Basic Readings in Translation Studies
Basic Readings in Translation Studies
Basic Readings in Translation Studies
on basic background readings in Translation Studies. The official reading period begins on October 15 and will be conducted as a group process with on-line communication. Students will be provided with worksheets comprising basic questions to be answered (in writing) and discussion (via email and chat). Prior to that period, it is recommended that students ensure that the basic texts are available to them. This could involve either purchasing the books or requesting that libraries order them. Essential general texts Williams, Jenny and Andrew Chesterman. 2002. The Map. A beginner's guide to doing research in translation studies. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Toury, Gideon. 1995. Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond. Benjamins: Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Hermans, Theo. 1999. Translation in Systems. Manchester: St Jerome. Nord, Christiane. 1997. Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functionalist Approaches Explained. Manchester: St Jerome. Venuti, Lawrence, ed. 2000. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge,
Specialized background texts (for students working in these areas): Gile, Daniel, Helle Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager, eds. 2001. Getting started in interpreting research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. Kiraly, Don. 2000. A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education, Manchester: St Jerome. Pchhacker, Franz & Miriam Shlesinger, eds. 2002. The Interpreting Studies Reader. London: Routledge. Pym, Anthony. 1998. Method in Translation History. Manchester: St Jerome.
Communicating research in English Anthony Pym and tutors (distance mode) This online course will provide pointers to the norms of a range of academic texts genres in English, written, spoken and electronic. Addressed to both native and non-native speakers, it will not be a general course in the English language, nor will it duplicate general communications-skills courses. Instead, it will focus restrictively on the features specific to English in these genres, at each point noting and correcting common faults. Since the course will be open to participants from other doctoral programs, the linguistic analyses will be kept as accessible as possible. Main topics 1. Norms of technical English 2. Varieties and styles of academic English 3. Academic articles 4. Abstracts 5. Reviews 6. Applications for funding 7. Presenting statistics 8. Revision techniques 9. Oral presentations 10. PowerPoint presentations
This course is designed to give students the basic technical skills needed for research in the general field of Translation and Intercultural Studies, viewed as part of the behavioral sciences. Attention is paid research design and the control of variables. Readings will mainly be focused on the design of previous research projects, with special attention to their strengths and weaknesses. The course also includes an introduction to inferential statistics and to the principles of scientometric research in the behavioral sciences. The course will place research principles and techniques within the context of an interdiscipline, drawing on the techniques and findings of several better-established disciplines. Special attention is given to the role of theory development in empirical research design. As an example of interdisciplinarity, an introductory analysis will be made of the relations between translation research and research on interpreting, where the latter draws on cognitive sciences. Main topics 1. Pre-testing and piloting in empirical research 2. Analyzing relations between different kinds of variables 3. Controlling variability 4. The rationale of inferential statistics (post-seminar reading material) 5. Scientometric research (post-seminar reading material) 6. The role of theory in empirical research 7. Issues in interdisciplinarity 8. The role of cognitive concepts in interpreting research 9. Interaction between translation and interpreting research 10. Overview of problems in research design. Bibliography and suggested reading Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Heidrun. 2000. "Theory-related translation research: Some thoughts on methodology". Hermes 26, 81-95. Gile, Daniel, Helle Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds). 2001. Getting started in interpreting research. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. Olohan, Maeve, ed. 2000. Intercultural Faultlines. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Tymoczko, Maria. 2002. "Connecting the two infinite orders: Research methods in translation studies". Theo Hermans (ed), Crosscultural transgressions. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 9-25.
Principles of empirical research in Translation Studies 2 Andrew Chesterman This course is designed to introduce students to the basic skills needed for research in the general field of Translation Studies. Attention is paid to topic selection, modes of argument and evidence, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses. Attempts will be made to stimulate debate on these issues, particularly as they affect research ethics. The seminar will build on the main points made in The Map (2002). Most of the issues raised will be refined and debated in later modules. Main topics 1. PhD research: expectations 2. Issues in topic selection and topic planning 3. Choosing a conceptual framework 4. Basic models of translation (comparative, process, causal) 5. Argument and evidence 6. Making different kinds of claims/hypotheses 7. Testing hypotheses 8. Critical reading of previous research 9. Drawing conclusions 10. Research ethics and social relevance Required preliminary reading
Williams, Jenny and Andrew Chesterman. 2002. The Map. A beginner's guide to doing research in translation studies. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. Tymoczko, Maria. 2002. "Connecting the two infinite orders: Research methods in translation studies". Theo Hermans, ed. Crosscultural transgressions. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 9-25. Bibliography and suggested reading Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Heidrun. 2000. "Theory-related translation research: Some thoughts on methodology". Hermes 26, 81-95. Gile, Daniel, Helle Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager, eds. 2001. Getting started in interpreting research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. Johansson, Stig. 2004. Why change the subject? On changes in subject selection in translation from English into Norwegian, Target 16, 1. Olohan, Maeve, ed. 2000. Intercultural Faultlines: Research Models in Translation Studies I: Textual and Cognitive Aspects. Manchester: St Jerome.
Contemporary theories of translation 1 Anthony Pym (available in distance mode) This course will attempt to give an overview of twentieth-century theories of mediation between cultures, using that frame as a background for the identification and presentation of the main theories of translation. The course is intended to develop a vocabulary for talking about different approaches to mediation, despite the fact that many of the available theories were developed with respect to translation only. Emphasis will be placed on the approaches that are not dealt with extensively elsewhere in the program, particularly Skopostheorie and associated actionbased approaches, as well as the analytical tradition leading from Quine. The plurality of available theories will be dealt with through models of interdisciplinarity, which will in turn be related to the plurality of available research designs. Main topics 1. Structuralist dilemmas and the impossibility of translation 2. Hermeneutic approaches 3. Equivalence-based approaches 4. Systems-based approaches 5. Action-based approaches 6. Cognitive approaches 7. Quine and the analytical tradition 8. Cooperation theory 9. Theories of interdisciplinarity 10. Consequences for research design Bibliography and suggested reading Axelrod, Robert. 1997. The Complexity of Cooperation. Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Berman, Antoine. 1984. L'preuve de l'tranger. Culture et traduction dans l'Allemagne romantique. Paris: Gallimard. Chau, Simon S. C. (Chau Suicheong). 1984. 'Hermeneutics and the translator: The ontological dimension of translating', Multilingua 3(2):71-77. Hermans, Theo. 1999. Translation in Systems. Descriptive and System-Oriented Approaches Explained. Manchester: St.Jerome. Pym, Anthony. 2000. "On Cooperation", Intercultural Faultlines: Research Models in Translation Studies I: Textual and Cognitive Aspects, ed. Maeve Olohan, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing. 181-192. Quine, Willard Van Orman (1960). 'Translation and Meaning'. Word and Object. Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press. 26-79. Reprinted in Lawrence Venuti, ed. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge. 94-112. Vermeer, Hans. J. 1989. "Skopos and Commission in Translational Action", trans. Andrew Chesterman in Andrew Chesterman, ed. Readings in Translation Theory. Helsinki: Oy Finn
Lectura, 173-187. Reprinted in Lawrence Venuti, ed. The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge. 221-232.
Contemporary theories of translation 2 Christina Schffner This course will provide a metalanguage for describing texts and translation shifts at abovesentence level, focusing on methodological tools from pragmatics and text linguistics. Concepts such as coherence and cohesion, genre and text type, speech acts, frames and scenes will be discussed in their relevance to translation. The second part of the course will work on authentic case studies drawn from the field of news texts, with discussion of how far the findings made in that field can be generalized. The aim of the course is not to cover everything that has been done in linguistic theory, but to provide descriptive tools that can be used for the analysis of cross-cultural communication in general. Main topics 1. Text-linguistic models 2. Genre analysis 3. Speech Act theory 4. Gricean cooperation and maxims 5. Pragmatic features 6. The nature of news translation 7. Goffman's theories of the Participation Framework 8. Frames and scenes 9. Audience Design 10. Politeness. Bibliography and suggested reading Beaugrande, de Robert and Dressler, Wolfgang (1981) Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman. Colina, Sonia (1997) Contrastive Rhetoric and Text-Typological Conventions in Translation Teaching. Target 9, 335-53. Gpferich, Susanne (1995) Textsorten in Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Pragmatische Typologie - Kontrastierung - Translation. Tbingen: Narr. Grice, H. Paul. 1975. 'Logic and Conversation', in Peter Cole and Jerry L. Morgan, eds Syntax and Semantics 3: Speech Acts, New York: Academic Press, 41-58._ Hatim, Basil and Mason, Ian (1990) Discourse and the Translator. London: Longman. Hatim, Basil and Mason, Ian (1997) The Translator as Communicator. London: Routledge. Hickey, Leo (ed.) (1998) The Pragmatics of Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Hickey, Leo and Stewart, Miranda (eds) (2005) Politeness in Europe. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Neubert, Albrecht and Shreve, Gregory M. (1992) Translation as Text. Kent and London: Kent State University Press. Rei, Katharina (1971), Mglichkeiten und Grenzen der bersetzungskritik. Mnchen Trosborg, Anna (ed.) Analysing Professional Genres. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins. Trosborg, Anna (ed.) (1997) Text typology and translation. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.
This course is designed to explore translation as cultural, social and/or political enactment from various perspectives. First, we will examine the degree to which society-based and culturebased implications on translation do intersect. To approach this question, we will discuss several concepts of culture that aim to help transcend these binary views by identifying the constitution of cultures as symbol-forming and subject-constituting practices. Against this background, students will be encouraged to consider those approaches and models in sociology (Bourdieu, Luhmann, Actor Network Theory) and (postcolonial) cultural studies/anthropology (Bhabha,
Clifford) which will stimulate them to elaborate research designs drawing on insights from the interaction between agency and "field" or "system" through translation. Particular emphasis will be placed on the functions and roles of translation in the construction of pluricentric societies and hybrid identities. Main topics 1. Concepts of culture 2. Concepts of multiculturalism 3. Bourdieu and his sociology of culture 4. Actor Network Theory and its impact on the analysis of the translation process 5. Hybridity theories 6. Ethnographic approaches to translation 7. Translation as representation or recontextualisation 8. Translations contribution to the construction of society/identity
Bibliography and suggested reading Bachmann-Medic, Doris (1996) Cultural Misunderstanding in Translation: Multicultural Coexistence and Multicultural Conceptions of World Literature, in: EESE (Erfurt Electronic Studies in English) 7 Bhabha, Homi K. (1990) Interview with Homi Bhabha in: Rutherford, Jonathan (ed.) Identity. Community, Culture, Difference. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 207-221. Bourdieu, Pierre (1993) The Field of Cultural Production. Cambridge: Polity Press; New York: Columbia University Press. (or: Jenkins, Richard (2002) Pierre Bourdieu. Revised Edition. London and New York: Routledge). Buzelin, Hlne (2005) Unexpected Allies. How Latours Network Theory Could Complement Bourdieusian Analyses in Translation Studies, in: The Translator 11.2, 193-218. Heilbron, Johan/Sapiro, Gisle (2002) Les changes littraires internationaux . Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 144, septembre 2002. Hermans, Theo (1999) Translation in Systems. Descriptive and System-oriented Approaches Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome. Inghilleri, Moira (2005) The Sociology of Bourdieu and the Construction of the Object in Translation and Interpreting Studies, in: The Translator 11.2, 125-145. Latour, Bruno (1998) On actor-network theory. A few clarifications, in Simeoni, Daniel (1998) The Pivotal Status of the Translators Habitus in: Target 10.1, 1-39. Wolf, Michaela (2002) Culture as Translation - and Beyond. Ethnographic Models of Representation in Translation Studies, in: Hermans, Theo (ed.) Crosscultural Transgressions. Manchester: St. Jerome, 180-192. Wolf, Michaela (2006) The female state of the art: Women in the translation field, in: Pym, Anthony/Shlesinger, Miriam/Jettmarov, Zuzana (eds.) Sociocultural aspects of translating and interpreting. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Functionalist translation analysis Christiane Nord It is often said that Skopos theory has "dethroned" (or even abolished!) the source text. Nevertheless, translators still have to translate source texts, and to do this, they must identify translation units and decide what to do with them in the translation process. The same applies to translation description and criticism or even quality assessment: In order to compare source and target texts and achieve a fair judgment of a translation, we need a tertium comparationis, which I suggest should be the communicative function of the translation unit. The course will deal with all the functional aspects that come into play both in translation and translation description, allowing also a look at what they might mean for translator training. Main topics 1. Basic principles of Skopos theory 2. Defining the purpose: the translation brief
3. A 4-function model for translation analysis 4. Linguistic and non-linguistic function markers 5. Communicative functions across language-and-culture boundaries 6. Text functions - translation functions 7. Norms and conventions in functional translation 8. Functional units in translation description 9. Source-text analysis vs. target-text analysis: functionalist aspects of evaluation 10. Functionalist analysis in Bible translation Bibliography and suggested reading Bhler, Karl (1934): Sprachtheorie, Jena: Fischer [In Spanish: Teora del lenguaje] Jakobson, Roman (1960): Linguistics and Poetics, in Thomas A. Sebeok (ed.) Style in Language. Cambrdige/Mass.: Nord, Christiane (1995): Text-functions in translation. Titles and Headings as a Case in Point, in Target 7:2 (1995), 261-284. Nord, Christiane (1997a): Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functionalist Approaches Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome. Nord, Christiane (1997b): Functional Translation Units, in: Anna Mauranen & Tiina Puurtinen (eds) Translation - Acquisition - Use. AfinLA Yearbook 1997. Jyvskyla: Publications de l'Association Finlandaise de Linguistique Applique, 41-50. [In Spanish: La unidad de traduccin desde un enfoque funcional, in Quaderns. Revista de traducci 1:1998, 65-77.] Nord, Christiane (1997c): A Functional Typology of Translations, in Anna Trosborg (ed.), Text Typology and Translation, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1997, 43-66. Nord, Christiane (2002): Function and Loyalty in Bible Translation, in Mara Calzada Prez (ed.): Apropos of Ideology. Translation Studies on Ideology - Ideologies in Translation Studies, Manchester: St. Jerome, 89-112. Nord, Christiane (2004a): La funcin ftica en los textos publicitarios. Una comparacin estilstica intercultural espaol - ingls - alemn, in Lourdes Lorenzo Garca und Ana Pereira (Hgg.): Traduccin subordinada III: Traduccin y publicidad, Vigo: Servicio de Publicacins, 213-230. Nord, Christiane (2004b): Comunicarse funcionalmente en dos lenguas, in Faber, Pamela / Jimnez, Catalina / Wotjak, Gerd (eds) (2004): Lxico especializado y comunicacin interlingstica. Granada: Granada Lingvistica, 285-296. Nord, Christiane (2005): Text Analysis in Translation. Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation-Oriented Text Analysis, 2nd revised edition, AmsterdamAtlanta: Rodopi. Nord, Christiane (2006): Functional and Skopos Oriented Approaches to Translation, in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed., edited by Keith Brown, Elsevier: Oxford, 2006 (ISBN 0-08-044299-4). Vermeer, Hans J. (1989): Skopos and commission in translational action, in Chesterman, Andrew (ed.): Readings in Translation, Helsinki: Oy Finn Lectura Ab, 173-187. Reiss, Katharina & Vermeer, Hans J. (1984): Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie, Tbingen: Niemeyer. [In Spanish: Fundamentos para una teora funcional de la traduccin, 1996]
Analysis of audiovisual translation Yves Gambier This course will present a sociolinguistic approach to the analysis of audiovisual translation (incorporating "screen translation" and "multi-media translation"). It will reformulate basic concepts such as "text", "screen texts", "strategies" and "acceptability", and insert close text analysis with a developed awareness of the social and commercial context. Analysis of a number of case studies will introduce problems of ethical responsibility, quality assessment, and the viability of statistical methods in this field. Main Topics 1. The types of screen translation 2. Screen translation and language policy (case studies) 3. Screen translation, genres and language norms/variations
4. Ethics and responsibility of the screen translators 5. Quality: parameters and features (readability, legibility): a psycholinguistic perspective 6. Viewers and reception (sociological survey) 7. Marketing, audiovisual production and screen translation (statistical overviews) 8. Screen translation and Translation Studies Bibliography and suggested reading Bollettieri Bosinelli RM et al (eds) 2000. La traduzione multimediale. Quale traduzione per quale testo? Bologna: CLUB. Cattrysse Patrick, 1992. Pour une thorie de l'adaptation filmique. Le film noir amricain. Berne: Peter Lang. De Linde Zoe & Neil Kay 1999. The semiotics of subtitling. Manchester: ST Jerome. Duro, Miguel (coord.) 2001. La traduccin para el doblaje y la subtitulacin. Madrid: Catedra. Gambier, Yves & Henrik Gottlieb (eds) 2001. (Multi)Media Translation, Concepts, Practices, and Research. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. Gambier, Yves (ed.) 2003. La traduction audiovisuelle, numro spcial de Meta 48. Gambier Yves 2005. "Orientations de la recherche en traduction audiovisuelle", Target 17 (1). Karamitrouglou Fotos. 2000. Towards a methodology for the investigation of norms in audiovisual translation. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi. Orero, Pilar (ed.) 2004. Topics in Audiovisual Translation. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J.Benjamins.
Translation and human language technologies Belinda Maia The course is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the way the need for translation led to the development of language technologies and of how professional translation has been affected by them. Machine translation, computer assisted translation, localization tools and a wide variety of other electronic resources and tools have all come to affect the work processes of professional translators. The development and application of these technologies offer many possibilities for research projects, as do the evaluation of these technologies and the effect they have on translation and other language services. Main Topics 1. Human language technologies - past, present and future 2. History of machine translation and its present possibilities and limitations 3. Computer assisted translation and localization 4. Terminology and knowledge engineering 5. Using corpora and the WWW for research on translation 6. Research approaches to electronic translation tools 7. Effects of electronic tools on the translator's work processes Bibliography and suggested reading Arnold, D.J., Lorna Balkan, Siety Meijer, R.Lee Humphreys and Louisa Sadler. 1994. Machine Translation: an Introductory Guide. London: Blackwells-NCC, ISBN: 1855542-17x On-line version at Bowker, Lynne. 2002. Computer-Aided Translation Technology. University of Ottawa Press. Esselink, Bert. 2000. A Practical Guide to Localization. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. Hutchins, J. Webpage on Machine Translation at Lockwood, Rose and Joscelyne, Andrew. 2003 EUROMAP - Language Technologies - at Melby, Alan K. 1995. The Possibility of Language: A discussion of the Nature of Language, with implications for Human and Machine Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Wright, S. E. & G. Budin. 1997. Handbook of Terminology Management. Vol. I: Basic aspects of Terminology Management. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. Wright, S. E. and G. Budin. 2001. Handbook of Terminology Management. Vol. II, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Research on interpreting Franz Pchhacker This course will trace the history of ideas that have privileged conference interpreting over the various other forms of interpreting. A survey will be made of the main methodological options for empirical research on the wider field of interpreting. Fieldwork, survey research, and experimentation will be introduced as the three main strategic approaches, illustrated by selected studies in the literature. The use of various methods and techniques for the collection and analysis of data, including observation, interviewing, and document analysis, will in turn be illustrated by case studies of selected research on topics such as working memory, input variables, role descriptions and performance analysis. In keeping with the broad concept of 'interpreting', the course will address research issues in diverse settings and domains of interpreting, including media interpreting, and community-based interpreting in spoken as well as signed languages. Main topics 1. Variety and history of research in the field 2. Fieldwork 3. Survey research 4. Experimentation 5. Data collection techniques 6. Accounting for contextual factors 7. Media interpreting 8. Community-based interpreting 9. Signed interpreting Reference text Pchhacker, Franz & Miriam Shlesinger, eds. 2002. The Interpreting Studies Reader. London: Routledge. Bibliography and suggested reading Garzone, G. & M. Viezzi, eds. 2002. Interpreting in the 21st Century. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen & Anne Schjoldager, eds. 2001. Getting Started in Interpreting Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Gile, Daniel. 1995. "Fidelity Assessment in Consecutive Interpretation: an Experiment", Target 7 (1): 151-64. Pchhacker, Franz. 2000. Dolmetschen. Konzeptuelle Grundlagen und deskriptive Untersuchungen. Tbingen: Stauffenburg. Seguinot, Candace. 1997. Accounting for Variability in Translation. In: Danks, J. H., Shreve, G. M., Fountain, S. B. & McBeath, M. K. eds. Cognitive Processes in Translation and Interpreting. London: Sage. 104-19. Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit & Riitta Jskelinen, eds 2000. Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Research on translator training 1 Dorothy Kelly This course is designed to introduce issues relating to research in the field of translator and interpreter training, with the aim of providing an overview of areas of study and approaches. On completion of course activities, participants should be familiar with current research areas, methods and practices, and able to design a viable research project in the field of translator and interpreter training. Preliminary reading: Kelly, Dorothy (2005) A Handbook for Translator Trainers: a Guide to Reflective Practice. Manchester: St Jerome.
A list of publications of interest will be distributed and commented on in the face-to-face sessions.
Research on translator training 2 Christopher Scott-Tennent (distance mode) This course will review several empirical research projects dealing with the training of translators, following through and analyzing each successive step in the research process. The focus will be on the teaching of translation strategies, their definition in operational terms, the selection of subjects, control groups, control of variables, final measurement, statistical analysis, and the drawing of conclusions. Participants will be expected to draw up and apply empirical research designs related to this model, making this course a practical application of the concepts and procedures developed in previous courses. Main topics 1. Translation strategies as object 2. Operational definitions 3. Selection of subjects 4. Controlling variables 5. Control groups 6. Questionnaire design 7. Compiling data 8. Statistical significance 9. Problems of generalization 10. The limits of quantitative methodology Bibliography and suggested reading Bachman, Lyle F. 1990. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Beeby, Allison, Doris Ensinger, Marisa Presas, eds. 2000. Investigating Translation. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. Campbell, Stuart. 2000. "Choice Network Analysis in Translation Research", Maeve Olohan, ed. Intercultural Faultlines. Research Models in Translation Studies I. Textual and Cognitive Aspects, Manchester: St Jerome, 29-42. Gonzlez, Mara, Christopher Scott-Tennent, Fernanda Rodrguez. 2001. "Training in the application of translation strategies for undergraduate scientific translation students". Meta 46/4: 737-744. Hurtado Albir, Amparo. ed. 1999. Ensear a traducir: metodologa en la formacin de traductores e intrpretes, Madrid: Edelsa. Kautz, Ulrich 2000. Handbuch Didaktik des bersetzens und Dolmetschens, Mnchen: Iudicum, Goethe-Institut. Kiraly, Don. 2000. A Social Constructivist Approach to Translator Education. Empowerment from Theory to Practice, Manchester: St Jerome.
Of all the forms of human communication, literary works are perhaps the richest, the subtlest and the most complex. Translations of literary works are, therefore, perceived to be notoriously difficult, and present an additional and different set of problems than other kinds of translation. This course will seek to address three major objectives: (a) analysis of the major issues involved in researching on literary translation, (b) exploration of the research methods particularly suited to literary translation research, through comparing published translations of major literary works as well as attempting some hands-on exercises in actual literary translation, and (c) a study of the history of translations from some other languages and cultures into English, as examples of intercultural transactions and international power-play.
Main topics. 1. The nature of literary language. 2. Connotation, Figures of Speech, Compensation. 3. Issues in translating Poetry. 4. Issues in translating Drama and Fiction. 5. Translating Literary Theory/ High academic discourse. 7. Translations into English of Chinese and Japanese Literature. 8. Translations into English of Indian Literature. 9. Literary Translation, Orientalism, and Power. 10. Translation as Postcolonial Writing. 11. How to judge a literary translation? . Bibliography France, Peter (ed.). The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Pages 3-10, 89-107, 222-50, 447-66. Hermans, Theo (ed.). Translating Others, Vols. I & II. Manchester: St Jerome, 2006. Pages 1332, 102-19, 283-95, 349-61. Bassnett, Susan & Harish Trivedi (eds.). Post-colonial Translation: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge 1999. Pages 1-57, 75-94.