Capillary Flow in Micro Channel
Capillary Flow in Micro Channel
Capillary Flow in Micro Channel
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We investigate the interplay of thermophoretic force and interfacial tension on the capillary filling
Received 31 October 2017 dynamics of a Newtonian nanofluid in a microchannel. In our model, we also consider an intricate ther-
Accepted 16 January 2018 mofluidic coupling by taking the temperature dependence of viscosity aptly into account. This, in turn,
Available online 2 February 2018
determines the evolution of the viscous resistive force as the capillary front progresses, and presents
an involved inter-connection between the driving thermophoretic force and the viscous resistive force.
Keywords: The two distinct regimes of particle transport in a fluid medium, delineated by particle size, are
expounded to peruse the impact of imposed thermal gradients and particle size on particle retaining
propensity of the nanofluid. Additionally, we witness a significant reduction in particle bearing proclivity
Thermophoresis of the nanofluid with enhancement in a thermal gradient. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the
Capillary transport thermophoretic actuation towards the filling of narrow capillaries under the influence of a thermal
Ó 2018 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder
Technology Japan. All rights reserved.
0921-8831/Ó 2018 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.
S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chakraborty / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 964–971 965
particle retrieval systems essential for minimizing operational insulated section (see Fig. 1), with y axis running along the trans-
costs. verse direction and x axis along the length of the channel. The sta-
Choi and Eastman [29] coined the term ‘‘nanofluid” as a dilute tic contact angle at the solid-liquid-gas (air) interface is denoted by
mixture of particles, varying in size from 1 nm to 100 nm, sus- /. There will be a transition of the fully developed velocity profile
pended in a base fluid. Compared to base fluids, nanofluids inim- to a meniscus traction regime near the interface via a transition
itably possess superior thermophysical attributes like thermal region. However, the length of the meniscus traction regime is very
conductivity [29]. Previously, Malvandi et al. [30] studied ther- small compared to the length of the fully developed region and
mophoretic effects in nanofluids with a motivation to explore crit- hence, is neglected in this model.
ical heat fluxes in boiling condition. Shiekholeslami et al. [31] At the inlet of the non-insulated section, we have a uniform
delineated magnetohydrodynamic effects on natural convection temperature (TI), concentration (Co) and fully developed velocity
with Cu-water nanofluid. Additional studies [32–34] have been field. The walls are cooled to a constant temperature (Tw). The
conducted to expound intricate and interesting physics of nanoflu- nanofluid under consideration conceived as a suspension of
ids. Furthermore, researchers have investigated the enhancement nanoparticles comprises two discrete phases-1) The liquid phase
of heat transfer in the convective flow of nanofluids in different (water) 2) The particle phase (SiO2). One of the most important
geometries [35–37]. In microscale engineering systems like heat considerations of the present model is that there is uni-
pipes and cooling components of electronic devices, where appre- directional coupling (i.e. the particle motion is determined by the
ciable thermal gradients prevail, nanofluids can be utilized for their flow field not the other way around) and there will be no mutual
enhanced thermophysical properties. Consequently, the study of interaction between the particles. A similar model has been
thermophoretic effects on the capillary transport of nanofluids in adopted by Guha and Samanta [28], Chein and Liao [38]. The
microfluidic confinements becomes immensely important. potency of this assumption is attributed to the fact that we will
This paper deals with the effects of thermophoresis on the cap- be dealing with nanofluids of extremely dilute concentrations
illary filling dynamics of nanofluids. The primary focus is to math- (C 103 M) and nanoparticles of sizes (d 1 nm), resulting in
ematically investigate the dynamics of capillary flow of nanofluids low volume fraction (u 0:001%). In the current study, gravity,
in the presence of thermal gradients, using a reduced order model, inter-particle forces, magnetic and electrostatic forces on the par-
addressing the following: (a) effect of particle size, (b) influence of ticle are all neglected. The temperature dependence of viscosity
thermal gradient. Furthermore, the work is motivated by the is suitably taken into account in the present model through its
requirement to achieve nanoparticle separations accompanied by dependence on the mean temperature at a given cross-section.
a critical exegesis of the influence of pertinent parameters on Consequently, it is a function of the axial coordinate (x) only.
nanoparticle deposition in microfluidic confinements. To the best Except for viscosity, other thermo-physical properties of the fluids
of authors’ knowledge, no comprehensive study thus far has been are evaluated at the average of the maximum and minimum tem-
conducted to explore capillary dynamics in presence of ther- peratures. The temperature dependence of thermophysical proper-
mophoretic effects. The present theoretical findings are expected ties of the fluid is given by Eqs. (A.1)–(A.4). The thermophysical
to impel the researchers in performing experiments with nanoflu- property of a given nanofluid like thermal conductivity, heat
ids to explicate thermophoretic effects in microscale confinements. capacity, dynamic viscosity was computed as a function of the par-
In the following section, the mathematical model used to illustrate ticle volume fraction (u) by He et al. [39]. Later, Ganguly et al. [34]
the above-mentioned physical aspects is discussed in detail, along incorporated established models to obtain pertinent thermophysi-
with the relevant fundamental parameters that implicitly influence cal properties of the nanofluids in their study. However, in the limit
the interaction of the various important facets controlling the phy- of low volume fractions, the thermophysical property of a nano-
sics of flow. fluid becomes equivalent to the corresponding property of the fluid
phase. Hence, in the present analysis, the nanofluid properties have
2. Mathematical formulation and numerical procedure been replaced by the analogous properties of the fluid phase.
Here, we apply a reduced order model [40] that is commonly
2.1. Physical problem used for evaluating the capillary filling distance as a function of
time. This model has its inception from the early works of Lucas
We consider parallel plate microchannel geometry, with the [41] and Washburn [42]. By dynamics of the capillary transport fol-
two plates being separated by a distance h which is equal to 500 lowing this model, what we intend to study is the average position
mm. The channel is assumed to have a width b perpendicular to (x) of the capillary front at a time t. The equation of motion for the
the plane of the diagram, such that b h. The fluid has initially tra- capillary advancement taking the appropriate direction of the
versed a perfectly insulated section which is long enough for the forces, following Newton’s second law of motion, may be
flow to become hydro-dynamically fully developed. We set our ori- expressed as (neglecting inertial forces consistent with a microflu-
gin at the center of the channel in the beginning of the non- idic paradigm):
y Capillary front
Migration h
Hot fluid
(TI > TW)
Fig. 1. Physical model depicting the layout of the two-dimensional microchannel and the coordinate system.
966 S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chakraborty / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 964–971
Cm, Cs, Ct are the momentum exchange coefficient, thermal slip coef- 2C s C c ðK þ C t KnÞ
K T;P ¼ ð13Þ
ficient, and the temperature jump coefficient, and are taken to be ð1 þ 3C m KnÞð1 þ 2K þ 2C t KnÞ
equal to 1.146, 1.147 and 2.18, respectively [39]. K is the ratio of where Cc is the equivalent Cunningham correction factor in the pre-
the base fluid thermal conductivity kl , computed from Eq. (A.3), sent case, similar to the formulation used by Chein and Liao [38].
and the particle thermal conductivity kp . In the present working
temperature range of 278 K to 323 K, kp is treated as a constant 1:1
C c ¼ 1 þ Kn 1:257 þ 0:4exp ð14Þ
which equals 1.38 W/m K. Kn denotes the Knudsen number and is Kn
defined as Kn = 2k/d, where k stands for the mean free path of the The particle diffusivity D, evoking Stokes Einstein theory, may be
working fluid and d denotes the diameter of the nanoparticles. estimated as:
Estimation of F T ðxÞ necessitates the knowledge of temperature
distribution T(x,y) and resulting particle distribution in the fluid Cc
D¼ kB T av g ð15Þ
C(x,y). For the calculation of temperature field, quasi-steady-state 3pdlav g
approximation and negligible axial conduction in conjunction with
The Schmidt number takes the form:
no viscous dissipation and work-transfer are considered. The effect
of variation of dynamic viscosity with temperature is also lav g
Sc ¼ ð16Þ
accounted for. In the entire study, T I is taken to be 323 K and T w ql D
is varied from 278 K to 323 K. The energy equation now can be
In Eq. (15), kB stands for the Boltzmann constant and is equal to
written in terms of the non-dimensional temperature h(x,y) as:
1.38 1023. lav g and ql are the dynamic viscosity and density at
Tðx; yÞ T w Tavg which is the average of the maximum and minimum temper-
hðx; yÞ ¼ ð8aÞ
Tw atures. The relevant boundary conditions are as follows:
S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chakraborty / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 964–971 967
Cjy¼1=2 ¼ 0 8 0 < x < l ð17aÞ sion. Fig. 2b depicts the accuracy of the current solution scheme
relative to the existing numerical results.
Cjy¼þ1=2 ¼ 0 8 0 < x < l ð17bÞ
5. Results and discussion
1 1
Cjx¼0 ¼ 1 8 <y< ð17cÞ
2 2 Fig. 3a and b depicts the axial variation of the mean temper-
ature and viscosity of the fluid, respectively. As the wall temper-
Having computed all the forces, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as:
ature approaches the temperature of the incoming fluid, there is
a decrement in the length of the thermal developing region
12ll ðxÞxxb
_ which affects the axial variation of the dynamic viscosity. Conse-
rP cos / þ F T ðxÞ ¼0 ð18Þ
quently, the mean temperature of the fluid decreases and the
fluid attains the wall temperature. The viscosity of the fluid
As b ! 1, Eq. (18) takes the form: increases in the thermally developing region and becomes con-
Z x stant and viscosity variations gradually lose prominence as the
¼t ð19Þ temperature of the incoming fluid approached wall temperature.
0 pðxÞ
In the present scenario, thermal gradients are appreciable up to
where x ¼ 2 for the maximum temperature gradient case. Temperature
and subsequently the particle concentration profiles are of signif-
rh cos / C 0 FðxÞh2 icance up to x ¼ 5, as beyond that thermophoretic effects lose
pðxÞ ¼ þ ð20Þ
6xll ðxÞ 12xll ðxÞ prominence.
Due to the inherent symmetry of the problem in terms of the
Here F(x) is the scaled thermophoretic force and is expressed as:
boundary conditions, the particle concentration profiles are sym-
F T ðxÞ metric about the central axis of the microchannel; see Fig. 4a.
FðxÞ ¼ ð21Þ The concentration gradient near the wall decreases as we traverse
C 0 bh
along the axis of the microchannel due to the gradual development
where F T ðxÞ is given by Eq. (6). of the particle concentration profile. Increased contact length of the
fluid with the wall effects in enhanced thermophoretic particle
3. Numerical method deposition on the channel walls, inhibiting particle concentrations
at a given transverse location as we traverse axially. Concentration
Eq. (9) and Eq. (11) with the boundary conditions given by Eq. profiles for a given nanofluid in a specified confinement, subjected
(10a-c) and Eq. (17a-c) represent a set of coupled non-linear par- to a particular temperature field, clearly depict that with a gradual
tial differential equations which has been solved using a forward- increase in length along the central axis, accretion in ther-
marched finite difference scheme. First, Eq. (9) is solved numeri- mophoretic effects diminishes. This phenomenon is ascribed to
cally along with relevant boundary conditions as given by Eq. the eventual depletion of thermal gradients, as the capillary front
(10a-c). The mean temperature TðxÞ subsequently computed by progresses.
Eq. (8b) yields the viscosity from Eq. (A.1). As a consequence, Fig. 4b depicts the variations in the concentration profiles for
the solution of the energy equation yields the temperature varia- different wall temperatures, corresponding to x ¼ 5, for d = 3 nm.
tion as well as the axial variation of viscosity. Next, Eq. (11) is Thermophoretic effects become subdued with the increase in the
solved numerically with pertinent boundary conditions as given wall temperature due to the reduction of axial temperature gradi-
by Eq. (17a-c), evoking the computed temperature gradients ents in the system and particle diffusion becomes the dominant
and the viscosity variation, from Eq. (9). The computed tempera- phenomenon. As a consequence, thermophoretic particle deposi-
ture and concentration fields are subsequently utilized in Eq. (6) tion reduces, leading to higher accumulation of particles near the
to calculate the net thermophoretic force. Finally, Eq. (19) is central axis of the microchannel. The reliance of the particle-
numerically integrated to yield the capillary dynamics. A Matlab retaining capacity of the nanofluid on the interplay between ther-
code has been used to numerically solve the system of coupled mophoretic and Brownian motion forces implies that, in a given
partial differential equations followed by computation of ther- microfluidic confinement, particle deposition can be pertinently
mophoretic force and subsequently obtaining the capillary tailored by modulating the externally imposed thermal gradients.
dynamics. The accuracy and validation of the code have been dis- Consequently, this attains utmost importance in nanofluid based
cussed in the following section. microscale engineering applications where particle deposition
exceeding a given threshold will be detrimental to the perfor-
mance of the system.
4. Grid testing and validation of current solution scheme For a specified wall temperature (Tw = 278 K), concentration
profiles at x ¼ 5 are depicted for different particle sizes ranging
The grid dependency test is conducted by computing the trans- from 1 nm to 5 nm, in Fig. 4c. The particle size is reflected in the
verse concentration profiles at x ¼ 1:25 corresponding to d = 3 nm Schmidt number in the species conservation equation. Fig. 4c
and Tw = 278 K (see Fig. 2a). The average non-dimensional concen- shows that increase in Schmidt number (Sc) undermines the diffu-
tration (C avg ), corresponding to a particular grid size is calculated sion phenomena compared to thermophoresis and thereby leads to
and the results are shown in Table 1. The grid size is varied from the increase in concentration gradients near the wall for larger par-
20 5000 till 70 80,000. Based on the tabulated results, C avg ticles. In the limiting case when thermophoresis is negligible for
does not vary appreciably beyond an optimum grid size of 40 lower particle sizes, diffusion is the predominant phenomenon. It
35,000 and hence it has been selected for computational purposes. can be inferred that smaller nanoparticle deposition is driven by
The validation of the numerical technique has been done by treat- Brownian forces, contrary to larger nanoparticle deposition, which
ing viscosity as a constant in the current model and by using the is dictated by thermophoresis. The transition from molecular diffu-
same parameters as used in [38] for air-SiO2 nano-particle suspen- sion dominated particle deposition to the thermophoretically dom-
968 S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chakraborty / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 964–971
Fig. 2. (a) Comparison of the transverse concentration profile between present results and numerical results reported by Chein and Liao [38] air-SiO2 nanoparticle suspension
at different inlet temperatures; (b) Grid dependency test with different grid sizes.
Table 1
R þ1
Comparison of the average non-dimensional concentration C avg for different grids at x ¼ 1:25 with d = 3 nm at Tw = 278 K. C avg ¼ 12 Cðx ¼ 1:25; yÞdy.
Fig. 3. (a) Axial variation of the mean temperature of the fluid, for different wall temperatures; (b) Axial variation of the viscosity of the fluid for different wall temperatures.
inated regime, in turn, determines the particle-bearing capacity of ature. This is solely attributed to the reduction in the temperature
the suspension. Consequently, the particle-bearing efficacy of a gradients in the flow. Moreover, with an increase in the wall tem-
given nanofluid can be suitably exploited to design ancillary parti- perature, there is a reduction of the length, over which there is an
cle retrieval systems in diverse engineering applications deploying appreciable variation of thermophoretic force. This is corroborated
nanofluids in microscale confinements. by the computed thermal field, discussed earlier and depicted in
The variation of scaled thermophoretic force as a function of the Fig. 3a.
axial coordinate is analyzed for particles of different sizes at a fixed Fig. 6a depicts the capillary filling characteristics, as a function
wall temperature (see Fig. 5a). The thermophoretic force exhibits of the particle size. With the increase in particle size, the ther-
an increasing trend up to x ¼ 2 and then attains saturation. This mophoretic force increases and consequently, enhancing the flow
can be explained by the fact that the flow becomes approximately rate of nanoparticle suspension, as observed till x ¼ 5. It can be
thermally fully developed after x ¼ 2. Thermophoretic force noted that the increase in capillary filling rate is significantly
increases with increase in particle size for a given thermal gradi- higher for lower particle size. This is primarily attributed to the rel-
ent; this is in concurrence with the results depicted before in this atively high increase in the thermophoretic force at lower particle
paper. The variation of normalized thermophoretic force as a func- size. In this context, the influence of particle size on capillary
tion of the axial coordinate is analyzed for different wall tempera- dynamics can be utilized to achieve separation of nanoparticles
tures for a fixed particle size of 3 nm (see Fig. 5b). The magnitude in a heterogeneous nanofluid. Fig. 6b shows the variation in capil-
of the thermophoretic force falls with the rise in the wall temper- larity, as a function of wall temperature. As the wall temperature
S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chakraborty / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 964–971 969
Fig. 4. (a) Concentration profiles at various axial locations, at Tw = 278 K, with d = 3 nm; (b) Concentration profiles at x ¼ 5 for d = 3 nm, at different wall temperatures; (c)
Concentration profiles at x ¼ 5 for varied particle size, at Tw = 278 K.
Fig. 5. (a) Variation of scaled thermophoretic force with axial position for particles of different sizes at Tw = 278 K; (b) Variation of scaled thermophoretic force with axial
position for d = 3 nm at different wall temperatures.
approaches the incoming fluid temperature, flowrates reduce. This (Tw = TI); (see Fig. 6b). It is worthwhile to note here, that beyond
is in consensus with the gradual reduction of thermophoretic force a particular wall temperature for identical inlet conditions, the rate
with increase in wall temperature for a given nanofluid, as dis- of capillary transport does not increase significantly. Hence, opti-
cussed earlier. Thermophoresis clearly enhances the axial rate of mum flow rates do exist for a particular incoming nanofluid in a
transport as compared to purely surface tension driven transport given microfluidic confinement.
970 S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chakraborty / Advanced Powder Technology 29 (2018) 964–971
Fig. 6. (a) Variation of scaled thermophoretic force with axial position for particles of different sizes at Tw = 278 K; (b) Variation of scaled thermophoretic force with axial
position for d = 3 nm at different wall temperatures. The solid thick line (TI = Tw = 323 K) in the figure corresponds to purely surface tension driven capillary transport.
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