NSS Project of Mouni

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In the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Submitted by

Under the Esteemed Guidance of


(Approved by AICTE and JNTUK, Kakinada)




This is to certify that this NATIONAL SOCIAL SERVICE entitled NEEM COATED UREA is
the bone fide work of GANDI EESHIKA (22NG1A0514) who carried out the work under my
supervision, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree in
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering, during the academic year 2023-2024.

Project Guide Head of the Department



I here by declare that the NATIONAL SOCIAL SERVICE entitled NEEM COATED UREA is
the work done by me during the academic year 2023-2024 and is submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of technology in C0MPUTER


I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to our Honorable Chairman SRI. S. RAMABRAHMAM for the
guidance and advice which is given and for providing sufficient resources.

I am extremely thanks to DR. K RAJASEKHARARAO, Director of USHARAMA College of Engineering and

technology for giving a golden opportunity to complete my community service project work.

I wish to avail this opportunity to express my thanks to Dr. G V K S V PRASAD, Principal, URCET for his
continuous support and giving valuable suggestions during entire period of the project work.

I take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Dr K P N V SATYA SREE, Head of the Department and
our guide Dr B PRAVEEN KUMAR, professor in Computer science and Engineering for her valuable
support and Motivation a teach and every point in successful completion of this National Social Service.

I also place my floral gratitude to all other teaching staff and lab technicians for their constant support and
advice throughout the project time period.



1.1 Definition of NSS
1.2 Importance of NSS
1.3 Symbol of NSS
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Type of activities in NSS


1.6 Introduction
1.7 Background
1.8 Finding Solution
1.9 The Decision
1.10 Tapering Infrastructure
1.11 Reaping the Benefits
1.12 No Shortage of Urea


National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969 with the primary
objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth
through voluntary community service. 'Education through Service' is the
purpose of the NSS. The ideological orientation of the NSS is inspired by the
ideals of Mahatma Gandhi.
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government sector public
service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the
Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in
Gandhiji's Centenary year in 1969. Aimed at developing student's personality
through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in
Colleges, Universities and at level working for a campus-community linkage

1.1 Definition:

NSS full form is National Service Scheme. NSS is an initiative by the Ministry
of Youth Affairs and sports India's Central Sector Scheme of Government.
It allows higher secondary students, and college and university students to take
part in various government-led community services and activities.

1.2 Importance:

Education through Service' is the purpose of the NSS. The ideological

orientation of the NSS
Is inspired by the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi.

Very appropriately, the motto of NSS is “NOT ME, BUT YOU”.

An NSS volunteer places the 'community' before 'self'.

National service scheme has been performing many important tasks and bringing
good results from them. NSS contains the young population of the country, that
is, the students studying in
colleges and higher secondary schools. The young blood of these volunteers has a
lot of passion. They want to do something for their country.

By joining NSS they help in the development of the country. This helps in the
overall development of the volunteers. The volunteers gain confidence by
participating in the NSS activities. They get to know how to make plans in order
to complete a task. They develop skills like public speaking, raising funds,
educating others etc. even if they fail in any task; they get to learn from their
failures. It improves their level of understanding, improve their living conditions.
In this way, it is beneficial both for the country and the volunteers.

1.3 Symbol of NSS:

The Emblem of NSS is based on the "Rath" wheel of the Konark Sun Temple
of Orissa. This giant wheel portrays the cycle of creation, preservation and
release. And signify the movement in life across time and space.

NSS Awards:

“To recognize the voluntary service rendered by NSS volunteers, Program

Officers (PO's), NSS Units and the University NSS Cells, it has been proposed
to provide suitable incentives/ awards under the scheme. Awards include:
 NSS National Award
 State level awards
 University level awards
 District level awards
 College level awards

This award for the appreciable work of the volunteer in the College level
camp and overall performance of the student in the given year."

1.4 Objectives:

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are:

1. Understand the community in which they work.

2. Understand themselves in relation to their community.

3. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in

4. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.

5. Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.

6. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.

7. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and

8. Practice national integration and social harmony.

Types of activities in NSS:

There are two types of activities: Regular Activities (120 hours) and Annual
Special Camp (120 hours).
All the NSS Volunteers who have served NSS for at least 2 years and have
performed 240 hours of work under NSS are entitled to a certificate from the
university under the signature of the Vice- Chancellor and the Program
Coordinator. The Annual camps are known as Special Camps. Camps are held
annually, funded by the government of India, and are usually located in a rural
village or a city suburb. Volunteers may be involved in such activities as:

1. Cleaning

2. Afforestation

3. Stage shows or a procession creating awareness of issues such as social

problems, education and cleanliness

4. Awareness Rallies
5. Inviting doctors for health camp

6. Community Survey

There are no predefined or pre-assigned tasks; it is left up to the volunteers to

provide service in any way that is feasible. Camps typically last between a
week and 10 days, although camps for



One of the major transformational decisions taken by the Modi Government was to introduce
100% Neem Coating on all subsidized agricultural grade urea in the country in order to
increase the nutrient efficiency, crop yieldsoilhealthandcheck the diversion of agricultural
grade urea for non-agricultural activities.

Neem coated urea is a fertilizer and an agricultural scheme provides and Supported by the
government of India to boost the growth wheat, sugar cane of and paddy, and curb the black
market and hoarding of urea.
Urea is a coated with neem tree seed oil is called neem coated urea.

2.2 Background:

Urea has been one of the most important chemical Fertilizers for our crops and has been one
of the instrumental factors in the increase in food grain production of the country.

In order to help farmers, procure urea at reasonable prices, Government of India supplies
urea at a determined retail price which is much lesser than the cost of production or cost of
import of urea. Every year the government spends more than Rs. 50,000 crores to ensure that
the farmers are able to get urea at affordable prices.

There were findings and reports that a lot of urea applied by farmers to the crops was getting
wasted leading to low nutrient efficiency, water and soil contamination and wastage of
highly subsidized urea.

A part from this there was diversion of the highly subsided agricultural urea to chemical
industries and nonagricultural practices. This resulted not only in wastage of precious
subsidies but also occasional shortage of urea for genuine farmers.

 Urea has been one of the most important chemical Fertilizers for our crops and has
been one of the instrumental factors in the increase in food grain production of the

 Every year the government spends more than Rs. 50,000 crores to ensure that the
farmers can get urea at affordable prices.

 There were findings and reports that have a lot of a lot of urea applied by farmers
to the crops was getting wasted leading to low nutrient efficiency, water and soil
contamination and wastage of highly subsidized urea.

 There was diversion of the highly subsided agricultural urea to chemical industries
and non-agricultural practices. This resulted not only in wastage of precious
subsidies but also occasional shortage of urea for genuine farmers.

2.3 Finding A Solution:

It was also well known that world over different chemical inhibitors had been used as
coatings over urea grains and prills to reduce the rate of release of urea into soil so as to
increase nutrient efficiency, crop yield, lessen wastage as well as reduce soil and water

Neem oil, a wholly organic product, is one such inhibitor which had the quality that could
both slow down nitrogen release from urea to soil thus increasing nutrient use efficiency,
decreasing soil and water contamination and also reducing appreciably the chances of
diversion of agricultural grade urea for many non-agricultural uses. In case of India, instead
of chemical inhibitors, use of organic neem as coating of urea was more beneficial.

Improve soil health, reduced costs, increased yield. The application of neem coated urea has
resulted in not only neem in improvement.

However, no decision was being taken for years. There were a lot of discussions and even
piece meal approvals by government to allow producers to manufacture neem coated urea
but till 2014 only around 25 percent of the entire urea produced in the country was neem

Neem oil, a wholly organic product, had the quality that could both slow down nitrogen
release from urea to soil thus increasing nutrient use efficiency, decreasing soil and water
contamination, and reducing appreciably the chances of diversion of agricultural grade urea
for many non-agricultural uses. In case of India, instead of chemical inhibitors, use of
organic neem as coating of urea was more beneficial the country was neem coated till 2014.

Based on CCEA decision, vide notification dated 25.05.2015, Department of Fertilizers has
made it mandatory for all the domestic producers of urea to produce 100% as Neem Coated
Urea with an extra MRP of 5% to be charged by the fertilizer manufacturing entities from

The ideal ratio of these nutrients is in the ratio of 4:2:1, but various factors have led to
skewed use in India. According to Economic Survey of India (2013-14), the ratio
deteriorated to 8:2.7:1 and in states such as Punjab and Haryana, it was as were.

2.4 The Decision:

It was with this background that in 2015, the Government of India took a transformational
decision to introduce 100 % neem coating on all subsidized agricultural grade urea in the
country. All the indigenous and imported urea were neem coated so as to make the urea slow
release and difficult to use for non- agricultural purposes.

 In 2015, the Government of India decided to introduce 100 % neem coating on all
subsidized agricultural grade urea in the country.

 All the indigenous and imported urea were neem coated to make the urea slow
release and difficult to use for non-agricultural purposes.

 The Decision In 2015, the Government of India to introduce of the 100 %

neem coating on all subsidized agricultural grade urea in other the the
country. All the indigenous and imported urea were neem.

Neem tree hard brown had lot of differencea plain one. The Put a layedifference that increase
the land fertility capacity of Leads the higher production of croup. The oil coating neem in
Neem coated urea mixed up slowly with the land and crop soaks It according need.

The Government of the India took a transformational decision to the introducet

100% neem coating on all subsidized agricultural garden urea in the country. The
neem coated urea took a key role in the agricultural life.

Nature neem urea coat is a special formulation of nature oil and Humid acid which contains
high quantity of Triterpenes, the Denitrifying factors. Use of neem urea coating powder
help to re The activity and growth of the bacteria responsible for de Nitrification.
Neem coated urea has been demonstrated to improve Nitrogen Use efficiency and
consequently increases crop yield especially in Paddy crop in which NUE is as low as 30%
and in wheat where NUE is reported around 50%. Coating with neem oil also prevents
caking of urea and also reduces the chances of powder formation during transportation &
handling. Repellent action of neem also controls many insect-pests and wild animals in
fields applied with neem coated urea The level of increase of NUE depends on how

Powder formation occurs during manufacturing, transportation & handling of prilled urea.
Under FCO 20% powder is permissible but due to light weight powder is generally blown
away by wind while applying in field hence results in wastage or reduce NUE of urea.
Neem coated urea due coating of neem oil, restrict the action of friction of urea prills and
hence reduces formation of powder which adds to increase the Nitrogen use efficiency.

In case of poor drainage aeration conditions particularly in case of Paddy crop, Nitrate
Nitrogen is reduced to Nitrogen gas and escape to atmosphere. When neem-coated urea is used,
little or no nitrate is formed hence no chances of de-nitrification losses.

Nitrifying Bacteria present in soil convert Ammonical Nitrogen to Nitrate Nitrogen which is
highly soluble in water and easily leach to lower depth of soil beyond the reach of crop roots.
Neem-coated urea kills these bacteria and nitrate formation is checked hence no nitrate losses

2.5 Tapering the Infrastructure:
Not only was the decision taken but it was implemented by the making provision for neem
coated urea manufacture in all urea plants of the country as well as in all the ports in a record
time so that by December 2015, 100 % of the urea supplies to farmers of throughout the length
and breadth of the country was nee coated. Neem coated urea at retail point was made available
in record time.
Neem Coated Urea 6 Both the Fertilizer industries and the farmer of the country were happy
to accept and implement government’s decision as everyone understood the right intentions and
right policy of the government. Since 2015, in a historic step, the entire urea supplied to more
than 140 million farmers of the country i.e about 340 lakh metric tonnes urea per year, has been
neem coated successfully. Modi Government is reviving closed fertilizer plants in Talcher,
Ramagundam, Gorakhpur, Sindri and Barauni.

 Neem coating infrastructure was put in place in all ports in record time.
 Provisions were made for neem coated urea manufacture in all urea plants of the
country as well as in all the ports in a record time.
 By December 2015, 100 per cent of the urea supplies to farmers throughout
the length and breadth of the country was neem coated.
 Since 2015, the entire urea supplied to more than 140 million farmers of the
country i.e., about 340 lakh metric tonnes urea per year, has been neem
coated successfully.
 Rs. 40,000 crores have been sanctioned to revive defunct fertilizer units in
Gorakhpur, Sindri, Talcher, Ramagundam and Barauni. This will boost
fertilizer availability even further and create employment.

 New Urea plant to be set up at Namrup, Assam.

2.6 Reaping Benefits:

The initial evaluation of the program by third party institutionsshows that because of government’s bold
step, urea usage hasbecome more efficient and wastage and diversion has dec.Improved Soil Health,
reduced costs, increased yield

In several studies, extent of nitrification inhibition associated with NCU or NOCU has compared with well
proven nitrification inhibitors such as DCD (dicyandiamide) and Nitrapyrin [2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)
pyridine]. Reddy and Prasad (1975) found that 2 weeks after incubation NCU was only 50% as effective
as Nitrapyrin in retarding nitrification in the soil.

Thomas and Prasad (1983) observed that in five different soils the performance of NCU was inferior to that of
Nitrapyrin. Inhibition of nitrification due to coating of urea with neem cake has been reported by a number
of researchers (Misra and Chhonkar, 1978; Subbiah and Kothandaraman, 1980; Tiwari, 1989; Blaise and
Prasad, 1997; Purkayastha et al., 1997; Chauhan, 1999). Kumar et al. (2007) observed that percent
nitrification inhibition of different NOCUs prepared with various neem oils ranged from 4.0 to 30.9%. In
another study, Kumar et al. (2008) reported that NOCU prepared from expeller grade neem oil was
consistently superior to that derived from hexane extracted oil. Suresh et al. (1995) observed a significantly
lower population of Nitrosomonas sp. (a nitrifying bacteria) under field conditions a sandy .clay soil under
rice to which N was applied as NCU rather than ordinary urea. Efficiency of NOCU vis-a-vis urea in terms
of nitrification inhibition can also be gauged from reduced emission of N2O and nitrate leaching.
Majumdar et al. (2000) found that total N2O emission from both Nimin coated urea and NCU applied to
rice was not significantly different from untreated urea. However, Majumdar (2005) observed that Nimin
coated urea could substantially conserve soil ammonium and was inferior only to DCD when applied to
rice. But when applied to wheat, Nimin coated urea inhibited nitrification better than urea +DCD
(Majumdar et al., 2002). Malla et al. (2005) found that NOCU and DCD were equally effective in rice but
NOCU was more effective than NCU. In wheat, DCD was more effective than both NOCU and NCU
which were at par. In a meta-analysis based on 113 data sets from 35 field studies (Akiyama et al., 2010),
while DCD and nitrapyrin could reduce N2O emission observed with conventional fertilizer by 38 and
50%, the effectiveness of NCU .

“The decision of Neem coating of urea has reduced the input-cost of farmers drastically. 100% Neem
coating of urea has increased efficiency. Today, the farmers use less urea for the same piece of land.
Less use of urea reduced their input cost and increased the productivity. Therefore, there has been an
increase in income. This change was possible due to Neem coating of urea.”

2.7 No Shortage of Urea Significant increase in Urea Production:

There has been no major incidence of shortage of urea in the last five six years in any part of the country
since the decision was taken by the farmer and soil is very compost and farmers are happy that genuine
and neem coated urea is being made available to them by government at affordable prices, in the right
time and in adequate quantities.
Neem coated urea – farmers are happy.
100% Neem coated urea introduction in 2015-16 for reduce use of chemical and improved soil health. It also led to
increase Nitrogen use efficiency and help increase the crop yield. Significant
Increase in urea production since the introduction of the new urea policy.
Modi government is reviving closed fertilizer plants in further and provide jobs.
It was also well known that world over different chemical inhibitors had been Neem oil is coated on urea. Neem
coating works as nitrification resistant. It propagates slowly and ensures availability of nitrogen as per crop
requirement which results in growth of crop production. Requirement of Neem coated urea is 10% less as compared
to normal urea as a result 10% urea can be saved.
Neem coated urea is created by utilising two best things available. First the urea created by technology from Air &
Natural gas and second products from nature’s gift i.e. neem plant. Neem has proven Nitrification inhibition
properties and hence slows down the release of nitrogen from urea and makes available nitrogen over a longer
period with minimum loss of nitrogen thereby increasing nitrogen use efficiency. At our Hazira and Shahjahanpur
Plants, Neem coated urea is produced by uniformly coating neem oil on prilled urea during the manufacturing
Neem coated urea has been demonstrated to improve Nitrogen Use efficiency and consequently increases crop yield
especially in Paddy crop in which NUE is as low as 30% and in wheat where NUE is reported around 50%. Coating
with neem oil also prevents caking of urea and also reduces the chances of powder formation during transportation
& handling. Repellent action of neem also controls many insect-pests and wild animals in fields applied with neem
coated urea The level of increase of NUE depends on how efficiently the following agronomic practices are
followed with NCU.


Urea coated with neem cake (200 kg t-1) (NCU) or neem oil (0.5 kg t-1) (NOCU) possesses nitrification
inhibition properties and can increase yield and N use efficiency in field crops more than untreated urea,
although quality of neem oil and neem cake in terms of concentration of triterpenoids can vary in
different lots. In rice and wheat to which more than 50% of the urea consumed in India is applied, mean
increase in grain yield by replacing urea with NCU or NOCU is 5 to 6% in plots managed by researchers.
In about 30% comparisons, no increase was observed. As level of crop management and plant protection
in farmers’ field is generally lower than in the researcher’s plots, the achievable yield increase by using
NOCU should be substantially less than that observed in researcher’s plots. Farmers applying high and
above optimal levels of urea-N in different crops may not observe significant improvement in yield.


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