Define reat :-
As of my last update in September 2021, React.js is a popular open-source JavaScript library used
for building user interfaces and front-end applications. Developed and maintained by Facebook, it provides a
component-based architecture that allows developers to create reusable UI components, which makes it
easier to manage complex UIs.
Overall, React.js has gained significant popularity in the web development community due to its efficiency,
scalability, and developer-friendly approach. It is often used in combination with other libraries and tools to
create feature-rich, single-page applications (SPAs) and complex user interfaces. Keep in mind that there
might have been updates or new developments in React.js since my last update in September 2021, so I
recommend checking the official React.js documentation for the latest information.
Folder Structure:-
1. public/: This folder contains files that are directly shown to users when they visit your website, like
the main webpage (index.html) and other images.
2. src/: The main folder where you put most of your code.
3. src/components/: Here, you store small pieces of your website called "components" that you can
reuse in different parts of your site.
4. src/pages/: This folder holds bigger pieces of your website called "pages," which are made up of
several components and represent different sections of your site.
5. src/App.js: The main file that brings everything together and represents the structure of your
6. src/index.js: This file is like the starting point of your website and connects everything to the main
7. src/styles.css: A file where you put the styles to make your website look good.
8. package.json: A file with important information about your project and the things it depends on.
9. .gitignore: A file that tells your project to ignore certain files when you save your work.
Remember, this is a basic structure that you can adjust and add to as your project grows. The goal is to keep
your code organized so that it's easy to understand and maintain.
JSX, you can write HTML-like tags, attributes, and content, just like you would in regular HTML, but
within your JavaScript code. JSX helps to create and define the user interface of a React component in a
more intuitive and readable way.