, E), Ent. (C, E)), Dar. (Loss (D), Nig. (D)),
Dea. (Mur. (D), Und. (D)), Evil (Can. (E), Dem. (C, E), Fear (E)), Mad. (Ins.
(M), Nig. (M)), Sca. (Dra. (R), Ven. (R)), Tri. (Amb. (S), Dec. (S)), Void (Dar.
(E), Iso. (E)); NB:Has full base domains and subdomains. Use PRD.
Free Rituals, Powers, Rituals, Spells, etc. Known:All 0-Epic level (up to
Spellcraft DC 372 (via Anyfeat, etc.)) spells, etc. inc.*ki
tech, etc.; see The Book of Ki, etc.) as differentiated (arcane, etc.),
semidifferentiated (arcane and divine, etc.), and
undifferentiated (arcane, divine, and psionic)) powers.; NB:See Convert
Spell to Power (see The
Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four) & Unearthed Arcana.
*Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic)
power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine)
and psionics. Ki techniques converted to spells, etc. function no differently
than they did before the conversion. They simply.
become differentiated (arcane, etc.), semidifferentiated (arcane and divine,
etc.), or undifferentiated (arcane, divine, and
psionic) spells, etc.. Spell, etc. Resistance are ALL Spell, etc. Resistance
(i.e. the same ability.).
Free Rituals, Powers, Rituals, Spells, etc. Known:All 0-Epic level (up to
Spellcraft DC 372 (via Anyfeat, etc.)) spells, etc. inc.*ki
tech, etc.; see The Book of Ki, etc.) as differentiated (arcane, etc.),
semidifferentiated (arcane and divine, etc.), and
undifferentiated (arcane, divine, and psionic)) powers.; NB:See Convert
Spell to Power (see The
Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four) & Unearthed Arcana.
*Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic)
power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine)
and psionics. Ki techniques converted to spells, etc. function no differently
than they did before the conversion. They simply.
become differentiated (arcane, etc.), semidifferentiated (arcane and divine,
etc.), or undifferentiated (arcane, divine, and
psionic) spells, etc.. Spell, etc. Resistance are ALL Spell, etc. Resistance
(i.e. the same ability.).
Archetype:C.S.t.P., Erudite.
Ch.En.:96th (Co./Tu. ((N./P.)E. ( ∞ /Day; Bu.:48d10+6.; To.:192d10+6.))).
Bu. (Bl. (1/4; 400 ft. (+40 ft./HD/L) r.)):((30×2)+((60+6)÷2×4))÷4=48d10.
To. (To. (2/1; To.)):(30×2)+((60+6)÷2×4)=192d10.
NB:Channel Energy and Lich Touch are intertwined.
(i.e. they're essentially the same ability.)
Domains (S.s (P.s)):Cha. (Dem. (C, E), Ent. (C, E)), Dar. (Loss (D), Nig. (D)),
Dea. (Mur. (D), Und. (D)), Evil (Can. (E), Dem. (C, E), Fear (E)), Mad. (Ins.
(M), Nig. (M)), Sca. (Dra. (R), Ven. (R)), Tri. (Amb. (S), Dec. (S)), Void (Dar.
(E), Iso. (E)); NB:Has full base domains and subdomains. Use PRD.
Free Rituals, Powers, Rituals, Spells, etc. Known:All 0-Epic level (up to
Spellcraft DC 372 (via Anyfeat, etc.)) spells, etc. inc.*ki
tech, etc.; see The Book of Ki, etc.) as differentiated (arcane, etc.),
semidifferentiated (arcane and divine, etc.), and
undifferentiated (arcane, divine, and psionic)) powers.; NB:See Convert
Spell to Power (see The
Mind's Eye:Expanded Classes, Part Four) & Unearthed Arcana.
*Ki is a base form (raw and undifferentiated) of occult (magical/psionic)
power, essentially the source of magic (arcane/divine)
and psionics. Ki techniques converted to spells, etc. function no differently
than they did before the conversion. They simply.
become differentiated (arcane, etc.), semidifferentiated (arcane and divine,
etc.), or undifferentiated (arcane, divine, and
psionic) spells, etc.. Spell, etc. Resistance are ALL Spell, etc. Resistance
(i.e. the same ability.).
- Trinity Theurge (10 (+20 Arcane, Divine, and Psionic (via Amplification
(x1)))):Trinity Companion, Ectoplasmic Substitution, Psionic Reinforcement
(+1), Compensation, Trinity Soul, Psionic Reinforcement (+2), Trinity Tap,
Unified Theories, Psionic Reinforcement (+3), Phase Shift
Base 15
Racial 29
Misc. 14
Class 28
Anoxia 1,296
Multifaceted 324
Feats (897):A Feast Unknown (The Tomes), Acid Stomach (Inc.), Acrobatic
(NB:Replaces Acrobatic (D20M).), Advanced Firearms Proficiency (D20M),
Agile Maneuvers, Agile Riposte (DR305), Agonizing Strike (Feats), Alertness,
Aletheian (Dark Roads and Golden Hells), Alignment Channel (chaotic, evil,
good, lawful), Allure (The Imperial Age), Always Listening (Dreadmire (Bonus
Material)), Anatomical Precision (Gothic Campaign Compendium), Anchoring
Blow (DR306), Anesthetist (Gothic Campaign Compendium), Animal Friend
(T.W.o.T.W.), Applied Scholastics (NB:The bonus is untyped.) (Feats),
Appraise Suspect (Crime Scene:Feds), Apprenticeship (Devil (Baatezu)) (The
Tomes), Aquatic Occultist (Inc.), Arcane Preparation (Complete Arcane),
Arcanum Minimus (Power Source:Any.) (The Practical Enchanter), Archaic
Weapons Proficiency (D20M), Aristeia (Inc.), Armed Deflection (Inc.), Artistic
Inspiration (Medieval Player's Manual), Artistic Skill (Crime Scene:Forensics),
Ascend The Aethyrs (Secrets), Ascendant Spell (PRG:Mythic Adventures),
Asclepian Doctor (The New Argonauts), Assassin's Strike (Feats), Astral
Tracking (DR309), Athletic (NB:Replaces Acrobatic (D20M).), Augment
Summoning, Augment Undead (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Aura of
Awkwardness (T.C.M.U.C.), Aura of Death (T.C.M.U.C.), Aura of Despair
(T.C.M.U.C.), Author (Medieval Player's Manual), Avoidance (Feats),
Awesome Blow, Back Alley Brawler (Feats), Batman In Plain Sight (Inc.),
Bedside Manner (+20 Heal) (A.N.A.:2013), Beguiling Countenance (PRG:The
World of Vampire Hunter D), Beloved Dictator (Unholy Warrior's Handbook),
Between The Lines (PCS:S&F), Biophany (Dreadmire (Bonus Material)), Bite
and Claw Analysis (Crime Scene:Forensics), Black Market Dealings
(PPC:Black Markets), Blackened Heart (Inc.), Blessing of The Godless
(Exemplars of Evil), Blind-Fight, Blindfighting (The Tomes), Blinding Swarm
(DD4:The Necromancer's Lair), Blood Beyond Blood (Feats), Blood Painter
(The Tomes), Blood War Sorcerer (The Tomes), Blood War Squaddie (The
Tomes), Boar's Charge (Feats), Body Assemblage (The Tomes), Bone Art
(Inc.), Bone Crusher (Strategists & Tacticians), Bonecunning (Inc.),
Boneblade Master (The Tomes), Boneless (Dweomercraft:Lich), Book (x7;
N'ksh's Theorum Vol. I-VII (N'ksh's theories.; Prerequisites:Knowledge (Law,
Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics, Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy,
and Theology) 60 ranks.; Benefit:+20, +60, +14, d12.; Special: - .; NB:Each
volume covers one Knowledge skill (Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, Metaphysics,
Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, and Theology).)) (Medieval Player's
Manual), Branch Runner (Wilds), Branch Walker (Wilds), Brawl (D20M),
Breath of Unlife (Dragons of Faerun), Bringer of Agony (Inc.), Broker of the
Infernal (The Tomes), Builder (D20M), Buoyancy Balance (Inc.), Burrow
(A.N.A.:2017), Burst Fire (D20M), Bushwhacker (Wilds), Busy Hands (Wilds),
Bypass Host (Inc.), Calm Animal (A.N.A.:2012), Camouflage (Nb.o.F.), Cast
Iron Stomach (Inc.), Change Kingdom (Wilds), Cheat Death (Secret College
of Necromancy), Chemical/Microscopic Analysis (Crime Scene:Feds), Clear
Mind (Flashpoint! Russia), Cleave, Clinch Attack (E.A.:Whips), Clinging
Breath (Draconomicon), Close-Quarters Thrower (PRG:Ultimate Combat),
Cockatrice Strike, Combat Acrobat (P.H.II), Combat Concentration (Inc.),
Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts (D20M), Combat Throw (D20M),
Combat Panache (P.H.II), Combat Reflexes, Combat Vomit (Inc.), Command
(Flashpoint! Russia), Command Undead, Command Undead I (Inc.),
Command Undead II (Inc.), Conditional Dispel (R&R:Excalibur), Connecting
Evidence (Crime Scene:Feds), Conscious Phylactery (M.F.II), Constant
Guardian (Drow of The Underdark), Corrupt (Inc.), Corrupt Arcana (H.o.H.),
Corrupt Spell-Like Ability (B.o.V.D.), Counter-Serveillance (Crime
Scene:Feds), Coup de Grace (Secret College of Necromancy), Craft Bioware
(F.P.C.:T.H.), Craft Bonded Item (R&R:Excalibur), Craft Clone (F.P.C.:T.H.),
Craft Construct, Craft Cybernetics (D20 Cyberscape), Craft Mutation
(F.P.C.:T.H.), Craft Nanites (D20 Cyberscape), Craft Nanotech (F.P.C.:T.F.,
F.P.C.:T.H.), Craft Spellcrystal Item (Crystalmancer), Create Artifact (The
Practical Enchanter), Create Creature (Inc.), Create Device (x45; ((((A Feast
Unknown (The Tomes), Blood Painter (The Tomes), Body Assemblage (The
Tomes), Boneblade Master (The Tomes), Craft Bonded Item (R&R:Excalibur),
Craft Construct, Craft Spellcrystal Item (Crystalmancer), Create Artifact (The
Practical Enchanter), Create Creature (Inc.), Create Divinity Spark (Requiem
for a God), Create Relic (The Practical Enchanter), Create Undead Creature
(Inc.), Empowerment (The Practical Enchanter), Enchantment (x5; Artificer,
Artisan, Bonded, Excellence, Fabrication (x2), Living Magic, Multiple) (The
Practical Enchanter), Feed The Dark Gods (The Tomes), Harvest of Artifice
(x3; Alchemic Mastery, Gleaning (x1), Philosopher's Stone, Transmutation)
(The Practical Enchanter), Hellenic Alchemy (The New Argonauts),
Imbuement (x5; Advanced, Artificer, Bonded, Excellence, Fabrication (x2),
Living Magic, Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter), Mystic Conversion (The
Practical Enchanter), Phylacteric Item (M.F.II), Scribing (x4; Bonded,
Excellence, Fabrication (x1), Heiroglyphics, Living Magic, Master Scribe) (The
Practical Enchanter), Sleep of The Ages (The Tomes), Spell Shorthand (x4;
Cryptoglyphics, Encryption, Formal Notation, Runemaster, Scribe, Hieratics;
NB:This is an Item Creation feat Not a Metamagic feat.) (The Practical
Enchanter), Spell Trap (The Witch's Handbook), Spirit Binding (The Practical
Enchanter), The Path of Blood (The Tomes), Transferance (The Practical
Enchanter), Whispers of The Otherworld (The Tomes), Wrappings of The
Ages (The Tomes)))))) (Inc.), Create Divinity Spark (Requiem for a God),
Create Relic (The Practical Enchanter), Create Undead Creature (Inc.), Crime
Scene Hazard (Crime Scene:Feds), Criminal Psychologist (Crime Scene:Hong
Kong), Crippling Attack (I.H.:A.), Crippling Strike (Feats), Critical Focus,
Critical Strike (The Immortal:Unliving), Crude-Wrestling (Frost & Fur), Cruel
Aristocrat (A.N.A.:2012), Crypsis (Dreadmire (Bonus Material)), Cybernetic
Surgery (D20 Cyberscape), Cyborg (x1) (D20 Cyberscape), Dancing Strike
(E.A.:Whips), Dangersense (A.N.A.:2012), Dark Presence (M.F.II), Dark
Speech (DC:81.) (Elder Evils), Dark Speech (Creature Words) (DC:81.)
(Inc.), Dark Speech (Object Words) (DC:81.) (Inc.), Dark Whispers (DC:81.)
(Elder Evils), Darkstalker (Lords of Madness), Dazing Attack (I.H.:A.),
Dazzling Display, Dead Aim (D20M), Deadly Aim (PRG:Ultimate Combat),
Deadly Dealer (PPC:The Harrow Handbook), Deadly Poison (Savage Species),
Deafening Crack (E.A.:Whips), Death's Nightmare (PRG:The World of
Vampire Hunter D), Deceitful (NB:Replaces Deceptive (D20M).), Defensive
Martial Arts (D20M), Deflect Arrows, Deft Hands, Demand
(A.N.A.:2012),*Demon (((Vampire))) Hunter (NB:N'ksh's favorite Outsider
minions are demons.) (Libris Mortis),*Demon (((Vampire))) Hunter Tradition
(PRG:The World of Vampire Hunter D),*Demon (((Vampire))) Scholar
(PRG:The World of Vampire Hunter D), Densely Packed Swarm (DD4:The
Necromancer's Lair), Descriptor Affectation (x1;*mind-affecting; NB:*N'ksh
uses this to mindfuck his enemies, often mindfucking them to death or
insanity.) (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Desert Blooded (Wilds), Devil
Preparation (Devil (Baatezu)) (The Tomes), Diabolic Trapmaker (Inc.),
Diehard, Different Bones (Dweomercraft:Lich), Disassemble (Secret College
of Necromancy), Distance Thrower (PRG:Ultimate Combat), Divine Fire
(Inc.), Divine Mastery of Counterspelling (Inc.), Divine Mastery of Elements
(Inc.), Divine Mastery of Shaping (Inc.), Divine Reach (Inc.), Doctor (Crime
Scene:Feds), Dodge, Double Tap (D20M), Dragon Sense (A.N.A.:2012),
Dragonfriend (A.N.A.:2012), Dragontamer (A.N.A.:2012), Dreamtelling
(H.o.H.), Dry-Heave (Inc.), Dual Channel (Wayfinder 2), Dutiful Guardian
(Drow of The Underdark), Earth Glide (A.N.A.:2017), Eat Anything (Inc.),
Eerie Dexterity (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), Eidetic Spellbook (Inc.), Elemental Channel
(air, earth, fire, water), Eloquent (+10 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate)
(A.N.A.:2013), Elusive Target (Complete Warrior), Elusive Target (D20M),
Embed Spell (R&R:Excalibur), Emergency Surgery (Choice and Blood),
Empower Spell, Empower Undead (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Empowerment
(The Practical Enchanter), Enchanted Familiar (Nb.o.F.), Enchantment (x5;
Artificer, Artisan, Bonded, Excellence, Fabrication (x2), Living Magic,
Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter), Endurance, Enlarge Spell, Entourage
(Feats), Epic Familiar (Dweomercraft:Lich), Eschew Materials, Essence
Mastery (Feats), Evil Brand (NB:No brand. This is inherent (((i.e. he's a
DAEMON (Yugoloth).))).) (B.o.V.D.), Evil Eye (Appearance:No change.;
Special:No Cha penalty.) (Frost & Fur), Ex-CART Team Member (Crime
Scene:Feds), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bloodrazor, katana, whip),
Expendable Familiar (Inc.), Experimental Medicine (Choice and Blood),
Expert Surgeon (The Immortal:Unliving), Extend Spell, Extend Spreading
Breath (Draconomicon), Extra Exotic Method (x3; New School (x3;
Enchantment, Evocation, Transmutation)) (Inc.), Fairy Eater (The Tomes),
False Demise (Secret College of Necromancy), False Opening (PRG:Ultimate
Combat), Familiar Bond (PPC:Familiar Folio), Familiar Concert (T.W.o.T.W.),
Familiar Feat Merge (Nb.o.F.), Familiar Fortitude (T.W.o.T.W.), Far Shot, Fast
Focus (Secrets), Feed The Dark Gods (The Tomes), Fell Conspiracy
(Exemplars of Evil), Field Surgeon (The New Argonauts), Fiend Cabalist (The
Tomes), Filthy Outburst (DC:81.) (Elder Evils), Find Another Foe (Frost &
Fur), Find Clues (D20P), Fingerprint Taking (Crime Scene:Feds), Flash Step
(Inc.), Flash Step Dervish (Inc.), Flash Step Maneuvers (Inc.), Flash Step
Savant (Inc.), Flash Strike (Inc.), Fleshcunning (Inc.), Flight of Startled Birds
(Wilds), Fling Ally (Races of Stone), Fling Enemy (Races of Stone), Flyby
Attack, Forensic Pathologist (D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Foresight
(T.W.o.T.W.), Freezer (Frost & Fur), Frightful Presence (D20M), Gene
Therapist (F.P.C.:T.F.), Genome Interchange (F.P.C.:T.F.), Genteel Facade
(A.N.A.:2012), Geographical Profiling (Crime Scene:Forensics), Ghost Cut
Technique (The Tomes), Ghost of The Mists (Wilds), Ghostly Grasp (Libris
Mortis), Giant Step (NBoF), Glimustaoa (Frost & Fur), Gnat Strike (Wilds),
Gorgon's Fist, Grateful Patients (Choice and Blood), Great Cleave, Great
Fortitude, Greater Combat Reflexes (DR340), Greater Disarm (E.A.:Whips),
Greater Flash Strike (Inc.), Greater Heavy Armor Optimization (Races of
Stone), Greater Melee Lash (E.A.:Whips), Greater Multiweapon Defense
(Inc.), Greater Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Greater Spell Focus (abjuration,
chronomancy, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion,
necromancy, transmutation), Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Sunder,
Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Gruesome Finish
(Exemplars of Evil), Haft Strike (DR331), Hamstring Attack (I.H.:A.),
Handwriting Analysis (Crime Scene:Feds), Harmonious Tongue
(A.N.A.:2012), Harvest of Artifice (x3; Alchemic Mastery, Gleaning (x1),
Philosopher's Stone, Transmutation) (The Practical Enchanter), Harvester of
Souls (Elder Evils), Hasty Rebirth (W.o.t.W.:B.5), Heart Ripper (Gothic
Campaign Compendium), Heat Endurance (Sandstorm), Heavenly Desserts
(The Tomes), Heavy Armor Optimization (Races of Stone), Heavy Blow
(Inc.), Hedge Magic (The Practical Enchanter), Heighten Breath
(Draconomicon), Heighten Spell, Hellenic Alchemy (The New Argonauts),
Hidden Presence (M.F.II), Hidden Strike (E.A.:Whips), Hide From Animals
(Dreadmire (Bonus Material)), High Magic (The Practical Enchanter),
Hindering Attack (I.H.:A.), Hip Throw (Frost & Fur), Hoodoo Man (The
Practical Enchanter), Horde Breaker (The Tomes), Hostage Negotiation
(Crime Scene:Feds), Hover, Hypnosis (Flashpoint! Russia), I Meant It When I
Killed You The First Time (Seven Strongholds), Ice Hearing (Frost & Fur), Ice
Shoes (Frost & Fur), Icecunning (Inc.), Idle Threat (+20 Intimidate)
(A.N.A.:2013), Imbuement (x5; Advanced, Artificer, Bonded, Excellence,
Fabrication (x2), Living Magic, Multiple) (The Practical Enchanter), Implied
Threat (+20 Diplomacy) (A.N.A.:2013), Improved Bullrush, Improved
Combat Reflexes (DR340), Improved Combat Throw (D20M), Improved
Combat Vomit (Inc.), Improved Command (Flashpoint! Russia), Improved
Command Undead (Inc.), Improved Counterspell, Improved Critical (bite,
bloodrazor, katana, tanto, unarmed strike, whip), Improved Damage
Threshold (D20M), Improved Disarm, Improved Dragon Sense
(A.N.A.:2012), Improved Familiar, Improved Familiar Bond (PPC:Familiar
Folio), Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Heat Endurance
(Sandstorm), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Leech Item
(DCSC:Age of Mortals), Improved Melee Lash (E.A.:Whips), Improved Mind
Over Matter (Flashpoint! Russia), Improved Multiweapon Defense (Inc.),
Improved Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Improved Natural Attack, Improved
Oneiromancy (H.o.H.), Improved Precise Shot, Improved Psychosomatic
Attack (Flashpoint! Russia), Improved Rock Hurling (Races of Stone),
Improved Sever Limb (Strategists & Tacticians), Improved Shape Breath
(Inc.), Improved Strangle (Strategists & Tacticians), Improved Sunder,
Improved Toughness (x1) (Libris Mortis), Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed
Strike, Induce Sleep (Flashpoint! Russia), Inner Depths of The Soul (x18)
(Inc.), Insectivore (M.F.), Insidious Compulsion (Inc.), Insidious Villainy
(Inc.), Inspire Loyalty (Feats), Integration (Dweomercraft:Lich), Iron Bones
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Iron Will, Investigator (Crime Scene:Feds), Killing Aura
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Knockback (Races of Stone),*Know Lord (((Master)))
(PRG:The World of Vampire Hunter D), Know Master (PRG:The World of
Vampire Hunter D), Knowledge of The Sage (NB:The bonus is untyped.)
(Feats), Leadership (x29), Leech Item (DCSC:Age of Mortals), Legendary
Familiar (Dweomercraft:Lich), Legendary Undead Familiar
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Lightning Reflexes, Limb Ripper (Strategists &
Tacticians), Lingering Attack (I.H.:A.), Lingering Breath (Draconomicon),
Listen To The Whisper of The Forest (Wilds), Lucid Dreaming (T.B.o.U.H.),
Lunatic Insight (H.o.H.), Magic Sense (Inc.), Magical Aptitude, Manipulative
Grip (Inc.), Manyshot, Mask Signature (Feats), Master Manipulator (P.H.II),
Maximize Breath (Draconomicon), Maximize Spell, Mech Engineer
(F.P.C.:T.F.), Medical Expert (D20M), Medical Immortality (Choice and
Blood), Medusa's Wrath, Melee Lash (E.A.:Whips), Mental Trickery (+50
Bluff) (Inc.), Mental Warding (F.P.C.:T.E.), Metalcunning (Inc.), Might Makes
Right (Feats), Might Makes Right (Races of Faerun), Mighty Attack (I.H.:A.),
Mighty Grip (E.A.:Whips), Mighty Steed (T.W.o.T.W.), Mighty Strike
(E.A.:Whips), Mind Over Matter (Flashpoint! Russia), Mindful Scrutiny (+50
Sense Motive) (Inc.), Mindsight (Lords of Madness), Mineral Sense
(A.N.A.:2017), Mobility, Moment of Genius (NB:This bonus is a Competence
bonus.) (Feats of Intellect), Monstrous Corpse (Dweomercraft:Lich),
Monstrous Repository (Dweomercraft:Lich), Mortal Visage (W.o.t.W.:B.5),
Mortician (D.7:A.C.U.:Soul Collector), Mounted Combat, Multiattack,
Multiattack (The Tomes), Multiple Bodies (Dweomercraft:Lich), Multiple
Familiars (T.W.o.T.W.), Multislice (Inc.), Multisnatch (Draconomicon),
Multiweapon Defense (Inc.), Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Rend (Inc.),
Mystic Conversion (The Practical Enchanter), Nail In The Coffin (Seven
Strongholds), Nanoimmunity (F.P.C.:T.F.), Nanophile (F.P.C.:T.F.),
Nanotaker (F.P.C.:T.F.), NCAVC Criminal Psychologist Training (Crime
Scene:Feds), Necrotic Bolt (192d10+6 (N./P.)E.) (T.C.G.t.L.), Necrotic
Knowledge (Knowledge (necrology), Knowledge (spirit lore)) (Dark Arts of
Necromancy), Nerve Pinch (DC:81.) (D20F), Neurosurgery (Choice and
Blood), Night Owl (Dreadmire (Bonus Material)), Nightmare Fuel (Inc.),
Nightmare Walk (Dweomercraft:Lich), Nimble (D20M), Nimble Moves,
Nowhere Shot (Wilds), Obscure Knowledge (D20P), Occult Denial (Inc.),
Occult Opportunist (Inc.), Occult Ritual (The Practical Enchanter), Old Blood
(AkaLich (DemiLich (Lich (Human)))) (Bastards & Bloodlines), One Free Hand
(E.A.:Whips), Oneiromancy (H.o.H.), Opportunity Spell (Inc.), Painful
Severing (Strategists & Tacticians), Painful Strike (Feats), Paper Chaser
(Crime Scene:Feds), Paragon of Insight (R&R:Excalibur), Perfect Combat
Reflexes (Inc.), Perfect Multiweapon Fighting (Inc.), Performance
Enhancement (Choice and Blood), Persistent Spell, Personal Firearms
Proficiency (D20M), Personal Immunity (The Practical Enchanter),
Persuasive, Phylacteric Item (M.F.II), Pinpoint Targetting, Planar Tracker
(Inc.), Plant Affinity (Dreadmire (Bonus Material)), Plastic Surgeon (Choice
and Blood), Plead (A.N.A.:2012), Point Blank Shot, Poison Sense (A
Poisoner's Handbook), Portal Sense (x2) (Inc.), Possess Creature (P.P.:86.;
DC:81.) (C.o.T.:T.I.S.), Possess Living Humanoid (Dweomercraft:Lich),
Possess Living Monster (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Location (P.P.:86.;
DC:81.) (C.o.T.:T.I.S.), Possess Object (P.P.:86.; DC:81.) (C.o.T.:T.I.S.),
Possess Undead Humanoid (Dweomercraft:Lich), Possess Undead Monster
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Powered Armor Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Power Attack,
Power Climb (Draconomicon), Practiced Liar (+20 Sense Motive)
(A.N.A.:2013), Precise Shot, Psychological Profiling (Crime Scene:Feds),
Psychosomatic Attack (Flashpoint! Russia), Pull Blow (NB:This enables N'ksh
to subdue targets more easily.) (NBoF), Purify Earths (Medieval Player's
Manual), Purify Metals (Medieval Player's Manual), Purify Waters (Medieval
Player's Manual), Pushover Followers (Inc.), Quick Channel (PRG:Ultimate
Magic), Quick Draw, Quick Leech (DCSC:Age of Mortals), Quick Reconnoiter
(Complete Adventurer), Quick Sheath (Inc.), Quicken Attack (I.H.:A.),
Quicken Breath (Draconomicon), Quicken Spell, Quickened Combat Vomit
(Inc.), Quivering Palm Versatility (P.P.C.:Dragon Empires Primer), Ranged
Grapple (E.A.:Whips), Rapid Mount/Dismount (R&R:Excalibur), Rapid Rebirth
(x2) (KQ3), Rapid Shot, Rational Terror (+50 Intimidate) (Inc.), Reach Spell,
Reactive Counterspell (Magic of Faerun), Reasonable Argument (+50
Diplomacy) (A.N.A.:2012), Reclaim Necromantic Energy (T.B.o.U.F.),
Reconstructive Surgery (Choice and Blood), Reproductive Care (Choice and
Blood), Recover Breath (Draconomicon), Revitalize Essence (M.F.II), Ride-By
Attack, Ring The Golden Bell (DR319), Robo-Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Rock
Hurling (NB:Assuming they're made of stone (+1 V.S.C.), Small rocks weigh
20-150 lb. and inflict 4d8 damage. Stone is heavier than flesh.) (Races of
Stone), Run, Runewright (The Practical Enchanter), Rushed Growth
(F.P.C.:T.F.), Sand Camouflage (Sandstorm), Sand Dancer (Sandstorm),
Sand Snare (Sandstorm), Sand Spinner (Sandstorm), Sandskimmer (x2)
(Sandstorm), Savant (x6; Physical (Str, Dex, Con) (via Nescient (see
previous)).; Intellectual (Int, Wis, Cha) (via Nescient (see previous)).;
NB:Limit = HD/Lx2.) (Pulp Feats), School Friend (Cerulean Seas), Scorned
By Nature (M.F.II), Scorpion's Grasp (Sandstorm), Scorpion's Instincts
(Sandstorm), Scorpion's Resolve (Sandstorm), Scorpion's Sense
(Sandstorm), Scorpion Style, Scribing (x4; Bonded, Excellence, Fabrication
(x1), Heiroglyphics, Living Magic, Master Scribe) (The Practical Enchanter),
Sculpt Spell (Complete Arcane), Sea Sight (Cerulean Seas), Second Sight
(Frost & Fur), Second Sight (T.W.o.T.W.), Secret Mark (Secret Mark:If/when
emotional, N'ksh's eyes bear a unique deep emerald-green incandescence.
The intensity of which varies w/the intensity of his emotions. N'ksh can
activate/deactivate this purely cosmetic effect, as an Immediate nonaction,
at will.) (Frost & Fur), Selective Channeling, Self-Sufficient, Sense Life
(Secret College of Necromancy), Sense Undead (Secret College of
Necromancy), Serpentine Mane (B.T.L.:R.o.t.T.), Shadow In The Mists
(Wilds), Shadowstriker (PRG:Advanced Player's Guide), Shadow Striker
(P.H.II), Shadow Walk (Dweomercraft:Lich), Shape Breath (Draconomicon),
Shape Stone (A.N.A.:2017), Shape Stones (T.W.o.T.W.), Shield Focus,
Shinobi Arsenal (Kitsunemori), Shot on The Run, Side Step (Eternal Rome),
Silent Kill (The Book of Roguish Luck), Silent Spell, Silken Aristeia (Inc.),
Sinister Healing (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Sinister Regeneration (Dark Arts
of Necromancy), Skeleton Summoner (PRG:Ultimate Magic), Skill Focus
(x35; Acrobatics, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Carpentry),
Craft (Electrical), Craft (History), Craft (Mechanical), Craft (Sculptures),
Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Iaijutsu Focus, Intimidate, Knowledge
(Arcana), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Law), Knowledge (Liberal
Arts), Knowledge (Mathematics), Knowledge (Medicine), Knowledge
(Psionics), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Profession (Architect),
Profession (Baker), Profession (Brewer), Profession (Butcher), Profession
(Cook), Profession (Farmer), Profession (Gardener), Profession (Herbalist),
Profession (Innkeeper), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth), Skillful
Executioner (DC:16 (+1/4D).) (Inc.), Skin Thief (Dweomercraft: Lich), Skip
Shot (D20M), Sleep of the Ages (The Tomes), Slippery Skin (Exemplars of
Evil), Snagging Trip (E.A.:Whips), Snake Charm (DC:81.), Snatch, Snatch
(The Book of Roguish Luck), Snatch Arrows, Snowshoes (Frost & Fur), Social
Intimidation (A.N.A.:2012), Stigandi (Frost & Fur), Solid Shadows
(PPC:Monster Summoner's Handbook), Son of a Camel (Wilds), Spawn Lord
(NB:N'ksh's spawn can only gain the templates he permits them to gain.)
(A.N.A.:2012), Spell Focus (abjuration, chronomancy, conjuration, divination,
enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, transmutation), Spell Mastery
(x1) (Inc.), Spell Penetration, Spell Preparation (Inc.), Spell Researcher (The
Practical Enchanter), Spell Shorthand (x4; Cryptoglyphics, Encryption,
Formal Notation, Runemaster, Scribe, Hieratics; NB:This is an Item Creation
feat Not a Metamagic feat.) (The Practical Enchanter), Spell Trap (The
Witch's Handbook), Spew (Inc.), Spinning Combat (The Book of Roguish
Luck), Spinning Defense (DR331), Spirit Binding (The Practical Enchanter),
Spirit Sense (H.o.H.), Spirited Charge, Spring Attack, Sprint (The Book of
Roguish Luck), Split Breath (Draconomicon), Spreading Breath
(Draconomicon), Staggering Attack (I.H.:A.), Staggering Critical, Starship
Designer (Starships of the Galaxy), Starship Engineer (F.P.C.:T.F.), Stealthy
(NB:Replaces Stealthy (D20M).), Still Spell, Stone Bones
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Stone Visage (A.N.A.:2017), Stonecunning (Inc.),
Streetfighting (D20M), Strike Around (E.A.:Whips), Stunning Attack (I.H.:A.),
Stunning Fist, Stylize Spell (Inc.), Subsumption (The Practical Enchanter),
Subtle Cut (The Tomes), Subtle Spell (R&R:Excalibur), Summon Suffering
(E.A.:Whips), Superior Alchemy (Inc.), Suppress Memory (Flashpoint!
Russia), Suppress Taint (Dweomercraft:Lich), Suppressed Memories (Inc.),
Surgeon (The Immortal:Unliving), Surgery (D20M), Surgical Strike (The
Immortal:Unliving), Swampland Stride (Inc.), Swarm Shape (The Witch's
Handbook), Swift Hunter (Wilds), Swim-By Attack (Stormwrack),
Sympathetic Spell (The Witch's Handbook), Tamer (A.N.A.:2012), Tech
Specialist (Starships of the Galaxy), Technomedicine (Choice and Blood),
Telling Blow (P.H.:II), Tempest Breath (Draconomicon), Tempt (The Book of
Hallowed Might), Termination Shock Breath (Inc.), Thanatopic Spell
(PRG:Ultimate Magic), The Path of Blood (The Tomes), Theosophist (Inc.),
Think Outside The Box (Secrets), Third Hand (E.A.:Whips), Threnodic Spell
(PRG:Ultimate Magic), Throw Attack (I.H:A.), Too Good To Be True (+20
Bluff) (A.N.A.:2013), Top Dog (+20 Handle Animal) (A.N.A.:2013),
Toughness, Tracing Breath (Inc.), Traceless (T.W.o.T.W.), Trained Memory
(Medieval Player's Manual), Trample, Transdimensional Spell (Complete
Arcane), Transferance (The Practical Enchanter), Treat Blindness/Deafness
(A.N.A.:2012), Treat Discomfort (A.N.A.:2012), Treat Paralysis
(A.N.A.:2012), Tree Sleeper (Wilds), Tremorsense (A.N.A.:2017), Triumph of
The Will (Gothic Campaign Compendium), True Name Lore (PCS:S&F), True
Voice (Hamunaptra), Tunnel Fighting (Races of Stone), Tunnel Riding (Races
of Stone), Turn Undead, Unbalance Opponent (D20M), Unbound Essence
(M.F.II), Uncanny Forethought (Inc.), Undead Horde (Inc.), Undead
Leadership (Libris Mortis), Undead Master (PRG:Ultimate Magic), Unholy Aura
(T.C.M.U.C.), Unholy Counterspelling (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Unholy
Friendship (Feats), Unholy Majesty (Errata:Benefit:You can Channel Energy
and Command Undead. Your "cleric level" = your character level. This stacks
w/your existing Channel Energy ability and Command Undead feat, if any.)
(T.C.M.U.C.), Unholy Toughness (Dark Arts of Necromancy), Unseen Spell
(Gothic Campaign Compendium), Unstoppable Spell (Inc.), Vampire Hunter
(Libris Mortis), Vampire Hunter Tradition (PRG:The World of Vampire Hunter
D), Vampire Scholar (PRG:The World of Vampire Hunter D), Vehicle Engineer
(F.P.C.:T.F.), Verminfriend (Drow of The Underdark), Versatile Unarmed
Strike (P.H.II), Vile Ki Strike (B.o.V.D.), Vile Martial Strike (B.o.V.D.), Vile
Natural Attack (B.o.V.D.), Vine Swinger (Wilds), Virulent Poison (Savage
Species), Walking The Area (Crime Scene:Feds), Warforged (Armor-based
Enhancements: - .; Weapon-based Enhancements: - .; Appearance:No
change.; Special:N'ksh can activate/deactivate any/all of these
enhancements, as an Immediate nonaction, at will.; NB:N'ksh's Artifact
Avatars (see previous; see below) have the same enhancements.) (Inc.),
Watcher (Crime Scene:Feds), Water Sense (Wilds), Weapon Finesse, Weapon
Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Tricks (NBoF), Weapon Versatility
(P.P.C.:Undead Slayer's Handbook), Weather Wise (T.W.o.T.W.), Whip Strike
(E.A.:Whips), Whipsword Shift (E.A.:Whips), Whirling Dervish Attack (Wilds),
Whirling Dervish Technique (x10; 0-Epic (10th)-level spells.) (Wilds),
Whirlwind Attack, Whirlwind Attack (The Tomes), Whispers of the Otherworld
(The Tomes), Wicked Strike (Feats), Widen Spell, Wild Sense (x3; Bird
Sense, Fish Sense, Snake Vision) (Dreadmire (Bonus Material)), Willowshield
(Wilds), Wind Sending (Frost & Fur), Wisdom of The Ages (NB:The bonus is
untyped.) (Feats), Witch Sense (T.W.o.T.W.), Wood Bones
(Dweomercraft:Lich), Woodcunning (Inc.), Work Divine Flesh (Requiem for a
God), Wounding Strike (Feats), Wrappings of the Ages (The Tomes),
Xenomedic (D20F), Zagovary (Appearance:No change.; Special:No Cha
penalty.) (Frost & Fur), Zero-G Training (D20F); NB:*Demon Hunter feats.
Lich feats are Tainted Feats.
Blood & [X] Feats (293):Abaniko (B&F), Accupressure (B&F), Achilles Lock
(B&F), Advanced Ground Fighting (B&F), Advanced Rush (B&F), Aikido (B&F),
Analytical Combat (B&F), Anatomical Expert (B&F), Angry Monkey (B&F),
Animal-Imitating Chuan Fa (Errata:Animal Styles:Dragon (purchased
seperately) plus any/all learned.) (B&F), Animal Sacrifice (B&R), Antari
(B&F), Antithesis (B&R), Archaic Weapons (x5; Chinese, Indian, Indonesian,
Japanese, Samurai) (B&F), Arnis (B&F), Ashi-Sokuto (B&F), Astrology (B&R),
Axe Kick (B&F), Back Kick (B&F), Balestra (B&F), Banshay (B&F), Banter
(B&F), Beam Deflection (B&F), Beam Sword Fencing (x3; Mystical, Power,
Speed) (B&F), Bear (B&F), Bear Hug (B&F), Bear Stance (B&F), Black
Bargain (B&R), Black Calling (B&R), Black Mass (B&R), Block (B&F), Blood
Altar (B&R), Bloodletting (B&R), Boar (B&F), Body Blow (B&F), Bow and
Arrow (B&F), Box Ears (B&F), Boxing (B&F), Brainwashing (B&R), Brazilian
Jiu-Jutsu (B&F), Broken Time (B&F), Brute (B&F), Bug Slayer (B&F), Bug
Squash (B&F), Bull (B&F), Burmese Bando (B&F), Burmese Boxing (B&F),
Bushido (B&F), Capoeira (B&F), Cat (B&F), Chan Si Bong (B&F), Chasse
Tournant (Sha-Sey Tour-Nonh) (B&F), Cheyel Ki (B&F), Chi Kung (B&F),
Choke Hold (B&F), Circle Kick (B&F), Clothesline (B&F), Cobra (B&F),
Commando Training (B&F), Conviction (Dark Power (Self (i.e. N'ksh.)))
(B&R), Counterstrike (B&F), Cradle Pin (B&F), Crane Kick (B&F), Crane
Stance (B&F), Crane's Beaks (B&F), Daisan (B&F), Dark Disciple (B&R), Dark
Magnetism (B&R), Deai (B&F), Death Harvest (B&R), Deceptive Attack (B&F),
Deer (B&F), Disarm Block (B&F), Dodge Roll (B&F), Dojukiri (B&F), Double
Claw (B&F), Double Eagle (B&F), Dragon (B&F), Dragon Bargain (Modern
Dispatch 29), Dragon Stance (B&F), Drunken Master (B&F), Duct-Tape
Engineering (B&S), Eagle (B&F), Eagle Claw (B&F), Eastern Wrestling (B&F),
Eight-Armed Flurry (B&F), Eight-Limbed Attack (B&F), Elbow Slam (B&F),
Enemy (Enemy:[Allegiance:Demogorgon].) (B&R), Extended Dragon (B&F),
Eye Gouge (B&F), Eyes In The Back of Your Head (B&F), Faith's Protection
(B&R), Fajing (B&F), Fall-Down Drunk (B&F), Fencing (x5; French, Generic
(x2; Dexterity, Strength), Italian, Spanish) (B&F), Float Like a Butterfly
(B&F), Flying Kick (B&F), Flying Tackle (B&F), Footwork (B&F), Fouette
Figure (Fwey-Tey Fee-Gure) (B&F), Four-Headed Attack (B&F), Friends In
High Places (B&R), Full Nelson (B&F), Gatka (B&F), Ginga (B&F), Goju-Ryu
Karate (B&F), Great Kiai (B&F), Greco-Roman Wrestling (B&F), Groin Kick
(B&F), Ground Fighting (B&F), Gun Fu (B&F), Half Nelson (B&F), Hang Time
(B&F), Hapkido (B&F), Haymaker (B&F), Head Butt (B&F), Head Squish
(B&B), Heart Punch (B&F), Heel Kick (B&F), Henchmen (B&R), High Pain
Threshold (B&F), Hip Throw (B&F), Hook (B&F), Hopboxing (Errata:Zero-G
Training replaces Zero-G Maneuvering.) (B&F), Horse (B&F), Hsing-I Kung Fu
(Animal Style(s):Dragon (purchased seperately) plus any/all learned.) (B&F),
Human Sacrifice (B&R), Hung Gar (B&F), Hwa Rang Do (B&F), Hydra (B&F),
Hypnotic Gestures (2d4+6 (no save)) (B&F), Iaijutsu (B&F), Iaijutsu Strike
(B&F), Ideologue (B&R), Immovable (B&F), Improved Block (B&F), Improved
Counterstrike (B&F), Improved Iaijutsu Strike (B&F), Improvised Implements
(Errata:Prerequisites:Brawl.; NB:Replaces Improvised Weapons (B&F).)
(B&B), Information Network (B&R), Inner Peace (B&F), Inner Power (B&F),
Inner Strength (B&F), Inspired Leadership (B&R), Instant Stand (B&F),
Investment (B&R), Jab (B&F), Jaw Rip (B&B), Jeet Kune Do (B&F), Joint Lock
(B&F), Jujutsu (B&F), Jump Kick (B&F), Jung Ki (B&F), Kajukenbo (B&F),
Karate (B&F), Kenjutsu (B&F), Kenpo (B&F), Ki (B&F), Ki Ryuk Sool (B&F),
Kiai (B&F), Kidney Punch (B&F), Knife Fighting (B&F), Kobujutsu (B&F), Krav
Maga (B&F), Kuk Sool Won (B&F), Kung Fu (B&F), Kyokushin Karate (B&F),
Kyudo (B&F), Kyung Ki (B&F), Lai Kai (B&F), Landing Crane (B&F), Leg
Sweep (B&F), Leopard (B&F), Leopard Crouch (B&F), Leopard Punch (B&F),
Lightning Strike (x1; +1d6) (B&F), Lock Block (B&F), Lunge (B&F), Lunge
Punch (B&F), Lurker's Eyes (B&F), Ma Ki (B&F), Machine Slayer (B&F), Man
to Man (B&F), Man to Many (B&F), Meia Lua de Frente (B&F), Meditation
(B&F), Momentum Throw (B&F), Monkey (B&F), Naginata-Jutsu (B&F), Nerve
Strike (B&F), Night Afflictions (B&R), Ninjutsu (B&F), No Holds Barred (B&F),
Nukite Zuki (B&F), Numbing Strike (B&F), Numerology (B&R), Octopus
(B&F), Off Switch (B&F), One Finger (B&F), One-Inch Punch (B&F), Pa-Kua
(B&F), Pak Antari (B&F), Palm Reading (B&R), Palm Strike (B&F), Pancration
(B&F), Panther (B&F), Pentagram (B&R), Pentjak Silat (B&F), Perdition's
Prayer (B&R), Pit Fighting (B&F), Poise (B&F), Polearm Fighting (B&F),
Pounce (B&F), Praying Mantis (B&F), Profane Ritual (B&R), Pseudo-Science
(B&S), Psychotherapy (B&R), Python (B&F), Repelling Touch (B&F), Ridge
Hand (B&F), Riding Horse (B&F), Rooster (B&F), Ross (B&F), Rush (B&F),
Sahblet (B&F), Sandstorm (B&F), Savate (B&F), School of Hard Knocks
(B&F), Scorpion (B&F), Scriptural Interpretation (B&R), Second Sight (B&R),
Self-Help (B&R), Shadow (B&F), Shadow Warrior (B&F), Shao-Lin Kung Fu
(B&F), Shin Ki (Errata:Alertness is Awareness.) (B&F), Shito-Ryu Karate
(B&F), Shotokan Karate (B&F), Short Power (B&F), Shuto-Uchi (B&F), Siku
Perisai (B&F), Silencing Strike (B&F), Silent Kill (B&F), Singularity (B&F),
Slash (B&F), Snake (B&F), Snap Kick (B&F), Sojutsu (B&F), Staff Fighting
(B&F), Stagger (B&F), Stalking Panther (B&F), Stick Fighting (B&F), Sticking
Touch (B&F), Sting Like a Bee (B&F), Suffocating Strike (B&F), Sword Dance
(B&F), T'ai Chi (B&F), T'ai Chi Chuan (B&F), Taiho-Jutsu (B&F), Tall Monkey
(B&F), Teamwork (Allegiance:The Damned.) (B&R), Teisho (B&F), Tendon
Lock (B&F), Thai Kickboxing (B&F), Thigh Kick (B&F), Tiger (B&F), Tiger Claw
(B&F), Tiger Stance (B&F), Thrust (B&F), Two-Handed Strike (B&F), Uppercut
(B&F), Vale Tudo (B&F), Void (B&F), Wado-Ryu Karate (B&F), White Crane
(B&F), Wing Chun (B&F), Wing Punch (B&F), Wuxia (B&F), Ying-Jow (Eagle
Claw Kung Fu) (B&F), Zen (B&F), Zen Archery (B&F), Zen Focus (B&F)
- Psionic Feats (41):Anxiety Trigger (B&S:PR), Attraction Trigger (B&S:PR),
Battle Plan (B&S:PR), Charm Person (B&S:PR), Clairaudience (B&S:PR),
Clairvoyance (B&S:PR), Danger Sense (B&S:PR), Domination (B&S:PR), Fight
Trigger (B&S:PR), Flight Trigger (B&S:PR), Foresight (B&S:PR), Future Sight
(B&S:PR), Levitation (B&S:PR), Lie Detector (B&S:PR), Mental
Communication (B&S:PR), Mind Blast (B&S:PR), Mind Crush (B&S:PR), Mind
Strike (B&S:PR), Mind Stun (B&S:PR), Perceive Danger (B&S:PR), Perceive
Outcome (B&S:PR), Precognition (B&S:PR), Precognitive Combat (B&S:PR),
Precognitive Dodge (B&S:PR), Precognitive Reflexes (B&S:PR), Psychic
Interrogation (B&S:PR), Rain of Objects (B&S:PR), Second Chance (B&S:PR),
Telekinesis (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Disarm (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Guide
(B&S:PR), Telekinetic Hand (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Hand II (B&S:PR),
Telekinetic Mastery (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Punch (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Shield
(B&S:PR), Telekinetic Shield II (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Slam (B&S:PR),
Telekinetic Sword (B&S:PR), Telekinetic Sword II (B&S:PR), Telepathy
(B&S:PR); Psyche: ∞ .
Errata:Martial arts feats increasing damage by one die type increase damage
by one category. Martial arts feats that increase damage by one additional
die or two die types increase damage by two categories.; Explanation:Epic
damage values are calculated differently.