Biology Form One

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TIME: 2:30 HRS

1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten

(10) questions.

2. Answer all questions

3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and Section B
carry seventy (70) marks.
4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawing which
must be in pencil.
5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials
are not allowed in the assessment room.


1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among
the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the
answer booklet provided.

i. The study of grasshopper, butterfly, flies, bees in called?

A. Cytology
B. Ecology
C. Entomology
D. Mycology
E. Parasitology

ii. Emma was a micro-organism in pond with help of microscope. The

organism moved by Pseudopodia. The organism is likely to be

A. Amoeba
B. Euglena
C. Paramecium
D. Plasmodium
E. Spirogyra

iii. The reason why biology laboratory to be well ventilated?

A. It helps circulation of fumes

B. It help the removal of fumes
C. It provides suffocation to users
D. It ensure safety to users
E. Projects users from damages

iv. In order to maintain proper health to individual the following are

important factors to be maintained except.

A. Have time for break and leisure

B. Practice regular physical exercise
C. Reduction of unhealthy food intake
D. Sleeping in well-ventilated room
E. Take medical drugs regularly

v. If you look at the cells of a plant tissue under a light microscope, you
will observe that there is a middle lamella between them. Which
scientific procedure steps are represented by the statements?

A. Conclusion
B. Experimentation
C. Hypothesis

vi. In the year 2020, the whole word suffered the incidence of Covid-19
and its worse outcomes. Which One of the following category pairs
indentifies the communicable?

A. Endemic and communicable

B. Epidemic and Non-communicable
C. Pandemic and communicable
D. Pandemic and Non-communicable
E. Sporadic and communicable

vii. Identify risk behavior which students should Avoid

A. Alcoholism and patiena

B. Unsafe sexual intercourse and exercising
C. Raping and Alcoholism
D. Sharing books during study and exercising
E. Sleeping and Bad Company

viii. A person suffering from right blindness is likely to be lacking

A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin B 12

D. Vitamin D
E. Vitamin K

ix. In a field experiment that tests the quantity of crop yields per acre from
maize seed type A and maize seed type B, the seed type represents

A. Dependent variable
B. Control experiment
C. Abiotic factor
D. Test cross
E. Independent variable

x. You came across a person who was receiving first Aid treatment. The
victim was made to lie down with legs raised above the heart level.
What first aid treatment was the victim most likely receiving
A. First Aid because of founting
B. First Aid because of nose bleeding
C. First Aid because of hiccups
D. First Aid because of a snake bite poisoning
E. First aid because of drowning

2. Match the items in LIST A with their corresponding in LIST B by

writing the letter of correct answer against the item number.

i. Nucleus A. Site for respirations
ii. Mitochondri B. Site for Transpiration
C. Place where cell organelle are
iii. Chloroplast suspended
iv. Cell D. Controls all activities of the cell
E. Site for photosynthesis
v. Cytoplasm F. Allows some substances to enter the
G. Allows all substances to enter cell

H. Provides turgidity to a cell


3. Some chemical used in biological experiments are very dangerous and
harmful in what ways are following substances harmful?

i. Biohazard
ii. Radioactive substance
iii. Toxic substances
iv. Corrosive substance
v. Highly flammable substance
vi. Oxidizing agents
4. (a)Differentiate between disease and infection

(b)Outline six factors that affect the state of body immunity

5. (a)What is cell differentiation?

(b) State and explain how the following cells are adapted to their function
i. White blood cell
ii. Red blood cells
iii. Spermatozoon
iv. Guard-cell

6. Below is an image of biological vector use it to answer questions


a. Identify the parasite transmitted into humans blood by the

b. Name the blood that are destroyed by parasite above
c. Mention four ways of controlling the organism above from
spreading disease
d. State three signs in a person infected by parasite spread by
organism above.

7. (a)Name the causative agent of the following diseases in human

i. Typhoid
ii. Amoebic dysentery
iii. State the function of the following cell organelle
iv. Ribosomes
v. Lysosomes
vi. Nucleolus

8. (a) What is a communicable disease?

(b) Describe ways through which communicable diseases are spread.

9. (a) Define laboratory

(b)Give four possible causes of accident in laboratory

(c) Give differences biology and other school laboratories


10. Neema is a newly employed Nurse in a New station. She is supposed to
advice various categories of people on their nutritional requirements.
Help her advice the following groups of people on food type to take:

i. Elderly
ii. The sick
iii. The pregnant woman
iv. Young children.

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