L2 - Building Information Systems-Hando
L2 - Building Information Systems-Hando
L2 - Building Information Systems-Hando
1. Title
2. Overview
3. Purpose: Provides key definitions for systems development, projects and main aims.
Analogy with architecture. Don’t build until designs complete and signed off.
Why? Hard to start again or fix up a house once building has begun.
What is the product in this case? Product is obviously an information system consistent with
the goals of an enterprise
Deliver on budget
on time
4. Purpose: Explains what constitutes project failure on top of failure to meet key aims.
No system delivered at all for whatever reason. Hard-pressed to get a job if that happened.
Rather than projects, how about the key output of a systems development project – the
Maintainability: It should be possible for the software to evolve to meet changing
Dependability: The software should not cause physical or economic damage in the event of
Efficiency: The software should not make wasteful use of system resources.
Usability: Software should have an appropriate user interface and documentation. People
can actually use it.
Reliability: Software is reliable if the user can depend on it or the software will operate as
expected over a specified time interval (MTTF).
User Friendliness: A software system is user friendly if its human users find it easy to use.
Subjective interpretations. One test is - can a novice user use it?
Evolvability: Software products are modified over time to provide new functions or to change
existing functions.
Note that these phases will be covered in more detail in subsequent slides and future lectures.
In the past the arrows went one way, now there are iterations included.
Focus on this course is software rather than hardware but we will talk architectures later.
Examining of existing systems, which begins once approval for further study is received from
Requirements analysis identifies user, stakeholder, and organizational needs for the new or
modified system. This involves studying problems they are having with the current system and
improvements they suggest.
Things of interest:
Exceptional conditions
Outputs of analysis:
Prepare the detailed design needs for a new system or make modifications to an existing one.
Effectively the blueprints that coders (programmers) will work from of the new system or
modifications of existing one (recall architecture analogy)
Represented as models, specifications and so on (designs frozen) One INCIS problem was
ever-changing requirements.
Once these are correct and signed off, the construction can proceed.
Details can include: inputs, outputs, user interfaces, HW, SW, database, telecommunications,
Logical: Planning the purpose of each system element (tying it to SW and HW). What system
will do?
Physical: How the tasks are accomplished, including how the components work together and
what each component does.
System interfaces – integrate functions and modules
Install system and make everything, including users, ready for its operation.
Other activities:
Hardware acquisition
Software acquisition
Start up
Checking, changing, and enhancing the system to make it more useful in obtaining user and
organizational goals.
Benefits from same rigorous methods and project management techniques applied to systems
By far the largest chunk of the development process is devoted to maintenance because it
continues after project is complete for the lifetime of the system.
We will discuss some reasons for this phase shortly and you can see why it takes a lot of
Environmental effects: change in law, improvements in the way they do things, more
customers, expansion and so on.
New requests can be activated by some of the other items (e.g., Gov. Regulations, mergers).
12. Purpose: This slide discusses the really important aspect of all development projects – the people
People are vitally important. Development approaches in recent times try to include clients,
users and so on wherever possible.
Analogy (architecture):
Architect (+ team)
Project manager
Stakeholders: Individuals that benefit or are affected in some way by the results of a SD project
Users: interact with the system regularly. As name implies use system
Managers: Management, of CFO, CIO, in charge of functional area like Accounts, Sales. Paying
for development
Systems development specialists: system analysts, programmers, requirements engineers,
testers, documents, database designers, etc. you.
13. Purpose: Provides categories of different software tools used in the development process.
Techniques are effectively the main activates associated with an ordered and robust
development project
Image: Gantt chart used by project managers to group various activities and schedule them
Collection of programs.
Common techniques
Standard methodologies
Automated tools