7 - Earthquake Hazards and Seismic Hazard Assessment
7 - Earthquake Hazards and Seismic Hazard Assessment
7 - Earthquake Hazards and Seismic Hazard Assessment
• Ground shaking
• Ground displacement along faults: surface rupture
• Ground failures: soil liquefaction, landslide, mud slide, differential soil settlement, etc.
• Tsunami
• Floods from dam and levee failures
• Fires resulting from earthquakes
A building in Dagupan,
Philippines after the
1990 Luzon EQ
Overturned building in
Adpazari, Turkey in the 1999
Kocaeli EQ
Performance-based Seismic Design of Buildings – Semester: Spring 2020 (Fawad A. Najam) 10
Damage to Sewers
Sand Boiling
Sand Boiling
Crack or Residual
Residual Strain
Original Soil
Rigid Pipe
Lift-up Force
Replaced Soil (Liquefied)
• What will be the ground shaking intensity at the site produced by earthquakes of different size, focal depth, and
epicentral location?
• How will the ground motion be influenced by local soil conditions and geology?
• What will be the earthquake hazards (landslide, liquefaction, etc.) produced at the site?
• How about the susceptibility of buildings and structures to damage from the ground shaking and ground failures?
• In principle, Seismic Hazard Assessment (SHA) can address any natural hazard
associated with earthquakes, including ground shaking, fault rupture, landslide, liquefaction,
or tsunami.
• However, most interest is in the estimation of ground-shaking hazard, since it causes the
largest economic losses in most earthquakes.
• Moreover, of all the seismic hazards, ground motion is the predominant cause of
damage from earthquakes; building collapses, dam failures, landslides, and liquefactions
are all the direct result of ground motion.
• The Chapter, therefore, is restricted to the estimation of the earthquake ground motion
• Usually Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) is considered to be the preferred ground motion
• Seismic Hazard Analysis (SHA) has been widely used by engineers, regulators, and planners
to mitigate earthquake losses:
Specifying seismic design levels for individual structures and building codes
Insurance analysis
• DSHA considers the effect at a site of either a single scenario earthquake, or a relatively small number of individual
earthquakes. Challenge The selection of a representative earthquake on which the hazard assessment would be
• PSHA quantifies the hazard at a site from all earthquakes of all possible magnitudes, at all significant distances
from the site of interest, as a probability by taking into account their frequency of occurrence.