Westok Cellbeam
CADS Link SCIA Engineer-Westok Cellbeam. Manual BS.
Revision history
Date Version Description Author
08.12.2016 16.012 KS
16.05.2017 17.002 Diagrams updated to match minor updates in SCIA Engineer KS
29.06.2017 17.1.4 Manual amended – composite beams added KS
25.10.2017 17.1.5 Minor typing mistakes fixed KS
1 CADS Link SCIA Engineer-Westok Cellbeam ................................................................................... 1
1.1 General information................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Running CADS link ................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Export to Westok Cellbeam ............................................................................................ 2 Tab “General”.............................................................................................................. 3 Tab “Steel beams” ....................................................................................................... 5 Tab “Composite beams” ............................................................................................. 6
1.2.2 Import from Westok Cellbeam ....................................................................................... 7
2 3D model in SCIA Engineer vs beam models in Westok Cellbeam ................................................. 9
2.1 General information................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Supported beam types: ........................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Non-composite beams. ................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Composite beams. ........................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Beam support (connections) ................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Creating Westok profiles in SCIA Engineer ........................................................................... 11
2.5 Floor bays geometry ............................................................................................................. 13
2.5.1 Non-composite beams. ................................................................................................. 13
2.5.2 Composite beams. ........................................................................................................ 15
2.6 Load cases ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.6.1 General rules ................................................................................................................. 17
2.6.2 Non-composite beams. ................................................................................................. 18 Westok “Permanent” load case (1)........................................................................... 18 Westok “Imposed” load case (2) ............................................................................... 18 Westok “Super imposed dead” load case (3)........................................................... 19
SCIA Engineer CADS LINK Westok Cellbeam
SCIA Engineer CADS LINK Westok Cellbeam
In the Properties window options will appear about the Westok transfer: “Selection” options, and
“Action” buttons.
“Selection” is a standard SCIA Engineer option, but using it with the link, only two options should be
Current: if the current selection of beams is to be transferred.
All: If all cellular beams are to be transferred, or beams in named selections are to be
Option “Filter” is not used in the link.
After clicking the “Action” button “Export to Westok”, the CADS link window will appear:
- 1: Help- manuals.
- 2: Tabs with software options.
- 6: Log file options: It allows the user to specify how error and warning messages are displayed in the
- 7: Beam selections: It gives the user three options about selected SCIA Engineer beams that are being
All: transfers all cellular beams from SCIA Engineer (ignoring any selections set up in SCIA
Engineer) .
Current: transfers only currently selected beams in SCIA Engineer. (Option “Current” has
to be chosen in the Selection options in SCIA Engineer). In case, when no beams have been
selected in SCIA Engineer as current selection, all “Westok” beams are shown in this
Named selections: transfers only beams in SCIA Engineer named selections (the User can
choose named selections in the table below Selection options).
- 8: After clicking on the button, the link will transfer the data and create the Westok “.cbxx” file.
Depending on the size of the project, it can take a couple of seconds, up to a couple of minutes.
Once the data transfer is complete, an information window with three buttons should appear, as
shown below.
Warnings (W): information about beams, where some properties/loadings have been
amended because of incompatibility between SCIA Engineer and Westok Cellbeam.
Warnings do not cause failure of data transfer, but often they have important information
about beams, so they have to be read carefully.
Errors (E): information about the reason of unsuccessful data transfer.
For the table with errors and warnings, please refer to section 3.
10: Options are explained in Load combinations (see section 2.7).
-11: Load cases in Westok Cellbeam and equivalent load cases in SCIA Engineer (see section 2.6).
-12: Default data required by Westok Cellbeam. For more detailed help, please refer to Westok
Cellbeam help/manuals. All data set up in this window will be applied to all transferred beams in the
project. If some beams have different data, they have to be updated manually in Westok software.
-13: Decking direction tolerance angle. In Westok Cellbeam, there are only two possible metal decking
arrangements: with troughs perpendicular or parallel to the beam. However, in SCIA Engineer it is
possible to model decking, where angle between decking troughs and beam may be different from
90°. If difference between the SCIA Engineer angle and 90° is small, in practical solutions it may be
neglected. CADS link allows user to set up such tolerance angle.
-14: Generation of text file with default shear connection degrees. One of composite beam properties
is degree of shear connection. In current version of Westok Cellbeam it is not possible to transfer such
values to the SCIA Engineer through the link.
There are two possible solutions:
The link transfers the default value 40.0% for every beam, and then the user has to change
values manually in SCIA Engineer, based on values from Westok Cellbeam reports.
Instead of updating values in SCIA Engineer, the CADS link can read values from txt file, and
transfer them to SCIA Engineer. Button 14 generates the txt file with default values 40.0%, in
the folder, where the SCIA Engineer project has been saved, and the user can update values
In case, where the link cannot find txt file with connection degree, it will transfer default value 40.0%
for every beam.
-15: Load cases in Wetok Cellbeam and equivalent load cases in SCIA Engineer (see 2.6).
After clicking on “Import from Westok” button, the user should choose the “.cbxx” file with updated
Cellbeam project file:
Please note, that related “.s2w” file has to be saved in the same folder, as chosen “.cbxx” file. Originally
these two files have been created in the SCIA Engineer project folder, but if the user has moves the
“.cbxx” file, the associated ”.s2w” file, also needs to be moved.
If the data transfer is successful, the SCIA Engineer model and beam profiles should be updated. Below
there is the SCIA Engineer 3D model before and after import from Westok.
Cantilevered, sloping, or curved beams are not allowed to be transferred to the Westok Cellbeam.
The end support condition in Westok beam is created, based on highlighted hinge properties in SCIA
Engineer. Information other than highlighted above, is not important for Westok Cellbeam, as there
is no possibility to analyse beams for biaxial bending.
Cases, where a beam is supported on 2D members (slab or wall) or point supports are defined on
beam ends, are not supported in the link.
Other data in 1D member properties are similar to SCIA Engineer cellular beams (for more detailed
information please refer to SCIA Engineer help).
After the data transfer to Westok Cellbeam, beams B61 and B63 arrangement slab/panel and beam
arrangement looks like:
Length of panel bay sides, shown above are: 8.85 for side 2 (which is assumed to be a span of the
longest intermediate beam), and 0.5 for side 1.
Because we did not transfer any slab/panel loads, those dimensions are irrelevant.
The important dimensions: 4.44m, 3m, 3m have been transferred correctly, and they are important,
as they show beam reaction positions, as well as top restraint positions.
Note: 0.5m is the min slab bay length we can add in Cellbeam. Slab bay with 0.5m length will be shown,
where we have no slab on beam side, or we have a slab, but without beams supported on the main
Similarly, we have the beam B61 in Cellbeam:
SCIA Engineer
Westok Cellbeam
In case where user uses “Shape of rib”: Automatic, in SCIA Engineer, the same formula for effective
slab width is used in both software.
In the tab “Load cases”, in the link, there are displayed Westok load cases, and similar load cases in
SCIA Engineer (before merging and transfer to Cellbeam).
For loads defined in Westok load cases, there are also some restrictions about sign and direction of
loads, whereas in SCIA Engineer, we can apply loads without such restrictions.
To make load data transfer possible, some assumptions and simplifications, have been made to
transfer data.
Generally, we can group Westok load cases into two groups:
Gravitational load cases (1, 2, 3, 4), where the direction of load is allowed to be vertical only
(direction Z in SCIA Engineer GCS).
Wind load cases (6, 7), where the direction of load has to be perpendicular to the member
(direction Z in SCIA Engineer member LCS).
There are general rules, about load transfer to Westok Cellbeam:
In Cellbeam, it is possible to apply only forces with positive sign to the beam. In cases where
in SCIA Engineer there are forces for gravitational load cases, which are directed upwards,
such forces are omitted in data transfer.
All loads cases and groups have to have correct properties setup (i.e. description, load type…),
to be translated to the equivalent Cellbeam load types.
No axial forces caused by gravitational loads are transferred from SCIA Engineer to Westok
Cellbeam. It may happen that significant axial forces occur in beams from gravitational loads,
(i.e. in the case of unsymmetrical buildings). In such cases it has to be judged by the user if
such axial forces must not be neglected, and they have to be applied to beams, manually, as
end point forces.
Because all loadings are transferred to Westok Cellbeam, as additional loadings on the beam,
all floor loadings are set up to 0 [kN/m2] (as well as concrete densities in composite beams are
set up to 0 [kg/m3]), to avoid double load transfer.
As SCIA Engineer calculates self-weight loads automatically, it is recommended to not change such
The resultant load case in Westok Cellbeam, will include line loads on the beam, from both SCIA
Engineer load cases
Westok Cellbeam allows to apply only loads parallel to SCIA Engineer GCS axis Z and directed
downwards. Any loads in SCIA Engineer, which do not match these rules, will not be transferred to
Westok software, and a warning message will be shown in the log text file.
Case Notes
1 All wind load cases cause -Pressure case is the case, which causes max span moment for simple
bending moments (and axial supported beam (min fixity moment for cantilever)
forces) on the beam -Suction case is the case, which causes min span moment for simple
supported beam (max fixity moment for cantilever)
2 All wind load cases cause only -Pressure case is the case, which causes max compression force in the
axial forces (and no bending beam
moments) on the beam -Suction case is the case, which causes max tension force in the beam
3 Some wind load cases are Critical cases cannot be recognised by the link.
causing bending moments, In this case no wind loads will be transferred to Cellbeam
and some only axial forces
On the picture above, only the vertical part (shown as red) of the beam reaction (shown as green) will
be transferred to the cellular beam.
SCIA Engineer generates two partial Concrete weight load cases for composite buildings:
Automatically generated dry concrete load case will be transferred to Westok Cellbeam as
superimposed dead load case, in addition to mentioned earlier user defined SCIA Engineer cases. The
link recognize that SCIA Engineer load case searching for words “dry” and “concrete” in the description
or in the load case name.
In the case of composite beams, it is possible to define accidental “Fire combination”- see link main
window tab “Composite beams”.
2.8 Loadings
The “trapezoidal load” from SCIA Engineer, with values q1=-6.06 and g2=1.16 has been replaced with
“trapezoidal load” with values q1=6.06 and g2=0.01 (~0.00) in Westok.
In cases where the user would like to model beams with fixed supports, it is possible in
Cellbeam to add end moments to simple supported beams, but they have to be added by the
User manually.
Gravitational loads: In case of unsymmetrical buildings modelled in 3D, it may happen that
forces applied to beams at one floor may have impact on internal forces in beams on other
floors. Because of limited number of load cases in Cellbeam, no axial forces from gravitational
loads are transferred through the link. In most cases stresses from “gravitational” axial forces,
are relatively small compared to stresses from bending moments. However the User, has to
check it, and judge, if axial forces from gravitational cases have to be applied manually.
Wind loads: If link recognises critical “pressure” and “suction” load case (see sections
and, axial loads from such load cases will be transferred to Cellbeam. It may happen
that in SCIA Engineer axial forces are not constant. As in Westok software we can apply only
one horizontal force value. Such force will be calculated, as 0.5(Nbeg+ Nend).
W19 Some point forces, (for wind load cases), applied to the beam, have been ignored. Only
point forces parallel to the beam principal axis Z have been transferred from SCIA Engineer
to Westok Cellbeam.
W20 Some point forces, for load cases other than wind, applied to the beam, have been
ignored. Only forces, parallel to SCIA Engineer GCS axis Z, have been transferred from SCIA
Engineer to Westok Cellbeam.
W21 SCIA Engineer saved selections, which do not contain Westok cellular beams, have been
excluded from selections in the link.
W22 Wind loads have not been transferred to some of beams (axial and normal loads). Please
apply wind loads manually in Westok Cellbeam.")
W23 "Axial forces in beams from wind load cases (applied as horizontal forces to beam ends)
have not been transferred to Cellbeam. If axial loads have to be transferred, please tick
check box on link main form.
W24 "One of wind load cases has positive and negative forces on the beam.
As it is not possible to apply loads with different signs in one wind load case, in the Westok
Cellbeam, such loads and load cases have not been transferred from SCIA Engineer. User
has to decide, how to apply such loads manually.
W25 Beam does not have pinned both ends, and is not cantilever. Such beam has not been
transferred to Westok Cellbem software.
E26 Composite beam is not horizontal (The coordinate 'z' of begin node is not the same as
coordinate 'z' of end node).
E27 Composite beam in Westok Cellbeam cannot be cantilevered.
E28 Composite beam in Westok Cellbeam cannot be curved.
W29 Composite beam have been transferred to Westok Cellbeam, as mirrored.
W30 Incorrect decking concrete grade has been used in SCIA Engineer. Min allowable Westok
Cellbeam grade has been used instead (BS:C30, EC:C20/25).
W31 Metal sheeting on the beam is not standard Westok Cellbeam deck type.