Program Checklist
Program Checklist
Program Checklist
1. Start on time. /
2. pre-test questions are provided. All participants were asked to answer the pre- /
test questions online.
3. Participants are given soft copy Materials for reference which will be used
throughout the program.
11. Ask participants if they had any question regarding about the material or other
problem before start doing the activity.
3. The facilitator monitors participants from table to table to ensure that the
program runs smoothly.
4. Set general targets for completion time for each activity. /
5. The facilitator will assist the participant if there are any problems with regard to /
the activity.
6. A video related with the activity is provided and played during the activity. /
7. The facilitator always maintains a good relationship with the participants by
being interspersed with jokes and chatting to avoid stress during activities.
8. Keep things moving and on time. Participants can finish each activity provided /
on time.
5. All facilitators make sure everything has been updated before the end of the /
7. End of program. /