Program Checklist

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Program Report Checklist

1. Program: : Tinkercad: Computational Thinking Skill

2. Venue: : IPGKPP
3. Participants: : STEM Club
4. No of Participants : 32
5. Facilitator : 9
6. Duration Time : 8.00 am – 4.00 pm (8 Hours)
Getting Started

1. Start on time. /
2. pre-test questions are provided. All participants were asked to answer the pre- /
test questions online.

3. Participants are given soft copy Materials for reference which will be used
throughout the program.

4. Introduce yourself and all other teams members. /

5. Introduction by using PowerPoint.
6. State what your roles and team members in the program. /
7. Participants were briefed about the programme schedule. /
8. The participants were briefed on the material to be used.
9. All participants were briefed about the law of the program.
10. Urge participants to carefully perform all exercises as instructed and make notes
of any problems or confusion during the program.

11. Ask participants if they had any question regarding about the material or other
problem before start doing the activity.

While the program is Under Way:

1. Participants are guided through the activity step by step. /

2. Make sure participants may move through the materials at their own pace /
during the activity.

3. The facilitator monitors participants from table to table to ensure that the
program runs smoothly.
4. Set general targets for completion time for each activity. /
5. The facilitator will assist the participant if there are any problems with regard to /
the activity.

6. A video related with the activity is provided and played during the activity. /
7. The facilitator always maintains a good relationship with the participants by
being interspersed with jokes and chatting to avoid stress during activities.

8. Keep things moving and on time. Participants can finish each activity provided /
on time.

9. Every question posed by the participants will be answered immediately. /

10. Plan to release people go to recess who finish before others (though don't /
announce this as policy).

End of the Program

1. The closing ceremony is carried out according to a predetermined time. /

2. Souvenirs are prepared and given to the IPGKPP lecturers involved. /
3. All participants were asked to share the results of the activity in Telegram. /
4. Post-test questions are provided. All participants were asked to answer the pre- /
test questions through online.

5. All facilitators make sure everything has been updated before the end of the /

6. Food is prepared. Participants were asked to pick up food before returning /


7. End of program. /

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